Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 30, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 31
Directors Were Elected
and Much Stock Sold.
Way I Now Clear to Apply
Water lo Lands During
Next Urowlng Season.
The Josephine County Irrigation
and Power Company is now an es
tablished Institution, 'the organiza
tion having been completed Wednes
day afternoon at a meeting called fur
that purpose. Notices were sent oat
early in the week and when the time
for the meeting arrived more than 300
people had gathered in the opera house
to assist in carrying oot the plans to
pnt the water on the fertile lands of
the Rogue River Valley in the vi
cinity of Grants Pass. C. O. Coutant,
chairman of the Irrigation Commit
tee of 14, called the gathering to or
der, and asked Rev. Robert MeLean to
open with prayer. Mr. Contant then
assed that the conventiou desigute
someone to preside over the meeting.
M. J. Anderson was nomioated by Ed
Van Dyke, seconded by J. Q. Riggs
and unanimously chosen. After being
escorted to the chair Mr. Anderson
told of the hard work done by the
committee to bring abont the pro
gress so far made and of the impor
tance to the whole community of hav
ing the work carried on and the water
applied to the land in time for the
next growing season. H. L. Qilkey,
chairman of the committee on organi
zation andliucorporation reported that
the artioles of incorporation had
been properly made oot, signed and
forwarded to the secretary of state
and a copy placed on file witb the
comity clerk ; that the certificate of
the secretary of state bad been re
ceived and that the next step was
the securing of subscribers lo the
stock of the company whioh had
been cap'talized at 110,000. the money
to be be used to secure an expert to
report on the various proiiositions
offered and to make a survey and such
other preliminary . work, as may be
necessary. The Btock subscript ion
lists were then opened and within 15
minutes 16,800 had been raised. As
thin a was a considerable amount of
bntiiuess before the meeting the chair
man then appointed a committee
oonsisti g of Geo. 6. Calliouu, h. C.
Kinney. H. L. GiHey C. G. Contant,
J. Q. Riggs auu G. H. Caruer to con
tinue the wora of soliciting subscrip
tions to the stock of the ojmpany at a
later date, and the work of adopting
the by-laws was taken op These
were read by articles and after their
adoption, the board of directors
elected. A committee mnied to
nominate the directors brought in IS
names from which nine were selected.
D'Bkiug the board as conetltuted O
H. Carntr. n. L. Gilkey, J. -RTglS,
E. E. BUnchard. H. C. Kin
ney. George A. Hamilton, O. S.
Blanchard, R. Thomas and a G.
The board of directors will hold
their first meetiog this evening at 7
o'clock to elect .the offioer of the cor
poration and transact such other busi
ness as may come before them.
Since the meeting the committee
haviug stock subscription lists have
placed nesrly all of the balance of the
stock, the list being as follows:
100 Subecriptioos-J.H. Ahlf, L.D.
Allen, H. L Andrews. A. D. Alver
son, C. W. Ament, H. C. Bateham.
Samuel Bowdeu, F. G. Burns, O. 8.
blanchard, I. Best, Wm. Breitmayer,
E. E. BlanchBrd, J. O. Booth. A. U.
Baunard. H. C. Bobzien. G..H. Cane,
F. A. Clements, U. S. Calhoun, O. G.
Coutant, E. L. Churchill, Lelloy
Currier, Williard Chase. T. J. Cook,
Geo. Calhoun, Arthur Conklin, Cures.
& Son, G. W, Donnel. H. L. DeAr
mond, Ed Dimiek, C. H. Demaray,
Cramer Bros,, Chris Esruaon, D.
Fry, H. L. Gilkey. Hugh M. Guthrie.
O. Gibson, L. B. Hall, Geo A. Hamil
ton, D. O. Hefley, Herman & Flynn,
J. E Ha'r. Earl V. Ingles.H. O. Kin
ny. Gas Kainer, Kinuey & Troax,
W. C. Long, Robt. McLean, Jessie
Mifh, G. S Matherson. Frank Mash
barn, R. H. O'Neill, S. W. Phillips,
J. Pardee, Rydon & Jrhnson, L. A.
Roberson, Slantou Rowell, F. W.
