Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 31, 1908, Image 7

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': 5
i ou wtiuK and mwwure nrrythmq yn
I kuiA mmoin Unerr.
Fruit canning season is
now on. We have the now
celebrated Kasy Vncum Jar.
Nothing Letter on the mar
ket. We have them in pints
quarts and half gal. Fluted
Fluted jelly glasses (rounded
rim) 45c dozen. l'arafine
and all kinds of jar rubbers.
A. New Course.
Daughter "Yen, I hare graduated,
bat now I mint ioform myielf in
psychology, philology, bibll
Practical Mother "Stop right
where you are. I have arranged for
yon a thorough course in roastology,
boilofty, ttitcbology, darnology and
general domestic hustleology. Now
get on your working clothes."
I For lunch goods we have
everything to fill an empty
head or a tirtfi stomach.
Sliced Beef in bulk or in
glass jars.
Minced Ham we slice in
1 Oregon Fall Cream Cheese.
I Large Queen Olives.
I Finest Italian Olive Oil.
Columbia River Red Sal
f mon.
Lunch Mackerel, Sardines,
I Snider's Fork and Beans,
I (very good) 12 Jc, 20c and 25c.
i Roned Chicken, Deviled
? Ham, Lunch Tongue.
; Comb Honpy and White
Rose Strained Honey in bulk.
Evaporated Peaches, Apri
cots and Pears now cheaper.
White House
For Fine Teas and Coffees.
ff Doyoa nats&oJTa? A tmrnrntmUg W
If Chase San bora 'f I
II Package Teas. If
11 A IMttMS who aerves this tea Uujiaa L
11 aothiog but comnUawnts on ita fragrance Ml
It and clicacy. The scaled Dackane pia- L j
acrva lha aroma and pcriume of to flanej
carefully eelectad tcaa sackad and v--
I-I-l-l-I-I- I-I-I-I-I-l"
4 4
Bert Margie was in from M-rlin
W. A. Moore and wife were in from
Holland Monday.
Phil Starr, foreman of the Briggs
mine, was in the county eat ovtr
I r. crcnmiar or isriiniinr tiros, siw
mill at beluia, wag in Grints Pass
Win. Richards, one of the old time
miner, was in from the Picket Creek
district Tuesday.
A. J. UcKinuey of tha Palace hotel
wag over in the Wulco district tha
lore part of the week.
Migg Mary Kentworthy cf Portland
ig viaitiug with the family of O. A
Hamilton at Fruit dale.
John Deveuay of Harrison, Idaho,
wag in the city the lirst of the week
looking after land intereta.
Mr. Willard Wright cf Elko, Ne
vada, is here visit iug with ber hus
bauds pareu'., Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Miss Ada Brockman of Merlin, came
op Tuesday morniug to spend a week
with tbe family of City Marshal Mo
Ore. John Swnasou, the carpenter, bag
secured the contract for and is new
building a school house, three milts
east of IVntral Point.
Standard cement, any quality at
14.25 a barrel at Grants Pass Hdw. Co.
Mta. J. Hansen arrived in the city
last Sanday from Alaaka where lit r
liusoauu nag bcttu sucot ssfully en
gaged in mining operations.
Migg Mary Brady of Kerby brought
her mother, who hag been critically
ill for gome time, to the hospital the
til st of the week fur trvatmeut.
Geo. Williams, Dick Bland aud
Harry Thrasher went to. Medford
Tuesday morning to attend the auuual
meeting of the Red Men lodge.
Mrs. W. H. Stacy of Osage, Iowa,
arrived in the city yesterday morning
and will upend tbe summer with the
family of he r.sou-iu-law, J. V. Klein.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. New kirk of Log
Angeles have been in the city tbe past
week. Mr. Newkirk is interested in
a newly invented piece or mining
Mrs. Maggie Sollivan came down
from Albany last Saturday morning to
look after a timber claim and has been
spending the week here with ac
quaintances. Miss Cora Smith returned from
Holland last " week where she has
been teaching school. She left yes
terday.lor Walla Walla where she
will attend summer tchtol.
