Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 21, 1908, Image 5

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weigh and mtartre ereryikinq you
uv American Oncer.
ou This Week
With Oregon's choicest
Watermelons and the cele
Rocky Ford or Nut-
dieg melon at 25c to
ouc per
I Sweet Corn now in pood
supply price lower.
String Beans 3c to 4c.
Summer Squash.
Crawford Peaches arriving
Green Sweet Peppers and
lied Japan Chillis.
For Saturday's arrival we
expect fresh Strawberries,
3weet Potatoes, both white
md black Grapes.
Hot weather Chow Chow,
per pint 15c.
Sweet and Sour Pickles
10c and 15c pint
t; A Doublet Ender.
Mr. Allspice "What'i tbat piece
of oord tied around your finger fort"
' Mr. Pepper "My wife pat it there
to remind me to poet ber letter; " '
Mr. Allspice "And did yoa poet
lit" :
JMr. Pepper "No; she forgot to
(We it tone." " ' '
Among other things don't
forget that we have the finest
7EASand COFFEE in the
Boiled Ham, fancy Break
ist Bacon.
Fresh Bread Daily
til and
made, home made
A Matter of Creed.
A. man addicted to walking in bit
. jep went to bed all right one night,
t Jt when he awoke he fonnd himself
i the itreet in tbe grasp of a police
Utn. "Hold on," be cried, "yon
I tetn't arrest me. I'm a somnam-l-lllst"
To - which the policeman
I piled : "I don't care wbat yoor re
I'jion is yer can't walk the itreets
ljer nightshirt."
Cpecial on canned TomatooB
10c per can.
White House
j M..I..t..M .M..t..t..M. A.T-T..T, t ,t ,t
O. M. Springer wis iu from Frovolt !
last Saturday.
J. C. Aiken of Jacksonville was
in town Monday.
W. G. Knipps of M-dford was look
ing after businesi here hut Saturday.
Sheriff Jones of Jacksonville was in
Grants Pass lat Mouday on official
Miss Myrtle Lee came down from
juedford last Saturday to spend a few
days with her mother.
Mrs O. F. Whitney returned last
Friday from Fortland wbere she had
been spending a week with relatives.
Attend to securing your Hop tickets
now. The Courier office has tbe most
approved syile.
Arthnr Sampson retained home
Saturday from a visit with friends at
Portland, Newport and other Oregon
J. F. Busty and daughter of Water
loo, Iowa, were in the "city Sunday,
leaving here in the atternoon for Cali
Editor Cooklin of the Pacifio Out
look and his family are over on Jump-
off-Joe for a week or 10 day's ooting
and rest
Supervisor M. J. Anderson of the
forest reserve office here, left Sunday
night for a brief busiuess errand at
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Stovall of
Oorvallis, arrived in the city Tuesday
for a visit with their sou, Dennis
Stovall and wife.
Mrs. H. L. Andrews and children
went to Ashland last Snndav to sueud
a day with her sister and stopped off
ea route home to visit her mother at
Standard cement, any quality at
14 25 a barrel at Grants Pass Hdw. Co.
7-31 it
Mr. and Mm. M. M. Murray of
shland returned home Wednesday
after having visited Mrs. Murrays
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Croxton.
. L. M. Williamson of Berkeley, Cal.,
returned home last Saturday after
having spent two or three days here
looking after his property interests in
this vioioity.
Editor J. F. Galbraith of the Ob
server and son Clive and Attorney
J. N. Johnston left Tuesday morning
for two weeks' ontmg over in the
Steamboat country.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. DeVore and
children arrived in the city last Fri
day, from Independence, Kan. , for a
few weeks' visit with Mrs. DeVore's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foster.
Chas. Mesorve, secretary of the
Grants Pass Froit Growers' associa
tion left Monday morning for Mt.
Pitt, near which plaoe he will take a
much needed rest and recreation for a
few weeks.
t F. B. Vernon of Merlin was in the
city last Satarday looking after busi
ness pertaining to land interests in
Josephine county. He is at present
assisting Mr. Dory, wbo has a fine
16-acre peach orchard near Merlio.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Opdyke re
turned home Sunday evening from a
camping eipedition of 13 days near
Steamboat. M. L. reports a dandy
time and said that they had so many
trout to eat that he can't look a trout
in tbe eye.
Mrs. J. E. Hyde left last Thnrsday
night for North Bnd where Mr.
Hyde has secured control of one of the
hotels of that place which he will
hereafter operate. Mr. Hyde was
formerly with tbe Palace of this city.
R. F. Scott of Cre swell was in the
o y thf fore fart of the wek and
went from here to Merlin whers he
has a 40-acre farm.
