Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 31, 1908, Image 9

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Timber Lud Act, Jon 3, 1878.
Roeeborg, Ore., April 4, 1908.
Notice is hereby giveo that in com
pliance with the provisions of tht act
of Coo grew of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber land io
the Stales cf California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Publio Land
States by act of August 4. 1893,
of Aberdeen, county of Chehalie,
State of Washington, did on January
23. 1908. file in thia office hi sworn
statement No. 9586, (or the par-
chase of the E)' of the E of Section
No. 84 In Township No. 37 Sooth,
Range 4 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or Btone thao
for agicultual pn poses, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before
.Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at
Grants .fats, Ore, on Mouday, the nth
day of August, 1908.
He names as witnesses: James T.
Barns, of Grants Pass, Josephine Co.,
Ore.. William T. Tarnham of Grants
Pass, Josephine Co., Ore., Henry D.
Mcintosh, of Grants Pas, Josephine
Co., Ore., Aaron E. Nettelblad, of
Aberdeen, Chehalis Co., Wash.
Anv and all persons claiming ad
Tersely the above described lands are
Is requested to file their claims in this
August 1908.
Timber Land Act, Jane 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April 4, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
6 of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
'An ao for the sale or timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Waahintgon Territory,"
as extended to all the Pnblio Land
States by act of August 4. 1892,
;of Aberdeen, county of Chehalis, State
or wasmngron, oia on January xs,
1908, file in this office his sworn
statement No. 9535 for the purchase
lof the N of the 8$ of Section No.
8. in Township No. 37 South, Range
Jfo. 4 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
Tamable lor its limner or stone man
for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land, be
fore Joseph Mobs, U. S. Commissioner
et Grants Pass, ure., on Monday, the
17th day of August, 1908.
f He names as witnesses : James T.
Boms, of Grants Pass, Joseph ie Co.,
Ore., William T. Turbam, of Grants
Pass, Josephine Co., Ore., Henry D.
Jttclutosu, of Grants Pass, Josephine
Vo. Ore., William G. Powell, of Aber-
feen, Chehalis, Wish.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file tbeir claims io thia
office on or before said 17th dav of
August, 1908.
Timber Land, Act Jane 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Macrh 16, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given, that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
art of OongreBS of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the saleoftibmer
Lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory, " as extended to all Public
land States by act of August 4,
Of Portland, County of Moltomah,
State of Oregon, filed in this office
bis sworn statement No. 8995 for the
purchase of the W' SWJ, 8E4' SW
Of Section No. 10 in Township No. 34
Juoth of Range No 6 W, W M., Ore.,
nil will offer proor to snow mar, tne
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
ntirposes. and to establish his claim to
aid land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office, at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 11th day of
August. 1908.
! He names as witnesses: George W.
Light, of Leland, Ore., A. J. Ben
nett, cf Graves, Ore., O. W. Parley,
I of Graves, Ore., Eugene Reed, of
I Inland, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad-
vtrnely the above described lands are
Requested to file their claims io this
lof nee on or before said llth day of
ngtist. 1908.
Ufc.-NJA.Mi Li. CUUX, KeglStT.
Timber Laud, Act .Tune 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore.. April 4. 1908.
'Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance wth the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber land io
line States of California. Oregon,
cvrfii nd pafh'''"'Tt T?rrtorr,"
..r.AKLtS a. -l L.
Lane ounty of Kuitu, tstat-' of
alio, iil od Jauuary 18, 1908. file
this ffice h i sworu stateiaeut Jo.
i33, for (he purchase of the Lots I
ud 3 and the of the NE'4 of
rrio No. 8 in Sectiou o. 8. io
wusmp io. uo a luiii, Range
a. 0 nest, and wii oiler pruoi
show that the Und sought is
lore valuable for its timber or stone
an for agricultural purpises. snd tx
'tablish his claim to hmiu land b fore
sepri Moss, U a (jommissmuer at
rauts Pass, Oregon on Saturday, fie
ft d
A. Co
day or August, nxra.
