Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 11, 1908, Image 8

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The best n the Market
We are to have some of
the finest fruit ever
grown in Joseph
ine County
Enquire about them now
J. Pardee
417 G Street Near Palnce Hotel
Di M. 0. Fiwilcy is home attain
aiCwiKii absence of nearly six months,
-during which time he has visited
net.'ly all the important cities of
Europe. Tho (looter's trip was for the
purpose of studying the latent methods
of treatment of diseases but managed
to me the tbiiiKS of interest wherever
he went. Since his return he has
been entertaining his friends with
otories of his trip and warms his
place in the hearts of Oregonians by
saying that he was much impressed
with the fruit advantaKea of America
as compared with any other country,
nd first with the quality of the fruit
of Oregon as compared with any of
the other countries he has been in ;
'that Ituly, the so-called garden spot of
the world can Dot produce the quality
of fruit we have here.
BpeakluR of his work in his pro
fession, the doctor says, the idea
which generally prevails as to the
lectures is wrong. Most persons
think that the leotureajare In the lan
guage of the oouutry where they are
given, but this impression is erro
neous as all the lectures he attended
were in English.
Another advantage of his trip abroad
which the doctor appreciates waa the
opportunity of supplying himself with
most ef the new iuitruuieuta used by
the leaden in bis profession.
Dr. Find ley says that the special
work in Vienna was much better than
any other place he has been while for
the beauties of scenery he, file
nearly all others, found Switzerland
away ahead. He managed to speud
some time in Liverpool and London;
made a tonr tluoah Scotland.
France aud Oermauy; thence to
Vienna, where he remained for tho
greater part of two months. Home
furnished the greatest amount of in
trest as there wore the cathedral of
St. Peters, the most iintKuitioient
xtructure of the kind in the world;
the Vatican; the Forum; the Appiau
Way; the remains of the Catacomlw;
the I'autheou and maiiv other Iwmiti.
and historical treasures. Tho
doctor also visited Nm les, went up
tiio jj... sun Jl,J HiiiJ!.uu; aiu a.v
u!JJO MJ.I lPl a.u jo no.( kii JS piIB i.i suitor j
03 8JBApjB) ssbj s;ubjq
Xtj dps joj sXhay
Xu qiiM stpiuuojv wudrooo u auiiuixa pus; Uu., oj no.i oji
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l-iuj sabs puu
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laajs jo samJ o.w, aiw ajaijx -uoipnusuoD a.ijj t- Wi.
nuaAO qjJBtioiv aii, u; sijmum t ui paeq am KjtrosiH
Xsca 9 nut 00.1 saKtii puu
lanj jo Suiabs ui wapuo.u jiyi.jU xliirj a,,, aas-
on jsnp 011 'stuBas jib oX -niSji llu,
Suiiiuui uoii ainnatiBiu OJ pojj.m mb sua.vQ HOHVXOW
UBap daaij o, Asm ai pun Sui.u'iq annbaa jou
opiBiUBdox uoji iq.aUw ivmisiioj Aq SHOHVNOJV
saSuj jaijjo uo punoj
ou ijdjbuoj ui saanaj Xubui
Vesuvius and walked around tin
month of the crater. From Naples
he sailed for New York. Had some
rough weather oo both trips across the
ocean, but missed only one meal.
A meeting of the directors of the
Grants Pass Canning Company was
held TliurifdaT forenoon, C. A. -Mai-bouef.
General Freight Agent of the S.
P. R. K. Co., being present to din
cos' the matter of rates. Mr. Mai
bouef stated to the directors that hie
road was lery a'izious to Bikini
the canmrv by grautiBg them lb
lowest irxiljle rates so as to help
them over tlie hard places which rew generally come to and ma1
a rate on irva fruit which was satis
factory to Manager Sampson of the
Mr. Mxlboruf talked at considi rabl
length ti lling of the great advantaus
to the community of maintaining a
cannery that could handle thti surplus
fruit and cnng'atulati-d Mr. Sampson
on the showing made by him, which
he said was belter than most other
canneries in the state. It is a matter
uf regret, he said, that the
growers generally were not inclined to
sell their fruits to the cunue y instead
tf shipping to New York and other
distant points but explained that the
fruit growers were som -times carried
away with the high prices paid at
times for choice f'oit and naturally
were in hopes of receiving a top price
for all of their produot, whereas if
they would ship only such fruit a
there was a demand for and sell the
lalanon to the cauneries they would
make a larger profit and never find
themselves in the position of having
their fruit reach an over supplied
market and get little or nothing for
it. He also explained that tn all fruit
section! in which great progress had
been made it was only after the or
obardists had learned that the cannery
was au institution established for
their benefit, but that it could not
prosper or help them to prosper unless
they would deal with it.
Thure was considerable talk on thtB
line after which the outside appear
ance of the canuery was commeutsd
upon and here again Mr. Mtlbonef
suggested that if they would keep the
cannery well painted and a neat sign
out so as to lend an air of prosperity,
l! would go far toward assuring the
people, especially the traveling public,
mat ic was indeed t live institution
and backed by a country rich enough
to supiwrt Industrie and to warrant
homeaeekers to locate here. Before
the meeting was over Manager Samp
sou was instructed to call for bids for
painting aud otherwise improving the
appearance of the cannery.
Mow Fruit Inspector.
H. O. ilateliam was appointed oo
Saturday last to the position of Fruit
Inspector to till thi vaoanoy ctusnd by
the resignation of If. D. Eismaiin,
and will enter opou his duties at ono.
Mr. Hateham is an experienced fruit
....... I 1.. - I- .
limn, Having ii veil ror many years
in llood Kiver where he was engaged
iu the ntirs.irv and orchard busmen.
Me ha a resident of Grants
I ass only a few months having come
here direct from Hood Kiver in the
early spriiu.
A. H. Farnum of Ux bridge, Macs,,
is in the city for the purpofe of mak
ing arrangement! for the establish
ment of a creamery here. He at
tended the meeting of the Commercial
Club Tuesday eveningnd stated that
he wa in .position to provide the
necessary machinery, and asked theco
operaiton of the busiuess men to assist
him in various ways.
Mr. Fa'uham was here two yearn
ago ou the same project and concluded
to put in tlift creamerv but was obliged
to en east ou buine-s matters and
while away was informed that an
other creiimery bad been estamisneu
and so dropped the matter for the
time being. Recently, on learning
ihat th re was yet an opening, decided
to come here.
The Com nerclal Club referred Mr.
Far i) ham to their executive com-uiitt'-e
nnd they in turn appointed a
committee to assist him. We learn
since that satisfactory arrangements
are und r way and that the creamerv
will probably be establ shed within the
city limits of Grants Pa-s in the very
uear future. Mr. Faruham waa called
to Portland on busiuess Wednesday
even ng and before leaving made ar
rangements with Secretary Andrews of
the commercial Club to iuterv lew the
farmers of this section with a view of
securing their dairy product. It would
be well for those who will wish to deal
with the creamery to call at the
chamber of commerce.
Now is pai"ting time You take
no rii-ks with Pattons San Proof
Paints, sold only by Cramer Bros.
Additional Court Proceedings.
A t the setsion of the Court on Sat
urday the following proceedings were
bad. Bills as follows approved and
warrants ordered for their payment :
S F Cheshire, care of paupers.
stamps and freight 117 35
Geo W Elder, ffidsj road 17 63
FJ Ccok, wood Cjhos J 3 SO
M E Moore, mdse Co hos 4 75
W M Cheshire, constable, state
vs Ackermau 8 40
W J KuBsell, Btainpa, tel. et, .. 6 40
Courier, printing 18 45
Hair-Riddle Co. uidse Co hos ... 10 40
W J Rossel, ex insane 4 39
Lucas & Son, mdse Co hos 1 95
Club Livery Stable, team hire.. 6 00
F B Oldiug, auto hire, rda 11 25
Kinney & Truax, mdse Co hos 7 10
M A Wertz, 00m per diem and
miliage 23 05
H S Woodcock, com per diem
aud mil 22 60
Bids for construction of bridge over
Rogue River Anally passed npou con
tract awarded I to Co umbia Bridge
Co. of Walla Walla, Wash., and bond
of 20,000 Bled.
Application of J. C. Ainsworth for
cancellation of 1907 tax on KE'j of
NE'4 So 3B Twp 7 S, R 8 W. denied
Resignation of 11. 1J, bisuianu as
fruit inspector received, accepted and
(I. C. Biteham appointed to fill va
cancy. Time of G. A. Collins to
make application for frtnehise to go
upon aud use county roads for railway
line, extended lor 00 data.
Try a package of Willgrow ou yoor
house pilots. For sale by Cramer
Boundary Board Meeting.
The District Bouudary Board met
ou the 4th instant and transacted a
con-iderU'le amount of business. A
petition asking tho elimination of a
portion school district Xo. 30 aud an
nexing the same to district No 7. was
Truaut officers were appointed as
follows :
Merlin Districts Nos 24, 25, 17,
29. 85, 47, 22, Kussell McGalliard.
Wilderville Districts Nos. 6, 20,
33, !ltf, 2fi, C. J. Armstrong.
Seluia Districts Nos. 1, 6, 43, A.
T. ShotMiiake.
Kerby Distict Nos 3, 87, Ed Burke.
Althouse Districs Nos. 3, 18, 88,
21. 41. Geo. Wells.
Waldo Districts Nos. 4, 42, 4rt, F,
C. St i wait.
Murphy Districts Nos. 12, 14 10,
. 8, Fred Knox.
Williams Districts Nos. 16. 13, 31,
Jolm Davidson.
Jones Creek-District No. 25, Sid
ney Audrew.
Ualice District No. 48, C. L. Bar
low. Pickett Creek District No.
I. Hossey.
Fruit dale Distrct No.
8, A.
Leland District Nos.
15. Wm. Light.
11, 84, 45,
Wolf Creek Districts Nos.
51, P. W. Lemer.
27. 88,
A Snevp.
I If taken at oooe, several lots, hotel
building, barn aod.suiall dwelling on
line of proposed new electric line?
At Selma or inquire of
8-28 tf
. Fruit Cans atHair Riddle Hdv
I -w w- I I I " I"
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Durham
turned Wednesday .from Portland.
Eogene Debs, socialist candidate for
president will spesk at the Opera
House Sunday evening.
The Bethany Presbyterian Sunday
School will hold their annual picnic
at Riverside park next Saturday.
Bethany Bind composed of the Sun
day chool classes of Mrs. Hathaway
and Mrs. Pardee, had a picoio at the
city park Tuesday.
H. L. Herziuger and son Grover
left enrly io the week for Galioe
Creek where they will visit for a week
or 10 days enjoying a hunt and at the
same timi lock ufter business.
Mrs Alice Jordan came in frciu her
country home ou Tuesday to seek medi-
ral attention, as s'ie was suffering from rxiisoned oak. She will
.- j
remain for several days at the hocpitai
T. J. Briuckerhoff, owner of the
"7" mine ntar Galioe is making
workiug with a small force but expects
to add six or seven men soon. They ar
work in 17 on the tunnel whicli is
240 feot ou the vein.
A Bryan and Keru club was organ
ized in this city last Wednesday even
ing with 125 members. C. L. Man gum
was elected president and J. M. Booth
secretary. The club will meet again
ou Mouday to arrange plans ror tne
The Bishop of Oregon, Rt. Rev.
Cbas. Scadding accompanied by tlie
Revs. Dorrance aud Bartlett, will
arrive in Grants Pass Saturday, the
19th, and will hold services at the
Episcopal church on Sunday 20th,
morning and evening. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all.
The residence of Fred Gumpert on
Second street waa so d this week
through the Best-Fuller Real estate
agency to Geo. T. B. Franks. Mr. and
Mrs. Franks and children arrived in
this city last week from Montana aud
will make thia place their future
Strausky Kettles, just the kind for
preserving fruit at Cramer Bros.
Judge J. O. Booth received a tele
gram this morning announcing that
Seuator Gore of Oklahoma will ar
rive in Grants Pass on September 26th.
Seuator Gore, the blind senator from
Oklahoma, as be is generally called,
is oue of the ablest speakers in the
United Slates, and he is sure to be
greetei here bv a .large house.
Tlie following from the Portland
Journal will be of interest to our
fruit growers. "Rogue River valley
Bartlett pears are bringing a third
higher figues than pears 'from auy
other section in the Unittd States in
eastern mtrkets, aud this despite poor
conditions prevailug and the fact that
the quality is below iheaverage. "
Heatiag stoves at Hair-Riddle Hdw
Mr. and Mrs. Will Scovill last Sat
urday entertaiued a number of friends
at their horns at Walnut Hill fruit
Nrm to enjoy the ufternoou and meet
Mr. Scovill's mother who bus just ar
rived from Des Moiues, aud his sister,
Mrs. Pease and husband. The ladies
speut the ufternoou and as meal time
appiotched, the men appearel. There
wehi present aside lrom the Scoville
feniily Mr. aud Mrs. KliuerSliank and
Mrs. Shank's sister, Mr. aud Mrs. U.S.
Blauchiard, Mrs. aud Miss Liukie,
Mrs. A. K. Voorhics aud s.iu Karle.
A representative of the Courier was
in the Juiup-olr-Joe district the first
of the week. Crops are looking well
and everyone is of au optimistic state
of mind. F. O. Meeker who has a
farm Hires miles north of Merliu has
shout 60 tomato plants that he has
Irrigated with a centrifugal pumo.
Some ol these have attained a height
of five feet, bearing tomatoes 16 Inches
in circumference. Mr. Meeker is a
man throughly versed in modern ir
rigation methods and he says that
next year be can raise frcm 15 to 20
tons per acre with the aid of Ins ir
rigation plant.
F. D Elsmann Sells.
Frederick D. Eismaiin this week
sold his interest in the ' Eiuiann or
chard to his brothers C. H. and H. D.
Eismatin. The r.ismann orchards
consist of about 85 acres 85 acres of
which are apple trees iu bearing and
the balance youug on-hard planted
two years ago consisting of apples and
peaches. Frederic D. Eisruau states
that be was obliged to sell his interett
for which he received ia,(XX on ao
ount of ill health. He will take n
his resideuoe in Grants Pass opposite
the home of R. L. Coe and will
shortly erect a handsome home in that
part of the city.
The change also takes it necessary
for H. D. Eismann to resign his posi
tlon as fruit inspector ho as to h
aoie to aevote bis entire
time to the
We are still offering those Urni..
in Fishing Tackle. Cramer Bros.
Our clothes
vcxlues are
easy tosoe.
Field glasses are not needed to see the f
points of perfection in the kind of clothes
sell. Style, fit and every detail of fine tailori)
are there, inside and out. If better clothes ccm
be made this store would have thorn. Wetf
pecially invite particular dressers, men who nei
wore ready made clothes, to see ours. Qualit
up, price down. New fall suits, are now
They're the kind you are looking for.
Sept 14 Mouday Public sohool opens.
Sept. 14, Moodav Miss Telford's
Kindergarten and Primary reopens.
Sept. 12, Dana A. White speaks at
court bouse on socialism.
Sept. 13, Sunday Special arrives
with Eugene V. Debs on campaign
Sept. 24, Thursday Annual conclave
of the Grand Coinmundery, Knights
Templar, at Grants Pass.
Sept. 20, Saturday Senator Gore of
Oklahoma, speaks.
Oct. 8 4, Saturday and Sunday Jose
phine county Sunday school union
at (jnnstian unurcs.
Oct 1, 2, 8, Rogue River Industrial
r air at Medford.
ine cooi weatner is coming soon.
Pick out your Heating Stove now at
Cramer Bros.
Fruit Jars at Hair-Riddle Hdw Co.
A Grange tair Association with a
capital stock of 5000 has bejn inoor
poratrd aud over half the stcck sub
scribed. The board of dirtctors con
sistsof riperaous, selected from differ
eiit parts of the patroniziug territory of
tlie fair.
Pr paratirns tor this year's Grange
rair ami restival, to be held at
Gre.liam, October 6-10, are being
pushed rapidly aud the exhibit, and
other attractions promise to surpass
the splendid fair and carnival of last
Tear. A beautilul site of uine acres
hJs been secured aud is being laid out
for a park. Workmen have begun
tne erection of the buildiugs.
" "'" ui normal earthly slxe if
transported to the equator of Jupiter
"u.u miuany reel much lighter thai
uere on eartn, because the
rotation or the planet would al
most lift him from his feet and throw
ine rtsniiin Satur-
uuy journal.
Fruit Jars at Hair-Riddle Hdw Co.
Tra Planting Along Roads.
The Stockton (Cal.) Arbor club ha
commenced an active campaign to
raise funds for the purpose of saving
the fourteen miles of trees planted
along four roads leading out of Stock
ton The scarcity of moisture this
season makes It necessary that the
trees be watered several times, and ad
ditional funds are necessarv to carry
the many fine trees that "have been
growing through toe summer It Is
nlso the Intention of the Arbor club to
later extend the tree planting on the
four roads already lined with tree.
Officers of the organlxaUon hope be
fore many years to have the aasln
thoroughfares leading to Stockton nice
snady lanes.
Wheat and Barley
$2 per 100 pounds. Inquire of
Grants Pass, Oregon.
Outtirterts to Hoy and Alan
are but outward signs ol the eril
done In secret by myriads ol iu
J ruff germs sapping the life blots
of the hair. Micro kills the pv
site, soothes the itching scalp,
gives lustre to the hair am) stops
it falling out A single applicatiu
gives relief and proves itsworl
Save your hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It is a
delightful dressing lor the hair,
free from grease and sticky oils.
Ask yourdi-uggistforfreebookfct
SOSTLAH" 010011
Continuous Performs
Every Night This W!
Except Sunday at the
East Front Street
Doors Ooen at 7
Chance of Pictara
Three times each
Voice Culture
and Singing
J. S. McMurray "