President L. F. Oilman of tbe Gil
man Bed Rock Mining Co., with a
crew of eight men went to Merlin
last Satarday to unload the company's
new mining machine which bad jot
arrived from the foundry at Sacra
mento, CaL The machine is mw
being set up on the' river below Galice
creek where it will be in opt-reation
as soon as it has been erected and ad
justed. T. B. Jones and daughter, Miss
Zola, of Longniont, IColo., wbo have
been spending the past cocple of
weeks bere with the family of G. A.
Collins, left Sunday for their Colo
rado hove. Mr. Jones was in his
earlier life engaged in 'railroad con
struction and aided in building the
Northern Pacific. JHe'was also en
gaged in mining operations in tie
Cripple Creek district for a number
of"years. For! the pact! few years,
howeverbe has . beeu jinakiug 4hi
home at Longmnnt, adjoining 'which
place he has a splendid irrigated ;
ranchT He" and"his daughter were
very much" impressed with Southern
Oregon and especially with GraoM
Pass, and may decide to locate here at
a later dat-. ' JIm. t'clliu-' Jn a
daughter cf Mr. Joufs. ... , i
Mrs. F. W. VauDyke went to
-xiivsiiu xursuay lur a snort stay.
J. S. West, an attornev of Okla
homa, is visiting his sister, Mis.
Wash Hair.
C. C. Wynant of L.nrel Grove left
this week w'th a party cf e ght for
Ciesceut City.
Mr. snd Mr. W. E. Rvofly have re
turned home from Round Mount. in.
Mrs. E. F. Hair returnud this week
from a three, months' visit to Kansas
and Nebraska.
J. W. Branch Is attending the
Photographers' association at Van-;
couver, Wash., this week. j
Send yonr woik to the French
L,aunary 619 o street, no ttariug uor voting contest, giving a gold ring
wearing of clothes. Wagon will ell j lo th yonng lady receiving the great
if notifed. 8-21 86 1 et nntnhw nf n. xru. ri...
Miss Dessle Cole returned Sunday
from the Thomas ranch, where she
had b en spending a week with her
friend, Miss Anua May.
Mrs. E. Rehkopf and Mrs. S. O.
Neas went to Portland the latter part
of the week to select fall millioery
and ladies foroishings.
Mrs. Geo. S. Calhcnn and son Lester
returned' this week from Seaxide,
where they have been since the mid
dle of June.
Walter Catad arrived from Meroeu,
Cal., Monday aud after a few days
stay will visit bis father, who is
mining in the southern eud of the
Mies Vera Reymers has again taken
up her duties iu the White Houst)
Grocery after an abseuoe of two
weeks, speut in recreation "dowo on
the farm."
Rev. Robt. McLean was joined
Weduesday by Mrs. McLean, wbo ar
rived that morning from Portland.
The family is now located at tbe
Pre.-byterian manse.
When your pup scratches, put
Avenarius Carbolineum on him.
Grants Pass Hardware Co. 4t7-M
R. Coleman, with the Hicks-Chat
tea Engiaving Co., of Por land,
formerly with the Pine Needle faotory
of this city, is spending week here
with friends.
W. F. Hair and two sons of Una
dila Neb., arrived Saturday to spend
a week or two visiting the Hair
brothers of this city and also tbe
Woodville brother. '. '
Dr. M. C Findlev, wbo baa been
spending the snnimer in Europe
started for homi August 20, from
Naples, Italy, and will arrive in
Grants Pass in September.
Mrs. Wm. Wilcox - and daughter,
Marjorie, . returned from Ashland
Monday evening, where they had
spent several da' a visiting ' with the
family Of Brnce Wilcox of that place.
Miss Anna FeiBter, one of the popu
lar young school teachers of the
Eerby district, arrived in the city
yestwroay to spend a few davi with
Walter Tetherow has been in the
city attending to the locating of his
family. He left Monday for Califor
nia where he has mining interests,
iuteo ing to return later and spend the
wintet with his family.
Fruit Trees paintdd with Avenarios
Carbolineum will not be1 troubled
with borers and will become healthier,
Grants Pass Hdw. Co. 7 81 4t
J. M. Harlow of Roseville, Cal., has
reoW a house at the corner of Second
and D streets and expects his wife and
three children here in a few days.
Mr. Hailow recently became interest
ed in the Oilman Bed Rock Mining Co.
and will make his borne in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Cramer left
Monday evening for Newport to spend
a oouple oi weeks. At Albany they
met Rev. and Mis. Chas. Hays, who
will spend some time at Newport
with Mrs. Longenecker and Graoe
Hays, tbey having established camp
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ruth came in
from Steamboat Sunday to meet Mr.