Dames as witnesses: aisruu
Conicer of Grants Pas-, Josephine
JCo. Oregon, J eeph E. Vtrdin of
Lirants Pass. Josephine Co . Ore. Will-
U'U T. Tnrnham of Grauts Pass,
Tesephine Co., Ore.. Emrbitt K.
fTrinror. nf vYildervilla. Josephine
ijz o - -
M.. Ore.
AnTaid all persons claiming ad
tTV rl.r ' v o uv-cn. a a as--
Mq nested to tile their claims in this
ci ice on or neiore saia ioin nay ui
jfttgust, 19"8.
C J AM1.1 1 tUU I ,
J Register.
United States Land office at Roseburg
Oregon, May 20, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that the Gold
Koad Mining and Milling, Company a
."vvi.huu u'BBDizra, created and
existing nnder the laws of the State of
Delaware. U.S. A., whose postoffice ad
dress is Wilmington, Delaware, and
which corporation is duly registered
and licensed onderthe laws ot the State
or uregoo.nas this day Med its spplica
tion for a patent for the ful Inwinir riad.
cribed lodes, veins, deposits aud mines
bearing gold, silver and other valuable
mineraU, all constituting one group of
claims kuown as Gold n Wedge Group
or mining claims, niinrl survey No.
690, aud situated in Galice (nuorgan
ized) mining district, Countv of Jose
phine, State of Oregon, as deslauated
by the field notes aud plat on file in
mis oiooe, ana plat posted on said
group of claims, to-wit:
"Bailey Claim Mother Lode," 1500
ieei or ttie vein or lode in length and
with surface ground 600 feet in width,
containing 20.6H1 acres, as designated
by the field notes and official plat on
file in this'nffice as enrvev o.690. the
particular description thereof being as
iouuwb: iii ignuing at corner So. !
whence the quarter nection comer be
tween Sees. 18 and 18, Twp. 84 Sonth,
Ranges 7 and 8 west of W. M. bfats
North J 83 23', East 9124.84 feet a fir
post 4 feet long 4 inches square stt 18
Indies. in the ground, scribed 1-B90
wheuce a Douglas fir 20 inches in di
ameter bears N 47' W 12 5 ft. blazed
and scribed 1-690 B. T. ; thence S 78
W H00 ft to Cor No. 3, a fir post 4 ft
long, 4 ins.sq, set 18 ins. in the ground
scribed 2-690 whence a Douglas fir 80
ins. io diameter bears N 18" E 62 25 ft.
scribed 2 Bi O B. T. Thence N 12. W
lftOO ft. to Cor No. 8 a fir post 4 ft lona.
4 ins. square, set on a Indue of rock io
a mound of stone son bed 3-690. B. T.
Thence N 78 E 600 ft. to Cor. No. 4
a fir post, 4 ft. long 4 ins. square, set
is ins. in the gronnnd scrioed 4-690
whence a black oak 13 ins. io diameter
bears S 14 W 18 f t. blazed and scribed
4-690 B.T. and thence S 12. E 1500 ft.
to Cor No.l to the place of beginning.
(luugnmiu variations zu a.)
"Sister Claim Mother Lode." beein.
ning at Cor. No. 1 a fir post 4 ft. long
and 4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the
ground, soribed 1-690 whence a white
oak 10 ins. in diameter bears W 13.6 fs.
blazed and soribed 1-690 B. T. the Cor.
of Sees 18-19-13 and 24, Twp.84 S, R 7
and 8 W, bearB 8 89 18 E 8753 72 ft.
thence S 78', W 600 ft. -to Cor. No. 2 a
fir post 4 ft. long. 4 ins square, set 18
ins. in the ground scribed 2-690 whence
a laurel 10 ins in diameter bears N 2,
6 18 ft blazed and scribed 2-690 B
T, thence N 12 W 1500 ft. to Cor No.
3 a Douglas fir 20 ins. in diameter bears
8 68 E 52 ft blazed and so'ibtd 8-690
B. T. from Cor. post 4 ins. souare set
18 ins. in the ground, marked 8-690:
thence from said post N 78 E 600 ft.
to Cor. No. 4, identical with Cor. No.
