ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, OCTOBER 23, 1W Klver Courier PUBLISHED EVKST FBIUAT I5t A. E. VOORHIES, Proprietor Entered at the Pott Office st Grants Pans, Oregon an second-class mail matter. Subscription Rat: One Year, in advance, Biz Months, - .7S Three Months, .40 (Jingle CopieH, .OS Advertising Race Pomixhed on application at theoihce.or by mail. Obituaries and resolutions of con dolence will be charged for at 6c per line; card of thanks 60c FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2.1, 1908. PROSEPHITY AHEAD. it will be noticed on another page of this issue that the Irrigation com m it tee of the Grants Pass Commercial Club have taken decided steps in the direction of securing for this part of the Rogue River valley the benefits of the long talked of and mnch nreded irrigation. The matter has been managed by a specclal committee coin posed of some of the leadingfarmer in in the county and a number of the best business men in the city. The object has been to com pints an or ganizatlon that will be able to cou atrnct Irrigating canals and ditches and to secure water to fill thee Every step has been carefully investl gated so as to protect the rignts of all who may become interested in this important enterprise. The next step will be the investigation by an ei pert of the sources of supply of water and the amount of land that can be covered. There will be not Iras tban 6u miles of ditches and these are in tendel to cover somewhere between 20,000 and 80.000 aores or land. From first to last it has been the aim of those Interested In the work to ar range lor ine completion or as uauy miles or ditches as possible before water will be needed for the. crop sea son of 1809. Irrigation once es tablished in this ralley will bring to Josephine county and Grants Pass great and abiding prosperity. It Is the corner stone on which will be builded Twentieth century methods or intense farming and fruit growing. It Is now a well known fact, which is capable or demonstration that water Is the essential part or scientific cultl ration. While irrigation is as old as the history of the human race it is comparatively new In most parts of the United States. A glance backward over the civilization of the centuries of progress shows that those countries which led in the arts and sciences were in nearly every instance irri gated countries. In our own country irrigation has brought with it great prosperity to every state and locality where It has been adopted. It is the science of agriculture aud the touch stone of success. It demauds or its follower education, deep study, in dustry aud that devotion from which aloue comes achievement. Placing this valley under water will immediately double the farm population and this increase lu the number of families in our rural dis tricts will go on from year to year. Big farms will disappear and numer ous niall ones oonie in their plains. Ten and twenty acre orchards and Tineyrads will occupy the laud which now supports a growth of chaparral, tnanzaulta, scrub oak and other worth leas foreat growth. Not alone will the prosperity be confined to the rrm lands or the valley. Grants Pass will double its business and population during the first twelve mouths or irri gatlon aud from a town or a little more than 6000 souls will grow a city or the population or rrom flrteen to twenty thousaud population within the next live years. All this will be brought about through the foresight or those who have led the way in bring ing irrigation to the Rogue River Valley. for men who toil Levi Strauss & Co' C"PPr Riveted Overall ihe kiod EARS" The Koguc Q4m L 19 20 21 "22 2J 14 that s s J 1 cut (ufl jjrmmmr mad of l ,i i select a J f I ovnim NOT SO POPULAR. An interesting political develop ment that is of direct interest to manfacturers and financier! is the action of the Oklahoma bank iu abandoning Mr. Bryan ' pet bank de posit icheme. Of the fifty-seven national banks in Oklahoma that went into the clan along with State banks and troBt companies only aboutfifteeo preferred to throw up their Federal charters and becine itate institutions. The significance of this movement ia apparent. It would seem that the maioritv of the Oklahoma bankets ate now in accord with Secretary Ellho Root's lodgment that "The attempt to make all the profits of good manage meat bear all the losses of bad tnana eeineot is step in the socialistic procfsi which wonld level all distino tion between thrift and recklessness. American Industries for October. Attention is called to tb' article on another page of this Issue, entiitlrd "Iconoclssts vs. Reformers" a being not only worth reading but far