ROGUH RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JULY 24, 1903. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Timber Land Act, Jone 8, 1878. Roseborg, Ore., April 4, 1908. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tbe provisions of the set of Congreee of June 8, 1878. entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber land in the Statea cf California, Oregon, "Nevada and Washinirton Territory." t aa extended to all the Pnblio Land if Statea bv act of Aoeust 4. 1893. WILLIAM, G rOWELl of Aberdeen. countv of Ch eh alia. State of Washington, did on January 28. 1908. file in thia office hia aworn atatemeot No. 9536, for the par chase of the E of the EH of Section No. 84 in Township No. 87 Sooth. Range 4 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sooght is more - valuable for its timber or stone than for agicnltual panoses, and to esiab lieh his claim to said land before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants Pass, Ore, on Monday, the 17th day of Anituat, 1908. He names as witness's: James T. Barns, ot Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.. William T. Tnrnham of Grants Pass, Josephine Co.. Ore., Henry D. Mcl n tosh, of Grants Pans. Josephine Co.. Ore . Aaron E. Nettelblad, of Aberdeen, Chehalis Co.. Wash. Anr and "11 persons claiming ad versely the above deeeriled lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 17th day of August, 1908. BENJAMIN L EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land Act, Juos 8, 1878. . Rcseburg, Ore., April 4. 1908. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada and Wahinton Territory," as extended to all the Pnblic Land States by act of Auanst 4, 1803, AARON E. NETTELBLAD. of Aberdeen, oonnty of Chehalii, State of Washington, did on January 28, 1908, file in this office bis sworn statement No. 9535 for the purchase of the Ntf of the S$ of SectionNo. 28, In Township No. 87 Sooth, Range No. 4 West, and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land, be fore Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at Grants Pass, Ora. on Monday, the 17th day of August, 1908. He names as witnesses : James T. Burns, of Grants Pass, Josephie Co., Ore., William T. Turham, of Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore., Henry D. Mclutosh, of Grants Pass, Josephine Co. Ore., William G. Powell; of Aber deen, Chehalis, Wish. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 17tb day of August, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Timber Land, Act Jnne 3, 1878. Roseburg, Ore.. Macrh 16, 1608. Notice is hereby given, that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jone 8, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of tibmer Lands in the Stats of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Ter ritorv," ai extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, OSKAR NICKOL of Portland, County of Moltomah, Stats of Oregon, filed in this offloe his sworn statement No. 8995 for the purchase of the W SWl. SE4- SW of Section No. 10 in Township No. 34 Suoth of Range No 6 W, W M.. Ore., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stoue than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this office, at Roseborg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the "11th day of AuKUSt. 1908. He usmxa ai witnesses: George W. Light, of Leland, Ore., A. J. Ben nett, of Graves, Ore.. G. W. Farley, of Graves, Ore., Eugene Reed, of Lelaud, Ore. ;Auy and all persons claiming ad verselv the above described lauds are requested to file their claims in this of Dee on or before said llth day of August, 190S. , BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Regist r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud, Act June 3. 1878. Roseburg, Ore., April 4, 1908. 'Notice is hereby g.ven that in com pliance wth the provisions of the ao of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "Au att for the sale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washinnton Terrtory. " as extended to all the Pnh.c Laud Scat' s t.v a t f minst 4. 