4 of the location and Cor. No. 1, Bai
ley Claim Mother Lode and with Cor.
No. 4 Golden Wedge Mine whence a
Douglas fir 86 ins. in diameter bears 8
85 W 8 ft. blazed and soribed 4-690 B.
T.and thenoe 812 E 1500 Cor.No
1, the place of beginning. (Maguetic
variation of 20 E)
"Goldeu Wedge Mine, "beginning at
Cor.No. 1, identical with Cor. No. 1 of
the location and with Cor. No, 1 of the
Walker lode Cor. No 2. Bister olaim
Mother lode and Cor. No. 8, Big Dip
per Mine, the corners of Sees 13-84 18
aud 19 Twp. 84 S. R.7 and 8 W of the
W. M. bears N 89 68' E, 9388.79 ft, a
laurel 10 ins. in daoieter btars N. 60
W 40 ft blazed and scribed 4-690 B. T.
thenoe 8 78 W, 6u0 ft to corner No. 2,
identical with corner No. 4 of the Wal
ker, Lode a fir pot 4 ft long, 4 ins.
sqnare.cet 18 the ground scribed
2 690 wheuce a fir 12 ins. in diam. bears
N 26 W 25 ft. blazed aud scribed 2-690
B.T., theuce N 12 W, 1500 ft. to Cor.
No. 3 a fir post, 4 ft long and 4 ins
square set 18 Ins. in the ground scribed
3-t98 whence a laurel 10 lus. in diam.
bear S 73 19.7 ft., blazed a nl scribed
8-690 B. T. thence N 78 E 600 ft to Cor.
No. A. identical with Cor. No. 3 of
the BaileyClalm Mother Lode and with
Cor. No. 8, Sister Claim Mother lorte
whence a fir 34 ins in diam. bears S
1', W 22 3 ft. blazed and scribed
4-6J0 BT. Thence S 12' E 1500 ft. to the
place of beginning. (Magnetic vari
ation of 20) Area"?0.661 acres.
"Deer Lick Claim", Area 20.347.
acres. Beginning at corner No.
1, whence the corner of Sees.
1:1-24-18-19 Twp. 84 S, R 7 and 8
W of W M, Bears N 89" and 40-, E
8112.3 ft. a fir pot, 4 ft. long, 4 ins.
square, set 18 ins in the ground
soribed 1-690 whence a Douglas fir 10
ins. in diam bears N 83 W, 25 ft. and
a Douglas fir 10 ins. in diameter bean
N 70" W, 29.5 ft each blazed and Bcribed
1-890 B. T. Thenc S 88 W'tiOO ft. to
Cor. No. 2, oo the E line of the Big
Dipper Claim fir post 4 ft long and
4 ins. sqoare, set 18 ins. in the ground
iii - .11 ii a K ill
ea !i -l iiu i . ! t:
i h iiic N 12 , W i n ui.e
D irt Mine and on line 1
A OI rlui
C'aim Mother Lode I'iOO ft. to Cor. No.
8 ident'cal with Cor. No. 3 of the loca
tion a fir post 4 ft. long 4. ins. square, '
tf 1W ln. in fho 99t.nrA -P'lw 9
a fir 48 ius. in diam. bears N 13 E IS
ft. alanr-1 6 ins. in diam. bears 8
68' E 16 ft. each blazed and scribed
3-90 B. T. Cor. No. 4 of Sister
Claim Mother Lode hears N 12 W
193 ft. Thence N 88 E 600 ft to Cor
No 4 on Northern bank of BaileyCreek.
a fir post 4 ft long 4 ins square set 18
ins in the ground scribed 4-690 whence
a black oak 14 ins in diam bean S6fi
E 5 ft. distant blazed and scribed 4 690
B T and t ence S 12' E 1500 ft to Cor.
No. 1 to place of beginning. (Magnet
ic variations of 20 E)
"Walker Claim." total area of the
olaim 16.97 acres. Area in conflict
with Richmond Lode .348 of an acre.
