Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 10, 1908, Image 2

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PROFESSIONAL cm kds dr. van dyke delivers a stir
Dc Findley is itlll in Europe bat
ymlH be ia his office in September.
He Give Three Potent Reasons Why Men Break
Down King Alcohol One Cause Paper
Creates a Sensation.
Kes. Phone 714
'Oby or emintrv calls attended night
. ii fi 1...II.K....
ttiLr V V. F. Van D,ke of tU city. w,o W ia attend-
CKt Pass . OkEUOn. Hni:e at ihe annual ui. Ming of ihu Okkdu State Medical
1 ' A HOUrttiuii, wliich convened Thorsdaj and Friday of
la i M--k aiid who npieswnted tue Soutbein Oregon din
rid association, created a sensation by the delivery of a
pa t-r limn r tbe caption "Tuien Ittasoi-s Why Men Hrak
Dj.iii." Tlie piper was of bo much iwpoitauce anil no
iuui ii uut ol tliu lieati'u pntii ibut ttio ror.iaud lelegiaui extrusive eitiS'UH. It was also hearuiy approved by
tin ni' Uiln is of the association.
lint duutuis prot' friends and numerous otutr
jirauiioueoi have nuked ior a copy ol Ins tieatiae of the
ai, -k) riibjeot in such number iliat ih huiewitu
rei ru.iiicus tbe paper vir baiim, since li e matter ig
ttl.-o oi hieat iuiporiauco tJ iuu lajmau as vteii an 10 g neral
Willi a .subject ot this magnitude, it is impossible,
lo kk i'iio minute details, in Hie bpuce ol' time allotted
to u paper, uelore thib august body; nor it la possible
lo touch on Ui Is trinity of causes, In more than a rather
supermini manner, lor il would be uu endless task, to
la hi; up all phases of the subject.
Therefore it seems better to limit this effort to the
three principal factors, viz: narcotics, venereal diseases,
and the slavish devotion to business, and speculation.
Tliu victims of this insatiable Moloch, among the
men or America, can never he really known, for they
run up Into the tens of thousands, as every well Informed
peisou knows. More or less associated as elements,
they can not be treated separately, and distinct from
each other, but rather must be viewed as a whole, for
only by considering them eu-niusse, is it possible to
arrive ut auy correct conclusion.
"A book of Verses underneuth the Hough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of 1 1 read, and Thou
ileslue me singing in (he Wilderness,
(Jli, Wilderness were Paradise enow."
Never hail tbe intoxication of wine, women, and
song, been better, or more glowingly set forth, than In
this Hotting quatrain.
Martin Luther's couplet, bearing on the same sub
ject, is commonplace in comparison. Unfortunately for
humanity, neither poet, nor theologian, has raised a
warning voice, as to the reverse of the picture. The
heartaches, degradation, and remorse, that always fol
low this indulgence can never be escaped. Gross drunk
enness Is not so couiiiion as It was years ago. Every
town has a fewer number of chronic drunks now than
in the past, but while this aspect of the case has im
proved, there has been a gradual Increase in the use of
alcoholic drinks among the middle, and so-called upper
clauses. Not to excess perhaps to start with, but with
the majority of men who begin In moderation, the Im
moderate use becomes the rule, and with this a de
cline of mental, and physical power. The tremendous
struln of an advanced civilization, a complex society,
and tlie long weary hours given to business of all
6th St., north of Josephine Hotel, 'kinds, produce a disturbance of nerve equilibrium, and
vjHAHTN I'ahh, - Ohkiion. uervous irritability, that culls for increasing amounts
. j of alcohol to allay. The results of this method of life,
are too well known to all of you, to need further elabora
tion here.-
Dr. T. D. Crothers, of Hartford, Conn., says, "that
tliu moitullty from alcohol direct and Indirect, is from
10 lo 110 per cent, of all deaths, and at least 10 per
cent ol all diseases are due to, or largely influenced, by
this cause, also that from to 0 per cent of all
mental diseases, and 50 per cent of Idiocy, pauperism,
and other degencruttve conditions, had an alcoholic
Assuming that Ir. Crothers is correct, Is this not
O.ST K 1' A T HI C I' 1 1 Y .-1 L I A N
Graduate American hi hool of ( t' ipathy,
Kirknvillr, Mo.
Carssie DlafBsfa and Iiiseaws of Women
and Children a Bpe inlly
-3Uana 1. 2. 8, r irt National Hank illdg.
