Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 13, 1908, Image 6

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1 (t 'IjSVr
fCopyrlRht. 1W5. by d. P. Putnam' iona.
I'uldlnliftd undr arrangement with (1. P.
Putnam's Pons, ftew lork and london.)
XK September I determln
i-d to dike a short trip
after bluon, At that time
I whh HtayliiK lu a cow
cnuip a K'xxl tuitn; mllet
up the river from tuj
ruuih: there were then
do cuttle south of me, where then;
are now very umny thouHmul head,
and (lie buffalo hud been plentiful In
the country for a couple of winters
pant, hut the Inst of the herds had
been destroyed or driven out six
mouths before, and there were only a
few stniKBlera left It was one of my
first huutliiK trips; previously 1 hud
shot with the ritle very little, and that
only nt deer or untclopc. 1 took as a
companion one of toy best men, named
Ten-Is (n brother of the Ferris ulready
mentioned); we rode a couple of po
nies, not very roou ones, and each
carried his roll of blankets and a very
mull store of food in a pack behind
the saddle.
Leaving the cow-camp early In the
morn I iik. wc crossed the Little Mis
souri and for the first ten miles thread
ed our way through the narrow defiles
and along the tortuous divides of a
Kreat tract of Had Lands. Although It
was fall uud the lights were cool the
un was very bot In the middle of the
day, and we JoKBed along at a slow
pace, so as not to tire our ponies. Two
or three black-tall deer were seen, aome
distance off, and when we were a cou
ple of hours on our journey, we cams
across the fresh track of a bull buffalo.
Ruffitlo wander a great distance, for,
though they do not go fast, yet they
may keep travelling, as tbey graza, all
day long; and though tbla one bad evi
dently passed but a few hours before,
ws were not aura w would sea him
His tracks wera easily followed as
long aa he had kept to tba soft creek
bottom, crossing and recrosslng tba
narrow wet dltcb which wound Its way
through It; but when he left tbla and
turned up a winding coulle that branch
ad out In every direction, his hoofs
scarcely made any marks In the bard
ground. We rode up the ravine, care
fully examining the soil for Dearly balf
an hour, however; Dually, aa wa passed
tba mouth of a little side coulle, there
was a plunge and crackle through the
bushes at Its head, and a shabby-looking
old hull bison galloped out of It
and, without an Instant's hesitation,
plunged over a steep bsnk Into a patch
of rotten, broken ground which led
around the base of a high butte. 80
quickly did he dlsnppear that we had
not time to dismount and Are. Spur
it miii nut witi tni mi it,
The Commits of the 52 Issues tor
1909 will include
50 Star Articles
Hy Mm nnd Women of Distinc
tion In Muiiy Vocations.
250 Capital Stories
Of Character and Adventure.
Including bin I inn Serials.
1000 Up-To-Dafe Notes
On Current events.
History and Science.
2000 One-Minute Stories
Hits of Humor And Miscellany
Thn Wrrhly Mntilih Article.
T Imolv r ilitorl.ils. The Chll
di en's I'nuo, 01c
Sample Copio of the Paper and ftluttratmj
Announcement tor t90i tent
tree to any aiir,i.
Free to January, 1909.
Fary nw ubtH-ribr ho at one rutt
oul mnd tend this tlip (or mcntwni thn
papr) ith $1 75 will rciv IKtK
All th iuui of 1 h Companion for the
remaining of 1SU8, including tha
Heamtiful Holiday Numb ft.
Tha Companion's Calendar for 1909
'In C(ndmolhart laiUo,' litho-
raphad in lhutn color.
Thn Tha Companion for tha 52 wtk
ot 119 - a l.tuary of tha baC tiling
for avary mtmbr ol tha family.
ring our horses we galloped up to the
brink of the cliff down which be bad
plunged; It was remarkable that be
should have gone down It unhurt.
