Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 30, 1908, Image 8

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Nevr Eastern Mackerel
Codfiish, bricks and strips
Holland Herring
Fresh Eggs
J. Pardee
17 G Street Near Palace Hotel
O. H. Carrier lost two flue horses
lust week. The BfHt one wan hitched
to a wagon and while loading became
frightened and ran away. Tbe tongue
of the wagon struck a tree driving
the lend of the neck yoke ioto the
Iireant of one ot'JLhe horses, killing hT
almost Instantly. A few days later,
the mother of the home killed, was
running loose with a n amber of other
homes, Jaud fell, injurlug herself to
such an extent that she never got up.
300 00
138 20
419 60
50 00
d .i i .t.i-,. .lino, k thn eoantv ooart of
phtne Coanty, Oregon, for what allowad. the araonnt of Waranta outstanding
and unpaid from the Brat day of April. 1903. to the first day of Ootor
Warrants ootstanding, April 1st. 1908 12H,M
Warrants issued from April 1st, 1908 to October 1, 1908
Coanty Court Commissioners per diem odileage
Cirooit court, jurors, witnesses.bailiff, eto '
Jostioe oonrt; juror, witnesses, oonstable and justice fees opq
Sheriff's office; sheriff atd deputy ,'ouq
Clerk's office; clerk aod deputy "?
Treasurer's office; salary of treasurer
Coroners office; coroner fees, juror, witnewes, eto
School Bupt's office, s'ary, assistants, eipensee. etc;
Sfn,-t nanwtew .ul.rr
AsHesnor'i office; abseasor and deputies M
Atscsimient aud collection of taxes
en Ail
Conuty cemetery, improvements
Current expenKes ; printing, books, postHKe, etc, all offices l.OCi t
Conrt bonne; janitor, water, lights repairs, tae etc ' .
Jail; board of trioiiets, mud atteudaiice, supplies, eto 445 ( I
Cum nnnr: rnnnrv nh VHiriari. coontV home, burial, etc i. ct
Refund on noeipired liqaur liceuntiS 0
F.rries I
Election, registration, supplies, judges clerks, eto 1,(53 j
Roads and highways lumber, labor, supervisors, etc 8,214 64
County high school .5,000 00
County board of health salary of secretary W) 00
Juvenile court; commitments and expense . 5
County fiuit inspector; per diem aud expeuses 50
Estimated accrued interest 9'0l' 00
Total 1162,04)3 45
Warrants cancelled from April 1st. 1908 to October 1st, 1988 129,553 91
Taxes unpaid, 190? tax.roll 9 944 54
Amount due ootintv from tax sales 05
I Net liabilities $118,346 95
Always u n 1 f o r m our
best product sold in 1 lb.,
2 lb., 2 lb. and 5 lb. cans.
Your grocer will grind it
better if ground at horn; not
too One. ,
Continuous Performance
Every Night This Week
Except Sunday at the
Eaal Front Street
Doors Open at 7:15
Change of Pictures
Three times each Week
Admission 10c
Total lfi2,093 45
State of Ori'gou j f ,
County of Josephine i
I. H. F. (Jhe-hrie. county clerk of the county of Joaephine, state of Ore-
unn rin kuiui.ii uitifv tlmt iIia furnuninir iii a tme and correct statement of
the number and amount of claims allowed by the county court of said county
for the B'X moutlis euding Octoue 1st, 1908, on what accounts tbe same are all
owed, aud tje amount of warranta drawa and the amount of warrants out
standing and unpaid, as the same appeared in the records in my offloe aud in
my oitioial custody.
Witness my band and official seal tliu 1st day of October, A. D., 1908.
County School Superintendent Lin
coln Savtge has completed the ap
portionment of tbe largest school fund
evr apportioned for Josephine county
and amounts to $18098.60,divided as f ' 1
Dist. Located at Amount
1 S-lma 692 20
2 Holland 2118 )
8 ... K-rby 450 01
4 Waldo 4-'5 60
5 Wilderville 3.19 20
fi Dryden W 00
7 Orsnis Pans 6777 45
8 Provolt 209 66
9 Davidson 222 5
10 Laural Urove 212 40
11 Luiand 31)6 00
12 New Hope 136 25
13 Baltimore . . 03 00
14 Muryhy 242 75
15 Placer 313 10
16 Williams 283 36
17 .Hustey 197 10
18 Allbouse 227 60
19 e 186 i5
10 Thoss 374 ti6
21 White 187 00
22 Huso 237 70
23 IxuiKe Creek 15150
24. Merlin 775 40
25 Jones Creek 141 35
M Jewell 102 10
27 Wolf Cnek 273 20
28 Fruitdale 288 62
29 Winona 217 40
30 Dimmick 212 40
31 Hoxie 278 85
32 Jeiome Prairie 339 15
33 Flovd 212 40
34 Karg 176 85
35 I'leat-antValle,, 110 90
38 Morrison 80 45
38 Golden 151 50
39 Wonder 323 94
43. .
