ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. JULY 31, 1908. PROFESSIONAL CiBOS Dr. Findley is itill in Europe but ymiU be in bio office io September. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rot. 'bone 714 ' City or country calls attended night vor da e'batm and H, TufT'i building-. Oltioe Phone 2H1. Crartb Pass . Oreooh. J)R. C A. CAMPBELL ObTKOl'ATHIO PHYSICIAN Graduate Amrnr an Hclionl of Otenpatliy, KIrkiirille, Mo. Chronic Piwatpii and DiHeasrn of Women and Children a specialty CONHTLTATION KKF.B vKooms 1. 2. 8, Kirnt National Bank Hid. Phones: Olllce 771, Ke. 713 OaARTs Pahs - Oasuos J F. DeVore, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON "City autl Oonntrp culls prouiytly an swered. Office boors 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. Res. Phone, Malu 473, Office, 041 ' Rooiui 1, 3, 8 Sballborn Bldg. "Grants Pass, - - OkE. JJ, D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, '.Practice In all State and Federal Courtg, Office la Opora House Building. -Grants Pass, Oukuon J ;()LIVER & BROWN, LAWYER. Office over Dixons Store "Grants Pass, - Oregon JI. B. IIENDRICKS COUN8ELLOR8-AT-LAW Civil and criminal inauers attended to lo all the courts. Real estate and Insurance. Offioe, 6th street, opposite Fostoffloe, ILLIAM P WRIGHT, 0. 8. DEPUTY PURVEYOR MINIM) ENGINEER AND DKAUGIITSMAN 6th Bt., north of Josephine Hotel. Jiats Tahb, - . Orkoon. 'The Popular Barber Shop Oet your tonsorial woik done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath Room In oonnootlon "JN. . McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY 'Furniture and Piano .Moving GRANTS PASS. OREGON. 1) E E III KG Bm like there was going to bs a stream of electric juice between here and Grants Pas although there was a Medfordite here claiming it only a "bluff." V. W. Ash has, with his wife, gont to Holland, where he is proprietor of the hotel there. Joseph Ferren aud wife were the goetts of A. Reynolds Sunday, James Daily or Korny was on our 8 tresis Toe-diiy and some of oar hutch elor are kicking about his com ing so often. "Let 'em kick, Jim, coma again " J. W. Mock has his new 84x34 bam about complete and tliaj his first crop of liay threin. Wi are glud to see men like Mr. Mock in our Valley even if he is of Nebraska extract. Fruit Jars at Hair-Riddle's. Clark Webb, Jr. bus bagged the first two fat buck of the Haon, one five point, and a two point; be also killed a black bear the same day, Clurk will not say whether his hunt ing grounds are in Oregon or Califor nia. A we were penning the last few lines to these items, our mail carrier brings tidings that Cannes gloom in our home and sorrow in our heart aud causes us to involuntarily claep more cloly to our breasts our own ii'tle .tot". It came like a thunder bolt from a clear summer's sky, de monstrating more vividly the oft re peateu zact, tunc in lire we are in death. The little 7-year old son of Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Owens, while playing uear the river with Earl Powell, aged 10 was accidentally drowned. We ronlld not glean the facts in detail therefrore will not at tempt an explanation. Nevertheless Mr. aud Mrs. Owens are well and favorably known here and;little Clive was a favorite of "Eben'a" and he joins with the rest of onr valley in tendering their sincere sympathy to the grieving parents. The ways of God are many and mysterions and we know not why this child was taken. Time has ceased to exist for him as it will for us all some dav. Cot our Bible teaches us that it is ouly a twinkling of an eye from the last kiss of earth to the first kiss of Heaven. When the stones of our earthly tombs are oast aside and we arise to life everlasting, time eternal aud to unceasing joy. Now parents, us you mourn for this loved child, Wh o so suddenly has crossed over deaths sea, May you ne'er forget the words of our savior, little one to come unto EUGENE DOES SOME GOOD ADVERTISING Portland Market Sea Some Big Cherries Grange Interest ed in Good Roads. the Suffer me "Grandma home from proved in 2W ROUND-TRIP RATES EAST WILL Mini THIS SKASDN II Y TH I SOUTHERN PACIFIC Webb" has returned Rosuburg, much ini health, although not well. Old age and general debility has also placed "Grandma" on the sick lint for a week back. Toromie Gilligan aud J. W. Mook drove over to the home of Abe Horvey uear