Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 11, 1908, Image 3

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And Supplies at
CLEMENS derlulgss
Are you doing what you can to pop
ulate your State?
OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE-Scttlm, honest farmer mechanic
Southern Pacific Co.
i8hD1 ton8 of-,.eon I'ti'wt-.ire to the East for distribution
through every available agency. Will you not help the "good I work
0reSon by sending us the names and address of vour
friends whoarelikely to be interested in this state? We will be
otogSSZ."1 con,plcte imforamtion
Or'Sr TISIJTk" TrWil.be0n fle clurinK SEPTEMBER and
VCXOBfcK from the East to all poinu in Oregon. Ihe fares from
a few principal cities are
From Louisville $41.70
" Cincinnati 42.20
" Cleveland
" New York
From Denver... .$30.00
" Omaha ... 30.00
" KansasCity30.00
" St. Louis.. 35.50
" Chicago.... 38.00
Tickets can Be Prepaid.
If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the
proper anionnt with any of our agents. The ticket will then be
furnished by telegraph.
K. K.lHONTGOMrBY, Local Agent
WM. McMl'BKAV, Genual faMenper Aper.l, Portland, r.
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The Place to Go for Perfect Rett and Every Conceiv
able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation
ItS Facilities are Complete Best of food and an abund
ance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities,
such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day,
Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to
be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations.
Newport is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albauy
or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily
aud the trip a pleasure throughout.
Season six-monlhs ticket $10.00
Our elaborate new Summer Book givei a concise desertion
of . Newport, inclodiug a list of hotels, their capacity and
rates. Call on, telephone or write
R.. K. MONTGOMERY. Local Agent. Grant. Pai.
Geneial Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Oregon.
Wbj Q Uoelin et ax et al, war
ranty to W A Leonard et al, W of
WI, 6eo 89, TS9, range 6, 100.
Alta Do act), warranty, to Chaa New
man, lota a aud 3, Block 87. O T S
Granta Pass. $fi00.
C D Welter, et ux et al, warranty,
to T E and MA Lacey, SE, Seo 6,
T 86, Range 6, eioept 10 acres, 1800.
T E and M A Laoey, warranty, to
Henry Soovllle, SE,U of NWW. Seo
o. I 3H. Range 5. exoept 10 acres, fJOO.
Uraoe O Beliairell et al, quit claim,
to W A Webber, lota 1 aod 2. block
3 9, O T S, Grants Pass, 75.
Edwin J Hubbard, et ox, warrauty,
to R A Biotb, lots 8 and 4 and NE'4'
'or is W if aud SEJi of NW if. See 18.
T 87. Range 8, $o00.
R A Booth, et ux, quit claim to
Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co, lota
3 aud 4 and NEl4 of SW and SE4'
of NWJ,. Seo 18, T 37, Ranhe 8, 10.
W T Perry et nx, quit claim, to
Michigan Mining & Milling Co, Sh of
SW,1-.,', Seo 18, alio pait of Hazel
Quartz Mining claim on Applegate
River, 1100.
Joephine Houston, watranty to J
W Bingham, bEV,-, Seo 24, T 39,
range 5 155 acres also half Interest in
water right, $3900.
Geo W Lewis to Delia S Lewis, lot
2, block N, in J Bourne's add, (1.
Walter B Ayer et ox to Jas Wilson,
half interest in NEt. of NWl,- Seo 18
T 35 Range ft 40
Grace E Bonoh to O O Bunch lota 8
and 4 In block S R R add Giant Pass
O O Bunch to Grace E Bunch, lots
7 aod 8, block 6'j O, T S, Giants
Pass, $1.
The Thorns. Orchard.
The orchard of R. Thomaa Is one of
the finest In this part of the country.
This year he has shipped a consider
able amount of "apples and pears and
both art of the flues t quality. This
fruit grower is justly prond of his
peach, pear and a pule trees. He has a
fine lot of large English Walnut trees
but a late frost destroyed the walnuts
this year. This season is the first in
the history of thes trees that tney
have been injured by freezing. Mr.
