Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 10, 1908, Image 1

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    V f A.
No. 15.
Is Proposed by G. C. Col
lins of Seattle.
Matter Taken Up bv Commer
cial Club o-nd the County
'. Glenville E. Collins, an experienced
railroad engineei of Seattle, backed
by Xe w.York and Log Angeles capital,
arrived Jn the oity last Friday with
bia family and has taken up perma
nent quarters here for the purpose of
thoroughly investigating the feasibil
ity ofaneleotrio railroad from Grants
Past into the Illinois valley, about
25 miles southwest of this city.
Mr. Collins was her some weeks ago
at which time he was much impressed
with the proposition and stated that
be would return to go over the ground
carefully. A meeting of the execu
tive oommittee of the Commercial
club was called Wednesday afternoon
to discos the project with Mr. Collins.
In striking contrast with most rail
road and other development and pro
motion enterprises, Mr. Collins askes
fur no pecuniary bonus or other ma
terial consideration to aid in building
the road. The principal thing
which be desires at this time is the
good will and moral support of the
people of .Grauts Pass and Josephine
I; As a result of the club meeting a
committee of five, consisting of O.
& Blanchard, O. H. Durham, H.
C. Kinney, L. B. Hall and Secretary
fl. L. Andtews, was appointed to con
fer with the coonty commissioners
who were in adjourned sessioa yes
terday for the ptn-poWU VlMtnnH
such assurance from the county board
as would justify Mr. Collins in be
ginning at once the work of a pre
liminary survey of the proposed
The committee met with the county
commissioners yesterday morning as
per arrangement, when the committee
and Mr. Collins prevented his electric
road project to the board, daring
which Mr. Collins stated that all he
desired at this time was the assurauce
of the county board that he should not
be annoyed on the county road by
any other person or company for
period of 60 days
in irkinh In
preliminary survey.
The matter of the proposed new
bridge over Rogue River at Grants
Pass, was the essential purpose for
whioh yesterday's sessiou of the
board was held aud in discussing the
present statns of the bridge matter,
Mr. Collins suggested that the new
bridge be built sufficiently strong and
wide for carrying an electric line and
that he would be willing to pay the
additional expense.
The board took .Mr. Collins' propo
sition nnder advisement until the
afternoon sesison. The connty board
was very favorably impressed with the
railroad project and at the afetruoon
session passed a resolution according
Mr. Collies soih assurance and pro
tection during a prrlimiuary survey
as might be rason.tble and just and
the members of the couuty board ar
ranged to go over the county road in
company with Mr. Collins iu automo
biles today.
It is geuerally couceded that the
Illinois valley is the best purley agri
cultural tection iu the oouuty and the
great need of railroad communication
betweeu Grants Pas and that region
has often been tnggsted. In fact
Tarioas patties have looked over the
route witli a view to building an
electric line but thus far the proje t
has never grown beyond the ta,k
stage. Now, however, it would
seem that somethiug material wonld
be aocomplishsd. Mr. Collins
claims to have unlimited capital back
of him, while his talk with the com
mercial club and the county board has
been frank and straightforward, in
dicatins that be means business. In
fact citizeos generally, who have
heard anything of Mr. Collins' enter
prise daring the past week feel more
uopefol.than ever, before that some-
thing will now be accomplished.
The value of this road to Grants
Pass and its aid in the development
of the county are incalculable. The
proposed road will tap a vast area of
the best agricultural and dairy laud.
It will also afford an outlet for ex
tensive mining and lumber operations
which are now undeveloped for no
other reason than a lack of quicker
and cheaper transportation. There
appears to be llittle ;doubt but that
this'25-mile road woald be a paying
investment from the start. The build
ing of the roadjwond doubtless double
the population of Grants Pass within
a couple of years Jafter its completion,
and would add 5u00 popualtion to the
Illinois Valley within the same
Of course this 25 miles would only
be a starter, for it would be but a
question of time when the road
would be extended through to the
coast, putting this city in admirable
communication with a very rich
miniug and timber region. The ac
tivity of the commercial club aud
manifest favor witb which the county
board looks npon the proposition be
speaks a co-operation "which should be
an impetus to Mr. Collins in his
preliminary work. As soon as he has
gone over the ground be will report to
his associates aud should the report
be favorabley received it is the plan
to organize a company and begin
construction work at once.
Secretary Andrews of the club also
read a letter to the members at a re
cent meeting from parties in Portland
who want a location and site for a
condensed milk factory. The open
ing op of the Illinois Valley by this
proposed electric line would make
Grant Pass an ideal place for such
an enterprise for the reason that the
Illinois is especially adapted'to dairy,
ing and to raising of alfalfa.
