Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 14, 1908, Image 8

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The best n the Market
We are to have some of
the finest fruit ever
, grown in Joseph
ine County
Enquire about them now
J. Pardee
417 G Street Palace lintel
Prof, mid Mm. II. II Waidrip mid
family b ve returned to their homo in
AHhluud, after having Bients pait of
tht) summer camping ua their farm m
South Fruitdalr.
Brother Newuiau ha recovered
sufficiently to return to Froitdaln and
if staying at the Burke home at pres
10 Per cent discount on refrigerator
at Hair-Riddle's.
Mesrs. E. H. Wise. W. Coatmit,
II. II Waidrip and 1). Wardrip, wire
liiiutiiiK over mar Picket mountain
one morning last week. ' be reunion
which we all enjoyed at the piouio
Nitturday, wan sufficient evidence of
their success.
II. Huck liai been blasting some of
the rncka out of the wek bed whtre
the road cpsaes It war Oakdale farm
This wu a much needed improvement
and will be appreciated by all.
H. O. Bntebaut hai been doing or
ohard work for G A. Hamilton tbia
week, looking after the young trees
eto. The people of Frmtdale are
very fortunate to have so able and ex
perlenoed a orchardiat in their com
inanity. ,
Brother Newman via tod at the the
home of H. Huck last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dyke and family of
JUiiHOuri are visiting at the home of
F. A. Olenieats and E. H. Wise
. Mr. Dyke it Mr. Clement niece
They have aold their property iu
Mlasoori and expect to locate in
Grant Paul.
Just received a big stock of Stoue
Jarseto., direct Iroiu the factory
uair-niaaie uaw. co.
Mr. and Mrs. Boroughs of the
wildervllle Grauge attended our
Granga meeting laat Saturday. They
are tniuklug of joining Frultdale
Orange aa ll will be more convenient
for tliam to atteud here.
Mr. and Mia. Coatant Sr., of
Grant Paaa, visited W. (toutant a few
dfiye laat week and atleudud the
Orange plonk ou Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. Kara, who have been
visiting their duagliter. Mra. Kincaid,
have rented rooms in town for a sho t
time until they decide where they
will locate.
Rev. Oleavea, pantor of the M. E.
South Church, preached fur ua laat
Monday. Owing to several unavoid
able causes the attendance waa uot ai
large ai initial. Brother Cleave U an
eaiueat, consecrated yoaug man and
the uiewaga that he brought waa very
helpful and inspiring. At the clone of
the service the invitation to become a
follower of Christ waa aocepted by one
porno ii.
The Olauge meeting laat Saturday
waa a doidd lunceas The business
meeting waa held iu the foreuoou a
planned, after which tiia 'grangers"
and a nmulier of their friend enjoyed
a bountiful picnic diuuer out uu'der
the tree.
The afternoon piogram wa In
charge of the lecturer, Mra. H. U.
ItUehui aul waa good throughout.
The aiibject waa "Home," and the
discussions. Ming and readluga, were
both interesting and helpful.
8it-k Headache CunsL
flick hradacli i rawwd by ilnngnint
ui mm luinm'n, v iiamlwrlaiu a Btouiach
and Liver Tablet will correct lh disorder
and effect a cure, Hy uking the tablet
eaaoot) a tb tinit Indication of lh diet
Wear, the attack may be warded oil tor
alt bj M. Clemen.
Very hot weather with the air filled
with autoke I what we have to report
to Jay.
Forest flrea are raging on all "idee
of u and th whole foreat aervice
foetus to be aaloep. About all they
am good for ia to have a good time
and. draw their pay, at leaat to it
Vaughn Aah and your "Uncle Ebe'
were looking over the Koaith and
Keady flat the forepart of the week
and are thinking strongly of takiug
some of that fiue land for a home
stead We look dinuer with Tommle
Collett and all klud of garden veget
ahlua along with aome fat Hoaat buck.
