Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 24, 1908, Image 10

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t Weather
prepared for
the table
Seasonable Fruits
lloiiicOiVwn Teaches
Fresh Creamery liulter
Hoodlum Shojld Be Kepi
of Park and Off Water
Condition have reached a point on
the water front about tbe city park just
across the river which demand police
regulation. The river In the vlciuity
of the park Is especially nice at this
time of the year for bathing and
many of tbe business and profess
ional men with their families might
desire to Indulge In this healthful
reorsatlon if they oould do so with
Mafety. As there is uo bath house
the brash along tbe bank affords the
only ' shelter for potting on bathing
auits and while this is most inconven
ient and not as It should be, yet it is
not the worst feature. A Rung of
lioodlnnis infest the bank for the pur
pose of picking the pockets of those
-who are bathing. Only last Sunday
one of tbe most prominent merchants
in the oity, while in the water bad
liis pockets reliuved of a purse con
taining over $50, stolen. Bsiides a 20
old piece the parse contained a num
ber of gold coins of small denomina
tion and rare issue. Tbe party who
tole tbe purse is but 13 or U years of
age and a portion of the money ban
Iwen retorned.
There appears to be a number of
Itoys aboat the age of the one above
mentioned, engaged in this same ne
farious business and other persons
liave had their pockets relieved while
Itathlng. Another most deplorable
instance deimudiug police attention
is the Indecency and vulgarity of a
similar gang of hoodlnais who ieui
to revel In profane aud vulgar utter
autoes whilu bathing and Jin the pres.
iuoe of ladles. Tbe oondition is a dis
Itrace to the oity and merits the
earnest and immediate consideration
of the authorities. If these boys can
not le decent they sboud he kept oat
of the park and off the river.
Wall Street Fears Sm a. all
Stocks and Takes Pre
cautions. In
A proas diHiat('h from New York
ys: Lloyds, the Loudou unmlrwrit
iug firm, has accepted a number of
flak during the last few days. The
firm has been writing policies on the
wlectiou of William J . ltryan. It has
placed over 100,000 worth in Wall
street district aiuos Tuesday. The
rate is 10 per cent.
Tbe policies have been taken out
mainly by brokers and finauciers w o
nre long on the market a id who w. re
Anxious to hedge against a smash in
touts iu the eveut of Mr Hrvau's
olection. In other words, at tbe 10
r ceut rate the policy holder.hai
Let, say 10,OlX against $100,000 that
Mr. Itryau will be elected. The ouiy
liffereuce is that, iu either event,
Ur keep the $10,000, thus making
theeddi against Uryau W to 1.
llorteohuiaun Maloy, Insurance
brokers, said today they did a business
of J 15,000 in one day and have appli
cations for $1,000,000 more, for which
they were awaiting Lloyd's confirma
tion. TEA
The cost of food tea is
so very little: only a third
of a cent a cup! a cent-and-a-h
f or two cents
for the family breakfast I
Tw trocar rl.r U ,M 4m
t ,ttttt. .t..t..ttt.,t, ,t t M-h-I-
. ---------- - .i
T i
E. O. Webster of Woodstock. 111.,
was in Grants Pats lat week.
Jas. D. Hogoe, the Merlin livery
man was in town last Saturday.
I. A. Hoby. manager of the Califor
nia Pine Box aud ILumber'Uo., was in
Mudford Tuesday.
Mrs. E. P. Smith of Olympia,
Wash, was io tne city last week look
ing after business matters here
B-v. Gardener of Tangent, foruif rly
pan tor of the M. E. chnrch, South, in
this oity is hi re visiting friends.
E. T. Merrltt, traveling pssener
agent of tbe Union Pacific railroad,
was in the city the first of tbe week.
Fred Stein, one ot the trombone
players in tbe band, left Monday
night tor Glendale, where be has ac
cepted a permanent position.
Why pay or 15o per foot for
hose when you can get the mine .trade
for 10c at Ilair-Kiddlu's in the rem
nant stock.
irie city or Meuoiru n to nave a
hospital. Mrs Laura' G. Gardner has
juBt lraaed a building there which is
now being fitted up for that purpose.
Mis. Stanton Rowell left last Fri
day night for Olympia, Wash., where
she will viiit with relatives for a
month. She will also visit other
points before returning home.
Elmer Wertz familiar countenance
was conspicuous at the Geo. S. Oal
houn Co's store last Saturday as he
assisted in taking care of the heavy
trade of that store on Market Day.
Elmer left Monday for Placer, Gal ice,
Merlin and other northern points, to
be gone about 10 days.