102, CHARLES A. VUhLE of Lane county of KooUii, Stat of Idaho, did on January 18. 1908. file in this office his sworu statement No. ,tl.l ... .Via r.nn-hM nf the Lot I and 3 and the of the NEU of V ntinrt TSn M in HC!OU ToWl ...!,, Nil s.i Knutn. iianar No. 8 West, an1 wi l offer proof ..,.. tht Mm hnd sought IS to IU OlIW" ...... ..-. - r-, more valuable for Its timber or st"ne than for sgricul.ural poroses, and U stab is'i his cairn to sani laud b fere Joseph Mw, U S Comiuiseiiiuer at Orauts fas, Oregon on 15t'i day of August, IMS. Ha names a witne-ses: M'rtio A. Cong-r of Ora'.ts Pas-, Josephine Co. Oecn, Joseph E. Verdi" of Grants Pass, Josepbiue Co , Ore, i'l iam T. Juroham of Gr4ut Pass. Josephine Cj.. Ore. Eui'i.itt R. Conger, cf w'ildernlle, Josephine Co., Ore. . Anv a id all persons claiming ad versely t'ie above described lai.ds are requested to tile their claims in tins office on or before said 15th day of August. fiEjAMlN jttjdy. Register. THI CHILDRIN TLIKC IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP NOTICE FOR APPLICATION FOR PATENT. MINING APPLI CATION NO. 180. United Statea Land office at Roseborg, Oregon, May 20, 1908. Notice is hereby given that the Gold Road Mining and Milling, Company a corporation organized, created and existing under the laws of the State of. Delaware, U.S. A., whose poetoffioe ad dress is Wilmington, Delaware, and which corporation is duly registered and licensed under the lawa ot the State of Oregon, has thia day hied its applica tion for a patent for the following des cribed lodes, reins, deposits and mines bearing gold, silver and other valuable minerals, all constituting ooe group of claims kuown as Golden Wedtie Group of mining claims, mineral survey No. 690, and situated In Galice (unorgan ized) mining district, Countv of Jose phine, State of Oregon, as designated by the field uotes aud plat on file in this office, and plat posted on said group of claims, to-wit: "Bailey Claim Mother Lode," 1500 feet of the vein or lode in length and with surface ground 600 feet in width, containing 20. 661 acres, as designated by the field notes and official plat on file in this'offlce as snrvey So. (190, the particular description thereof being as follows: Beignoing at corner No. 1 whence the quarter section corner be tween Sees. 13 and 18, Twp. 84 South, Ranges 7 aud 8 west of W. M. bears Norths 83 23'. East 9124.84 feet a fir post 4 feet long 4 inohes square set 18 inches in the ground, scribed 1-690 whence a Douglas fir 20 inches in di ameter bears N 47 V w 13 8 ft. blazed and scribed 1-690 B. T. ; thence S 78 W 600 ft to Cor No. 3, a fir post 4 ft long, 4 ins.nq, set 18 ins. in the ground scribed 2-690 whence a Douglas fr 80 ins. in diameter bears N 18 E 53 25 ft. scribed 3-890 B. T. Thenoe N 12 W 1500 ft. to Cor No. 8 a fir poet 4 ft long, 4 ins. square, aet on a ledtre of rock in a mound cf stone scribed 8-690, B. T. Thence N 78 E 600 ft. to Cor. No. 4 a fir post, 4 ft. long 4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the grounud scriued 4-690 whence a black oak 12 iu. in diameter bears S 14 V. W 18 ft. blazed and scribed 4-690 B.T. and thence S 12. E 1500 ft. to Cor. No.l to the place of begiuniug. (Magnetio variations 20' E. ) "Sister Claim Mother Lode," begin ning at Cor. No. 1 a fir post 4 ft. loog and 4 ins. sqnare, set 18 ins. in the ground, scribed 1-690 whence a white oak 10 ins. in diameter Dears w 13.0 It blazed and soribed 1-690 B. T. the Cor. of Sees 18-1913 and 24, Twp.84 8, R 7 and 8 W, bears 8 89 13,. E 8753 73 ft. thence S 78 W 600 ft. to Cor. No. 2 a fir post 4 ft. loog. 4 ina square, set 18 ins. in the ground scribed 2-690 whenoe a laurel 10 ins. in diameter beara N 3 E 18 ft blazed and scribed 2-690 B T, theuce N 12 W 1500 ft. to Cor No. 8 a Douglas fir 20 ins. in diameter bears S 58. E 62 ft blazed aud scibed 8-690 B. T. from Cor. post 4 ins. square aet 18 ina. in tbe around, marked 3-690; thence from said post N 78 E 600 ft i to Cor. No. 4, identical with Cor. No. 4 of the location aud Cor. No. 1, Bai ley Claim Mother Lode and with Cor. No. 4 Golden Wedge Mine whence a