60 .
.Cave 115 90
O'Brien 131 20
.Hancetli 2f8 IH)
Grave 207 25
.leering 126 12
Qnarzl Creek 95 07
.Glice 217 40
.Pickett Creek 161 65
Speaker 50 00
Balance from last report $ 4,490 62
State and county tax cash 48,677 15
State and county tax warrants 1,918 73
Clerk" fees 1.758 00
Amount for cemetery lots 23 00
Amount for liquor license 100 00
Amoont for estate fund 18 16
Amount for duplicate warrant 80 00
Amount for fines 150 00
State warrant for lint, of names 20 00
Five per cunt ro'id fund 1,334 97
lotal 158,415 62
Warrants canoollod 123.559 21
Interest ou came 4.117 61
Stite tax 10,850 00
Warrants to hiyh school 2,500 00
Amount trannfered to Co school fund 4,276 60
Baiauce on band 13,913 30
E. C. Dixon, left Tuesday morning
in his auto for Southern California,
goiDg first to Crescent City and then
on down the coast. He will spend the
winter at Redlauds and San Diego,
returning to Grants Pass in April or
Later Mr. Dixon returned to town
Wednesday, having had a slight
break-down and will be obliged to
wait for abont a week for repairs.
There is only one hat that is
The Best for
and that is
"The Nugget"
All shapes, all sizes and all col
Guaranteed to look well as long as thi
last, and to retain their shape and col
and will not wet through.
"The Nugget is the Hat"
Geo. S. Calhoun Co,
"Outfitters to Boy and Man"
Total $58, 415 63
Btlanue from lut report 988 B2
Amount from Kenwral fund Co apportionment 4,276 50
Amount from ptate trretsarer school fuud 4,8ii0 80
County iuHtituto fond 52 00
School district special tax 14.400 73
Road district 6,030 96
City tan 7,176 81
Total 137,786 12
County Btihool superintendent orders Co apportionment 4.276 50
County hcIio.I superintendents orders utate 4,35040
Couuty school district special til 14,071 67
Road distriuts 5,581 66
City tax.. 7,176 81
Balance 2.H29 08
Tottl 37,7S 13
State of Oregon, Connty of Joeephioe
I, J. T. Taylor, do heeby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
statement of the amount received, paid out and remaiuing ou hand in tbe
treasury of siid county for the six mouths euding September 30th, 190S.
Wit nets my hand tliis hint day of October, 1908.
Treasurer of Josephine county.
Mis Augusta Parker come iu from
her school at Sehna Saturday to visit
ber pareut atteml the teachers'
iuhtitute at Mod ford.
Iiamo Muuiltlor.
Thii is a roniiiK'ii form of iniiwiilar rlieu
nintiimi. No intenml livntment in needed.
Apply fliniMberlniii " Liniment freelv tliree
' timet a day mnl iiuiek cure i certain. This
liniment bun proven cpecinllv vnlutdile fi
j miLM'tilitr and i ll ronie rht'iiiiuilini
M. t'leinens
Sold t.T
tuno lus arrivtHi wlion i -In nt bulbs, etc.
lit .i .t t i
noiiM i tautMi ironi i no ';ir.ion ana iiu in pots
fir t ho winU-r, nuit 1o jnov'ulo for thin, tho L.
1 Art st"to has
Qaite a nomtier from Grants Pass
I attended Sunday School aud ) reaching
service out here last Sunday aftetnoon.
The school cbildreu eujoyed thrue
days vacation this week on account of
the teachers institute.
After Sunday school last Sutidav,
Rev. Thorpe of Grants Pass preached
a very helpful aud inspiring sermon.
We hope be will enma agin" In-tTie future.
;l lr-Vl'trl"i? ""'1 Mrs 4 8. F. Stau
brougli, wu are C'lilduig ue w houses
on tliir land up cast "of .the school
bouse, have lust received their enr of
good which was t!:iit
.u nil.
brtMi-lit on a iaru'O stook of tho J. 1.
