Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 23, 1908, Image 7

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0 H Bpioks et ox to Elixabeth H
rorton M acres, two . twp 86, 8 of
k 6, 1"0.
ffKste M Kinney nd
P L.. h Hoxle. 35 acres
husband to
in SEUof
. bi '
fcrfU of seo 7. twp 86.
8 of R 5 W,
I J Julia 0 Morine and husband to C
rf card well et nx W of lot 1. blk 4,
fejoroe's first add,
H B Miller et nx to onrton u
riggs, SE& of the NEJ and the
ti or the Bt-i oeo u, seo k,
Wp 35, S of H 6 W, 800.
H D Eismao et ai to it i nomas ,4
If an acre adjoining Enraan orchard.
Divid L Webb to K W Kuykendall
,., of SWM. NWi SEJi wo U.
J fie Nt&of NWM, seo 14, all in 1
1, S 01 It l acres.
.. . a YT . an
Clark T Webb et ox to E W Key-
eridall EH of SEtf of eo 2, 1W of
IW X seo 1, twp 41, 8 of R 9 W, 160
C F Cardwell et ox to Julia 0 Mor-
Sua, lots 1 win a, uis. ti, a n auuu,
James Law son et nx, Mary A Mo-
folm lot 4, Dls 11, Lincoln hark
U B Meade to A H Meade, NEl4'
IfSWM and SE of NW4'. aeo 11,
wp Rfi, 8 of R 5 W, 80 acre..
B E Kubliuann to E E Blanchard,
Jndlvided -interest in the E of
U'M of aeo 21, twp 86 8 of R 8 W.
Daniel S Holton to Eliza Jane Hefl-
1 . he Tt A
tig, laoas in iwp oo a o.
Sarah A Griffith to Sidney E LinJ-
jay portion of lot 8 blk E, H B Millers
Ricbard F Wendover et ax to Mary
I Ball, lots 10, 11, 12, blk 26, O T
6. 11300.
Ii Henry W Footh et nx and B O
KI)fTin et ox to A H Branson, NEW of
kWM except a strip 2.86 et wide
kcros sooth end, seo IS, twp 86 8 of
K 6, W also lot 2 la teo 15, twp 86 8
1, o a J 1 r - .1 -! tllQnn
D j E F Eerp to J B Yancey NEJrf of
KEJ,' seo 25, twp 85, 8 of R 7 $1500
Jot Moss to W 8 Hodkinsoo, lot 7,
i,ib 7 n t h tnft
f Lrdia A Steward to Mrs. Nina
. fcruse Leslie 110.5x2403.75 feet in
V Lincoln Park. 800.
1 S M Snell et ax to Arthur Conklin,
llot 21. blk 43, O T 8, 75.
Sylvester A Carter et ox to M C
I Wne, NE&of NWtf. Stf of NWH
NW& of 8WI4' of seo 6, twp 40,
r-fl of R 8 W, 500.
Clement Bradbury et nx to A 1 tins-
eey, lot 0, ana me bvm 01 oc4
nd SEX of of SW of seo 23, twp
fc S of R 7.
Fraok M Sooth to OA Savage, H,
hcres, seo 8, twp an, bmm o,iou.
L B Hall et nx to W 8 Moore etox,
lot 9,. blk 62, OT8, $209.
Walter 8 Moore et ox to Florence
Lolvig, lots 9, 10, blk 3. OlS. 11000.
Lola V Conger to Sidney E Lind-
lay and Lavma E Bull, an undivided
,-interest in lot No. 12, blk 76, OTS
Courier, one vesr I1.I0-
A Snevp
If taken at onoe, several lots, hotel
Sioilding, baru and small dwelling on
ine of proposed oew electric line.
At Selma or Inquire of
M-28 tf
H&a Been
Do the right thing at the ri(ibt
time Act qoickly In times of dautier.
Backache is aiduey danger. Doan's
Kidoey Pills act qoickly. Cure all
cii.tressinu, dangerous Kidney ilU.
Plenty of evidence lo prove th's.