That area claimed 16.586 acres. Begin
ping at Cor. No. 1 identcal with Cor.
No. 1 of the Golden Wedge Mine, Cor.
No. 8 of the Big Dipper Mine and Cor.
No. 2 of Sister Claim Mother Lode,
wbeooe the Cor. ef Sees. 18-19-13 and
24. Twps. 84 8, Ranges 7 and 8 W W M.
Bears N 89 and 58", E 9838. 78 ft
Thenoe 8 12 E 12716 ft. to Cor. No.
2 identical with Cor. No. 8 of the loca
tion and Cor. No, S Big Dipper Mine
of this sorrev bears 8 12 E 145.5 ft a
fir post 4 ft long, 4 int. square, set 18
ios. in the grouud s.Tibed 2-690 whence
a or 14 ins. in diam. bears s or, w
ft. a b ack oak 80 ins. m diam. bears
8 18 E 16 ft., each blazed and scribed
2- 690 B.1. Thence 8 78 W 66o It a fir
post 4 ft long 4 ins square, set 18 ins
in the gronnd scribed 3-690 whence
black oak 8 ins. in diam. bears N 81
W 17.5 ft a fir 28 ins in diam. bears
8 85 W 29 ft. each biased and soribed
3- 690 B. T. Thence N 13 4 W 1275 13
ft to Cor.No. 4 identical with cor. No.
4 ot the location, and with oor No. 2 of
the Golden Wedge Mine, and thenoe N
78 E 600 ft to the pl.oe of beginoiog.
(Magnetio variation 20 E. )
"Big Dipper Mine". Total area
19. '59 acres les area io conflict with
Lode (onsurveyed) 11-815
acrs, net
re claimed by appilcaut
7.744 acres. Beginning at corner No.l,
identical with Cor.No. 1 of the location
a fir po't 4 ft. loug 4 ins square set 18
ins. in the ground scrib-d 1-690 whence
the Cor. of sections 13-24 18 aud 19
Twp. 84 S, R 7 and 8 W of W M, I ears
N 81 ndl28 E 8551.8 ft. a fir 40 ins.
in diam bears N 80", W 41 ft. and a fir
86 ins. in diam btars S 66 E 84 ft.
each blazed and scribed l-89. B. T.
Thence S 78', W 600 ft. to Cor. No 2 a fir
post 4 ft long, 4 ins. square, set 18 ins.
in the grouud scribed 3-690 whence a
black oak 40 ius iu diam.beirs 8 44 E
73 ft. blazed and soribed 2-690 B T.
Thence N 12 W 1420 ft. to Cor.No. 8,
identical with Cor No. 3 of the loca
tion and with cor No 1 of the walker
Lode and with Cor No 1 of the Gulden
Wedge Mine and Cor No 2 of the Sis
ter Claim Mother Lode wheuce a fir 60
ins in diam betrs S 84", E 8 ft blazed
and scribed 3-690 B T. Thence N 78
E 600 ft to Cor No 4 identical with Cor
No 4 of the location and with Cor No
1 Sister Olaim Mother Lode, whence a
fir 10 ins. in diam. bears 8 7W 28 ft
blazed and soribed 4-690 BT. Thence S
12 E 1420 ft to the place of beign
uing. (Magnetio variations 20'E).
The location of these several mining
cliirus are recorded in the office of the
county clerk of Josephine county, State
of Oregon, as follows:
The tsailey (jlatm Mother l(ie, H.
T. Hutchins, locator, notioe ot loca
tion in volume 10, of Misc. records oo
page 438.
1 he Sister Claim Mother LiOde, H.
T. Hutchins, locator, notice of loca
tion in Volnme 10, on page 493, Misc.
Golden Wedge Mine , H. T. Hutch-
ins, locator in volume 7, page 122
misc. mioing record.
The Deer Lick. W. W. Cauby, locat
or notce of location in volume 17 on
page 811 mining record.
The walker Lode vv. w. uanoy, lo
cator, notice of location in volume 17,
pnpage 262, niiniug record.
The Big Dipper ti.H. Kramer locat
or, notice of locatiou in volume 13,
page 266 mining rceord.