This waro tho
prout boauty to
Owons waro matt :roon jarilinioros.
finost that can bo hail A will aUl
tlio appoaranoo of tho homo. Call and soo
thoni at
North OthStrtct
Phone 1051
from D.ilutn,
Wm Ureitmeyer h bis uew house
nearly coinpletetl and is expecting Ins
wife from Jackson, Mich., the last of
this week.
R. L. Huek wm tiuite nick for""a
few lavs last week. . g
Mrs. ll'iiry Hack . eiit.'rt.mvT a
ir.unler of l.idy friend at luncheon
1 i.-t Tlr.irsJ.iy.
H C Itiit.'ha ) took a m:i!l com
piny of lads uu I ladies op on Mt.
Hiidy last Thursday. 1'hev all sav
they had "regular ricuic"-caui'ii
lire ant all.
Superintendent Eelly of tbe Rogue
River Fish Hatchery was in town last
week on business and reports great
damage by the recent high water.
Mr. S. C. Lee, manaxer of the Vir
gin Placer Mining Co's work at
Pine Flat was in town several days
laying in winter supplies aud attend
ing to other business before the rains
render the trail difficult.
Religious services were held Sun
day night by Rev. B. F. Chastaln
and Friday niitht by Rev. O M.
Thorpe. Mr. Thorpe will probably
return in two weeks.
Mr. D. H. Wimer and Mr. Frank
Sargent bare gone to Williams Creek
on a combined business and plumu r
Tbe old Selma Hotel is being
ished aud will be reopened soon.
D. H. Hanscom is on a short
pectiug trip into the mountains.
Ralph Moore was in towu Sundav
from the Anderson mine.
Edward Harriott of Grants Pass was
at Provolt and Applegate this week
on business.
John Weeks was at Provolt Sunday
taking pottal card views and among
others took several of Tom Lewman's
pet deer. The latter will soon be sent
Sheriff Wilbur Jones of Jackson
county was a Provolt visitor this
week, transacting the law's business.
E. M. Provolt, C. M. Rexford aod
W. M. Son son attended Circuit court
this week at Jacksonville.
Ira May of New Hope was visiting
John McCallister and family Monday
returning home Tuesday.
Jess Lemons of Williams is working
for A. M Knox at Provolt this week
decking lumber for tbe Sugar Pine
Company of Grants Pass.
Elmer Shsnk, the real estate man
of Grants Pass was in our valley
Monday on business and to look over
the farm of R. F. Lewman.
George Matney bas been on the sick
lift but is again on tbe mend.
Frank Lee rf Nevada was a visitor
at the home of J. A. Lewman Wednes
day. Cla'enre Winet uf New Hope visited
J. A. Lewmxn this week. He reports
his section of country as I rosperiug
Quite a nnnihei of plat-en have
changed hands during the season.
Thos. Li wiimu
hay during the
re manv otln rs
ne nav iiown. wnv shouldn t we
beast of the fertile soil end marvelous
ol'mate? Think of cutting hay the
has been rutting
la-t week and there
in ' tliis vail y who
Now located at
Sport' ng Goods Store on 6lh itm
25th of October! The sun's rajir
the temperature to 74 degrees-iJ
as warm as summer. The lirb
blackbirds are warbling their d
songs while many of the farmen
busy plowing and sowing their
grain. It is hard to s how pn
can resist coming to beantifal On
aud especially to Josephine Cou
tbe home of prosperity. Graoti
is the headquarters of the AppltA
and Josephine county generally, W
population of 5000, good :
schools, churches and other lif
tions, which go to make a fluid
city. We have no hard wintm
cyclones, no blizzards, but plenty
snusbine and showers and fio'
bloouiing throughout ths year.
iJOW is the time to DgQffl
The-Page Woven Wire Fence Co. h
1 ! Htn w :
a Special Rabbit Proof Fence, uh
especially for this locality
40 Inclij
Twenty-seven inches to first whio spatv. 1 he same quality of all Page Fence,
carbon coiletl pr;nj; Steel. Stands a strniu of over 18,000 pounds.
3 -r--f
Hog I
Sheep I
Coyote V
ence is uaranteed to be
An experienced man ami too!
exactly as represented
are turnisheil tn
u, ,. .-. . " -i-."uu ui uu -rage rencc, niiuuui -
' " "v grouna wunout cuttiii- or lapping, bagging or sagging.
G.idJis & Dixon. 'The l'a-e Fence Men" r n PR AN'KT IV Agent
Distributors Southern Ore.n aud Northern California. J- cZ i.oi , ,d V f-'tieets
Grants Pass, W