Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 23, 1908, Image 3

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Woman Would Solve ProbUm 1 A new bulletin of the correspond
R n-. f.irt I - ... ence study department of ttie Uuiver
Induatrievl Army.
Tbe great problem of what to do
with the Negro is one of tbe most
serious tbe United Sfatts bag to deal
with. Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Oilman
of Chicago offers at a suggestion that:
ine wnoie ooay 01 negros woo uu gey era! courses
not progress, who are not self sap-1 teachers.
porting who are degenerating into a
increasing percentage of social bar-
ens or actual criminals, Bhoold be
taken hold of by the State.
This proposed organization is not
enslavement, bat enlistment. Tbe
Young Men's Clothes
Ederheimer, Stein & Co., Makers
ALL your pet ideas of how your
Fall overcoat should look find
expression in the new styles we're
showing. Most Young Men's clothes
are lacking in either smartness, per
fect fit or right tailoring. These are
correct in all three respects.
Soma of y cm haven't worn one of thase tonf,
soldier-like, button-to-the-neck-coats. You've admired
them oa other. You 11 want others to admire them
on you. We're showing several styles j in rich browns,
olives and other medium and dark shades. The
Ederheimer-Stein name is guarantee of quality.
The Rogue River Nurseries
Are Ftrone on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000
fancy cuttings that are rooting nicely in the reddest
lands. We are ready t contract for fall delivery at prices
Wn are as well DreDarod to fur
WUU V wJlWav'JXjv-t - a
nish vou with anything in line of trees and genera
,0 "
nursery stock.
Cnnklin Buildins: Grants Pass Or
sity of Oregon, oa just oeen re
ceived. The scope of the work baa
been greatly enlarged over the be
ginning made last year, and now
covers courses in English Classics,
Shakespeare, Pedagogy, Botany, His
tory, Algebra, Geometry, Trigo
nometry, Analytic Geometry, and
in Matheniatloe for
Are you doing what you can to pop
ulate your State?
ORFGON NEEDS PEOPLE-Scttlers, honest fjrmeiLrs echamcs,
mSrierk people with brains, strong bands and a willing
heart capital or no capital.
Southern Pacific Co.
is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution
bmneh fverv available agency. Will yon not help the good work
of bUfidingerJreagon by, sending th .name, and .ddree of vour
fri.n.l. ho are likely to be uiU'rtfted in tins state. ve '.''
gUd I to bear the T eipene of sending them complete imfomiation
about OKEGON and its opportunities CVPTrMT,rR ,,,
Clonl.t Tlckeie will be on sale during SEPTEMBER and
yJi??Jf-o ,J5. ." v..t . all ooinu. in OrtKon. The lures lrom
U.lUHX-n miiiiii"." 1
a few principal cities are
From Denver... $30.00
Omaha ... 30.00
" KansasCity30.00
" St. Louis.. 35.50
" Chicago ... 38.00
Tickets can Be Prepaid.
If you want to bring a Wend or relative to
proper amount with any of our agents. Ttrt .tUt will U
furnished by telegraph.
B. K. MONTGOMERT, local Agent
WM. WcMCRRAY. General Pswenger AftrA. rort'.snd,
From Louisville $41.70
. Cincinnati 42.20
Cleveland 44.75
New York 55.00
deposit the
en ie
army should have its uniforms,
its decorations, its titles, its careful
system of grading, its niusio and ban
ners, and Impressive oermooies.
It is do dishonor, bat an honorable
employment from the first and the
rapid means of advancement. Men
women and children all should belong
to it all that is, below tbe grade of
Biciency which needs no care For
the children this is the vital base of
the matter a sjBtem of education tbe
beet we have should guarantee the
fullest development possible to each
trom the carefully appointed nursery
and kindergarten up to tbe trade
school fitting the boy or girl for life;
or if special capacity be shown for
higher education.
This at once stops the lowering
process it h aves the Btate only tbe ex
istiug crop of low efficients to handle
and insures tbe higher eraoieccy of
the neit generation. Those old enough
to work should be employed as fol
lows: enough should be placed on
farm to provide for tliH entire body.
These farms should be model farms
under the best management furnishing
experiment stations and bases for
agricultural instruction as well as the
food for the whole army and all its
officials; and where oottoo and such
piodacts were rsised they would be
a further source of inoome. As largo
percentage of the negro population is
best tnlted to agricultural labor this
would prove a very Important working
base for the Institution. By modern
methods of advanced agriculture the
land would be improved the best re
sults obtained from it and tbe laborers
continually taught their business.
The surrounding country would be
benefitted by these stations.
Another large number In mills and
shops belonging to the undertaking
would make clothing nniforma etc
for them all ; and another detachment
would assist In the necessary buildng.