A. D. Hooston. Hardware mer
chant, living 00 the north side, Jack
Honvlle, Ore., says: "About f
ago I soffe eJ severely with back
a'he and Hd lev oises. T te action
of tl-e Hdnes w" very it en'sr.
Ipro.ored Kiduey Pilis nd
siuce osiug th.s ieady I I ave not
had t'.e slightest cympton of kidu
trouble and have felt better In every
way. I am glad to endorse a rem-d-of
such a great nierit a. Doiu's Ki
ny Pills,"
For sale by aU Dealers.
cents Foster Milbaro Co., Buffalo,
Xew York, Sole Agent for the
United States. Re uember the name
Doao's and take no other.
RTT i 1 f 1 t n T1
Grants Pass, Oregon.
Grants Pag, has been ths scene of
important Held work in mining
Beology by the United Sk.- n,i.
oal Survey doriog the p-st seasaa. A
uovemnieot uitv oonn.tin. -u.
3- 8. Diller and Pmf n n rr
the Geological Ho r vat. T.m
8torrs as collector and packer of fos
sils, with W. Q. Moore of this city,
cook for the camp, recently completed
the season's field work on the Grants
t'ass qnadraogle and the geologists
have returned to Waiblogton, D C
The primsry purpose of the Investi
gation is to determine the minora!
resoorces of the region and make them
known to the general public tberebv
contributing not only to the develop-
meoiorttie State but also to that of
the whole country. The topographic
map of the Grants Pass quadraugle
was published last spring by the
Geological Rorvey and formed the
basis of the geological field work of
this season. With map in hand the
geologists visited all the important
mines and prospects and studied many
of the rocky ledges outcropping in the
region traversed. The observations
were noted on the topographio map
and when the work is comuleted.
geologio map will be prepared show-
iug the distribotion of all the most
important kinds of rocks, as well as
the location of the most important
mines and prospects, so as to illos
trate the particular rocks with which
certain deposits are astociated. It
will be readily understood that soch
a mnp will show the disiributiou of
the important mineral resources.
The rocks of the region are largely
igneons. In ages past they were
melted and forced np from the interior
of the earth. Many of them were
poured oot- upon the suiface as lavs,
bst many others, like the granite
mass aboot Grants Pass, did not reach
the surface. Ore deposits of the
preoions metals lu the regioo ex
amined are found associated obiefly
with igneous rocks.
Intermingled with these rocks,
which cover over two thirds of the
Grants Pass quadrangle, are masses of
slates and sandstones with occasional
limestone of which over 40 ledges
have been mapped. The great de
velopment of the cement industry bas
largely increased the economic Im
portance of limestone, and the fact
that limestones are uncommon in
western Oregon gives added interest
to those in the Grants Pass region
They are nearest the railroad at Gold
Hill and Jacksonville.
It is expected that a preliminary
report of the summer's work will be
published next spring in "Economic
Geology, "at which time copies can
be obtained free of oost by addressing
the director of the Geological survey
at Washington.
L&rtda 10 Be Thrown Open.
Orders received at the United States
land office in Rrgeborg from the In
terior department at Washington, an
noonce the restoration to settlement
and entry of 91,840 acres of public
isnd in the Umpqua national forest.
Of the total acreage t be thrown
ojien. however, it is estimated that
not more than one-fourth will oe
available for appropriation, the
laraer Dart of the laud being covered
bv filioas, made before us luclusion
in M, reserve bv Presient Roosevelt's
sweeping older of March 2. 1907
Most of the land lies in Lane county
The remainder is situated iu northern
Dooglas county and southern Heufou
county. The Und will be thrown
open to entry ou Jnnary:'-'!. 190. but
Kjostiing will be permitted 30 days
earlier. Most of the unappropriated
portion of the tr t Is valuable cbieliy
for serlcaltural rr grazing purpeses,
coutiniu8 1 ttle t inber.
rcisl printing at th
Fine commei
Courier office
Timb. r Lud, Act June 3, 1878.
Ko-burg, O e., Mav 8, 1908.
