Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 11, 1908, Image 5

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A -
Mr. nrt Mr. H. C. Reitse were la
from Waldo Sonda.
Job" G. Gnllaghr of R no, Xev
Lrrived i" Grunts Pass Monday.
Ralph Davi camp down from Reu.
jlo Friday where he is in the employ
L,f the w imams B-otners raw mill.
jjje rtnrned to his donkey engine
Mr. and Mrs. John Booth and son.
ndMies Ada Nm'th returned home
Saturday moroiug from Newport,
there rliey had been spending a few
Weeks at tlie besch.
Joseph Fetzner, I. A. Robie, Geo.
plhoun and A. E. Voorhies were
Lmong the Shriners who left here last
k'rldH? night to attend a meeting of
be fraternity held at Eugene Satur-
G. H Dorham as ia Medfoid
Ta.sday looking legal matters.
Mr aud Mrs. Ed Callow., f p.,
a'e uow at the Jo
pniue Hotel.
Fmnk Borlee of S.liu
last Toeay.
V. J Duwell of Galice spent Wed
nesav in Grafts fas.
Mrs. J. p. Martin weut to Portland
Thuiday tot a two weeks aiay. W.
was in town ,.h I I-I-H- 1 h-i ! .nt,MH.
E J Harris and wife, and Mn, j.
M. Osboroe of Oaklanrt. Cal.. arrived
in Grams Pass Sunday.
Rfpres-utative Elect H. B. Norton
weut to Olymrjia W fi..
look after legal matters.
Mrs. H. D. Nortnn ,.......
Bnrrell mve returned lm .
tenrta ,'.! i i...
. ,,, ,u muornia.
Fred Cook went to San Francisco
"may where he has
position in a box factory.
Malleahla Steel ran. M t.t,.;. " . J "ua Jaw -ser
. 7 .... r,7. " . ' - ,e 01 "w"rg are the soests the
lutmer s s.ster, Mrs. C. L. Clevenger.
Jones took a flying
rass Monday
went back to Merliu
at the Hair-Riddle Hdw. I
Mrs. J. R. Ounninj left Tuesday
lor s trip in the northwest, with her
lister, who lias been visiting here
She will isit different parts of Waah
ngton and Idaho and will retnrn in
I boat a month from Iter sister's home
bear Olympia.
Miss Blanche Ferdine will spend
he ooming week with her parents on
(heir farm, southwest of town. She
Ins bee i Bt Seaside during the som
ber mouths, and returned home last
intnrday. Miss Ferdine leaves in
tbnnt a week for Eugene, where she
i attending the university.
wnt, veigh and meamre ererythinq yon
huy American Grocer.
secared i
trip to
morning. He
on the noon
m.m rmmueu iicm me t
east loeday briuiing with him some ' probabl(
-ooMviniTB. t
A. K. Jones and H. Henry of Mer-
iu ere gnesia of the Layton Hote
it. A 1 TT
The Adeutist campmeet'ng will be
fettle, oh, kettle, get onto your Job,
list us a song from roar perch on the hob.
1 kettle (see poeta) should Mitheeomely
omatter Juetwhat ; jive us anyoU thinf .
w m.i uu .tug aooni woat sttali It
Kettle, oh, kettle, Just sing about tea.
i ts neaiea me water tor many a brand,
Tt umpled the tea-leaves from many a
land :
Tt snuffed at their savor and tasted the
lad I like CHASE & SANBORIT'S tha
best, honest true I "
ettle, oh, kettle, now whv do vou blow
'or this kind so stoutly and how do rot
lUUff I
I've seen 'em uncurl when the water't
been hot.
ttleasing their fragrance and spice in the
!ach leaf like jealously clutched little
kt held a rich gift from the far Orient-
Tt teen 'em diffuse all their richness
there stored
f my spout it libation upon them has
re miffed the bouquet through my long,
eager nose,
ill know it's as sweet as the Orient-land
id I say once again, and you listen tome,
ure inass at SABBOKR import all
your tea."
White House
Frnit Cans at Hair-Riddle Hdw Co.
f A n oi
. iarn of Glendale is
penuin the week with her mother.
Mrs. Mary JJnlybon, and her sisters
and friends.
