Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 31, 1908, Image 10

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prepared for
the table
Seasonable Fruits
Home drown Peaches
Fresh Creamery Jiutter
blood poisoning. She was'sucoessfully
treated by Dr. W. H. Flanagan.
R. C. Cborcbill and wife were
callers at I lie home of A. T. Soemake
on Sanday svenioir. Mr. Soeinake'is
atill qoite poorly, Buffering from
atomach and brain trooble.
T. D. Haban arrived in Selma
vesterday with big load of freight
for the two toret at thia place, vie:
R. O. Churchill and J. W. Harmon.
Mrs. Stella Sarsent ia qoite sink at
ber home near Si-ltua, suffering from
a very severe attack of atomcb trouhle.
Oar little town was made quite
lively last week by the presence of
drnmruers representing fiva different
wholesale houses.
School will begin at this place about
the first Monday in September with
Mis Heisle McColm as teacher.
An enjoyable evening was spent at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. II. H.
Wyuautjaat Toeeday evening, there
keing present Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Koau and children, also the former's
mother, Mrs. E. M. Austin and two
children, Glide and Kenneth and
Miss Boll of New York City, bat
formerly of Salina, Kan., tnosic being
rendered by 'the Erllsnn phonograph
owned by O. C. Wynant, and Mrs.
B. M. Austin rendered several beauti
ful selections on the organ. The
vocal music by the New Hope quartet,
with Mrs. Austin at the organ, clos
ing with "God Be with You 'Till We
Meet Agaia."
Miss Bessie McColm was the guest
of. Mrs. H. S. Wynant Sanday even
ing. Mr. and Mr a. II. S. Wynant bave
retnrned from Klamath Oo. and re
port having had fine time.
O. C Wynant baa completed the
coutract for furnishing the school
with wood.
Malleable Stool Ranges at Hair
Kiddle's. Meeers. Win. Roan and Victor
Daniels made business trip to Grauta
Pass Monday; also John Sobers.
Hal Hal and the next presldeut
will be named mill
There waa a very good attendance
at' Sunday school and preaching ear
Woes last Sanday. Rev. Lovett, of
the lint Baptist Church of Grants
fane, preached very helpful, gospel
sermon, which waa enjoyed by all
Come again Brother Lovett.
Edna Hamlin, who has been visit
ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mr.
W. Heaton, returned to her home in
Medford last Sunday.
Mrs (. A. Hamilton and oousin,
Mine Kouworthy, were calling ou
friends in Fruitdale last Friday.
Messrs. Churchill, Kngles, Rlgg
and Hall and their ladlea spent Sun
day in Fruitdale with A. Boroughs
and family.
Early apples and peaheca are being
marketed now.
. The neit regular meeting the
Kniitdale Grange will be held at the
school house ou Saturday, Angnat 8,
from 10 a. m. to 0 p. iu. BunI
aesa meeting to be held in the
forenoon; picuio dinner at noon. Iu
the afternoon there will be a good pro
gram and social time. Everyone is
invited to oouie to the pionio dinner
aud eiend the afternoon with the
Mr. aud Mrs. A. Bnruugha visited
ia Grants Pans last Mouday aud
A majority of tlni Prnitdnltt ladies
wr shopping in Ursula Pass during
tlio wetik, takiug advantage of the
special sales.
Frauds Batcham aud Ruth Hack
atteuded Mrs. Riddle's Sunday School
elaaa pionio last Tuesday afternoon.
Tbe hot night is a thing of the
paat at 8lma and when we lie dowu
In sleep ws tack the cover well in
stthe foot aud under our chiu.
Mrs. Peter Boor, who waa in town
last week doing baslueiu, returned to
her home ou "Rauohere" creek tak
Ing witn her Mr. aud Mrs. Ebb Hogua
said baby, who will remain Jt itbat
lace for some time.
Mr. A. P. Phillips is still sick at
prraotit writing.
lAMTRUoads aud""K"o'"01ari of
V. land
8.; Bros.' mill. Suiidyed
at the parental Clark home.
; Mrs
covered from
Jtwiati Uhoadea, hostess
i HutoL baa juat about re-
quite a aerloua case of
Linger longer over it; let
it be steaming: hot from
the earHien pot; and the
loveliest woman pour it.
Your ffTrtrrr rcturnt your money If yoa doo'l
UktStbilliD.;' T -st; f pa lim.
Laid at Rest In the Masonic Cem
etery In This City Tuesday-Morning.
The body of the late Victor Pear
son, sou or Mr. sua nira j. tu. r-eu-r-
son of this city, who died at Los An
gelas, Toetday of last week, arrived
here lust Sunday u'ght for burial, ana
the funeral wus held at the M E.
church at 10 o'clock lat loeaday
morning, conducted by the Rev. A.