Notice is hereby giv-n H at in com
plane ith the provisions of the act
Sf CmgWH o. June3. 1878. S..WM
An a t of tne s e " nui..
in ,i,e hi at. f CM fnrn a Oregon
Netaria rid W.a; ingt.'.i r'ltory
..educed ,o .l tne Pub.o Und
Stairs by 't f Augnst 4 IMU,
htal" Uy JOHN O. METZ.
rf Ros-boi.. county o. Doualaa. brate
rf uregoD, bloc m Vf
19 8. h sSorn sniemen ,
j"r the port has of th" St-." NWJ,
NE;sK and N!," SEl4 k'"'
N.. a in towushii. No 84 Range No
19 8. his som w'
k wtW M. and win oner iwi
5 west .., i. more
-.'.i...t,i. fnr its timber or stone than for
i. I nnrroses. and to esUbllsti
agriuj"--- r-- - . , .... Keeister
his claim to " " - -
l u.iver at Koeeo-TK, -
auu . - .7 . . 1009
rriaay, -- d w.
! Bell 5 Roseburg. Ore., Arthur
Koadman or nuu,,
aoford, of Roseborg. Ore
adv ana jn v"'""m ? 1.
.:.Jlr the above descnoea lanua
reooested to tile their claims in tnis
oary. 1909 BENJAMIN L. KDDV f
In the Coonty Court for Josephine
county. Oregon.
In the matter of the esO
tale of Hiram Frmo-
cis Nlday, Deceased. J
Notice Is hereby given that Coar
line Sexton baa been appointed ad
ministratrix of (he Estate of Hiram
Frances Niday Deceard. by the
Coony Court of Joespihne County,
Oregon, and all persona having
claims against taid estate are he'ebv
notified to present ;he same, duly
verifisd, to the said administratrix at
the law office of H. D. Norton at
Grants Pass, Oregon, on or before
six mouths fiom the firt publication
of this notice, which is August 14,
Timber Ltnd. Aft June 3, 1878.
Roe-burg. Or.. May 3, 1908.
Notice ia hereby given that io com
pliance with the provisions rf the
Act of Conuress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An Act for the sale of timber
Lands in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and ashington
Territory," as extended to all Pub
lic Laud States by an act of Aognst
4, 1893,
of fil8 Pettygrove St., Portland
Coootv of Multnomah State of Ore
gon, filed in this office on January 28,
1W8. his sworn statement No. 981 tor
the purchase of the W.1 SEI4, SEV4'
SE,4 Section 14, lot 8, of Section No.
2.1 in Township No. 40 South, of
Range No. 8, West. W. M., Ore., and
will offer proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than lor agricultural
purpose, and to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Re
ceiver of this offlcs at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day of
December, 1908.
he names as witnesses: J. s.
Bailey of Ashland. Ore., Harry 8ilver
ot Ashland, Ore., Ira A. Martin of
Portland, Ore.. Adolf Suhalx of Port
land. Ore
Anv and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims io this
office on or before said 4th day of
December, 1908.
limber Land, Act Jone 8, 1878.
Rosebnrg, Ore.. May 2, 1908.
Notice i hereby given that io com
pliance witn the provisions of the act
of Congress of Jane 8, 18.8, entitled
An act for tne sale oi timoer tanas
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud WashioKton Territory,"
as extended to all the Poblin Land
States by act of August 4, 1894,
of Portland, county of Malnomah,
State of Oregon, filed in this orhoe,
February 1, 1908, his sworn statement
No U88U, for the purchase of the S1
of STAi, the NEM of SK1" D(1 SE
t'l HfcHj or Mectiou jmo. w. in rown
hip No. 40 8. Range No. 8 West. W.
M. and will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for
its timber or stoue than tor auricm
lural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before Register
and Heoeiver at Kofebnrg, Oregon, on
Fridav. the 4th dav of Dexjeniher,1908.
lie names as witnesses: Jauies S.
Bailey of Ashland. Oregon, Hairy
Silver, of A"hland, Oregon, Divid
Ruratli of Portland, Oregou, Ira A.
Mat tin, of Portlaud, Oregon
Any aud ail pe-sons claiming Hd-veri-elv
th" above-described lauds are
request d file their claims In this
orhoe on or b fore s:id 4th aay of De
cember, 1908.
