ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON SEPTEMBER 1908. rHE R03UL RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One Year, in advance, II. Blx Months, - ' ' u Three Month, Bingle Copie, Advertising Races Firolshed on aplicatlon at the office, or by mll Obituaries and resolutions ol con dolence will t c harged (or at 6c per line; card of thank 50c and the result Is that our Coniniersial club is taxed to its otoioBt to answer the tinestions paa-ed by correspoo dmts and to furnish general inforuia linn TaATtna oor climate, soil and ....J.mllnni This Cre&t w. tTnn.t tobiinatheWrialClabis receiving on an aver i nr.t P and aize of one thousand inquiries per jn.ui j ., the r efforts should be, aod are, ap trip west, should not fail to advise them to have . their tickets read Grants Pats. Many people all over the United Sta-es have become in terested io this section, as evidence of road is or- which Secretary Andrews of the Com- ' mouth about this city and couuty. A. E. VOORHIES, PBOPB Kntered at the pout office at Grants rani Oregon, as necona-claxn mail matter. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1908. IVpfeiTibeF i I Hoo TTTTn"3T4 1: mm M I?: Ifi 17 IH I mi f ill i 7i - - t ----- t" 27282930 predated bv oor citizens. GETTING DOWN IO WORK. A tour over the country surround ing Grants Pass will convince anyone that, despite the fact Charles Christie Passes Away Charles D. Chistie, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Christie of Wond, died nr. the hnsnital in Grants Pass at 8 that it has been ( u'olcck last Sonday morning, periton rather a peculiar season, the work or j itis being given by the attending pny- converting waste land into orchards j sician as the caose ,A lnvard-. is Holna on at a rate Yoontr Christie, it will be remem that should satisfy most anyone. Many farms that have been lying Idle AN ALL IMPORTANT UNDER TAKING. Thu subject of irrigation has reached'a critical stage inasmuch as there are a class of people who seem anxious to dtifeut the organiztiou of a farmer's irrigation canal company. The leading farroorB of the valley claim that a farmers organization can secure cheaper water through their own organiztiton than by auy other means and to this eud the best postel farmers are working. Strange to say that this time there are a olass of individuals who, for the sake of making niouny for themselves, will attempt to britig to nBUght the best efforts of majority of the farmers nd the Commercial Club, which has been doing svertyhlng to insure the wateriug of the land, to fact the olub took np the subject first, but it was handsomely seoonded by the Froitdale Grange and later by tha Dimlck Grange which latter organization passed a resolution urging the assist ance of the oeople of Grants Pass in the improvements. It has been folly determined by onr frnit growers and farmers generally that the irrigation canals shall be built and owned by the owners of the land and that no middle man will be tolerated. The members of the Oommerolal Club are in foil aooord with the laud owners and they are hard at work doing what they can to help the cause of irrigation.- Every man and woman in the oonnty seemingly favor irrigation aud if there are any hesitating it is because of misrepresentations by scheming parties who have an itching palm and think that they see opportunity to make money for themselves. Let the rood work go on aud the ditch be bo lit by the farmers, for the success ful completion of this enterpiiae means to more than double the lnnd values under the ditch aud more than treble the c rop products. Not alone will the rural dialricts be benefitted by this proposed system of watering the laud but the city will also come in for its full shars of the coming prosperity. It is safe to say that a new era of advancement is dswoiug for the Rogue River Valley. ; HELPS GRANTS PASS. The Southern Paoific Railway has Issued from the Sunset Magazine press uoat folder, 60, XH) of which they are seudlug out, ootitaiuing the colonist rates from all eastern points to U rants Pass. This folder has on it a correct map, showlugfthe country from Chica go to San Francisco. It gives a vast amount of information which is of great value to nil travelers aud Is an advertisement of rare merit for Grants Pass. Three pages of the folder are oocupled by it very able article writ ten bv Secretary H. L. Andrews of the Grants Pass Commercial club. Since the Rogns River vallev, the