Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 31, 1908, Image 6

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates!
One Year, m advance,
Bix Months.
Three Mouths,
ihngle Copies, -
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the oftice. or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 5c per line;
card of thank 50c.
Entered at the punt othce at Grants Pass
Oregon, as second-class niail matter.
FRIDAY, JULY 31. 1908.
According to the) press, dispatches
from Wellington this week, the lo
tersUte commerce couimiHDion has
ruled, Id the osse of the Wholesale
Frait and Produce Association agiinst
the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
and other railroads, that the railroad
companies must load and onload frails
shipped in package as was the custom
prior to January of the present year.
The decision further holds that where
carload shipment! are to a consignee
who is the owner of the entire oontenta
of the car, and where, therefore dV
livery is made upon the team tracks
of the defendant, they should furnish
In the future, as they have in the
past, the Decennary help to tiring the
packages to the car door, and there
make delivery to the consignee, and
thut the present rule of defendants
which requires consignees to take
these packages inside the car is unrea
sonable. This is Willie 11. Hearst week at
Chicago, or rather the national con
vention of the Independence League
of which Mr. Hearst is the father and
till sponser,' holds the political board
is in the Windy City jast now. That
this newspaper wizzard, who owns
nd controls half a dozen metropolitan
newspapers In various parts of the
county, has In the Independence league
boilded a political machine of some
importance, or may yet prove to be
wiser thau be knew, does not appear
to be a wholly empty assertion. The
euthusiasm and cheers which have
greeted him at Chicago have been
less than the ovations accorded Taft
aud Bryan, only in proiiortlon to the
relative numerical strength of Mr,
Hearst's Itidependene League. With
th" aid of hit newsiers bis In
finance mast be unfavorably felt by
both Bryan and Taft ; more particular
ly by the former because Mr. Hearst's
past editorial polio y has been generally
regarded aa Independent democracy
Of course it may be soineyears before
the Independence League will assume
national significance, though its
declarations of principles are in the
main wholesome and their crystaliza
tion into law would be beneficial to
the people. But whether Hearst will
live to see his party gain substantial
aaceudency is not certain.
Teachers Examinations.
Notice is hereby given that the
OoiiutV superintendent of Josephine
county will hold lit regular examina
tion of applicants for state and
county paper. at Urauts Pass, ui fol
lows :
Commencing Wednesday, Atigimt
la, at I) o'clock a. m. and continuing
nutil Saturday, August l. at 4 p. in.
Wednesday Poumanship, history,
sjielling, physical geography, reading,
Thursday Written arithmetic, the
ory of teaching, grammar, bookkeep
ing, physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography.coui
poaition, algebra, English literature.
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, scluxl law.
Commencing Wednesday, August
11 at tf o'clock a. m. and ivnthioiug
until Friday, August M, at 4 o'clock
p. m.
Wednesday Peiiuiauship, history,
orthography, reading, physical geo
graphy. Thursday Written arithmetic, the
ory of teachiug, grammar, physios,
civil government.
Friday Geography, school law,
civil government, English literateur.
thousands of workers
Levi Strauss & Co's
illrMv I J
Gllman Bed Rock About Reudy
The two 60-foot barges recently con
structed on the bank of the river be
low the old dam here, were launched
Monday for the new camp below G
lice crej k and word was received bv
telephone f'om President Oilman who
ancoinuanied them. Wednesday morn-1
ing said that they had passed through
Hell's Gate without mishap or inci
dent. The Gilmao Co. will soon be
ready to set its new machine just be
low the month of Gal ice creek and
the success of its operation premises
to reveal untold golden wealth on the
bedrock of Rogue River. After the
first setting there will not be a dollar's
worth of stock for sale expect it be at
an enormous premium. The Oilman
machine is the first that has ever been
invented for securing the gold on the
bedrock of rivers, and it is known
that there are millions of the yellow
metal in most of the Oregon and Cali
fornia streams.
Water System Discussed.
Grants Pass, Ore.. Joly 0, 1UU8.