The adjoining claim on the north
is the Richmond Lode unsnrveyed,
possessed by P. H. Marth and E. Fri
day. The area of the Richmond Lode
in conflict with the Uig .Dipper and
the Walker Claim is waived by the
applicant. All the olaimi are on on
surveyed lands.
Any aod all persons claiming ad
versely any portion of said mines.
lodes, veins, mineral deposits, surface
ground above described and for which
applcation is mtde for patent are re
quired to file tueir adverse olaims with
the Register of the United States hand
Of floe at Roseburg, in the Count ' of
Donglas duriug the 60 days period of
publication hereof or thev will be Dar
red iu virtue of the provisons of the
Statute in such 'use made and provided.
Depaitment of the Interior.
Rob- burg, Ore., Jane 19, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Woodville. Jackson Countv, Oregon,
who on June 19, 1908, made Timber
and Stone Aprlication No 10161, for
SW'V, being lots 6 and 7 and the K'o
of SW4, Section 6, Township 36
South, Range 4 West, W., M. has
filed notice of intention to make
final Timber and Stone estab
lish claim to the land above de-oribed,
before Joseph Moss, U S. Commis
sioner. Grants Pas, Ore, on tne 29th
tlay of September, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
C. Aitken, "of Woodville, Jackson
Co., Ore., Oren W. Train, of Wood
ville, Jackson Co., Ore , George Y
Megerle, of Woodville. Jacknon Co.,
Ore., John D. G. Hauliard, of Wood
ville, Jackson (V. Ore.
Timber Land, Act June , 1878
Roseburg, Ore., May 9, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
pli)n! rh th T-ji',. f he
. . V et'.r-.t
ri i
term- r
.'Xt-nded to all the
Fulii c LhikI s by act of August
4, 1892,
.1 ilaillMtu, lAJulJ Ut it ,'OltUifkl, otMli-
ot Idaho, filed iu this office, l;e win
ner 27, 1907, 1 1 1 is sworn statemeut
No. 1005S, for the purchase of the
SW of Section No. S2 in Township
No. 36 S, Range No. 4 W, W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the lind
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone tban for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim t)
said land before Joseph Mots, U. S.
Commissioner at Grants Pass, Oregon,
on Tuesday, t ie 22d day of September,
He names aswitnesss: Joseph E.
Verdin, of Granst Pass, Ore., Martin
A. Conger, of urants Pass, Ore.,
William T. Turabam. ot Urauts Pass,
Ore., Allen Sanders, af Harrison,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to .file .their claims in this
offioe en or before said TM day of
September, 1908.
The Conrier, osm year fLtsf
Timber Land, Act .June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon. May 9, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1878. en
titled: "An act for the sale of tim
ber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
Pnblio Land States by act of August
of Grants Pass. Countv of Josephine.
State of Oregon, filed in this office
April X7, 1907, "her sworn statemeot
No. 10056, for the purchase of the
Win of the NWU of Section No 32
in Township No. 33 South. Rauae No.
4 West. W'. M mil will nlfar m-nnf ti
show that the land sought is more
vauable for its timber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to Isaid laud before
Joseph Mofs, U. S. Commissioner at
his office at Grants Pass on Monday,
tne ist dav ij September, 1908.
Shd names as witnesses Eugene
ngnt, or urants I'ass, ore., rrauk
W. Capp, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
ueorge Kearns, of Grants Pass,
Ore., George W Lewis, of Grants
Pass, Ore.,
Any and all percns claiming ad
versely the above dencribed lands are
requested to file (heir claims iu this
office ou or before said 21st day of
September, iihis.
- Register,
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon for Josephine County.
In the matter of the)
Estate of Lewis
Haves, deceased. J
As per order of the County Court
made by Hon. Stephen Jewel, Judge
Josephine County, Oregon, dated June
an, luus, notice is hereby published.
in the Rogue River Courier, four
weeks, that frank M. Hayes, admiu
istrator of the estate of Lewis Haves,
deceased, filed his final statement of
account in the above entitled cause
June 23d, 1908, and July the 25th,
1908, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day,
is the time set by the oonrt for final
hearing of any objections, that may
be filed, to the same, or to final set
tlement of the said estate.
