Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 21, 1908, Image 2

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    KLKlun MKK vUiEK. .i-Ni.- A-S. UKKtiV AUGUST 21, 1908.
Dr. Findley is still iu Europe but
will be in liis office in September.
Kea. I'bone 714
City or country calls attended Dlght
or da; r'lxtfl and H, Tuff's building.
Ott.ce I'bone 21.
Grants Pass - . Okeoon.
(Jracluale American K:lioiil of Osteopathy,
KirkNville, Mo.
Chronic Diseases anil Disease." of Women
and Children a spec ialty
Kooms 1. 2, 8, Kirst National Hank iildg.
Phones: Ollice.771, Hen. 7!).'l
F. DeVore, M. D.
City and Oountrp calls prnuiytiy an
swered. OflluH hours U to I'i a. m.
aud 2 to 5 p. m.
Res. I'lume, Main 4J3. Office, Oil
Rooms 1, 2, 3 Shallhorn Bldg.
Chants Pass, - OkE.
Practice In all State and Federal Courta.
Ofiioe In Opera Housebuilding.
Uuasts Pass, Okeoon
0liver s. brown,
.la'wyer.i -
SUlOflice over Dixons Store ffl
Qavrm ,Pa, j,- Oregon
Olril and criminal matter attended to
- - ' ell.the courts.
TReal iiatate.andInmiranoe.
Cilice, kBtlTetreet, opposite PostoffJoe.
T 6tli Bt., nortl! ol Josephine Hotel.
Us ants Pass, Okkuon.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Room In connection
Furniture and Piano
Blck Headache Cured.
Hick headache is caused t,y derangement
of the stomach. Chamberlain's Stomach
andUvur Talilela will correct the disorder
and efleet a cure. II. taking these tablets
aaaoon a the tint Indication, of the disease
appear, the attack may be warded olE For
sale by M. ('lenient
4 n
: ..iih ffs
by covering them with
J-M Roofing resists tire be
cause it is made of .lnofsfoe,
an indestructible mineral,
which ia not atfeotisi by tire,
rust, rot or wear. Easily ap
plied. "J-M" is the only prepared
routine that is ;eriiimiify
(fiirunV You can save money
by using it.
4fc utr sumiiix ami prices.
Mayville Co.
076 let ave. 8 Seattle, Wn.
1 i- - W I
Oyer Hundred Chimney. Topple
nd Forty Flat Glaaa
Eoreka, Cal., Aug. 18. Three sharp
earthquake . shoes, which knocked
down more than a hundred chimneys,
shattered about 40 large pl e xlas
wiodows in tue baainss p rtiou of
Eureka, br k- omcb crocier iu the
residence sect .on and sent niauv peo
ple scurry ug oat of bed into the
streets, half clad occurred I ere aily
ihia inoruiuK. The damage repur ed
so is e-tiuiat-ii at bet wen IiiDOO
and fSOOO
the first au i hardest hock cum at
2:5S a. m. It was almost a severe as
tlie oiih fell here A ril XX I'JOti.
At 8 -OH another, but light i, shock
was experienc ii, followed by a third
at 5 :30 o'clock.
The firm sho k cane d practically
all the daiiiit-e IS. aides breaking
crockery and inrowing down chim
neys, the temblor caused the Hi-foot
statute of Minerva oo the county
court house to drop tier staff, which
crashed through the roof dnwu into
Superior Juoge Unit's courtroom.
The walls of the courthouse were
cracked in several places, but the
dawago is oot gnat. The walls of
the Carnegie library building, erected
five years ago at a cost of 123,000,
were slightly cracked and the' bond
ing damaged to the extant of about
Reports from the Scazy ranch, near
Freshwater, six miles north of Eure
ka, Hate that a number of chimneys
were thrown down lu that vicinity,
but otherwise little damage waajdoue.
The shocks eitendud as f ir north as
Blue Lakes, 25 miles from Eureka,
where some crockery was broken and
half dozen chimneys were destroyed.
Every Household In Grant a...
Should Know How to
Keslst It.