Editor Courier: Siuce writing the
letter of last week I have given the
water question further consideration.
and heileviog that this is a matter of j
general interest to all the inhabitants
of our city, I will again BHk yoor per-1
nil-siou to use your valuable paper to
present my views.
From the information that I have
been able to gainj from various
sources I beieve that the Rogue River
Water Company has between 700 and
800 customer who buy water, and it
is a safe estimate that the average
amount paid to the Company by each
willaverago $3 per month. If we
take the lower figure this will make a
monthly revenue of flilOO per month
and the city pays an average of fl.)0
per month for the 83 hydrants now
establiHlmri, and a considerable amount
for water to flush seweis, which,
taken altogether, gives the water com
pany a gross reveue of close to $2360
per mouth during the summer of tay
six mouths, eiiual to 114,100 and it we
assume that the customer paya the
flat rate of $1 each for the winter
months, maklug 1700 per month or
IU00 for six tuouhts we have a grand
total for the 13 months of $18,800.
The company is now operating this
plant with about a monthly outlay of
500 or ftiOO per year. This taken
from the gross revenue will leave
a neat gain of over f 13,000 which
meant 13 per cent on 1100,000 in
vestment. I shall assome that this
plant la not worth more than the lat
ter figure and believe that the plant
can be duplicated new for said turn,
Then we say that 13 per cent ia a
haudsoine rate on the investment.
A large number of our citizen! are
without water, because the water
oompany will not lay down pipes to
connect them with ita system.
Great sections of the important
residence districts have no hydrant
within a half mile of their property,
and in case of fire have no assistance
from the fire department which the
tax payers have furnished with costly
equipment, because the water com
pany refuse to establish hydrants over
certain distances from their mains.
Thete is no reason for this nig
gardly policy except that the company
is unwilling to extend its plant to
cetlons that are spursely settled,
where the reveuues will not result in
nig returns for the outlay, but it is
uot the liest policy for this city, be
cause it retards population and keeps
back development. Should the city
own ita system it would be a wise
policy to exteud the water mains to
every available section withiu the
corporate limits, because a city does
not look to this shortsighted policy
of quick returns on the money in
vested, but rather to the future, and
the upbuilding of all its parts.
Oar counoiltuen should reopen this
water question for a more extended
investigation, and should go into
it with the determination that Grants
Pass is going to own its water system,
either by purchase or by construction.
It would require an election to vote
bonded dxbt, but all this is entirely
possible of accomplishment, aud the
bonds would be taken at a rate of in
terest not exceeding five per oeut for
loug term of years.
With half of this profit risiug from
the sale of water which the presont
company now anuully pockets as
profits, divided among the consumer
by way of substantial reduction in
water rates, and the other half retired
as sinking fund out of which interest
on the bonds could lie more than met,
and the prospect of doubling the num
ber of consumers by a more liberal
policy in extsuding the system, there
is every reason to believe that a heavy
burden might be taken off the people.
and a more efficient service established
under tnuutripal control than the
present system, wheh ,is vosatsfuctory
iu many respects. j
Senator-Elect H. IV Norton went to I
Portland the latter part of last week
to look after legal matter, returning)
home this ni'Tiniin '
F. L. Osborne wat over from Galice
M. J. Andtrson was in Roseburg
the first of the week.
B. P. Theift of Medford was a
guest in the city Sunday.
H. F. Bailey, the Provolt merchant,
was in the city Saturday.
W. M. VanDvke and wife of Wolf
Creek Sunrlayed in Grauta Pats.
Mrs. M. R. Johnson spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin at Huso
Mrs. M. Clemens and daughter
Catherine went to Medford Moudsy.
F. L. Coron returned home Sunday
from Portland where he had been in
attendance at a session of the A. O
U. W. grand lodge.
Fruit picking ladder Just the thing
yoo have been needing at Hair-Rid
dlefHdwe. Co.