Publication of first notice, June 26,
Publication of last notice, July 23,
Administrator of Lewis Hayes, de
ceased. Bv H. B. Henrdicks, Attorney for said
Department of the Interior.
Roseburg, Ore., May 9, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Aberdeen, Washington, who on
February 24th, 1908, made Timber and
Stone Application, No. 10056 for SEW
NWW. NEli SWW of Section 34.
Township 87 South, Range 4 West,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Proof, to
establish olaim to the land above de
scribed before Joseph Moss, U 8.
Commissioner at his office at Grants
Pass, Oregon, on the 19th dav of Sen.
teuiber, 1908.
Claimant names s witnesses : James
Burns, of Grants Pas, Ore., William
Tornham.of Urants Pats, Ore., Mar
tin A. Conger, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
Dincan Gillis, of Aberdeen, Wash.
Rosebnre, Ore., Mav 6, 1908.
Notice is herebv given that
of Grants Pas, Ore., who, on Feb
ruary SH, 1908, made Timber and
Stone application, No. 9931, for the
NWSEW of Section 2, Township
South. Range 5 Went Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to niHite Final Proof, to establish
claim to the IhikI above described,
before Jos-pli Mmi, U. S. Cninmis-
loner at his on ice at Grants Pans,
Oregon on the llth day of September
Claimant names as witnesses: Jot.n
II. Menl of Urauts Pass, Ore. Gibson
A. Savage of Grants Pas, Ore. Harry
O. Sheatfcr of Grants Pass, Ore.
Nithan B. Mead ' f Oranst Pass, Ore.
D-partuieiit of the Interior,
U S. Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., July 23, 1908.
A sufficient ooutet affidavit having
been filed in 'his ofiios bv
flontetnt, against Homestead entrv
N IMV.3 reed
5 I
s .
h ', Colites e
ii km. i is ai
A. Melt bu has not
igeed that eaiil j.
i"sid-d cn ail
lands during the past
hi month-; neither has he a real
d nee built oo said lands, and has not
mule any improvements thteeoo ; and
s i hI " .-f, .
said laud was not due to his employ
ment iu the Army, Navy, or Marine
t'orps of the United Slates as a pri
vate soldier, officer, seaman or
marine, ouriug the war with Spain,
or during any other war io which the
United States may be engaged; said
parties are herlwy notified to appear,
respond, aod offer evidence touching
siid eliegatinn at 10 o'clock a. m. ou
Septebrner 15, 1908, before Joseph
Mess. U. S. Commissioner, at his
offite in Grants Pas , Oregon, (and
that final bearing will be held at
10 o'clock a. m. on September 29,
1908, before) the Register and Re
ceiver at the Untied States Land
Office io Roseburg, Oregon.
The said contestant having, In a
proper affidavit filed July 23, 1908,
set forth facta which sbow that after
doe diligence personal service of Ibis
notice can not be made. It Is hereby
ordered and directed that suoh notice
be giveo by due aod propr publica
Timber Land, Act Jane S, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore., April 17, 1908.
rotioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
oj viuugress or June 8, 1878, eotilled
'Au act for the sale of timber lands
in tne states of t!lifnrni iiraonn
Nevada and Washington Territotr."
as extended to all the Poblio Land
states Dy act of Aogust 4, 1893,
WILLIAM ?1 imu
or Grants Pass, county of Jnsephioe,
state 01 Oregon, filed in thia ofifeo
on April a, 1908. his sworo statement
Jo. w,ij4. for the purchase of the EW
SW, aud Lots 3 and 4 of Section No.
ou. lu i'owushin No 88 South. Range
n., u ana win offer proof
to show that thi land sought is more
Tmuauie ror its timber or stone than
tor agriucltural purposes, and to e
tablish his claim to mi., Iri lu...n
josprn Moss. U. S. Commissioner at
his of if o at Grants Pass, Oregon., on
iuesimy, me em day of September,
He names as witnesses : Plmrl 4
Wible, of Grants Pass, Oregon, Mar
tin A. Coug r, of Giants Pass, Ore
gon, James T. Burns, of Grants Pa.