Retd, J. G. Riggs, 8. H. Riggs, W.
B. Sherman, E. V. Smith, Claua
Schmidt, Geo. O. Sabin. P. F.
Swavne, Lee bill, G. H. Stanbroogh,
R. A Thomas, Dr. VaoDyke, A E.
Voorhies, J. S. VanBoeknrt, Ed Van
Dyke, E. S. Shank, E. H. Wise, O. E.
Wester, D. Wood, W. W. Walker,
Robert Robertson.
$50 Subscriptions M. J. Anderson,
E. A Cheetham.A. B. Cornell Robert
A. Dean, G. Guyton, Henry Hook,
J. H. Harris, C. C. Hall, W L. Ire
land, R. E. Kohlman. Nelson E.
Macluff. F. B.01diog. Geo R. Riddle.
25 Subscrptions W. G. Scott.
Election returns will be coming in
Tuesday night and will be read from
the itage at the opera house duriog
the three act comedy "Looking for a
Wife or Brown's in Towd." Nov. 8.
10-30 It
Votes are Beginning to
Come in.
Boys, you will notice by the above
list that all the oonteeUats are girls
how about it are you going to let the
girls walk off witb $30 while you
stand by with your bauds in your
pockets and grin. It is time for the
boys to get to work.
The Dimick Grange has picked
ODta caudidate aud pretty toon the
votes will be rolling in f.'oru that part
of the country. The other granges
and lodges too had better decide ou a
candidate and commeuoe for their
If yon have not already entered the
contest now is the time to get busy.
The fun has ouly begun and it is not
too late. There is no candidal) so far
in advance that they cannot be over
taken. There is room in this territory
for 20 more hustlers and yon bad
better get started at ones.
2 Any candidate who really wants to
win the big prize, and is willing to
work for it, can get it.
The candidates snd their votes to
date are :
Mabel Carneill
Brtha Kennedy, Williams
Keta Mowers ,
Pearl Kearus, Grants Pass
Edna Cornell
Ada Brock nun, Merlin
r i n l J . i w rk X' n a
alisitit oomttn wuilr. nufitpa hfl TlflXAS - .
""""" - --"- Tracy Ktith, Kerby
Give Fountain Pen to Each
Contestant Who Secures
a New Subscriber.
" The hostlers' are sorely bustling iii
the Golden Eagle contest and all over
the county you hear about It. borne of
the candidates have ouly just gotten
down to work but they mean business
aud will niakea brave effort to capture
the 00 Cash prizo. There are ouly
are awarded aud if you can get $00 for
your spare time duriog the next seven
weeks is it not worth your effort!
Some one may ask why we offer the
prizes and if we can afford to do so.
It is this way We are doing this to
increase the power aud prestige of the
Rogue River Courier, and we want to
add at least 400 new subscribers to the
ready large list of Courier subscribers.
We want to send the paper to tvery
hoite in the county and we believe ' (jel busy.
you boys aud girls are Uie onus wno
can place the paper in every home.
Ask your neighbor to subscribe and
you will be surprised to see how many
will respond. To be sure the greater
percentage of people are already taking
the Courier, but if voo get them to
Ella Turner, Kerby.
. 450
. 40S
Special This Week.
To every oandidate who sends in
one or more new subscriptions before
noon next Friday, November 6, will
teoeive besides their "Yellow Certi
ficate" a fine Ol trio Fountain Pen
free. These peus are a good as any
42.60 or S3 pen yon ever used, and at
retail would cost not less than 13.60.
Rules of Golden Calls Contest.
1. The Golden Eagle Contest shall
close Tuesday, December Ti, at 10 :80
o'clock p. in. and no coupons will
ba received after that hour, except
those sent by mail, whioh mast show
Empire Stole Is Not Es
sential for Success.
Can Get Requisite 242 Votes by
Capturing 69 out of
Doubtful States.
For the first time, at least In many
years, New York ia not absoluely
nsotsiary to swing ths election to the
republican side, though it is as much
neoessary as ever for democratlo suo
cess. Saturday last the New York
World prepared an eatimate show log
that without the 89 electoral votes of
New York Bryan has absolutely no
chance of winning. The following
estimate is conceded by party manag
ers to be conservative ; leaving, for
the sake of argument, New York .