Thomas is euibnsiaatic for irrigation
for this part of the Rogue River val
ley. He says that water will add (100
value to every acre of good land in
this section and many fruit growers
will be enabled to clean op from $500
to 600 per acre when irrigation be
comes a fixed fact
Colonist Rates
in effect from Sept. 1. to October 31, VMS
on any Railroad, from Kaiw City. St. JWph
. . ..1.... 111 lV,,m st
Omaha, St. Paul. Mntapous. j-oj
Louis- $3S IX) fron C!iica r. $ 15 from In !ia
ipoUs' H. 75 from C eve'an 1; $47 o J from Pats
burg; ' 547.15 from Brimi:i,ham; $55.0. from
New York City. Proportion ale rates from every
city in the Unite i States.
Kor irafofmation about Grants Pass, address
Grants Pass Commercial Club
H. L. Andrews, Secy.
$100 REWARD $100
The readers of this pa)er will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded dueasx that science has
been able to "ore In all its stages,
aud that is Catarrh. Hall's Cata rb
Cure is the only jiositive cure now
knon to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requi'i' a constitutions! treat
ment. Hall's Catairh Cure is taken
internally, acting directlv upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying tlie fouuna
tion of the disraae, and giving the
patient strength In building up the
constitution aud as-iating rature iu
doing its work. Ttie proprietors l ave
eo much laith in it curative powers
that tbey tffer IU0 reward fur any
case tliit it fails to rure. Sen 1 fi V
list cf testimonial.
Addrehs F J CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by all drngiiistg, 75c.
Take Hull's Jramily Pills for con-
Pruning Commenced.
The Eisiumn Eroi. are in the niidht
of orchard pruning and fully one-half
of their orchards have already been
gone over. Thrse applegrow. rs stand
at the bead of their clafs iu the Rogue
River Valley, having lor eome years
shipped large quantities of that kind
of fruit which has made Southern
i iregon noted near and lar for aprl
growing. These gent I emeu are taking
I a deep interest iu irrigation and will
do their part in the organizition rf
the farmers canal company.
Notice lo Parents
Opening of School'.
i The city schools will opeo Mon
jjay. September 14th. The super
I lut'eodent will be in till oftic at the
Central Building ever? afieiuixm of
' he week pr.eding this op-n nir date,
(o confer with parents and pupils.
All pupils othr than 1st arane hn
. w-re not in attendance in the schools
.if (jrsute Pas, lat sesoiou, will be
required lo report at the offire for
examination and assignment Paronis
aud proip'ctive pupils are reqoettei
to take tiote cf this and not wait
I untiljce opening day of school to w
lenre entrance permits. All bub
s-hool pupils, whuher in atreodanre
last ses-ion or not, are requested to the evil of
Published by request.
Labor dy should rank with the 4th
of Jnly a characteristic- American hol
iday. The 4th of July commemorates
the means by which we gained oar in
dependence as a nation, and labor day
commemorates the means by which
we have made our nation the most
powerful the most progressive and the
most prosperous of any in the world.
Today brave hearts of every clime are
beating io unison, and millions of feet
are keeping step in the ownard, op
ward march to industrial liberty.
The toilers are awakened, and con
scious of the truth that sufferiug en
dured are but the labor pains that fore- j
tell the new democracy to be born.