R. L. Coe, C. L. Clevenger, Dr. E
P. Dixon and H. C. Bobzien returned
home last Friday night from Portland
where they went some two weeks ago
via automobile, to view the country
euroute and for a little recreation
They report a pleasant trip.
Window glass at Hair-Riddle's.
WOOD Dry pine, fir and oak for sale
in any nuautity. Address Box 4, K
F. D., Grants Pasa, Oregon. 1-81 Sit
Tin Fruit Cans at Hair RHdle's.
WANTED A boiler of about 30 H. P,
and enuine of about 8 H. P. Ad
dress Box 523, Grants Pass. 7 34 2t
PIANO Pupils wanted 20 yesrs ex-
iierience in teaching. Adnress Mrs.
C. E. Foster J, N 0th St., next to
F. Coron. 7 17 tf,.
WANTED To rent, a ranch; will
pay cash or shures. Might buy if a
bargain. Address W. T. Hoover,
tien. Del.. Grants Pas. Ore. 7-17 3
ONE JERSEY Bull, 15 months old,
for sale cheap. Hiyden Close,
Phone 887, WiHerville. 7-24 tf.
FOR SALE One 4 year-old Swiss
Jersey and Durham cow, gentle,
will be fresh in October. Call at
Courier office. 7-24 2t
DON'T BUY Your wood nntil yoo
have heard from Edwards on Jones
Creek. Address H. L. Edwards, P.
O Box No. W82 and I will call and
see yon. 717 8t
TWO fresh cowa and a heifer. Ap
ply at Grants Pass Feed Store or of
Henry Huck on Fruitdsle road three
miles from Urauts Pass, telephone
N0.8I8. 7-24 tf
WOOD FOR SLAE-Oood. dry, snm
nir wood at ,$1.60 per tier, de
livered in lots of two tier or more.
Call phone 1175. Farmers' line.
Herman & Flynn, 7-10 4t
FOUR-HORSE freight wagon with
trailer attachment Almost new
and at a special bargain. O. Har
bangh, or Chas. Basye, Jacksonville.
7 10 4t
Boar ior sale. For particulars in
quire of A.M. Jet's, R. V. D. No. 2
;-2il If
FOR SALE The fine residence
property of H. A. ROTEKMUND,
two blocks from Masonio Hall. En
quire at Haddock's Marble Works.
ONE SPAN guod woik horses, one
driving or saddle horse for sale
cash or on terms. Wilson Mercan
tile.Co.. Leland 4 24 tf
7-ROOM plastered hoose on Iowa
street, two seres of ground, for sale
at $1(100. Inquire ou prtrnises,
opposite Kingwell'a green douse.
E. r. lompsou, 5-22 tf
FOR SALE Good sugar piue
Enquire Kenuey 's lirocery.
5-8 tf
LOST A package of Art brushts be
tween Second and Fourth 00 A
street. Finder please return to 652
N Second Street. 7-24 2t
F. A. PIERCE Registered Angoras,
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of the "King Arthur" also
other bucks of ditlereut strains of
breeding. Does of the noted strains.
Bucks for sale, Merlin, Ore. 8 27 tf
FRANK BURNKTT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
There Iroke iuto inv field July titta,
one 8 year old roan muley tow, will
soon be fresh. Owner cau have same
by proviug property and paying
charges. W. F. Hogue! Box 272, Urauts
Pass, Oregon. 7 17 5t
On account of the absence from
Grunts Pass of the President and a
majority of the Directors, the regular
July monthly meeting of the Board of
Directors of Oilman Bed Rack Min
ing Company has beeu postponed nutil
Aaitnst 12th, liHVS.
(Signed) R. F. WENDOVER,
2t Secretarv.
We are dealers in
if you want to sell your farm, send
us full description, terms, etc., and
we can do it.
270'v Washington St.
Portland, Ore.
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon
C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a 20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSald a Business Man: "Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will win out in the end," Said an Educator: "The quality of instruc
tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest
CPpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free.
References: Any bank, any newspaper, any business man in Portland.
