Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 13, 1908, Image 3

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AVour m
UNI 1U11 f
For San Jose
Scale and use
Sampson's Concentrated Lime
and Sulphur Solution
. rhe BCSe 19 ,ess vigorous in the fall, and more easily and surely destroyed
.ndHI I?7 Tyl:ZZ no1"6 B0" 18 th best toJSttt
ana Kill it If )0U spray now, many a valuable tree will be saved that otherwise
because of he scale, woold not retain life enough to start up in tSe spr nT
the JS and 2L fhfn ?IME N0WThere less wind to scatter and waste
the spray, and make it hard to cover every part. Then, too vou cannot tell what
TfSP SPrftt the iM- ABOVE ALL, the
SPRAY 1 A MP5nv' T i vt i?6 a?Utely Certain' Provided- of coup. that you
These are all "Spray Facts"
We claim no wonderful chemical discovery in this spray, but we do claim
most empuatically that
Sampson's Lime and Sulphur Solution always produces
satisfactory results, and does no injury. There is no
better spray manufactured than Sampson's Lime and
Sulphur Solution.
Sampson's Lime and Sulphur Solution is a clear, cherry-colorrd eolation
free from sodiment. It is guaranteed to test 30 degrees Baume. If youe dealers
cannot supply you, write to us. BE SURE YOU USE SAMPSON'S SPRAY.
Manufactured By
Grants Pass Canning' Co.
Grants Pass Oregon
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks $3.00
Stove Wood
1 Tier Manzatiita $2.50
1 Tier Oak $2 75
1 Tier Fir $2 50
1 Tier Pine fi-
Chuuk Wood
1 Tier Oak $2 50
1 Tier Fir $2 25
ITier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust $1 00
1 Load Kindling $1-0
Tbat districts of th northwest
which prodoce apple may secure val
able pnblioity at the national apple
show, a ipeoial contest has been ar
range by the management which
makes no restrictions on the exhibitor
and permits aoy decoration and ar
rangement desired. This contest was
arranged at the 'request of a number
of oommerial clubs in Washington.
Idaho and Oregoo which were desir
ous of making district displays aside
from those already arrangedwhich do
uot provide for any publicity schemes
"While the national apple show is
educational in purpose," said Mana
ger H. J. Neely,""we appreciate its
importance as an advertising medium
tothefrait districts of the country,
and in deference to their requests, we
have arranged this special contest,
which permits the exhibitor to get as
mnch publicity from It as possible.
Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for
pumping, spraying, aawing. grinding.
Outfits complete.
Fairbanks Scales for weighing.
Kairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors
for lower and light. ..,
Fairbanks-Morse Windmills andj rowers.
p.irh.nk..M..r8e Unnders, freed mop-
pern, Weil Tump. . , ri ,
All first Duality goods at lowest prices.
Always in clock. Liberal terms.
reply-10 inquiries and quick shipments.
Write for catalogue and prices.
rstt A KTS PASS HDW. C' Agent i i
Grants Pass. Oregon
TJftTJTTiVll Ot?
This contest is for the frait districts
of the northwest especially, although
It is open to the world. A space
sufficient for large exhibit will be
given to each district which enter
the contest, and it may mnle such use
of it as it desire. 1 he prize aggre
gate 1500, of which 1400 is cash and
in addition a beantifal diver onp
which will cost $100 and which will
be furnished by the board of trub
tees." Another new contest also ha been
arranged, it being fot the best speci
men of a new apple. A number of
growers throoghout the country have
written that they have in their or
chards apple which belong to no
known variety. Manager Neely is of
the opinion tbat many of these apples
belong to some variety with whioh
the grower is not acquainted and this
contest was arranged to determine if
possible, the name of inch apples
and if they are leally new applt to
give them a name.
Last Saturday at Medford was held
a meeting of vast importance to the
froit grower of that vioioity. Pro
fessor U'Gata, the pear blight
spec alist from Wat.hingtou D. C.
was the principal speaker and his
talk was full of wit and wisdom.
Following are a few exrtact from
what he said: If yon are tired of th
pear baeine? and want to get oat of
it. jnet quit work and the blight will
take yon out.
The work in regard to eradicating
blight ia never "pretty" Rood. You
never use that term in regard to egK.
they are either good or bad.
If yon'do not want to tats time to
grow pears right, better cut cot yoni
own tree ai d bny yoor pear of yonr
neighbor rather thau let the blight
take yonr and his also. Irrigation
of pears is dangerous and unnecessary
even on granite soil. Live pear
blight is always damp. In this re
spect it differs from anthraonoae.
Pear blight is incurable. No known
spray will effect it. Cut it out quick.
In regard to Bordeaux fpray it
should be applied to all tree as the
cheapest possible Insurance policy.
Selby blnestoue is no good. Buy
rastern article tt sting 95 to 98 per
cent. Bordeaux well made is By blue
in color. Any ther shade is wrong.
Bluettone of itself is a valuable stinm
laut to growth, similar to a fertilizer.
All spraying is preventative, not
curative. Dou't use old Bordeaux
spray ; it is dangerous. Don't make
it or keep it in metal tanks or
buckets. It won't sUy.
Mr. Hoover was introduced a the
greatest pear blight fighter in the
valley. He said : "I have 1000 trees
in bearing. When Prof. O'Uara ar
rived they were practically gone bnt
he has saved my orchard. I hav not
a case of blight left. If I had bad
each advice a year ago it would have
saved m $5000."
A. H. Carson spoke of the good
work being dona and encouraged the
growers by hi forcjful remarks and
nrged them to use the professor by
taking him oat into their orohards,
remarking that be was not a police
man, had no axe to grind or anything
to sell and that .Uncle Sam pays all
bis bills.
Arrangement are being made to
have Professor O'Oara spend a week
In the vicinity of Grant Pass, visit
ing the orchards, and it is probable
that a publio meeting will be held in
order to give the fruit grower here
an opportunity to hear a discussion
of matter pertaining to the fruit
Industry. It will be remembered that
daring the summer an open air meet
log was held in the orchard of Ueorge
A. Hamilton and those who attended
felt well repaid for th '.time spent
and many of them have profited
greatly by patting into practice thing
that were learned at that time.
I Pioneer Awaying and Rtf. Co. I
I ... -. - aaa rv? naara Cioltl 4V
capital lou.wu. - .c r
I baie bullion: cyanides rich ore e c fa
I bought ; assaying SOe. Spot cash""
I assavmg values. 131 5th it. near b.
I 8. Mint, San Francisco, lal. J
'ow Ittciif tl t
iporrng Good.- Store on tith treet J
A Common Cold.
Werliim that if catching cold could be
avoided some of the nifwt dangtroua and
fatal diHeawa would never be heard of. A
col.! often forma a culture bed for gernis of
infectious diaeaaes. Consumption, pneu
monia, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four ol
the most dangerous and fatal dieae, are ol
thin class. Th culture bed formed bv the
cold favors the development of th germs o'
thes diseases, that would not otherwise line
lodenL Titer la little danger, howetret
of any of then disease being conlrartc.
when a good expectorant cough inediviiu
like t'hsmlrlin's ( ough Remedy i u-
it cleans out tliet culture teds lhl 1st
the development of the germs of then- i!
eii.te. Tlutt is why this remedy hK pr...
u iini rental ly snn-esHfiil in preventing .
niiiia. It not cultures jour cold quit
Iml mininiin the ri-ic of conlru'ling :l..
I:in"e-uu dine-. Kr sale b M. ( Imvi
I ..A
arc full -bottom Dutch
men. There isn't much
nervous prostration in
Tear tracer rerun rear nT I imm'
Bka fckilUai'i Btsli par kia
The Immigration of bomeseekers
into Oregon shows no sign of abating,
but rather is on the increase. Many
rf the new comers are farmers who
have disovered tbat although the best j Kidney
Hundred of Gravnle P&ee Re(xd
era Know What il Msant.
I I 1 1 ail i" "Tmw
rttr:.. -tr!.h Hiizel Salve
lfl?"tlW" "v..
pecially good for pile. "
mended and fold Dy;Model2Dms'.'re-
1,1 HclHTYRE
r. rrnl! TO C C DAMtLi
II lliw . - - -
! Sixlli St.-
of the land has t een taken by the !
early settlera, mnch of that which !
remains offers better opportunities than
Fome in the farming district of the
eastern states. Thl confidence in the
The kidney are overtaxed: have
too mnch to do. They tell about it
in many ache and pain backache,
(ideache, headache, early ymptom
of kidney ills Urinary trouble,
diabetea. Bright' disease fo'low
L. Mathews of 1218 Khort St., Ros
burg, Ore., fa: "I was troubled
with backache and it Idm y roirplaiut
and though I ured a great tuauy
reniedits and fpent iota of money for
treatnient, I could get no prsitlve
re'lef. I hurt my back at ote time
and that reeuicd Zio wake me ix-rma
nent trouble. Being attracted by
statements, recommending Doan'i
Kidney Pill, decided to try them,
and ?got a box. Since using Dean
Pills my kidneys have been
The only baking powder made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, the
officially approved ingredient for
a wholesome, high-class powder
Tbert I trcater deceptloa hi the sal of baking powder tha iver before.
Cloicljr ebterv Um label sad fr Mrtalo ol etllo ItoyaL
Government Engineers to Make
Invewtlgavtiona In South
acting In t a normal way and
have gathered tone and strength.
Tha aching and other ymp
torn have gone. I can 'conicient-
ioosly state tbatnDcn'lKidney Pill
fotnre vsloe of these unimproved I re the bet kiduey remedy 1 know
lands i shown by the sale of tat of." Kor sale by all dealer. Price
land which have been made recently. ! 50 cents. Foster-Mllborn Co., Buffalo
During theist jtwoears 2,21 New York, Sole agent fortbef United
iTTe have Iteen sold, which Is more states. Remember the name rn'a
in an Ave times what was sold during 1 aD( taktTno other. " " 11 6 2t
Tha state of Oregon includes within
its boundaries an area almost as large
a the ta;e of Ohio uotraversed by a
alngle mile of railroad. To the town
of Silver Lake, in this area, belong
the distinction of being the postoffloe
farther awayfrom a railroad than any
other in the United State. It is 17A
miles from the nearest railway station
to Silver Lake, and over this distance
supplies of all kinds snob as hardware,
foodstuff, and, in faot, everything
tbat i not raiaed in the immediate
vicinity must be hauled by team;aud
y t, contrary to the popular notion,
the connry about this town 1 far
from being a barren desert. In tha
past stock raising lias been the prin
cipal Industry, for lack of transporta
tion facilities has made it profitable
to raise only each produce as oould be
fed to stock that cau be driven to
market The soil is. however, well
adapted to dry-farming nmthods and
on some area that can be artificially
watered almost any of the ordinary
farm prod uot can be successfully
grown. The country consist of a
rather high plateau, varying in al
titude from about 3000 foet above sea
ou its eastern border to about 4000
feet on the west.
It i bounded on the north by the
Blue and Btrawbery mountain and
on the weat by tha Cascade Range,
The stream dra'ning the northern.
eastern and western slopes of these
mountain find their way to the si a
through the Columbia; thorn of the
southern dopes drain into lakes, from
which the water escapes only by
evaporation, and which belong to
what is known as the Oreat Baaln
drainage. The principal stream
flowing to the sea are Malheur and
Denchute rivers, the main tributary
of the lat named being Crooked
River; th principal stream flowing
to the Oreat Basin are Cliewaucan
River, Silver Greek, Silver River,
and Donner and Blitzen river. In ad
dition to the water supply represented
by these streams, considerable water
for both irrigation aud domestio nse
can probably be obtained from arte
Klitn wells when n ttlement make it
Under agreement made by the
United State geological Survey with
the reclamation service bureau, and
state official of Oregon, an investl
gation of the water supply of this
area I to be undertaken. (Jagiiig
station are to be located on all the
principal streams to determine their
flow, a large number of rainfall
ettloiia"will be established for the
purpose of ascertaining the amount of
precipitation in the various drainage
basins, and a rtudy will be made of
the reclamation between the precipl
The question of inirounding water
for irrigation in large reservoirs itn
mediately brings np the question of
evaporation, and station at whioh
tbia phase of the subject will be
studied will be established on four or
tive of th principal lake.
A the reclamation of any portion
of thl large area will depend eutirely
on the water inpply that can be made
available for moh portion, no definite
project can be taken np until the
water supply hs been thoroughly in
vestigated. The result of the in
vestigations now to be undertaken
w 11 be published by tba United
State geological survey In 'reports
tbat will be available for free distri
bution. Immediately supervision of
the work will rest with the Portland
office of the survey, of which J. CI
Steven Is in charge. The co-operat
ing boreaos are represented by D. 0.
Henny, supervising engineer, United
Statee Reclamation Bervloe, Portland
by Edward A. Reals, section director
of the United State Weather bureau.
Portland and by John H. Lewis, state
engineer, Salem, Ore. The field work
will he under the direction of R. B.
Post, Prlnavllle, Ore.
Messrs. Walter and Wynaot were at
the Pas Tuesday with a load of meat
which they disposed of for 10 cent
per pound.
The Roan and Autsln families were
plouickltis; last Sunday.
Tbia school district received 14 new
seats last week also a globe, diction
ary and wall map of the United
tatea. The director are preparing to
hulld a new school house next spring
a soon a the school closes. A
special tax haa been levied for th
prpose which will bring the diatrio
lfl()0 for that purpose.
O. C. Wynant was at the Pas
Tuesday on business.
Miss Bs MoOoltn visited with
her parents at the Pass Saturday and
Messrs. Bert York, Victor Dunte 1
aad H. 8. Wynant were at the Pans
Where, Oh, where I "Eben," also
Fruit, Shade
Hedge plants, Cypress and Privet
Berry Plant
ToKay Grapes
as well as other kinds of first class
grape roots. Apple, I'ear, Peach,
Cherry and other trees at reasonable
prices. It will pay you to see me
tation and the run off of thet reams, 'before buying.
two preceding year.-
Phone 51?
11 1 -
lMutcii .1 v n
with Centner uaidfcC
"Siecial eale cf extra wide, all silk
77 ni this week. 20 cent ribbonfgo
,,. r. nt at Gardener &. l u. 11-H t
We make a specialty of engagement
fT rings Lstcher, the
jtj street, oppositfltbe
and 1
f 1
whose flow varies as greatly from
season to seamn as d(eti the rainfall.
"Project to reclaim thisarea by ir
rigation will therefore involve Jthe
construction of reservoirs in which
the flood waters of the streams can be
stored to'make them available during
the irrigating period.
Let me have your orders tie fore
the assortment is broken. Some
kind? are scarce already.
I.T. Taylor
Office in brick near Coort House