Mrs. James Marsh returned Sunday
from Dnusmoir, where fbe tins spent
the past several weeks visiting with
her sons, James and Hurry of that
; Ed Fry and D. E. Dotson went to
Medford Wednesday eveniug to take
in tbe sighta at tbe Kidman's big
pow wow, which was on for four days
there this week.
C. MoPherson, who was a delegate
from the local lodge returned lust Sat
urday from Portland where he bad
been in attendance at the annual ses
sion of the A. O. U. W. grand lodge.
Gay Ruinmells and Cbai. Ferdine
will leave next week for Alberta,
Canada to investigate the oppor
tunities in that province for the
average young man of strength and
Fruit picking ladders just the thing
yoo have been needing at Hair-Riddle
Hdwe Co.
Cal Wells, who left Grants Pass
recently for tbe Willamette valley, has
located in Newberg, having bought a
place there. Mr. Wells is much
pleased with tbe country and sayslit
is unexcelled for dairying, cbsrries
and berries.
Rev. J. W. McDoogal, pastor of
the Ml. Tabor M. E. church of Port
land was in Grants Pass this week and
assisted in conducting the Victor
Peterson funeral. Ke. McDougal
wag formerly ratsor of the Newman
M. E. church of Grants Pass.
Robert Hart, U. B., .Olover and O,
L. Smith, who are Identified with
the United Copper-Gold Mines Co,
were in from Merlin to confer with
other members of the the company
here relative to.'this new organiza
tion Tuotday.
Malleable Steel" Rans-ee "at Hair
Riddles'. ;
Chas. Meserve, ' secretary and
Manager cf tbe Grants Pass Fruit
growers' association, Jwas in Medford
and other Jackson county points tbe
for part of the week, look iug up fruit
matters in general. Mr. Meserve
statesthat Jackson county is now
one of the cleanest in" tbe state so far
as fruit tree pests are concerned.
He says that tbe acthracnose is almost
MUlIylaUly arMiiwUnl.
D. B. Kuaiiell of Medford was in
Grunts Pass Saturday.
i Malletble Steel Ranges at Hair-Riddle's.
J. C. Mattison of Galice is in the j
city a few days looking after business The new machinery fir the Elite
matter". , Steam Laundry arrived from the fac-
P. B. Herman aud wife left yester- tory last week and is now being in
day for a brief sojourn on the beach at stalled. As stated in these columrs
Newport. j last week the new equipment inrludes
Coouty Judge Jewell has been look- j the very latest in laundry machinery,
ing over the roads near the Oregon j Jugt receive our third stork of rem
cave this week. ; ngnt pge ,,.,,. ,o0 Brade)
MUg Lfdia Barnea left Wednesday i m foot ronplid. In lengths from
morning for her home at Sacramento, I io to 23 feet at Hair-Riddle's.
cal., after a pleasant visit with her,
sitter, Mn. Tiiog. Horner of this city.
Mgses Hazel Gillette aud Mildred
unarcnui reunion noma mesuay
I n ii i i , i
iiuiu ruriiuuu wituru iney nau ueu
visiting the Ismiiy of L. G. Gillette.
Mrs. Augdgta Linkey aud Miss
Tulaire Linkey, motl er and S'ster of
Mrs. O. S. Blanchard, arrived Thurs
day aud will make Grants Pass their
home for a year or more.
So t. of Salaries and allowances H.
B. Hill of the postal department, after
,rriu.,j .u...U w.o Fiuif.
.. 1 1 : . . . : a i '
bis wag the beat arranged aud best
equipped office he had let seen in
auy town the size of Grants Pass. I
Mrs. A. B. Cornell returned home
this morning from Galice where she
bad been spending the past 10 davs
with friends. Forest 1' anger Earl !
You uk and brother George came np 1
from Mine creek Mondxy, where they j
have be n at ork on the new govern-
meut trail. Earle returned the follow
ing oav.