Secretary Andrews la Receiving
About One Thousand Letters
Per Month.
i.jVpJ.iltlrT.jL Pftr1T W5that he
is now receiving about 100 letters of
inquiry a month about Grants Pass
aud Joset hine county as a result of the
advertising in the Sunset Magazine.
While a greater number of the re
quests are for information about I arm
and fruit lands, many are inquiries
relative to locations for banks, dry
goods stores, hotels, moving picture
shows, in fact for nearly everv line
of mercantile persoit, and they come
from every part of the United States.
Mr. Audrtws received another install
ment of the Grants Pass booklet Mon-
r ' " . . " ,
W) Uie llliiuil lea. iav-uu..-
deutly looking of an
neavy emigration to this section dor
ing the present year, rarticularly this
Large Crowd Went to Ashland,
About 300 tickets were sold for the
special train which left Grants Pass
the morning of the Foutth. On reach
ing Ashland, however, the number of
nasseuirers had reached 1-1 11 and the
coaohes were crowded to their utmost
capacity. Central Point and Medford
furnished the greater number. Of
course there were many who went
on the regular trains. The result was
that Ashland had a big time. The
crowd is varoosly estimated at be
tween 7100 ami li'i, Of 0 people.
In the Choir Nineteen Yers j
I,i r cognition if li faithful md
courUnt serices as a memo i of the
Newman Metho isi church chi ir for
the pift 19 yenrs, J. E. Pet. r sun ami
Mrs Petersou were tendered a plra-a t
reci pti'iu Monday erenlng. Eah wa
prtsented a bymnal bearing their
respective names, during the evening.
They were taken uuawares by the
choir which made tfie event all the
more enjoyable. Mr. Peterson bad but
recently resigned from the choir afttr
having sorted the church for nearly a
score of years.
James R. Garfield, secretary of the
Interior, passed through this city Wed
nesday enroute to Washington D. C.
Ha was met at the depot by Secretary
Andrews and other members of the
Commercial Clob and presented with
a couple of baskets of fine borne grown
Roval Anne cherries and a couple of
the Grants Pass bookleti. Mr. Gar
field was on his way to Washington
from an offioial visit in the Hawaiian
Chas. Herbert Caught by
Coroner Strieker Called to the
Scene Finds Death Due
to Accident.
a Uhas. Herbert, a miner about 50
years old, was killed at 13 :20 a. m.
last Friday morning in the Queen
of Bronze mine, about 50 miles south
of here. Mr. Herbert had gone on
shift only a few hours before. He
was sngaged in sloping on the upper
level when a mass of rock weighing
about five tons fell upon him, crush
ing bis skull and body. Death must
have been instantaneous. The fore
man had gone into the mine, where
Herbert was at work, at frequent in
tervals to see that everything was all
right, and had been in the tunnel
about an hour before he discovered
the accident, on his last visit.
Herbert bad been in the district
bat a couple of weeks aud little was
known of him and none of his co
laborers at the mine knew the address
of any relative of the dead man.
Coroner Strieker was notified by
phone and F. B. Olding took him to
the scene of the accident in one of
his Maxwell touring cars, arriving at
the mine Friday noon. Ibis was the
first time an automobile had been at
the Queen of Bronze, owing to the
rough roads and heavy grades.
Coroner Strieker after viewing the
remains of the dead man impaneled
jury and held an inquest. It was
the decision of the jury tha Herbert
lost his life as the result of an un
avoidable accident. The remains
were interred In the Waldo cemetery
Friday afternoon.
Progrcvm for the Sixteenth An
nual Session Up to Usual
The program for the Sixteenth an
ual session of the Southern Oregon
Chautauqua Assebmly, which opened
Wednesday of this week at At-hland, is
up to the csual high siandard of that
institution, and offers splendid in
ducements for thofe who wish to camp
out for a coople of weeks and at the
same time enjoy the host of literary,
musical aud oratorical talent of the
country at a minimum of cost. The
assembly convened Wednesday and will
be in session to aud includiug July
l"th. Following is the official pro
gram, subject of course, to unavoid
able change:
"Boyologv," Secretary H. W. Stoue
of Portland Y. M. C. A.
Evening Rustic Cantata, "Months
a'ld Seasons", by Chorus uuder direc
tion nf Prof. Martin E. Robinson.
The Old and the New Education,"
Pr-s. W. J. Kerr.
Evening "The Divine Rights of
the Child," Mrs. Leuora U. Lake.
"My Neighbor and I." Mrs. Lenora
M. Lake.
Evening "What's Under Your
Hat," Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher.
Address by Congressman John Sharp
Williams of Mississippi.
Evening "The Battle of Life,"
Bishop Robert Mclntire.
Two great sermons, 11 :30 a. m. and
8 p. m. (union service). 8 p. m, Y.
M. O A asrvice. 8:30 p. m.. Union
Young People's Meeting.