Ruth's brother coming here from
Wafhintgon, but tbe brother had al
ready arrived and invested in property
near Provolt They returned to
St auiboat Tuesday.
Mrs. Claude ,W. jAlkens, daughter
of Mr. aud Mrs. C. G. Coo taut, ar-
rived on Toesday on a visit to her i
jmreuts and brotber Walter Coolant.
-Mrs. Aikens comes from Sheridan,
Wyoming and next mouth will go to
Trradwell. Alaska, to join ber bus
hand, who is in thn employ of the
Tresdwell mining company.
Miss Eva Carrie k of Portland, wbo
has been spending (he past three
weeis vistina witn cer oncle, John oomiuiMiou yesterday aftwnoon an.l'ad
George at Ketby, was in Grants Pats inaii'Z A nT,7,llt fmi.i
Monday and Tuesday with her cousin,
Toesday afternoon lor Sacramento
to visit relatives for a few weeks,
after which she will return to her
home at Portland. ,
If yfinwanta wal-ingmacblne'tbat
wiil do ifoo'l wirk lor only a small in-
M -t i - i t n-t c m- of tho6 Hair-Rid
d.tH lw. Co are seiling at2. 50..
-H .t, H..H. .'..t, T, J, .H-Hr
M 1 I'M-
. . .
I'M I I'i
C"ion service nx Sunday night at
N-woiao Methodist chur h, preaching
by K v. C. H. Cletves.
P. B. H-ruan ent to Eogene Fri
'd ytosr- nge for placing his first
c rf at'-ini-lons which left Grants
Pass hy f-right Fililav.
G ants Paw Froit G'oweis Atso
'i"tio will fhlp a car of pears to
Nw York Saturday consigned to
Sgob 1 A Dat, prominent fruit men
j'fthatcitv. The car will contain 600
The Elertrio TheatM last wk hM
Chennweth secured the highest nam-
ber of vots and was presented
with the ring.
A fire alirm turned in a boot 1 :30
Monday atternoon brought the depart
ment to the residence of T. Roddick
on J street, where sparks from a horn
ing chimney had set fire to grans
alongside of the honsn. The blase
was of littl crnsequence and was ex
tinguished before the department ar
j rived.
j Curt's & Co'a store is cool and you
will enjoy looking over the Jewelry
C' me in.
The Bijou Theatre is closed this
week for repairs and improvements.
Among the latter is the placing of
the teats ou an inclined floor, tl.un
giving everyone in the house a clear
view of all the views. The theatre
will open next Monday night with a
strong bill.
R. Thomas received an order this
week from the vice-president aud
nrinager of one of the largest whole
sale mercantile films in New York
for 100 barrels of apples to be ship
ped to Austria and another lot for
Holland, He has not aa yet decided
what will be done with the older,
althongh it is probable the shipments
will be made.
There was an unusual . number
of people In the oity park last Sunday
afternoon and evening to eojoy the
shade and a ride on the gasoline
launches on the river. The park is
nioely kept and ia a pleaaant place to
spend an afternoon these aomtner
days. ' A few aro lights aboat the
grounds would greatly eohaooe the ap
pearance in the evenings.
,, Gotno horn to toot, .bat got best
bp gey on earth, the Jchn Deere G. P.
hardware Co. ' 7-81-4t
Right Eminent Grand Commander
F. J. Miller of Albany was in the oity
last Friday aud Saturday on an
official visit to Melita Commandery
No. 8 of this city. Before leaving
he went down to the spleudid fruit
ranch owned by him and his brother,
formerly known aa the Den lie Ranch
and 'located below the month of the
Applegate. This place is onder a
thorough system of irrigation and is
one of the very finest ranohes in the
We do not want to carry over any of
oar lawn mowers so we are selling
thum at .'one fifth off of the regular
price. Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co
The southeast corner of Sixth and
Front streets, for so many years oc
cupied as a saloon, is this week re
ceiving the stock of the Model Drag
store, which was purchased by Geo.
O. Sabin. The room has been
thoroughly renovated and cement
floor laid. New plate glass adorns
the window aud large oak doors admit
entrance of customers. Ihe store
will be ready for business early In tbe
Don't waste yonr energy and pa
tience on that old lawn mower. Get
one of those fine Ball Bearing Mowers
at Halr-Rlddle's while tber are giving
a 30 per oent discount.
At the shooting tournament held
Thursday and Friday last at Medford
under the auspioes of the gun club of
that place, O. O. Helman, Athland'a
crack shot, won the special event of
2.5 birds for the individual champion
ship for amateurs, breaking 24 oat of
35 clay pigeons, Rickoff 'iS; Seeluy,
Meeker and Enyart, 23 each; Smith,
Oanet and Payton, 21 each. H. Ellis
made the highest score the first day,
making 145 out of a possible ISO.