Douglas fir 86 ins. in diameter bears S 85 W 8 ft. blazed and soribed 4-690 B. T.and thenoe S13. E 1500 ft. to Cor. No 1, the place of beginning. (Magnetic variation of 20' E ) 'Golden Wedge Mine, "beginning at Cor.No. 1, identical witn Cor. No. 1 of the location ad with Uor. No. 1 of the Walker lode Cor. No 3. Sister olaim Mother lode and Cor. No. 3, Big Dip per Mine, the corners of Sees 13-24 18 and 19 Twp. 34 S. R.7 aud 8 W of the W. M. beara N 89' 68' E, 9388.79 ft, a laurel 10 ins. in da meter btara N. 60 W 40 ft blazed aud scribed 4-690 B. T. thence S 78" W, 600 ft to corner No. 2, identioal with corner No. 4 of the Wal ker, Lode a fir pot 4 ft loog, 4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the ground scribed 3 690 whence a fir 13 ins. in diaui. bears N2 W 25 ft. blszed and soribed 3-690 B.T., thence N 12' W, 1500 ft. to Cor. No. 3 a fir post, 4 ft long and 4 ins square cot 18 ins. in thegtouod scribed 3-690 whence a laurel 10 ins. in diam. bear S 78 19.7 ft., blazed and scribed S-690 B. T. thence N 78 E 600 ft to Cor. No. a, identical with Cor. No. 2 of the BnileyClaim Mother Lode and with Cor. No 3, Suter Claim Mother lode whence a tir 24 ins in diam bears S 61V- w 23 3 ft- blazed and scribed 4 6. 0 BT. Thence S 12' K 1500 ft. to ib placo of beginuinir. (Magnetic vari ation of 20") AreaJJO.661 acres. "Deer Lick Claim", Area 20.347. acre. Begiuning at corner No. 1, whence the corner of Sees. 18-24-18.19 Twp. 34 S, R 7 and 8 W of W M, Bears N 89" and 4ir, E HI 12. 8 ft. a fir port, 4 ft. long, 4 ius. sciuare. set 18 ins in the ground scribed 1-690 whence a Douglas fir 10 ins. in diam bears N 83' W, 25 ft. and a Douglas Or 10 ins. in diameter bean N 70 W, 20.5 ft each blazed and scribed 1 690 B. T. Theucrt S 88' WV.0O ft. to Cor. No. 2, on the E Hue of the Big Dipper Claim a fir po't 4 ft. long and 4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the ground scribed 2-690 whence a laurel 12 Ina in diameter b-ais N E 31 ft. a fir ;I0 ins. in diameter U-ars S 6u , W .10 ft. ea'-h blazed and scrib-d 2-690 B. i. Iheucrf N 12. Won line )4 of Big D.pper Mine and on line 4 of Siste; Claim Mother Lode 1"00 ft. to Cor. No. 3 ident cal wlih Cor. Nn. 3 of ib- loca tion a fir post 4 ft. long 4 ins. fquar. net l1 ins. In the groand scrbed 3-690 a fir 48 ids. in diam. bears N 13 E 18 ft. a Unr 1 6 ins. in diam. bears S 68 E 18 ft. each blazed and scribed 3 690 B. T. Cor. No. 4 of Sister (.'la m Mother Lude bears N 12 W 193 ft. Thence N 88 E 00 ft to Cor No 4 i n Northern bank ot BiileyCreek. a fir psi 4 ft long 4 ins square set 18 ins in the ground scribed 4-690 whence a black oak 14 ins in diam bears S65', E 5 ft. dixtaut blazed and scribed 4 !H) B T and t euce S 12J E 1500 ft. to Cor. No. 1 to place of beginning. (Magnet ic variations of. 20" E) "Walker Claim." Total area of the claim 16.97 acre. Area in conflict with Richmoud Lode .348 of an acre. That area claimed 16.586 acres. Begin ning at Cor. No. 1 i den teal with Cor. No. 1 of the Golden Wedge Mine, Cor. No. 8 of tha Big Dipper Mine and Cor. yo. 4 01 outer wiaim juomer uouo, whence the Cor. ef Sees. 18-19-13 and 24. Twps. 84 S, Rangea 7 and 8 W W M. Beara N 89 and 68 E 9338.79 ft. Thence S 12 E 1274.6 ft. to Cor. No. 3 identical with Cor. No. 3 of the loca tion and Cor. No. Big Dipper Mine of thia aurrey bears S 12 E 145.5 ft. a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 ins., sqnare, set 18, ina. in the ground scribed 8-690 whence a fir 14 ins. in diam. beara S 64. W 8 ft. a b ack oak 80 ina. in diam. bears S 18 E 16 ft., each biased and soribed 8-690 B.I. Thence S 78 W 660 It fir post 4 ft long 4 ins square, aet 18 ina in tha ground scribed 8-690 whenoe a black oak 8 Ina in diam. bears N 81 W 17.6 ft. a fir 26 ina in diam. beara S 85 W 86 ft. each blazed and soribed 8-690 B. T. Thence N 18 48- W 1275 13 ft. to Cor.No. 4 identical with cor. No. 4 of the location, and with cor No. 3 of the Golden Wedge Mine, and thenoe N 78, E 600 ft. to the place of beginning. (Magnetio variation 20 E.) "Big Dipper Mine". Total area 19.69 acres Jes area in oonflict with Richmood