center of which is Grants Pass, has become famous for Its large orchards and delicious fruits, the Southern Pacific has made a specialty'of devot iug their best efforts in the way of advertising Grants Pass and vicinity, for years past are being cleaned up, iiroond cleared for planting, build ings erected or repaired aud in many other ways showing signs of activity. A little thing like an "off seasou I don't seem to have any effect on the I .r,nl of this section, unless it Is to make them double their efforts and make up for the shortcominirs of this season. Intelligent people have noted the fact that it was an "off season" nearly everywhere and therefore tbey are satisfied that Oregon is as good as the beit and a little better than most other places. Fruil Growers Attention. Rogoe River Frnit Exchange, is ready for business. All memDtrs or anvone else who has or will have froit or produce to ship call on or consult FREDERICK D. EISMASJf, Mgr. H. C. BATEHAM. Sec'y Phone 645. CLASSIFIED ADS. NEW TODAY. GENERAL store, stock and build ing, value 12500 to sell or exchanne for Southern Oregon ranch or cit property. Address Box 187, Yaquina. Ore. 911 4t bered was accidently shot while hunting near Wi nder by his friend Winfield Littlefild, 11 days before his death. He was buried at Deer Creek cemetery Wednesday. The unfortunate young man who did the shooting is still held in the county jail but will be giveu bis preliminary hearing tomorrow. At torney Hale who is looking atfer his case having consented to await the return of Attorney A. O. Hough who was designated by Prosecuting Attorney Mulkey to look after the Case. The Mighty Hunter ILetvjrn, A party composed of E L. Chur chill, A. W. Burroughs, J. G. Riggs and Paul Blanchard left Saturday evening in an automobile on a hunt ing expedition. At May's creek, their first night a camp they were joined by W. B. Sherman and a guide and the rest of the journey was made with pack horses. They went 15 miles over the mountains to near the head of Evans creek crossing Battle Moun WANTED To Kent email house near town. Write S. T. Courier Oflceu Electric Theatre Front Srieet MOVING PICTURES and ILLUSTRATED SONGS Change of Program 3 times a Week Admission 10 Cents DOING GOOD WORK. The irrigation oommlttee of the Grants Pass Commercial Club is do ing some highly important work which is quite certain to result In securing for this section the much needed ir rigation of which we have heard so mnch This committee is making a "loug pull, a strong pull and a pull all l it awavw mamher feela n that success will in the very j tain and camped next or , Skeleton .. ,.. ., it ! mountain. They found deer very far iuiura uiuwu l ... " ia . ,h rrrnTO,.!pleutful and succeeded in killing four. una urrvu miu nuw w wr . . - , , , , ... the greatest service to his country is ! two of which they consumed while on its most exalted citizen. This is un donbtedly a true saying, and evidently there are some members of our Oom merolal Club who are working un selfishly' to bring prosperity to Grant ! these mighty hunters might have Pass, and these deserve tha people. for men who toil Levi Strauss & Co's Copper Riveted Overalls the kind that "WBARS" J cut lull St?i''I" "iMajHP of SjtSA. eelcetsd 1 f 1 denim the trip but the other two were brought back aud divided with their friends. The trip was a very enjoy able one though not as exoiting as the thauks of If in doubt, don't knock, bnt smile; get the straight of it and then boost I The oltizens of Medford have voted down an application for a franchise for a street railway, 255 out of 877 votes being against grantiug the franchise. It woold seem as though the oitlzeos of that city prefer walk ing to riding. wished as no bear or other vicious animals were encountered. FOR SALE-Full Blood Brown Leg horn chickens, nens fn ier uueu. pullet 18 per dozen, cockerels 60c to 75c each. First premium taken at the two fa'rs held in Giants Pass. John RobinBon, Route 3, Grants Pass. l'' 4t WANTED To lent small farm for yesr. Would buy alter u suuauie. Write K. W,, Courier office. 9112 t WANTED School girl to board. Address Hot 41U. work for 911 2t LOST. FOR SALE One half horse power ehsctrio motor, nearly new. price . Sis nn furnish shaft DJ belting if ' desired. Enquire of Wright, Oonklin building. W. P. 8 14 tf JERSEY Boll, 2 years old. .f cheap. Inquire of or address J. R. Scovill, Rr"D No 1.. Grants Pass, Ore. 94at THOROUGHBRED Poland China Boar for sue. ' P""':"'5 quire of A.M. Jess, B. F. D- o. FOR SALE-Single driving or rid ing oore. 10S0 lbs. Address Box fi3l. " POCKETBOOK Patent leather, square, containing money and valu able rPers. Return to Martha Clanton. 