VOL. XXIV. THIS CITY OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES Progressive, Up-to-Date and American. RAISES . FINEST FRUIT Southern Pacific Advertises the Advantages of This Won derful V&lley. Many people throughout the eastern central states are looking for a place to settle where the opportunities for making a livelihood are better than where they now live. To assist these people, the Southern Pacific Railroad Company has issued a circular de scriptive of Grants Pass and the sur rounding valley. The article is too lengthy to be given in foil, bnt the following extracts will be of interest to onr readers : "Grants Pass, Oregon, is the busy, hustling county seat of Josephine County of Southern Oregon. The city is charmingly located at the northern end of the famous Rogue River Valley and is the diverging point for a vast agricultural, froit, timber and mining territory. "Th's progreseive,op-to-date, purely American city of over 6000 population, offers to the Western homeaeeker wonderful opportunities in all branches of Industry. The necessaries of life can here be had in abuudauce with but little exertion; on the other hand, snug fortunes are awaiting the maa of energy, brains and small capi tal who will intelligently devote bis abilities to the growing of the apple, pear, peach and grape in th's land of sunshine, streamlets and valleys. "Stop and consider for a moment the following comparison: Mr. Farmer of the Eastern and Middle Western States, cultivating hundreds of a' res of oorn, wheat, barley, etc, demanding untiring energy and quite frequently failure of crops from var ious causes, storms, blizzards, cy clones, intense cold, with the fruit grower of this fanioos Rogue Rivir Valley, who by modern methods of pruning, onltivating, packing and shipping of his never-failing crop is realizing from $900 to $t'00 per ac re per annum from applrs, peart, grapes and other fruits; where the ther mometer never goes below 20 degrees above zero, and storms, blizzards, cyclones are unknown. "The Rogue River Valley holds the worlds' record price for a carload of pears lo New York City last October. "Coveut Garden market of Loudon, Hug laud, deuiauds the Rogue River Valley Yellow Newton Piprin and Spitzenberg apples, and is willing to )By 2 per box f. o. b. Grants Pass. "The Tokay grape is eagerly sought after by the markets of Portand, St. Louis, Omaha aud Chicago and net from fJiOO to 600 per acre. There i a large ares of fertile .lands adjacent to Grunts Pas which will raise this aud other varieties of grapes to perfection and can be bought at low figures, varying from $10 per acre ap. "Toe standing t ruber of Josephine Countf is upwaris of uins billion feit. Mauy sawmills are in operation throughout the couniy. employing hnndr d of men. "The tirn is ripe for the wise in vtstor to identify himself wit' this wondertully resourceful valley. The optort .nnieH for tde safe iiives'ine it of cauital art) numerous, iuuluding ubdivisicn of luge areag-s of aiu able fruit lands iuto tracts of 5 10 l'i and 20-acre plots, upon eh of which a family can bnooma indepeud nt provide tor a raiLy iay. The fr.-it culture bui ess of the Koue Kve. Valley is appealing to the overnre.i cftioe men of the Ee-t and Middle West, and they are flocking to this balmy, health-giving b auty-spot, where their families can have the advantage of excellent schools, High School and Uuiveristy, as well as the wholesome pastimes of ootofdoo' recreatiou with the rod and gun the year around. "Electric railroad interubao systems invite the consideration of the capi talist. Here the natural water power GRANTS is nnlimited, the topography of the conutry being mor8 than favorablei "Irrigation offers the capitalist a highly remnnerative opening. Many thousand acres of gently rolling foothill lands can be thereby made valuable property. "Flouring mills, furnitnre factory, creameries, condensed milk plant wholesale grocery and produce, saw' mill and machinery supples, eto., are among the openings for the man look ing fcr a busiuess location. The city of Grants Pass is provided with electrio lights and power for factories aud shops of all kinds, good sewer system, good water, good streets and cemant sidewalks, telephones to all parts of the connty. Among its in dustries are two large box factories, fruit cannery, cold storage and ice plant, two lumber yards, iron and steel works and foundry, cider and vinegar factory, bottling