Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 14, 1908, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.
No. 20
It Means Great Devel
I opement of Valley
Plan Suggested for Utilizing Old
I Power Plant to Irrigate
I 1200 Acres.
The reaalar monthlv meeting of the
ts -
jDommercial club Tuesday uiglit .was
the most interestiog and enthusiast io
session of the olnb that tins been held
daring the present year. Tnete wai no
pedal new business scheduled bat the
subject of irrigation came up aod
jBveryone present took a decided in
terest. An unofficial rumor had gone
cut to the effect that there was some
eort of au irrigation project on and
this considerably inorfaaed the regular
After the disposition of some of the
routine business Mr. G. I. Brown, a
former resideut of the oity bat who is
now vice-president of the Jersey City
Central Traction Co., at Keyport, N.
J., was called on, and after noting
the improrements of the oity since
his residence here tome eight or nine
years ago, and the enterprise mani
fested by the commercial olub, he took
occasion to remark that the adortion
of irrigation here meant the salvation
vof the Rogue River Valley country,
'which statement was greeted with
hearty applause.
As stated In these columns last
jweek Mr. Brown as the agent of Mor
ris Brothers of Portland, who own the
old dam and power plant Just below
the bridge at the loot of Sixth street,
Jias during the past few weeks been
endeavoring to interest a number of
farmers in na irrigation project
whereby the old power plant can be
Utilised in furnishing water for the
Irrigation of about 1200 acres o( land
loug this side of the river below the
power honse. Mr. Brown and his
people hae proposed to the farmers
Who would be under this ditch that
they organize a company among them
elves and oonstract the ditch and
Morris brothers will furnish theui
the necessary water at the rate of 5
per acre per auunm for a period of
10 years, at the same time giving the
farmers an option to boy the power
plant at a price to be mutually agreed
pon, at any time within the 10 years.
Ihe farmers are also to have tntire
supervision and control of the . dis
tribution of the water during the life
Cf the contract Mr Brown farther
tated that iu ths event the farmers
did not have the readr funds with
which to coustruct the supply ditch
feis company would build it for them
sua allow tbem to pay for it in lo an
u al payments.
Mr. Griffin, one of the recent new
oouiers who has already purchased a
small traot in the city and will make
bis permanent home here, was another
warm a-lvocate of irrigation. R. L.
Ooe expressed it that we of Grants
Pass and Josephine county art vir
tually ou on i oars nntil this s ction i
under a thor ah system of .r igition
sod said that wa are just m.w starting
on a propoii loo which we should
nave oousoiumated years ago. .
Blaucbard wh arilved h'-ie a few
days ago with his family from Monte
zuma, Iowa, wiib a view to 1 eating.
also concurred io the opinions of
those who had alreadv spoken and
aid be fell tare that if this aw tion of
Rogue Rivtr Valley was under irri
gation muy faniilirs bis state
would soon lo-ate here.
'It was at once apparent that the
business nun of the city have become
thoroughly aroosed to the imperative
rare) of irrigation if the land of Jose
phine county shall produce any where
near what the soil is capable of. And
it would seem that an iuinet-t w s
aronsed at Tuesday night's aeeting of
the commercial oluu which should
result in the early construction of a
apply ditch which will reels m a
large acreage which is now idle,
whereas it should be yielding an in
come of from f 100 to $300 per acre an-
Io disposing of the routine buisnes
including the reports of committees
B. C Kinney stated that the Southern
Pacific officials had given permission
to the Ltdies Auxiliary of the com
mercial club 'to decorate and other
wise improve railroad park and the
vacant lots on the north side the
track at either side of Sixth street
as proposed by the ladies some time
ago, and for which purpose the auxil
iary has already accumulated a small
fund. President Calhoun of the club
suggested the propriety of the rail
road company cleaning av these
grounds before the ladies began the
work of im rovemeot.
