Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 21, 1908, Image 4

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Putllhd Evry Friday.
ubcnilon Pt!
O'.e Yr m slrnii',
Tbn MuiiOi.
Advertising Rate
Fwr.jil-ed on applioauou l U,oft.w
by u uJ
'oottuar. u4 rnwlgtwuk o """
W'. iJ '-barged tor e taper lu;
mud ef Ui.k jc.
KiilrittbportofJiot-riU Pa
Oregon, a wjuiJ mail mawer
fKIDA Y, AUGl'tiT 1, IS.
Tbe A Lio'XjJn ooantjr are
ririhU for a Kr4 fruit od eie-
Ulle oruirl to b held M Toledo,
-U;(-r 7tb. Wi, Wb, wbkb prouilde
to t a tlttodid advertiwcueot for
that 'm-'i'ju of tb Ut aud iU
joi;jt-r'ju rMf)jro-i.
Aofwrdiog t'J Ktcretary of Agricol
tore Wjiwn tbe prjr dt oi tbe farm
of ttie L'oletd Ktat for two yar
woulj toy all tbe milroadii of tbe
Muuyrjr. Mr. WIod aayi tbat during
tbe itut uiue yara tt.e fariua bave
added W, M),W io the wealth of
tbe xuutry. Uut bil tbl U wade
tug uUi ratber large figure it moat
be rAiii-uibred that agriculture, in
cluding itt ario kraucbea, in otj
of tbe liKK1-'' iriHtlt'jti'jnit In America.
A'T'i of onward tlie uiarcb of
prohibit Ion, tlie Portland Joornal tayi:
"Oregon Ji-d Mkii bae joined tb
17 other Ule orgaulatloaa of ibe or
der who bar declared aintt admit
ting ooonwited with the wan
ufacture or aate of iplrltuoo liquor
Into their rank arid at the groat coun
cil, which baa Jnt completed it m
ion In Medfofo', followed the advice
of the great ooonril of the UolUd
KUU awl paaaed law to tbat effect
Tb law bar from uieinberihlp any
who ar In any way connected with
tb lli'jr trad. The law doe not
affect thoae who ar already In the
order, merely referring to fatare candi
date for admliaion. It I eipeoted
that the Waahingtoo council. In e
Ion at Everett today, will enact a
Imllar law."
The luaugoratlon of a thorough and
oouipreheiialv lytteui or lyatau of
Irrigation In thla ancltou will mean
complete revolution In the matter of
fruit rUlng and farming tn th
Hdguo Kiver Vallny. It will nieao
that one a;r thoroughlv watered and
proptirly tilled! will produce two to
four time a much a the lame acre
now yield without water. While
of room ther will he an increnaed
net In the production tbl inure
will lie nowhi're near In proportion to
the addltlnnal crop production. More
over, the faruir and orohardlat will
he practically aaatired of a maximum
yield each year. There ahould he
practical co-operation Among the
farmer to the nd tbat Irrigation
throughout the comity ahall be aecured
at th tarlleat pnaalhl date. There la
nothing to he gaiued lit waiting. No
other one thing will attract o many
new riMldmila tn IkiIIi the towna and
the orchard of the valley. Irrigation
ahuuld be the alogan throughout the
Jtngtie Itlver vallet.
Why Soma Men Ar I'oor
Tlmlr Idea are largir than tlieir
Thuy do not ki-p account of their
They ar eaay dupe of cbeiner
and prjiioter.
Tlmy r-vra th mailin, "Duty be
for pleaaure. "
They hav too many and too ripou
It aiuuaemeut.
They do uot thluk II worth while to
aave nlcklea and dime.
They have rliked a ciinptnc in
trying to get rich gulckly.
riiijy allow friend to iiupoee u n
Dmlr'aliMid naturn and gnneroeity.
They try to do what other Pipvct
f t li.-iii, uot what thy cun affurd.
Thv il not do tiiilay vihat they can
poanllilv put off until tomorrow.
Thi-y (In not think it worth while to
thousands of workers
Levi Strauss .S: Go's
.r' t . f M .... A
tie .rf'S."'--' ""' '
V.--v.T. :
. -i w mm v.--
III miKtaaf
I J P 1 Uintfr
Hi! trkiR i "'"
o, Mwu in nt-!
Tt.b. Aw tn inr-nr debt mtb-f-
1 then do work which tbey tonioer
I betetb tbeai. j
TWr naver dfeaoied tbat mort-
' ... 11 ... rr,
gsg on tiieir o'.'LDr wqjj f i .
tbew out of door.