Talcum Powder
Front Street, Opposite Depot
For bargains in furniture? If so, come and see my new stock
and get my prices. My car of new Couches, Beds, in fact anything
and everything for the parlor, dining room, bed room and kitchen
has come, and you'll be astonished at the splendid goods and the
right prices.
Buck sfik. Deer
Can now be killed within the limit
of the law.
To make a successful hunt you will need
a reliable rifle and GOOD AMMUNITION
Winchester, Savage and Remington Rifles,
and all other high grade hunters' equip
ment at
JOE WHARTON'S Sporting Goods Store
Half Price
All Trimmed and Street Hats now in stock
will be sold at just 13 price during August.
Don't Miss This Opportunity
of securing one of the elegaet hats which
are on display
And better and will run longer without
iM-.cuuig iimii ia J.1USBIUI6
The damage to your wheels by running them with loose tire for one day
may amount to much more than the cost of re setting them. Let us set them as
soon as you discover ther are loose Keen thm tiht r..i . ...
- - t , " j w ki. n-ia niu usi
longer at less ex petise and with much less annoyance and chance of a break
down or an accident.
1IAUCJH Nc COOIv-131nelNiiiitl.s
Harriet Smith of Galice creek is
spending a couple of weeks In the city
with friends, including A. B. Cornell
and family.
If you w:mt the bs sttel range
uiadcn t ; Malleable at Hair-Riddle's.
A. P. Armstrong. LL.B-. Principal
Millinery Sale
671 Front
wnen set tne old not way
compresses the metal cold. No burnt
or chrrrep felloe surfaces to wear away
but a hard wood surface instead ; no
steam and watersoaked felloes to shrink
away nnd loosen the tire ; no burnt
paint to replace. It give just the
amount of dish required. No over
dishiUtf or guess work about it,
The U. 8. Government finds the
cold pnnvss the best aud has adopted
the BROOKS at the shop of the L, S.
forts aud the department of the interior
WII L rent voo a good farm, seven
miles of city. Best terms given.
Write Box 25. or see me, residence
corner Oak and Park streets. J. M.
Tin Fruit Cans at Hair-Riddle's.
National Bank
Southern Oregon
Grants Pass, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bank
Renders the Public
The safest and simplest
wav of keeping your
money is by depositing
it in a Reliable Hank.
This Hank receives De
posits subject to Check,
or on demand Certilicates
of deposit or on time
Certilicates of Deposits.
On time deposits we pay
The best and cheapest
way to transfer inonev
is bv Hank Draft. Wit
ell Drafts payable in all
parts of the country.
One of the most impor
tant functions of the
Hsnk. We endeavor to
supply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
I,. B. Mali, President
J. C. Campbell, Vice-l'res.
H. L. Om.kkv, Cashier
U. K. Hackktt, Asst. Cashier
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks $3.00
Stove Wood
1 TierManzanita $2.50
1 Tier Oak $2.75
1 Tier Fir $2.50
1 Tier Pine $2.25
Chunk Wood
1 Tier Oak $2.50
1 Tier Fir $2.25
1 Tier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust $1.00
1 Load Kindling $1.00
beginning at 7:15 every
evening except Sunday
and Illustrated Songs
'"pIIE new management are
endeavoring to please
their patrons, and are sparing
no expence to make the
place worthy of patronage.
Change of program three
times each week
Pioneer Asuyin j and Rcf. Co.
Capital $100,000. Est. 27 years. Gold
base bullion; cyanides, rich ore, etc.
bought ; assaying 50c. Spot cash on
assaying values. 131 5th st. near U.
H. Mint, San Francisco, Cal.
Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines (or
pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding.
Outtits complete.
Fairbanks Arties for weighing.
Fairbanks-Morse bynaruos and Motors
for fower and light.
Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers.
Fairbanks-Morse Urindera, Feed Chop
pent Well Pumps.
All first quality goods at lowest prices.
Always in stock. Liberal terms. Prompt
reply lo inquiries and quick shipments.
Wiriie for catalogue and prices.
Grants Pass. Oregon