" C. B. Baker, representing the Erie
Portland R ;R with headquarters at
Portlaud. was in the city Wednesday
looking after frnit shipments.
Mrs. Stanton Rowell returned Son
day from Olympia, Wash., where she
had spent the past seven weeks visit
ing her parents and other relatives.
mrs. s. Harkoess and daughter
returned to their home at Wllbnr
Monday, after having visited friends
In Grants Pass for the past two
R. IS. iGarroutte, who has spent
the past six weeks, in Merlin, look ins
iwr .ummess interests returned . to
Montague, Cal., Monday.;. Ed Bland
of Merlin was here Monday.
Messrs. I. P. and J. R. Rittgers of
Grimes, Iowa, arrived in Grants Pass
Wednesday and are visiting with the
familyof A. K. Boot. They will
spend some time" in looking over this
section and may decide to locate here.
2Heating(stoves at Hair-Riddle Hdw.
Mis;Daisy Cole left here Saturday
to take charge of the Wolf Creek
school. IThis is considered one of the
best'eountry schools in the county, so
Miss Cole and Wolf Creek are both to
be congratulated.
Mr. Coffenberry, one of our popular
tor serial artists beard that trout were
not biting well, so he went 'out the
first of the week to try his luck. He
only'fished an bonr, bnt he caoght
fonr big steelheads 'and 'affew small
E. J. Everett, formerly photogra
pher of Grants Pass, who bai been
vititing'his sitter, Mrs. R H. Nor
ton, frr the past few weeks, went to
Galice Monday'with 'hitm Will, for
a few days hooting.
Fruit Cans at Hair-Riddle Hdw Co,
Sam Smith of Pocatella, Idaho, has
juBt boa ght a fqnaiter section farm
over on the Applegate and expects to
be back here with bis family In a
month, and to bring other families
from that;sectlon with him who will
locate here. The deal was made
through the Beet-Fuller Realty Com
pany. Fruit Cans at Hair-Riddle Hdw Co.
Mrs. J. H. Cousino and Mrs. W. W.
McLaren and children arrived here
Tuesday from Crescent City to visit
their mother, Mrs. Shattock and
other relatives and friends. Mrs.
Cooslno will make her home here,' and
Mrs. McLaren and children will visit
for a few weeks and wiu later De
Joined by Mr. McLaren, who will
accompany them back to their borne
at Crescent City.
The Furniture Man
Expects to visit Portland and
other markets for a carload of
Furniture and will be glad to
purchase any special articles
that may be wanted, and ship
them in said car. Apply up to
the 15th inst.
for a day or so this week.
R. W. Clarke left Wednesday for
Berkeley.Cal., to spend coople of
weeks visiting bis mother.
Liuoolu Savave was gone for
conide of days this week, attending
the State Convention of county super
intendents, O. D. Henderson, J. E. Ward and
M. E. Paddock from Long Beach,
l.. spent the fore part of tha week
in Grants Pass.
Sheriff Russell was in the Galioe
district last week looking after busi
ness matters aud flirting with the
deer at odd times.
C. K. Root and family left for Rose
burg. Tuesday, where they will reaid".
Mr. Root being a member of the
Harth's Toggery which will be open
for bosines8 soon.
J. B. Reese of Spokane arrived in
Grants Pas Monday. He intends
looking over the country and securing
a timber claim here if possible.
H. L. Wilson who operates a gen
eral merchandise store at Lelanrt a
preparing for the erection of corumo
dioos dwelling on Sixth street
I Ernest Lister took three goesta of
the Josephine Hotel. Messrs. Whit
ney, Paddock and Ward, on a fishing
trip last Wednesday. Tbey report a
catch of nine.
Sidney Sharp retnrned to his home
at Hanford. Cal., the first of the week,
after having assisted his brother in
the G. P. Box Co. office for the past
two months. He will stop at Ban
Francisco and Santa Rosa before
reaching home.
John Foots of McMinnville, Ore.,
arrived Wednesday morning for a visit
with N. Snow and family. Mr. Fonts
is au Oregon Pioneer, crossing the
plains in '63 and settling in Yamhill
Co. where he baa since made bis
E. F. Olson has been spending the
past six months, look log over the state
of Wash In ton. He reports good
time and likes our neighbor state
pretty well, but he says "there is no
place like Grants Pass, and the old
town looks good to him."