more ilian that, worthy of serious thought and action. There is no question bot that the best wiy to rid a community of any evil is to furnish something good to take its place Grants Pans is certainly large enough, prosperous enough and in every way able to furnish some place for those who have been in the habit or frequenting tbe saloons to gather and enjoy them selves. There is only ooe time to do this and that is now. while the pro hibition law is practically on trial, for at the end or two years the voters will again have an opportunity to say whether prohibition is a success or a failure. Those who believe that the la loon Is an evil and have worked for its abolishment should certainly take the lead in supplying a substitute for it, for the saloon is the poor man's club. J be fact that Grauts Pass apples won the first prizes on the principal varieties of that fruit at the district fair held at Medford receutly, adds important significance to that lection as an apple growing country. The action of the Medford fair managers in ignoring Grants Pass by not inviting it to exhibit, has caused con smeraDie reeling in toe ircsperoos Josephine county city, and rightly ir they can grow better apples Grants Pass than they can at Med ford the latter ought to honestly acknowledge it and tase their defeat philosophically and graciously. Hood Klver Ulaoler. fTl. - .. - j. no aicaers on ine larm are not so bard to get along with as the kickers in town. On tbe farm there is the kicking oow, and our loug eared friend the mule, while la town there is thb old mosaback, who wants all the municipal impiovements without pay ing for them. The oow may be sold for beef, the mule may be traded for a shotgun, but nothing but a funeral ill get lid of the town kicker Farmsville (Tex. ) Times Eugene Debs, socialist candidate for the presidency is quoted as savlna that he is not fitted either by temper- uient or tate for the presidential office and that if there was aoyohance of bis election, he would not run. Well, as long as he puts it that war no one is going to object to his run nlng for the office. Wonder ir Bryan has any more idea of being elected than Del has. ir there is any competition betweeu Oregon fruit aud the fruit of the East. why is It that the Eastern fruitgrower sells a barrel of their best quality apple, ooutalning 8 bushels, for less than Oregon growers sell a siugle bot containing only one bushel? State Horticultural Coinintaiouer A. H. Car son, or the Third District, in his biennial report The Newberg Oraphio remarks A ewberg contractor remarked that he did not know much about politics but ho did know the differ euoe between 11.25 a dav and 14 a dav for work and he would'vote for Taft Communicated. Mr. fcditor: As the tax payers of (.rants Pass are called .upon to vote on tu3,thlua matter of vital import aooe. ; vis : the purchase or ttie present water system at the prioe of fl4,WH. As the ineaus of information to the average citiseu is very meager, l nave taken the troubl to get the detailed report of civil Engineer franc u. Kelsey. Estimated coat of preeut valuation of labor aud material of such a plant put in new; lUS.oco, Deduct for de preciation by wear of uiaohiuery and decay of pipe some of which has been in for eighteen years, 18,5O0. Estimated value counted iu on G treet auda remark of doubt as if it might be omitted in ;the count $107. Kstiiutedcoiitractor's proflt'lO per'ct. tW20. leaving present jralnef;e, 1W." I cannot see why aT tail aver ahunlit ! rutchm-e aplecepf ;pro. rly tatmut tI.0'.o, nl.ove.its ; v a 1 ue , J. atulTes i dei Mr. Kelsey says that they have in their system 67730 feet of pipe lefs tban 4 inch in diameter, which renders that mnch of the system worthless in fire protecion. I, as a voter signed the petition to the council but did not intend to tie them up to the purchase of this without any chance to do otherwise. Now I think the best thing to do is to vote it down aud let the council put the ques tion on the ticket at the regular De cember election on the basis of a new system. This can be done without cokt. Stockholders in tbe water com pany are tellers. The taxpayer are porchaaers. Do not be fooled by the indirect influence and talk of a stockholder as to bow you shall vote. All the stock that I have in it is tI00 of worthless paper that they robbed me out or 17 years past, when they reorganized nnder a new name. And later on they got another new name. I also think theie should be several changes in tbe city charter, grancing discretion to city government aa to how it should have municipal work done. Whether by contract or day labor, to fit conditions that time might bring. Thtre