KQOUB RIVER COURIER, GRANTS TASS, OHEOON NOVEMBER 13, 1908. II " H r Fresh Goods Raisins, Currants, Grapes, Cranberries, Oranges, Lemons, Walnuts, Almonds, Fancy Comb Honey, Celery and Sweet Potatoes. J. Pardee Mrs. D. O. Hayes went to Grants Pass to enter the hospital for treat ment. She Is much improved at this writing. O. H. Perry finished picking ap ples Friday. Mr. Perry purchased what Is known as tho Judson or chard about one year ago. This orchard Is situated about half a mile west of Redland Vineyard and comprises about four acres and has been turned out on the commons for several years, at least oue-thlrd of the trees were utterly destroyed by the stock and most of the rest broken as high as the catle and deer could reach. Such wus the condi tion of this orchard one year ago The crop of apples this fall will be about 500 boxes. Buster Brown. (Jet CHINAMEL ut Hair-Ulddle's to use on your floor and furniture. OREGON DOES NOT OWE A SINGLE DOLLAR More Than Half Million C.ah Balanc in th Treasury ' at Present Time. 417 G St. Phone 863 Kclmu Emmet Conger of Grants Pass spent a couple of days in Selnia. Ask Halr-Rlddle Hardware Co. to show you that Steel Kange they are selling for $3 5.00. Election passed with the least ex- . ctement In the memory of the oldest Ml'KI'HY j inhabitant. Was It due to general Klo -tion passed oft very ouk-tiy . apalny or to the Corrupt Practice at Murphy, Mr. Taft receiving a ma- Uaw or possibly, It was due to Jorlty of two votes and is there- a dead HUre thing". fore elected. Road Supervisor Centner com menced last week to open up the road recently surveyed through the old Hathaway pluce. This road when completed wll cut off nearly a mile of the worst road between Murphy and Grants Pass. Murphy 8unday School is In a flourishing condition under the lead ership of Superintendent Reed. Miss Jessie Layton and Miss Plum ley of Grants Pass are packing apples for O. II. Porry this week. Del Osborn says confidence ought to bo restored now, for Debs recelv . fi Muri.hy. Miss Ellen Burleson departed for Selnia last week to be gone in definitely. The Hayes brothers moved Into their new residence a few days ago. The new house Is larger, handsom er and more substantial than the one deatroyed by Are last spring. If you want some cheap powder to blow out those stumps ask Halr Rlddle Hdwe. Co. about what they have. The ball BeaBon In the Apple gate Valley closed lust Sunday, with game between the Applegate and Murphy teams, played on the Murphy grounds. It was well play ed up to the seventh Inning the core being 5 to 2 in favor of Ap plegate when Murphy forfeited the the game by refusing to bat, be cause "Jud" Pernoll was pitching for tilt? Apple-Kate. Thursday evening of last woek the friends of Miss Winnie Osborn gave ber a surprise party, It being her mh birthday and In spite of the pouring rain a goodly number were present and passed tho time very ploHcntly playing charudns and gaini'B. About 12 o'clock Ico cream and cake were served, after which the guests departed, wishing Miss Winnie many happy returns of tuo day. Tho many friends of Frank Hyde of Laurel Grove wll be pleased to learn that ho Is Improving, after a long siege of typhoid fever. Henry Pfefferle of Waldo was in Selnia with a lode of supplies a few duys ago. Albert Shoemake of Deer Creek was In town Saturday with a band of gouts which he was dlplng In R. C. Churchill's tank. Mr. Churchill had Just finished the same process with his herd. Services were held In the church morning and evening by Rev. G. M. Thorpe. To close out some lines of our blasting powder we are selling It be low cost. It is cheaper than reg ular stumping powder for shooting stumps. Hair-Riddle Hdwe. Co. Much speculation is heard over the report that the electric road is to be commenced soon. The cred ulous and the skeptc are about equal numerically, It Is to be hoped that the former have the win ning argument. Oregon baa no state debt, bonded or otherwise. This is one of the first acts statel in the biennial report of State Treasurer Steel, issued last week. There is in the treasury cash balance of 158,320. 18, of which $214, 897. 