"Evolution of Abraham Lincoln,"
Bishop Robert Mclntire.
Even iug" Indigenous American
Art," Alfred Montgomery, the Farmer
"Dilletanteism in Art", Alfred
Montgomery. ZZZ
Evening "Level Best Living." Dr.
Ira Laudrith.
Address on Missions, Dr. Royal J.
Afternoon Chalk Talk, Alfred
Evening "Jes' a Li'l Cabin", (a
lecture on the home), Dr. Ira Land
rith. JULY 16, THURSDAY, P. M.
"Forces That Win", Dr. E. House.
Evening "If I Were the Devil,"
Dr. Edwin "Cyclone" Sonthert (in
costume. )
I "The Mau Without a Sonl," Dr.
Edwin "Cyclone" Soothers.
Forenoon Annual Business Meet
ing. 4 p. in.
Evening Grand concert, "H. M.
Pinafore," Gilbert and Sullivan,
under direction of Prof. M. E. Robinson.
I-I-I-I-I-I- .M-M-M.. t..M..MM
.T..Hl.H..T. .T..T..T..T..T..T. .I..I..T..I..M,.I,
Mrs. W. C. Dodge returned home
Satnrday from Hood River, their for
mer home, where she had been visit
ing friends.
Frank W. Warren, of Chico, Cal.,
proprietor of the Grants Pass Box
faotory, accompanied by Geo. D.Horn
er, the manager, came op from GLloo,
Attorney Robert Smith was orator
of the day at the Eugene Fourth of
July celebration. He says he never
saw so manr people in so small a town
Ira Bines, who has been working
nights in the Russell confectionery in
this city, went up to Medford last
week to assist Mr. Russell is his Med
ford candy store.
Rev. Hollingsworth of the Christian
church returned the first of the week
from Tnrner, where he bad besn in
attendance at the annual meeting of
the church. On bis return he went to
Ashland where , Mrs. Hollingsworth
had been spending a few days, and
accompanied her home.
J. C. VanDyke, L. L. D., of New
Bruuswick, N. J., is io the city for
a couple of weeks' visit with his
brother, Dr. VanDyke. He accom
panied the drctor home Sunday from
Portland where the latter bad been in
attendance at the annual couveutiou
of the Oregon State Medical Associa
tion where he, as a delegate, repre
sented the Southern Oregon Medical
Association. J. C VanDyke holds
the chair of Art in Hertzog Theologi
cal Seminary aud in Rutger's College
both of which institutions are located
at his home town. He is also the
author of a number of books on Art,
nature, etu.
General Passenger Agent McMurray
of the Southern Pacifiu has just writ
ten the secretary of the Commercial
Club to secure the names of those who
contributed to the publicity fund of
the club that he may mail each of them
a copy of a special editiou of the
Grants Pass booklet just published by
the Sunset Magazine uuder tlie direc
tion of the Commercial Club. A sub
stantially bound volume of the booklet
will also he presented for permanent
nss in the club room, which indicates
a most commendable spirit and which
cauoot fail to be appreciated by Grants
Puss people.
The iuiprecsiou seems to have gained
currency someway that the commer
cial club would mail out copies of the
new Grants Puss booklet for citi
zens of the town free of charge. This
is erroueons. The club at a recent
meeting authorized the secretary to
furnish a reasonable number ofoopies
of the booklet to those who called at
the clob room for them, but that the
club would under no circumstance pay
the postage on booklets other tliau
those stmt out in response te tho regu
lar club correspondence. It will readi
ly be seen that the postage at three
cents each, besides the envelopes and
the time consumed in mailing, would
amount to an unjust expense to the
club bp the indiscriminate mailing of
the booklets for who ever might bring
in a list
The celebration of the Fonrth at
Wllderville was grand success io
every way. There were aboot 2000
people in attendance; a splendid pro
gram, plenty to eat, and no accidents.
The Rogue River baod was there in its
bright new aniform and made great
bit. A detailed report of tbe event
by I
I one of the management was completed
too late for publication this week,
Will Be Inaugurated Sat
urday July 18th.
Merchants Haye Taken Hold
the Enterprise With Great
Yes, Max Zimmerman.
Market Day I
He's the Market Day promoter.
Ha arrived In Grants Pass from
Roaeburg last Sunday night to inaugu
rate, a Maket Day for this city.
Mr. Zimmerman is the junior part
ner of the stock firm of Barrett &
Zimmerman of St. Paul, Minn.
For tome time past be baa been organ
izing Market Days for various towns
in Washington, Montana and Oregon
with great success.
Tbe Market day is a business insti
tution, the essential purpose of which
is to bring buyer and seller together
the farmers who have cattle, horses,
or in fact anything to sell or who
want to boy.