should be this change made by which the sidewalks should be built and repaired at the expense or abutting property, and street proper shocld be built and maintained by general taxation. Past practice makes this plan honest and proper in fntore progress. The unexpired part or time on contract to hydrant water need not interfere with construction or new plant. Build it. Let city itand ready to keep contract. The citizen has the right to stay with the com pany or take water of the city plant It will require considerable time to pot in a plant at best. And if we see tbe hard times coming over the hill tney .'say Bryan's election will bring with it, we can take refuge by getting days work to buy a sack of flour with, and it is always a good time for a city or county to go in debt because yon get so mncb work for a dollar. Respectfully, J. M. CHILES. A. E. Voorhies returned from Portland today, having perfected ar rangements ror shipping the Linotype, press and other material .lor the Courier office. The latter will arrive next week. Mrs. Howard Hill and daughter Hazel or Portland visited Mrs. J. E. Peterson early this week and later Mrs. Peterson accompanied them as far as Ashland on their way to Los Angeles. FIRST CHLRCH OF CHRIST 80IENTI3T. Christian Science Reading room, 1 17 K street, near Second! Services Sunday, October, 25th 11 a. m. Subject "Probation after Death." Wednesday meeting 7:30 p. m. All are oordiallly invited to attend. PREPARING FOR BIG TWO DAY CONVENTION The fourth annual convention of the ohnrohes of Christ iu the Southwest District will be held tomorrow and Sunday and preparations are bein made to make it a great eveut. The program for the two days is as fol lows : SATURDAY, OUT. 24. Morning 9 :30 Prayer and song ser vice led by V. L. Mellliugur, Ash land. Ill :00-Address "Pittsburg, 1909," II. K. Sicafoose, (Jeutral Point. 10:15 Discussion led by Mrs. Edna Raunie. 10:25 "Coos County: Its Needs and Possibilities," J. N. McConnell. CoquiUe. 10:40Special Soog. 10:45 Address: "Why the Dis ciples of Christ Should Bo Enthns- iaits" B W. Baas, Roseburg. 11 00 Two Centeunial Aims - "Two Christ'an Papers lu Every Home," An Offering from Every Disciple tD Some Chrit-tian College. " w T. Melliugtr. It :20 Diacussiou led by C. F. Swander. 11 :S3 Address: The Christian aud His Diseases," T. P. Reld. Phoanli Afternoon. 8 :00 Prayer aud Praise Service led by Mrs. W. L. Melliuger. Ashiand. S :15 Address: The Necessitv of Making Known Our Ties," A. J. Holllnsworth, Grauts Tans. 2 :80 Discussion Conducted by T. P. Reld. 2 :40 Sixvial &oug. 24 :5 Addrwa : "The Next Thing Hum-! in M humous," Mrs. G. S. O. tert. 8:30 Business 'Session: Renort of President, Report cf Tressurer, Elec tion or Ofliovn. ; ; Evening. " . :. Song Service led by; Longman, Peiliu?,'Xebl gt!j"T. 00 Serui. Evangelist K3F. SUN DAY,; OCT. 25. I Morning 11 :00 Sermon R. F. Whiston. Afternoon. 2 :30 Prayer and Soog Service led by W. L. Mellinger. 2:45 Address: "Without Spot or Wrinkle." C. F. Swander, Corre sponding Secretary, O. C. M. C., Portland. 8:20 Special Song. 8:25 Address: "Our Cenntennial Aim and How to Reach It," Mrs. Clara G. Esson, State Bible School Evangelist, Portland. Ladies, have you tried a SAVORY ROASTER If not, why not? They are the best and the cheapest rcaster on the market. Sold by Hair-Riddle Hdwe. Co. CLASSIFIED ADS. NEW TODAY. Shot Gun Shells at Cramer Bros. WANTED Place for a boy to work before and after school hours, 15 yer old. Address M., care of Courier. 10-23 3t FOR SALE at a sacrifice, if sold at once, one 1D08 Twin Cylinder Indian Motor cycle, good as new at M. Mo Intyre's Cycle and Machine Shop, So. cor. Sixth St,. Grants Pass, Ore. 10-23 tf FUhNISHED rooms ror light house keeping. Mrs. John Summers, 801 Orchard Ave. 10-23 2t FOR SALE or exchange a good, gen tle, strong driving iorse, harness ami boggy. Cheap for cash or would exchange for milch cows. Inqoire this office. TEN acres ror sale cheap in the fruit belt or Grants Pas, two miles from Poetofflce. Good house, poultry business established. 250 fruit tree', one ace berries. Will be sold with or without stock. Albert O'dell Grauts Pass, Ore. RED 1. 10-23 2t WETHER Goats to work horse. M. ; Wildervile, Ore. trade ror small D. Boresman. , LOST A plain gold ring lost Thurs day, October 15, Finder please re turn to the Courier office. 10-23 It FOR SALE One good, green bone and vegetable cutter, almost new, and one hay cutter ror tale cheap. Address P. O. box 52, Grants Pass. FOR SALE. A BARGAIN in an almost new surrey at Hair-Riddle Hdwe. Cos. EXTRA Choice puoel or land ror sale. Price right "any old terms." Or will take part choice clear prop erty and deal on real values. J D. Drake, 815 O St. LUMBER BARGAIN We have for salel. 