9S is in the general fund an amount sufficient to pay state expenses nntil next March, when the taxes for 1909 will be paid. The report shows that two years ago tiie baUnce in the grneral fund, applicable to payment of current ex penses of the state government and maintenance of Btats institutions, was 9213.5I2.0U ; there was received daring the two vears t3,5M2,8i3.40 and dis bursed $2,590,507 45, Reaving the pres ent cash balance in that f and, $214,- 897.98. State Treasurer Steel makes a num ber of recommendations to the legis lators, among them these: That the inheritance tax be made applicable to the excess of $3000 on all collateral in heritauces and on bequests and divicei exceeding $500 to persons not related to the doner ; that the depository law be made applicable to the school funds; that coon lies be required to pay the maintenance charge for care of insane, in the first instance the counties collecting from the persons ordered to pay the charge ; ' that such special fands as the pure food land, the veterinary f and, the board of ex amlners' fund, eto., be turned into the general fond and all the olaims now paid .out of these funds be paid oat of the general fund ; that pro vision be made for inspection of weihgts and measures so that the law regarding the same may be enforced Don't be talked into buying some thing "Just as good" as Rex FUnt kote Rooting. Rex Fllntkote is the best composition roof made. Sold by Halr-Rlddle Hardware Co. New Raisins Currants, Nats and Cranberries at Pnr'ees. U-U 2t Ijame Shoulder. This is a common form of muscular rheu mutiim. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberluin'ii Liniment freely three timet a day and n quick rure in certain. This liniment line proven eeeial It viiIuhIiIs fur miuwulsrunil chronic rlieiimalism. Sold by M. Clemena. Miss Olive Lambson of Roseburg and her grandmother, Mrs. Smith, were visitors at Gunrts Pass this Mm. Murphy and mother were in Grants Pas from Medford Thurs lay to consult with Dr. Findley. Rev. Ward McHenry, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Medford.was a visitor here this week., Mrs. Duffleld of God Hill was in Grants Pas Wednesday. De Witt's Little Early Risers, pleasant little pills that are easy to take. Sold by Model Drag Store. W. C. T. U. Let all who believe that righteous ness exnlteth a nation or the .iudivid- nal, pray that righteous men may be elected in the coming city elections. Let as pray that rueu may know and THE COURIER'S CONTEST IS GETTING INTERESTING Con t i ii nous Per forma net' Every Night This Week Except Sunday at tho BIJOI J "THE FAMILY THEATRE" East Front Street ELEVATED FLOOR Doors Open at 715 Moving Pictures ILLUSTRATED SONGS' Change of Pictures Three times each Week MONDAY, I WEDNESDAY, j FRIDAY The Courier's Golden Eagle contrst Is oreat ing uo cud of excitement and the cot i tt stunts ice getting down to work In earm-pL During the past week one boy tins come to the front and has enteied the race. We are Kare that be will run the girls a good race for that 80 which we are to give a way on the 23d of December, just before Cbristuins The voting so far has been rather slow for the "Yellow Cer'ifluates" have nut beeu turned In, nor have many of the regular eoti kui but they are cot among the con testants and in the hsnds of those who have paid in various auiouuti ou sub scription. They will be coming in rapiitly soon. Last week we announced a special prize of ,1 to the contestant who would bring In the greatest number of now subscriptions before Saturday night. There is yet one full day in which to work. The money will lie turned over to the winner Monday but the announcement of the winner's name cannot lie mailu until uext Fri day's issue. Now is the time for ertry one of the contestants to get in and work. Following Is the standing oi the can didstes as tviDiitwl Friday noon, but it does not represent tome SO "Yellow Certitiratrs and a great many thous and ih huh In regular coupous which are now nut among the candidates anil their friends : The candidates and their votes to into are : Maliel Dameill 2315 Mamie Reynolds, R F D No 3 .. IfioO Pearl Kearus ... 13"0 Ruth .Smith 12M Keta Mowers lOsin Edna Cornell 475 Aria Hrorkniau, Merlin 475 Donld Calvert 415 Ella Turner, Kerby . . 405 Tracy Stith, Kerby 315 Marguerllte Soutii 205 Rule of Golden Eagle Contest. 