Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 20, 1908, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.
NO. 34
Scott of the Good Roads
League Will Speak.
Must Msxlte Plana and Attempt to
Secure Legislative Aid for
the Cause.
One of the greatest needs perhaps
it should be said the greatest is good
roads. A good roads movement is
weeping over the country and has
(wen for several years past and is
being taken up in nearly every state
Id the Union. Grants Pass will con
sider the matter next Monday when a
convention will be held at thu Opera
House at 3 p. m. at which Judge
John H. Scott of Salem will addtess
onr citizens.
Bvsry citizen of Grants Pass and
every farmer, orchardist, vineyardist,
dalrysuen and all others living in this
part of Josephine county are urged to
be in attendance to help formulate
the rplane for good roads In tnis
Good roads are of equal benefit
to the farmer and the business man.
The former mast come to town and
the latter depends to a large exteut
upon the country trade for exiiteooe.
. Poorly kept thoroughfares are a poor
advertisement of any community and
the thousands of emigrants who paws
this way take note of them and
straightway form a poor impression
of the country.
One of the things to be taken op by
the convention on next Monday will
be to formulate some plan of iutertst
ing the legislature in the matter so as
to get appropriations for state roads.
Ine couuty must of course keep up
most of them but there a. many
places where (he state oould prop rly
look after them, for instance the
proposed highway to reach f torn th
northern to the southern bonniaty
of the state. The Oregin Good Road
League is doing a highly iuipoitant
work tcr the bettjrnieut ot the mtin
highways iu all parts of Oregon
Jimge Scott, who will apeak at ihe
convention Monday is the pr sident
of thii organization. A imeiugwill
be hi Id In Portland io the near tutine
ti uiip out legislation to be pre euted
to the legislature in behalf of tua good
road- cause.
Jim Grant Pass coruaiilt"e, consist
ing of Judge tStepheu Jewell, M. C
Rinniy. J. O. Dootu. W. M. Hair and
H. L. Andrews, are taking sieps M
make he occasion both l le.isant and
profitable to all who attend. Vocal
and instrumental uioi-ic htisbieuar
rang A for, and they have i-tiiO'l thai
the ladies a:e specially invite! to b-prest-nt
aud participate iu the deliber
ations of the body.
A November Bath.
Ralph Davis got mix d op 'i'h
Kigtie rivet last Saturday afieinnon.
wh.le brat riding iKar t tie lid nr.
J tdau,. he was
all in and when he came out he
was pretty we laturaM
t-eth were chattering like a box of
nookeys. Frani Po, k w itb him.
but t rank stayed io the coat, aud sfier
making several heroic efforts to save
his riend, he finally succumbed to
the irresistible and uncontrollable de
sire to laugh, and while he was
engaged in this inhuman conduct,
Ralph scrambled aboard, making a
'ew "mild" remarks about the chilli.
ness of the water. He alo talked
some while takintr iii k.,h t.-4
Fnnk cannot be coaxed to tell'wht
he said, bnt from a few hints given
out, we believe that Ralph "shaped
prayer from scraps of oaths he used to
swear." Be this as it may, his
triendi are glad that he escaped,
wnn a cool, aovember bath, what
might have proven a fatal accident
m me meantime, Frank is still
Will Discuss the Method
of Spraying.
5.y Secretary Andrew Is Good
Man for Position He
The following letter, received by
the Courier this week from Tom-
Richardson will be of interest to our
readers. Note the last paragraph
particularly, and then do your share
t'Jwardi providing the necessary
money to keep up the good work of
advertising Grants Pass:
'I was glad to road your editorial
in the Courier of the 13th instant.
relating to the necessity for Grants
Pass and Josephine county supporting
the Commercial Club, as well as the
report of the m-'eting held rn Tutsday
evening at which Vice-President An
deis'iu presided.
"Now with regard to your secretary,
I am (Mightd to say that in mare
than 2"i years experience In publicity
wit I have met very few men who
get bettor results for ti e amount of
ii oney they expend than doe Secre
tary A'idr-w of the Grunts Pass Com
mercial Club.
"Tog-veyou some Idea of the in-ten-ity
wit'i which peo le ar taking
hild of ailvKrti'nig in the Northwest,
a rmetii'g Wis b-id at Whitn Salmon,
Washington la-t Saturday, where the
town him! the valley, with a total
pop jiat on of not to exceed tl(K) peopK
snbiriineil t22ll for advertising pur
poses in U' mi: ntes or to 4
f,ir nvery man, woman aud ihild iu
the roiiiimiriiiy and there are at leiwt
three buildings iu Gtants lass which
aline are worth morn than nil the
uil iin.s in White Silmou combined.