From where we stood we could see
nothing; so, getting our horses over
the broken ground as fast as possible,
we ran to the butte and rode round It,
only to see the buffnlo come out of the
broken land and clfrnb up the side of
Wheeling, he charged mi with Urwertd
another butte over a quarter of a mils
off. In spite of his great weight and
cumbersome, heavy-looking gait, ba
climbed up the steep bluff with ease
and even agility, and when be bad
reached tba ridge stood and looked
back at ua for a moment; while so do
ing be bald bis bead blgb up, and at
that distance bis great ahaggy mine
and huge fore-quarter made him look
like a lion, la another second ba again
turned away and made off; and, being
evidently very shy and accustomed to
being harassed by hunters, most bars
travelled a long distance before stop
ping, for wa followed his trail for
ome miles until It got on such bard,
dry ground tbat his hoofs did not
leave a scrape In tba aotl, and yet did
not again catch so much as glimpse
of him.
It whs lata In the afternoon before
wa aaw any game; then we made out
In the middle of a large plain three
black specks, which proved to be buf
faloold bulls. Our horses bad come
a good distance, nuder a bot sun, and
aa they had bad no water except from
the mud-bole In the morning they
wera In uo couditlon for ruunlug.
They were not very fast anyhow; so,
though the ground was unfavorable,
we made up our mluds to try to creep
up to the buffalo. We left the ponies
In a hollow balf a mile from the game,
and started off on our bunds and
knees, taking advantage of every sage
brush as cover. After a while we hud
to lie flat on our bodies and wriggle
like snakes; and while doing this I
blundered Into a bed of cactus, and
filled my hauda with tha spines. After
taking advantage of every hollow,
hillock, or sage-brush, wa got within
about a hundred and tweuty-Mve or
fifty yards of where the three bulls
were unconsciously feeding, and aa all
between was bar ground I drew up
and Bred. It waa the first time I aver
shot at buffalo, and. oonfnsed by the
bulk and ahsggy hair of the beast, I
aimed too far back at one tbat was
st finding nearly broadside on towards
me. The bullet told on his body with
a Intlil criu-k, the dust flying up from
his hide; but It did not work him nny
Immediate barm, or lu the least hinder
him from mnUux off: nnd away went
all three, with llielr tails up, dlsap
penrl'.i? over a slight life lu the
Much disgusted, we trotted back to
where the horses were picketed.
Jumped on them, a good deal out of
breath, aud rode after the flying game
We thought that the wmmded oue
might turn out and leave the others;
mid so followed them, though they
hud over n mile's start. For some
sex en or eight miles we loped our
Jaded horses along at a brisk pace,
occasionally seeing the buffalo far
ahead: and finally, when the sun had
Just set, we saw that all throe had
coma to a stand in a gentle hollow
There was no cover anywhere near
them; and. us a last desperate resort,
wo concluded to try to run them on
our worn out xulea.
As we cantered toward them thev
fiiied ua for a aecoud ami then turned
round und made off, while with spurs
and iiulrts we made the ponies put on
a burst that enabled us to close lu with
the wounded one Just about the time
that the lesseulng twilight had almost
vanished; while the rim of the full,
moon rose above the horizon. The,
pony I waa on could barely bold Its
own, after getting up within sixty or f
seventy yards of the wounded bull:
my companion, better mounted, forged :
ahead, a little to one side. The bull
saw him coming nnd swerved from his,
course, and by cutting across I wair
able to get u&nrly up to blm. The)
ground over which we were running
was fearful, being broken Into boles
and ditches, separated by hillocks; In
the dull light, and at the speed ' we
were going, uo attempt could be made
to guide the horses, and the latter,
farced out by their exertions, flounder
ed and pitched forward at every stride, j
hardly keeping their legs. WDen up
within twenty feet I fired my rifle, but
the darkness, and especially the vio
lent, labored motion of my pony, made
me miss; I tried to get in closer, when
suddenly up went the bull's tall, and
wheeling, he charged me with lowered
horns. My pony, frightened Into mo
mentary activity, spun round and
tossed up his bead; 1 was holding the
rifle in both hands, and the pony's
head, striking It. knocked it violently
against my forehead, cutting quite a
gash, from which, hented as 1 was.
the blood poured Into my eyes. Mean
while the buffalo, passing me. charged
my companion, and followed him as
he made off, and. as the ground was
very bad, for some little distance his
lowered head was unpleasantly near
the tired pony's tall. 1 tried to run in
on him again, but my pony stopped
short, dead beat: and by no spurring
could I force him out of a slow trot.