Lode (unsurveyed) 11-815 acres, net area claimed by appilcaut 7.744 acres. Beginning at corner No.l, iduutical with Cor.No. 1 of the location a fir post 4 ft. long 4 ins square set 18 ins. in the groand scrib-d 1-690 whence the Cor. of sections 13-24 18 aud 19 Twp. 84 S, R 7 and 8 W of W M, I ears N 81 andpj', E 8551.3 ft. a fir 40 ins. in diam beara N 80 W 41 fi. and a fir 36 ins. in diam beats S 66. E 84 ft. each blazed and scribed 1-69j B. 1, Thence S 78', W 600 ft. to Cor. No 2 a fir pokt 4 ft. long, 4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the ground scribed 3-690 whenoe a black oak 40 diam. bears S 44 E 73 ft blazed and scribed 2-690 B T. Thence N 12 W 1420 ft. to Cor.No. 8, identical with Cor. No. 8 of the loca tion and with cor No 1 of the Walker Lode and with Cor No 1 of the Golden Wedge Mine and Cor No 3 of the Sis ter Claim Mother Lode whence a fir 60 ins in diam bears 8 84 E 3.S,' ft blazed and soribed 8-690 B T. Thence N 78 E 600 ft to Cor No 4 identical with Cor No 4 of the looation and with Cor No 1 Sister Claim Mother Lode, whence a fir 10 ins. in diam. bears S 87 W 28 ft blazed and scribed 4-690 BT. Thence S 12 E 1420 ft to the place of beign- ning. (Magnetic variations au &). The location of these several mining cltinis are recorded in the office of the county clerk of Josephine oounty, State of Oregon, as follows: The Bailey Claim Mother Lode, ti. T. Hntchins, locator, notice of loca tion in volume 10, of Misc. records on PR 438. 1 he Bister Claim motner iioae, n. T. Hotohins, locator, notice of looa tion in Volume 10, on page 493, Misc. record. Golden Wedge Mine , U. T. iiutoh- ins. locator in volume 7, page 123 misc. mining record. The Deer Lick, W. W. Cauby, locat or notce of location in volume 17 on pate 811 mining record. The Walker Lode W. W. Canby, lo cator, notice of location in volume 17, onpage 363, miniug record. The 151 g Dipper urainar locat or, notice of locatlou in volume 13, page 266 mining record. The adjoining claim on me norm ia the Richmond Lode unsurveyed. possessed by P. H. Martb and E. Fri day. The area of tbe Richmond Lode In oonflict with the Dig Dipper ana the Walker Claim is waived by the applicant. AU the claims are on on surveyed lands. Any and all persona claiming ad versely any portion of said mines, lodes, veins, mineral deposits, surface ground above described and for which applcatiou ia made for patent are re quired to file their adverse claims with the Kegisteror the united states bana Office at Roeebnrg, in the Count: of Douglas during the 60 days period of publication hereof or thev will be Bar red in virtue of the provisons of the Statute in soch "ae made and provided. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Keigster. NOTCE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Ros burg, Ore., Jone 19, 1908. Notice is hereby given that MILBUKN KNAPP. of Woodvillo, Jacknon Countv, Oregon, who on June 19. 1908, made Tiuibt-r and Stone Apt lication No 101 61, for SW4', being lots 6 and 7 and the EVtf of SW'4', Section 6, Township 36 South, Range 4 West, W., M. has filed notico of intention to make final 'limber and Stoue eatab linn claim to the land above do orihed, before Joseph Mnss, U S. Commis sioner. Grants Pas, Ure, on the 29th dav of Suntetuber. 19f)8. Claimant names aa witne8ea: John C. Aitkeu, jt Woodville, Jackson Co., Ore., Oren W. Train, of Wood ville, Jacks' n Co., Ore , Georg W. Megerle, of Wo xlville. Jatk'ou Co., Ore., John D. (1. Hatibard, of Wood ville, Jackson Co.. Or . BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Regirter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 Roseburg, Ore., May 9, 1908. Notice is hereby given that iu com pliance with the provisions of the act of Cougress of Juiih 3, 1878, entitled "An aut for the ale cf tim ter lands in tbe Sta'ea of California, Oretton. Nevada aud WsHtliiriytnu Territory, " as extended to all the Puhi c Land States by act of August 4, 1892, WILLIAM ALLEN SANDERS, nf Harrison, coony of Kookmai, State ot Idaho, filed io this office, Decem ber 27, 1907. his sworu statement No. 10t'58, for