Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 13, 1908, Image 5

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X? Trail of &e
Lonesome Pine
Have you read it?
If not-don't wait-it's
By John Fox, Jr. the
writer of the
"Little Shepherd of
Kingdom Come"
For Sale at
Sabins Drug Store
a two
several days
at Hulr-
Vouni, weigh and measwt everything yw.
Auv American Qrocer.
We have
New English Walnuts, per It).... 20
New Soft Shell. Almonds, per It).. 20
New Brazil Nuts (Nigger toes).. 20
New Filberts and PineNuts 20
New Seeded Raising, 16 oz 12 H
New English Currants 12
good .... V ..12
New Black Figs, 10c, 31b for 25
New Cape Cod Cranberries, very
Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel.
Eastern Sheled Pop Corn (the
,klnd pops.
Sampsou'f Boiled Cider (for tlmt
mince p. eat.
Sampson's Sweet Cider (filtered).
Fancy Carolina Head Rice.
New Japan Rice.
Fresh Self - Rising Buckwheat
Flour (the finest ever).
Johnson's Sliced Pineapple 30
Tillman's whole Pineapple. 31b
can 30
"Singapore" Sliced Pineapple ..10
Pimolas (StufTed Olives) 10
New Cod Fish, middles and 21b
New Mackerel, each 15
Chase & Sanborn's Coffee 20c,
25c, 30c, and 40c (none bet
ter is there?) ,
AH the leading varieties of Teas.
Will have Oranges, Bananas,
Celery, Lemons, etc., .,
White House
Mr. sn Mrs. RST Wrilihr 8U(,
ret. are v,8,t,Bg ftlMd jo ",d
W 1 r-..n .
" iu,,er i" back from
ek"isit to Paget Sound po
Audewon spent
week. "iCe district
'umion Oil Heaters
Riddle Hardwnro r;
A. C. Frye visited Roeeborg early
In the week looking after business
Come and tee the sel.ct line of law,
Ik and satin waists at Mrs. W.nsh-tal8-
1 1-13 It
. Attorney A. C. Hough visited Ash
and early in the week, looking after
legal matters.
Nine foot cedar anchor posts for
woven wire fence at Hair-Riddle
Hardware Co's.
John Saoer has unit thB ..l
bueinegg at Crercent fit ,i
turned to Grant Pass.
Old papere for gale. Two buncbfs
for 5c until ths present lot is goue.
11-6 If
Ke. A. J. Hollingsworth will
preach at the Murphy school lions
aunuay afternoon at 8 o'clock
n j
veuar rence posts 10 cents each
while the present Btock lasts,
Hah--Rlddle Hardware Co's.
Jure urace Bunch White arrived
1 Tt , .
uero neouesaay, rroin her heme at
Lamoiue, Cal. for a visit of several
weeks with relatives and friends,
Airs. Amy Booth Holmes, Miss
Ethel McKniglit and Miss Lucy
ueorge visited Ashland friends for
a day or two last week.
FOR SALE Dining room furni
ture, china closet, book cases, hat
ravk. etc. Geo. P, Cramer, 620 N
3d street. 11-1 3-tf
Harry Brown says be began ihe
day just right he started in with
Folger's Golden Gate CofTee which
had been ground fresh that morning.
Ueorge Snow left Monday morning
for San Francisco, near which place
he will be employed in an automobile
hop. He will be associated in this
work with Floyd Patrick, a former
Grants Pass boy. George says when
lie returns to Grauts Pass he will
come in his own touring car.
Pink Building Paper at Hair-Rid
Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Brown,
formerly of this city but lately of
Marshfield, passed through Grants
PaM"We4nesday on their way to New
York, where Rev. Brown will have
the pastorate of one of the suburb
chore lies. He was at one time pas
tor of the Presbyterian church of this
city. Several old time friends ot the
conple were down to the train to great
them as they parsed through.
Gray Building Paper at Halr-Rld-
Albert Coe and wife retoroed to this
city last Frlaay after an absence of
nearly year, goring which time
Mr. Coe was connected with one of
the large stores of St. Louis. Aboot
ix weeks ago he was taken sick and
after a short stay in the hospital, de
cided to return to Grants Pass. Their
many friends are pleased to see them
Redaction Millinery Sale at Mrs.
Waughtal's Thursday, Tiiday and
Saturday of neit week. 11-H-lt
Claud A. Jones arrived from Mc
Clond, Cal., Tnesday and will visit
for some time with his father. Aloozo
Jones, onejoftbe thrifty farme of
tbe Frnltdale district. The young
man has been away from Grants Pass
for some little time and his friends
are glad to welcome his return.