Mrs. Maude Wertz of Morris, III.,
who has ren spending the past
couple of weekg heie with her cousin,
C. Clinton Page, left for ber home at
Morris. 111., last night, going via
Portland, Seattle and other Washing
ton points, and Salt Lake City. After
spending a few days at the latter
place she will be joined bv friends
aud proceed to Morris.
1000 Washers at Hair-Riddle's.
Among the latest arrivals to take
op their home in Grants Pass are Mr.
and Mrs. Fred A. Slogs, Mr. and Mr.
F. L. Austin aud Harry Gill all of
Sacramento, Cal. The men folks are
all identified with the Oilman Bed
Rock Mining Co., which company, by
tbe way. has brought more residents
. - . u - i .i . i u. . it a !
than any other single agency.
Lincoln Savage returned Wednesday
from Jackson county, where he and
his brother bave just started their
large steam threshing machine; this
is the largest threshing outfit in the
Rogue River valley. A pitchfork
accidentally fell into tbe machine last
Tuesday while it was ronning, tear
ing out SI cylinder teeth, four con
oave teeth and oue concave grate,
delaying operations five hours.
Fiuit Jars at Hair-Riddle's.
uovernmeui engineer j. r. oiarun
of Washington, D. C, who is in the i
forest service department, has been
here the past
week drawiug the plans
and applications for the nw trail .
bridge scroi-s Rogue River gome 10
mileg below Galice creek. This struo-I
ture will differ materially from other
bridges of this character in that there !
will not be the same vibration. It j
will be a steel cable sugpeuiion with '
a clearance of six feet. !
Mr. and Mrs. G. Abrahamson of
Holdrege, Neb., stopped off at Grants;
Pass Wednesday evening aud spent '
yesterday looking over the city and I
learning of the letources and oondi- 1
tions of the beautiful Rogue River
Valley. They are on the Paciflo
coast for a month's summer oatlng,
having come via Los Angeles, Oakland i
and Frisco. Tbey left last nlgbt for
Portland where they will spend a week
or more before returning home, via
Spokane, Seatte aud Billings.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Eismaun this week
sold a portion of what is known as the
Eismann fruit ranch west of town
and owned jointly by the father and
three sons, Chris, Frits and Deitleff.
The sale iucluded 24 aores and the
consideration was (270 per acre or a
total of (4480. Mr. and Mrs. Eis
mann will leave Wednesday of next
week for their former home in tbe
fatherland, Burg, Holegtein, Ger
many, where they expect to remain.
They have been auccasfal in Oregon
and retire with an ample competence.
The sons will remain on the large
fruit ranch which Is one of the best io
the county.
While coming in from his farm near
Selma Tuesday, Ex-Pogt master C. E.
Harmon, accompanied by another
gentleman, counted 114 teams travel
ing over the main road in the opposite
direction. Tbe count was made as
the leault of a "knock" from other
fellow on tbe expenditure of money
over a road traveled so little. This
fellow should hereafter boost a little.
Money expended for the building of,,','t
crnnrl'rriarl ifl'onn of th rt InVMit- 1 the
ments the county can make. Partic
ularly is this true in a 'mountainous
county. Mr. Harmon hadteen put
ting up hay'on his ranch tb rnt
Uiwiilliia tu XU U.l.ii
H-I 'I-l-I-I'-l-H-H-I1'!1 ! '1"M !
4 4
'I"l"l' I I II I I I I I I 11 ll'lt
J. B. Paddock lost a valnable cow
' las' MnnrinT I
j He haJ hpr 0Q t(,e war of hi.
, j(1 j ,
wi h
30 feet of
rope, in which she
aud broke hr neck.
When your pup scratches, put
Avenaring Carbolineum on him.
Grams Pais Hardware Co. 7-81 4t
The dense smoke in the mountains,
almost obscuring their view from
Grant-. Pass within the past 24 hoors
plainly indicates that the ravenous
(orf!t ,irpl BDiniIllHrJg tl.e tllll
her and other property
in the moun-
I tains.
lonlf "ince you
beard from as; oouie aud buy i
Aveuarius Carbolineum. Grants
Fats Hdw Co. 7-31 4t
A. J. Fulk, the Illinois creamery
man, is buildiug a new residence on
the old Brigiis place, which when corn-
pleted will probably be the beet bouse
in the valley. It is two stories aud
will ooutain eight room. E. E. Wag
staff is the carpenter in charge.