Phones: Ollice.771, lien. 7!fl
iiUAtnn Pass - Okkuon
JJ F. DeVore, M. D.
' 2ity and Ooantrp culls promytly bu
. werd. Office hours U to 13 a. m.
and 2 to G p. ui.
j. Ues. Phone, Main 473, Office, 041
Woomi I, 2, 3 Hballhoni Eld.
'Gkants Pass, - - OkK.
PPraetloe In all Statu and Federal Courts.
'Oflloe io Opera House Hullding.
-Ghauts Pahh, Okkoom
Office over Dixons Store
Ok ants Pass, Okkgon
Otali and criminal matters attended to
In all the courts.
Ileal estate and Insurance.
Office, 0 tit street, opposite Pontoffloe.
The Popular Barber Shop
Oet your ton.sorial work done at
On Sixth Sheet Three chair
Hath Room In connection
TRUCK AND DEIIVERVl nwn" nrraiguineiu or the men or America:
Furniture and Piano ' " ' ' " 1,10 ot'"'r band, a no less distinguished author
Movlnif "y Prof- Junies, the eminent psycologist of llar
GRANT8 PASS, OREGON. ! v,lr(l- niakcB this statement In the "American Mhkii-
' lne" for Nov., 1907: "There Is no doubt that to some
men spritis, and excesses of almost any kind are medi
cinal, temporarily at any rate, in spite of what moral
ists and doctors say." A neurologist of some eminence,
remarked to the writer once, that ho considered a "Jag"
to bo n necessity to professional men who were hard
worked, and tired, us it freshened them up, and was a
sort of fafety valve. Such advice must bo harmful and
pernicious to Immature, or ill balanced natures.
Heller accept Prof. Osier's views, that It Is un
necessary for auy business or professional man, to use
alcoholic beverages to hold htm up, or keep him going.
No doubt alcohol often brings a tluency of speech
and pen. by temporarily supplying the missing link be
tween thought and expression, but this Is more than
compensated for, by th depressing reaction that fol
lows and consequent thirst for more.
Of narcotics, such ns opium, and cocaine, the uni
versal testimony Is, that their use Is on the increase,
and unfortunately this vice Is more nievalent union
'the educated, than the Ignorant. Prof. Ills, writing In
tu. as Mans tiiih iikason ny Tin j Von Melirliigs' "Pracllco of Internal Medicine" says.
that of all morphine users, one-third are physicians.
TT rjl TJ" Tjl D TVT" Other estimates, made in this country, place the per
J X 11 A-J XV AN Icenlage, at from 10 to 15 In the medical profession
alone. Worry, weariness, and cure, are responsible for
this the same as with alcohol. Since the Introduction
of the hypodermic syringe, the habit has grown hy leaps
and bounds. If all the good done by thLs Instrument
were placed In one. scale-pan, and all the misery, and
Fl'Olll (ir.llltS 1'USS, OTP. l,K''lllon In the other. It would be hard to tell,
lo which side the balance would Incline. Cocaine seems
to Increase the doHtructlve effects of opium, by tnnk
AS IMI.I.OWS: Ing larger doses necessary, and thus more rapidly un
H. ih w n to deriulnlng the nervous system.
ttr "h , or venereal diseases as a cause of decav. ami uu
Portland California ,toM mry 'V:'"': UuK" have "lv a Mnt
tvjl le k"" n ,''lu','l',,11- " lw doubtful if more than 1 per cent
5ol.'Tf Jhoi.rttr of men. wlio are unmarrltHt at twenty-five; have kent
S'2."() ,,1,,r v,l,i''. but to be on the safe side per cent Is
L 2 W
(MNi:s i ouiuioN)
St. Louis
St. l;iul
M- i'onrMH'a. lonvinK t per cent who have paid court to
' 1 ' Villi liu I t I )i lu 7 nr lu,w.hlK.ld ..111
.i....... i ... (i. 'XI ino-iiillllil will -L ICI 1 II I IF-
Kaus;i5(ity (IS.OS
T1CKKTS Wll.l, Hit liN SM.K
July (i, 7, '2'2. '2t
August (i. 7, 21. '2'2
fnilfH" at pirnturt) within limlta.
7S.00 rhea sooner or later, to say nothing of syphilis.