the purchase of the SWl4' of Section No. 32 in Township No. 36 S, Range No. 4 W, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricultural pur pows, and to establish his claim t said land before. Joseph Mots, U. S. Commiskioner at Grants Pa", Oregon, on Tueiday, t ie 2 2d day of Sdptember, 1908. He names as witnesaa: Joseph E. Yerdin, of Granst Pass, Ore., Martlo A. Conger, of Urants Past, Ore., William T. Turnbam, of Grants Pass, Ore., Allen Sandeia, of Harrison, Idaho. Any and all persona claiming ad versely tbe above-described lands are reo nested to .file itheir claims in this office on or before said 22d day of September, 19)8. BENJAMIN L EDDY. Register. The Courier, om rear II. to- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act Jnne S, 1878. Roseburg. Oregon. May 0, 1908. Notice la hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane 8, 1878. en titled: "An act for the aale of tim ber lands in tbe Statea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' aa extended to all the Pnblio Land Statea by act of August 4, 1893 LORETTA E. KEARNS, of Grants Pass, Countv of Josephine, State of Oregon, filed in this office April 27, 1907, her sworn statemeot No. 10056, for the purchase of the WW cf the NWX of Section No 83 in Township No. 33 South, Rauge No. 4 West, fi. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vauable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish her olaim to !said laud before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at ins on 100 at urants 1'ans on aionciay, the 21st dav of September, 1908. She names as wituessea Eugene Wright, of Grants Pae, Ore., rrauk W. Capp, of Grants Pass, Ore., George W Kearns, of Grants Kaa, Ore., George W. Lewis, of Grants Pass, Ore., Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are requested to file their claims in this office ou or before said ,31st day of September, 19U8. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Roieburg, O-e., May 18, 1908. A sufficient ooutest affidavit having been filed iu this office bv HENRY KLOPPER, contestant, against Homestead eutry No. 10,876, made July 18, 1901, lor tbe SE-4 Section 10, Township 89 S, Kange 8 Went, by Hubert Ball, con testae, in which it is alleged that Robert Ball has abandoned same four years ago, more or leas, and has not been on said homestead since , also that no other person has lived on same sinoe, nor made any Improve- meuts ; that said alleged absence was not due to hia employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States. Said parties are hereby noitfied to appear, respond, aud oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on July 16, 1908, before Joseph Mosa, U. a. commissioner, at nis of fice in Grauts Pass, Josephine Oounty, Oregon, and that final hearing will he held at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 25, 908 before the Register and Receiver at the United Statea Land Office iu Roseburg, Oregon. BENJAMN L. EDDY, Register. CONTKST NOTICE. Roseburg, Ore., May 18, 1908. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by HENRY KLOPPER contestant, against Homestead entry No. 18,179, made October 21, 1903, for the NEVj Section 10, Township 80 S, Kange 8 west, by .dward r . Liemieux Con res tee, iu which it is alleged that said Edward F. Lemieut has aband oned same ; that he never lived on same at any time, nor mado any improve ments on same ; that only a position of laud ia fit for agriculture or horti culture; that said aliened absence was not due to hi' employment In the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States. Said parties are herebv notified to appear, respond, aud offer evidence touching said a litigation at 10 o'clock a. m. 011 July 14, 1908. before Joseph Moss, U. S. OouiiuisMouer, at his of fice in Grants Pasn, Josephine County, Oregon, and that linal hearing will he held at II) o'clock a. ui. ou July 21, 1908 before the Reister and Receiver at the United States Land Office iu Roseburg, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. In the Couuty Couit of the State of Oregon fi r Josephine Couuty. In