Up it GoMeiidiile. in the same
country, n few days hefor-. ih y
ni's il $VM) ai d tiny have i-in.e
ujidi it ' their uitire lopul
lion is onlv I'm'-'-
"Ur.wts IVs hai a stlendidor
i; inizatiun ; ynu hate done tlij work;
i.ecple a e t.iikiug about Grants Pas
ust.iu a'K.iir ,,ot Secretary An
Uevis in ! 1 monev with which
in worn. I w.'iit t thank you again
for i he -ordinl co-opt r it iou you are
giving linn.
Verv 8iucerel 'ours,
M uiii-'i'r Portland Commercial Club. Cr gob Dt-veb pui. nt
l.rngui' "
Thousand Times Much Fruit
Could Be Sold Hit Her
Save Jobbers Profit
China, Dinner or Tea Sets
Five patterns to s,lrot from at Imports Prico
It has bi-ea remarked before in
these columns that the packing room
aud warehouse of the Rogue River
Fruit Exchange is a busy place its
getting busier every day. Every inch
of available space is taken op with
packers who are placing the finest,
richest most beautiful aud best fruit
on earth in boxes to till the orders
received daily from people w ho know
that no apple satisfies them an do
those raised in this part of the won
derful Rogue River Valley.
The steady stream of teams continues
to drive up to the receiving door to
unload Ihe fruits fioai the orchards, and
as fast at they can be takan in and
made ready to seud away they are
passed out the back door into the
car and hurried away to New York,
to Chicago, to London, to Liverpool,
to Honolulu, and to other distant
point whera fine fruit is appreciated
and where they are w ililug to pay for
Already something over 8000 boxes
of apples have bee i shipped, beeidus
the other fruits handled earlUr iu the
seaton, anajirices rruui xi.'-i to ji. is
per box f. o. b. Grants Puss, received,
aud Manager Sioville nays the only
trouble is to get the fruit for which
he has oiders. Remittances are be ng
received promptly for the fruit ship
ped and if there wtre a t'-ousaud
t ines as much fruit it could te told
just as readily
I'.efore auother season larger quar
ters will have to be provided as the
p tteut plucs is too small to talis
la. torilr hand! ) the picks Neailr
evt-ry fruit gruwer In the valley is
Mppi'g through thi ex ha-go no
nuil when the orchard which will
cortie into tHriig u. xt yer send iu
ilieirf. uit there w 11 tie lu place to
put it uultm additional war non-en
M-iurnl, hue this unitt-r will
hive 1 1 be lake i up ut mi early out
nuil airaiikeiuent.-i mule tor tun neit
A me ting (file t"ck bi ll'S( f
iln exihange will te It'll lu the
Opera ll' u ou t-auirlay t. tomor
row) at which the snhject of s; ray
anlspriyiug will he nH' uteed, nd
olh- r ii attern will iil-o O' me up.
Pro!. P.J. O'G'hm. tli) pear I light
sp cial st w 11 also lie in hUimhU ce
st t us meet'ng and orchards t- will
have mi opiortuuitv to ask hi u to
i,ser troubles une (jieftii n lor th
hftte incut of their orchard-'. Prof
O'Uata urrned in the lity Tu-silay
and l as s nee k(- lit the tin e in loon
ng i v. r the o(char. s cf the ialie to
rialile him to dintiHS i o-ii i i'hit heie
ii t lliseiilly. Eveiy fruit g oiter nr
iios i'clie fruit g ower l iiihKi
l' x i unit t lie on hand miiy
t iims may le 1 an.ed which wilt b
of fut i i I etiftlt
rolled among the membership of
Hi 11a Temple, among them, being
Frauk Mashbnrn, J. H. Nelson, R
L. Coe and A. C. Bough, by initia
tion, and by affiliation, L. L. Jewell,
A. E. Voorhies, O. W. Dcnell T. B.
Cornell, and George 8. Calhoun. Mr.
Calhoon was honored bv being chosen
Illuitrioos Second Ceremonial Master
of the Divan of Hillah Temple.
The occasion was an enjoyable one
and from the standpoint ot Maaonsry,
a very gratifying one.
It is very gratifying to see th work
going on iu th orchards within th
city limits, and from present indica
tions the small patches of fruit which
have heretofore been more or less cov
ered with scale aud infested with pests,
will all be cleaned np and made
healthy by spring. The owners of
fruit trees in the city should be made
to keep them as clean as are ths or
chardists of the oouotrv for unless
they do th infection will be carried
by the birds an1 winds.