Ilex Flintkote Roofing is rain
,,f wind nroof and sun proof.
Hi I in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n I SOME BARGAIN POINTERS
! I I I I I I I II I I I I II Il'M-
H n ,
rumer ouyi copper-
Gold Properties in South-
News Notes From tne Business
Men to Keidera.
ern Josephine County,
Carried In stock and sold only
Halr-Rlddle Hardware Co's.
The Portland Journal of the 7th,
aayi: "Honore-Palmer, son of Mrs.
Potter-Palmer, baa purchased the
group of copper gold claim owned by
the Southern Oregon Copper com
pany in the Blue Ledge district of
upper Applegate river. The consider
sticn is not made public, but it is
known to be a large sum, as the group
oonght is not only one of the richest,
bat also developed of the Blue
Le3ge district. Mr Palmer has in
vested considerable mooey in southern
r i -
wieguu oaring me past two years,
placing it both in fruit lauds and
mines. This recent purchase, however
is one of the largest he has made in
this fectioo.
Mr. Palmer has placed a crew and
will b gin the active development of
the clams at ouce. The properties
have been under development for sev
eral years by the original locators,
among whom are several southern
Oregon and Spokane mining men.
The claims are opened bv tunnels.
F. H. Harrtngtou has purchased the j
Arcade restaurant from Mrs. Smith.
George S. Calhoua has a window j
d'splay this week which is attracting a
large amount of attention, and con
sists of a litter of puppies and Bel
gian hares.
Mrs. Wanghtal offers bargains in
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
J. E. Peterson, Pioneer Insurance Man.
M. Clemen. Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
Alfred Letcher, Registered Optout
trimmed and street hate next week ; etriBt and Jeweler In Dixon sold stand,
r runt street, eyes tested tree.
Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., savi
"I have only taken four dotes of Da
Witts Kidney aud Bladder Pills and
J they have done fur tue more than any
become ! other medicine lias ever doue. Sold
or Aiuuei urug store.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from
90o np. 11-13 It
Kayo Lamps at Halr-Rldle Hard
ware Co's.
The fog, which has now
recognized as a blessing in disguise
to this land of fruit and flowers,
hangs heavily over the city these
mornings, but the afternoons are
During the last few days that the
colonist rates were in effect more
than 1300 people came to Oiegon on
one way tickets to make this state
their pertnauent horn,
If you want an inside finish tat
will not wear nor scratch and one
that you can wash with hot water,
get CHINAMEL at Halr-RIddie's.
In the game of football at the Nor
Special sale on blauketa and comforts
for two weeks at Garduer & Co,
11-13 tf
the diet est of these being driven to a, mal Campus at Ashland receutly the
depth of soma 400 feet, from which . Grants Pass High School received
depth a crosscut exroees the main ore drubbing to the tone of 27 to 0. The
body. The upper tunnel is in 80 feet score probably accounts for'the sileuoo j
on the vein. The main ledge is from j of oar team on their return. I
seven to 10 fett wide. The ore is sal-1 J. F. Wioknm. manager of the!
phirle throughout, the values rnn-! Alameda Consolidated Mines Com-i
uingrromsroo per cent copper, nve pany. was in the city Monday en
ounces silver and 3.80 a ton in gold. I ,oate to Alameda atfer several weeks
It is a good smelting proposition and ! tyf,ot at Portalud. The Alameda
the new owner will develop it for ! Comnanv is makimr verv satiafactorv
rtwl lint inn h maltinn 11 I
Salvation Army.
The city fathers of Boise, Idaho,
voted a donation of $500 to the Sal
vatlon Army, to be used in relief
work this coming winter among the
citys poor. We do not ask the city
people of Grants Pass to do like
wise. but we ask of those, who be-
i lteve In being charitable to the poor
and unfortunate, to kindly assist
us in our work it's wii.'er o-.
( -a tl-.i bo by m i tint; u& a don.t'.'o-i
ot furniture, clothing, bed clothing,
dishes, money, fruits, vegetables, or
any other articles that would tend
touted tht comfort, oi bappiesv of
someone else.
Preaching morning and evening by
the pastor. The chorus choir will
render a new anthem at the morning
service aud by request Prof. Mo-
Murray will sing Sankey's great song
"The Ninety snd Nine" at the even
ing service. Sunday school at 10 H.
L. Gikley, superintendent. Junior
League at 8, Mrs. M. C- Findley,
superintendent. Epworth League at
6:30, D. H. StovaU, president
The undersigned wish to express
their sincere thanks to the many
friends who kindly assisted them dur
ing their late affliction in the illness
and death of husband and father.
