ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS. OREGON. JULY 17, 108. PROFESSIONAL CAHDS Dr. Flndley is (till io Europe bat will be in bis office in September. S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND RPRUEON Res. Phone 714 TJltf or country calls attended night Of day rixth and H, Tuff's building. OMioe rbone2fil Gkanto Pahs . Oregon. J)R. C A. CAMPBELL O.VrKi'PATHIC fHYMCIAN Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, .Mo. Chronic Diseases and Hieaseof Women and Children a specialty CONSULTATION KKKK 'Rooms 1. 2, 8, First Naiionul Hank Hid)?. 1'honeB: Olllce 771, Ke. 703 Ouakts Pass Oskuor J F. DeVore, M D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON City and Countrp culls promytly an swered. Office hours U to 12 a. m. and 3 to ft p. m. Rei. Phone, Main 4?3, Office, 041 Rooui 1, 2, 3 Shallhorn Bldg. Grants pass, - - OkH. JI D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Praotloo In all State and Federal Courts. Office In Opera House Building. Gbants Pahs, Obkoon QLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER. Office over Dixons Store Grants Pass, Oregon H. B. HENDRICKS COUN8ELLOK8-AT-LAW Olrll and criminal matters attended to io all the court Real estate and I nun ranee. Office, 6th street, opposite Postoffloe. ILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. 8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MINING ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN 6th St., north of Josephine Hotel. Gbants Pass, Ohbuon. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS Oa Sixth Street Three chairs Hath Room In connection N. E. McGUKW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and i'lano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. L2W ROUND-TRIP RATES Wll.l. BB MAI'S Till! KASON BY TUB SOUTHERN PACIFIC (I,ini:k in oiiKioN) From (Jrmits Pass, ()rv. AS 1M1.I.OWS; Both Waj thrutiph PoftUnd One Way Cjliturnij TO Chicago St. Louis St. Paul Omaha EAST $81.15 $S7.50 ,f Ll 7(U5 s-::.iV1r'f .11 ' " O.(H) US.H5 Kansas City 7.V(M) TtCKKTS WII.I. H ON SAIK ' I 1 r r v iVJ JUIj O, '1 i "' : Aupust (, 7, 21. '22 ti.HHl tor ret.. In w d.v.wUh stopover ' i.riT.leKes at Bie.viro tthin limit. I Remember the Dates. Kor any turtW Information call on ' K. K. MONTtiOMKKY, Local Agent or writ to WH. MoMVRRAT, Geaeral PaMii(r Agent, l"ORTt.Aliin, ORK. THE FOURTH OF JULY AT WILDERVILLE En)oye.bI- Time for All Who Attended the Sane Cele bration The Grai.. ts dernenstrated at their eel bratimi mi Wi.dervllle grove that it in posaib i to conduct a sane ober-' vauce ou nh cf July, aud j while elin. iiiintt Uih uuijli.asant ; tbliiiiH. H'i 1 u crackers, the; hoodlums, th other lilt ' to b- a I ' tion of '' i ' inoney-inakiog and res that have come tue avoraue celelira- r', to unike the day ore of -ii ; hi to old and young and a il l' :' a lung of -atriotisui snd V ' ' ' i"-liip to counteract the gr -; -1 rit of iinurtny iu Aun-rica ih i .i made it ueuisHiry fir the .' TiTMiient to build a foit ncarevi:.. eitv io the United SUtee. 1 atber was perfect ani tl 0 . . i i' fully MOO persons wt,re in . , l, I of humor for i u Joying tl. to the fullest ex tent an", i -v r i' s of the day were so arraii,; n Ih there was not a dull period f nun awn until midnight wlieu the lestiv I in olosnd. The order nan absolutely ; i f t and not a mau made tin- '""' I turbance, for there waa not ii or ; I minor on cr near the information had come to the memhus ot the executive ootn mittee having iu i h rge the colebra- lioo that an i tteuipt would likely be made to conduct "blind pljfs" in the adjoining wows hot the stringent measures t.ik u scared out the fellows and they worn to other celebrations. As a prccant on sumo plain clothes men were ug' to stroll through the adjoining wood from time to time o look lor tllioit liqoor sellers aud to provide agaiimt contingencies. Arthur KIIim, J. R. Wells, A. M. Jess and N A. Stanley were ap pointed marshals bat they had noth ing to do only stand around and look pleasant aud once in a while admonish a boy to take his fire crackers to tht p;rt of the grounds apart for noise purposes, 'lhe teams were kept off tue main grounds and iu a part of the grove for their use aud this work was carefully attended to by Eiuil Centner. Sootl Robinson, and K. A. Humtpou. A noticeable foatoro of the day was that there wer not a multitude of babies crying aud disturbing the apeiikcrH ami xiiiKera and annoying nervous batchelors. And this was not due to there Icing no babies pr seut for the little ones were there in force, but they were comfortable to have occasion to cry. That the babies had their C" itifort attended to was due to the thoughtfulueis of the ladles rf the r. t room committee, Mrs. John