Display at Council Bluffs,
Portland, and Spokane
From Advertisement Published
In Recent Issues of Courier.
Se.ys It Psvya.
We hae made arrange i e::l wt::i
New York, importers of JI AYl VN'D
fine lines. Samples of five of the'.' 7
ready to be shown by us. A
An invitation is exteti.'.e i t
samples, they being open sto
any time
siV'ti ii. :
i'. t.i -t ' : 1 1
K jiat'.e:-!'.
;'iau.i ci -f
HN t- Inn I'.c their
,-k . t"'i n ar.' tio v
cut ! uaratHee.i
, .- tlv.-e lieautiful
1,- re; .leuiished a!
) n.-r
H omefurnisher
A mentioned l.ft wt-.k, A-luoun
an tli Ieci- toeard hi. h a.l
in-iumts of the Atii'ieut Arahic O.dei
.,f the X-itles of the My-Iic SI rine,
we - li.-.i.'-l on last Sutuuliiv. IiJ'ah
'liinle which iw iliet t-t-d Her.;
, nt!utiliv taitiii f ff with n iin-ni-
ihrhip of l't'- n-e erMii'i- i l
! .ion and iiirtitutiou fi' I. !n w.-d
; va ba ionet. Viitini; ih I.-, ;.t n-,i
, tr-.nj (Jrniti I,aH, Mclf. rd, li .-e-buif.',
Ku'-ue, Purlliiid ;n:.l o ln-r
placa were met at the deirf't in Anh
I laud bv the locil khrineis wi olnd
I jir.ividl a herd cf brrr- a to tale tli
place of the customary raii.'e', which
I do not thrive in A-blauil, ihut tx-ing
j a drv town.
1 Thre were many viito-a fr . u t ' i
'jetv, and several of tl:j.i ' r.. hi-
The Courier received this week a
letter from James P. Dunoan of Le
laud, Ore., which is a sample ot many
expressions of satisfaction fiom our
advertisers. Of course the proprietor
of the Courier know that bis circu
lation is large aud is growing ever?
day, aud also knows that it pays to
advertise in the Courier, aud ! is
glad to know that his patrons get
results as tbev do. Mr. Duncan says :
Leland, Nov. 1, 1U08.
Editor Courier, Dear blr: See in-
clottd from Mr. Fowuian of Oklahoma
iu rtgard to this country; it speaks
for Itself. It shows what circulation
yon have. Just from that item you
pnt in your paper I have got four
such letters from different parts of the
country, asking about land.
Yoors truly,
Leland, Ore
J. P. Duncan,
O auts Pass. Ore.
Please pardon the liberty I take In
wiititiff to you fi r Information. I am
deeply interred in Southern Oroiion
as I am trinir t i sell here with the
view of locating th' re. I see your
name io the Rogue River Courier In
regard to 'the apili s aud pears from
your orchard, aluo 150 acres yoo have
ouder cultivation. I am aminos to
learn Home ficti from one that does
not farm on paper. Fiist I should
like to at-k what one cm buy val
ley land for and what terms. Does it
have to lie cbared -r H it fro from
Irtnli and tinnier. Wi-h to know
what wheat yitld-i pT aT", oata, alao.
What is hav worth? la tbire araaa lu
the vnlle I only hate a an. all
amount of tu"uey but not afraid of
work but one litres ti s-e a urotU for
tin ir work and thtt Ik what we fail to
have h-re. I hnvo been rending the
ad'ertiiduK iintt-r. It ho often mis-lead-
on". What drwa a tea-n, wafton,
hariiHfS coatT I living h'K1 er I have
l. en t ilt it was verv binh. 1 would
like to k low whit farm hi lp I" worth
and are I her auv far us ro 'tu-K 1
now and what t rrn. Kxcue the
ninny ipiea ions I have one n ore
Can you tell ui- a .ythiiin alxmt llut e
VMl-y '- I don't think it is tar from
r. hi. I should !) hj : 1 to h'-ar ahoot
your J.V hi r rrop and yield If yon
w n.ld oblige inn I should f--el tbnnk
t til. It II. IIOWMAN".
Mr. Duncan'" ooiieup' ndeut ams a
K id miinv (lueBtiona which are pr
haps not a-ily an-wer-d. Th1
(3 urli-r wrnld Iw glad to publish g-n-eral
a1 tirl. a from n ailers in t li i
vicinit', which would (lire In-l'.ir-
rs a Mr. Bowtr an, an Idea of
wlmt tl l country ' Uliii and just
what he and others rati exixct when
t!ny r arb her1. !nv nidi articled
hveb-KU pntlielod in the ant and
ull have ilou" min-'i ixl, hiuce the
advisability i f havicjf mme of them.
Some ExSlblteln Town Window,
But Many More Needed to
Convince Homeseekera.
The Hair hub lie ( oi.pany weie
tlhitcd thia wwk bv Joh'i AHiert, a
ilenioutrator of the Turn Thumb
1 horse rower s.ry pomp, the agency
for which has be n secured by the
above couiiny. Onu cf the pumps
was (laced in a light wat?on and
tri;s made to leviral or hards to Khow
ti e simillf-ity and elliciency of the
Tom Thuirb.
I 'tail Eoui at t.'raiin r linn
It was annoauoed a couple of weeks
ago that the County Court had de
cided to make an appropriation to
cover the expense ot getting np an
exhibit from this part ot the Rogue
River Valley to be sent to the meet
log of the State Horticultural Society
which is held in connection with the
North West Fruit Grower Asoola-
tlon at Portland the first week In De
cember, and the Spokane Apple show
the second week In December, the
Nationnal Horticultural Congress at
Connoll Bluffs the third week and at
the Alaska-Yukon-Paolflo Espoaition
at Seattle which opens next June,
but the county officials have since de
cided that tuey will not make an ap
Home of our enterprising citizens.
however have determined that this
niasntficeut valley shall not be unrep
resented at these exposition if it is
possible for them to prevent it, and
have therefore gotten to work and in
few days will be ready to ship the
dsplays. The time set by th officials
of the Alaska-Yokon-Kiiositloo for
receiving shlpiuen's to be put in cold
storage and held until the opeoina,
ends tomorrow and the matter had
been neglected too long for an exhibit
to be gotten ready for that oooaelon,
hot the ct'-er meetings will be taken
care or. KT tne meeting or ine
State Horticultural Society and
North West Fruit Growers asanoiatinn
Meaars Ueorge A. Iloiilllon and Will
Sooville will te the only exhibitors so
far a known at the preaeut time.
For the Spokane National Arid"
Show, the ecnnd week iu Deoeuilier,
December 7 to 14, the exhibits of
Hamilton and Hciville will be ttkeii
froul I'ortlnud after they are through
wit'i them and in addition the Oiaura
Pns Cannery will sunt an exhibit f
cannery products coii-istinn of Apple
bum r, apple cub r. canned aptdea.
apple jelly, pit kle I apples, apple mar
malade aul vinegnr. The plate, ex
hibit n-ed at Kpokaue will be umiuly
from the f'aiullton orchard.
At the National Horticultural Con
fer, a which cotiveurs at Spokane the
third week In Decinhwr Grants Pass
will alio be represented br the ex-
hibit if both Hamilton and the
Grants Pins Cannery hk1 at Siokaue
und in addition the ranni ry will send
a di-t.liiy of Hoj.px.n's Sirav. '
There w ill he a few days to spare In
Portlmd after the meeting of the
Stat Horticultural H ciety before the
exhibits need lie "tit on to Hpikiuie
and they will be l ft in I'oriUu I i i a
coiisiicnntis place to be in'ii by the
thdiisiiids cf periple there and visitors
from all rnrla ff t'-e world.
Uh l it will not tie pontihlej to
place anv of the fruit in odd storage
fir tie Alalia-Yulton.CxpnltiO'i at
Seattl- It is likely that by the
time that great fair opens mine, one
will come forward with an exhibit of
some sort to lie sent there.
The work of gathering these ex
hibit is purely voluntary on the liart
of th.m doing il. Conuty Fruit In -sjiector
Hateha'n lias been very active
in the matter, "us has also W. H.
Sherman and others.