Timber Land, Act Jun 8, 1878.
Rosebnrg. Ore., May 8. 1908.
Notice is bereny given, That in
coroplimcce with the provisions of
the Act of Congress. f June 3. 1878,
entitled "An Act for the tale of Tim
t r Lauds in tho SUt-s ' f Califo nia.
Uregiu, Nevada ami Washington Ter
ritory, " as extended t all Public
Land States by au act of August 4,
of Ahlaod, county of Janmnu, State
of Oregon tiled in th s office on May
2, l9i'H, her sorn s'ati-nuut No.
10083 fur the porchae of tin North
east quarter ofSeciiun No. 2-J iu Town
ship No. 84 South of Raiign No. li
West W M., Ors., anl will offer to show that the land smigiit is
moie valuable fur its timb.r or stone
thnn fur agri.iultoal pur or sea. and to
erlabllsh his rlaiui In said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this
oltice at R w burg, tri.on, ou Thurs
day, the 7tli dy of Jabuary, 1 So
bhe names as viteases: George E.
Shearer, of Ashland, Ore , Dinmas
K. Luster, of KoBHbnrg, Jre., Louis
tituinbaoti, of Host)urg, Ure ,
Loui Steinbach, of Roseburg. Ore.,
Benjamin O. MeGee.of R eeburg, Ore.
Any aad all persous claimiug ad
verely the above described lai da sre
requested to file their claims u this
itine ou or neiore saia nn aay ni
January. 190
State of Ohio, t'ity of Toledo, 1
Lucas Louoty, 1
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior psriuer of the firm of K J.
Cheney & Co.. doing business iu the
City of Toledo, oonotv ana state
aforeeald, ana mai sain nrro win pay
the sum of ONE ULSUKtU HOL
LARS for each and every case cf Cat
arrh that cannot be cured by the use
of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworo to before me and aubcrihed in
my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber. A. D. 188. A. W. GLEAHON.
(Seal 1. Notary Put lie.
Hall's Catarrh Care it taken inter
nally, and acta directly on the blood
and mnoous surfaces of the systeta.
Mnt for tevtimooiala fre.
F. J. CHENEY it CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by ail Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Department of the In tor lor.
U. 8, Land Office.
Roseborg, Ore. April HO, 1908.
Notie is hereby given that
of Portland. Oregon, who, on January
9. 1908, made Timber Application
No 9842. for SWtf, Seotion 13, Town
ahip 89 Sooth, Range 8 West, Will
amette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final frool, to
establish claim to the Isud ab've de
scribed, before the Register and Re
ceiver at Rosebnrg, Oregon, on tne
23d aay of November, 19i.
Claimant name witnesses: Wil
lis D. Palmer of Porrland. Orfgon.
Arthur D. Dabney. of Portland, ure ,
James A. Bennett, of Portland, Ed
ward H. Suttou. of Portlaud, ure..
J. 8. Bailey of Ashland, Ore.. Harry
Silver of Ashland Ore.
R gister
Timber Land, Act Jane 8. 187S.
Rceebarg, Ore., April 15, 1908.
Notice is hereby givei that in com
pliance wiih the provisions of the Act
of Congress of June 8, 1878. entiled
"An Act for the sale of timber Lands
in the btates of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washintgnn Territory, "
as extended to all Pobiio Land Suites
by act of August 4, 18HJ,
of Everett, County of Snohomish,
State ot Washington, filed in his
office on September 10, 1907, her
sworn statement No. 9579 for the pur
chase of the EX NEtj. 8Wy NEtf.
NEtf SE., ot Seotion No. 8 io
Township No. 89, sooth of Range
SVst W. M., Ore., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stoue
than for agrioultnral purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said laud before
the Register and Receiver ot this
offloe, st Roseburg, Oregon, on Fri
dav, the 80th day of October, 1908.
She names as witnesses: George
Tomer of Rosebnrg, Ore., 8. M.
Wertx, of Williams, Ore., Joseph
Boat, of Williams, Ore., B. E.
