Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 20, 1908, Image 3

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President Rooeevelt Will Give
Signal for Opening. Will
Hkv Demonstrations.
For San Jose
Scale and iwp
Sampson's Concentrated Lime
and Sulphur Solution
and kill it If von snrav nni y T,her,eore now is the best time to attact it
because of the seal!? Eluab,e tree wil1 be 8avpd that otherwise,
because of the scale woul not retain life enough to start up in the spring.
the Bprly and mike i h ? H I N0W-There le wind to scatter and waste
Lav Tanner, to nrVvt nl T' T hen too -u cannot tel1 what
MtoZrF?fPMYMh "Praying in the fall. RUT ABOVE ALL. the
SPRAY with AMpiovi r imp 3?x" Utely certain' Provided- of coursp. that you
These are all "Spray Facts"
We claim no wonderful chemical discovery in this spray, but we do claim
most emphatically that
Sampson's Lime and Sulphur Solution always produces
satisfactory results, and does no injury. There is no
better spray manufactured than Sampson's Lime and '
Sulphur Solution.
Sampson's Lime and Sulnhur Snlnti
free from sodiment. It is guaranteed to test 30 degrees Baume. If youe dealers
cannot supply you, write to us. BE SURE YOU USE SAMPSON'S SPRAY.
Manufactured By
Grants Pass Canning' Co.
Grants Pass, Oregon V. t
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks $3.00
Htove "Wood
Tier Manzanita $2.50
1 Tier Oak $2.75 !
1 Tier Fir $2 50
ITier Pine $2.25 j
Chunk Wood I
1 Tier Oak $2 50
ITier Fir $2.25.
ITier Pine $2.00 j
1 Load Sawdust $100
1 Load Kindling $1.0 ;
Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for
pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding.
Outhta complete.
Fairbanks Scales for weighing.
Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors
for fower and light-
Fairbanks-Morse Windmills ndTowers.
Fairbanks-Morse Orinders, reed Chop-
"331 $5 ood, at lowest pri
Alwavs in stock. Liberal tern... I ""P
reply to inquiries and quick shipments.
Write for calulogue and prices.
Grants lafs, Oregon
The receipts from Inheritance tax
in Oregon for the past two years were
$14,569.31. The receipts from this
source would be greatly increased by
imposing a tax on the excess of $3000
on all collateral Inheritance and on all
bequests and devices exceeding fr00
to persons nut re lated to the donor,
irrespective of the; value of the estate
of the decedent or donor.
During the two years ending iep
tfiuber 80, 190, under the law enacted
by the legislative assembly of 190;),
requiring insane persons, their
parents, children, or guardians, if
financially able, to pay into the state
treasury the sum of $10 per mouth, for
the maintenance of such insane asy
Inni, there has been received the sum
cf f47:i6 while the outstanding ao
couuts of Septemer 80, 1903, amounted
to 6fitil.80, a large amouut of which
is uocollectitle.
Pioneer Asayin$nd Rtf. Co.
Capital $100,000. t. 27 vears. Gold
base bullions cyanides, nob ore. eio.
bought ; assaying 30c i"' cash on
assaying values. 1S1 5th st. near L .
8. Mint, San Francisco, tal.
uuw ia Of"-.
DeWitta Witch Hazel Salve is es
pecially good for piles. Kecom
mended and sold tjylModelSDrng.Scre.
I have just received
my fine new line of
Solid Gold and Gold
Filled Jewelry.
Call and See It
I also have a fine line of
Watches and Clocks
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler
tniMViSt Grants pais
X ' '
I! MclflTYRE
sixth St., awwn J & K
Phone 513, with Centner Garage
Under the Oregon law of 1908 re
quiring the payment of an annual
license of the groat earnings of ex
press, Telegraph, telephone, sleep
ing rat, refrigerator car, and oil com
panies on bnsinesa transacted within
the state. The total receipt! to Sep
tember SO, 190S, were fl 1,898. 80.
The Standard Oil Company. Wells
Fargo 's express and telephone com
panies, have refused to pay the tax
and a test snit to compel the Snnset
company to pay Is now pending In
the Supreme Court.
Silver Lake, Lake Connty ia get
ting civilized. The last issue of the
local pajer makes this announce
ment :
"Our merchants have entered into
an agreement that from this time on
their stores for trading purposes will
positively be closed on Snnday. They
want one day in the week for rest,
and are going to have it. Everyone
should govern themselves accordingly
and not put off trading nntil Snnday,
for if they do, disappointment will
be In store foi tbem."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
the.1 Contain Mercury
at merenry will sorely destroy the
sense of smell and completely deraoge
he whole system when entering it
through tbe maoout surfaces. Bach
articles should never be need except
oo prescriptions from reputable
physicians, as the damage they will
do is ten fold to the good yon can pos
sibly derive from them. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J,
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury and is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In
baying Hall's Catarrh Care be sore
you get the genuine. It is taken in
ternally and made In Toledo, O., by
F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists. Price T3o per
bottle.; Take JHall's Family Tills
for constipation. 11-fl 4t
President Rootevelt will open the
national apple show to be held in
Spokane from December 7 to 13 this
year. Manager H. J. Neely has re
ceived a letter from Congressman W.
L. Jones, stating that the president
has offered to officiate at the opening
of the big exposition on December 7,
and arrangements have been made
with the Western Union Telegraph
Company to furnish a direct wire
from the White House to the national
apple show building.
President Roosevelt baa shown
marked interest in the apple show and
has len( his support In other ways,
notably in requesting bis department
of agriculture to render every possible
aid. Owing to the fact that he will
be busy preparing for the opening of
the next congress which takes place
in Decern btr It will be impossible
for the president to attend.
Preaideut Roosevelt's commission
on couutry life which will hold sever
al sittings throughout the oonntry
for the purpose of studying conditions
as they exist on the farm, has selected
Spokane as one of its meeting places,
and will be bere during the week of
the national apple show. The Wash
ington State Horticultural Society
will also meet In Spokane during that
Two other features of interest to
apple growers as well as the publio in
general will be demonstrations given
by; the students of the Washington
State College at Pullman and by the
Oregon Agricultural College at Cor
vallls The department of dnmestlo
economy of the Washmgton State Col
lege, onder the direction of Miss L.
Oertrnde MacKay, acting head of the
department will serve apples in every
form, giving actual demonstrations
of how to prepare and serve them
and also giving the publio Instruc
tions what varieties of apple are
best for different purposes.
The Oregon Agricultural College
will send a crew of expert apple
packers to give demonstrations of the
different parka, grading, etc They
will be in charge of Professor C. L
Lewis, of the college, as authority on
this work. Professor John Craig,
recognised as the leading pomologlst
of this oonntry, has been secured as a
jndge and probably will give a leo
tare also daring the week. The at
tractions and amusements features
which will be given in connection
with the national apple show have
practically been completed. Bhnd
concerts svery day and night during
the week will be given ' by the "Nat
ional Apple Show Band" of 40 pieces,
organized for the occasion and in
cluding the leading moslcians of the
The educational features of the
show will also be given in the armory
building, and will include lectures
and demoutratloos touching every
branch of the apple industry. Among
the important attractions in this line
will be a display of every Implement
and machine in use by the up-to-date
Is there a better way to
keep the family longer at
table, to keep it together?
Your frocftr rMurn your Montr 11 doa'l
Ukt Schilling "t r.t: PM him
"You ain't engaged yet. daughter,
and ma knows from experience that s
youLg man who finds things running
too smoothly Is apt to get bored and
qult."-Kauas City Journal.
"Yes." said Slangey, "1 tramped
through Switzerland once."
"Come off!" exclaimed Dowter. "Too
never did."
"Sure I dld-on the level."
"That proves you're lying. Ifs Im
possible to tramp through Swttaertaad
on the level."-Cathollc Standard.
11 m wusixsay fWWUCT 111UUC 1X1)111
RoyaI GraPc Cream of Tartar
Of greatest healthfulneu and
usefulness. No alum or
phosphate acida
Alfalfa rills the Bill In Many
Plsxces-Wlll it Do
So Hera,
" On account of the difficulty in the
past of handling doga eta in baggage
car it will be necessary hereafter
for the owners of anch animals who
wish to have same moved in baggage
rars to provide same with substantial
collars and chains or in strong erptes
same to be properly marked.
Kach dog mast be tagged, tag to
show name and address of owner and
owner mast present himself ai the
baggage car at destination and claim
animal immediately open arrival
In times past dogs and mooksys
have broken or chewed the rope hold
ing them and have Jumped from
cars and have oauimd the rail road
couipany"a great deal of trouble.
The limit will be two dogs with one
ticket, one monkey or one bird cage
and to be" ban died at owner's risk.
' fTNo charge will be made for the
I carrying of "these animalain'car.'if
I ownwrs oarw to reimburse train bag
gage man it is optional with them.
To close out some lines of our
blasting powder we are selling it be
low cost. It Is cheaper than reg
ular stumping powder for shooting
j stumps. lialr-Klddle Hdwe. Co.
There ia a growing need of a forage
orop which will utilise the soil and
furnish green food and pasture during
the dry summer months. In many
sections where the dryseaaon ia much
longer, and possibly inooh dryer than
In this part of the Kogne River Val
ley, alfalfa has been found to be satisfactory.
Dairying in this section Is found
most piotaflble, except daring the
two or three months when feed is
scarce, aud then those of onr farmers
who are fortnnate enongh to have
land under Irrigation find it pays well.
Many farmers raise the Thooiund-
Headed Kale, which as a cow feed la
excellent and aeema to cut as much
milt in the bucket as any other kind
of feed known. It remains green
the year roand and can be pulled as
desired for feeding.