Tli is is the most momeutous day of
all the year to the workers of the
world. Io every civilized country
this is recoguized as labor dav.
thought waves are carryiug aronud
the globe messages of love and en
couragement. The world is my country, man is my
brother, expresses the aublime senti
ment of a world-wide fraternity In
every laud where men and women are
striving under the galling- chains of op
pression. This noble thought quickeus
the soul and kindles the spark of hope
in the breast of the heavy laden. Let
the American oemmoners arouse
themselves I
They have always been the most loyal
and effective guards of freedom io
every crisis of our history I Let them
arouse themselvtsand with tint peace
ful, but poteot Instrument, the ballot,
let them maintain those institutions
of freedom which the fathers pur
chased at Ineffable cost I Let them ex
purgate from official circles, at least,
every vestige of irretentions aria
toctacy I Let them wipe from the
statute books every grsnt of special
privilege) Let them own and operate
through their government, every vari
ety of pub lo utility in the nature of
monopoly I Let them decapitate the
iron breeding bank trust, and am
putate tbe robber tariff. But let ns
cons der the doctrine of equality in
another relatioo.
The fathers pronounced for the
qual ty of citizenship in respect to
military service. Tbey were opposed
to a separate military clars io the
republic. They dreaded the establish
ment of professional soldiery. They
knew from their reading and their ex
perience . what wwi wait upon a
oountry where every adult civilian Is
compelled to carry a soldier on his
back. They knew that a standing
army always finally means war; that
war means debt ; that debt means the
separation tf -the people into bread
winners and bondholders; and that
the equilibrium of society once un
settled by the erection of a military
:las tends towards a further diidoca
tlon. Hence they were oue aud all, op
p sed to standing armes It was
one of the complaints against King
Oeorge put luto the " Declaration of
Indei endence" that be maintained
standing armies among os Joseph
War en, the hero cf Bunker Hil',
thuudeied anaiuxt it In an oiatiou, de
livr d in Wi in which with oIhhmo
force aud elegtnee be pointed out the
liecerBtry aniavon'sm between inili
tiriHiu a"d pepnlir liberty. Jiwlah
liner iu a masterly review of the
ill J ct, emitted, iu 1774 and iu which
he brought u der review the whole
history ol military nations, ancient
and modern, howed how tnevitabl
fixed, military establishments ever
tend toward the ruin of both civic
iredom and moral civilization. Jeffer
son opnosed pioleas onal soldiery early
aud late, and in u any of li is letteis
eired his rgret that an express
dchraiion againM standing armies
had not been l ni into the Contsiio
tion, an'l Wiish ngloti after having
apeut eight years la the saddle as the
commander of the American armies,
aud another ieight years in the prea
dent's chair shading tbe (unctions of
our new government, put into bis
majestic fareell addres a solemn
admonition against ovsrvrowing mili
tary establishment J" whith" be said
"un hranj form of government are
iniuspiciuus io liberty, aud which
are to be regarded as parliculary tins- '
t le to republican libertv." Kranklio j
wi opposed to a standing army. Joho '
Dickiuiou, Stephen Hopkins. Beoja-1
uiiu Rush, John Hancock, both cf the
Adams and inieel nearly every oue '
of the revolutionary leaders lifted thnir
vo cs to warn tbe riaing generation of
war and bloodshed. The 1
into the veins of human society, peace, Good Liniment,
health and well-being are Impossible. Ton will hunt a good while before von
Either it must be eliminated or fr1 PrP-r,io ' 9"1 to Chamber,
society will stagger to collapse i the tr"'.nt fur w muscular and
m)im . n ln rheumatic pains, for the cure of sprains and
corruption and rottenness wbloh It soreness of the muscles, la esses of rheum.
Inevitably breeds. In conclusion : j atismand sciatica it relieves the intense pals
Ood'l Elnnlnm la nu'i nn....l and makes sleSD and mat txwihla. Inua
B - vwnjBMiwni - , , i , - - -
Where none can sell anH nn. ,?7 Pi -eves the soreness and restores
Where toil and love, enslaved no
Will yield os son Is that sing and soar,
W here eerth, no longer alien ground.
Shall At for God aud man be found.
Last Sunday Gold Hill came down
wi tli a picked team composed of the
best base ball players of Gold Hill,
and Jacksonville. They put op a good
game of ball bot our ba'tery was too
much for them. The home boys
plaved in their usual s'yle, wlnuing
eailv by a score of 4 to 1.