Friars, of Taooma, Washiutgoo, Dell
Friars, of Taooma, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above desorioed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said SOtli day of
Ootober. 1008.
Department of the Interior,
U. & Land Offloe.
Boseborg, Ore., Sept 28, 1908.
A sufficient contest affidavit haviug
been tiled io this offioe by
contestant against homestead entry
No. 10.876, made July 18, 1901 for
the S&M Section 10, Township 89
8, Range 8 W, by Robert Bail, Con
testee, in which it is alleged that
said Robert Ball has abandoned same
four years ago, more or less, and has
not been on said homeete td siuce also
that no other person bas lived on same
since, nor made any improvements
aud i hat etid alleged ab-euce from
t e -aid land was not dne to bis eui
plnvuient in the Arrnv, Navy, or
Ma ine Cori a of the United States as
a private sold er, officer, seamau, or
matins, during the war with Spain,
or duriug any other war lu which the
united (states may be engaged. Said
pariies are hereby untitled to appear.
respond anl offer evidence touching
sid alh'iration at 10 o clock a. m. on
November 28, 1908 before Joseph
Moss, U. S. Comissioner, at his office
in Grauls Pas-, Oregon, aud that final
bearing will b held at 11 o cluck a.
in., Dec-uiber 12, 1908. bfor th"
Ktgisterand Receiver at the United
Stiates Laud Office in Roseburg,
Ths said contestant having, In
nroonr affidavit, filed Henteuiber 28.
iwiiH, set fori li facts which show that
after due diligence personal service
of this notice tau not be made, it is
heieby or lered and directed that such
notice be given by due and proper
n a.i amijn u ruux.
Department of the Interior.
U 8. Und Office.
Roseburg Ore. April 14. 1008,
Notice is fereby given ihat
of Olynipia. Wa-b . who on Septem
ber 8, 1W07 made Timber Application
No. 9'iHJ for rEy S ctiou no, uown
shin 8. South hange 1, Wet Mill-
amette Meridian has filed notice of in.
tenion tu mke Final Proof to ea-
ablish c aim to the land above de
scri ed liefore the Kegistir and Re
cMver. at Kos-bnrs:, Ore., on the 28th
day of October, 1908.
Claimaut names as witnesses: O
H. Jones, of Grants Pass, Ore., C. W.
Craig, of ISelma, Ore., Josephine Hoi
gst", of Olyuipla, Wash., William
I. Tnrnham. of Gia"ta Has, (Jr.
BfcNJAMAN L. EDDY, Register.
Department of 'b Interior.
U. 8. Lend Office,
Roseburg, Ore., April 14, 1908.
Notlos is hereby given that
of Otymnla, Washington, who on Sep
tember 8, 1907, wade Timber Appli
cation No. 8. for 8W.V4, Section 30.
Township 87 South, Range 7 West,
Willamette Meridisn, hue filed notice
of intention to make Final Proof, to
estahllsb claim to the luicl alxve (In
scribed, before the Register and He
oeiver, at Roseburg, Oregon, no the
28th day of October, 19 8.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William T Tnrnham, of Grants Pass,
Oregon, Charles 1L Jones, of Grants
Pass. Ore.. C. W. Craig, of Helwa,
Ore., Loinse Ayer, of Olyuipia,
Korlol For Indigestion.
I A J UUl Relieves sour stomach,
palpitation of ths heart Digests what you ess.
Timber Land Act, Jone 8, 1878.
Roseburg Ore,. April 18. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled I
"An Act for the sale of timber Lands
in the States of California. Oregoa,
Nevada and .Washington Territory,"
as extended to all Public l aud States
by act of Aognst 4, 1892,
of Placer, Coonty of Josephine, State
of Oregoa, filed io this otttoe on Sep
tember 8, 1907, bis sworn statement
No. 967? for the purchase of the SWU
NEU, VV SEi SKV SEV4- of Seo
tlon No. ii in township N. US South.
of Rang No. 3 West V. M., Ore,
and will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valoable tor its
timber or stoue than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said Isnd before the Kegirter aud
Receiver at his office, at Kosburg,
Ore, on Friday, the 80th day of Oc
tober, 1908.