All these are but the internal
functions of the new body; its direct
servioe to society would be iu meeting
the crying need of the whole South
for better roads, harbors, river bauks
and the general development of the
country. Construction trains carry-
ing bauds of the new workmen officers
sua men w ith their famlliet with work
for the women and teaching for the
children would carry the laborer along
the road he made and Improve the
country at tremendous speed.
"With propel food suitable hours of
work rest and amusement without
the strain of personal initiative and
responsibility to whiob so many have
proved unequal, a great amount of
proa active labor would be thus
brought to the servioe of tbe com
munity. As fast as any individuals
proved themselves capable of working
on their own initiative tbey would be
graduated with honor. This institu
tion shoo Id be compulsory at tbe bot
tom, perfectly free at the top.
Each company would nave its
clerk, each individual would have his
enarate account as soon as bis labor
passed the amount necessary for tbe
support of the institution, and, when
above that amount, a wage land
should accumulate credited; to each
famishing small capital to start
with when graduated. Many who
would 'not perhaps prove capable of
entire personal reeponlbility, could
be organised in small post graduate
groups of farms or shops, and so re
main until tbey went on to higher
efforts or Derhape came back into tbe
"What this amount to Is simply
State organization of tbe negro, under
conditions wholly to his advantage,
and therefore to ours.
"The unorganized negro does not j
am capable in many instances of j
utilizing his own force. This organ!-
tat ion providt s tbe machinery best to
1 elicit and apply tbe working foroe of
' this great mass of people, and would
do so at no lose whatever. "
i Tti la, of course. Is tbe corvee or
system of enforced labor, which in
it worst forms baa been tbe disgraoe
of countries like Egypt. Bot
Gilman argues that there is nothing
By means of this work any student
who bas not time to attend college or
high school, can pursue, with hardly
any cost, practically the same work by
correspondence through the university
courses, and receive credit for it.
Thousands of dollars each ysar are
sent out of Oregon to varions corres
pondence schools, and tbe University
believes that a large part of thia
might just as well be raved to the
oeonln of the state. The enrollment
of this department will reach 3000
students for the year.
A Common Cold.
We claim that if catching cold could be
avniiled some of the miM dangerous and
fatal diseases would never be heard of. A
cold often forms a culture bed for germs of
infectious disease. Consumption, pneu
monia, diphtheria and srarlet fever, four of
the moat dangeroiu and fatal diseases, are of
thin class. The culture bed formed by the
cold fuvor the development of the germa ol
then diseases, that would not otherwise find
lod-jenL There ia little danger, however,
if any of these diseases being contracted
then a good expectorant rouh uiedii-iiit
'ike Chamberlain a I'ough Keniedv is u-c.l
It cleans out these culture beds that farn
-he development of the germs of these ill
jane. That is why this remedy has prm.
a universally successful in preventing 1 1.1
uinnia. It not onlyMiree your cold qui. I
nt minimize the risk of contracting the
Ungemus disease. For sale by M. Clemen-
Hundreds of PeopU in Vicinity
Will Welcome Thia Advice
Sava Local Druggist.
What will appear very Interesting
to many people herej la tbe article
taken from a Mew York dally paper,
nivlng simple prescription, which is
said to be a positive remedy for back
act' a or kidney trouble or bladder de
rangement, if taken before tbe stage
of Bright'! disease:
Fluid extract of dandelion, one-halt
ounce ; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound 8yrup Sarsparllla, three
onnce. Shake well In a bottle and
take in teasooooful doses Hfter each
meal and again at bedtime.
A well known druggist here at
home, when asked regarding this
prescription, stated that the lngre
dleuta are alt harmless and can be oh
taiued at a small cost from any good
DrescriDtion pharmacy, or the nilxtore
would be put up If asked to ao so.
He further stated that , while this
Dreeoription ia often prescribed in
rheumBtio afflictions with splendid
results, he could see no reason why it
ould not be a splendid remedy for
kidney and nrinary tioubles ana
backache, as it has a peculiar aotlon
upon the kidney structure, cleansing
these most important organs and
helping them to sift and filter from
tbe blood the foul acids and waste
matter which cause "icknesa and
suffering. Those of our readers who
snffer can make no mistake in giving
it a trial. 10 9 8t
Granta Paee Waathar.
following la a summary of ths weather
observation at Urania rasa during Ui
nmnth nl Hem. 1IJUK. as reported or j . n.
Paddock, local voluntary observer for ths
Oregon Btate Weather Service:
t,' y
Why these grapes ? Because from the
healthful grape comes the chief ingre
dient of Royal Baking Powder, Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
Alum-phosphate powders are made with harsh mineral acid ky
t . l i-1 n
ana must oe svoiucu.