works, steam laundry, four hotels and good public buildtigs. including four school hooses; churches of all denominations. and city park npon the banks of the Rogue River. ' 'There is uo section of the West that offers greater opportunities 'for the man of moderate means than the Rogue River Valley. Fruit growing, diversified farming, poultry raising, grape culture, stock and oattle raising. gold, and copper mining, lumbering, merchandising, etc., are among the many vocations whicb offer unusual openings to the man of thrift and energy." Heating Stoves at Hair-Riddle Hdw. Go's. FRUIT GROWERS MAKING PROGRESS Have Perfected Temporary Or ganization and Are Ready to Incorporate. An eotbnsiastio meeting of the Grants Pass Fruit Exchange was held Tuesday afternooo. M. J, Anderson of the Forestry Service presided and early proved to the frnit growers that he was the right man in the right place, for ha kept everyone good natured from start to finish and at the same time allowed no time to be wasted. The first bosiuess done after a temporary organization nan Deen prefected was to give him a vote of thanks and it was adopted with a cheer. The temporary board ot di rectors consists of Will Scoville presi dent, J. H. Robiuson, vice-president. R. Thomas, secretary, G. A. Hauiiltou and H. O . Bateham. The 'position of manager was offered to Frederick D Eismaun, but be declined to s rve. H C. Bit ham was elected stcretarj. 1 he Fi st National Bank was de- signatid as treasurer. The Eirmann Bros, offered the use of Warehouse No. 2 f r the season for a nominal rental of $'.'0. The fctock of the new corporation is teiug Kiiosmbe'l as rapidlv as those who iiave the niattrr n hind can get around and in a few davs they expect to have ti e re quired amount taken. Th new organization stir's out in a business like way ann aireauy una the confidence of the Irutt growers and busiue-s men. It is confidently expected that it will grow iuto a powerful and influenzal institution before another season rolls around. ORDINANCE INTRODUCED TO AMEND CITY CHARTER To Provide lor Purchaae by Ctiy of Plant of Water Company. lh At a renular meeting of the city council la-t Thuisday uiuh' the essiou called to order by tin mayor. Councilmen Fetsch, Ktunxy and Lewis were absent. After the -eadiug and approtal of the minutes of the last meeting the retitioo of J. O. Booth and Alue t m.th. asking for the exetup tion from the tire limits of the east half of Block 21 of the original town site, was granted and the city attor ney authorized to prepare the neces sary ordinance. On motion the recommendation or the sewer committee ror we laying or 1 a lateral sewer In the valley through I blocks of the original townsite, as .... . . i per the request or petitioners, warn ..ir,,. mil the citr engineer in- strocted toake the necessary sur-j vej The following bills wereZfrabJy PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER reported by the finance committee and on ruotiou warrants ordered drawn in payment of the same : 0 H Clements, telephoning. ...$ S 70 W F Woodson, labor on streets.. 53 00 FE Hobsou, engineering ..... S3 SO Cramer Bros, hardware. 20 45 Ordinance No. 33, relating to sale of frnit, sandwiches or other eatables around the depot on the arrival ot passenger trains, was read the first time in full and the second time by title and referred to the health com mittee. Ordinance No. 320, proposing an amendment to the charter in order to purchase the plant of the Rogue River Water Co., was read in full the first time and the second time by title and referred to the water committee. Ordinance No. 823,. relating to the construction of a lateral sewer through the alley in block S3 of the original townsite, was read in full the third time and -placed npon its final passage, all members present voting in the affirmative On motion the city englueer was instructed to make a survey .for a lateral sewer on West G streets, run oing west from main sewer at the in tersection of West G and Pine streets. On motion the city attorney was in structed to Investigate the lioeute required of the Eleotrio Theater and report at the - next meeting of the council. The city attorney was. also instructed to look Into the matter of a deed from the city to Joseph Wolke for a certain lot in the original town site and report at the next meeting. On motion the application of J. O. Booth and B. F. Banks for use of half of the street in front .of their respective properties for building pur poses was granted, with the provision tbat they keep a clear passage way for traffic along the street at all times. Cpoa motion a warrant was or dered drawn in favor of L. A. Robert son for the sum of $800 to apply on the sewer contract which he is now exe cuting. On motion the National Drug stors was granted a permit to place an electric sign in front of its place of business on Sixth street. -.There being no farther business the council then adjourned. , Another Laundry Fire. Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock, the fire department was railed out by a blaze at the Chinese laundry, conducted by Yuen Slug on F stiret. Thejflre was caused by an over heated fine. Owing to the prompt turnout of the department, the damage was slight, only bnrning a corner ot the building. Yuen Sing seems fated to burn np, as this is the second time in the past few mouths that liis place has been on fire, the first time the damage being considerable. Shipping Much Fruit, J. H. Robiuson of t e Applegate seel ion was in town Tuesday to at tend the meeting of the Rogue River Fruit Exchauge. The Robinson or chards are busy places at this time of the year as all hands are hard at work picking and packing fruit. Up. to the 1 resent tiuia they hate shipped 275 boxes of pears, 100 Jxixis of summer apples and 410 boxes ot peaches His uialu crop consists ot winter apples, the picking of which lias not beu begun. Se.tisfa.ctory Crop E. M. Austin of the New Hope district, three miles below Murphy on the A pplegate was iu towu Tuesday with a load of cabbage, tomatoes and other products. To a Com lei man he stated that crops under irrigation on the Applegate were all tbat could be des red, but outside of this pros pects were poor. On bis own place which is supplied with water he has a good showing of everything put in. Mr. Austiu is an enthusiastic irr ga tiouist and makes the broad claim that wati r more than doubles the re turns to the farmer. Ple-nttng Tokays George H. Parker, agent for the Al bany Nurseries, is busily engaged these days in visiting bis customers throughout the valley and is highly pleased with business conditions. He is of tbe opinion that fully 300,000 grape vines will be set oat in this re gion this season and that folly nine tenths of them will be Tokays. Tbe 0ien far tboM of My plaoed already exceed previous year and the ,Tera(fe frnit grower bas hardly ygo, 0f pUcing bis order yet. Malleable Steel ranges sold on easy Hair-Riddle Hdw. pay menu m m jCo's. COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLDS MEETING Discussc Irrigation and Electric Railway. WILL MEET EUGENE DEBS Advertising Campaign Bringing Hundreds of Inquiries from Home Seekers. The regular meeting of the Com mercial Club was l eld Tuesday even ing at the olub rooms with a large at tendance ot members. Tbe committee having in hand the matter of provid ing an exhibit for the Seattle Alaska Yukon Exposition reported that they were taking steps to prepare an ex hibit bnt had nothing definite to re port as yet. The advertising committee ap pointed to interview tbe connty coort relative to the making of an ap propriation for tbs advertising fund reported tbat so far they bad not re ceived much enoouragement but that the matter was still open and the prospects good for receiving some as sistance on behalf of the tax payers of the county. The matter of fiuauoes was pre sented in detail by the "secretary and after being considerably discossed a peruianeut finance committee was appointed. Mauy letters of Interest from pros pective home seekers were read by the secretary showing eager inquiries from all sections of the country. il. E. Gale, a recent coiner who now owns tbe beautiful fruit farm formerly belonging to William Crow, made a request for the co-operation of the club in the matter of securing a change of the road to Galice Creek in the viciuity of Hog Creek, stating that the present road is very hilly and the proposed road woo Id not only do away with the hilla, bnt wonld enable him to plaut upwards of AO acres of fruits in addition to his already large orchard. The club pledged their sop- port to Mr. Gale iu securing the change. Mr. Andersen of the U. S Forest Service, called attention to the fact that approximately $1700 whs in the bands ( f the secretary of s'ate for the benefit of Joeephiue county road fond, being this county's share of the