Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 14, 1908, Image 2

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Dr. Findley is itill in Europe but
rill be in his office io September.
Rce. I'hone 714
City or country calls attended nijbt
or day K!Mi and II, Tuff's building. '
Office i'hono 21 1 .
Grahth Pass
Graduate Aineriran Krhool of Osteopathy,
Kirknville, Mo.
Chronic Di-ipawt and Diwaws of Women I
and ( lilldren a specially ;
Jtoonn 1. 2, 8, r'irst National Hank ISldg.
l'lionea: Oflice.771. Ken. 71(3
F. Dt-Vore, M. D.
City and Cooutrp calla promytly au
wcred. Office hours 1 to 12 a. m.
and i to 0 p. 111.
Res. Phone, Main 478, Office, 911
Rooms 1, 2, 8 Hlinllliorn tildg.
Grants Pass, - - OkE.
Practice in all Statu and Federal Courts.
Uftlce i Opora Houao llulldlng.
Gbarts Pabb, Okkoon
Office over
Grants Pass,
Dixonss Store
Civil and criminal matters attended to
In all the courts
Real estate and Insurance.
Office, 6tb street, opposite Postoffloe.
8th St., north ol Josephine Hotel.
Gbamts Pass, - Okkuon.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your totusorial work done at
Ou Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath Room in connection
N. E. McGRliW,
Furniture and Piano
WIl.l. St MAl Till SKAION HV Tilt
From (J rants Pass, Ore.
Both W.ns
St. Lou is Hi An S2.50
St. Paul (S.il5 SI. 75 i
Omaha (S.?,5 75.00
Kansas City (S.)5 75.00
August (, 7, '21, '2-2
Mood lor return In .)0 days with utoporer j
iri vtltfit l iiltMsor within liuiitjt
" ' i
Remember the Dates.!
or any ftuUier Information ill on j
B. H. MOMTOOMKIIY, Local Agent'
, MOMTUUMKIIY, I.ool Agent
or writ to
WM. Mi'Ml'lllUV,
lieuertl ra-Kengrr Aeut.
By Mm. Robert L. Huck I . .
Oar Grange b 11 their first all day
meeting on Saturday, August 8, at ibe
Frnitdale 'oliool home. There was
a good attendance of offltcrs and dipoj
be'i pn-Beut at tbo regular boHineaa
eiioo in the for noon.
H. C. Batebam, chairman of tbe
road conimit'i-e, reported i(m gam
nier work hewg done, and augg'-'ted
that all b- in rendiucei to bora brash,
preparatory to th fill road work, as
soon m put-aitJie a motion was
made tiat tb road conmlttee be
iuitrurt d to act with Mr Co taut
in building Inure through bis land
where tbe new rnal ia to be put
tlirnogh in the fall. At noon, quite a
number f friends arrived and dinnT
wai v rvd from long tablca -t out
jonderthe tre'. It wan trnlv a feat
I of good thing and was enjoyed br all.
j In the affteriinnn Fotiic btiHinetw
i matter", that hid bnen poHtpoiie'1 in
j tbe fore m n, were att-nded to. Th"
I literary rroitram, in ctia'g of the,
I lecturer, Mrs. H. O. Katoliam, was of
j interest to all. Tbn mihject wax
j " Home" and the firat "iig sung was
i" Home, Sweet Home." The difena-
aion on tl.e"ilal home and it In
fluence" wan leal by Mr. M' B'rve and
ome very good suggestions were
given on making thn lioma attractive
both ont-ide and innidti tbe hoore.
Mra. B i teli am read a good paper on
"How to Overcome the Worry and
Hnrry Habit." There was alao a ?eiy
helpful di-ciiHHion on the "benefit of
oelibratlng all holidays, birthdays
and anniversaries in the home."
Mr. Coutant, Sr., gave a talk on the
benefits to be derived from belonging
to the grange and alao spoke on the
subject of irrigation, assuring os that
water would be supplied to this dis
trict in the oear fntore.
The last number on the program
waa a duet "Way Down ypon the
SwaDnee River," by Mrs. M, E.
Stortevant and Mrs. H. C. Bateham.
Tbii tweet old song was sung with
much feeling and appreciated by all.
Tbe next meeting of tbe Orange
will be held on September 13.
It's been a long time since you
heard from as; come and buy
Avenarios Carboliueum. Grants
Pans Hdw Co. 7-31 4t
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
acts promptly yet gently on the
bowels, through which the cold is
forced out of the system, and at the
same time It allays inflammation.
Suggestions For Making Farm and
Rural Homes Attractive.
I'lmmeliil circumstance- are often
such that the fanner cniinot adorn Ills
farm with expensive houses, burns nud
Inwns. Hut this luck of iiichiih should
not discourage the im-rngc num. for
there Is no reason why his home
jiioum nor ne ooiHilirui. mere are
homes where we see these Improve
ments, jet there uiuy he till element of
Ix-nuly lucking to those who love beau
ty for beauty's sake. 1'lennllucs.
good taste niul a certain amount of
fi'lde must le seen or beauty will he
lacking. There Is a lack of taste ami
management In some country homes
to he deplored.
We nee country homes, one after an
other, almost entirely without (lowers
Sometimes we Judge it Is because the
women do not have time to care for
them, but more often we believe It Is
because of the lack of love for flowers
that they are missing, says Mrs. K. V
(ioiilon of Lamar county, Tex., iu the
Turin and Itatn b. Every homo should
have its flowers. One should take
time to cure for a few at least. It re
quires very little time to plant and
care for a hardy flower, and that flow
er will afford pleasure and beauty for
many days Iu the year. Flowers ap
peal to our tiuer taste, and iu the cul
tivation of them we become more re-
fliied. The front yard should havei;ool
walks and well arranged flower beds,
and these should be kent clear uf
weeds and grass if possible. The bae'e
yard should never be neglected, it U
Just us Important a factor, If not more
so. In the everyday life of the home
maker us the front yard. All weeds
and rubbish should be removed aud
trees and flowers of value planted.
It has beeu our lot to lie thrown Into
One Way j 8l,,ll, communities where the average
via 1 farmer greatly neglected the, apK-ur-California
1 auce of his farm and seemed to be no-
don't care disposition
with very poor
There is so much left undone which
C0UJ 1)0 llono wltl Proflt aiui "JJed
1 ivimf.trl tt ...... 1.1 ..... .u
more attractive if all fence rows,
i orchards and back lots were kept
i clear of weeds and grass, dates aud
barn doors should be well made aud
hinged, not propped. Fence wires
where they are loose at every other
. . i , ....
iosi luouiu oe staoiea un. rnesa nm
small things, but they mar the beauty
! of the farm. Our farms are often
I destitute of trees. This should not h
There U time wasted unthoughtfully
" "KO u,u oe usoo Iu putting out
, trees around yards, lots, fences and in
! pasture. "In all labor there Is profit."
Enrrirtd Ca'ling Cri -Courier.
some activity in
dt A! tv k cnnwN
IXUMUll IV uaivvai
I The ooo nty convention of the W.
Caleb Briuton; warranty, to H E j Q T c leid j -,ne First
MoDaniels. lota 5, 6, 7, and 8 in block t Bsptjt church Thursday, September
46 io an addition to Railroad add, $1. Tbe orenoon wiil'be taken op
Quincy Woodoock, et ux warranty wltl) reporta arjfj ay other business ,
to S A Carter, NWy of NW4, Sec 83 j w(lich may com9 op Dinner will be
and the KE4 of NEJ. Seo 83, all io gerTefj jn the church and.the afternoon j
township 39, range 8, 110. j giTB election of county officer
8 A Carter et ux, warranty, to M 8 f0nowed t,y a carefully prepared pro-1
and Q Woodcock, all tbe timber oni8rtnl Xemperanoe workers of tbe
cf NW',U and lt 1, section 1, j 8r9 urgently requested to be
T 40 range ; also all timber on NEJq' ; ,, BU(j heln to plan the work for
ofNW,y aud SX
of NW.U and the
NAJ,' of Sft, seoiion 6, Uwp40,
raugx 8. f 10.
H S Woodcock, et ux, warranty, to
S A Carter, SW of NWJ-4 and.NW.
of 8,y of shc 33. T 39, range 8, 110.
M C Bogue, warranty to S A Cir- :
t r. all timber ou NEJf of XV'H and
of NW'i and NVi of tiW'H.
Heo , T 40, range 8, fiO.
Doiotny E Wliipp, warranty, to S A
Cait-r, all tin ber ou of KE4' and
lot 1 of 8. c ia. T 40, ranne , 10.
J T Gilnii rx et ux, warranty, to
Ueo W Dunn, Donatinn Land claim
of Abraham H dialler, No 39, 10
acres, 110,000.
A E Lincoln, by guardian, to H ti
Karuer, 15 acres in bee 15, 36, range
fi, 400.
Peter Haoxen, by executors, to Kbb
Hoitue, lot 8 and one' half of lot 7 iu
Block 7 iu Kerbv, $25.
Geo L Woodford, warranty, to C
J Stainuierjohauu NWJ-i sac 28, T 35
range 6, tlO.
Merlin Townsita and Development
Co., warranty, to T T Pankey, lot 4,
block 4, center add to Merlin, f 100.
J C Lee, warranty, to Clifford A
Lee SW4 of NW4' and NWt4" of
81VV4, seo 18, T 5, range 6, $500.
Chas L Cleveuger et nx to Ola
Carner, parcel of laod in J Bourne's
add, :i50.
F A Pierce et ux to Sarah Smith,
Parcel of lacd in Sec 20, T 35 range 6,
F A Pierce et ux to Jas. Wilson,
parcel of land, in tec 20, T 35, range
8, $100.
Minnie F Ireland to VV L Ireland,
lot 3 block 8 in Ireland & Meade add
M A Wertz et ux o S Lougbridge
WJ and NE.I4 of SW, and
8EJ4' of NWJ4 seo 24; also NE of
SE if of Seo 23, all in T 3, range 7,
Every Household in Grants Pass
Should Know How to
Resist It.
The baok aobes because the kid
neys are blockaded. Help the kidneys
with their wotk. The back will ache
no more. Lots of proof that Doao's
Kidney Pills do this. Andrew .1.
Hayden, reteran of the Civil war and
of KHveral Indian campaigns, living
on Flint street, near Mosier, Rose
Imrg, Ore., says: "I have always
enjoyed the best of health and
streugth and have bed pretty well of
late years except for a trouble with
the kidney and bladder. I do not
know what caused it hot the secre
tions became olondy and showed a
s 'diluent when allowed to staud. J
had pains through the bladder, indi
cating inflammation of tome nature,
and passages of the secretions were
tr.o frequent, causing much tronble at
night. I was led through hearing
Doan's Kidney fills recommended by
Rosebarii people to gt a supply. They
went to work riaht from the start and
relieved the pain and the secretions
were corrected. I kept on with the
treatment and am now able to rest
through au entire night without an
noyance. The pain lias entirelv van
ished aud I feel better in every way." I
For sale by all dealers. Price SO !
cents. Foster-Milhurn Co., Buffalo, i
New York, IT' '! liemember
tbe name--Poa" '.- :u ke in, other.
8-14 St;
What An Improvement Club Can Do. j
An Improvement club Is often started I
from a selfish motive merelv to make
a place and time for luiMrowinent uiul
recreation, but sold', stops there.
mere uas iwd ho much, accomplished
turoiiKb the club that has benefited the
general public that nil cannot be told
In a short space, hut a few things us
Just a hint or two are mentioned In the
Kansas Farmer: Help to save the for
ests and plant more ttvos. Heautlfy
and make clean the back yards. Make
the com iu unity sanitary aud attractive.
Hrlng reading matter within the reach !
of Hit by the use of the traveling libra- !
rles. IVmand good roads and get them, i
Get rid of tramps by putting thera to I
work at a wood pile or digging. Make :
them pay for what they get Arouse I
public interest iu things that tend to
raise the moral and mental standard. '
These are a few, and doing one of 1
them will ojen the way for others. '
DeWttt'i Little Earir Ri,,t .h. 1
famous little lifer pills. Sold by j
Mod-1 Drug Store. 4-8 15 .
U7 r T II NrtTTC
the 00tning ,eari The regular meet- I
ing of the W. C. T. U. will be held ;
the next day, September 4, at the
home of Mrs. Weidman. j
Coming op one of oor principal
stra ta the other night, w were forci
bly reminded of the pretence of some
thing decidedly scrouger than "toft
drinks." Will the proprietors please
cieau up their places of business and
tiike down the liquor signs, so that
travelers seeking booze, may not be
dis.ipiointed as the gentleman was
fcaiurday night, who raelwd off tbe
train, during its short stop here, and
was greeeted with this information
"Hi there I you fool, douf you know
tbat this is a dry town?"
It has been rerorted that some
proprietors of voted-ont saloous have
gone to "wet" counties. Let theui
go, but they will have to keep nioviog
for prohibition is taking the country
aud after while there will be uo place
whtre this corse can be dealt out to
any man, ana tne one wuo puiteiu
the nop to his neighbor's lips, will
hold the same place in the estimation
of an aroused and awakened people
as the old moonshiners hold.
In todi, Africa, Australia British
Isles, Sooth America, the continent
of Eorope, Russia and the far East,
the temperance wave is breaking and
soou will the glad day come when
liquor will no more cane the human
On every side we hear men say
"We done' see as voting oat tbe sa
loon has made financial conditions
any worse and in many cases they
are better. But there are evils still
remaining which require remedying.
We wonder bow many know the gam
bling laws of Oregon? ' These laws
are made and it matters not for what
yoa play, drinks, cigars, candy or
monvy tbe principal is the same. If
men play and it costs one man $100 to
pay the bill, does it make it any the
Ibbs gambling because they played for
something other than money?
Read np the law, please and govern
yourselves accordingly.
"The last saloon in Boone Co., Mis
souri, closed at midnight, July 10.
Ic was in Centralia and Mayor M. S.
Biuh of that city aw the saloou doors
close and tliei siid: "Now let ns
give the law a chance; I will per
sonally subscribe $300 to fee that it is
strictly enforced." No question as to
whether prohibition will prohibit iu
Centralis, Mo. I
The Grtind Lode of A. F. aud A.
M. of the State of Wanhinittou in its
recent animal convention, to members
of the order umki'c un iron clad rale
prohibiting any Mumiii from enHg'""
in the trattio of intoxicatiuit liquors.
The rule alio provides that the viola
tion of this order will u futoie te
deeiurd a Masonic offense, and will
be punished by eiptilsioi'.
10 Ftr rent riimouut on refrigerators
at Hair-Riddlts.
Nothing docs more for
a grocer, one way or the
other, than coffee. He
must sell poor; (he needn't
sell it to you) it is good
that i i. ikes him.
Yui ti. rr rriurni vour moner U jo don't
lUt Scbiiaiig Ilctl: t par bim.
Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured.
"An honored citizen nf tM tnmn .?
fering from a te?er a'-tack of djueuterr. lie
to,d friend if he could obtain a boitle of
"wmin .oiic, t. bolera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, he felt confident of being cured, he
hiving used this remedr in lha VL If.
was told that I kept it 'in stock and lost no
vuixmng 11, ana was promptly
cured, says M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wot
wis u ror saie oy ai. Uwmeoa,
Commercial (lob
Will furnish information of
Josephine county free of
charge. Correspondence so
licited. 4
1 0- -AUtouN .. President
J H- Andrews. .. .Secretary ft
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The Place to Co for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv
. able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation
ItS Facilities are Complete Best of food and an abund
ance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities,
such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day,
Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to
be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations.
Newport is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany
orJCorvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train seivice daily
and the trip a pleasure throughout.
Season six-months ticket $10.00
Our elaborate new Summer Book gives a concise description
of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacity and
rates. Call on, telephone or write
R-. K. MONTGOMERY, Local Agmt, Crania Pass,
General Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Oregon.
The Rogue River Nurseries
Are strong on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000
fancy cuttings that are rooting nicely in the reddest of
lands. We are ready to contract for fall delivery at prices
that will surprise you. We are as well prepared to fur
nish you with anything in line of trees and general
nursery stock.
Conklin Building
"Old. Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and you are sure of getting just what you order. We grow
our trees for quality not cheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent
Office with J. E. PETERSON
For bargains in furniture? If so, come and see my new stock
and get my prices. My car of new Couches, Beds, in fact anything
and everything for the parlor, diuing room, bed room and kitchen
has come, and you'll be astonished at the splendid goods and the
right prices.
M. E. M0CRE,
"Efficiency" as applied to an automobile, means that
ability in a car which enables it to go and come wrVn
and where you want it. It means speed, econot
durance, hill climbing, and roadability those thni&
the "Tourist" won in a string of forty-two brilliant
victories out of forty-five entries. Buy the car that has
proved its worth by winning all manner of tests in
competition with all
types of cars. Ttm
contests prove con -
clusively the suDenor- V
itv of tK " 7Vw,,;.. "
. ... A '
tne racitic Uast Car" over all others.
They prove positively that no car other than one
built here with the sole idea of meeting Coast road and
climatic conditions could have made the wonderful
" Tourist " record.
There are several models of Tourist Cars to meet the
various models of pocketbooks. There are several
styles of 2-cylinder and 4-cylinder cars from which to
choose. Better buy a Tourist than wish you had.
R. S. WILSON, Agent Auto Vehic! Company
' Factory at La Aafih
Grant Pan, Or.
Grants Pass Or,
Md on 0 Pacific Ct
S GUa Cl Atom, Sa Fruca