9 4 tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Three head work cattle in good condition, together with five yokes, two chains and bows for yokes. A snap if taken soon for particulars and prices, enquire of G. G. Holley, Riddles, Ore. 9-4 2t FOR SALE Modern hotel in good, incorporated California town; on . Aonnt. 27 rooms, bar in UUluri www 1 - , - finn with large stock of m, nloara. and pool table; Of en night and day. License 300 per year. Reason for selling, have t,M .rt.ritierll trt the bar and wish ontur practice of law. Will take )mvi fnr fnritnre and fixtures and AHHrosa H. E. M.. Couriir nv;,o r.runta Pass. 8-7 tf UUIlV, ... . - . . FOR SALE One pure bred Jersey Bull, three good milk rows, one calf ' and nine pigs, average weight, 8o pounds each. All for $115 cash. Inquire of Ward J. Spencer, Wood ville, Ore. 9-4 8t FOR SLE One Paragon Washing machine, one Glasscock baby jumper, one Glasscock baby walker ; also my stock of thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds. E. W. Smal ley. 725 N 10th St., City. 8-21 tf A Justice of the peaoe over at Spokane has delivered a knockout blow to pugilism by holding that the art of slugging and being slugged ia not a profession and that tbs followers thereof belong on the rock pile the same as other vagrants. Kvery man of affairs from either the northwest or the eastern states are one in the wonder that Josephine county farmers and orchardists have not utilized the water of Rogue River on the lauds. Tbey say that If this river were in most any other vicinity all the land adjacent would have been nnder ditch before this. If Representative Charles McDonald of Multnomah oounty is successful in securing the passage of a bill which he has drafted, cigarette smokers will be few aud far between in the state of Oregon, as the bill has for its pur pose the extermination of the "Coffin tack," as it is sometimes called. Even substitutes for cigarettes will be planed under the ban. There's no use talking, irrigation must come. While the subject has been agitated before many times there has never been the unanimity of spirit in this direction before. Every farm under thorough irrigation will be worth double what it is now while the soli will produce twice to three times the amouut of grain or fruit which it is now yielding, and of a better quality. Has Excellent Crop Some of the finest peaches raised in the valley this season have come from the Sabin orchard just north of town, formerly known as the Waters place. Mr. Sabin purchased the orchard in February aud began at once to give the trees a thorough overhauling and cnltivation, and the results have been highly satisafactory. He bas already sold locally and shipped 600 boxes of peaches and will pot oat at least' another 10J boxes before the season ia over. He also has some apple and cherry trees from whioh he has taken some excellent fruit Mr. Sabin 'is one of the new orchard ists who has found Grants Pass - all that was re presented and be is glad he cast his lot with us. COWS Milk cow for sale. Call early and have your choice or address. T. J. Bid mess, Merlin, Oregon. 8-14-tf. Window glass at Hair-Riddle's. ONE JERSEY Ball, 15 months old. for sale cheap. Hsyden Close, Phone 887, Wllierville. 7-24 tf. FOR SALE Good sugar pine Enquire Kenney 's Grocery, shakes. 6-8 tf WANTED 75 Hop pickers bv Sent 1st. Hop yard known as Mrs. M. Raozan; wages one cent pouni Apply 0. C. Gilbert Grants P RFD No. 2. 8-21 tf PIANO Pupils wanted 20 years ei- perience in teaching. Address Mrs E. E. Foster J, N 6th St., nut to K. Ccron. 717 tf FOR RENT. Wlf.L rent yon a good farm, seven miles of city. Best terms given. Write Box 25, or see me, residence corner Oak and Park streets. J. M. Mima MISCELLANEOUS. WE have several parties who are look ing for homestead locations or re linquishments, also some good tim ber claims. If yoo know of anv good homestead or timber claim",' it will pay yon to write ua. Ad dress Aetua Realty Co. 225 Failing Bldg. , Portland, Ore. 9-4 tf PIERCE Registered Angoras, K. A. Flock headed by one of the famous bucks of the "King Arthur" also other bucks of different strains of breeding. Does of the noted straini Bocks for sale, Merlin, Ore. 8 27 tf WANTED. WANTED Bids for clearing about 20 acres land which has ben cropped and grown op in chaparral. Also plowing same. Work to be com pleted by Febroary 20. 