The "Batik" saloon building owned
by W. H. Rinehart of, Portland, was
gold the first of the week to Mariou
Lauoe, a mining mta on Foot's creek
who purchased it as an investment.
The building will probably be fitted
np and reuted for store purposes.
The consideration is understood to
have been (4500.
Perking & Phillips, Mining and
leal ettate, office in Lay ton hotel
7-81 lOt
Police Judge Slover latt Monday
charged three individuals & each for
pulling off an impromptu mill in the
alley between the Bank saloon build
ing and Williams Bros, soft drink par
lor. Each plead gnilty to fighting,
paid the pries and went his way.
Never had a good wagon for Ore
gon roads nntil I got a Peter Schntler
of Grants Pass Hdw. Co. 7-81 4t
Kinuey & Truax have just received
large new Duplex Bpouger, a ma
chine need for sponging and shrink
ing wash goods and linen. The firm
have bad oue of the smaller sizes of
, these machines, but have discarded
it on acoount of greatly increased
business in this line which teudured
the former Inadequate.
Fruit Trees paiutjl with Avensrius
Carbolineum will not be troubled
with borers and will become healthier.
Grants Pass Hdw. Co. 7-81 4t
j. Loomis residing at 337 West J
Street brought a cluster of black Lerriei
to the Courier office Weduesduy
murine which is a wonder for urolifio
bearing. The bunoh was eight inches
long and bore 01 berries most of
w,ioh were already 'ripe aud all of
excellent size and flavor. Mr hmnii
stated each square yard of ground
plauted to this variety will produce
12 worth of berries this season.
Why do you lose your chickens?
Because yon do not use avenarios
Carbolineum. Grants Pass Hdw. Co.
7-81 4t
The Oregon City Enterprise makes
a suggestion which the people of the
Rogue River Valley suight well heed
when it says: The colonist rates
from all points in the East to all
points in Oregon ouinmenoa September
lit and continue until October 81st.
Every commercial organisation and
every citizen of Oregon should begin
to make these rates the subject of
every letter that goes out of tbe
state. The fare is f;tO from Missouri
Kiver points. St. Paul, Duluth and
Winnipeg, 3S from St. Louis and 18
from Chicago with proportionate
rates from every point In the United
A recent issue of the Huston, Texas
Daily Poet contains an exteuded ac
count of a trip along tbe lower Pa
cifio coast by T. J. Patillo, who la a
brother of W. H. Patillo of this city,
and a party of other captallists from
Huston. Mr. Patillo and bis asso
ciates were attracted to tbe state of
Sinaloa, Mexico where sugar cane
and fiber are extensively raised.
The soil in this vicinity is very rich
and all sorts of vegetables 'are raised
in profusion. The party was much
pleased with tbe trip and'mucb Im
pressed with the .Mexican towns
among which were Nogales,
Ysqui or Sonora country,
Henuosillo, Guymas and Culian,
the capital of the state of Sinoloa.
Got no horn "to toot, but got best
buggy on earth," a JohnIere of
i Uxw kmut Him. O.
e nave tne
i i
Right Prices
Poles 50c set when sold with Tent
Camp Stoves,
Camp Kettles,
Camp Axes,
Camp Clothes Bags,
Camp Cooking Outfits,
Fishing Tackle,
Savage Rifles,
Cartridges, Shells.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Th School that Placet
New Notes
From the Bualnaea
n to Handera.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Ooron (or Plumbing.
1000 Washers at Hair-Riddle's.
J. E. Peterfon, Pioneer Insuranoe Man.
M. Clemens Prescription Drnsvist.
A splendid line of Koyal Charter Oak
Ranges atOoron's
DeWitt's CarbolUea Witch Hazel
Salve. It Is especially good for piles
Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-8 18.