1. The Golden Kagle Contest shall close Tuesday, December 23, at 10 :'i0 o'clock p. m. and no coupons will lie received after that hoar, except those seut by mail, which must show evidence by postmark that they were mailed before that hour. 3. Contestant shall be young men and women under 20 years of age. The contestant receiving the highest number of points will receive ftil) in Golden Eagles. The one receiviug I the next highest number of points win receive f.u iu women eagles. Awards will be taadti as soon as possi ble after tho ooutest closes. 3. A ooopou good for five points will be printed in each issue of the Courier during the contest. These shall be clipped out and cast at this office pinned together in bunches. 4. Coupons will be Usued from this office a follows: Three hundred points for each fi. 50 received on sub scription, or twopoiutafor each one cent received ou subscription. A siwial 500 point Yellow Certificate will be issued for each new subscrip tion accompanied by $ 1.60 in cash. 5. Cast all coopous at the ballot box at this office before the date there on expires. Yellow Oertitioates Juiust not be cast until the contest is four weeks old. Admission 10c GOOD FOR FIVE POINTS For Add re: Thii Coupon it Void it Not Voted by Nvmber 22 Courier's Golden Eagle Contest When You See It in Our Ad, It's So The most forcible argu ment we can make is briefly this; we know what's right for our customers, we've got it; we don't want you to buy any thing that isn't right, and Hart Schaffner &, Marx clothes are here to prove it. You can get any kind of a fine suit you want here; any kind of a good;overcoat, you'll find rain coats a special feature with us, every man and boy ought to have one Owing to some late arrivals and a large stock, we are offering for the next fifteen days a Special Discount of 10 on all men's and boys' suits and overcoats. Take a look at some of the attractively priced clothing we have dis played in the windows, then come inside and let us show you the suit or overcoat you want at the price you want to pay. GEO. 5. CALHOUN CO. "Outfitter to Boy and M&n" fl f asfr H.rt vrhiffner ti Mirl realize that their oath of office is sacred and that only knaves aud cow ards violate that pledge. The work of the Union is moviug and results are sure to be satisfactory. We are hoping and praying that great er numbers of, workers niay euter the field for already the harvest is white aud only awaits the gleaners. The L. T. L's are iu the work for all there is ia it, an I the chil Iren are learning the principles of Christian Citizenship which will make of the boys and girls of today citizens of to morrow. The Y's held their monthly focial aud business meeting lm-t Friday. Mrs. Ada Savage is Y secretary aud is the right pernon Iu the right place. .From Merlin comes tbe cry, "Come ovr and and help as organize a Y". Shall this call go unheeded? Greek met Greek on Q street Isst week and this is what was said: "Lt us go sod tike a drink." And thehe Greeks(?) went into one of the soft drink parlors. The smell of liquor was strong npon thir bienth, hot of coorse the soft drinks would hill tbe effects of the liquor and no one will ever know they got their whiskey in Medford. There is one less death trap la Jack son county, the dealer at Savage Rapids having been convicted on the first of three charges and fined ISO sod costs and to avoid the coneeqencts of the oth'r two indictments, baa prem ised to "be good" and go out of tbe bus'refs of trapping for the devil. PRESS COR. t Protect Your Orchards From Frosts J By the Orchard Heptiug Device of the Frost Ptevention Co. of Fremn, Cal. For Sale by I GEO. II. PARKE", (irants Pass, Ore. i ' WMWWWWMVMW is tl: Decide i8 time to ON THAT RABBIT PROOF FENCE The";Page Woven Wire Fence Co. TAHiSS" M I noli: Twenty-seven inches to first wid.' spue.-. 'Hie same quality of all Page Fence, carbon coiled pr;n- Steel. Stands a stnin of -ver 18,000 pounds. High Standard Ranch Fence Hog Sheep Coyote Lawn Page ence is guaranteed to be exactly as represented An experienced man and tools are furnished to assist iu the erection of all Page Fence, without extra cost. Wl He will erect fence over any eround without cuttiuir or larmintr haptrincr or satreine. o 1 i at OO O oo - Gaddis & Div.m "Tli. Pnt P-n,., r.... Distributors Southern Oregon and -Northern California." J. D. FRANKLIN, Agent Cor. 6th and I Streets Grants Pass, Oregoa