It is to be regretted that our or
charilitts and citizen generally do
not tike a inqjc livey interest In
making exhibits. It is of onuran a
great di al of trontde and the exienae
is also an item, yet the latter can
hardly l considered fur in ueaily
every case the fruit sent remains the
prorerty of the sender and is nearly
always sold for a higher price than
can b realized at home or by ship
ping to market neutrs. Hits was
thoroughly demonstrated at the late
(wa might also add, '.lamented ) Med
fcrd fair when the six boxes of apples
sent from the Hamilton ore'
ried off 10 prizes, the cash premiums
for which amounted to something
over 133 aud the apples w. re sold at
H.fiO per box, making the xhiblt at)
exceedingly prot Sable business ven
ture, so say nitbing of the siUisfa- ti m
any orchardist niunt feel when fruii
from bis trees is adorned with a btutt
Lxhihiti sent to fair are the nieius
of helping many persons to decile
where they wUl locate, a In rge uu tu
ber of those who attend such gather
ings do so for the purposj of seeing
the products from those sections
which send out literature to eo for
themielves whether the literature
exangerates, us it is guuerally con
sidered thut it does. Wbea f uo fruit
is sent thu skeptical home seeker is
willing to believe; but if no fruit is
seut be has a right to thiuk ihut there
must be something wroug somewhere.
Heuce it is highly important that
Grants Pass and this part of the
Rogue River Vullsv bo represented
by a display of her bet fruit ou all
occasions such as the meeting cf the
State Horticultuial Society, tspokune
Apple Show, Nttiooal Horticultural
Congres aud the Alaska-Yukou pa
ciflo Expoaltlou. Get the frtt t there
aud it will do Its part in ta tmiug
the prises.
While on this subject it might be
well to comment ou the exhibit!,
and lack of exhibits, in this city.
First, the Commercial Club rooms,
which ahoVi all other plaoe should
maintain a well k pi display of all
the fruits which are raised in this
valley has praollcally oothing to
show the numerons visitors to that
plaoe. Scarcely an hour in
of the we k passes but that some
strauger goes there and looks over the
products of what the club's literature
calls "The Italy of America," aud
what do they findT A few rotten
pumpkins, some dried up corn and
last years (caches and then shelf after
shelf of ore specimens. Again, after -seeing
tbl-i beautiful( T) ex ub t of the
products tf the "Italy of America,"
the hoiuereeker and investor has a
right to conclude that tin r ar a lot
! of Uilglity cheerful liais in th' seo- '
tino and that it Is beat for him to
move on ti where they enn show the
got di.
OJr stores aud reil estati olflces do
better. A a unl thing you will
Bud a ii- at display of beu-tiiul appl H
in the w inliiw of the Sibtii lJm
Store Elmer Son k can geaetally 1
be dnpemled upon to kiep s .me fn sti
fruit In hia wiiiloAs. T'ie Mle to
Ilig.s lle,.liy Company tak i coiimIiIi r- 0
ahl 1 p.ius to liavii lll lr window
tistily 1I1 Hut. d fr.'.b sa n pies of
the product of this valley in both the$
fruit an 1 vegetiblo li te. The Rest
V..ll., l..ult ( ........... I.. -
room lilt' I up for the purpose of
howiiK to the h st ailvantig., sail-ll-aofall
the fr.iits aid v. getshl-s
ami s i tar us the writer lia- obaerved
bus ill a vi kept tip a good mid attino-e
live dis lav. Joe Miws also generally
ki'i'i-s a siuill ni-pluy m his windows '
and t'ler.i an a lev oih' m erperially
grocery ito'es who do tba aine, but
the'u th mid Iim more. Diving the weeg A . II Hlicrimu has had a
beautiful and HttMctive dirplay of ap
ples iu the windows of the Corou
Hardware store, The card says "ex
hibited by W. D. Shermui, the ex
lxxi ter "bni it ui'glit not be a had
thing f r GiT.nta Pa-s if iber.i were a
few mi re 1 x't of t ie siuie so t.
1 he u:liniiri and soil will giuw the
fruit mi. 1 piv.i th nu thu rigtit color,
hut th ' 'i In mii-t take the trouble
t' 1 iu th 111 and make exhibit
w eie they cm be smii.
Fram l J. H ner, asaintint district
attorney, who waa erikBged in prose
rut i 11 K the Reuf cine, waa shot while
in the court ronn at San Kraulcsco,
during a brief recess In the thirdvtrisl
for hnbo y. It wai thoiint at first
that llenev would die, hut his splen
did phyiii.e baa pull-d
and he 1 now on t e mud to re
covery, iti-i useoiNiii, Jla'irlc Hias,
ex-convict, win was showu by lienor
In a fo'im-r tri tl ti be a bad char-
iu ter, o:nuiittid Hiiii'idu l.f shooting
liiiu'elf linmiilmtelf after being
plaoed in jail. It has not been deter-
u. Iliad as yet how he seeured the gun
as bo hud been searched before being
lo ked np
Evory reilly prosperous town In the
state has a Commercial Club which is
hard ;ur-j W'H snpp-t"d by it r''en-.
t .
A . f 'i i " : '
- f