1909 John Rawlev, RFD No. 2, Box 662, Cres cent City Stage Road. 94-8t WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch and run boarding house. For further particulars address Eismann Bros., Grants Pass. Phone 1075. -4 . WANTED 10 rigging slingers, $0 per month ; 10 lumber pilers, $2 60 per day; two lumber graders, $76 per month ; high wheel teamsters, $65 per month Box'facfory men $3. W. H. West 64 Co., Medford Ore. FRANK BURNETT Upholstering, mission fnrnitnre made to order. PIANO Organ, Violin, Guitar, Ban jo and Mandolin classes now form ing for fall and winter. For infor-, mat ion see Prof. Stanton Rowell, tt the Mnsio Store. 8-28 4t STRAYED. One bay mare, about 4 years old, weighing about 1100, not marked, broke into my pasture at Jeroms Prairie 5 miles 8 W of town, Owner can have the same by provisf property and paying charges. E. A. EDGAR, Grants Pin. There came to my place 8 miles from town July 15, cne red cow, net marked, white strip on belly. Owner to have same by proving property aad paying charges. B. H. JESS, Wilderville road. 8-14 tt CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services Sunday, September 13, in the Redman ball, over the P. H. Hartb clothing store. It is hoped to be able to meet in the church on Sunday, September 20. Subject for morning servioe "The Church in Pain." p. in. subject "Watching j Au Innocent Man Die, or "A Lesson I In Mob Rule." The Whiston Long man (J. Uiuton t age, for the past six months eugaged as editor of the Courier, Is now in Eugene, w here he expei'tcs to engsge in business. Mr. Page is a thorough newspaper man of ability as is evidenced by the great improvement in the columns of the paper and it is with regret that we chronicle his departure. Mr. Page's successor will tie W. 8. Coolant, a man young in years but old in news paper experience, coming from a fami ly of newspaper men. He will have charge of the editorial aud news ouluuiof the paper and his endeavor will 'lie to keep the Rogue River Courier always at the head of the list ofJwMphlneconnty newspapers. evagelistio Uam of Nebraska begins a revival service at the Christ ian church October 6. Mr 'Whiston is a noted evangelist in the Christian church. Mr. Longman is a flue tenor soloist. Remember the date. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST. Christian Science Reading room, 117 E street, near Second. Services Sunday, September, 12th 11 a. in Subject "Substance." Wednesday meeting 8 p. m. All are oordlallly invited to attend. BORN. GROUT At Grants Pass, Ore,, August 26. 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. (.'limit's Grout, a daughter. CLIFTON Mondav, Sept. 7th, 1908. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack C lifton of Mer lin a 10 pound boy. MARRIED. "The excursion rates from the east weutfiuto effect this week aud there is every indication that there will be more easterners out to see the Rogue River valley within ;the next two mouths than have beeu here in any previous year. All reeideuts; yt Joevphlue couuty when writing'thelr eastcru friends who couteuiplats a MtHJDY WITT At Grants Pass. luesoay, September H, 1H0H, Clar eooe V. Moody and Mrs. Nellie G Witt. Rev. A. H. Hollingsworth offi ciating. T-L t . ... xois very preuy wedding wbs solemized at the Moody home which had teen decorated with vines and flowers for the occasion. The ring cereroouy was perfiruied while the contracting parties with Clint Moore, brother or the bride as best man aud Miss Esther Moody, sister of the groom as bridesmaid, were stationed under an arch of green in the bay window. , facing the audience, oompoeed of rela , tivesof the bride aud groom aud a few Invited, guests. After the .ceremony j the guests sat down at the prettily i decorated aud heavily laden (table for dinner. The happy couple ft the same day for a short stay at Ash land, after which they will be at home at ;G rants Pass. HARTH'S Cjc Clothiers HARTH'8 C Clothiers Only Remember That the Genurine .Retiring Sale Continues at HARTffS j& &f)e Clothiers j& Several early shipments coming in, shipped previous to cancellation of orders, including CLOTHING and UMBREL LAS, as well as other goods, all going at SAME PRICES as the entire stock,at our big quit-business sale. DONT FORGET OUR SNAPS IN Hop Pickers Supplies HARTH'S T5hQ Clothiers HARTh'S UhQ Clothiers