Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 06, 1908, Image 8

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"Ner Eastern Mackerel
Codfiish, bricks and strips
Holland Herring
Fresh Eggs
J . JParciee
17 G Street Near Palace Hotel
Research Bureau of the department
of Economics and Political Science of
the Vnivernlty of Oregon is collecting
a great dual of valuable data for the
Tiae of the members of lie legislature
at the coming Hewtion. The facts on
both sides of questions tinder consider
' atlon are gathered from all ronrces
and place 1 in convenient form for
reference. Some of the qneutions
lieing investigated are the following
"Comparison of the finanical
Trovixions of the Oregon StateOon
Htitotion with those of .Contemporary
State Constitutions, and with t hone of
present day Constitutions. "
"Orapbi' showing of the develop
ment of the different sop reed of Ore
gon State revenues."
"The Paulflo Northwost internal
-waterways systems. "
"Oregon water power resources and
a desirable state policy. "
"Graphic showingjof the develop-
I Joys Are Slow to Enter
the Race.
Only About Six More Week for
Work In the Uolden
Eagle Contest.
The girls of Jiwpehlne oouoty ar
the only ones who are nxious to se
cure a considerable amount of money
or Christmas, at least it seems so
from the way the Courier Qolr!en
Kagle Contest is going, for as yet not
a Coy lias sent In his name aa a con
wsiaut. lioys, do you know that
right now there is an opportunity
offered for you to show what you are
made of a chance to win a tU)
irie for six weeks work, and there
is not a boy in the county who could
not win if he s t out for it and speut
one hair ol his spare time. Now
twys, get to the front.
une girl, Miss Kertha Kennedy of
"Williami, has asked toiave her name
tateu from the list of contestants.
Mis Kennedy, however baa received a
oonsidorable nuuiWJif votes during
the ht week. Two more names
have been added to the llt. Mar
noritte South and Ruth Smith. While
those girls have lost some time there is
no reason why they should not be at
the bead of the list by another week
f they get out among their friends
and get subscribers. It might be well
o;metition right here Jthat w will
Rive each contestant a receipt look
and other binoks for use in the con
test. A receipt given by a contextaut
is as binding on the Courier as one
.given by its proprietor.
Spetlnl for Next Week.
will give a spoolat priae of A5
ThU Coupon b Veld II Not
Courier's Golden
nieotof different line of publio ex
pend it tire."
"Oregon ' public .lands policy
"Oregon's school fund aud system of
common reboot finance."
"Oregon'i wigon road appropria
tions and systems of state highways. "
"Financial statistics of railways of
(be Pacifio Northwest."
1 be information gathered will also
be placed at the aerr Ice of the public,
who may get the remilts by Inquiring
at the University when tlie work its
De Witt's Little Erly Risers,
iilcanant little pill that are easy to
take. Sold by Model Drug 8 tore.
The famous Treadwell mines of
Alaska will have one of tlie moot
valuable exhbiti at the A lnnba Yukon
Pad He Imposition in Seattle in 1U0M
that was ever shown to the public. It
will couxist of bricks and bars of
real gold, tons of the rich gold quartz,
and many sucks of the richest concen
trates, the total of all being clone to
half a million dollars. This company
will likewise have as part of its ex
hibit, a small mill ng plant at which
gold ore from the Treadwell will be
treated the fame, as at the iireat.woiks
on Douglas Maud. The Triad well Is
one of the oldest mines in Alalia,
baviog been in almost continuous
operation for 25 years and it has pro
duced on an averagi of $2,000,000 in
gold a year, half of which is profit.
The ore In the Treadwell runs very
low In value, not averaging over $2 a
ton and the mine annually takes out
1,000,000 tons of ore. Nowhere in
the world is the economy of mining
practiced so extensive!'. The cost of
mining, milling and operation routs
lews than a dollar a ton, gntng come
years to as low as 87 cents a too. The
Treadwell takes its name from it
discoverer, James Treadwell. It is
now owued by the English Roths
New Raisins Currants. Nuts and
Cranberries at Par ieeg. 11 C
to the contestant who brings in the
griia'ent number of new Subscribers
sect) red between Monday morning,
Nov. 9 and Saturday uight. November
14 The sobscibers received already
tliis week will not count on. this for
we are giving Kiuniuin Pens this
week. Who will get the 5. Remem
ber there is still time to euter the ron
test. Get to wort this week and win
the 5.
Oo to your frieuds and ask them
to subscribe for the best county
weekly In Southern Oregon. They
will take it if yon do. Each sub
sprlptioa secured gives you 500 vott s.