Indiana and Ohio In the doubtful
pay a year's subscription to yen It will evidence by postmark that they were
Specie.1 Car Takes Nearly
Wednesday from City
and County
A special car Wednesday morning
carried the school teaohers of Grants
Pass and most of Josephine oouuty to
Medford to attend the Annual
Teacher, Institute, in all about 70.
Those from Grants Pass who are in
attendance are: County boperin
tendent Lincoln Svage; Superinten
dent of Schools R K. Turner, and
teachers, J. A. Bish. H. B. Hart roan,
H. E. Mielke, Miss Juliet B. F.
Parsmoore, Miss Rit-ba Lowry, Mies
Alice Hortmi, Mi Zo Bryant. Mrs.
Lillia'- Deiiisou. Miss Vora Storey,
Mi-s Mumsret Williatusou, lire,
E. Thmnpfou, Mn-s Lucy George
Visa Emilv CaMian Miss Cora Me
Vesn, Mrs. Mollie Belding, Mies
Nelli Dement. M ss Blanche Crane,
Mis Minuie Tuffs, Miss Christ iua Mc
Lean, Miss Agnes Mr-Cniiuack, Miss
Peir' Barker, Miss Zella Jewell. Mi-s
Fay Newton snd Miss Ethel McKnight.
give you 800 points. If yon get a
uew subscriber, it gives yoa 600; if
you get s subscriber to pay two years
in one, you not only get the points
on the money received, but sn extra
"Yellow Certiacate" good for 600
points. Spend your spate time for a
few days in this work and you will be
surprised at the returns.
There is room for several more hust
lers if you are under 20 years ot
age, call, write or phone to this offioe
for full particulars. Clip out a cou
pon printed in this paper (it coonts
for five points) and send it io for
yourself or your favorite caudidate.
The contest is to run on the voting
plan and the boy or girl wIpo receives
the most votes wius the f'10, the boy
or girl receiving the next highest
nuuib-r of votes r ceivrs t-0 in gold.
The prizes are awarded jost lietore
Christmas. Think of haviug f(!0 to
spend for Christmas how ott u you
have wished you bad enough fur
Christmas now is your cbeuce. Boys
and girls, don't let tb nppur unit?
slip pu-t.
wailed before that boor,
3. Contestants shall be young men
and wonieu under 20 years of age.
The contestant receiving the highest
number of points will receive tIO In
Golden Eagle. The one receiving
the next highest number of points
will receive 20 in Golden Eagles.
Awards will be made as soon as possi
ble after the ooutest closes.
8. A coupon good for five points
will be printed iu each issue of the
Courier during the contest. These
shall be clipped out aud cast at
thiB office pinned tngither in buuohes,
4. Coupons will be issued from
this office as follows: Three hundred
points for each 1.50 received on sub
scription, or two points for each one
cent received ou subscription. A
siecial 500 point Yellow Certificate
will be Usued for each nrw subscrip
tion acoompauied bv fl.SO in caih.
5. Cast all couHus at the ballot
box at this cilice before the date there
on expires. Yellow Certificates must
uoi be cam until the contest 1 four
Keeks old.
California 10
Connecticut .... 7
Delaware 8
Illinois 27
Iowa 18
Kansas 10
Maine 6
Massachusetts. . .Id
Michigan 14
Minnesota 11
N. Hampshire.. 4
New Jersey. ...12
North Dakota.. 4
Oregon 4
Pennsylvania. . .84
Rhode Island. .. 4
South Dakota .. 4
Vermout 4
Washington .... A
Wisconsin 18
Total 206
as the tool of Eastern manufacturing
monopolies and W. J. Bryan and Ste
phen Jewell were represented as being
engaged in making gamblers and pr s
titutes. Ofooorael did my duly a . d
called him down when I thought that
he had reached the limit.