George Carroll whose parents for
merly lived io;this city, retnrned here
a few.daya ago and was surprised to
learn of the family's removal to
California. He Is now at work in the
box factory and later will join bis
family at Redding.
Tom Harvey came up from Marsh
field Thursday to join Mrs. Harvey
and spend a coople of weeks here with
relatives and friends. Mrs. Harvey
has spent the past few daya with rela
tives al Ashland, but returned to this
city Friday morning.
Special bargains, in sixbole Mallea
ble top ranges at Cramer Bros.
Phil Butcher, an oldtimer, and
former business 'man here, who left ,
five years ago to'settle is the TJmpqoa j
valley, has been back fora few daya
greeting old friends. He male the j
trip accompanied by his wife, in a J
two seated buggy, drawn by a fine
pair of Douglaa county steeds. He i
was impressed with the growth of the i
town in the last few years, but he
likes Douglas ceuoty better, so Moo-
day morning he set out on his 100
mile cross country trip to the Ump-qua.
Ladiet, don't fail to go to the-Hair-
Riddle Hardware Co's store during
the week beginning September 14th
and get a sample of those 8-mlnote
blsooits and fine coffee.
Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Gonnell, Mr.
and Mrs. McFarder and Mr. and Mrs.
Fowler went on a short camping trip.
They drifted down the river in boats
as far as Booth's ferry, where tbey
camped for the night and spent the
following day. They hauled their
boats back on wagons and arrived In
town late Wednesday evening.
Rev. Robert and R. M. McLean and
L. L. Jewell went to their favorite!
fishing 'grounds at Bybee bridge the1
first of the week but did not have the ,
customary .soccom. The Uacksoo
oouoty people complain about the i
dams'preventing the'flsh from going
op stream, but Mr. McLean says there
ate Dsn "enoogn ooi me great irooDio
a with 'the great number of anglers
who are continuallywhipplng ,the
streams (from daylight to darkand
tbey each get some fish.
The MalleableMan and the Mal
leable girl will furnish free, botbis- !
cuita and a cop of "fragrant 'coffe'at '
the store of the Halr-Ridde Hdw. '
Co., all the week,. beginning Septem
ber lltb.
''Mason andEoooomy Fruit Jars In ;
this year, r outmoing I
September 13 to 21-t. It Is
. . . ..
te mat uranra rasa win aena
quite a delegation.
Hot coffee, light biscuits, free, any
time during the week beignuing
September 14th at the Hair-Riddle
Hardware Co's store. . The Malleable
Girl will present you with oue of her
latest cook books.
Grants Pass is rapidly becoming a
city of automobile, each week seeing
more machines ou oor streets. Sioot
oar last issoe a Maxwell Touring car
ha been received by C. C. Presley,
and a Maxwell Runabout bv O. A.
Collins, both ordered thruugli the
local agent F. B. Oldiug. ,
Farmers in this aection genera:ly
are complaining of damage to proper
ty and email pilferiugs by fellows
traveling over the couutry during the
hop picking season. Down the river
the complaints have been more numer
ous than elsewhere and strong meas
ures are being taken to put an eud to
the trouble. At the Gunuell pluoe the
man in charge has been provided with
a shot gnn with instructions to use it
in case the place ia vhited by any
more of the maurauders.
Now ia the time to buy your beat
ing stove. Thes mcruings are oool
and fire feels comfortable. Hair
Riddle Hdw. Co. .has a Sine line this
Returns from the latt car of pears
shipped by the old Fruit Growers
Lnion were received Tuesday, the
price received for Bartletts averaging
11.48 The fruit growers were not
overly pleased with the price, bot
Sooville & l ay the commission men
to whom the fruit was ooosigned ex
plained the low figure by stating that
the car was packed too full to keep
welL Hereafter all shipments will
be made by. the new organisation, the
Rogue River Fruit Exchange.