500,00 feet of 4 and fl inch old fashioned bevel siding at from f 13 to K23 per thousand feet, surface measure at our mill. The cheaper grades are plenty good enough ror ordinary t'nildings. This style or siding makes buildings look nicer and turu wind and water better thau rustic Giants Pass Bnx Co., Grants Pass, Ore. 10-9 8t PLOW for rale or exchange for rour acres or plowiog; 12 white Leghorn hens for sale at $4. Address W. J. Sturgess, N lOtli Street. 10-16 2t ONE JERSEY Bull, 15 months old, for sale cheap. Hsyden Close. Phone 887, Willerville. 7-24 tr WHITE Leghorn cockerels ror sale from peu that took first prize at Grants Pass Poultry show in Jannaiy. Mrs. H. M. Parham RED No. 3, Box 1, Grants Pass. 9-25 tr Wiudow glaes at Hair-Riddle's. FOR SALE Oue half horse power electric motor, nearly new, price Can furnish fhaft and belting if desired. Enquire of W. P. Wright, Conkliu building. 8 14 tf FOR SALE Modern hotel in good, incorporated California town ; ou corner near depot, 27 rooms, bar in connection with large stock of liquors, cigars, and pool table; oi en night aud dav. Licence 2O0 per year. Reason for selling, have been admittedl to the bar and wish to enter practice or law. Will take 1500 ror furiture and fixtures and stock. Address H. E. M., Courier office, Grants Pass. 8-7 tr WANTED. WANTED Success Magazine requires the services or a man in Grants Pass to look after expiring subscrip tions and to secure new business by means ef special methods un usually effective; position perma nent ; prefer one with with exper ience, but would oonsider ny appli cant with good natural qnalitiations; alary 11.50 per day, with commis sion option. Address, with refer ence, R. O. Peacock, Room 103, Success Magazine Bldg., New York 10-16 St WANTED 10 riKgmg sliogers. $0 per month; 10 lumber pilers, $2 50 per day; two lumber graders, 75 Iht month ; high wheel teamsters, ;5 per month Box factory men $J. W. H. Wet & Co., Medford Ore. PIANO Purils wanted 20 years ex perience in teaching. Adores Mrs. r.. a. footer J, A Hth St., next to . r- l-cron. 7.17 tf LOST. POCKETBOOK-Patent leather, stjoare. containing money and talo able rapers. Return to Martha Clsntou. 9.4 FOR RENT. WILL rent too a (rood fartu, seven miles of city. Utst terms given. Write Pox cr see me. residence corner Oak aud Purk strteta. J. M. Ailairs. " .. . " . A Man Is What He Feeds On r liability in this line is unquestioned. Our canned goods are the best made, new stock arriving daily, and our fancy and staple good are without a peer. Gibson's Front Street, Oppo. Depot JZ7 FISHING in Rogue River is now at its best and the place to get the best FISHING TACKLE is Joe Wharton's Sporting Goods vSotre, 6 st. GRANTS PASS One Night Only TUESDAY, ww 1 Prices 75c, 50c, 35. Seats on Sale at Russell's MISCELLANEOUS. FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering, mission fnrnitore made to order. F. A. PIERCE Registered Angoras, Flock headed by one of the famous bucks of tbe "King Arthur" also other bucks of diHerent strains of breeding. Does of the noted strains. Bocks for sale, Merlin, Ore. 8-37 tf STRAYED. There came to our ranch nine miles from Grants Pass, down Rogne River, Thoisday, September 10, four hogs black with white spots, slit in each ear. Owner can have the same by proving property, navina damages aod paying for advertising. Meales Bros. R F D No. 2. Grants Pass. O. 9-85-Bt. SIKaVKU Sorrel horse, two white hind feet, wheighs 1050. Address Box 681. Grants Pass Ore. Rap Due Xiao., 1 .! .. - ....... . iuiuicii (Itwiur D Bethany Presbyterian church, visited Mrs. Hays mother, Mrs. Longenecker, and sister, Mra. George Cramer, this week, returning to Portland Wed nesday. Mr. Hays preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday mcrning. PrnsMan Pooltry Tonic at Cramer The better his food, the better is the man who eats it. A man that wishes to be healthy will buy his foods where he knows he willjget them pure and high grade, and our reputation for re-, Grocery - Grants Pass, Oregon OPERA HOUSE OCT. 27 Walter Aringtons great sensational scenic product ion of Hal Reids thrilling and powerful Melodrama in four acts, entitled "At Cripple Creek" Presented with a wealth of special scenery, startling mechanical effects and novel musical features with AN ALL Direct froa STAR CAST the large cities W. II. HODKINSON Practical WATCH MAKER and Manufacturing Jeweler Now located nt JOE WHARTON'H Sporting Goods Btore on 6th street GRANTS PASS, - OREGON To make Hens Prussian Poultry Bros. Agents. Jay, glye them Tonio Cramer Ask to eee New Cramer Bros. ' Kink Pot Covers at