VERY HrtTnTTT TO EAT AND WEAR for sale by Southern Oregon Supply Go. f UUl THINNING IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS; I M AGENTS, Oregon Agricultural College i Pre Bulletin by James j Drydcn. Every Citizen May Eeco'me a Lo cal Publicity Bureau. Best Talcum Powder at MODEL DRUG STORE Front Street, Opposite Depot vSafe and Secure Is the Man with a good Bank account. By systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has Something tor a rainy day and is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Are you one of the fortunate? We invite you to open an account with us. Be It small ' or great, you will always receive courteous treatment. Interest on time deposits If you have some surplus cash why not have it earning you some, interest? We pay interest on time deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes tor Rent in which you can store your valuable papers and treasures. You may have need for just such an accom modation. Let us serve you, G. P. Banking & Trust Co. The Rogue River Nurseries Are strong on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000 fancy cuttings that are rooting nicely in the reddest of lands. We are ready to contract for fall delivery at prices that will surprise you. We are as well prepared to fur nish you with anything in line of trees and general nursery stock. Conklin Building Grants Pass Or. i BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG The School that Placet Yon tn a Good 1'ontwn TTtlUEJS ! TREES ! TIMi :S ! BUY YOUR TREES FORM "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you are sure of getting just what you order. e crow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, Agent The labor of pruning and spraying ana cultivating, no 'matter how In telligently it may be done, may all be wasted nuless one other thing i done. A fruit tree is like a "willing horse" that takes noon Itself a. W,i it cannot carry. There Is a limit to the amount of fruit a tree can bring to rerfectim and the wise or chadist will see to it that the tree ia not overloaded. The horticultorists who have demonstrate the value of the practice tell 01 that thinning the fruit Is jnst as essential as nrnninu and Bpraying and cultivating. One nooo. appie is wortli two or more poor ones when yoo are seeking oil b,i.,h prices. Professor Lewis of the Agricultural College says that "thinning is the key to access." He gives in Bulletin No. 93 of the Oregon Station five good and infficieot reasons why thin ning sh' nid be done. Here they are: "It makes the fruit larger, better colored. rreserveg the vitality of the tree, destroys disease-infested and im perfect specimens and tends to cause the) tree to proauca ho annual crop. " Those are definite, clean-cut state ments. There is no mistaking their meaning; read them over again. As to how the thinning should be done Proefssor Lewis says in the bul letin refm red to: "Always thin to one fruit on a spur, and where the spurs are close all the fm it should be removed on a few of the spurs. The best applu of the cluster is the one to leave. The earlier the thinning the be' ,r, as the remaining fruit receives al' heenergy from the very first of ,is gowth. The thinning should be done when the trait Is abont the sb.e of hazel not. It sometimes requires more judgment and discrimination to thin fruit properly than it does to gather it. The oost of thinning depends up on the price of labor and the con dition of the trees. Udually the price ill range from 15 to 18 cents per tree. "Do not let your trees bear' heavily wnlle young as every fruit thev nro doce reduces their vitality and heavy yields ruin the form of the tree There is plenty of time for trees to bear after they have received the proper training and preparation for future nsernlnesj. Some men boast of the wonderful yield of their two and three year old apple trees, but they do not realize what that means to them in the future. " It requires a brave man to thin fruit, but it is the brave men who succeed in aoy calling. It may he do ing violence to nature to throw awav half the fruit that the tree is willing to bear, hut the successful crchsrdist looks upon the tree an a "willing horse" and it should be protected from violence at its new hands. Don't defeat the object of cultivating, spraying aud pruning by neglecting to thin the fruit. COFFEE Good coffee is partly in buying and partly in making;; like everything I else. i Your trocar raturai roar mon It 701 doal ' Vk ScbllllDf'l Btil: par him PROMOTE FACTORY SITES. Merchants Particularly Concerned In Having Such Establishments Locate. Some Hints ai to How a Proiperity Campaign May Be Made. The city publicity bureau ts becom ing a fixed Institution In this country. Many cities, particularly In the north west, maintain regular bureaus for the propagation of publicity concerning their attractions aud advantages. Even Boston, the "hub of the uni verse," fifth In population In the Unit ed States, Is engaged In such a cam paign for city booming. It Is perhaps unreasonable to expect a small town to maintain a paid pub licity agent, yet there are some of the smaller cities which seem to find It profitable. The average town must be boomed by volunteers. Every citizen may constitute