Mrs. James Savage and children.
Reduced Railroad Rates
For the following occasions re
duced rates on the certificate plan
will be in effect from Grants Pass.
Tickets will be sold on any of the
three daya prior to or on the open
Inging day:
Ashland, November 14th, Mystic
Shrlners meeting.
Heppner, Ore., Nov. 17th & 18th,
annual Wool growers Association.
Baker City, Ore. Nov. 23d and
25th, annual meeting State Teach
ers Association.
Engine Ore., Nov., 2"th & 29th,
Annual Boys Conference, Y, M. C.
A., McMinnville. Dec. 4th and 6th,
Annual State Convention, Y. M. C.
For further Information Inquire
of R. K. Montgomery,
Agent S. P. Co. 11-1 3-tf
Our second car of furmtnrc has armeu
and we are now busily engaged in un
loading and placing it on display. e
are a little behind with delivering .but
those who have goods ordered will re
ceive them in a few day, TJhoBewh
need new furniture can select from
Two Carloads of
5 New uooas
I beside, our already large stock. Call
$ and examine them.
I V .s
The McMnrray Vocal Recital given
Tuesday evening at the opera house
was a musical treat. Mr. McMurray
was assisted by Miss Lacosta Man
gum, elocutionist Mrs. Walker, so
prano and Mrs. Maclean, acorn pa ni it
Each and every number is deserving
of special mention as they were all
excellent. Prof. McMurray Is a musi
cian ef acknowledged ability and too
much praise cannot be given either to
his vocal or instrumental pieces. Mrs.
Walker always delights her bearers
and on Tuesday evening was In good
voice. In a vocal recital much de
pends on the accompanist and in this
important part the professor was
furtunste in having Mrs. Maclean
beside at the piano. The opening
number of the program, "Little Brown
Baby" was pleasingly recited by Miss
Mang'iui and was greatiy enjoyed.
This was the fltst opportunity to
bear this gifted elocutionist afforded
to most of the people of Grants Pass.
It Is to be hoped that Prof. McMurray
will arrange for other recitals during
the winter.
A Point ef Rsssmblanoe.
They were dancing. The mush: was
heavenly. The swish of her silken
skirts was delightful. The fragrance
of the roses upon her bosom was sl
Sicwt Intoxicating.
"Ah," she said, looking np into his
face and smiling sweetly, "you remind
me of one of Whitman's poemst"
A sudden dizziness seemed to seize
him. It was as if be were floating
along in a dream. When he could
catch his breath to speak be asked:
"Which one"
"Oh. any gneT she replied. Ths
feet ere sll mixed jnp In all ef them."
Crantierries, New Raisins, Currants
progress in erecting new buildings
and getting -ready to blow in their
smelter, the material for which is
now being hauled by wxgon from
Merlin, where it was unloaded by the
Southern Paoifio.
The city council held a regular
meeting in the council chambers last
Thursday evening and transacted a
large amount of routine business. A
franchise wss asked by the Rogue
River and Southern Railway for the
use of Sixth street from the Bridge
to G street and then up O street to
the terminal ground. The applicant
was referred to the street oommittee.
Sewers and street Improvements were
discussed and other matters of slight
impottanoe disposed of.
M. E. Stnrtevant has come to the
conclusion that Grants Pass is ths
best place on earth aud therefore
good place to Invest money. Dniing
the last week he purchased ahonseand
lot on B street from Mrs. Alice Kin
ney, house and lot from Daniel Wil
son, two lots on B street from John
Hair and a lot on B street from Moss
and Williams. These parcbsies sdded
to his other holdings make Mr. Stnrte
vant one of the large property owners
of the city.
Frank James left Thursday for
Williams Creek where be will look
after mining interests. He has been
spending several weeks in town while
recovering from the effects of an acci
dent which befell him several weeks
ago. While working in a shaft on his
prospect back of the Jewett mines, a
rock, which had been loosened by the
first rains, fell, striking him In the
back. As this was the third time he
bad been injured in the same place,
the wound was a very pa'nful and
annoying one. When he left for
Williams Creek, however, he had al
most recovered.
Get a Universal meat cutter at
Hair-Riddle's and you will save the
price of It In one month If you will
use it aa much as possible.