On complaint of parties at Leland,
t'-onstahle Cheshire was called to that
I'laoe. Wedensday evening to take
charge of an inwane niau who had been
annoying the people there for the past
few days. He was examined by the
the asylum at Ba"l7m"caui do"vnrthis
morning and took him ba k with bim
on the noon train. Tbe man gave
bis name as JankCo:liran , and could
give no inteliKent
account of himself
more tban that" be
born in Mis
souri aud that he was alxjut 42 years
old."Nothing is koowu in this vi-
cinity ofhis relatives ofhiiT former
It Takes Good Tackle
To land the gamy trout in the
Rogue River, and our exper
ience during fifteen years, has
shown us what the fishermen
needs. Our line of Rods,
Reels, Lines and Leaders were
bought direct from the factory,
and for price and quality can
not be equaled in town. If
you hope to land that ten
pounder, try one of our extra
heavy leaders.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Enameled Lines
News Notea from the) Business
Man to Raadors).
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Coron for Plumbing,
1900 Washers at Hair-Riddle's.
J. E. Peterson, Pioneer Insurance Man.
Hammocks at coat at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's '
lOo muslin at Gardener A Oo'i for
8 l-So. 8.211 t
New stock of Stransky ware Jnst re
ceived at Cramer Bros.
DeWltt's Carbollaea Witch Haael
Salve. It is especial ly good for piles
Sold by Model Drag 8tore.' 4-8 18.
Alfred Letcher, Registered Optom
etrist and Jeweler in Dixon sofd stand,
Front street. Eyes tested free. ..
W. J. Gardener Co. ' juat received
a nioe assortment of outing flannel.
8-21 H
Mrs. M. L. Opdyke will open a
new shorthand class Sept 1st. All
wishing to enter call at 716 D street
or leave word at; this office. Phone
1044. 8-21 2t
Tbe best and cheapest Split Bamboo
Poles in town at Cramer Bros.
The G. P. Feed Store, oor. th and
J sts., can supply any kind of hay
that any other store hss, and at the
same spot oash price quality con
sidered. 8 21 tf
It is warm weather and you may
not feel like running, bnt if yoa have
one of oor Howard or Bontb Bend
watches it will do the running for
yoa and land yon at yoor appoint
ments on time Curtis A Co.
If yoa are going fishing, get some
of those bargain flies at Cramer Bros.
Quality should be the first Consideration
on what you eat or drink
When You Visit
You Take no Chances
OUR MOTTO IS, "Sell Nothing to the Public
We Would not Eat Ourselves."
or artificial flavors, they are made of the
fruits alone.
Herman Horning'. Mgr.
' 1
Expert Reela
Aug. 23, Saturday, danoe at Savage
Creek hill. Tickets including sop
per aud horse feed $1.00.
Sept. S, Tuesday-W. G. T. U. oonnty
convention, to be held in the Baptist
church at Grants Pass. 4, Tuesday Diatriot Boundary
board or Josephine county meets In
the oourt bouse.
Sept 14 Monday Public school opens.'
Sept. 84, Thursday Annual conclave
or tne urand Uouimandery, Knights
Templar, at Grants Pass. ,
Sept. 9, 10. 11 Wednesday, Thnrsday
ana Friday Annual encampment of
the Southern Oregon Veteran's as
sociation. Grand Army of tbe Re
public at Central Point.
Oct 1, 8, 8, Rogue River Industrial'
Fair at Medford"
Notice ia hereby given that the no-.'
dersigned will receive sealed bids for'
the construction of bridge' across '
Rogoe River at Granta Pass, Oregon,
in accordance with plana, specific-,
tloos and strain diagrams to be
prepared and filed In the county
olerk't office on or a boot September'
1, 1U08, said bids to be filed not later
than Sept. 4, 1908 at 10 o'clock a. m.
By order of tbe County Court for
Josephine County, Oregou.
Dated at Grants ;Pass, Oregon, this
19th day of August, 1908.
8-21 ft County Clerk.
Stone Jars from one to 30 gallons at
Cramer Bros.
The French Laundry, Xavler A
Campbell, pioprs.,wl!l send wsgon for
your work if notified. No tearing
of clothes ;19G St. 8-21 lit
Xavier and Campbell have opened
the French laondry in the building
on front street, formerly occupied by
the American Restaurant, and they
will have a wagon on the road com
mencing Monday. Their work will
be band work and they advertise "no
tearing of clothes. "