My, ; bat Mrs. CVIlett Is a famous
Everyone down our way la mak
ing comment ou what a hummer
of a paper the Courier is getting to
be. Oettiug to be! Now, we wouder
4t it always didu't hum a pretty good
oto. It is a whole oouoert band, it
We were turned looe iu Mr. Hey
liold'e berry patch one day last week
nnd were told by him not to take
away more than we oould carry. Uieat
Oaesaar I Black borne nearly two iu
chea long, raspberries, Logan berries,
berries till yoo couldn't reet. All
growing oo land that ha been recently Washington, as Inou-agri-
cultural. Now what do you think of
Don't waste your money on
hiogle; use Rex Fliutkole Roofing
that is sold by Hair Kiddle Hdw. Co.
and you will have a fire proof roof.
Fred Ahlberg has returned borne
from Creaoxot City, where he spmt
moot of last week. Fred saya the sua
was shioiug all the time be was there
and the people were prosperous ai-d
Mra. D. L. Webb and sister, Mis
Jn-hie Wilkey, drove over to Holland take iu the sight at that
place and do suuie ahoppiug.
E. M. Albright 1 iu your tity ou
L. R. Webb i tickled rnotit to death,
He ha killed hiB lirat bear, a regoiar
moutter. If ureased almost 40 poundr.
Almost everyone down our wuy is
eating fat uieii and calling it by its
tii Ml name, venison.
Elk Valley challenges the world to
heat it for pluujs. We art) going 1 1
rend the Conner a cample whtn nie.
What if liryau rhonld beelected any
way. And dor a little cleaning up
uowu at WaMhington unit eieewtieie;
politic uhhih t little leiiovaliug.
At least Bryan is an honest in an ami
tliel Ami ricau people kuwws it. So
do uot bo surprised at election rebuke
There is a little stir iu real cHtate
in Pleasant Grove diHtiict th week.
K. M. Gale Iihs b.irrtiimd for a 20
acre tract and intends planting w n
ter a,)le tree and Tokay grape.
Tni ia fine orchard ground.
Matlock's little child has been quite
sick having spaaint. Dr. Luug.'.ridge
was called; the child ia improviug at
last accouut.
V. O. Griuies and Otis McCallister
are cutting logs for the Smith and
Brit ton sawmill.
Mis. Charles Agee is running the
boarding house.
What is the trouble "Shorty" that
we did uot hear from you last week,
is the atmosphere getting too hoi.
Oar Wilderville merchant i kept
pretty buay these times doiug qmte
good boalness .
Yonr onrresj oudent waa down on the
11. B. Miller runcn last week, lne
grasshopper am doing oonaiderable
damage to the alfalia.
Mr. Causley got pretty badly bnrt
while threahiug out some grain. A
tiaia got frightened and in block
ing the wagon, Mr. Caueley got srtnck
with tne brake pole, waa uuconsoioua
for fully SO minutes. He is getting
along all xigbt
Now "Shorty," I don't believe in
a woman worsiug out doors. If 1
were married, my wife might milk
the cows, slop the pigs, feed tne cnick
eu after duiug her house work; if
the had a few spare moment, she
might split the kindling wood aud hoe
a little in the gaideu.
Attention is called to Aahland Com
mercial College special in tins !sue.
7-31 8t
Is there a better way to
keep the family longer at
table, to keep it together?
Your rocr rMitrna your taoner ii you doa't
lik bthilhua'i wt par bioi
Harry Ziuuimriuiiii of Placer was in
the county eat last Frif'ay.
II. I lor in if and brother J. N. of
Poiuoua. Cal.. were iu the cir.v the
fore part of the week.
W. K. Deau neut the fore part of
the week near Oleiulitle where lie for
got buaiuesa ('area and the heat of the
valley iu the shade and ttexuie
graudenr of, the Cascade hills.
Mia Emily V. Callahan, one of the
newly employed gra le teaohera for the
city schools, arrived here the latter
part of laxt week from ler home at
Dayton, O., to be in readloesa for
the openiug of the fall term.
f;Prl Bxamau who it will lie re
membered, waa a member of the
quintette engaged iu au extended
game of stud (Hiker at the heme of
Louie Streuber at the foot of Fifth
street about two wekes ago, returned
from Koneburg last Saturday aud im
mediately apHared at the city at-
O e 'J i-ftlre ill i alll til' !
piation (or thi iutivtction of the cit '
ul a
IS. 1). Settou wt iu fiMia li .ro
lat Satnnlav to attend tJ buaiU' a
matter here aud for a t rief wiih
ShertrT Joe Itunsell. Mr. Sextn aud
Joe wit brought" up boy together
and O. D. tliercfoie seldom comes
to mo couuty keal without giving Joe
a round up. Mr. Sexton's paituu
came to Oregoo in the eatly 60's aud
oomtatted the Indian aud all the
other trials and viaciasitude of early
pioneer life iu the went. Iu fact the
Sextou home was twice horned by
the ludiaus and it is a matter of much
interest to bear Mrs. Sexton in her
rwuiineNOeUcea of the early days. She
is now uearly IK) and yet wonderfully
vigorous lit both mind aud body.
Mr. Sexton operate a placer miiie
over on Juuip-otT-Joe during the win
ters aud wear a nugget for a watch
charm, weighing t0 worth which be
look from the mine. Of course he has
gathered a great many much larger
oues from thi claim.
Christian Science Reading room,
117 E street, near Secoud. Services
11a. m. Subject "Soul". Wednesday
meeting 8 p. m. All are cordiallv in
vited to attend.
S L. Jewell W.e Awarded th
Contract for the Superintend'
ncy of the County Homo
Court mat, Aogust 6th, there being
present Hon. Stephen Jewell, county
judge; Hon. M. A. Wertz commia
aiooer; Hon. H. S. Woodcock com
mifioner ; Hon. 8. F. Cheshire, clerk;
Hon. W. J. Russell, fherifT.
The following proceedings were
had : to wit:
The following official bonds examin
de and approved : A C Howland, just
ice for Lucky Qoeen precinct ; Lincoln
Savage scnool superintendent, Fred
Menrch, county sorveyor.
Bills allowed :
K B Ulding, juror cor inquest..! 1 00
Juhn Val n, joior cor iiq 1 00
Kd Strong, jur cor inq.'. 1 00
F M Wichman, jnr cor inq 1 00
W A Strong 1 00
Prink Parizell 1 00
V T Jones, wnnesscor inq 1 60
D P, wituess cor inq.... 1 50
M C Drown, wit cor Inq 1 60
It (i Grimmett... 1 60
F D Strieker, cor fees Herbert
inq 15 00
P B Ulding, transporation of
cor Herbert iuq 17 50
H B Eaton, 6 days flagman
Sucker Cr road ... 12 00
Petition of H L Reed, et al for
couuty road in Seo 7, Tp 37 S, R 5
W, heard upon report oi board of road
viewers aud said petition allowed.
Damages allowed to Robert Qeer $250
and to K Dellweed $30.
Hair & Christy, lumber roads 10 00
Win Holland, haul lum lor rds. . 6 75
C F Ueutoer, wrk ou rds. .... 43 60
O W Colvig atty fees insane ex.. 6 00
Pacific States Tel and Tel Co,
tel aervice 15 60
Ed Friday, wrk oo ids 00
Alouzo Mirtin, wik on rds 15 00
Jules Sppie, wrk on rds : 15 00
Emil Sappie 7 60
Oscar Sandburg, wrk on rds 18 75
MisHL Lewis, cooking for
rd baud : 12 00
H L Lewis, work on rds...... 20 00
Thouijison Bros, iniise for rds 8 00
Barlow Bros, mdse for rda lb 70
K (i Scott milk for Co hospital 15 25
Peils Elite laundry, laundry
for jail 4 10
P P Procior, printing 20 60
J U Booth, ottlce rent to Sept
1st. 1808 80 00
Lincoln Savage, traveling ex,
Apr, May and June, 1D08... 61 00
James Holman. justice State
vs Foshay B 70
vv ju cuesblre.oonstahie State
vs Ackerman 3 86
W M Cheshire, constable State
vs Ackerman 8 25
James dolman, jus stale vs Acker
mau 6 55
A W Aufoe y, witneia justice Oourt 2 00
it L Jewell wimpa justice court. . 2 00
1' I I'ankey, witneaa jusiioe court 2 00
James Holman. Jus ke, state vs
Aekeitnan. , 0 60
A Aubery, witness justice court.. 1 00
A W Aubery, witness justice court 1 00
B L Jewell, witness iimtic" court. 1 0i
James llolinau. justice stats vs
Johu Doe 1 70
J C Handle, Constable State v
Cox 2 50
Chriaty & Hair, lumber lor roads 8:1 00
II h, Christy, lumber lor roads.. 11 72
I It Yvella. sprinkling street 3 (H)
Uregon Ubbeiver, printing 12
C C layior, hauling cement lor
io.kIs 2 00
I till Biowu, hauling lor lOids. ... 6
Ino- Lenli. wora on road Irk 76
a Luulir.oge, work ou roade.... 8 00
t has Liu ou, work ou roads u Ou
S P Cheshire, telegrams, exnrecs,
Biainp eto 10 66
Cramer Bios mils for roads 0 18
J T a ga,ioui r diem and mlg I'O 00
Prnk Swa. ker. hauling granite.. 1 00
W M Cheshire, board lor prisoner 31 00
e.d a au liyke, travel exu slate
va Howo 18 00
W C Frve, work on reads 12 60
W ileon Milse Company, mdee for
loadu 28 00
M J Mcviowan, uid e lor paupers 18 U0
iv.ucli A Loo blacksmith lor
roads 3 (j6
K'igiiH Ktver Waier Co. water lor
court lioue 14 00
L B Hall, coffin tor pauper 10 60
Urains l'as liivery Stable, team
hire lor road 6 00
Ueo S Calhoun Co, rudee (or pau
7 50
r K Mckeiu, team hire fur road
W 1 Sweetland, meat lor couuiy
5 60
hospital (12
Claua Actimidt, uidsa (or paupaia 7 26
(iranta Pans Livery Stable, team
lure forroada 3 00
C.'t r in ei peraiiaut to adjournment.
ot M ienlay witu ad ullioers preaent.
H U- ail'iwed :
l-i.tnirii and Co, mdse lor
7 20
2 Ul
I lwitrt k'ber?on, unlxe Co hos
t Li l oivig, wk on Callce cr trail 4(1 fill
A MrLe d, k ou Oahce cr trail ttO 00
r.unaru r riuay, w ou Ualice cr
Wilnp-e befoie circuit oourt
P P JoiiUhiii, board of pauper
Kiuney and Truax, mdse loi Co
Condon Water aud Power Co',
72 00
10 IK)
16 00
70 98
8 63
12 V0
1 76
1 25
5 00
6 00
Koguo River Courier, printing. . .
Uibaon a cash stoie, mdse county
W J RuKsell, mde for prisoners! .'
FDStrii-aer Cor lee McAnhur
F I) Strieker, cer lee Owen Inq. .
Core B Lemon, fcxtra services aa
physician 13 r
County clerk is directed to issue
county warrants in favor of School
District No. 7, to cover lew made by
this court at January 1808 term for
high school put poses.
The oourt proceeds to open and ei
amine bida lor keeping the county poor
farm aud find the bid of Stephen L.
JewalltoU the loweat bid; said con-
" JL
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
tract is awarded to said Stephen Li
Jewell till January lit, 1909, and con
tract is ordered to b drawn and duly
aimed bj the parlies la aoccr lance with
said bid.
Court adjourns uutil Wednesday
August 19, 1U0S.
(Continued from First Page.)
Ed Trver, hoosa nombering ... 32 00
A 11 Mock, house numbering.. 24 00
On account of fire of July 9th. . 10 00
The bill of J. H. Wells for $5 and
that for 18.75 for tne fire of April 3d
were rejected.
The Btiwer committee reported fa-
vorably on the petition of Mra. I.
E. Howard and others, in so far as the
ooustrution of a lat ral sewer through
block 33 is concerned, but refused to
refund auy portion of the cost. The
report of the committee was adopted
and the city attorney authorized to
draft the Decessary ordinance.
Ordinance No. 323, granting a fran
chise to the Llnooln Park Water com-
oauy waa read the first time in full
and a second time by title, after which
an emergency was declared and the
ordiuauoe read the third time in fall
and placed opon its passage, all mem
bers present voting aye.
Ordinance No. 821, relating to the
grade of Fifth street was read in foil
the third time aud placed upon final
passage, ail member present voting
in the affirmative.
Bids for the laying of a sub maine
sewer on A street and the lateral
sewer 00 third street and Lawnridge
avenue were now opened and read as
follow: W R. Rannie 84191, Grants
Haas Hdw Co. 83618.90; L. A. Robert
son, 8220, whereupon. Mr. Robertson
being the lowest bidder, wa awarded
the 000 tract for the work.
; Dr. Loughridge Is having 85 acres
ofjiisjanch near Murpby slashed pre
paratory to putting the same outto
psaohes:and Tokay grapes the coming
spring. This i bench land aud of
deep, rich red aoil. He also has '25
acres of bottom land adjoining whfch
he will plant to English wamnU"aua
Newtown Pippins, in J9M
from now the doctor will have one of
the splendid frnit farms of the county.
qf Experience is
Best Teacher
if3 THE
VUU men who wear
Hat, know it's worth.
few who haven't tried it, we are after.
You take no chances on the Nugget,
every hat is fully guaranteed. The
Nugget Hat costs us more than any
$3.00 hat sold in this part of the state;
that's one of the reasons it's ' so good.
Early fall styles are now here. '
Outfitters to Boy and
$500.00 Reward
The nndersignel has deposited ihe
sum of 80OO in the First National Baok
cf Southern Oregon, Grants Pass, aud
Una sum will be paid to any person
or persons who will furnish informa
tion that will cause the arrest and
conviction of the parties who on or
about the 28th day of Joly, 1908, set
oot fire between the head of Ditch
creek and PleBsant creek.
8-7 2t. Placer, Ore.
SpecleJ Railroad Rate in Effect
Speaial rates on the Certificate plan
are in effect 00 account of the follow
ingineetings, full information to he
obtained at the depot. Soldiers and
Sailors reunion, Ceutral. Point Ore.,
September 9th, 10th and 11th. An
nual meeting American Bar Associa
tion, Seattle. Wash.. Augnst 31st to
81st. Aunaal Convention Photogra
phers Association of Pacific North
west, Vancouver, Wash., Auirust 18th
to 23ud. a 1 ,t
A certain man opened a checking ac
count with us not long ago. He de
posited in the bank what cash he had,
and paid all bills by check. Before
long, he discovered that he was earn
ing enough and spending too much.
His checking account gave him a
complete record of all receipts and
expenditures. Today this man is
saving regularly because he opened a
checking account with us. You can
have same experience at no expense
C P. JESTER, Assistant Cashier IT.TUFRPits.
It's the
are but outward signs of the evil
done in secret by myriads of dao
Jraff terms sapping the lite blood
ol the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes the Itching scalp,
gives lustre to the hair and stops
it falling oat A single application
gives relief aod proves its worth.
Save yonr hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It is a
delightful dressing lor the hair,
free from grease and sticky oils.
Ask yonr druggist for free booklet
man" ensaaa