Oregon, Jostph E. Verdio, of Grauts
rass, Oregon.
Anv aud all persons olimln .,1
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
omce on or before said 8th day of
Timber Laud, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, Mav 8, 1908,
Notice is herebv given that in onm
pliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 8. 1878. entitled
an act it the sale of timber land in
the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washintgon Territory. " as
extended to all the Poblio Laud Status
by act or August 4, 1H92,
of Coudersport countv of Pot tor.
State of Pennsylvania, filed in Ibis
offioe, September 3, 1907, bis sworn
statemsnt No. 10053. for the norohaie
of the Lot 1 and the NEW of the
NW4' of Section No. 80 in Township
No. 33 South, Range No. 4 West, and
will offer proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural put
poses, and to establish his claim to
said laud before Josepn Moss, U 8.
Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore-
goo, on r rlday, the 18th day of Sep
tember, 1908.
He names as witnees: Furman 3.
Rogers, of Grants Pass. Josephine
Co., Ore., Frank W Capri, of Grants
Pass, Josephine Co., Ors., Joseph A.
Verdin, of Gransts Pass. Josephine
Co., Ore., Martiu A. Conger, of
Grant Pass, Josephine Co.. Ore.
Anv and all nnranna rlKlmin nit.
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their olaims In this
office on or before said 18th day of
September, 1908.
Timber Laud Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Mar 8, 1908,
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of , June 8. 1878, entitled
'An act for the sale of timber lauds
n the States of California. Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Spokane, county of Spokane, State
or wannugtou, rued In this office
Septemlier 25. 1907, his sworn state
ment No. 10051 for the purchase of the
S' of thcISW.U of Sectloo No. 14, io
Township No. 84 South, Range No. 6
West, and will offer proof to show
hat the land sought is morn valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purpose, and to establish Lis
claim to said land before Joseph Moss,
U. rf. Commissioner at Grants Pass,
Oregon, on Thursday, the 17th day of
September, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Martin A.
Couger, of Grants Pass, Joaipnine
Vo . (rn.,Jooph E. Verdin, of Grunti
Puss, ;.IBti)liiiii) Co., Oregon, James
T. Burns, of Grants Pass, Jusiiphine
Co., Ongou, Euiitt K. Conger, of
Wi Iderville, Josephine Co .Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the atsive described lands are
requested to tile their claims In this
office ou or heforo said 17th day of
September, 190H.
Timlier Laud, Act June 8, 1H78.
Roseburg, Ore., April 22, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Conrgess cf June 3, 1878, entitled
" n f-;r t!r 'aV 'f MnVr 1 :(?
. S ex'ell',t-u t'i Ml lllu rii ,c Litno
States by act of August 4. 1X92.
of Grants Pass, oonnty. of Joseph lilne
State of Oregon, has this day filed
in f'is office his sworn statement No.
' 1 - . I. ., - .. fl. I ' ! '
NW'., of Section No. 84, in Township
No. 33 Sonth, Range No. 6 W.W. M.
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, aud to establish his claim
to aid land bofore Joseph Mnss.
U. 8. Commissioner, at his offioe
at Grants Pass, Ore., on Tuesday,
the Hth day of, September, 1908.
tie names as witnesses: Albert D.
Forness, of Leland, Oregon, George
H. Aiken, of Grains Pass, Ore.,
Roy S. Wilson, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
and John Alverson, of Leland, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the ahnve-descrihed lands are
reqoested to file their claims in this
office oo or before said 8th day of
September, ltftrs.
Kndnl For InUgetJon.
, Relieves sour stomach,
palpitation of the heart Digests what rouses.
Timber Land, Act Juue 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April I, 1908.
Notice is hereby given t at in com
pliaooe with the provistoi of the
Art of Congress of .June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
Luda in the States of Californ'a.
Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all Publio
Land States by act of August 4, 1893.
of Dothan, Coontr of Douglas,
State of Oregon, filed H this
office on July , 1907, nj8 sworn
statement No. 9449 for tne 1 ore base
of the of of 8. etion No. 13
in Townsnip No. 87, South 1 f Rsnae
No. 6 West W. M.. Ore., aid will
offer proof to show thit Hie laud
sought is more valuable f r its limber
or stoue than fur agricultural unr-
ixses, and to estahil-h h ,1mm to
aid land before Reginer ant Receiver
of this office, at Roeb r . Ore., ou
Weduesday, the 7th dsv of Octoher
He names as witneses: t-eorge
Aiken. Z. a. Gilleit. Alhlcn Silshv
and Clement Cleveland, ail of Dothau,
Any and ail persons claiming ad
versely the above desorlei lands are
requeued to file their claims in this
office on or bofora said 7th dav of
October, ltfOK.
Timber Land, Aot June 3, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore., March 16, 1908.
Notice is herebv sivi-n t.hut. in
pliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of June 8. 1878. n.
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the
Publio Land States bv ant
4, 1899,
of Roseburg. ooontv of Dim la KUt
of Oregon, has this day fll d in thia
office his sworn statemeut No. 8999,
tor the purohase of the HH 8WU and
rtta A mnA V m a. .1 'a ...
u.d ' uv, ,1, COUblUU X1 1 J. M. Ill
lOWnsblD NO. 85 8. ranim No. K W.
WM and will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish hi.
olaim to said land before the register
and receiver of this office at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the llth
day of Aogust 1908.
He names as witnesses: Fred O.
Potinette. of Roseburir. Ore . WIMUm
D Bell of Roseburg, Ore. , John D.
Mets of Roseburg. Ore.. W. J. Moon
of Roseburg, Ore.
Any and all persons olaimlng ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In thia
offioe on or before said llth day of
August, 1908.
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April 17. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com.
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of Jnne 8, 1878,
entitled "Ao aot for ths sale of tim
ber land in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extened to all the Pob
lio Land .States by act of August 4.
cf Grants Pass, ontinty of Josephine,
State of Oregon, tiled in thia offioe on
April 16., 1908 his sworn statement
No. 9718, ror the purchase of the
Lota 1 aud 2 and the 81" NE! of
Section No. 6, in Township No, 84
South, Range No. 8 W.,W. M. aod
will offer proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
aid land before Joseph Moas.U. B.
Commissioner at bis offioe at Grants
Pass. Oregoti, oo Friday, the 4th day
of September, 1908.
He names as witnesses : William T.
Turnhaui, of Grants Pass, Oregon,
Neulun D. Young, of Grants Pass,
Oregon; Maggie H. Sullivan, of Al
bany, Oregon ; William O. Smith, of
Grauts Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to filo their olaims In this
office on or before said 4th day of
September, 1908.
Timber Lund, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., May 9, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of Con
gress of June 8, 1878, entiled "An aot
for 'ho Ni le i.' - h t .n.i.'.f, I-
.tale- if t.auiiir-ila. t r levada
tuinii d to oil t'.e t .ii. Iii - Lund .
by act of August 4, iHWJ,
of Harrison, county of Kootnai, State
of Idaho, filed iu this office December
3i, 1907, his sworn statement No.
of Sooitou No. 32 In T owiikhip No. 8tt
8, Range No 4. west, W. M., and
will offer nroof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur-
posei, and to establish his claim to
said Jand before Joseph Mosa,U. S.
Commissioner, Grants Pass, Ore., on
Wednesday, the 21d day of Septem
ber, ltU8.
He names as witnesses : Martin A.
Conger, of Grants Pans, Ore, William
T. Turnham, of OraotJ Pass, Ore.,
Joseph K. Verdin of Grants Pass,
Ore., William (Allen Sanders, of Har
rison, Idaho.
Any aud all persons olaimlng ad
versely the above-described lands are
rnqontted to file their claims in this
office on or before said 23d day of
September, 1908.
No sensational or questionable mat
ter allowed in the Cuuucr.