R. Maclaue nnd Rev. J. W. McDougal.
The deceaaed was formerly a resident
of this city where he was well known
and hiirhlv esteemed. The sarvlces
were very Impressive and very largely
attended, many relatives from abroad
being present, among whom were, Mr.
and Mr. Frank Mee and son
of Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bel
knap and Mrs. Viola Keyea of Salem ;
Rev. Robert Booth of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Booth of Eugene and Mrs.
Cora Singleton of Wilbur. Burial
took place at the M isonio cemetery.
Victor Peterson waa 83 years or age
aud a yoong man of exceptional char
aoter and business ability. For t
time he was the efficient bookkeeper
of the Sugar Pine Box and Lumber
Co. of this oily, later going to Eugene
where he waa with the Booth-Kelloy
Lumber Co. in the same capacity. Ho
afterwards went to California where
be was with the Hilt Lumber Co. and
subsequently to Loa Angeles, where,
1'iiiie weeks ago he waa stricken with
pneumonia to which malady he sue
cumlwd ou the Slat inat.
The deceased leaves a wife, whose
maiden name was Miss Bertha Unotb,
a daughter of Rev. Robt Booth, form
er'y of this city, aud three children,
besides his parents, Mr. aud Mis. J. E.
Peterson, also residing here.
The Meoford Tribune of July 27,
prints the following:
Fred J. Blakely of Roteborg will at
me nei couuju uiwuu
franchise for a trolley line In Med
ford. At the same time be will apply
for one in Asbland and one in Jack-'
sonville. It is the intention to even-1
tnally eitend the line to Central
Point, Gold Hill, Woodville and
Grants Pass, making it an internrban
proposition. No one of the cities
would Jastlfy an electrio railroad it
self, but an ioterurban road would be
a paying investment.
Mr. Blakely will apply for a fran
chise ou Seventh street aud on C
streets and will be reidy to layj-ails
as soon as the frmchise is granted, so
as oot to delay street paving. Tbe
line will run west on Seventh street
to Jacksonville, while the Ashland
line would come iu on C street. A
special election for the franchise could
be calltd within 10 days, and the
work begin at once when granted.
Mr. Blakely, through bis pm-tntr,
Jeff O. Heard, applied a year ago for
a blanket franchise covering all
streets, bat it was refused because the
streets desired were not specified.
Had the franchise been grauted,
Medford would today boast of a trol
ley line.
Mr Blakely states that he repre
sents Cleveland, O., capitalists, bat
he is generally supposed to represent
A. Welch, the builder of the Will
amette Valley traction liue, with
whom be has been associated in
several enterprises.
Through the month of August tbe
Sunday night services will be held as
union services by all the churches of
tbe city. Next Sanday night the
service will be held in tbe Presby
terian church aud Rev. Lovett will
preach. Everybody most cordially
invited to be present. Service at 6
The regular services at Bethany
Presbyterian church will be resumed
on the coming Sabbath, August 2at,
la the morning at 11 o'clock the Rev.
Robt. McLean .will .preach his first
sermon since returning to Grants
Pass. The friends of Mr. McLean,
who'have been rejoiced at hit return
are requested to attend and give him
a cordial welcome. The subject of bis
morning discourse is "Where to
Fiud Help. " The Jermon proper will
be preceded b a short childreus' ser
mon which was a popular feature in
former years. The evening service
at 8 o'clock will be the first of the
AiiROMt Union services a d tbe sermon
will be by Rev. F. C. Lovett of the
Baptist chorcb.
MESSING JUNES-At the homo of
the hridtf'a piruita on street, Wed
nesday, July 24. lUUS, Louis A
Messing of Stephen, Wah., and
Miss llmiia Jonts, Rev. F, C. Lov
ett, olf iclating.
The couple will make their bnme
at Stepheua.
, Rose Mo-
Mc ARTHUR Tuesday, July
near Holland, of coretiral
after a brief illness, Mrs.
Arthur, aged 62 years.
The deceased was taken suddenly ill
about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning aud
passed away a little after 8 a. in. Cor
oner Strieker waa nettled ana in com
pany with Undertaker Everet Holuiau,
the coroner was taken to the Mo
Arthur home by Chauffeur Olding.
They arrived at the scone about (I p.
m. aud after a careful examiu t'ou
Corouer Strieker deeided that an
quest was unnecessary and the b y
was prepared for burial, which t k
place at Uie Kerby cemetery yitt i...v
morning. The deceased is survive by
a huaband.and several children. The
family recently came from Portland to
Holland about three mi lei from wi icb
place they bad just taken up a home
stead. COCHRAN Wednday, July Sil.liHW
at the corner of I and Third atiei ts,
after a lingering Illness from ty
phoid fever, Win. E. Cochrau, aged
8.1 yeara, 4 mouths aud 14 da.
Tlio deceaaed cauio here a month ago
from the Sacramento Valley where he
had bevii traveling as a photograph
artist and had been ill for a couple
of weeks when he arrived here. Dur
ing his sickness he was attentively
cared for by hia sister, Miss Rilla
Cochran, who is a professional nurse.