The back aohes because the kid
neys are blookaded. Help the kidneys
with their work. The back will ache
no more. Lots of proof that Doao's
Kidney Pills do this. Andrew J.
Hayden, veteran of the Civil war and
of several Indian campaigns, living
on Flint street, near Mosier, Rose
burg, Ore., saya: "I have always
enjoyed the best of health aud
strength aud have beea pretty well of
late years except for a trouble with
the kidney and bladder. I do not
know what caused it but the secre
tions became oloudy aud showed a
ssdlment when allowed to stand. 1
had pains through the blunder, indi
cating inflammation of tome nature,
and passages of the secretions were
too frequent, causing much trouble at
light. I was led through hearing
Dunn's Kidney Pills recommended by
Rosehars; people to get a supply. They
wont to work riuht from the start ami
relieved the pain and the secretions
were corrected. I kept Jon with the
treatment anil am now able to rest
through an entire night without au
noyance. The pain has entirely van
ished and I feel better iu every way."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo,
New York. Uuited States. Kemem I ier
the uame--Poau'saud take no other.
8-14 2t
Kennedy's Lax.ttive Cough Syrup
acts promptly yet gently on the
bowels, through which fie cold is
forced out of the system, and at the
same time It allays iuf lamination.
M br floM r)Twtrr. 4 i IHt
A Town Boom Slogan.
Now the lima to boom tha town
tlet liusy!
Bins her prulaes up and down
(.let busy!
llesi old burK there Is on earth
la inn burs that kv y(,u birth.
Tell your neiahbors what U s worth
c'.t busyl
Other towns are crowding us
Get buiyl
Make a furors, mako a fu.a-
(Jet busyl
Never let the cruse be preen
In the streota. It mlsht be aeen!
Mow it with the boom machine
Oet buayl
What a the use to alt and mope?
Oct buoy!
Hustle, ruatle! That's the dope!
(let busy!
Are there drones within the hive?
Chuck 'era outl They're not alive!
! Duay bees alone may thrive.
Get buayl
Tackle projects that prccreaa
Det buayl
Po we want Improvements ? TE8!
Got buay!
I Do we want to avread and srow
j Show the world ouuide It s so
DeWttt's Little Early Kjseis. the
f.uuous llttlef"liver pills. Sild" by
, STxlelDrug Store. 4 8 IS
lEiigraved Ollio Cards -Cvuxier.
Oklahoma! Paper Hammers Hot
Sperks From th. Anvil Do
Any of 'Cm Strike You?
Some hot sparks are struck right off
the unvll by the Morning I'henlx of
Muskogee, Okla.. for the benefit of the
home trade movement. The Tboenlx.
w hich knows the value of a good news
paper to ii town, is n-weiiryof seeing
local concerns send to other and larger
cities for Job printing work when Mus
kogee's two biggest Industries are
priming olliccs. Nearly every town In
the country bus mote or less reason to
compli'm of a simllur tendency upon
the part of some of thotte who exjiect
the local papers to boom the burg from
year to year und then buy their print
ing from some establishment else
where. What the 'Phoenix says, or
most of It at any rate. Is applicable to
almost any town In America. The
Phoenix heads Its editorial remarks
"Town Loyalty:"
"In Its battle for the town or city In
which It Is published every newspaper
worthy of the name makes a bobby of
inslstiug that home Industries lie pat
ronized, and Issue after Issue luliors for
uu additional tlu bucket brigade and
gives more of Its space to the public
than It sells to Its ndvertlsers. In sea
son and out It works for new Indus
tries and gives old and comfort in
every way possible to those establish
ments that hnve the weekly pay roll to
meet, and Its slogan of 'Patronize
Home Industries' is never silent
"True of publishers in other places,
this is also true of those operating
printing establishments In Muskogee,
and In view of the existing conditions
here the Phoenix desires to make a
few brief statements and then ask sev
eral pertinent questions. Next to the
government and railroad pay rolls, two
of the printing plants of this city are
the largest establishments In the city.