Holland, Thursday. Malleable ranges sold ou easy pay ments ut Hair Hid. lie's. Win. Wilkey and t). W. Webb were looking over the rich Sucker Creek coutry the latter part of last week. The boys are now taking an outing in the Smith River coutry. They took along a borne to punk out the trout they expect to catch. John Smith of the Illiiiois creamery along with his wife, were cullers ut the home of D. L. Webb Friday. Mr. Smith left a cream separator with Dave, and is the first oue to be sold in our valley. Hwan tlaglund and Walter Oreshaui j have returned to Creoeiit"City after a month or sight teeing iu Elk aud Sucker Crtxk valleys. Two land grabbers who had gobbled !i V V f 1 ' th'V couH in OeiMii Hon. Austin T. Buxton, of Forest Grove, Mastsr of the Oregon state Grange, will personally attend the Good Roads Conference to be held in the convention hall of the Portland Commercial Club, August 11th, and be is anxious that each subordinate or locsl Grange in the r-tate send one delejato, and he requests that snch delegate be named at once and report made to W. L. Criesey, at Portland. "Who said Rain" is the latest ad vertinement issued by Manager John Hartng, of the Eugene Commrcial Club. A Eugene belle is photo graphed three times, standing Jin gIFS"8, each of which contains the rainfall for one year, one in Eugene with 8 inches, and the girl's face has a happy expression ; New York with 45 inches, aud that exprecsion be comes doubfol, while New Orleans, with f2 inches, makes her cry ior help. The leaflet quotes from report of the United States Weather Bureau that during 1907 Eugene had 205 days without any rain and 70 days when it rained less than oue-tentn or an inch. H. A. Wheeler, president of the Chicago Credit Clearing tympany, and A. D. Stevens, president of the American Silk Company, of the same eity, accompanied ;by their .families, are visiting the Pacific northwest. They sreut a full week in Oregon and expresied thmuselves as delighted. They will report their ides or tne ooontry to the 3000 Chicago business men comprising the Chicago Associa tion of Commerce. The new Giant cherry, a cross between the Lambert and the Bing, creatd a sensation one the Portland market last week. There were some specimens that measured an inch and a hair in diameter. The Presidental Postmasters' Asso ciation of Oregon will meet in the Convention hall of the Portland.Com mercial Club August 7 aud 8, and have invited the Fourth Class Postmasters to meet with them. The commercial bodies of tne state have joined with the Postmasters in inviting Post master General Meyer to attend and arrangements have been made for meetings io Washington and Califor nia so that the postmaster general may attend all three with the least possible loss of time. The active advertising men of Portland gave a complimentary din ner at the Portland Commerical Club last week to that veteran advertiser, Charles LI. Fuller, of Chicago. Conuty Judge Goodiu, of Washing ton County, is interested iu the Good Roads conference and pledges a dele gation of from 12 to 20 representative Washington oouuty citizens. Baker City, Junction City, Eugene, Albauy and niauy other points promise good delegations and there fa every assur ance of the best meeting ever held in Oregon. The lone Proclalmer scut to the Portland Commercial Club lust week a box ooutuiuing some of the finest samples of wheat of different kinds ever grown in Oregon. They at tracted much utteutiou and were uni versally complimented. COFFEE The dealing; is simple. If you don't like Schil ling's Dct it costs you nothing. Your crixpr rMnrni rour money tl ... tew" ! Mki il w ' i. ! cade Range, but little la known coo cerning it All the field west of the range exoept the Coos Bay. are of rsther small area, the largest being the Upper Nehalem, which has an area of less than 20 square miles. The ooal of all these fields is lignitic. Its transportation is confined exclu sively to Coos Bay and the Pacifio Ocean, and San Francisco is the principal market. The Coos Bay field is divided by its structure into six portions four basios and two arches. The basins are known as the Newport, the Beaver slough, the Co quille, and South Sloogh, aud are separated by the Westport and Flai-ki arches. As practically ell of the product from Coos Bay has been ship ped by water to San Francisco, the substitution of oil