revenues of the Forest Department in this section for the past two years, thereby demonstrating the fut that the present admin in' rut lou of the forest service by the department at Washing ton is beneficial iu nioie than one way, A communication was read calling atteuion to the fact that Eugene V. D im, socialist candidate for presi dent, and othT prominent persouages would he in Grants Pass Suuduy to addie?s the people, aud on motion a corutnitt 'H of five was appointed to represent the dub at the meeting. The chairman was further authorized to appoint a c mmittee of like utimber at any time when prominent persons should visit the city in the future. Another luipoitant matter presented to the cluh was a proposition from Arthur H. Karnum to establish a creameiy in Grants Pans. This pro position is referred to elsewhere io this issue. Many other matters nf interest to the community were dis cussed, notably irrigat on, which 's talked on ail oocasons by our peope, alio the proposed electric railway. The meeting was one of the most enthusiastic gatherugs bad for some time past. GALICE IS A THRIV ING MINING CAMP A visit to the thriviog mining ramp of Galioe is one that bas been denied tabs Courier publisher until laet week, when A. E. Voorhies and son Earle made the trip, returning to Grants Pass the next day. At Mer lin the first thing to attract oar at tention was tbe express car loaded with peaches which was laade op with tbs passeoger train for ship ment north. We Jwers'told that every 11. 1908. express train took its car of peaches I from Merlin for a number of days during the season, then fallowed heavy shipments in less than car lots. After a good dinner at Maasie's. a four-hour's ride In Massie's stage ovfr a good mountain road brought the seven passengers and driver to the Gnlice postoffioe and store of Barlow Bros. Boiler making seemed to be in prog ress at the camp and the sound of riveting called attention to the Oilman Bed Rock Mining machine which was being elected at the river near the postoffioe. Tweuty jnen were engaged on tbe niachclne and in constructing a wing dam. They have their own camp and boarding house, convenient for work. The Barlow store presents an Inter esting soene at night when the miners gather for their mail and to purchase suppliis. Story telling andf Joshing" are always in order. The interior of the store presents a varied stock from post cards to blasting powder aud dress goods to drill steel. Everything Is carried in stock and a burro pack train stands ready for delivery. Galioe consists oaly of the store, In which is the post office, hotel, school house, several residences and the Oilman camp, but it is a disribnting center for a large area, and to this point gather the men from the Rand, Alameda, Harvey, the Seven-Thirty, and many other of the surround lug mines. Two dally stages run between Mer lin and Galioe, starting from each point about 7 a. m. and 1 to 8 p. m. SPIRITED DISCUSSION ON IRRIGATION Keport of Irrigation Committee at Executive Session Arouse Interest. The Comeroisl Club at its regular meetiug on Tuesday referred many important matters to tbs executive committee for Immediate aolion and in accordance there ' with a session of the latter committee was held at 10 o'olotk Weiluesday forenoon. Tbe Irrigation committee's report was read aud was followed by a lively discussion. The general trend of the remark was to the effect that irriga tion Is the paramout question in this valley and that each and every mem ber of the committee is In favor of supporting the first feasible project qreseuted looking to the desired end. A motion was also carried to the effect that the irrigation committee appoint some competent person to se cure the signatures of property owners who would be willing to co-opeate with the club on a general irrigation project. Judge Durham, who had just re turned from Portland stated that hs had interviewed General Manager O'Brien aud Attorney W. D. Feut -n of the H. P. relative to irrigation and was requested by them to write an outline ot the profit Ion so they could hsve the niattrr In a tangible form to present to the higher authori ties. During tbe conversation it transpired that it was possible that the railroad compaoy would be will ing to place upon the market Its agri cultural lands In this county. Making an Attractive Place. The new corner drug store is rapid ly being pat in order, all the stock having been