To Provide lor Purchase by the
City of Plant of Water
8 eo
7 60
Court met on Wednesday, tbe 2d day
of September 1908, there being present
Hon. Stephen Jewell, county judge,
M. A. Wertz, oommissioner, H. S.
Woodcock, commissioner, 8. F. Chesh
ire, clerk, W. J. Rossell, sheriff. The
following proceedings were had to
wit: Sidney Andrew appointed supervisor
of road district No. 17, in place of L.
L. Sharp previously appointed and
who failed to qualify.
In the matter of the payment of bills
tbe following accounts were audited
ana allowed and the clerk ordered to
draw county warrants in the payment
of the same :
W II Jordan, wk ou roads a 00
George Farlegh, wkon roads... 6 00
H M Miller, wk on roads 45 2o
E R Strong, ' " 6 60
Sam Aldorson, wk on road.... 2 00
V D Litten. 4 doz fruit jars
County Hoe 9 2o
Samuel Hawkins, tending fer
ry on R R for Aug 6 60
Golden Rule Store, mds panprs 2 95
E Bumgafdner, tending ferry
on R R for Aug lfl 66
J W Wells, sprinkliug st Aug. .
J T Taplor, stamps, st'ery, etc.
E S Van Dyke, Atty fees in-
sane Ex 6 00
James Holnian, jury feea State
vs Streuber 1 95
Condor W & P Co, lights for
court house 6 66
R R Water Co, water crt house 21 W
Clans Schmidt, mds Co hos....
Eclus rol lock. l(f das dep asaos-
sor. Aug- 1IW
Eclus polliM-s, 8 blue prints
The Irwin Hod.tou Co, supplies
R T Soott. mds for Co Hos. . . .
Frit nk E King, 60 tier wood
court house. 100 00
Frank Johnson, le.ard of pauers 9 20
W () Johnson, chickens pr farm 1 00
C L Balwin, 47 registrations 4 70
Ghtas and Piirdlioinnie, 1 I'utt
man copy holder. . 6 60
Sam Egger, jr, wk on road.... 10 IX)
Edmund Egger, " " " 7 60
Frank Stewart " ' " 7H 76
Chss. Vans, " " "
Sam Egger, " " " ....
George W Elder, mdse for
Grants Paw Delivery Co, do
livery goods County Hos. .
W O Johnson, 1 cow co hos. . . .
W C Fry, wk on roads 20 00
1 8 L Jewell, bd paiila-rs Aug. ... 74 00
Minnie Tuffs. ss't tearhers Kx 20 00
H E Bush, wood for Co hos 8 00
I S Lotighridge, Ex of insane 6 00
' R R Turner, aas't teacher's Ex 20 00
1 P P Pris-bir, printing 6 00
i A U Baiinard, mds for Co hio ;it 86
: J C Brown, vegetables Co Hos 3 0
Glass and Pru'lhomme I book
I typewriter 185 00
j O F Geutiier, wk on roads.... 6 26
1 H D Eisman, ser fruit Ina June 27 60
Not 1 in 1000 who buy
Schilling's Best wants the
Yewr arortr ritaraa rr monty U res dosl
Hk Scbiiaai 's Bt. pa, him.
the parte to a healthy condition in one-thlnl
the time required by the usual treatment
It is eauallv ValnahU for lama Krk nrl .K
deep seated muscular pains. 25 and 60 oeiat
fites for tale by M. CUiueus.
New $50,000 buikling this year.
The College of Literal Arts has
srong, brain-developing courses.
Other courses in Oratory Music,
Theology, Educa on,. Medicine,
Law, and in the academy.