Mrs. Fern Whitney left Tuesday
evening for Portland, where she will
spend a few weeks with her mother,
Mrs. S. W. Phillips, and the rest of
the family. Mr. Phillip who came
here a month ago from Wenatche,
Wash., their former borne, is still in
the city. Be bad expected to have bis
family here before this, but bosinnss
mattera under consideration have de
layed their coming somewhat.
Mesm Fred Houck, Fred Wilcox
and Fred Black man, tbe trio who
went ont in the hills last week to flirt
wii.h uie raiuunw trout and ensnare
tbe elusive buck, returned home .'ast
night with all kinds of camp stories
and some venison. Of course Fred
Houck Is.dlfferent from the "father
of our country',' in that ha can "fib"
but he won't, and he says they killed
six deer. These boys also caught
plenty of fish and bad a dandy time,
Little Audrey Doherty, aged six
years, arrived in tonicity on No. 15
yesterday morning by mistake. She
had started from Portlaud for Sweet
home near Albauy but the little tot
had fallen awleep and "the conductor
bad overlooked her until she reached
Urauts Pas. She was tnkeu from the
tram here aud Ageut Montgomery
made it pleas tnt here for her and her
little doll, ami despite her vooth she
was happy and comfortable until the
next train north. She was an un
usually bright little girl aud chatted
freely with Ageut Moutgomery aud
those about the office.
A great seimatioti was created hero
when between 00 ami "0 farmers in
Ida comity received notice front the
United States circuit court of appeals
to the effect that the so iwlled Koouo
my cream separator thev had pur
chased Jof a Chicago mail ordor house
bad beeu declared an infringement aud
they were rextraiued from using the
separator. The farmers who have re
ceived notiue have consulted lawyers
as to what they had better do, aud
tbe lawyers advised them to break up
aud sell the old sparators as old iron
and then come to town and buy
new ouca. The mail order house
has beau restrained by the court from
manufacturing aud selling any mure
of the sepa a'T, and th' v were
also forced t. hri"g their books into
coiut and show i whom they had iid
the machines. The users are now
being notified that thjy must not
use thein. Dee Moment Iowa) Capital.
H. 11. Alvertwn; went to Central
Poiut last to attend a meet
ing of the officers of the Souhtern
Oregon Soldiers and Sailors Keunioo
Association. Mr. Alversoo is colonel
of the Association, being elected at
the annual reunion held last fall at
Ashlaud. to be commander for this
year. At the meeting last Saturday it
was decided to hold tbe annual eo
cauipiuout on September 9, 10, 11. The
place where it will be held will be
decided at an adjourned meeting ot
the officers to be held in Grants Pass
on J sly 35. Gold Hill or Orants
Pass will probably get the encamp,
meat. Heretofore the town where
the eurauipuient has been held has
been asked to contribute to the pay
ment of the eipenses but this year
the old soldiers have decided to pay all
bills themselves.
Sun Proof Paint, 5 yr Guarantee,
Cramer Bros, Ageut.
The GilmAn Bed Rock Mining
Company Locate Below
Ge-lice Creek.
ThFra are comparatively few people
in Orants Pass and vicinity who aesm
to realize the extent and importance
of an opportunity which has come to
them within the past few weeks or
months through the locating in this
city of the office of the Oilman Bed
Rock Mining Co. and in an interview
with Mr. Wendover the secretary of
the company, some poiuts were
hr.nieht ont which should be of
general interest to the people here.
"The actual work of this company
has not yet commenced, and will not,
for four to six weeks to come, yet we
have already been directly responsible
for adding aboat 50 pcoplu to the
populutioo of Grants Pans, and this
letter from Roeeville. Cal., tbows
that tin re is quite an army from that
town alone (all stockholders) who are
prepanug to make Grants Pats their
future home. Before this company
will have been in operation a year,
with the additional machines they
contemplate putting into operation,
the employees and their families will
number something like 600 to 700
" No one, who is in a position to
pass judgment, doubts but what
Hogue River bed rock is immensely
rich In gold aud for the past 10 to 20
or even 30 years, the people of the
Rogue River country have been looking
forward to tbe time when some
method of mining would be pat for
ward to successfully cope with tbe
conditions to be met in mining this
river, and the accomplishment of this
feat will, without donbt, do more to
ward advertising and developing this
section ot Oregon than any one thing,
ontside of possibly the putting of
water oo the land of this valley.