My companion Jumped off and took a
couple of shots at the buffalo, which
missed In the dim moonlight; and to
our unutterable chagrin the wounded
bull labored off and vanished In the
darkness. I made after him on foot,
in hopeless and helpless wrath, ontll
be got out of sight.
So far the trip had certainly not been
a success, although sufficiently varied
as regards Its Incidents: we had been
confined to moist biscuits for three
days as our food; had been wet and
cold at night, and sunburned till our
fuces peeled In the day; were hungry
and tired, and had met with bad weath
er, and all kinds of accidents; In ad
dition to which I had shot badly. But
a man who Is fond of sport, and yet is
not naturally a good hunter, soon learns
that If be wishes any success at all ha
must both keep In memory and put in
practice Anthony Trollope's famous
precept: "It's dogged as does It" And
If he keeps isgedly on In his course
the odds are heavy that In the and tba
longest bine will prove to have a turn
ing. . Such was the case on this occa
sion. Shortly ' after mid-day wa loft tha
creek bottom, and iklrted a ridge of
broken buttes. cut tip by gullies Md
winding ravines, In whose bottoms
grew bunch grass. While passing near
the mouth, and to leeward of one of
these ravines, both ponies threw up
their beads, and snuffed the air, turn
ing their muzzles towards the head of
the gully. Feeling sure that tbey bad
melt some wild beast, either a bear or
a buffalo, I slipped off my pony, and
ran quickly but cautiously up along
the valley. Refore I had gone a hun
dred yards, I noticed In the soft soil at
the bottom the round prints of a bison's
hoofs; and Immediately afterwarjs got
a glimpse of the animal himself, as he
fed slowly up the course of the ravine,
some distance ahead of me. The wind
was Just right, and no ground could
have been liotter for stalking. Hardly
needing to bend down, I walked up be
hind a small sharp-crested hillock, and
peeping over, there lielow me, not fif
ty yards off, was a great blsou bull.
He was walking along, grazing as ho
walked. His glossy fall coat was In
tine trim, and shone In the rays of the
sun: while bis pride of bearing showed
him to I in the lusty vigor of his
As I rose above the crest of the hill,
he held up bis head aud cocked his
tall lu the air. Itefore he could go off,
I put the bullet In liehlnd his shoulder.
The wound was an almost Immediate
ly fatal one. yet with surprising agility
for so large and heavy an animal, he
nf.r he cot.l.l 30 o ;uf ,1 mi.Yt In
NTifitii tfic s'loiu'cfcr.
bounded up the opposite side of the
ravine, heedless of two more balls,
both of which went Into his flank mi l
ranged forwards, and disappeared over
the rldfc-e at a lumbering gaiiop. tLe
blood pouring from bla mouth aud
nostrils. We knew he could not go
far aud trotted leisurely along on bis
bloody trail; and In the next gully we
found him stark (lend, lying almost on
his buck, huving pitched over the side
when he tried to go down it. Ills
head was a remarkably fine one. even
for u full buffalo. He was lying lu a
verv bad position, nnd It was most te
d oiis and tiresome work to cut It off
nnd pa.-k it out. The flesh of a cow
or calf Is better eating than is that
of a bull; but the so-called hump meat
-Unit Is. the strip of steak on each
side of the backbone-Is excellent, and
tender and Juicy. Buffalo meat is w iui
dllliculty to Is? distinguished from or
dinary beef. At any rate, the flesh of
this bull tasted uncommonly good to
us. for we had been without fresh
meat for a week; and until a heulthy.
active man lias been without It for
some little time, he does not know
how positively and almost painfully
!iu::';;'.v for flesh he becomes, no mat
:er how much farinaceous food he may
have. And the very toil I had been
obliged to go through. In order to pro
cure the bend, made me feel all the
prouder of It when It was at last In my
Druggists Hare In Town Sivy They
Can Supply the Ingredients or
Make Vp the Mixture.