for coal in most of the manufacturing industries of that city has cot off a considerable portion cf the market ior this coal. The effect on Oregon's production is ehuwn in a decrease from 10, 641 tons in 1905, to 79,781 in 1906 and to 70,901 in 1907. The decrease in value of the 1907 product was even more pro nouueed, ior while the pioduction showed a decrease of 8750 tons, or 10.97 per cent, the value declined $405,034, or 21.68 per cent. The average price per ton declined from I2.K6 in 1906 to 12.84 in 1907. If You Read This " It will be to learn that the leading medl cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice recommend, in the strongest terms possiblo, each and every ingredient entering Into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," ln,tiil lllfcw nr Hi I irmsnada ntivnnlii Kf.ufl affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It Is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal a flec tions and thoir resultants, as bronchial, throat and lung disease (except consump tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for lingering, or chronic cases it is esjiecially etlicacious in producing per fect cures. It contains Black Cherry bark, Golden Seal root, Uloodroot, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers as Prof. Rartholow, of xtfefferson Med. Col lege: Prof. Hsreef the Univ. of Pa.; Prof. FlnlejrtHrriigwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med. tpllege, Chicago; Prof. John King, M. If. of Cincinnati; Prof. John M. tjciulderrM. D., of Cincinnati; Prof. Edwin I7fi&H, M. D., of Hahnemann Med. CutTes, Chicago, and scores of otberv'ejurally eminent In their several chorju-oi practice. Of o riolden Medlcftlpscovery ihm fTriT7,-x-i7mo thaniniimVnJit The "Golden M' uriiggiU lor like rn ... ...-?... .... r an mi ou liUii. uriioses. mat. pumps tl endi Jtfs any endorsement; ;nri(. m-uriiiimrv uisti ty ol Us formula cnopirijs. upon publicity ot its formula is the best possible guaranty of its merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmful or habft formi'ig drugs and no alcohol chemically fiure, rriple-i '.Ined glycerine being used ustoad. Glycerine is entirely unobjec tionable and besides is a most useful agent in the cure of all stomach as well as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There is the highest medical authority for its use iu allsuch cases. The "Discovery "Is a concentrated glyceric extract of native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing Its Ingre dients mailed rrr on request. Address Dr. K. V. Piurce, Buffalo, N. Y. "E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. Ill Gentlemen In 1897 I had a disease of the stomach and bowels. In the spring of 1302 I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received all the gold in Georgia could not bny. May you live long and prosper. Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell. Rod ing, Ga.. Aug. 27, 1906." Sold by Mrdel Drue Stole. 4-3' 13t COAL MINING IN IN 18.17 1ES3AJI ill -- i i On. Mien one of tnein reu.aik.d: "S AS KOI.I.OW'S TO 'it. Louis St. Paul Omaha J in, let s pe'iti"u eoiigrva to drain the blamed thing. " EBEN. We off.r 1 100 reward for .r.i. h .. .... J NM.-K" Jr.rl) , 1,1 t atarrh that cannot be cured by 7ii, lr S2.;() "-ll' Catarrh Cure. 81.75 Both W.iss fortij-iri One Way i via California i OS.!) -Kansas City (iSAS TlCKKTS WILL BK ON SAI.K Aupust (J, 7, 21. 22 F. J. CHENEY. A Co.. Toledo. O. v- .... I ... 1 i j- a,v " "ueiigm'u, nave Known -'m' K- J" Vh"' ,or thejlast 15 years, and i ).()() believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions aud fiuaucially 3ood for return iu !W dsvswith utopovrr privilege st inre within limits. : able to carry out any obligations made Py 'irm. Waldiug, Kinuau A Mar j ln. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeu iuter- ..,: .1: . . . , j. iwiing uirwuy upon tne blood fiemember the Dates.;T::r:o::,.'arrir5 For any further Information call ou , eut V1 bottle. Sold,byU L ruggista. SU.IK. MONTGOMERY, Local Aceal! Tk" 1U1,' 1'ulU fof oon.ti- t 1-31 5t or write to AfM. Mc Ml' UK AY. Central I'ssseugAr Agent. PORTLAND, OKK. I DeWitt's Little Early Risets. tbe I famous little liver pills. Sold by I Model Drug Store, 4.3 ij The total production cf coal lu Ore gon in 1907 was 70.9SI short ton, hav ing a spot value of HW.804. The Coos Bsy field Is the only pro- t..ivlo utiui lu ot-(i'U. ll in sitaated in the southwestern part of the stats, in Coos County, and oc cupies a total area of aboat 250 square miles, its length north and south being about 30 miles and its maximum breadth at tbe middle about 11 miles. Among the other coal fields that have been prosepected In the State are the Upper Nehalem 1 field, in Columbia county; the Lower I Nehalem field, in Clatsop and Tilla-1 m)k counties; the Yequine field In Linoolu county ; tbe Eckley and Shasta 1 Costa fields. In Curry County ; the Eden field, in Coos County ; and the 1 Rogue River valley field, in Jackson 1 county-all west cf tbe Cascade Range. None of these fields have been developed to the point of produo- i tion. Another field lies iu the basia ! of John Day River. Mat of thA r.. i !PIYN- naw no, 000 bomb or ST. MARY'S ACADEMY MEDF0RD, OREGON MODERN I0UIPMFNT OILlUHTFt'L R FCR FATION SOOMI CO?Y D'lRVITPRMS YuuiiG Ladies A thorough education in all itandard branchn asiured, including literature Ianguacei, mathematics, icience, his tory mulic, needlework, etc., alio careful attention to mattcrt of deport mtr.tand ihoscaccou..'.m.enu Klh mark the cultured, rehncd woman. AU courset are thoroughly modern in subject and lyitem. Nodittinctionor interference in matters of religion. 1"rMbr BoctlttTODIT St. Mary's Academy J 4 GR. ANTS PASS Commercial (lob ( Will furnish information of 3 Josephine county fre 0f charge. Correspondence so licited. L. B. Hall President I H. L. Andikws.. ..Secretary w E wish to call your attention to the fart I . 1 .1 .11 1 mm 1 inai we nave recently installed a lYlcLas key account register in pur market, with this system there will be no danger of mistakes in your account, and vou will always have an itemized list of your purchases. Call and see this register and have the system fully explained, also see just what you want in the meat line, through our glass refrigerator counter. Phone 453. TEMPLE MEAT MARKET Sweetland & Plummer. Propre. Safe and Secure Js the Man with a good Bank account. By systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has Something for a rainy day and is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Are you one of the fortunates? We invite you to open an account with us. Be it small or great, you will always receive courteous treatment Interest on time deposits If you have some surplus cash why not have it earning you some interest? We pay interest on time deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent in which you can store your valuable papers and treasures. You may have need for just such an accom modation. Let us serve yon, G. P. Banking & Trust Co. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Co for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation Its Facilities are Complete Best of food and an abund ance of it, Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. Newport is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany orJCorvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. RATE FROM GRANTS PASS, ORE. Season six-months ticket $10.00 Our elaborate new Summer Book gives a conoise description of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or write R. K. MONTGOMERY. Local Agent. Crania Pass. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Oregon. CLEMENS SELL BOOKS and DRUGS ORANGE FRONT GRAMTS PASS, ORE. "Efficiency" as applied to an automobile, means that ability Sr. rrr. v T.:,t, ,1,' ;t ,n on Ani r,n4. vt,f u V V" V, f.;il uiiioj,,', .vriu roacaomty mose uiuigs the "Tourist" won in a string of forty-two brilliant victories out of forty-five entries. Buy the car that has proved its worth by winning aH manner of tests in lompcutiim wiiu iu types of cars. These contests prove con clusively the suDerior- itv of th " Tn..r;.t " .1 n ,f. ' .. Mad. oa the Pacific Cout tiie Pacific Coast Car" over all others. They prove positively that no car other than one budt here with the sole idea of meeting Coast road and ?,Tat,: c,?nd,tions couU have made the wonderful Tourist record. There are several models of Tourist Cars to meet the various model, of pocketbooks. There are several styles of 2-cyhnder and 4-cylinder cars from which to choose. Better buy a Tourist than wish you had. R. S. WILSON, Agent Auto Vehick Company Factory al La Axel. Cre.nte Ore. S Mica Call Arm. St. Fi