Ihe ctudidates and their votes to
date are :
Mabel Darnell , niM
Maude Reynolds, UFO No 2 . . 1310
Pearl Kenrns 10W1
Keta Mowers 735
Ruth JSmltli (S!!,5
Edna Cornell 475
Ada Hrockman, Merlin 47ft
Klla Turner, Kerby 40ft
Tracy Htith, Kerby 315
Margooritte South 2115
Rules of Golden Eaale Contest.
1. The Golden Eagle Contest shall
close Tuesday, December 23, at 10 :30
o'clock p. m. and no coupons will
hs received after that hour, ext-ept
inose seui uy man, wnien ninnt show
evidence by postmark that they were
mailed Wore that hour.
e. v umeMui snail De young meu
and womeu under 20 yeirs of age
The contestant reueiving the highest
uuuioer or poiuts wiu reculve f'iO in
(Joldttn Eagles. The one receiving
the next highest number of points
will receive i0 iu tloldeo Eagles.
Awards will be made as soon as possi
hie after the contest closes.
a. A coupon good for five Hilnti
will be printed in each iamie of tll
Courier during the content. Tliene
shall be cupped out and cast at
this office pinoed together in bunches.
4. Coupons will be Usued from
this offlca as follows : Three hundred
points for each fl. 50 received on sub'
srription, or two poiuts for each one
cent received on subscription. A
special 500 point Yellow Certificate
will be Issued for each uew subscrip
tion accompanied by f 1.50 iu cash.
0. Jat all coupous at the ballot
box at this ottlce before the date there-
on expires YellowC
ertittcates inut
not be cast until fh
lie ivutest ix four
weeks old.
Vettd y Navuntxr 15
Eagle Contest
At the meeting of the directors of
the Joiephine County Irrigation and
Power Company last Friday evening
H. L Gilkey was elected president,
G. H. Carner, vice-president, J. G.
R ggs, secretary and G. A. Hamilton,
treasurer. During the week the can
vassing committee have completed
the work of securing subscriptions to
the capital stock of the corporation
and will hold a meeting in a day of
two to act 00 the applications of ex
perts who have asked to make the ex
aminations along the lines of irriga
tion The officers of the company
hope to have aa ixpett at work ex
amining ' the heads of the various
streams to find opportunities for Im
pounding flood waters aud examin
ing various points on Rogue River
where dams can be built and water
s cuiexl. The expert will also make
preliminary surveys of four ditch
lines, two on each side of the river,
each of the ditches to he about 13
miles long. The work will be puxhed
to completion iu' Jrom four to mx
weeks when a full and complete report
will be made to the directors of the
Z The subscribers to the capital stock
of the company, as it now etauds,
are as follows:
(100 Subeciptions-J. II. Ahlf, L.
D. Allen, H. L. Andrews A. D. Al
verson C. W. Anient, H. C. Uatehaui,
Samuel Bowden, F. U. Burns, p. S.
Blaucliard. I. Best, Win. Breitmayer,
E. E. Bl.inehard. J. O. Booth, A. U.
Bannard,H. C. Bobzien.G. H. Carrier,
F. A. Clements, G. S. Calhoun, C. G.
Coutant, E. L. Churchill, LeRoy
Currie, Chase, T. J. Cook, Geo. Cal
houn, Arthur Conkliu, Coron & Son,
G W. Donnell, H. L. DeAimond, Ed
Diinick, C. H. Demaray, Cramer
Bros., Chi Eismann, D. Fry, H. L.
Gilkev, Hugh M. Guthrie, O. Gibson
L. B. Hall, Geo. A. Hamiltou, D. 0.
Hefley, Herman & Flyun, J. E. Hair,
barl V. Inglee, H. C. Kinney, Gns
Karner, Kinney & Truax, W. C.
Long, Robt. McLean, Jessie Mash, G.
S. Matherson, Frank Mashburn, R. H.
ONeill, S. W. Philips. J. Pardee,
Rydon & Johnson, L. A. Roberson,
Stautun Rowell, F. W. Reid, J. G.
Kings, S. II. Riggs, W. B. Shermau,
E. V. Smith, Clans Schmidt, Geo. C.
Sabin, P. F. Swaue, Lee Sill, O. H.
Staubrough, R. A. Thomas, Dr. Vun
Dyke, A. E. Voorhies, J. S. Vau
Uus'eri, Ed VuuDyke, E. 8. Siiauk,
E. H. Wise, C. E. Wester, D. Vocd,
W. W. WaUer, Robert Robertson,
Chas. Burkhalter, T. B. Cornell, M.
Clemens, H V. Doxie, C. B. Fowler,
Dr. W. H. Flanagan, O. G. Gillette,
Grants Pass Hardware Co., Aloozo
Jones, H. D Norton, C. C. Presley,
and Mrs. Edith Rehkopf.
f jO Subscriptions M. J. Anderson,
E. A. Chtetharu, A. B. Cornell, Robert
A. Dan, G. Guyton, Henry Huck,
J. H. Harris. C. C. Hall. W. L. Ire
laud, R. E. Kulilman, Nelson E. Ma
clutT, F. U. Olding, Geo. R. Riddle
S. J. Ruske, Burt Barues, A. W. Bur
toughs, H L. Edwards, Footh &
Offing, W. F. Hull, Jordan & Cole,
Lacs & Sou, O. II. Persins and
James Trimble.
23 Subscriptions -W. Q. Scott.
Diffsrtnc In Lies.
An hngll.Hlimnn who is notorious for
his weird falsehoods returned recently
to his home In Nottingham, England.
from abroad and gave a party In hon
or of the event to his friends. He told
thoiu during the course of the evening
of the wonderful things he had seen
during his travels. Speaking of
rtmrvbes Iu rSpaln, ho said there was
one "a mile and a half long." "Itloss
my heart," said a person present who
knew tietter. "And how broad was
It?" "About ten yards." replied the
traveler. Whereuiioii the questioner
replied iu a whisper to a friend. "Well,
this Is a confounded lie, but It differs
from his other lies, which are general
ly as broad as they are long."
Our Curious Brain.
A wonderful piece of self analysis,
worthy of St. Augustine, which oc
curs In one of John iKmne'B funeral
sermons gives poignant expression to
what must doubtless have been a com
mon condition of so sensitive a brain.
"1 throw myself down iu my cham
ber and I call in and Invite God and
his angels together, and when tbey
are there 1 neglect (.iod and his angels
for the noise of a tly, for the rattling
of a coach, for the whining of a dog.
I talk on In the same posture of pray
er, eyes lifted up. knees bowed down,
as though I prayed to God. aud If God
should ask we wben I last thought of
God in that prayer I cannot tell Some-
times I nnd that I forirot what 1 wan
nooui, ixji wnen 1 began to forget It
1 cannot tell. A memorv of vitBr.
day's pleasures, a fear of tumw'i
uangers, a straw under mv kn.
uoise in mine ear. a chime in
brain, troubles me in tar n rarer
u is TO la brain turned inward nmn
Itself and darting out on ororr .1,1.
In purely random excursions that was
responsible. I cannot doubt, for all the
conrraaicuona of a career In which
the Inner logte ts not at tat apparent,
A ormon of tho Curb.
A game of tag waa iu full swing
among half a doxeu little children in
a tenement block east of Second uve
oue. Two at the youngsters were girl
of about aeven. Three were sturdy
boys of about the same age. it was a
remarkable game of tag-renuirkahle
because of the remaining participant.
Thla. too. was a boy. but each leg
from the knee down was Incased iu
Iron bands, and he was absolutely de
pendent upon a pair 01 crutcbea for
No player was more eager than the
little cripple, and not only did he suc
ceed frequently In tagging a sturdy
player,, but It waa surprising to note
bow often he eluded pursuit when an
other was "It.
"Well, you see." saill one of the
little girls In explanation. "If we didn't
do that way he coulun't have any
fun." New York Globe.
A Card Table Romanes.
Speaking of the mania of some so
ciety women for gambling, a story ia
told of an Interesting card playing ro
mance which was enacted some years
ago In Loudon:
A very rich man sat playing ecarte
with a pretty girl whom he Intensely
admired. She went on recklessly stak
ing her money till ruin stared ber in
the face.
"Doubles or quits," said the tempter.
She assented, kuowlng that she could
never pay. She lost.
"Yourself or quits." said her oppo
nent. Again the girl summoned all her wits
and looked blm straight In the fuce.
"Are you proiioslng to marry me?" she
He nodded.
He won the game, aud the pair made
one of the happiest unions known Iu
Grant and Religion.
Grant's respect for religion was
quite consistent with his high moral
attributes. It has been most truly said
of him that he was never profane or
vulgar. His friends and Intimates inn
bear ample testimony to this commend
able part of his private character. He
had promised his mother never to ut
ter on oath and had faithfully kept bis
word. He could be emphatic enough iu
his conversation, his orders and his
writing to make oaths of any kind en
tirely unnecessary. No one who knew
the man would venture a qnestlounble
story in hla preseuce. On 0110 ocvJon
after a dinner a guest In venturing an
anecdote asked In a furtive way If any
ladles were within hearing. The gen
eral, then president of the United
States, simply replied, "No. but there
are some gentlemen present," and
showed his readiness to leave the
room. Dr. Sbrady In Century.
His Covering.
One day in the spring of 1874 Cap
Smith's freight outfit pulled into Hele
na, Mon I. After unloading the freight
the "mule skinners" to a man re
paired to the combination gambling
house and proceeded to load them
selves. Late In the afternoon Zeb
White, Smith's oldest sk Inner, having
exchanged all of his bard coin for
liquid refreshment, zigzagged Into the
corral, crawled under a wagon aud
went to sleep. After supper Smith,
making his nightly rounds, happened
on the sleeping Zeb.
"Kinder chilly, ain't It?" he asked
after earnestly prodding Zeb with t!
convenient stick.
"I reckon 'tis." Zeb drowsily mum
bled. "Ain't yer 'frald ye'll freeze?"
"Tls cold, ain't It? Say, cap, Jesi
throw on another wagon, will yer?"
Everybody's Magazine.
Berlin's Good Move.
It is announced that the T.erlin po
lice nre taking stem to prevent the de
faivment of Btr'e' t- flectrp. ?i7ti--
fOW is the
The;Page Woven Wire Fence Co. t
Twenty-seven inches to first
carbon coilf.1 N.r
Page ence is
Ranch L tP
. vTSJXrS Ttm furnisbed t0,assist in thc crection of a11 F. withoat
4i It lUC.n 111 erect tenrvk ntr anr .. ' .
------ ut i age rence men '
Distributors Southern Oregon and Northern California.
iJ.,.xon' I1 he Page ??n
Daring the coming year this fact Is
going to be demonstrated once more
in the itoreworld of this town: the
store (no matter bow big or bow lit
tle it is at this moment) that makes
the greatest INCREASE in advertis
ing in efficient advertising ia going
to score the greatest increase in busi
ness, in sales , in profits. There .Is
not a shadow .of doubt about this.
You could tafsly stake all of your
property on the soundness of this
Now, io view of the self evident
truth ot the statement, should it not
mean a good deal to you personally?
The logic of the matter will prove
itself for YOU for yenr bnsiuess.
Isn't it a fine thing to aspire to be
the most efficient store advertiser in
town in the next 13 months with the
sure result of GAINING, GROWING
faster, according to present size, than
any other store
To compete iu the lists means that
your advertising no mat'er how good
now must be BETTER, must be
larger, more persistent; must cost
more sometimes "more than yon can
afford" most take its place among
the IMPORTANT things in store
geeplug. The merchant who demonstrates the
truth of this proposition during the
ensuing year will have "learned
things" in that time. He will grow
into an efficient advertiser one who
can take a business enterprise on the
point of his pen and lift it to assured
sncoes". Ex.
are but outward signs of the evil
done in secret by myriads of dan
Jnrff germs sapping the life blood
ol the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes the itching scalp,
gives lustre to the hair and stops
it falling out A single application
gives reliel and proves its worth.
Save your hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It Is a
delightful dressing for the hair,
free from grease and" sticky oils.
Ask your druggist for free booklet
roRTutN- esuen
rniuim oswooN
Protect Your Orchards From Frosts
By the Orchard Heating Devese of ihe Frost prevention Co. oi
FreMio. Cal. For Sale by
GEO. If. IWRKER, (i rants Pass, Ore.
time to
wi.1.. spue,-. 'I he fame quality of all Pa FpnrP
.. - ,Sto,.. a Mmin of ..ver 18.000 pounds.
guaranteed to be exactly as represented
j k'uuu wiiBoui cutting or lapping, bagging or sagging.
Men" v. n pp.KKI.lK. AP
The aroma-tight can protect!
it against impurities and deten
oration never sold in bulk.
Your grocer will grind it
better if ground at home-noi
too fine. w
Continuous Forformui
Every Night This Week
Except Sunday at the
Eaat Front Street
Doors Open at 705
Change of Pictures
Three times each Wei
Admission 1(f
Lame Shoulder.
This ia a common form of mnscuUr
matiam. No intemnl treatment i
Apply Chamberlain'a Liniment frerl
timet a day and a quick cure ii certain.
liniment hn proven esieciall valui'1
muscular ami chronic rheumatism. Nil
M. Clemens.
ave a Special Kabbit Proof Fence. M
pectally for this locality
- '
Cor. 6th and I Strteo
Grants Yi