If. Kohinson, Mrs. Adeline Clone. Mih. Hlmlicl Robiusoii and Mrs. E. Krioksoii. Theite ladies had a large lent erected on the grounds aud lud il furni-hed with coti, eii-y chairs, bains. water, towels and other toilet cony, uieuces and plenty ot cool drinking w.tter for the free ue of tired moili rs and weury Indies. That no mother and baby should fail Io have an opi rtun.ty to tiki a quiet rest, thrt lad i. s of the c miuiittce would make tiips about the grouuds and look ui Moiuen having young I'liil.ln-n ami invite them to bring the little ones to the ret tent so they could take a sleep while the mothers oould be tree io enjoy the pleasures, of the day. During the afternoon the rest lent li keil like a baby show in ! rooi. A tent iu which people could place lunch I askets and wraps was another convenience on the grounds, j Anotht r innovation that was highly! appreciated s that no firecrackers or other expl. sives were allowed on I the main grounds, a separate section ' of the grounds Isiing given over to the liny with a marthal iu charge to e to it Hint thev did not hurt them- s, lv" i rs by their carltasuerts. ! I'l it 10 o'clock the forenoon fun an at the platform with a ci f half an hour by the Rota Hand, of Orant Pass, of '.'4 is iu dressy uew uni form :s bund was only organised last and is largely composed ' r. .. under the leadership of Stanton Rowell such progress tlHS Cecil lUH.hl that their music was vnry well rendered and au enjoyable ftnr,1 ,,f the dv. At 10 :30 Charles Meier o. chairman of the executive t'"''tt- ' representing the five Jose- phlu county Graog under whose aas- piooe the iv dentation was gotteu up, annouiicml the opening of the regular T,'f "'ueiu w" "u,l',r tm direction, of H. O. Kinney, of Grauts I Pass, and that the audience would ' have the words to the various songs 1 that . were sung thsse were printed oa backs of the programs, the latter being distributed to the audieuoe. To add te the further e of the siogiug the singers were accom panied by the Grant Pas Orchestra of eight pieces under the lea.lership of Mr. Demray. The orchestra also gave several fine selections daring the rendering of the program and these were greatly appreciated by the audience. The invocation wai given by ReT. fcW. B. Pepper, pastor of the M. E. Church at Wilderville, and the Declaration of Independence wa read io a most effective manner by Miss Emma Lou?hridge, of (irants Pass. The address in the program of the forenoon was delivered by Dr: J. W. Kerr, president of the Oregon Agricultural College. Dr. Kerr de voud the priuciial part of l is address to the fuctor that tducatioo had come to be iu the auricultural and indus trial development of the country. His address was not of the stereotyped kiud beard at Fourth of July celebra tions aud a it covered a topic of in terest to his hearers and the doctor beiug a public speaker of uioch above the average he was able to hold the close attention of the large audinnte. As tli e exercises began promptly on time Dr. Kerr wm able to finish bis spucli befoie 13 o'clock instead of well toward 1 o'clock as too of. en Fourth of July speakers are compellfd to do, and to talk to empty benches, the audience having gone to their din- ner. n attractive ieniure m mn forenoon program was a uumber' of girls, residents of Wilderville vicinity, to represent states. They wore iu three'groops, one dressed iu red, one in white and one in blue and as tbey were fine appearing girls they added much to interest the of the occasion. Two hours were spent at noon by the picnicerg in enjoying a social time and eating lunch from well filled baskets The extensive grove and chady nooks by the creek side afforded delightful places for groans of friends to gather aud while away the time. The afternoon exercises orened with a concert of half an hour by the Rogue River Baud that drew a large crowd about the speaker's staud. The Orants Pass orchestra then gave some fine selections that won hearty en cores from the audleuce. The ad dress for the afternoon program was given by J. J. Johnson, lecturer of the Oregon State Orange. The topic of Mr. Johnson's address waa the Grange and he was giveii close atten tion while he explained the work of this orgauizatiou, that is to the farmer a commercial club, a farmers institute and a social order all in one and which Is coming to be soch a power ful factor in elevating the standard of the farmers aud the fra8 iu the United States. Mr. Johns" is a forceful speaker and the mai points he made will give au iiujetus to the Grange moveuieut in Ro,-o River Valley. Fullowing the afternoon program sports aud games were held at the athletic grounds. A game of baseball between a nine fiom Wilderville vicinity aud