the matter of the 1 Estate of Lewis ! Haves, deceased. I As pur order of the Couuty Court made by Hon. Stephen Jewel, Judge Josephine County, Oregon, dated Juuo 21, 1908, notice ia hereby puhiishud 111 the Rocne Kiver Courier, four weeks, that Irank M. llayea, admin istrator of the ettate of I wis Haves, deceased, tiled his final statement of account in the above eutitlt'd cause June 23d, 1908, aud July the 2."th, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, is the time set by ti e court for final hearing of any objections, that may be filed, to the same, or to final set tlement of the said estate. Pubiicatiou ot first notice, June 26, 1908. Puhilraticn of last notice, July 23, 1908. FRANK M HAYES Administrator of Lewis Hay.s, 01- ft'HSfll Bv H. B Henrriicks, Attorney for said Estate. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Duparimeut of the In'erior. Roseburg, Ore., May 9, 1908. Notice ia hereby given that M AT XI E OILLIS, of Aberdeen, Washington, who on February 24tb, 1908, made Timber and Stone Application. No. 10055 for SE'4 NW4'. NE'4 SW'4 of Section 34, Township 87 South, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed before Joseph Moss, U S. Commissioner at his office at Granta Pass, Oregon, on tbe 19th day of Sep tember, 1908. Claimant names a witnesses: James Burns, of Grants Pass. Ore., ".William Tornbarn.of Grants Pass, Ore., Mar tin A. Conger, of Granta Pass, Ore., Dincan Gillis. of Aberdeen, Wash. BENJAMIN It. EDDY, Register. FOlXYSnONErTAR NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. Roseborg, Ore., April 17, 1908. Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jone 8, 1878, eotitled An act for the aale of timber lands in the State of California. Oreson. Nevada and Washington Territory. " aa extended to all the Pnblio Land States by act of August 4, 1893, WILLIAM G. LONG. of Granta Pass, couuty of Josephine, State of Oregon, filed in this ofifce on April 8, 1908. his aworn statement No. 9724, for the purchase of the K4' SW4' and Lots 3 and 4 of Section No. 80. in Townshin No 88 South, Range No. 4 W. W M and will offer proof to show that thi lnud annslit is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agriuoltural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before Joopt-b Moss, U. S. Commissioner at hiaofifouat Grants Pass, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th dsy of September, 19(13. He names as witnesses: Charles A. Wible, of Grants Pass, Oregon, War tin A. Conger, of Grants Pass, Ore gon, James T. Burns, of Granta Pats. Oregon, Joseph E. Verdiu, of Grauts Pass, Oregon. Anv and all persnus . claiming ad versely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of September, 1908. . BENJAMIN L KDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., Mar. 81, 1908. Notice is hereby given, That in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of Jone 8, 1878, en titled "An Act for the sale of timber lands ia the Statea ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all Publio Land States by act of August 4, 1892 DAISY A. MASHALL of Woodville, Couuty of Jackson State of Oregon, did on November 25, 1907 file in this ottioe her aworn statement No. 9385, or tha purchase of the NW of the NW)i of section No. 36. Towu- ship 85 South of Range 64 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for its timber and stone than for agricultural pur poses, nd to establish her claim to aaid land before Joseph Moss, U. S. Com missioner, at Grants Pass. Oreiron Tuesday the 38th day of July 1908. Me names as witnesses: Charles V. Hiukle, of Grants Pass. Josenhlne County, Oregon : George Megerle, of Woodvlle, Jackson County, Oregon ; Dauiel Megerle ot Woodville. Jaok- son Oounty, Oregon j George Biers, of Wiuier, Jackson County, Oregon. Any aua an persons claiming are versely the above described ianda and requested to file their olalma in thia offloe on or before said 38th day of July, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Reglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Roseburg, Ore, May 6, 1908. Notice is hereby given that