He names as witnesses: William
Brown rf Grants Pass. Ore., George
W. Reams, of Grants Pass, Ore. Mrs.
M. Kings of Gold. Hill Ore. John
Rings ot Gold Hill, Ore.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 30th day of
October 1908. ,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878
Rosebnrg, Ore., April IS, 1908,
Notice is hereby given, that in
compliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled " An Act for the sale ot timber
Lauds iu the States ot California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all Public
Uind mate by act .of August 4, 1893,
of 8916 Noith 2flth Street, Taooma,
County of Pierce, State of Washing
ton, filed io this offioe on September
10.1 1907, her sworn statement Nu.
9178 for the purhase of ths E NKI4.
k sum 01 oeotiou no. no in Town
ship No. 89 South of Range No. 6
West W. M.. Ore., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricoltoral por poses, and to estab
lish his claim to said land befora the
Register and Reoeivet of this office,
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday,
the 80th day of October, 1908.
Khe names as witnesses! 8. M.
Wertx of William', Ore., Joseph
Boat of Williams. Ore., R. E. Frlsrs
of Taooma, Wash, Dora J. Friars of
Everett, Wajn. George Toruer of
Kogeborg, Ore.
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
offioe on or before said 80tlt day of
October, 1908.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Offioe at
Rosebnrg, Ore.. September 19, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Selma, Josephine County, Oregon,
who, on August liftlh. IU08, mads Tim
ber & Stone Application, No. 01)58,
for Wtf of the NE.l4' aud the NE. of
INW14, auction n, township ni Houin,
Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian,
nas tiled notice of ioteution to make
rlrml Timber & Stone Proof, to es
tablish claim to tha land above de
scribed, befora Joseph iOss, U. 8
Commission, at Grants Pass, Oregon,
on th 7th day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: nil-
liara G. Long, of Selma, Jospnhiue
County, Oregon; Charles wible of
Selma, Josephine . County, Oregon
Joseph E. Ve diu of Grants Pass,
Josephine County. Oregon; Martin A,
Conger, of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office.
Roseburg, Ore., Sept. 80, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Portlaud, Multnomah County,
Oregon, who, on Heptenitier 80, 1908,
made Timber ami Stone Application
No. UIW7. for W' of the BEU and
the K'4 of the HWV4. section I, Town
ship 41 Hootli, Kange V west, wuia
nieite Meridian, has filed notice of in
tentiou to make Final Timber and
Stone Proof, to establish claim to the
land shove described, before Joieph
M )s, U. 8. Commissioner, at Grants
Hass. Oregon, on the lOih day of Do
nciiib-r. WH.
Claimant names as witnesses: Car
lton E. Harmon, of Grants Pass, Jose
Phiue Co., O'e., Frank M. South, of
Grauts Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.,
James Swearinger of Grants Pass
Josephine Co.. Ore., Ezra M. Al
briuht, of Waldo, Josephine Co.. Ore.
Department of the Interior.
United States Land Offloe.
Rosebnrg, Ore., Sept. 9, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
formerly Mary Han 'or d Dunham, of
helms, Oregon, who, on Janoary 21,
lisj.'l. made Homestead Entry No.
1.w:, HK. 0ll0 for of NW.
S1 of NEJ. Section 28, Towaship 87
onto, Range 8 West, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make final five year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Joseph Moss, U. 8
Commissioner, at Grants Pats, Oregon
nn tua 24ih dav of November. 1WIH.
Claimaut names as witnesses:
Clarence A. Frost
of Selma, Ore,
of Selma. Ore.,
Alfred B. Ragan,
Dolphin H
Ed ard V
Wimer. of Selma, Ore..
Hagan, of Selma. Ore
Timber Land, Aot Jone 8, 1878.
Rosebnrg, Oregon, May 8, 1903
Notice is hereby glveo that tn com
pliaoca with tha provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An ac for the sale of timber
lands In the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada? and Washington Terri
tory" as extended to all the Poblio
Land States bv act of Aognst 4 1892,
of Portland county of Moltomah State
of Oregon filed in this office on Jan-
narv 18 1908 her sworn statement No.