This company came to Grants Pass
with practically 75 per cent of its
stock disposed of. It started to work
immediately building its barges here
while the machine and other equip
ment was being tuauuafuurted at
other points. It came here with
money; it is spending Its money here;
it is brining new people, new families
to Grants Pass aud it expects to
become large factor in tbe develop
ment of this community. It had
good ruasous to expect some local
support from local people for a local
enterprise and it is a strange aud un
accountable fact how really few of
the lo"al people have availed them
selves of the opportunity offered by
this cornpauy iu an enterprise praoti
cacally local in character and open
lug np a new field of operation so
long needed aud looked forward to
the people bere for the list decade.
This is not in the nature of a com
plaint, but it is a luitter to be de
plored that local interest at the home
of tbis enterprise is at such a low
ebb. The company expeoted Home
local Btipport, it expected to have a
a great many local stockholders. Ic
I as not gotten them, but this does not
mean, by any means, that our mi
chine is net going to be put into ac
tual operaliou aud that within the
next fonr to six weeks, beet a so we
have already disposed of all the stork
necessary to accomplish this eud with
the exception of $1100 to $1:200, and if
tbis amount of stork U not sold here
at Orants Pass whert it will do local
good aud where the returns will he
spent, it will be sold elsewhere.
"The three barges have already been
completed; one of them has been
taken through to below tbe mouth of
Galiee Creek where op-ratioua will
commence aud tbe other two barges
will be takeu down within the next
week. The marhiue itself, which has
been constructel at the Phoenix Iron
Works, Sacrameuto, Cal., has already
been built and is being shipped to
Merliu from which place it will be
hauled to its destination. Tbe com
pany will be iu operation between
August 20th and 'Jot h Stock iu this
company has never sold at a less
figure thau today and the small
amount of stock available is going
rapldlv at 23 cents per share and will
undoubtedly all be disposed of within
a short time.
The company is oaly capitalized
at 150,000 shares and 10,000 of these
shares will remain in tbe 'treas
ury with ;which to accumulate a
a surplus to build further machines
for operation in Kogue River, so that
the investor in this company not only
derives the benefit of the earnings of
this first machine but all other ma
chines put into operation la Rogue
River between OranU Pass aud tbe
We would like very much to have
more local support, ws believe for
tbe good of the city it should have
more stockholders in tbis com nan t
and we invite their snbscriDtions. but
whether thev invest or not. we are
going into operation in Roirue River'
just the same. "
Here's a chance to be comfortably dressed during!
the balance of this hot weather at an actual!
saving of from 20 to 50 per cent, j
Compare our goods and prices with those
We do a straight one-price business. We never boost
prices so we can mark them down; we give bargains all the time,
but we are now giving greater bargains just because its late in
the season and our stock must be closed up, as fall styles will
be arriving soon and we need the room.
Boys' knee pants and long pants suits, also young men's
suits, up to sizes 36, just one third off our already close
See the bargains in our windows. You will find more
of them inside.
The Galhoun Guarantee Tag with every purchase.
Remember we are here to stay and we are here to please you.
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
Meesrs. Victor Daniels and Clarence
Wynait were at the Pass Saturday.
Mr. Steward and family were seen
burning brush Saturday. That's
right, Jim, teach them to be self
1900 Washers at Hair-Riddle's.
Messrs Tom Lewman and Win.
McCallister passed through our burg
Saturday and Sunday with their girls.
John Scherz, Mrs. Messiuger aud
Mr. aud Mrs. Dutcher wi re at the
Pass Saturday as also were Messrs.
Smith and Carson.
Clarence Wyuant attended the ball
Raine at Laurel Grove Sunday aud
reports a fine time.
Malleable S'eel Ranges at Hiar
Riddle's. Messrs. Walter, Komi, Dauiel,
Scherz and Weston are cutting their
secoud crop of alfalfa and report a
boonciug big crop.
Full weight Teuts at Hair-Riddle's.
Lincoln Savage was out here with
his auto Sunday evening. We wonder
what attrao s hit attention out bere
to often.
So and 10c Remnaut Hose at Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wynant
will return home some time this
week. They are retrains via Crater
Lake but say they will be glad to see
the beautiful Josephine.
nd Mrs. Huurv Huck
Christian churtdi in Grants Fats last
Wednesday evening.giveu by Mr. and
Mrs. Dye, returned missonaries from
Fruit Jars at Hair-Rid lie's.
Mr and Mrs. H. C. Bitehani and
family returned home last Saturday
after having spent a very pleasant
week at the Ashland Chautauqua.
Quite a number from bere attended
the Market Day at Grant;Pass last
Saturday, Its the general opinion
that a Market Day will be a benefit
for the town and country people.
Malleable Steel Ranges at ' Hair
Riddle'a. Tnere was a good attendance at Sun
day School last Sunday, notwithstand
ing the very warm weatber.