If alfalfa oould be raised extensively
and there are many who have tried
It that claim It can be, it would cer
tainly change the faoe of nature and
add Ininieusely to the wealth of this
section. It would increase the dairy
products and the poultry products,
cheapen the production of beef, pork
and mutton. The principal difilculty
In raising alfalfa ia getting good
stand, and in a dry climate this is
difficult to do the first year, yet with
the moisture of average rears there ia
no trouble on this score.
Alfalfa has been grown for 2000
years in the Mediterranean region.
A gentleman traveling over what was
then regarded as land unfit for settle
ment in Western Nebrsska by reason
of its aridity, discovered a thrifty
green alfalfa plant growing where no
other green thing oould be found for
miles around. That was a demon
stration that satisfied the geuth-man
and he purchased a large tract of land
for a trifle. Oo the same land he has
since fed 60,000 sheep lo one season
on alfalfa. Alfalfa goes down Into
the depths of the soil for moisture
and throngh wireless communication
with the atmosphere bringa dowo
from above food which feeds the'plant
and enriches the soil,
r Since 1MH the acreage of alfalfa in
Kansas has Increated from to
m'.WXTia 10. Arecent bulletin
frcinthat state says ofalfaIfa"The
steer ii-ooers ol Kansas, Uolorado sua
Kebrsksa would be lost without it. "
At the Kansas station it ia stated :
"A gain Ci 800 ponndaof pork was
made from a ton of alfalfa, and
a little lees than that amount of gain
was tus cle from an acre of alfalfa pas
ture." Again, "we found that IW
bntin ao doing has discharged its own
entire expense and in addition has
added millions of dollars to the wealth
of the state."
At the Ontario Agricultural Col
lege in 10 years 80 cuttings, yielding
over five tons an acre, were made.
An experiment showed Its great soil
euriohlng qualities. Wheat grown
after alaflfa yielded 61.5 bushels per
acre and atter timothy sod 43.1
bushels. In the two auooeedlng years
the alfalfa sod produced 80.9 bushels
of barley and 34 bushels oorn, while
the timothy sod produoed 19.7 bushels
barley and 17.9 bushels oorn. Tha
there crops on the alfalfa sod . wars
worth about $90, while those on the
timothy sod were worth about 168.
At the Oregon Agricultural College
alfalfa has been growing successfully
for tbrte years, sod tests are being
made by the agronomists with
different varieties to determine which
will suit the conditions heat in this
state. The station men are glad at all
times to answer questions In' regard .
to its cultivation.
A few miles from Corvallls, W, TJ.
Hainliu;cnt ;thia year 200 tons of al
falfa hay. It .'yielded about Si tons
to the acre in two cuttings Before)
seeding to alfalfa tha land had been
"cropped out." In 14 years 14 grain
ciopa had been taken from the land,
and Mr. Hamilton explains that on
riober land the yield la much heavier.
He further expalina that the oldest
atand yields the best, showing that It
takea several years oo certain classes
of soil for the alfalfa to niaks a good
A Com moo Cold.
We claim that if catching cold oould be
avoided some of ths most dangerous and
fatal diseases would never lie heard of. A
cold often forms a culture bed for germs of
infectious diwaxes. Consumption, pneu
iimnis, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four of
the must dangerous and fatal diseases, are ol
this class. The culm bed forinsd by tha
cold fuvors the development of ths germs ol
these diseases, that would not otherwise Hnd There is little danger, however,
of any of lhe disease being contrscled
when a good expectorant cough medicine
like Chamberlain a Cough Remedy is ued.
It cleans out these culture beds that favor
the development of the germs of these di
eSjMM. That is why this remedy lias proved
so universally successful in preventing luirn
monia. It not onlyures your cold qiilcklt ,
hut minimises ths risk of contracting the
dangerous diseases. For sals by M. CTemenr
Fruit, Shade
Hedge plants, Cypress and Privet
Berry Plants
pounds of alfalfa bay saved Bfl pounds
n. ..... 4a U7ll aa ntner Vlnrla nf firat rloat
of corn." Figuring on the basis of
these experiments it Is stated that
" with green alfalfa prodnoltig 10 tons
grape roots. Apple, Pear, Peach,
Cherry and other trees at reasonable
to see me
ITrscre (20.000 rounds) it would pro- prices, n win pay you
dn atXK) TOnnds"ofnor'krwhlchr st 4 1 l!ore buying,
csuts prpoundi woiaidbe wurth "0,
per a-re.
Director Burkett of thi Kansas
station lays: "By pn Dieting tl.ej
successful production of alfalfa the i
atation baa not coir extended the!
dominion of 'an' imperial forage crop, Office in brick near Court House
Let me have your orders before
the assortment is broken. Some
kind are scarce already.
I. T. Taylor