1 They mlorae their Meade" note for
'giarautd fyuut j"t for acorn-
j tuodation.
IT . tj-J.
(if. & ddle left f'r Iwgla unty
Toeday nlgbt to itd a cr JO
day wl b rlt've?
MU Vern'e Ham l'oo of MtoK'd.
rjot Toeaday lu OianU Paa w tb
her ooualn. Mr. A. B Ellia-jn.
Geo 8 and E. A. CaUiouo aim Mia.
Clara Calhoun Mt th Uat of U.e :
wk for 5port to apend rerl
dav at the crat.
Tb yte Bate camping party re
toriifcd Tboradar Ujorning from Cow
crwek. Net will move to
bere be will ;orn a tarter abop.
V. W. Ah cam In frorn iering
thla wek to do afime pup baaiig. Mr.
A.h arnved lo America "orn umm
ba than a year ago and ii o much lo
favor of tbia country that nenaaiaaen
up hia n-ifid-me do eipect to Uke j
out hi. paper, a oon aa powible. .
J K. Lake, foret raxmer on patrol :
In the On-goii Cave dratrfct, waa
brooght to Oranta Pan TueixJay morn-
log arid taken to the Koutb Pacific
boapital. ulTerloK from a alight at-
ta.k of poeumoula. Tbe trip crvera
omethlng over 40 mile and the !
flnlah wa mad at aboot 8 o clock
Tooaday morning. Tbe alck iiid la.a
on of County Judge Iake of Waaco :
county. j
George Finch oame in from the
Cauyoo Crrek mining dlttrict laat
Friday to itierid a few day with bla
family and look after buaioee mat
ter. Mr. Finch and J. H. Challen have
been out proapecting th paat mouth
and during their search of th hill
have encountered some fairly good
peoimen of tellurium ore. ihey
hav been proapecting in the vicinity
of the Ham liowdeu property which
ia now oeleg opened up, and George
aay in a week or two ha hope to be
able to give aoai good, live rninln j
LOVKTTB A KEB Tuesday, August
II. 11X18, at AumUo, Mlna.. the
Hev. Frdrlck Lovett, pastor of
the Klret Baptiit chnrch of thla city
' and Mlaa Aoguata liaker, ol Austin.
Iter. Iovett eatue her two or three I
year ago to aaaum tn paatorata or
the Klret Baptist church, sine which
time h has been an indefatigable
churchman and bis Interested himself
lu every movement for tbe betterment
of the city and community. During
tbl. time he ha ma-le many friends
aalde from hi. congregation. The
bride of hi. choice i. not generally
known here but the pastor' congrega
tion and frleud will Join in welcom
ing Hev. Iovett and wife to Urania
Paas. The announcement .tatea that
they will lie at home In this city after
September 2!at
WILLI AMS SHAW Haturday, Aug.
tint I V IWiH, at the realdenc of B.
A. William, in thl. city, Kdward H.
William, and Mlaa Kdlth hdaw,
both of Joneiitilue county. Police
Maglntrate llulman ofticiatlDg.
Wmlueaitar, April IU, IWoH, Chaa. E.
Hhorl of Merlin and Mrs. MaKgie
ft. II earn or iirauta I'aaa, Jalga
Htepheu Jewell oftlciating.
Tbe groom la the owner of the Mer
lin Towoaite and Development t'u.
coining to Joaepblne county from
I'ortlaud. The bride waa also a resi
dent of Portland until a few years
ago, when .he came to Grant. Paa.
and purchased a ranch on HFD No. I.
Iloth have many frlenda here and in
their former home. Mr. and Mrs.
ktliort will apeiiil the neit three weeka
on a trip to Crater Lake, a-cmiaiiled
by Mrs. hhoifa daughter, Mra. K. W.
Htnvena and her hualiaiid of Portland
ami Geo. W. Uriinne
AI.I'KH 'H Toeaday, Auguat llh,
IJoi. lu thla city,' Myrtle Ina, tlie
alt mouths old (In u filler f Mr,
and Mi Nephie AlrOicb, of Kip
per, Idaho, of pneumonia.
The Alilrlcha were eu route from
Kipper, Idaho, to Colhorg, ty wagon,
the little one dying ou nirifal here.
The body waa alilppel fn'in here to
Cidliurg Welnemiay luorning for
hurul There were four generatioua
lu the caravan, whh coiiHUted of a
uuinlier of wagoiia, and they were
Ixniud for t'olhurg to Jolu reUlirin
and frlenda.
MASsIr. At ' her home at Merlin.