ROY S. WILSON of Granta Pass, Oregon, who. on March 19, 1908. made Timber and Stone application, No. 9905. for W SE'," 8, W N E.l4, SEti NWli of Section 14, Township 84 South, Range 7 west, Vi i Harriet te Meridian, hat filed notice ot iuteutiou to make final proof, to establish olaim to the laud above-described, before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commissioner at his office at Grants Pass. Uieuon. on the 15th dav of September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Giiorae H. Aikan, of Granta Pass, Oregon, Phillip 11. Harth, of Granta Pass, Oregon, Geome 11. Stover, of Grants Pass. Oreuon. Uov Gsrontts of Merlin, Oreuon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. RosoburK, Ore., Mar S, 1908. Notice ia herebv givmi that DAVID N.SHEAFFER, of Grants Pass, Ore., who, on Feb ruary 28, 1908, made Timber and Stone application, No. 9931, for the NWl KE'i of Section 2, Township 36 South, Kange 0 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to maKu Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above dosuribed, before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commis sioner at his oh ice at Grants Pass, ( Iregon on the. l lth day ot September 19IH Claimant names as witnesses: John II. Mead ot Grains Pass, Ore. Gibson A. Savage of Grants Pasa, Ore. Harry I). Sheaffor of Grants Pass, Ore. Nathan U. Mead of Granst Pass, Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY Register. ; notice;for publication Timber Land Act Jone 8, 1878. R'-u'irg, Ore., Mav 8. 1908. ' ti e is ti. ri-hy giveu that in com 1 1 1 it u e with ti' provisions of the act ot ungre a of June 8. I878, entitled "An ac for tbe sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash inn ton Territory," as extended to all the Publio Land States by act of August 4, 1892, GEORGE T. PENN, of Spokane, oounty of Sjiokane, State of Washington, filed iu this office September 25. lW, his sworn state meot No. I0051 for the purchase of the S of theJNWl-f of Section No. 14. in Township No. 34 South, Range No. 6 West, and will offer proof to show that the land souubt ia more valuable for It timber or stone than for agri cultural purposea. aud to establish his claim to aaid land before Joseph Moss, U. ri Commissioner at Grants Pass, Oregon, on Thursday, the I7th day of Septamher, lUUB. lie names as witnesses : Martin A. Cooger, of Grants Pans, Jowphine (!o , Ore., Joseph E. Verdin, of Granta Pais, Josephine Co., Oregon, James T. Burnt, of Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Orejmo, Emitt R. Conger, of Wildervilie, Josephine Co .Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the , above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 1 7th day of September, 1908. BENJAMINL. EDDY, ' Itegister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, act Jane 8, 1878. ' Roseburg. Oregon, March 80, 1903 Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provision ot the act of Congress ot June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon. Nevada and Waahiutgon Territory," as extended to all the Publio Land Statea by act of August 4, 1893, PRAXELLA TAYLOR, of Grants Pass, county of Josephine State of Oregon, did on November 3, 1907. file in thia office hia aworn state ment No. 8358, for the purchare of the NEi- of the NE.I4 of Section No. 83 io Township No. 86 South. Rauge No 6 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for Its timber or atone thaa for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his olaim to said land before Joseph Moss, U. S. Cou:tuii.4ouor at Grauts Paas, Oregon on Saturday, the 35th day of Joly, 1908 Ho names as witnesses: Charlea Smith, of Grants Pass, Juaephine Couuty, Oregon; John II. May of Grants Pass, Josephine County, Ore uon ; Joseph R. Yetter, of (irauta Pass, Josephine County, Oregon; Fredrick O. Oebera. of Grauts Pass, Josephine county, Oregon Any aud all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this oflioo on or before said 85th dav of July 1908. BENJAMIN. EDUY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Aot Jnne 