These establishments are the best ad
vertising assets the city has or ever
bad and bring more people to Musko
gee than all other Influences combined
These establishments pay large taxes
Into the city treasury and annually are
the cause of more wealth being added
to the city than any other industries
operated here. The working forces of
these plants are union men linotype
oierators, printers, stereotypers and
pressmen and are paid the union scale
and work union hours. Most of the
employees have their homes here, and
nil of them spend their weekly wage
lu Muskogee. So much for the few
statements. Now a question or two.
"Why do the city officials, the Judl
clal ductals and the officials of the In
terlor deportment, all citizens of Mus
kogee, buy from traveling men repre
sentlng Kansas City. St. Louis. Cal
reston and Dallas houses printers' sup
piles that could be purchased of th
local printing establishments?
"Why do the banks of Muskogee
send away from home for their sta
tlonery, all of which could be supplied
by or through the local firms at the
same price they now pay'
"Why will elective county and city
officials pat the local labor unions on
the hack and theu send their orders
for olllce supplies to a Dallas tlnn
working only women and children ami
nonunion mcu?
"Why will the men who most of all
depend upon local support for business,
the I sinkers, the lawyers mid the elec
tive olllclals, persist in Ignoring the hi
cal establishments and buying their
supplies imt of town and continue to
howl obout patronizing home Indus
"How many local olllclals ore elected
by out of town votes?
"I low long would the seven or eight
batiks of Muskogee continue lu busi
ness If that business was confined to
their out of town customers?
"How much taxes are pnld In Mus
kogee by the Dorsey Printing compa
ny of Dallas, or (ieorge l. Ilarnard of
St, Louis, or Clark & Courts of Calves
"What have they ever done for this
city that entitles them to a line of busi
ness such as would add twenty or thlr
ty men to the city pay rolls If given to
the prlnterles of this city?
"Why would It not U a good Idea for
some of the Muskogee men who send
their money away from home for of
Bee supplies to get a new motto and
hang It over their desks, rending, 'Pat
ronlze Home Industries." and the r.ext
time the out of town drummer comes
along point to the motto and tell him
there Is nothing doing? Either this
should le done or they should not pose
as town boosters or critics of the anvil
Hint on Laying Out a Suburb.
A striking Instance of how the beau
ties of nature may te preserved In the
laving out of n suburb Is shown In the
western part of Oak Tark In the little
street known as Elizabeth court. When
that section of Chicago first was built
up it contained many tine oak trees,
two of which st,.,Hl directly In the line
of the ttioroiiL-lifare as It was project
ed from North Home avenue to North
Kenllworth The old poem "Woodman.
Spare That Trc," appealed to the own
era of the tract, stul consequently the
oaks were left standing In the middle
of the street, the driveways winding
about their basts In the best manner
feasible, since that day the trees bare
rown sod flourished and lend a uul j te
attraction to the neighborhood.
f W. C. T. U. NOTES t;
( The county convention of the W. C.
j T. U. will convene in the First Bap-1
tint Church of this city, SiteiDber
I d. Reports and other bonnets will
occupy the morn lug hoars and flec
tion of county officer and -a care
folly prepared program will fill iu
the afternoon. Lunch will be served
in the chatch at uooo. The temper
ance workets are nrged to be present
and help pi -in the ork for the com
ing year. The regular session of the
loial W. C. TU. will be held with
Mis. Weidman, September 4th.
Could we bo given power to stamp
oat forever the liquor traffic, how
g ad y we would nee that power.
Last week after the bail game ol the
afternoon a . crowd of uoisv men,
piesumably nnder the iuflaencfe ot
near beer, digeeto or ten pe auce(?)
uriuks of some kind passi d thiouuh
tn noithein pait of oar city, cieating
inoie dhtu bancs than was cousittt nt
witii ptace.
Again on Saturday night we were
awakened about midnight by diuuktn
yells and curses. Th"se men, of
couibp, never got anything in Giants
Pars to make them forget their man
hood and send them home to wives
and mothers iu a fai from Fober con
dition. We understand thty had bten
to Woudville. Perhaps they had,
but if true, we witih Wuodvlle woo hi
kindly take care of her products.
Grants Pass bas bn dens of her own.