Saturday, July 18th has been des
ignated as the first monthly Market
Day for Grants Pass, when all farmers
of tbe county are expected to bring
In whatever horses they may have to
sell; or farm implements, wagons, in
fact, anything they want to dispose
of. All those not sold at private sale
up to a certain time in tbe afternoon
will be sold at auction, without ooi I to
the fanner; the services of the auc
tioneer will be free.
In addition to the sale there will tie
furnished entertainment for the crowd
in the way of a parade, a band con
cert and other amusement features,
the details of which will be aunoonced
Thii entertainment is famished by
the merchants', that is, they have sub
scribed to the 'Market Day fund to de
fray the expeuses. Iu addition the mer
chants will also make special prices
on certain articles in their stores for
that day, enabling the country people
to supply their needs at a gr'at saving,
Mr. Zimmerman is a professional
auctioneer aud his experience in the
inauguration of these Market Days
assures the success of the Grauts Pass
Market Day a week from next Satur
dav. He carries a fine leant aud car-
rage with him to head the parade,
It shoold be remembered that Mr
Zimmerman has no stock or any other
article of his own to sell. He is hero
simply to start us off on this Market
Day enterprise.
Mr. Zimmerman also desires that
some couple shall be married in public
on that day. This offer Is open to all,
either young or old. The ceremony
will lie performed free of charge and
in addition as Max puts it, "tbe
couple will be given euough presents
to feather their nest for a uombar of
Prizes are to be given the farmer
bringing the largest bona fide family ;
many other useful articles for the warm wave season.
Try Them at Our Risk i
to the one wearing the most comical
costume in the rag muffin parude,
and to the lady purchasing the largest
bill cf goods of merchants displaying
booster cards on Market Day.
To give onr readers au idea with
whom they are dealing regarding
Grants Paws' first monthly Market Day
and horse show, it inav be interesting
to know that James B. Colgate, who
is here, is a millionaire iu his owu
right He is but 25 years of age, aud
is the most unassuming aud modest
young milliouaire iu America, aud is
very reluctant about talking of his
mouey affairs. Nevertheless Mr. Col
gate is a grandson of James B. Col
gate, who died about four years ago.
He was the head of the great Colgate
& Co. soap and perfume works of New
York, known the world over, and was
president of the Gold exohange of
New York City also of Colgate & Co..
brokers, on Wall Street
Mr. Colgate left millions. Among
them may be mentioned tl, 000, 000 to
the Cilgate seminary of Hamilton, N.
Y. Mr. J. B, Colgate, who is now
here, was one of the favorite heirs,
being 'named after his distinguished
grandfather, and came in for a
good sharo, and be has his hobbles of
course. Being very fond of horses,
little fuu and excitement in a very
unassuming way. Win. Hay Colgate,
most prominent citlsen of Portland,
Ore., and New York City, Is Mr. J.
B. Colgate's father. So this alone
is enough evidence to show our readers
that they are dealing with people op
in G. Associated with Mr. Colgate
is Mr. Max Zimmerman, known as the
Blue Ribbon Horse Auctioneer of the
Northwest, a distinction which he
gained at North Yakima, Wash., last
November, when he sold 76 heavy
fanoy young unbroken draft mares la
one hour and a half, at prices rangiug
from 225 to fiSO each. This prove
that It pays to raise the right kind.
Let everybody boost for Market
Day, Saturday, July 18th.
NEW Top buggy, 55 (real price $80)
Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co. Fruit pick-
ing ladders jost the thing you have
been wanting at Hair-Riddle's.
Received 892 Votes Out of th
997 Cast At 3i4S O'clock
This Morning.
William Jennings Bryan was select
ed as the presidential candidate of the
Democratic party at Deuvur at 3:45
o'clock this morning for a third time.
The yote stood , Bryan 81)3, Johusnn
of Minuesota 40, and Judge Gray of
Delaware bti.
Through a change in the manage
ment of some of the officers of the
Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Co.,
A. T. Marshall of the Grants Pass of
ice has been transferred to Rnsebnrg
at an increased salary. Through bis
courtesy and efficiency in the manage
ment of the local office Mr. Marshall
leaves many warm friends here.
He is succeeded temporarily by W.
K. Merrill. Mr. Marshall went to
Roseburg Mouday to euter npon the
duties of bis new position, though
he will not move .his family to Ross
burg for some weeks.
Claude Whitsett aud Uarvy Gal
braith were In Medford yesterday.
my pretty maid?
"We're goine; to O'Neill's sir," she
We're going to see the Hammock
For which they're coming around for
And they are the Hammocks you'll
want to see,
So get thee going right merrily.
Forget the Poetry
but you won't forget the new patterns
in Hammocks, Hammock: chairs,
Porch chairs, Porch screens, and