Get from any prescription phatina
ciflt the following :
Fluid Extract Dandelion, ona-half
ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla,
three ounces.
Shake well in a bottle and take a
teaspoonful dose after eacb meal and
at bedtime.
Tha above is considered as the moat
certain prescription ever written to
relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble,
Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary
difficulties. This mliture acta prompt
ly on the eliminative tissue! of the
Kidneys, enabling them to filter and
strain tha nrio acid and other waste
matter from the blood which causes
Some persons who suffer with the
afflictions may not feel inclined to
place much confideuce in thii simple
miitorp, yet those who have tried it
say the results are simply surprising,
the relief being much confidence in
this simple mixture, yet thore who
have tried it say the resolta are simply
surprising, the relief being effected
without the slightest injury to the
stomach or other organs.
Mix souieand give it a trial. It
oeitainly cornea highly recommended.
It is the prescription of an eminent
authority, whose entire reputation, it
is said, waa established by it.
A druggist here at home, wbeu
asked, stated t'iat he could either sup
ply the ingrt'dieut or mix the pre
scription for our readers, also recom
mends it as harmless. 10-SO-Iit.
The Courier has the largest circula-
i of
inv uppf
REMARKABLE event in the history of automobiledom was the tour of
more than thirty Tourist cars from Los Angeles to San Francisco and return,
Ancnie.r 1 ?tVt tn I QOA
This tour differs radically from anv nrevious automohilft nm in that nracticaHv
every car was operated by its owner instead of a professional driver, thus demonstrating
simplicity and ease of operation, and proving forcibly that the Tourist is an owner's
car so simple in operation and mechanism as to enable the novice to negotiate the
severest test to which an automobile could be put.
This more-than-a-thousand-mile-run was successfully accomplished without mishap
or accident, and will live long in the annals of automobiledom as a glowing testimonial
to mechanical genius and constructional ability.
ThaTrp"K Tourraj Car, u.t powwful, thmly
Wwiera pint which tamed nich an en ruble repotatioa
the puMew jrean. a a two-cylinder cat of raaatkabb
lu coojtrucboa u the tery acme ol Bmplicity, and ka
accomplnhmeou hare earned lot it, paten world-wide
Tan cat. beautifully finished in a
choice ol lout colon 22 H. P.
fire-p&uenger temorablt frfinau.
$1300 at Lo. Aagelea.
' Tourltl Can at corerad by a rery
Berel euaraatee, and with tha factory
tleeaatueodto raplacaallpaiucjuickly.
13, 1908
GOODS ffishssk
Clemens Sells Drug's
The Rogue River Nurseries
Are strong on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000
fancy cuttings that are rooting nicely in the reddest ol
lands. We are ready to contract for fall delivery at prices
that will surprise you. We are as well prepared to fa.
nish you with anything in line of trees and general
nursery stock.
Conklin Building Grants Pass Or,
Best irrigated small farm in Jackson County
for $2500. 40 acres in tract. 30 acres under
ditch. 20 acres under cultivation. Come and
see for yourself.
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries'
and you are sure of getting just what you order. We grow
our trees for quality not cheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, , - Agent
Office with J. E. PETERSON
Suniet Masulnt offer,
un FR TF with your order, a beautiful premium, a 75-Pin I
ANO llluitrated in four color, with US We. tern new.
Courier and
of the
Bmatioa naint
AU tha feature.
blended with
Nothing oa
b tha
Grants Pass
.sK Model Model .MSs
tha readers af this :
of tha yaar
san rs.NCiaco. cauroaiti
Oregonian $2
'O" Tourk Roadster represent! th cul
ta two-cylmdet automobile construction,
oi tha baw f.RiAii. trivial IC are here
racy, chic line of tha high-pneed
market today can compan farotahlr
wan the type "U lor au arou
serrieeahility, etyle, raliabJiry sod Low
This ear with s finely finished
trunk oo tear aalU foe I30U V.M
tingle tumble asat oa trunk. $13231
and with double iadrridaal aeaa)
teat, $1350. F.O.B. Ua Agl