Hello, Central! Give me Mackey '
the Photo man. His work Is the '
best. Oposite post office. II. C. ,
Mackey, Grants Pass. 11-1 3-lt ,
E. A. Seasons who bat offices in ths
Canterbury Building, Portland, is;
anxious to hear from the mining men 1
of this state who are di-Mrious of .
attending the American Mining Con
gress at Pittsburg, Pa., December 2
to 5. Oregon is entitled to 10 dele
gates to be appointed by the Governor
and as there are many important
questions to oome before the congress
it is desired to have a full represen
tation from this state. j
Judge John H. Hcott of Salem was a
Grants Pass visitor Thursday and in
the evening met at the Commercial
Club rooms with a 'number of our
business meo to discuss the holding of
a Good Roads Convention here daring
the latter part of this month. A
committee consisting of Jndge
Stephen Jewell, H. C. Kinney, J.
O. Booth, Wm. JJair nd H. L. An
drews, was named to take'tbe matter
in haad and they will meet this after
noon to make the arrangements. The
date decided on is fXovember 23. At
that 'timeJudge Scott will retnrn
here and will address 'the 'people on
the subject of good roads. A literary
program will probably
The Rev. Irl It. Hicks Alumnae
For 1909, ready Nov, IB. bigger and
better than ever, by mall 35 cents,
on news stands 30 cents. One copy
free with Word and Works monthly
magazine at fl a year. Word and
Works Pub. Co,, 221 Locust street,
St. Louis. Mo, 11-13-St
. be-
Fii-Mt ItaptlKt Church.
The Sunday morning service
gins at 10:30, when the pastor
preaches on "Heart Hardening".
The Bible school In charge of Supt.
Hackett meets at 11:45. TheYoung
People meet at 6:30. A temperance
meeting will be conducted by Judd
Taylor. At 7:30 Is tho evening
hour of worship. The sermon Is on
the topic "Soft South Winds". A
cordial Invitation Is extended.
Agents for Tompkins' Glove fitting
corsets Gardner & Co. 11-18 tf
Excursion to the City of Mexico.
On Tuesday, Decern bo r 15 th, the
Southern Pacific Company will run
an excursion train from San Francis
co to the City of Mexico and return
Tickets may be purchased at Grants
Pass for this excursion for $93.40,
round trip, first-class, with Btop
over privileges, limited to return
February 15th. Come and see me
about this trip if you contemplate
making It or write to me aud I will
go and see you or send a man. Mr.
W. 11. Jenkins of the General Pass
enger Agent's office, Portland, Ore.,
will -ilso tuke ploasure In seeing you
about this trip, or Mr. Emil Pell of
Ashland wilt arrange all details.
11-13-61 Agent 8. P. Co.
Tho Christian Sclenoe service will
be held Snnday, November IS, 1909 at
11 a. tu. at the W. O. W. halL Subject
"MorUls and Imortals." All are
cordially invited to attend.
Ue Newest
In Tinware
We bave just received in a large
shipniujji from the feSJory, and we
offer tbe lbllowing '
f j
New Kfnk Pot Covers .5
Family Dippers 10
Wonder Eg Beaters .10
Soup Strainers 15
Buffalo Sieves 20
Handy. Sifters 25
Oil Stove Tea K'ttles .30
Eug Poachers 50
Cereal Cookers 1.25
Galo Wash Boilers.. 1.25
Savory Roasters 2.50
Copper Wash Boilers
and many others
Special 25 per cent
discount on Amethyst
Granite Ware
Cramer Bros.
Heaters Ranges
Housekeepers should bear In mind,
that when asked by canvassers or gro
cers to purchase a phosphate baking
powder, that if they value their
health they will refuse such powder.
Phosphate baking powder Is mads
from burning the bones, gathered at
slaughter houses, whether from dis
eased animals or not It is thea
mliad with a solution of oil of vitriol.
Snob baking powder sells for SI
cents a pound.
Be on ths safe aids and protect your
health by demanding the Purs Cream
of Tartar kind, which is made from
tbe purest of grapes.
Read ths label and don't be de
ceived. 10-80-ot
lluildlng paper
Hardware Co's.
at Halr-Rlddle
sale at
'A Poor
Nov. 1921-MllIiuery
Nov. 10-Lee Willsrd in '
Relation" at Opera House.
Thursday, Nov. an, Danoa at Savags
Creek hall, ticket, Including supper
and horse feed, 1100. 11-18 81
Nov. 36 "The Holy City" at opera
We make a specialty of engagement
and wedding rings Letcher, ths
jeweler, Front street, opposite ths
and 'mnslcal
Again I want to call
your attention to
cfQ Coffee
It's my own Special Blend the very best tobe had
for tho money anywhere.
I make a (specialty of fine Coffees and Teas, and
anything gold by me may be relied upon
as to botli quality and quantity
Gibson's Grocery
Front Street, opposite Depot.
Phone 61 Grants Pass Ore.
snd Nuts at Pardets.
1 1 B2 alo armttyd for thenccai(n.