45 Profeuon, High Quality Instruction
State Libraries nfTonl superior ad
vantages. For Catalogue, address
Prw. F. H0MAN. Salrm, Ortijon
6 10
48 00
1 60
70 76
6 00
'Jo 00
140 00
17 3
9 00
40 00
Ashland Commercial College
Noiuotliliii Kplal
Husinesa and Shorthand Training, thor
ough and practical
Nolo lllO HptM-tlll
All students who secure a nine months
scholarship and enter Srpleiulwr 7 will lie
entitled to Ihe couihined course of Julv 1,
ltu. This irires you an extra month. 'In
vestigate and come.
aureus. l KITNKK. Trss.
Pionerr Auayln g and Rcf. Co.
Capital 1100,000. Et. 27 years. Oold
base hulllon; cvanldss, rich ore, elo.
bought ; assaviiig Hoit cash on
assaying values. I :ti Ath at. near U.
H. Mint, tjan Franciano, ( al.
Hs'IU Pnslllral lgr4.
Oslr sotliorlE.l Kaalri In.
tltul. la (Inaoi. Wrlla
for IlitwtnttM clnnlar.
unnissnnin. 71 Lima.
Value of Playgrounds.
All nature Is now awake to tbe full
est. and no exception is noted in regard
to our boys snd girls. Our official play
grounds are congested with little folks,
and petitions come in from all parts
of Ijjt Angeles for more sjiS'-e for Ju
venile recreation. These grounds sboold
be supplied at any cost for opon them,
says the Los Angeles Times, much de
pends In tbe creation of good or evil in
tbe growing genera tlo a both In tbe
moral and tbe physical sense. Give os
I i nlenrv or DlaYarouiiria wall Mulnosirl
famous little liver L'pilla. . Sold by J ' achievement was built. Slavery is m Kb appsratus and In tharge of eoffl
, Model Drag Store. 4-3 1)1 a subtile poison that, once Injected 1 petent overseers.
call at we orace on ins aneroooo ot achievemeoU of slaverv has in the
Thoraday. hnday, or Saturday just ,K
preceaing the opening date. Dd n- h,m0 Rr"t ,D thelr w"'p
fer with teachers and superintendent. The slavery of Babylon, Egypt, Greece
as to cocrse of stody to be persaed and Rome expressed i'seif in archltec
thU coming session - j tural achievement that baa IU mark
Soperint'end.nt. 1 10 d'- Bot oclent civlli
T. P. CRAMKR. rations perished from their own rot
Chairmao Board of Directors Jteooeas aod corruption arising from
; De Witt's Little Early Rjjeia, tbe , 4l 1t,r-T npon whlch ,belr etne-
Fairbanks-Morse Usaollns Engine for
pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding.
Ouillts complete.
Kalrtisnks Mcales for weighing.
Fairbanks-Mora Dynamos and Motors
for lower snd light.
Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers.
Kairhanka-Morae Urindera, Feed ( hop
pern. Wall Pump.
All first quality minds at lowest prices.
Always in nloi k. Ulieral terms. Prompt
reply io Inquiries and quick ahlpments.
Virile for catalogue and prices.
Granta I'ass. Oregon
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks U)0
Hlv Wood
1 Tier Manzauita $2.50
:1 Tier Oalc $2.75
'1 Tier Fir $2.50
1 Tier Pine $2.25
! Clin u 1 Wwoil
I Tier Oak $2 50 :
1 Tier Fir $2 25 j
1 Tier Pine $2.00 j
1 Load Sawdust $1 0(J
1 Ioad Kindling $1 00 j
M. Mclntyre's
Cycle and Machine Shop
So. oth and L,. st. Grants Pass
Bad Attack of Dysentery Cared.
Ab honored eitiun of this town was rot
faring from a severe a'4ack of dyaeutery. Urn
told a friend if be could obtain a bottle of
ChamUrlaip'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remarfy, he felt confident of being eared, he
having oaad this remedy In the West. Urn
was told that I kept it lo stock aod lost a
time In obulnin lt aH was smnrihi
eared," ssts M. J. Ieh (e-M nf vtlt.
Ott, VU f'urM. I ,.; .U. L.iua.