We long for the time when no man
will be found who has not a chance
to be the man God iutmded he
Bhould be. In the meantime, dear
White Ribbon Haters, wo'k and pi ay
as never before for the ptotection of
American manhood.
We are glad to know some brave
m n are williug to lace the enemy
and secure proof against him even
at the risk of concurring enmity to
themselves. Not all patriotism is
dead and there ate tine men yet. We
have "an enemy to fight where power
is bounded by no temples of any
kind. We havo an euetny who can
be only bridled and conquered by en
thusiasm bas?d npuu Christian
principles, aud what we need to car
ry this contest to a triumphant close
is the old euthus'atni, which finds its
st: ere t and its power in the cross.
God helping as, we 'will fight this
caose until victoiy falls on our ban
ners. "
Let us set onr watch on oar own
actions, keopiug them ttraight and
true, lidding our minds of all selfish
motives that we may make oar city a
little better for ooi having lived iu it.
Your grocer must sell
poor coffee; we can't all
be ct mf ortable; but he
needn't sell it to you.
Your grot tr rrturnt your money if yon don't
ttkt Schilling'! Best; wt pkj hum.
Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured.
I "An honored citiicn of this town was suf
fering from a severe a tack of dysentery, lie
told a friend if he could obtain a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
! Remedy, he felt confident of being cured, he
having used this remedy in the West He
was lohl that 1 kept it 'in stock and lost no
time in obtaining it, and was promptly
cured," says M. J. Ix-ach, druggist, of Wot
cott, Vt For sale by M. Clemens.
Special Railroad Rate. In Effect
Special rates on the Certificate I Ian
i are in effect on account of the follow.
I ingtueetings, full iufonuatiou to be
obtained at the depot. Soldiers and !
Sailors reunion, Ceutral, Point Ore.,
September 9th, 10th and llih An
nual meeting American Ear Assicia-
, tion, Seattl'i, Wash., August Ulst to
j31st. Aunnal Convention PhotogrH- ;
phera Association of Pacific North- i
west, Vancouver, Wash., August ISth :
: to 83ud. 8-7 If. !
; Agent. '
J "Jne of my ancestors," said tie j
I hanghty Miss May Plowerstock, "was
driven out of England for religious rea-,
j sons."
j "Huh:" retorted unassuming Miss I
Jones. "Two of mine were driven out j
of the garden of Eden for the sain- j
reason." Philadelphia i'ress.
Commercial Clob
J Will furnish information
Josephine county free
4 charge. Correspondence
J licited.
Geo. S. Calhoun.
H. L Andbkws. . .
Buck & Deer
Can now be killed within the limit
of the law.
To make a successful hunt you will need
a reliable rifle and GOOD AMMUNITION
Winchester, Savage and Remington Rifles,
and all other high grade hunters' equip
ment at
JOE WHARTON'S Sporting Goods Store
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The Place to Co for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv
able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation
ItS Facilities are Complete Best of food and an abund
ance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities
such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day,
Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to
be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations.
Newport is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany
or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily
and the trip a pleasure throughout.
Season six-months ticket $10.00
Our elaborate new Summer Book gives a concise description
of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacity and
rates. Call on, telephone or write
R. K MONTGOMERY. Local Agent. Grants Pa...
Geneial Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Oregon.
rnr m en i rrn ee,s : trees i
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and you are sure of getting just what you order. We grow
our trees for quality not cheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent
Office with J. E. PETERSON
For bargains in furniture? If so, come and see my new stock
and get my prices. My car of new Couches, Beds, in fact anything
and everything for the parlor, dining room, bed room and kitchen
has come, aud you'll be astonished at the splendid goods and the
right prices.
M. E. MOHRF, Lssfsas
Page Woven Wire Fence
j Made of Basic Open Hearth Steel. Page Wire is fully
twice as strong as market Bessemer steel wire of the same
size. Every horizontal wire is made of hard steel with the
Page coil in it. Once put up taut will positively never
slack until the end posts break or lean over.
Alamo, Ideal and Victor Gasoline and Distillate Engines
Easiest started, smoothest running, moat durable, least
fuel required.
J. D. Franklin
S ith Rogue lUrer Electric Construction Co., Gth st.