Why this two-legged brute sh u ld
have Included me in bis list ia hert to
understand, as I bad just very oomt -
ously granted him the use of the roc it
house. But I think that there are
enough gentlemeu in the socialist cli b
to make dne public apology for tte
iosalt that was offered. I think t at
there were uot more than half a doieu
of his audience who were d rava
enough to applaud this cowardly at
tack on decent people.
Any man who would call in que',
tlou tbs moral cleanliness ot Tsft.
Bryan, or Debs should be oalled d wn
immediately, let this mission I wh it
Board of Equalisation,
The Board of Equalisation his con
cluded its labors, and tbs assess met ta
made by the county assessor wers hebi
to In practically all oases, the 'iily
reductions being that of Sinvuon',
Cameron aud Logan from $13.60 to 13
per acre on worked out placer gronn ;
The Oregon and Califonia Railroad
Company from 123,000 to $30,000 per
mile and J. A Slover in lots 1 and I
In block 21 from $250 to $150 each
The Western Uolon Telegraph Com
pany asked that their aaseRsment he
reduced from $18,250 to ft. 824. 90, b"t
the petition was denied by the boar I.
The assessed valuation of proper V
within the ooonty will probably
amount to $10,0(10,000.
Alabama 11
Arkansas 8
Colorado 6
Idaho $
Florida 6
Georgia 18
Kentucky 18
Louisiana 9
Mississippi 10
M'ssouri 18
Montana. . .
Nevada 8
North Carolina. 12
Oklahoma 7
South Carolina. 9
Tennessee 12
Texas 18
Utah 8
Virginia 12
Wyoming 8
Indiana. . . .
Maryland. .
Nebraska. .
New York .
....8 Total.
IS Ohio.
. H
. 7
West Virginia
Total luO
Something New Something Mew i
Kitchen Cabinets
K tche i in a miuh
t. evershow. like it in Grants Pass
. New GcoJ? Arriving Every Day
;c to be seen at
Address ,
This Coupon Is Void if Not Voted by November I
Courier's Golden Eagle Contest
fpe ial city election Tu-day
for the purpose
whether the p-nple tavoied lui g oui
th Rugae River Water Co i p"ii as
h. 1-1
A. E. Eb-ihirdt, of the Columbia
Hrirtgi (')iii(.auT, which lias the con
tract for hi Id ink the new bridge
acro-s R'ihuh Kiver at tu foot of
r ther a hard fnnnht aff'ir though 1 nutli stn-et was m (jrmiH I'ess this
i h-vote was not hev. O il .".2 f ek and iu toiuiuiiy with Judge
vored the buying alio 344 w r-of-1 Jewe.l went over the giniiiiH and set
posid. .Several handbills r- got-jtVe etiike. rt ratnty to iwgiiHiiug
ten out on the eve of the e c t' n by i 'he wcrs of c- n-iructiou .Mr. Eher
tu,:li ides tl.e infur i. n .f the liardt stated Unit tiie unit' rial lud t.e ii
jH1j.e j ordered and wmiH 'i-urh Urarit Hast
soinet iiii 'lunnt; tic cnminx week,
snd that as kxiii hi. it arrived the work
Notice to Fruitgrowers.
As it is manifestly impossible for
me to get around to inspect personally
all orchards of the county before time
for the the fll spraying, I take this
means of urging all who have had
trouble with any of the fungus dis
eases, (Head spot, autliracnose, dry
rot or shot hole fungus) to lose no
time after fruit is gathered before
cutting out all diseased or dead
braucbes aud burn them. Then spray
thoroughly with Ilordeaox mixture.
It is needless to say that every pear
tree showing signs of pear blight
should have careful attention at once.
No known spray will cure this
discsse, but must be cut off well hack
of where bark and leaves turn black.
Will be around this winter to all fruit
loralites at rapidly as possible.
Yours for better fruit.
Fruit Inspector for Joseph I Co.
10-80- It
Counted the Dot
I Miss Edna Cornell won
'given away bv Alfred Lfcher for
''Counting the Dots". J he correct
number of dots as 1&03, and tlii uuui
1 lT was turned iu by thfe Ji-oile,
but acynniing to tie rules Hie first
'correct answer turned in get the ring.