Secretary Andrews called attention
to the unnsuaramount of paper, sticks
and other refuse matter which has
lately been allowed to accumulate
abont the depot grounds and in the
gutters aod it was suggested that a
general cleauiag np be instituted.
The matter was referred to the
Municipal committee. In this con
nection President Calhoun suggested
the need of the enforcement of the
city ordinance making it a misde
meanor to spit upon the sidewalks.
W hen this ordinance was first parsed
placards pouted about the city calling
attention to the fine for its violation
aod it was thought that a reoewal of
these cards might have a wholesome
The secretary stated that there was
still due the Sunset Magazine for the
publication of the Grants Pass booklet
a balance of $550 and suggested that
the couuty be asked to appropriate
$500 toward the payment of this bal
ance as nn ler a law of the state each
county it allowed to appropriate $1000
per annum for judicious advertising
along this line. On motion the presi
dent of the club was authorized to
appoint a committee of five including
the secretary to take the matter op
with tt-e county court at its next ses
sion on the 19th of the persent month.
In support of this coutentiou for the
appropriation Mr. Andrews railed
attention to the benefit the whale
ooonty derived from ' the publioity
gained in the issuance oQtbe booklet
and the point was well taken.
; The secretary read a letter from
the state fair association relative to
the preparation of a suitable exhibit
of the products of Josephine county
for the state fair at Salem this fall.
The letter also suggested the t oonomy
an J desirability of taming this ex
hibit over to the management of the
American-Toukon-Pacifio Exposition,
which opens in June of next year,' at
the cloee of the state fair. Ia the
matter of the exhibit for the Exposi
tion at Seattle attention was called
to tli e necessity of selecting grains,
gratHes, fruits, etc., from this season's
crop siuoe the American-Youkoo-Pa-cifio
Exposition opens in June which
will be too early for next year's crops.
On motion of L. B. Hall the chair
w.ts auihoi it-id to appoint a commit
tee of three to look after the prepara
tion of a suitable exhibit for boih the
fair and the expoBitiou.
O. A. Collins of the Rogue Riser
aud Southern Oregon Railway, the
new electric line now being surveyed
into the Illinois valley, was called on
to tell about his load and stated that
while the preliminary survey was
progressing somewhat slowly that
everything was moving along as well
as could be expected and that the
surveyors were now oat beyond Wil
der"! lie.
It was suggested tbat every Grants
Passite should rem ruber w en writ
iug eastern friends to call their atten
tion to t lie excursion rates which go
ioto eff it the firs, of ifct bin- r aud
ituiaiu in lorce until Octoler 81st
ami it aa also soggtstel ti at a copy
of the e raiea be eucloted with each
nooklet sent oat.
Passed Here Tuesday lor Merlin
and Will Be ; Below
Ci lice Creek.
The mining machine which has just
been built at Sacramento, Cai, for
be Gilman Bed Rock Miniog Co.,
passed through bere Tuesday morning
eo route to Merlin where it will be
unleaded and hauled to the place of
it Initial setting at a point below
Galice Creek on the Rogoe River.
Some day will be required in which
to eet np the machine and get it in
readiness for operation, bot Mr, Gil
maa expect to have it in operation
soma time the early part of next
Josephine County Cherry Tree That Has Borne
fir '-'
Joaepkine county's largest cherry
tree for nearly one-half century bat
stood in the farm yard of "Uncle"
Sam Cook, at Missouri Flat It meas
ures 102 inches in circumference, with
limbs reaching ont over a surface of
40 feet. This tree has never failed to
bear fruit since ' maturity, and each
year there is gathered from its branch
es a wagon - load of cherries. Near
this tree, in the tame yard, stands a
week. Mr. Gilman is the inventor
aod patentee of this machine, and it
is the firt-t machine yet built for
mining gold from the river beds.
Its operation will, therefore, be
watched with the greatest interest
by old miners and others throughout
the Rogue River Valley. Should it
prove to be the aucctss which Mr.