7, ),()() I,r A. I.. Wolharst, of New York, states that of
ins nisi iuu private gonorrnea patients, the average age
nt the first attnek was 20 years and .' months. The
youngest cases, were two boys of it years Prom 60
to SO per cent of men. exposed to venereal diseases,
contract gonorrhea, and In New York City. 4 to 10
At M- return in :W day, with nlopoTrr nC I l " 0,',9S,!,
.,r.u.. .i - ,, i,,i.: hav syphilis. Tnes figures. In the main rorri't win
hntn t ii l,pm mm. 1 , 1 .1 a . nAH . 1 . 1-
KenieniDer tee Dates, it, ,n m- n,,w vrtuM-
Kora..,furU..rl.ifor..,.t1ocllon ' , Compiirmt!Hv f-w patlonfa are ever wholly cured
of gonorrhea, owing largely to the popular belief, that
at. H. MONTUUMICHY, l.m-al Arnt It Is not much wome thsn a cold In the head. etc.
ornttt However pleasing this Idea Is to the laity, doctors
WM McMl'KHAY know how sadly erroneous It Is. for what rsusea more
T....erl iwngrr Agent. ."iilh nd MffwInB than gleet, strictures, cystitis, and
. . 1:1 in inn - 11 .1 -i lit- -iiiii-t-v H of svp
.follow ercry rnw n,ir-ha.
Then In due time, with neurasthenia established,
in some form or other, comes the use of narcotics to
bring relief to the tired, and worn sufferer, with the j
usual result, that the last condition of that man is
worse than the first. In this connection, It might be;
well to mention, that as a cause of neurasthenia, and ;
continual nervous Irritation, syphilophobla is not unim
portant. To one who has had syphilis, no matter how
well he may have been treated for It, every pimple,
blotch, freckle, and eruption. Is Immediately magnified
into something terrible, which of course, helps to break
the health of the unhappy victim. Possibly at first
blush, it may not be apparent to many. Just how modern
business influences, and awakens the tendency to dis
ease, particularly nerve ailments, and functional disor
ders. Dut from what follows, It must be patent to
every one, that the causative relationship between the
I two factors, Is real and not fanciful. I
During the last 15 or 20 years, the growth or
commercial business, in this country, has been almost
bevond belief. This, and the attendant prosperity, has
I been a fruitful cause ot various disorders, principally
nuroses. ,
"III fares the land, to hastening Ills a prey,
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay."
That wealth has accumulated rapidly, no one can
'deny, and just ns the nobler qualities of men are
developed, and brought out by sickness, narrisnip, ana,
suffering, so do all the meaner, and more contemptible
features, of human nature, show during times of wealth,
and plenty.
The history of every fallen nation proves that
luxury, and riches, have been the cause of decay.
Competition In trade, while the main spring of
commercial development, has, under the modern sys
tem, become such a mighty monster, that It Is rapidly
strangling all the higher Ideals, and aspirations. Indeed
so terrible has the pace become, that men seek to kill
all lawful, and commendable striving for superiority,
by means of combinations, and suppression of produc
tion by outside parties. Men In the name of business
are harder than adamant with each other.
Money muklng has become our national f!od, so
that the worship of the Nazarene Is rapidly being sup
planted by something more tangible.
Business men, If they pretend to religion at all,
get it out Sunday morning, rub it up for show during
the day, and then park It away Sunday night, and lay it
aside, until railed for again; going out in the world
Monday morning, and for the week treating their fel
low men, worse than savages, and justifying It by say
ing that "business Is business." The glorification of
money making, unfortunately, permeates all classes.
Seldom Indeed are our scientists, authors, philan
thropists and composers, held up to the rising genera
tion as successful men, but almost always, some man
who has gotten wealth, honestly or otherwise and
rarely has anything else to recommend him.
Humanltarlanlsm, philanthropy, the love of God,
and fellow-man: the desire to help, and uplift fallen
brothers, are qualities that are going out of date rapidly
in the mad rush for the yellow demon.
Asylums, and sanitaria have multiplied all over
the land, and the male Inmates, In most instances, are
men who have fallen by the wayside, and gone to pieces
In the wild pursuit of money, while still in the prime
of life. How can It be otherwise, when man's every
thought from morning until evening, runs in this single
channel, to the exclusion of everything else? The av
erage commercial man, Is as a rule, densely Ignorant of
everything, aside from his business. To him the marbles
of Praxltelles, the canvasses of Raphael, the harmonies
of the Immortal Beethoven, and the sublime language
of Shakespeare, are as naught. These immortal souls
were fools that they did not get rich by cornering the
marble supply, instead of cutting it. Writing the 5th
and 9th symphonies for posterity, instead of turning
out two Bteps, and rag times for beer halls, etc. And
the worst feature of It Is, the wholesale contempt with
which he looks on others, who may be interested in
higher Ideals, such as science, literature and art. As
the Indians look on an Insane man as one who has
been touched by the Great Spirit, and made simple, so
do our modern Indians of the money world, view all
who do not share their Ideas, and engage In the same
soul destroying, body wrecking, pastime.