1'riilar iimriiing, AokmhI VI, 1UIS,
Kilith Kudora Miuwte, Hf;ed4rt yearn,
of pnralyaia,
'I he 1 funeral will ! held at the
ltnpiit.1 ,i hun li, Merlin, Saturday
alti i HVi'lock. Kricn In of the
funnily are Invited. to' the set vio1.
Hold That Independent Charter
r . . - A . utiiM-l I O
rroritiom ,
LotaJ Option Lew.
Ia diwrJvirjg tie injunction sued
out b tbe liquor in'eres's of Inde
jBdeooe to pirreut lib county court
of Pclk county for mafcitig order 0
clariLg Polk ooimt dry a a n-nJt of
the laal Jane election Jodge GaJ"wsy
id open coort t rlli, Jt week
took just the opposite view cf the
const v.! ion cf tbe rie ttu'e to
tl.t of Ja?g H. K. Him, cf tbe
ejrceit ooort f'r Jackaoo coooty woeo
ti,e Uit.- ruled tbat the charter of
Bedford, which gae the city ex-
elusive control nd revelation of tie
liqoor traffic and rpled all aci in
axiflic. with it. provision, took
1 al.. 1a1 r 4 i . n lfAVV
precan. otw vu- f
: The Medford case Uut en op io
tbe aprenje iort on aptal cf the
drya, and ootloe of aprl from tbe
oeclaioo of JaUge uauoway u wv
IndirfwudfDce cae ba beu (fivm by
tbe wet. Tie dlion cf the o-uri-ioe
cjurt in bb tbee -a-i, the
ting Jd-Dtioal to
Mwdforrt wil d,J0b.l.. be
. . intwt f)0 tbe
lb, wfct D1 dry eiemenU
of Jodgls G,now,T ,!k)
nta)nitd tbe tnotioo cf th defend-
gnti caDty court of Polk county, to
jii, tDe Injunction aued out by
the ji,,oor lotereHt of Dalla.
rn.e Dalla ioioiiction oit wa
0)n the question of local op-
, jon aud tbe lcjjaljiy of the local op-
tloo BW jtjf upon aeveral grcouda,
the princital ore cf which ia that the
t, 0f ne oonuiui over 00
worda aad that Initiative and referen-
dum amendmeot to tbe count Itutioo
provide tbat the title shall couUio do
more than 2u0 word
John A. Carson of thi city repre
sented the plaintiff! In both case and
District Attorney John H McNary
appeared on behalf of tb state. Both
oaae will probably be appealed; tbe
defeodaota In th Dalla cane having
iz month in wntob to perfect an
appeal. Htateimao.
Member of the Grant Pass Froit
Growers Association held a meeting
yesterday at the Commercial Clnb
room for tbe porpoee of talking over
the reorganization and rejqvenatioo
of ,h.
Tbe meeting,
owing to the busy aaon wa not
largely attended and the letsioo ad
journed to meet at the (am place
again next Toeaday at 1 :30 o'clock,
when the affair of tbe association
will be gone over and a new organlza-
itlon B(veoted. It nrgeutiy re
(joeeted that every old member be pre
sent as wull aa fruit gowerrs of this
violnlty who are not now identified
with the organization. Plan for
handling the present crop will alito
lie diacuaaed. The mainUinanoa of
thia association, is of tbe mout vital
importance to the froit iodoairy of
the ooonty and every fruit gower of
the onuuty ihould attend neit Tues
day' mietiug.
Meanrs. Ilerzioger & Mitchell, the
' r 10 oorrepondeuce
with a French syndicate relative to
t1B locatioo ol a coatoiu smelter in
this city for the handling of tbe ore of
the various copper mines of Josephine
county and vicinity. These people
jrropose to erect a plant of 200 to 800
too capacity. They have beea look
ing over Idaho, Nevada and other
state, a well a. Ore goo, but seem
mur favorably wih thl
section than any yet visited. Their
chief engineer la expected here in
few day. for farther investigation of
thl. region.
II. N. Parker and wife, Henry Shade
and fle other started Friday inoru
lug for a 10 nars trip to l 'react ut Ciiy.
In the Circuit Court of the Slnte cf
i iregnu for the County of Joecpliiue.