Gilman confidently predicts it will
completely revolutionize river bed
mining and resalt in a great impetus
t the efforts of the gold hunter, as it
is a well knowo fact tbat linn? of
the rivers of Oregon and California
as well as ot ur statis contain untold
millions cf the yellow metal, which,
up to this time it has been impos-ible
to secure except at such exce-sive co-t
as to render most of the operaiiom
Who Knows Perry A Penn.
City Marshall MoGrew received a
letter a few days ago IrJin Virginia
Stewart, R. F. D. No. I, A, Laketon,
Ind., enquiring as to the whereabouts
of her son, Perry A. Penu, wtio, it up
p ars from the letter, she has not
h-a:d 'ii.' i-i-pti-iuV t l'3Mi,
1WR vh.ri ! - nt SiHr City,
ftouth Ditki'ia. vli t, In- s sr pi
ping wit'i a iujiu i i ! na-Jie of
Charles Shepherd. Th 1 1 tter si at a
V at Penn left the Shepherd home at
Silvet City in enmpaoy with three;
t er .en for Grant- Psm,
cot timber and that Pi-no expected to !
inveat in land. The distress d mith r ;
states in the letter that she hal writ i
ten here before, relative to the where-1
abouts of her son, bat that she had
received do reply. Any person read-'
lug tots Item will aonntleia confer a
great favor on the grieving mother
by writing her at the address given
We, the undersigned husband and
daughters of the late Mrs. Nancy
Brown, desire to express oar sincere
thanks to the neighbor and friends
tell pa 4
r das itst
who so freely administered to oar;onlv, while the remaining three, mas-
comfort daring oar bereavement.
j J. B. BROWN.
v -
..... V
I each tree 48 inches in cirenmferenoe,
and 49 years ola. With its heavy
laden boughs ot fruit it. looks as
healthy and in as pettect condition as
the day it began to bear. In one cor
Her ot the yard opposite three . two
aged trees is a grape vine as large as
an ordinary man's body, which sends
out its new vines each vear. The
area over which it spreads is folly one
eighth of an acre, tlureby forming
Competent Teacher to He Em
ployed to Take Charge of
New Department.
The board of education at a regular
nou. lily meeting held Tuesday de
cided to add to the curriculem of the
Gr.uts Pass rc tools the riepattment
ot music and diawing, and a corn
pen ut teachr will be employed at a
salary of (15 per month to conduct
these coursis. This la a feature of
our school svftt'Ui which will doubt
It ss inert with the hearty approval of
patrons as well a I ithils. Arrange
m uts have al-o been completed for
tne luaugiiiaii'in of coimui-r ial
geography, commercial spilling and
peuuiauslup and a postgraduate course
in trigonometry. It will thus be
seen tbat the Grit-ts Pass schools are
kiepiug abreft of tb times aud are
second to none iu the Rogue Rivir
Valley. This fact is of great import
aucs as this -clionln uii' oim " h
fust things t! iit tlin MvciHgf new
i Oilier asks lit i 'lit it In C'il-iiliUles
permanent 1uh(iii.
rmlr.ln. Twirlere of Ihe Sphere
Played Here Monday
Score ft Io ft.
In accordance with the large colored
posters hong in the stores last Friday,
the Chicago Ladies Base Ball Club
graced the local diamond Moaday
afternoon in a con teat with, a nine
picked from the home aw arm of (ana
The aggregation from the Windy
City, however, were not all women.
1 Of the nine, foar
were of the female
gender, two were feminine io costume
cillne without disguise.
While there was some little quibble
as to the exact score, at the end of
the ninth inning, it was called 8 to
Fruit Half a Century
an arbor nearly 100 feet long. , The
annual product of this oae rioe
amounts to one toa of grapes, 'from
these pioneer producers Mr. Gook't
family has long enjoyed eauli year,
cherry pie, peach cobbler and luscious
grapes, aod his children and great
grand-children' are yearly going to his
home t) vat from the same old tree
anu gather from the same old vine.