Rev. Lovett of the First Baptist
church of Grant Pass will preach for
ns next .Sunday afternooo, after Sun
day school.
Straosky enamelled ware is on
equalled for . cooking fruit; Cramer
tiros, sole agents.
Hereafter Illinois Valley Grange
will meet at the Briggi Creamery
Hall every fourth Saturday, beginning
August 19, at 10 o'clock a. m., and
bold nntil 4 or S p. m.
A business meeting of the granee
will be held in tbe forenoon, a basket
dinner will be served and a meeting
with progarm free to tbe publio will
be held io the afternoon.
The grange has rented the creamery
ball and hereafter will hold its meet
ings there. Mrs. Smith, the creamery
woman, has been appointed lecturer
pro tern. A good time is anticipated;
come everybody aud bring your bas
kets. The Illinois Valley granite has
been handicapped by holding its meet
ings in the M. E. church, but will
now have clean failing. The owners
of the creamery represented at the
grange by Ra Briggs, wer very
liheral in their terms, saying that they
want to help the grangers.
ThesieltT has attain flitted from
among us and the big wagons are non
est. Myers Tutt. Jr., and Manager
George Crerar have tiken their de
parture. Tbe Simmons snd Wimer mines are
shut dowu,
Tin Fruit Cans at Hair-Riddle's.
Foreign timber grabbers are locat
ing everything in siht. Two Harbors
Minnesota being much interested
in the future welfare of Josephine
county. Several of them may get in
the pen for filing on mineral lands a
la Mr. Shipley.
Camp Stoves at Hair-Rid ile'g.
A good bay crop is being harvested
aud gathering berries is all the order
of the day, wild as well as tame ones.
School it ont after a six months term.
The directors paid ttfO per month for
teaching and it is reported they want
a teacher for another (shut) term.
The electric railroad will be wel
come and epecialy so if they can
handle freight cars of tbe S. P. Co.
without unloading them at Grauta
Coyote olubs ought to be organ
ized about the oonntry let 1 the
county give a small bonnty, say 3.80
and the clubs about 17.60. Cansar
hoold be incloded at bout the same
itgures. The cougars in some locali
ties are destroying more deer than the
hunters and we see the distinctive
grasshopper getting tbioker each year
as the coyote goes Ton with his war
upon quail and other ground birds.
Young coyotes could be put at about
Wo by the county aod;$2 by th clubs.
Tbe club process was successfully
worked in Yamhill county years ago
and it will work here.
you see in other stores-
The Coburn & Hawkins ulooo '
building recently rented for a movini II
picture theatre is being remodeled for
that purpose and will be in readinsH
the latter part of the week.
Kidney Diseases Are too Danger
out for Grants People
to Neglect.
The great danger of Sidney trouble!
is that they get a firm" hold before th
sufferer recognizes them. Health U
gradually undermined. Backache,
headache, nervousness, lameness,
foreness, lumbago, urinary tronblci,
dropsy, diabetes and Brijtht's diseaie
j follow in inercilees succession. Dcu't
.neglect your kidneys. Cure the kid
j neys with the certain and safe remedy
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Jefse Freeman, living at Stetling
i Mine, Jacksonville, Ore., says: "I
i actually believe that Doan's Kidney
Pills saved my lie. I suffered with
I kidney disease for a long time before
I I realized what it was. I thoofhl t
first the symptoms would pass away,
but Instead they increased in severity
nntil I wag suffering untold agony.
I was treated by pliysici tns and nsed
many remedies but obtained no relief
My worst troubln was in my back
and limbs and irregularity of the
kidneys secretions. I was enable to
ret or sleep on account of the psinl
which seemed to radiate to all part
of my body. 1 wns stiff ae I Urae
a. d t . iui' s onaik- to get about A
one time I was li'd np for vtv 1
mui ks and unabie to work. I lii aly
learned of Doan's ills aud as th;
were to highly recommended prcctmd
box aud began usiug them. This
reined v seemed to be just what I re
quited for in less tbaa two weeks tht
beuficial results were aprannt
continued the remedy .and improved
steadily and by the time.,1 bad aid
seven boxes I was better than I hd
been for years. I am now absolotelf
free from any of tbe symptoms cf kid
ney trouble and givethe .credit to
Doan's ills."
For Sale by tall dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster Milburn Co.. Buffalo.
Kew York, sole agents for tbe Unit
States. Remember the name Doo'
and take no other. 7 34 ft
Freezers, loe Picks.
Cream Dishes at Cramer Bros.
De Witt's Little Early Risen, the
famous little liver pills. Sold by
Model Drag Store. 4-3 U
Malleable ranges sold on easy py-
menu at Hair-Riddle's.