988? for the parohase of the NK' of
Section No. i lu lownahip No. 40S,
Range No. 8 West W. U aud will
offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber
or stcue than for agricultural par
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Rosxburg, Oregon on Friday, the
4i h day of Dcembi-r, 1908.
blie names as witnesses: J. h.
Baily. of Ahlaud. Ore. ; Harry Sil
ver, of Ashland Oregon; I'a A. Mar
tin of Portland Ore; Isabella Joval of
Portland, Ore.
Anv aud all persons claiming adverse
ly the above deectihed lauds are re
quested to file their olaims in this
office on or before said 4th day of
December 1908.
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Rosebu g,- Ore., April 30, 1908
Notice is hereby gtveu that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
Act ot Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An Act for ths sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as exteuded tu all Public
Land Slates by an act of August 4,
of 4M) Thompson St., Portland,
County of Multuomah. State of Ore
gon, filed in this offioe ou January
9. 1908, his sworn statement No. 9841
for the purehaae of the SEU of Sec
tion No. 12 In Township No. 89 8mth
of Range No. 8 West W. M., Ore.,
and will offer ptoof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for Its
timber or stoue than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his olalm to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this offloe, at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Monday, the 23d day of
November. 1908.
He names as witnesses: Willis D.
Palmer of Portland, Ors., Fred H.
Wliltefield of Portland, Ore., Edward
H. Hutton of Portland, Ore., Arthor
D Dabnev of Portland. Ore,. J. 8.
Bailey of Ashland, Ore, Harry Silver
of Ashland, Ore.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lauds are
reqoested to file their claims in this
ofune on or before said 23d day of
November, 1908.
Timber Land, Aot Jone 8, 1878.
Roseborg, Ore., April 80, 1908.
Notice is hereby given, That in
compliance with the provltona of ths
Aot 01 oongresa ot June s. In78. en
titled "An Aot for the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California,
Oregoa, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as exteoded to all Puuro
Lrftnd (status by an act of August 4.
of 430 Second St., .'Portland, County
of Multnomah, State of Oregon, filed
In this office 00 Janoary 9, 1908 his
worn statemeut No. 9840 for the
porchase of the WW NWW. N'i BWU
of Section No. 14 in Township No. 89
South of Range No. 8 Wast W.M ,
Ore., aud will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone 'ban for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish Ilia
claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office, at Rose
burg, Oregon, 00 Monday, the 23d
day of November. 1908.
lie names as witnesses: Willis D.
Palmer of Portland, Ore., Fred II.
Whitfield of Portland, Oie., James
A. Beunett of Portland, Ore., Edward
H. Huttou of Portland, Ore., J. 8.
Bailey of Ashland, Ore., Harry Silver
of Ashlsnd, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the ahnve-deaarlbed lauds are
requested to file their olaims In th's
office 00 or before said 334 day of
November, 1U'M.
Timber Lsod, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., May 7, 1908.
Notice is hereby given That lu
compliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "Au Act for the sale of Timber
Linda lu the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory, " as extended to all Public
Itnd States by an aot of Aogost 4,
of B74 Nenalem Ave., Portland
County of Multnomah, State of Ore.,
gon, tiled In ttiis office on April 11,
1U0H, his swum statement No. loootj
for ths purchase of the NSE1 BW
riEK S' HWJ,4 of Section No 14 in
Township No. 3D South of Hange No
8 West W. M. Ors. aad will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his olalm to said land
before the Register and Receiver of
this office, at Roseborg, Oregon, on
Friday the lHth day of December,
He names as w I Usees: Ira'A. Mar
tin, of Holland, Ore., Fred 11. Whit
field, of Portland, Oregou, Edward H.
-Huttou, of Portland, Oregon, J. 8.
Bailey, of Ashland, Oregon, Charles
Turner, of Holland, Oregon.
Harry Silver, Ashland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 18th day of
uecemner, iwhj.
due Kltfo-. s a;.d Cl. UJaf Kljlit
i S
1 ;
1 '!
I ',