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., March 16, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that io -compliance with the provisions of the Act of Cnnurtxu nf Jnnn H ih:h an. titled ' 'An aot for the sale of timber lands in the States of Clirnrnl. Oregon, Nevada and Washington lerritory. " as extended to all the Publio Laud Statea bv mat nf Amrnat 4, 1893, -i. t BYRON W. 8TRONG a of Roseburg. county of Donulaa, State of Oregon, has thia day filed in thia office Hia aworn atatetneut No. 8999, for the curohase nf the HWU r.ri lota 6 aud 7 ot Section No., 2, In Township No. 85 8, rauge lo. 5 W, WM and wiii offer proof to'ahow. that the land aunaht ia rnnm lnhlk rn its timber or atone than for agricul tural purposes, and to esUblialu hia claim to said laud before tha Milliter and receiver of thia offloe at Kim. bora1. Oreuon. on Triesto li'itH day of August, 1908. i -1 lie names aa witnesses: Fred O. Poonette. of Rasehurir. Or . W I Ilium D Bell nf Rniwhnrir. Hr. ' T..1.I. n Mets of Roseburg, Cre., W. J.' Moon of Roseburg, Ore. i Any aua an persona olaUnina ad versely the above described lands are reo nested to file iIiaIs ntalma I., thim office on or before aaid llth' dav of Anguat, 1908. . i e..l UHNJAUIN L..EDD1Y. Register. i , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Timber Land, Aot June., I878. Roseburg, Ore., Aprll.7, 908. Notloe is horebv alven that Incom pliance with tbe provisions', of the aot of Congress of Jnne 8; 1878, entitled "An act for the sale oft tim ber land In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada aud Wasbiugtnn Territory," as extened to all tlie gob lin Laud States by act of'Aogdst 4, 1892. " ... GEORGE W. KEARNS l of Granta Pass, oounty of Josephine, State of Oregon, filed in this office on April 16., 1V08 his aworn' Statement No. 9718. for the purchase1 of tbe Lota 1 and 2 and the H4 Nn) of Section No. 6, In Township No. '84 South, Range No. 8 W..W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sooght ia more valuable for I Is' tim ber or stone than for agriuulttlrsl pur noses, and to es'ablisb bis (claim to said land before Joseph Moss, lT 8. Commissioner at his office at Granta Pass. Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day of September, 1908. 1 Ha uamea as witnesses! I William T. Turnham, of Granta Pass, , Oieiion; Noulun D Young, ofloaota Pass, Oregon; Mangle H. Sullivan, of Al bany, Oregon ; William C. Smith, of Urauts fa, Oregon, ogon. .,, , persons claiming ad ive described lands are Auy and all verseiy tne aoove aesorimsi lam's are requested to file their claims in thia office on or before said 4th day of September, 1 908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, 1 Register. ' I NOTICE FOR PUBLtCAilO Timber Land, Aot Juno 8, .1878. Roseburg, Ore.,, May 9. ,1908. Notice ia hereliv irlrun th. litAitu. pliance with the provisions of fJon- thsb ui diinn o, mir enillra All ad or tint hmIh iif milium Innila't ih Slates of California, . OregouJ Nevada aud Washington Terrilurv,",aa, ex tended to all the Publio Laud Statea l. b nr. t A 1 UILI - ' 'ii JJ U ,1, AIIURb -,, l1lf, ALLEN SAVnmMJ.:--M - -- -i of Harrison, oounty of Kootenai, fit ate of Idaho, tiled in this Office DeceuiW si, 19(47, tila sworo i statement! No. lOOMl fop fh imnihin. nl CL'lf ' 1 "- ...w ,w v. L I , u .,uiTn of Ssciton No. 83 io T ownchip No. 80 S, Range Nn 4. west, W. lM.," and win oner proor to snow tnat w laud sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural i nur. riflfMll. Htirl tl Aulnlltfilh m ululn, . n said Sand before Josenh Moa III. H. Commissioner, Grants Pass, Ore., ou Wednewtay, the 314 ; day , of Septem ber, 1908. ...... ITa tlkfrlMM IIS wllh.,.a. 1t..Ih A Conner, of Granta Pass, Ore, William i. Turnham, or Grants Pass, Ore., Joseph K. Verdin of Granta Pass, Ore., William Alien Sanders, of Har rison, Idaho. Anv and all persona claiming ad versely the above-described lauds are reii nested to file lhnlr clulma In this office on or before aaid 23d dav of KflnlamW KMlH BENJAMN L. EDDY, Register. 1 No sensational or questionable mt 1 ter allowed in the' Courier.