8 a draw. The battery for the
Ghioagn girls was good, and the
short stop and center field played
good ball. On the whole it was
much more of a game than bad been
anticipated. The locals put up a fair
gome for a picked up team without
practice The attendance was light,
the receipts being but fAft.
The Chicago girls won the game
at Roseburg Sunday by a score of S
tn 3. They Ii ft Tuesday morn it. g for
Med ford where they played a Medford
team in the afternoon, the score re
sulting 14 to 12 in favor of the
Chicago team.
A. II. Broiimm of Cashmere, Weuat-
cbee Valley, Wash., purchased a 83
aore tract of fruit laud three mile
sooth of towo Weduesdnv, for which
he paid 1100 per acre. The land be
longed to Meters. H. W. Kooth and B.
U. OtTins and was sold through th
Boet-Foller Realty Oo. Mr. tironson
had porol.aed 40 acres of laud adjoin
ing the above tract about 10 days ago.
He ex pecis to pot this land out to
fro it as fast as possible.
O'Neill LcadS'Never Follows
This is the big, bright, busy More never
sleeping but always forward marching.
Never before have we sold so many
as we have this season,
left and to close out,
Hammock we have
At Cost
To show you how different and better
our values are, we ask tbat you look
around before coming to our store.
Dont Forget we are Selling them at Cost
O'iYe The
Reliet Asked from
Water Rates.
Lincoln Pevrk Water Company
Granted x Franchise for ex
Plant in Lincoln Perk
The oity ooonoil convened la re
gular session last Thursday night with
Mayor Smith and all members In at-
trndace except Alderman Fetsoh.
After the reading and approval ot the
minutes of the last meeting, the peti
tion of the Grants Pass Canning com
pany asking that a street light be
esiablished on F street about 100 feet
east of Ninth street was read aud re
f erred to the light committee.
The petition of J. S. Scoville and
others asking that north Seventh
street and Scoville alley be opened np
was read and referred to the street
committee. The petition of J. O.
Randle and 386 other asking for re
lief from exoessive charges for water
was read, when O. S. Hanson in be- ,
half of the petitioners addressed the
council, and Attorney A. O. Hoogh
represented the water company. At
thie point G. I. Brown, representing
the Rogue River Water company,
presented a proposition from the
company to sell its water system to
the oity for $04,000, as against $110,.
000, the prioe submitted In the rsrly
spring, stating that the company was
willing to stand half ot the deteriora
tion of the plant as embodied ' to
Engineer Kelaey's report when he es
timated the propable coat of the con
struction of a oomplste new water
system for the city.
In response to a petition signed by
nearly 800 taxpayers the council, In
dlsposingj'of the matter, decided to
submit the question of purchasing the
plant by the oity to a vote of the peo
ple at a special election and the city
attorney was authorized to draw
ordinances to cover the sams.
A communication from Assistant
Postmaster W. A. Newell asking for
a map of the city showing the varioos
street of the oity to aid th postoltlce
inspector who is expected here soon
to look over Orants Pas preparatory
to the Inauguration of free mail de
livery, and be council ordered them
The finanoe committee reported
favorably the following bill aud war
rants were ordered drawn in payment
for the same ;
O K Wolfolk, brick $ 8 40
I) P Love sal city health officer 8 tiff
Williams Bros Door & Lombr Co 8 10
A U Long, fire hose 4ft0 00
Grants Fas Hdw (Jo, hdw.... tffl 15
F K Ho niton, engineering ... 8 00
W V Woodson, labor on ' street fit 00
W II Hugglns, labor on flash
tank 1 75
Gordon Land, automatic flush
ing devices 89 00
H J Hacher.palntlg street signs 85 35
I) E MoLane, freight 4 10
D K Dotson, house numbering 87 60
Continued oo last page
We have a
we will sell
her j