Alfred Lett hor, liegistered Optom
etrist and Jeweler in Dixon sold stand,
Front street. Kyr s tested free.
Get prices on the Alamo Gasoline
Engines and Wood Haw a before buying.
J. D. Franklin, Burnt. Office in Hun
nie's Plumbing Shop, II htreet, be
tween 6th aud 7th. 4-24 tf
J. D. Franklin bas the agency for
the Alamo ' Gasoline Engines. Office
in Rannie's Plumbing shop. II.
street, between Ch aud 7tb. 4-24 tf
Ma'sies' Galire stsge now takes
passengers from Grants Pbhn direct to
Galice, leaving Hotel Latyon at 6 a.
m. and arriving at Galice at 11:60.
Returning leaves Ualice at 1 p. m. ar
rlvinghere at 7 :80. A stop of 40 min
utes will be made at Merlin both ways.
7-17 8t
Fruit Jars at Hair-Riddle's.
I will on the 1st day of August,
1908. sell at tbe Court House door in
the city of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Ore., all property to which
Josephine Coonty or any other publio
corporation hag acquired title by vlr
tue of sale for taxes, to the highest
bidder for cash.
7 81 It Sheriff.
M. C. Kennedy, vice" presldenfand
general superintendent of the Cumber
land Valley railroad, and party, in
eluding his family, passed through
here JTuesday evening in their pri
vatecar"The Cumberland Valley,"
attached to No. 16, en route to Port
land. This was their first visit to
the Pacifio coast and Mr. Kennedy
said they were enjoylug tbe trip im
mensely, particularly tbe Oregon
scenery. Members of the Graots Pans
Commercial club, who had been noti
fled of tbe approaching nartv bv
Paaseuger Agent McMnrray of the
Southern Pacifio, met Mr. Ken
nedy at the train and showed him
tna glad hand during his brief stop.
" Mis. H. W. Clay, sister of Mrs. II.
E. Getbing arrived Friday from West
lake, Colo., Jto make Joseph iua county
ij her horns. - Mx. Ciay wui axrtv iataor.
i a
poods and
Rlflea tvnd Shotguns
You in a Good Potition
Next Winter!
You can enjoy your
summer sweat over
again if you
Take a
With You
on your hunting,
fishing, camping, sea
Miore, or tuouutain
trip. Full line at
Howell's Music Store
603 O st. Grants Pass
milium iidi jmm
Homo! liiuif HMliil
llus ntsa and Shorthand Training, tlioi-
ourIi and practical
IN Ii the MMMlnl
All aturienta who secure a nine months
scholamliip and enter Hepteinler 7 will be
entitled to the combined course of July !,
i ma ioths you an extra monui. io
vestigals and oome.
Aureus, f. KUNEK, fres.
PROSPIRITV dapands mora upon InvaaU
mant tbaa any otbar aoarea of pruAC OooS
tnratranta ars aa difficult la Sod aa a naadl
in a haatack.
RIAL CSTsT! tha haute of all ralua. It
haa nada aura bis fortunaa than all othar
Inaaatmanta eorabinad. Provided It ia da
alrablr locatad. It la Impoaaibte to laaa.
THg NORTHWEST la tha aantar of sraatar
raal aatata ac tlrltr than any othar part at
tha Uniud Hum. van fcaatarn capital
kaowa it and invaata.
0RE00N ha
nitlaa than
lta raaouroa
mora waalth. making optwrta
an" otbar Htata In tba (Jnloa.
ara DhononuMial. TK HmmIok-
mantof Lha
Btata mnana richaa fur tha Cam.
to 100 par 4
altr Invaaliaanta pay from 20
it annual! Wa
that raiiulra
a few dullara a month and will
not tha lnvi
oual profit.
itor bis money and earn an an
ror particulars mall the ooupoa
170 Stabs, Btbsst
Portland. Oaaoon :
Plaaae inform ma bow I ran qiilmi i a
YEAkl.y PKOKIT on a email aaaathly
Investment io Portland real aetata.
The Spanton Company