himself a publicity agent and proceed to make his town better known to outsiders. The big city bureaus take up such matters ns factory sites and opportuni ties, local trade advantages and the like. The small town resident can do likewise with a reasonable promise of accomplishing something for the good of his community. In these days of overcrowding In large cities, with high cost of living high rents for floor space and other unfavorable conditions many manufacturers are on the look out for available country towns In which to locate their plants or to es tablish branch plants. The advantages of a location In a smaller town are obvious. In nearly every town of a few thousand people there are many young persons unem ployed who would welcome, heartily a chance to get a Job with some manu facturing concern. Both boys and girls, young men and young women, are available In the average town for fac tory work. In the absence of such op portunities they are Inclined to leave home and seek work In the cities, where at best the chances for success and happiness are but meager. With many parents In the smaller towns there Is constantly present the pathetic dread of parting from their children, because the latter, approach ing maturity, are ambitious to get Into the big world outside and earn more than they can earn at home. With a manufacturing concern located In your town you can keep your children at home, where the conditions of living nre vastly superior to the city condl tlons.k TbeWnwo merchant Is particularly conceiil In this matter. A branch shoe fajrtory. for Instance, not only will give employment to the unem ployed at Imtnc. enabling them to earn money for spending at home stores, hut It will bring new families to town. A monthly payroll of several thou sand dollars means Just that much more money In local circulation. The merchant gets the benefit of the In creased demand for all the necessaries of life and for some of the luxuries. Almost any town possesses a suita ble site for some sort of manufactur ing establishment In good agricul tural communities a canulng factory works In every direction to benefit the people. It supplies a home market for the fanner's and gardener's produce. It gives employment to home people. It brings more money for home circu lation. If there Is no fund In sight for the employment of an agent to push things in this line, the local business ivople might get together and do much U'waiil mailing the :u.v.iiuucs of the town known to - manufacturers In search of locations outside the bis cities. One excellent plan sugtesitf.l by an expert in thee matters la to hare a la.My booklet or circular print ed at the local prtutcry setting forth the merit of lite town and surround ing country, giving population figures, transportation advantages, prices of available factory sites and such other information as the occasion may Indi cate This booklet should be kept on hand by the merchants and other busi ness people In quantities sufficient to enable them to Inclose copies In every letter written to outsiders. Another plan that has worked well In some towns Is for the business men to club together aud buy some regular advertising space lu the home newspa per, where Interesting information con cerning the town may be kept stn tid ing. As a matter of fact, only the type will be kept standing. The Infor mation thus expressed will travel widely. It can be made to travel still more widely If the citizens will secure extra copies and mall them where they will do the most good. A town tu which every responsible citizen Is a walking, talking, writing,' fighting publicity bureau and towu boomer Is not calculated to remain very long an unknown quantity. The outside world will discover that that town Is on the map and will not have to stick a plu In the atlas at that point to remember the fact. The writer once knew a man In a Missouri towu who was regarded by his friends ns a benevolent lunatic be cause he went around talking up his own town as the best burg on the map of the United States, lie visited many other towns and cities, always blow ing the horn of his home town. That man no longer ts regarded ss a crank. His talk has built up his town, and last year the grateful citizens contrib uted from the money he I ad enabled them to make and bought lllm an automobile. vtiii is wwuor mm. GRANTS PASS 1 Commercial Club Will furnish information of J Josephine county free of charge. Correspondence so licited. L. B. Hall. President jM. L. Andbb ws .... SemtaryJl S. V. MOODY WOOD YARD Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434 1 Load Blocks $3.00 Ktovo Wood 1 Tier Manzanita $2.50 1 Tier Oak $2.75 Tier Fir $2.50 1 Tier Pine $2.25 CliuuU Wood 1 Tier Oak $2.50 1 Tier Fir $2.25 ITier Pine $2.00 1 Load Sawdust $1.00 1 Load Kindling $1.0 Dandruffand are but outward signs of the evil done In secret by myriads of dao Jruff germs sapping the life blood of the hair. Micro kills the para site, soothes tbe Itching scalp, gives lustre to the hair and stops It (ailing out A single application gives relief and proves Its worth. Save your hair before too late. Micro prevents baldness. It is a delightful dressing for the hair, free from grease and sticky oils. Ask your druggist for free booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO. rosTum- esMen The Tanner's Wife Is Tory careful about her churn. She scalds It thoroughly after using, and give it a sun butu to sweeten lu Sue knows that If her churn Is sour It will tulut tba butter that Is made In it. The stomach Is a churn. In the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro cesses which are almost esactly like the churning of butter. Is It not apparent then that if this stomach-churn Is foul It makes foul all which Is put Into It? The evil of a toul stomach Is not alon tha bad taste In the mouth and the foul breath caused by It, but the corruption of the pure current of blood and the dissem ination of disease throughout tha body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet. It doss for tha stomach what the washing and sun bath do for the churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting els menu In this way It cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sorss, or 0en eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising from bad blood. If you hav bitter, nasty, foul tast la your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, havs frequent headaches, dliiy attacks, gnawing ordistrets In stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, tour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider able number of them, Indicate that you are Suffering from biliousness, torpid or lair iverwllh tha usual accompanying Indf- Sastion, or d jpspsia aud Ihstr attends ranmmenta. t Vnnwn tn meiliea. The neit svenfs Vnnwn in mj. o TejjUiigJi3j war.UiiuTtfljLol anthe levers 7h(iis of mei leal nliTTBfo have to.yi fKUJQmidajmMlfliitg LUioiuiry mat in 11 Is absolutely irua will be readily proven to your satisf actios) If you will but mall a postal card request to I)r. K. V. rierra. Buffalo. N. V., for a free copy of his booklet of extracts from the standard medical authorities, giving the names of all the Ingredient entering Into his world-famed medicines and show ing what the most eminent medical bmo o( the aae sav of tham. Kennedy's Laxative Coogh Syrup acts promptly yet gently on the bowels, through which the oold is 1 forced oat of the system, and at the ' same time" it allays inflammation. Sold by Model Drag Store. 4 8 ISt I Bad Attack of Dysentery Cared, "An honored citisen of this town wss suf fering from a sever attack of dysentery. H told a friend if b could obtain a bottl of Chamberlain's Colic, ChoUra and Diarrhoea Kemdy, he felt confident of being cured, h having used this remedy in the West, lie ws told that I kept It in stock and lost no time in obtaining it, and wss promptly cured," sari M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wol oott, Vt For sal by M. Clsmens. We are dealers in FARMS AND LAND if you want to sell your farm, send us full description, terms, etc., and j we can 5o it. T. C. ACKERS & CO. 270 S, Washington St. Portland, Ore. ALCOHOL OPIUM TOBACCO Habit PT.ltlr.1. ri. OaJj otkonid Kel.-j In ftiUiM ln Or-aoa. Writ ft.r f) HMltr. hiinr iNinrvn. 71111ms. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Placa to Co for Perfect it and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation Its Facilities are Complete Best of food and an abund' ance of it, Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day, Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. Newport is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thtnee Corvallis & F.astern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. RATE FROM GRANTS PASS, ORE. 5?.' Season six-months ticket $10.00 f Our elaborate new Summer Ik ritps a concine description of. Newport, lucladlng a list of hotels, their capacity and JLLI rate. Call on, telephone or write R-. K. MONTGOMF.RY.'Local Agent. Crania Tas. WM. McMURRAY, Ceneial Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Oregon. First National Bank of Southern Oregon Grsnti I'm, Oregon Some of the 8ervice that a Bank Render! the Public DEPOSITS The safent and way of keeping your money In by deHiitiiig It in a lleluilile Hunk. This Usiik receives De posits subject to Check, or on deiuaiid t'ertilii aUni of deposit or on tint Certiliestrs of Deposits. On time deposits we pay 4 PER CENT INTEREST DRAFTS The heal and cheapest wsy to traimfer money Is It Hank Dra'1. W ell !raft psyslile In all parts ol tin country. LOANS One of the most impor tant (unctions of the ltsnk. Ws endeavor to supply sll reawnahle needs of our customers. Capital and Surplus $73,000 Stockholders' Additional ResponKibility $50,000 OFFICERS L. li. Hall, Prenident J. (',. CsHrssi.!., V ire. Pres. II. I,. Oimsy, (.'aililer it. K. Hai sstt, Ami. Cashier GASOLINE ENGINE IRRIGATION, SPRAYING & PUMPING MACHINERY Kalrbsiiks-Morse Gasoline Knulne for pumping. xprajinK, flawing, grinding. UuUils complete. Ksirhsnka Hcslea for welkin. Fftirlsnks-Morae Dynamos and Motors (or lower snd light Fairbanks-Morae Windmills and Towers. Jfalrliankt-Murae Mrindera, Keed lliop perv V ell l'ump. All Ant quality gooda at loweit pri'.ea. Always in aUck. Liberal terms. Prompt reply lu lnuiriea and fiuick shipments. Write (or catalogue and prices. OKANTS PASS HDW. 0-., Agents Oranta Pars, Oregon FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. PORTLAND OR