Malleable Steel ranges sold oo easy
payments at .the Hair-Riddle Hdw
The 4th Annual Convention of the
Josephine County Sunday School
Union will be held in the Christian
Church in this oity on October 8 and
4. - State Secretary Cbaa. A. Phippa
will be present at the convention
and assist on the program. All
Supday Schools in the ooonty are
cordially invited to take part in the
convention by reports and by delegates.
ine following committee will have
charge of providing entertainment for
visitors and out of town delegates, tin
Mrs. Ort. Hood, Mr. W. M. Hair,
Mrs. C. O. Presley, Mrs. G. M. Cald
well, Miss Ethel Bartlett.
Stoneware and
Flower Pots
We have received our Fall Stock of the
above goods and can furnish Stone Jars
in sizes from one to twenty gallons.
Also Bean Pot3, Milk Crocks, Stone 'I
Churns, Chicken Founts, etc., Get ":
Flower Pots for your Chrisanthemums
and House Plants.
' Odd Fellows Block
"Willgrow" is fine for Housa Plants.
..... .i,.....,,,,, aeeiejj,s,sJ vej .
Thursday's train took a number of
Grants Pass people to Ceutral Point to
attend the G. A. R. Encampment
which is In session at that plaoethis
week, closing today. Thoae who left
Thursday were E. A. Wade, Theo
dore Mott, J. E. Pettreson, Mrs.
Gdodnow and Mrs. Hildreth. Quite
a few others went over earlier in the
There will be an all day session of
the Frnitdale Grange, at Centennial
School House Saturday. The wide
awake farmers aud orchardists of
that section are heedina the maxim
that "all work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy" and feel that the
time is well spent when they take
a day off and mingle with their
Froit Jan at Hair-Riddle Hdw Co.
News Note From the Business
Men to Headers).
We understand that a committee
consisting of G. W. Donnell, C. G.
Coutant and J. G. Rlirgs has been
appointed by the Exeootive Commit
tee of the Commercial Club for the
purpose of looking after the dnes and
special funds for the olub. When any
of these gentlemen call it is hoped
that the business men of Grants Pass
will deal with them from a bualnees
point of view.
There was a little exoitement on the
streets Monday in the shape of a runa
way. Oue of the horses hitched to a
city delivery wagoo became frightened
while standing in front of the Grants
Paaa Hardware Co., store and started
out to do the town, beading first for
tha cannery and then turning back up
town. Quite ' a number of people were
attracted by tha horse and it was
finally oaugh before any damage waa
Dr. Flanagan,
Phyaioian and Dentist
Oo to Coron (or Plumbing.
J. E. Peterson, Pioneer Insurance Man..
Furlt Jars at Hair-Riddle Hdw Co.
M. Clemens, prescription Druggist.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron
DeWitt'a Carbollaed Witch Hazel
Salve. It is eseoially good for piles.
Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-8 18.
Alfred Letcher, Registered Optom
etrist and Jeweler in Dixon sold stand, .
Front street. Eyes tested free.
Malleable Steel ranges sold on easy
payments at the Hair-Riddle Hdw.
Mrs. Waughtal invites the public to
Inspect a complete and up-to-date Una
of fall and winter millinery ou Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday of next
week. 8-11 It
They have almost anything you need
at the Little Wonder Store, bat J. T.
says tha best thing they keep is an
enviable reputation and a host of
warm friends and tlese are not for
sale I Also best wood in . the world,
1 a tier. -ll 4
Packer Wanted.
Parties who wish to pack apples .
for the new Rogue Kiver Frnit Ex
change, this fall should register their -names
and address at onoe with the
Res. 638, 4th street Phone 640.
i nree-
tn ii i ii h u y p
It takes the Malleable girl just
three minutes to clean her range,
after the kitchen work is done.
She uses a greasy rag, that's all.
Quicker than it takes to tell, it
looks as good as new.
Is so scientifically built that it will last a life-time, and it is so easy to
keep clean that it always looks as good as new. The nickel parts can
be quickly cleaned because they are perfectly smooth with round cor
ners. There are no places for dust to accumulate.
Drop in and see the Malleable Man and the Mai
lable Girl at the store of
Hair-Riddle Hardware Go.
The Malleable Girl will serve you with Three Minute Biscuits and De
licious Hot Coffee and Present you with a Beautiful Cook Book and
a useful souvenir.
UTTH VkCU VkVrV pnrohased during this exhibit you will get mn en
WllnLAtn KAnULa set of high graUeoooklng ware worth 4.bU