J. 11. Wood, I
plaiutiff, I
Jeunle A Wood,
defendant. I
To Jeuuie A. Wo4kl, defendaut above
named :
lu 111, uaint of I l.ts itate of Or'iiou,
yea are n quired to appear ami sua
wer the iMuiplaiut of plaintiff ou file
with the clerk of the aUive uamed
court within six wwks from the date
of the firt publication of tl'is stun
mom, which is Aiuut 21. aud if
you tall lo do so, the pUiutifl will
apply to the court for tlie rrlief do
liiaiiihd In his coiuplaint. tow it: de
cree diMV'Iving and eettiug hmi'b tlie
inarriue relatioiiB ciidm heiwecuj
plaintiff and defendatit Xbi nam- I
iiions in nerved In- puMunti. n by onl.r!
cf Hon. Stephen Jewell, county jtnl(j j
of Josephiiie countv. lumle Acmi.t mi
Attorney tor plninu'lf.
E. E. MoCccnm, formerly of Cre-
ewit CitT, i xj'jw conducting kr
cea bop it tbe boUdmg formerly;
occupied by Bocn & Eu banks
Perkins & Fbilljj. Miiiicg and
731 51
thr irte urn- j
Iuqoire of Hfr- i
621 tf j
rioti'r di M iU-ljelL
WANTKD-75 Hop picker, bv Kelt.
1st Hop yard known ji-b-Kantau:
wanee one cent posnd.
Atp'y C. C. G.lhert Oranta Paw
EKD No. 2.
rigging linger.
10 lumber Ulleia, f-i 50
lAfT lOODin
tr day : two lumber graders. ITS
t-0 per month ,Bot factory men i.
W. II Weat & Co., Medford Ore.
GOOD Cow for sale at a bargain, cor.
Oak Dd West K., Grant Pa. Ore.
H -211 t
FOB KALE One Paragon Wa-hing
ai chine, one G la ascot k baby
jumper, one Glaaacotk baby walker;
also nvy etock of thoroniitibred
KboJe 1'laod Peda. E. W. Smal
lev. ;ZZ ' 10th Bt., City. 8-21 tf
Wli ACBE3 improvd farm with
building and orchard, . for aale of
rnt. Inquire J. Kwanwin, Cor Oak
and Weit G etreeta, Grant Paws, Or.
8-n at
FOB SALE fine bby carrige,
owner leaving town will ell at a
oaTitioe, can be aeen only on bep
teuiber 7, at B. M. JohnaoD'a resi
dence. 201 Sixth Street. 8-14 2t
F' JH SALE One half hore power
e.ectrio motor, nearly new, price
Can furnish ebaft and belling
if desired. Enquire of W'. P.
Wright, Conkliu building. 6-14 tf
FOB SALE A Voee & Sons piano,
almost new, for two thirds of its
valoe Addresa aJdo Me-ker, G.
D. Grant Paw, Ore 8-14-tf
COWS Milk cow for sale. Call early
and have yoor choice or address.
T. J. Bidioets, Merlin, Oregon.
8 14-tf.
Wiodow glass at Hair-Biddle'i.
ONE JEBSEY Bull, 15 month old,
for sale cheap. Hayden Close,
Plione 887, Wilierville. 7-24 tf.
Boar for aale. For particular in-
quire of A.M. Jets, B. F. D. No. 2.
6-28 tf
FOR SALE The fine residence
. property of H. A. ROTERMUND,
two blocks from Masonio Hall. Eu
"quire at Paddock's Marble Works.
OKB SPAN good woik horses, on
'driving or saddle horse for sale
cash or on terms. Wilscn Mercan
Uile Co., LelaDd 4 24 tf
FOlt SALE Good sugar pine shake!
Enquire Kenney's Grocery, 6-8 tf
THOROUGHBRED Billy goat foriale.
price reasonable, luquire ol . Vt.
Wilaoo, Hogo, Oregon. 7-10 tf
FOR SALE-Modern hotel in good,
incorporated California town; on
corner near depot, 27 rooms, bar in
connectiou with large stock of
liqoors, cigars, and 'pool table;
oi en night and day. Licence 4X1
per year. Reason for selling, have
been adinittedl to the bar and wish
to enter practice of law. Will take
IM'iOO for furiture and fixtures and
Stock. Addree. II. E. M., Cooriir
office, Grant. Paaa. 8 7 tf
TUKKEY3 WANTED Want to buy
tnrkeya, half-grown preferred.
State price per ound livewtight
lu writing state tour residence
clearly. Address T. J. Diritneas,
Merlin, Oregon. 8-14 tf
PIANO Porils wanted 20 years ex-
lertence in teaching. Adores Mra.
E. Foattr J, N 6th St., next to
r. Ctron. 7-17 tf,.