moved this week from the old location. The new store is now open for business. Mr. Sablr, tbe proprietor has been in the drug business for over 90 years, having conducted stores at Fargo, N. D , and Red field 8., D., before coming here. He intends to Increase the stock of goods as rspidly as the wants of the people can be determined and to make a ajiecialty of the prescription depart ment in charge of which he will keep a reelstered prescription oleik. Mr. Uabin states tbat it is his intention to make of the corner, an attractive place and one that will be a credit to Grants Pass. The beginning made by bim forcasts bis making good. Tbe Grants Pass Box Go. is now taking np Its July labor notes and hereafter will pay Its employes in ossh. The company has made a contract whicb to fill will require all of the lumber now io the yards and the making np of the boxes will occupy folly three months steady operations. A Garland Stove or Range is always satisfactory and the price is reason sble. Cramer bios sell them. No.24 SWIFT & CO. LOCATE HERE Means Bigger Market For Farm Products. A. H. AHLF IN CHARGE Swift's Representative Picks out Grants Past After Thor ough Investigation. Capital has its eyes on Grants Pars, and the result of nearly every investigation brings an additional in dustry for the oity. About 10 days igo A. L. Coffey, Northwest Manager for Swift & Company, was h re on the lookout for a site providing lis was satisfied that tbs bnslness was here too justify the location of one of their plants. Before leaving he opened negotiations with J. H. Ahlf but left tbe closing of them until after be bad completed his tour of Inves tigation through the other towns. A few dsys later he made ap his mind that Grants PI ass was the plaoe aod so consuniated tbe deal. The Ablf Packing House has been leased and Mr. Ahlf will hate charge of the plant. This oity will be made the dis tributing point for all of the products of the company in this section, being supplied direct from the Chicago es tablishment. Including smoked meats, soaps, canned goods, eto.. until the big Swift Packing House is com pleted In Portland, after which the Grants Pass establishment will be supplied from there. Mr. Ablf states that he will be in position to bay the beef, pork, mutton, poultry, sggs and other produots from tbe farmers In this section to be shipped either to Portland or up and down tbs tins ac cording to the demand, thus famish ing a market for all tbat can be rained by our farmers. In addition to the men employed In the city to look after the business a traveling representative will be em ployed for the Southern Oregon terri tory. Grants Pass has the busiuess aud the location for now industries sod her wide swake business men are ever willing to extend a welcome hand to bring about the establishment of all possible industries here. Swift & Co. ate to be congratulated on socurlug the services of our towns man, Mr. Ahlf in their undertaking. ELLA WILLIAMS GETS CHARGE OF BIRD SHOT A rather peculiar and unfortunate shooting case occurred on thoj Apple gate iu the Bailny vineyard lease 1 to K. A. Iuibler and Geo Tethrow last Saturday evening. Miss Ella Wil liams, accompanied by several young folks, was reforming from a dauce at the Willis York ranch and crossed the I in b I or & Tethrow vineyard. Wander ing hop pickers have been bothering the orchards and vineyards in this section considerably of late aud when Mrs. Iuibler heard voices she supposed that the place was being.vlslted again by Ipetty thieves and determined thai it was time this sort of thing stopped, so she took a shot gun and went oat ana 'before noticing who the persons were, fired , intending, she says, to shoot them n the legs, but aimed higb and eight of the shot, which were number 4 and 15, struck Miss Williams in the'face. Dr. Loughridge was surniuoned to look after the young lady, and shortly afterwards Sheriff Russet went to the scene and brought Mrs. Imller to town, taking bur to the Runnel home to await a hearing, which was hsd on Monday. She waived examination and was plaoed under $300 bonds. Miss Williams is resting easily and It is beped will recover rapidly from the effects of the shot. No meaningless arid gaudy nickle and riflls. Just a solid, substantial, exquisite piece of kitchen furniture that's alL Tbe Malleable, made la South Baud. See it at the store of the Hair-Rlddla Hardware Oo. dnen eek brglnnin" f'rpternbrr I lib. w