a team from the vicinity of Grants Fass resulted in a score cf IS for the Grints Pass boys to 1'J for the Wilderville. The gamo was a lively oue and afforded a lot of fun to the big crowd that witnessed it. Foot races, pole vaulting and other sports completed the amusemeuts in the athletic Hue. Following the afternoou program and during the evening dancing mvk enjoyed by many CLEM ENS SELLS BOOKS and DRUGS ?23t!?E GRANTS PASS, ORE. ARE YOU LOOKING For ! i-gai - io f" ' urt? I" -, and ee my new stock and get til' pri s. M ir of n vC' Beds, in fact anything aud ever, tiling ' .r tlu-i" o oir. iiiu ic 1 1 Ik-.I room and kitchen has conic, ml on'll n -tonishcil at splendid goods and the right prices. M. E. MO'JREpn?asJoT 'THE SCHOOL Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal C.V'e occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $jo,ooo equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leads all others ia quality of instruction. It pays to attend suchan institution. CSald a Business Man: "Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said an Edncatorj "The quality of instruc tion given In your school makes it the atandard of its kind in the Northwest" CPpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. Reference; Any bank, any newspaper, any business nun la PortlaaJ. of the young people. The oasio was by the Grants Pans Orchestra of seven pieces and was of a higher clats than asual at celebration dances, and the floor, which was 40x100 feet was in good shape. The dance wa onder the management of O. P. Jester ana Frd Reynolds, of Grants Pass, and ! to their care it was doe that it was a most enjoyable affair and entirely free from the objectionable features of the , average poblio daace. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ! REAL ESTATE DOINGS Henrietta and M Elwood, quit claim to A. H. Lazier, 1 acre in bee 18, T 3H, range 5, f-'O. Christiana Conklin, by heirs, war ranty, to Cbas L. Clevengrr, parcel of land in JBouroe' 'a add, f 250. Arthor Conklin et ox, warranty, to Ed S VanDyke, lot 12, block 7 in Lincoln Park add, fl. Louita andJohn L Riggs, warranty, J to J. C Lee, SW4' of NV tf and N4 of SV i, Seo 18, T 85, range, 6 tlSOO. j Carry S Martiu et ux. warranty, to Wm A McCormick. SV4' of NEJi, Seo 33, T 34, range 6, 0. j R L Corey, et ox to Diadania McKiusty, Si 8EJ4' and NE cf SW4', Sec 21. T 85, range 7, 1. Christian Gommet, to L M Apple- gate, rt ux, lot 7, block 96, in River- lide, add $:i00. Joseph Moss et nx to Talitha Hobls, lots 11 and 12, block 93, in Riverside add, K.O. Ethel F Hartman, to Geo L Hough ton, SE14 of NWJ, Sec 33. and S4 of NE4-. Soo 33, T S, range 6, $1. EUert S Watch, to Laura Parker Veatch, parcel of laud in Block C, of J Bonnie's 1st add, $1. Marina E Fenn to John F Bnrt. lots 1, 2 and 3, See 22, T 37, range 5, $00. John H Williams, et ux et al, to Jacob L Fryer, one acre of land iu sec IS, T 3fi, range 5, f40. Albert T Martiu et ux to Lyman I) Allen 100 acres land in seo 16, T 8H, rangs 6, $11,000. Jennie M Kemp et al warranty, to Clara M Forbe. lots 13 'and 14 block 13 in Lincoln Park add, $550. M M Kohler, warranty, to Lncretia Kohler, SW.I4 of SWI4 and SE,'4' of SWi4B0d S.1 of NE4 ofSW,'4, sec 2. T 40, range, f 1. Lucretia Kohler. warrauty to M M Kohler, SW.I4 of NW4' and Wi of NWif of SWy and of NE of SWi4' and SE'4 of NW4, seo 2, T 40, range 8, fl- M M Kohler et ux, warranty, to Wallace O Kohler, lot 11 of the Mary Warr"U Homestead in sec 35, T 39, rango 8, $500. E T McKinney et ox Forrest J Smith, NE'4 24, T 85, range 7, 800. Edward S Vau Dyke, F L Churchill, lot 12, warranty, to of SWI4, sec warranty, to block 7, Lin- coin Paik add ; also the S' of lot 11, block 7, iu Lincoln Park add, fl. A E aud E L Churchill, warranty to Ed S VanPkye, parool of land in Lincoln Paik add, ft. C E Rogue et al, qoit claim, to H R Hendricks,' ,of NE1., of SE'j, see 25, T 33, mage 5, f 1000. OF QUALITY Wait for It! Watch for It! Look for It! Grants Pass' 1st Big lonthly s ' mi Horse Show and Automobile Parade COMBINED WITH A MERCHANTS GRAND BARGAIN DAY & CARNIVAL It's Ten Times Better Than a Circus WANTED! Any couple, young or old, matrimonially inclined, who will volunteer to be mar ried in public on Market Day. Enough presents will be gathered to Feather your Nest for years to come. $5 in Gold to the farmer bring ing in the largest bona fide family on Market Day. $5 in Gold to the most comi cally dressed "kid" in the Rag Muf fin Brigade, one of the features of the parade. $5 in Gold to the lady purchas ing the largest bill of goods from the different stores displaying Boost er Cards on Market Day. Don't Forg' the Day and j te Bring in the family, all i kids, and the hired Girl. SATURDAY, JULY 18, M