WANTED 200 hop pickers at Cornell
A Flanagan hop yard. Inquire at
Cornell Grocery or addreea Henry
Roch, Grant Pass, RFD No. 2,
Phone 10T!. 8-7 3t
WILL rent too a good firm, seveu
mile of city. Best terms given.
Write Box 28 cr so me. residence
corner Oak aud Park streets. J. M.
F. A. PlERCE-RegiHtere.1 Angoras.
KIH-k h ailed ly one of ihe tanious
bock of ihe"King Aribor" also
oth' r bucks of ditterent strains of
breeding. Hoeanf t'e not d straini.
Bockn tc r tle. Merlin, On. 8-27 tf
FRANK BURNETT Upholstering,
million furniture niade to order.
There broke into my field July fith,
one 8 year old roan moley cow, will
soon lie fresh. Owner cau have same
ly proving propTtv ami raying
cl urges. W. F. Hcgue, Bex 272, Grants
Ph-s, Oregon. 7 ,7 5t
ne bay mare, about 4 years old,
weighing aliout 1 1(0. not marked.
broke into my pasture at Jerome
l'rairle 5 miles S W of town, July 1st.
vner cau have the same by proving
property and jayiug charges. -K.
A. r-'DGAR, Grants Pass.
There came to my place 8 miles I
from town July 1,1, tne red cow, not I
marked, white strip on Udlr. Owner I
to have same by prvviiig property aud
paying charges. lj, ji. J KSS,
W ilili rviile road. b -14 :.t
A Few Hints to
the Housewife
Now is the time for you to think of your
I am handling those fine early Crawfords
from Mr. Fords place; nothing nicer
comes to the market I have them in the
differeDt grades so that they will be in
reach of all, also will hava the late
Crawford and later varieties, if you are
in want of anything in the froit line,
come and ee me, also I can fit you out
in the new celebrated SCHRAM FRUIT
JAR, Jelly Glasses, Jelly Tumblers,
and Stone Jars in i, 1, 2, 3 and 4 gallon
sizes, at
Gibson's Grocery
Phone 01, Front St., Grants Pass, Ore.
Half Price
All Trimmed and Street Hats now in stock
will be sold at just Vi price during August.
Don't Miss This Opportunity
of securing one of the elegaet hats which
are on display
Cor. H&3dsts. Phone 434
;1 Load Blocks $3.00
) Htove WooU
1 Tier Manzanita $250
1 Tier Oak $2.75
1 Tier Fir $2.50
1 Tier Pine $2.25
Chunk WooU
il Tier Oak.. $2 50 j
1 Tier Fir $2.25
1 Tier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust $1 Oo
1 Load Kindling $1.00
After being closed
for the past week
undergoing exten
sive repairing, will
Re -Opened
MON, AUC. 24
At T::M o'clock, P. 31.
with all new pictures
x and songs
Don't Miss
The Opening
Admission Same
lo Kvt iybtKly
Millinery Sale
617 Front
National Bank
Southern Oregon
Grants Piii, Oregon - ...
Some of tb Berrice that a Bank
Render the Public
The safest and simplest
way of keeping your
money is by depositing
it in a Reliable Bank.
This Bank receives De
posits subject to Check,
or on demand Certificates
of depoait or on time
Certilicales of Deposits.
On time deposit we pay
The beat and cheapest
way to transfer money
is by Bank Draft. W
sell Drafts payable in all
parts of tbe country.
One of tbe most impor
tant function of tbe
tank. We endeavor to
supply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Bespom-ibility $50,000
L. B. Hall, President
J. C. Camfbill, Vice-Pres.
H L. Oilkit, Cashier
R. K. Hackett, Asst. Cashier
The W ecther Lavat Week.
The temperature throughout tit
state was nearly normal io the south
western counties and ilightly belo
normal elsewhere throughout
state. The coolest period was from
the 12th until' the 14th, and tbi
warmest weather prevailed during tb
closing days of tbe week. The loot
drought was broken by showers wbici
were geueral during the afternoon of
the 12th and the forenoon of tbe 13th.
The heaviest rain ""fell in the low"
portion of the Willamette valley arri
amounted to nearly three-qoarteri of
an inch. "In the eastern and south)
conn ties the rainfall was in mort
places very flight and insufficient to
lay the dost or to1 clear the atmos
phere of smoke. The sunshine
nearly normal and no damaging high
winds occurred. '
At Grants Pass last week wajle
except on3he" 12th and ; 13th,wbich
were cloudy, hut no rain felLCooj
weather prevailed "tiU towardtbec';
of the week," when it" began" to gro
warmer. '
Refrigerators at 10 per cent disco,nt
at Oramer Bros. .