Maximum Minimum Bangs
96 M
to 41 M
05 40 4
95 41 64
M 44 60
80 4lt 7
n 41 si
HO 47 M
91 3 M
! i M
93 4t 47
! 94 44 50
93 M 2
87 43 41
n8 50 16
68 W 29
76 29 47
79 81 48
83 32 61
79 &4 25
I 86 42 44
I 82 " 45
i! 68 84 S4
,! es
, 24 42
,1 77 34 43
t; m 2U 67
i 90 85 M
y 88 87 81
objectionable about enforced labor, if j. prevailing w
Knmmarv: Mean temperature 61" max
(mum umiwrature WT. date 10th, miiu'm
Ura. I Lmnritun V date 25 Total prwipiU-
r . . . w k
lion lfirnes .in puu'i v. - ui.,..
days cli-ar. 24; partly cloudy, 4; cloudy
Will, D
The apple shipping season being at
hand, it will be of general intercut to
revive the act passed by ' the legisla
ture of 11)07 regarding the marketing
of green fruit package!
AN ACT To prevent the false
branding or marking of, or false
representation with reference to fruits
gton In the state of Oregon, or else
where, and to provide penalties for
the violation thereof. Be It enacted
by the people of the state of Oregon :
Section 1. Any person, firm, asso
ciation or corporation engaged In
growing, selling or packing green
fruits of any kind within the state of
Oregon, shall be required upon pack-.
Ing any saoh fruit for the market,
hether Intended for sale within ot
without the state of Oregon, to stamp,
mark or lab'l plainly oa the outside
of every box or package ot green
fruit so paoked, tbe name aud poet
offioe address ot tbe person, firm,
association or corporation packing the
same; provided further, that when
the grower of such fruit be other than
the packer of the same, the name and
postoffloe address of such grower shall
also prominently appear upon such
box or package as the grower of such
Bee. S. It shall be unlawful for any
dealer, commission merchant, shipper
or vender, by means of any false rep
resentations whatever, either verbal,
printed or written, to represent or
Dreteod that any fruits mentioned in
section of this act, were raised, pro
dooed or packed by any per0 r
cortoratlon or ia auy locality, other
than by tbe person or corporation, or
the locality where the same were
n fact raisea, proaucea or putn,
the case may be.
Heo. 8. If any dealer, oommlsslon
mnrchmit- sh Inner, vender or otner
person shall have in his possession
any of such frulta so'falselylmarked or
labeled contrary to the provisions or
section of this act, the possession by
suoh dealer, commission merchant.
shipper, vender or other person, of
any saoh traits so falsely marked or
labeled, shall be prima facie evi
dence that suoh dealer, commission
merchant, shipper, vender or other
person, baa so falsely marked or la
beled such fruits.
Sec. 4. Any person violating any
nf the nroviniona of thia act shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor aud
nuon conviction thereof, shall be pun
ished by a fine of not less than fl nor
more than IW0, or by imprisonment in
the ooouty lail not leas than a 10 days
nor more than 100 days, or both suoh
fine and imprisonment, at tbe dlacre-
tion of the coort.
Approved by tbe governor, February
7, 1907.
Filed in the office of the secretary
of state, February 7, 1007.
We couldn't moneyback
tea, if our tea weren't bet
ter than tea as you know it
waaMinarraM amo vbmth mrm.
ranuwa eaaaoM
Pioneer Atsayin j and Rcf. Co.
Capital $100,000. Kt 27 years. OeM
base bullion; cyanides, rich ere, eta.
bought ; aavaylng 60o. Hpot cash eat
assaying value. 131 Sth at. near V.
H. Mint, elan Kranclsoo, Cat.
sir satstl4 TaaSM la-
Rltata a Omasa-, wrtw
UstsV aanrsn. It L 1 1 sic
Fairbanks-Morse (lanolins Knilneis for
pumping- spraying, aawingi sniiaiwa.
Uuirll complete.
Fairbanks Hrales lor weitimng.
Kairlianks-Mnrae Dynamos and Hotora
for fower and Hunt
Kairlianka. Morse Windmills ana lower.
Kairtianks-Morse Urinders, Keetl Chop
pers. Well rumps.
All first quality nooda at lowest prieea.
Always in stock. Mtieral terms. I'roaapt
reply io Inquiries and quick shipment.
wnia or catalogue anu prices.
GRANTS PA88 HDW. C. Agsatw
Grants rasa. Oregon
Cor. K&3d$t$. Phone 4J4
1 Load Blocki.... $3.00
Htove Wood
1 Tier Manzanita $2.50
1 Tier Oak $2. 75
1 Tier Fir $2.50
1 1 Tier Pine $2 2S
I Chunk Wood
1 Tier Oak $2.50
1 Tier Fir $2-23
ITier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust $1.00
1 Load Kindling $3.0
only it be
carried out io a proper
DeWitta Witch Hazel Salve is es
ttU1Iv food for piles. Recom-
QuartzlBlanks at the Courier office. . meDiti nd sold ny Model Drug Sore.
Tsaf fwst rsturas row sioorf tf roa asat
Iks tsattUoe's fessl; par bis.
Placer blanks at the Courier office I
M. Mclntyre's
Cycle and Machine SFiop
So. f.tU and L. st. uranu ras