Oihei's who had the right aii!w r were
Hie ring would be begun and pushed to comple
tion ns rapidly as pnmilile
One f the ileiiiocrAtio electoral
nominees of Mm-wr Im-et'-s has aked
ppriiii'cton to withdraw his uame
fr "to the ticket, giving a the reason
lliat he has de ided to vote for Taft ;
j Misw-e Hallie Montgomery and LUitie ib is lirvan 1ohh one more vote and
Bruwu. Icr.e tint he I a l a ril.t to cipii.t.
"TKe Flaming Arrow,"
On Wedueaday November 4tb, the
romantic melodrama, "The Flaming
Arrow" will be presented at the
Grants I'aas opera bouse. This play is
from the pen of Lincoln J. Carter,
that Dait master in construction of
melodramas and novel effor s. In
addition to a company which is large
and artistically strong, hohaa secured
ninny novelties witb which to add
realism to the situations of the plsy.
Among the features are Moon Dog,
a f minus warrior; Ited Klash, Cos-1
ter's famous Indian scout and the man
who carried Custer's last menge.
An interesting feature is genuine In
dians w ho ant all graduates of Car-
Lewie at the Court Mouse.
Editor Courier : A fair sized audi
ence gathered at the Court Mouse last
Werlnesday evening to hear a socialint
scHch from a man bv the name of
Lewis, hot Were very much disap
pointed, as it turned out to be a
wh' lestlf slundering f (ieorge Wash
ington, Abraham Lincoln, W. J.
Lrvaii and Stephen Jewell. George
Qrauta Pass is short of buildl' gs.
There are numerous families wa tiug
for dwellings and ths real e tate
offloes'are daily besieged by new
oomers who most hava place to liva
if they are to remain In ths olty. I he
demand for business houses Is almost
as great as for residences and the'e
seems to be only one building to I s
bad and this is not suited fur those
who can get it and those whom it
would suit oan't bava it. This is the
old Leuipks building on Q and Ath
streets, owned by ths Wluebar k
estate. The Courier would like o
move into this place but the owner
refuses to rent it to anyone who
favors prohibition. Ths Courier
muse move in the near foturs as the
present quarters are too orowd h! al
ready and a carload of new maulrneiy
which arrived this week la sti'lat
the depot. As soon ss the Courier
moves George S. Calhoun will lake
the extra room to enlarge his sior.
Stanton Rowell' a Muslo btore must
also movs as he desires a larger room
snd the spare now occupied bv hiin
will also be taken by Calhoin.
tittbiu's Drug Btore requires more
room and has secured the bnilding
now occupied by the Ahlf Mai kef in
addition to their corner stand. lion
Mansfield will also have one side of
the present market building, but 41 If
has uot yet fouud a place to move his
market. Tbs Guuipert building,
when vacated, will 1 occupied by the
Coron Hardware store. The u w
Booth brick building is Hearing ot
pletlon sad Jv ill be occupied bv J K
Peterson, auu the Model flakerv will
be enlarged by occupying thepriot nt
Peterson quarters Iu addition to their
old rooms. There are other
change! pending, and in nearly eveiy
instance the object of moving is 'O
seotire lager quarters for growing
busiuess. Grants Pass will be a large
city before we know it.
Wahlngtju was represented as a liar j matter fori
aud a laud thief, Al raiiam Lincoln trial circle".
Fruitdsle Urangs met last HaturcNv
at the school house, nearly all the o fl
eers and members were present. Tiiero
were also iiiilte a nuuilier of visitors
preaetit ami most of them are thinking
of becoming "grangers" in the near
future. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Cnutant
were initiate! and cordially welcotn d
into tlui grange. The dinner wUich
consisted of roust, fried and stewed
chl"Mi, hot chiokeu and culd chicken
ami nearly everv thing is good to eit
was enjoyed by all. The literary pro
gram was good throughout end all
went home feeling that thu day hid
leu very pleasantly and roflt illy
speut. GHANGK KEl'UK 1 hit.
There are thoueauds of hio-niens
orders iiiarkul: "Ston if l!rau is
elected." If wa'o earners doubt this
tittoiueut let tli em investigate tint
themselves In the if
' ' r e nrirr s'.