With the exception of the scientific, literary, and
professional classes, the women of our country are
much better educated, and smarter than the men.
Does unyone doubt this? Let him Inquire who predom
inates In all graduating classes, of the public, and high
schools, about six girls to one boy. Hoys leave school,
or are taken from It, at a too early age, and put Into
business houses, or to different kinds of work, while
the girls continue In school, and college. The natural
relationship of the sexes, is being rapidly reversed, and
women are assuming control of things, that should he
long to men. Still, the masculine element, seems to be
satisfied. Women organize, and manage the advance
ment, Shakespeare, Town Improvement, Literary and
Musical clubs. Our successful business men conduct
clubs, where tobacco smoke, gossip, and drinks, are the
chief Intellectual pleasures. If the women are to rule
jthe destinies of our country, and rule them they will,
ii urn present, condition or anairs continues, what will
be the ultimate result? History records no Instance of a
great nation, with Its women at the helm, and the males
relegated to the rear, by their own Ignorance. It is a
trite saying, that intelligence has always ruled the
world. True there have been apparent lapses In places,
but the rule holds true. Is there any reason to suppose
that our dear America will prove the exception, and
Its future be turned over to a lot of uneducated men,
and the Intelligent women, sit Idly by?
After business hours, and the wear and tear of
the day Is over, how many men "turn themselves
loose" In the hope of relaxation, through alcohol,
opium, or visit to houses of ill repute. Bad as this Is,
Il Is true, because our wretchedly false Ideals, have
rendered them Incapable of any other enjoyment.
The president of one of the largest manufacturing
concerns on the Pacific coast, is an old man worth
twelve million dollars. This man s life reading, has been
limited to one book. All interest in everything, except
ii'uMnrjtf, ivii mm years ago.
Think of such a case. Worth twelve millions, and
no more use for It. than a blind man would have for a
ipliture gallery. But. It will be argued, this Is an isolated
iase. Not so by any meaus. hut perhaps, an extreme
one, which only too well, (.roves the tendency of the
times. People In America have a strange, and unnat-
Mlrnl fiti,ln.wu f.-.. nt,u-l ... . u .
.. ...... , ......f, Uj, l(J lUt. 0nnK Q a
pice, looking over, and so far in our historv, 0f turning
back. Will they do it this time, or Is the greed for
goiu too great to be overcome? Will the flesh pots of '
Kgypt prove too strong for them, or will thev wake up :
ere It Is too late, to higher Ideals of civic virtue and'
manhood? i
Who can tell? The workings of the human mind
are indeed mysterious. Through the debasing Influence
i commercialism, aicoool. narcotics, and prostitution
I we are fast becoming a nation of worse than savages
for they make no pretentions to culture, nor humanity'
while we are a sickly set of barbarians, with a thin
veneer of civllltation. thrown around us. Even the
! medical profession. Is not wholly free from this na
tional disease, for commercial doctors are constantly
on the Increase. Men who are devoid of all professional
j Instincts, and whose conduct. Is on a par, with so many
business men.
Practitioners, whose first thought is. that suffering
juuumuu,, 13 iriciiy a commercial asset. VTho advise
ana ao unnecessary operations, to whom every ant hill
. ,.,.f . ...,.,p f rppnlt!on wh0 fake ovprT
' ' '" -'" -; :'" . v.'l humanity, to fill their
Wait for It!
Watch for It!
Look for It!
Grants Pass' 1st Big Monthly
Horse Show
Automobile Parade
It's Ten Times Better Than a Circus
Any couple, young or old, matrimonially
inclined, who will volunteer to be mar
ried in public on Market Day. Enough
presents will be gathered to Feather
your Nest for years to come.
$5 in Gold to the farmer bring
ing in the largest bona fide family
on Market Day.
$5 in Gold to the most comi
cally dressed "kid" in the Rag Muf
fin Brigade, one of the features of
the parade.
$5 in Gold to the lady purchas
ing the largest bill of goods from
the different stores displaying Boost
er Cards on Market Day.
Don't Forg'et the
Day and Date
Bring in the family, all the kids, and
the hired Girl.
JULY 18,