The deceased aUo has a brother at
CVron, Cal. , The body was taken to
Fresno, Cal., yesterday moruing ac
companied by hia aister.
At the Biptist church Sunday,
August a, tl eie will be but three
services, the Bible school at 10 a. m.
m charge of Sapt. Hscket, the morn
ing preaching by the pailor at 11
o'clock and the otiservanoe of the
Lord's snpper immediately thereafter.
Union Yonng People's meeting aud
Preaching service at tha Presbytt rian
church in the evening. Serniou by
Baptist pastor.
Christian Science Reading room,
11? h street, near Second. Services
11 a. m. Subject of Sunday's lessou
"Love." Wednesday meeting 8 p. m.
The Grants 'V I'a' nery finished
the cherry pa k vh Im-s lay and will
l a closed for a week o.- 10 days await
ing tbe ripening of pi aches aud black
berries when llm factory will be run
ning till tlio clone of the season later
in the year
Manager Sani.s.ui says thu company
has just closed, a contract for 85 tons
of Bartlett pears, while he went to
Medford and Ashland Weduesday
afternoon to secure additional con
tracts for peaches and apples. Be
sides the above fruit the factory will
handle pumpkius and squash, as well
as manufacture vinegar. Tha Si tons
of pears Mr. Sauipson contracted will
probab'y overrun aud be near 100
tons. When canned nd cased ready
for the market they will make be-
tween five and six cars.
Jos. Keater wat iu
from Gal toe Sat-
Henry Harth of Roseburg was in
the city last Friday aud Saturday to
aaist in waiting on the euoruiocs
trade at the atore of P. H. Harth &
Son, as a result of tne recent an
nouncement of special bargains. An
other iusttance of the wonderful buai
nees building powers of printers iuk.
WHAT ! MT- Drcss!fe
going &wey
without & new
Suit ?
No sir I
ft I
A-T M MM I f -"W
t jv -"A. it sr ar m
Not When He Can Buy at
Bona Fide Cut Prices
Marked In Plain Figures
These garments are perfect in
every way except the price; its
damaged 25 per cent to 50 per cent.
Boys' and Young Men's Suits
Sizes (chest measure) 30 to 36.
$ 5.00 Suits for $ 3.35
6.00 " " 4.00
7.50 " ' 5.00
8.00 " 44 5.35
9.00 41 " 6.00
10.00 " " 6.70
15.00 " " 10.00
Boys' Knee Pants Suits
Arcs, 3 to 1G.
$1.50 Suits for $1.00
2.00 " " 1.65
'2.s0 " " 1.70
3.00 " " 2.00
5.00 " " 3 35
6.00 " " 4.00
7.00 " " 4 70
Boys' Knee Pants
Ages, 3 to 16
25c Knee Pants 17c
35c " " 24c
50c " " 35c
75c " " 50c
$1.00 " " 65c
1.25 " " 85c
Men's two piece Summer Suits,
just Half Price.
Men's Work Shirts, genuine arti
cle, our price 40c
Men's and Boys' Straw Hats,
actual cost and less 5c up
The Galhoun Guarantee Ta$ with every
purchase. When we say bargain, we mean bargain and
we are here to prove it.
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
Outfitters to Boy and Man
Department of the Interior.
U. S Land Office
Koseburg, Ore , July 24, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
R. F. D. Grants Pam, Josehine
Co., Ore., who, on July 34, 1U08,
made Timber and Stoue Application,
No 0411. or Lot 9, Section 14, Town
ship Sri, South, Ra-tge 7 west, Willa
mette Meridian, has filed notioe of
intention to make final Timber and
Stone Proof, to establish claim to tbe
land above described, before Joseph
Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at Grants
Pas, Ore., on tbe 9th dy of October,
Claimant names as witnesses : Will
iam Anderou of R. F. D. No. 2,
Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.,
Herman Fick, of R. F. D. No. 2
Grants Pass, Josephine Co , Ore.,
Oscar Ajree, of R. F. D. No. 2. Grants
Pass. Joeenhine Co.. Ore.. John Fin-
ley, of R. F. D. No. 2, Grants Pass,
Josephine Co., Ore.
Tha Rogue River Nurseries L
Are strong on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000?
fancy cuttings that are rooting nicely in the reddest of;
lrll.t 1 A 1 . sill .!dDt
iauus. e ur reauy io contract ior iau aenvery ai pu-iti
that will surprise you. We are as well prepared to fl )
nish you with anything in line of trees and general
nursery stock. r
Conklin Building Grants Pass Orlv
Kennedy's Laxative Uongh Syrup
acta promptly yet gently on the
bowels, through which the cold is
forced ont of tbs svatem and it Hia
same time' it allavs inflammation, i
Sold by Model Drog'stor. 4-8 13t
i I
"Old Reliable Albany Nurserie
and you are sure of getting just what you order. We grow
ourtrees lor quality notcheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent j