Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 03, 1908, Image 7

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Timber Land Act. June 3, 1878.
Rosebor;, Ore.. April 4. 1908.
i ! nan t hat In rm-
-ntlce is nereuy 6i
9l ;,h the OTOVlBlonS Of thb set
&eof June S I. 18i8. entitled
L nr the sale of timber land 10
Zt for the sal of tiniDer laua 10
V-MieV rf California. Oregon.
"', . and Washington Territory,"
Verada ana " th. PnHin r.nn
m act or A Dgosij . ioui,
. . 1 1 i .1
1.. nf Washington, dirt on January
1908. file
tb in office his sworn
9536, for the par
"fi f the of the Etf of Section
Township No 37 Sooth,
sua will oner proof to
land Bought is more
timber or atone than
. Si id
o.n 4 West,
So "at ll?
flju.u." --- - , fn.Blah
,h bis claim t. said land before
inh Moss, U. S. Commissioner at
ffigPa-a, Ore. on Monday, the 17th
itiol August, 1908.
"V. names as witness: James T.
Rnrns ot Grants Pass, Josepliiue Co.,
r, William T. Tnrnliam of Grants
jos-phiDfl Co.. Ore., Henry D.
v,lntrh. of Grants Pa8, Josephine
ft, Ore , Aaron E. Nettelblad, of
Al'rdeen, Chehalis Co., Wash.
Anv an1 1,11 Per8lm8 claiming ad
..rwlv the above described lands are
,tel 10 me biivn viiti.D iu mi..
before saia inn aay oi
office ou or
Xniast. M'8.
Timber Laud Act, June 8, '878.
Rrseburg, Ore., April 4. 1908.
Kotlc in hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An acr. for the sale of timber lands
intlie States of California. Oregon,
'evada and Washintgou Territory,"
u extended to all the Publio Land
Stites by act of August 4, 1892,
of Aberdeen, county of Chehalis, State
of Washington, did on Jaunary 28.
1908, file in this office his sworn
itatement No. 9535 for the purchase
of tlie Nli of the S4 of Section No.
38, in Township No. 87 Sooth, Range
Ko. 4 West, and will offer proof to
ihow that the land sought is more
rateable for its timber or stone rnan
for aurioultural purposes, and to
establiob his claim to said land, be
fore Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner
it Grants Pans, Ore. , on Mouday, the
7th day of August, 1908.
He names as witnesses : James T.
Burns, of Grants Pass, Josephie Co.,
Ore.. William T. Turham, of Grants
Pass, Josephine Co., Ore., Henry D
Mclutosh, of Grants Pass, Josephine
Co. Ore., William G. Powell, of Aber
deen, Chehalis, Wish.
Any and all persons claiming ad
Tersely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 17tb day of
August, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore.. Macrh 16, 1608.
Notice is hereby given, that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of Jone 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of tibnier
Lands in the Stat.s of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory" as extended to all Public
Land States by act of August 4,
of Portland. Conntv of Moltomab.
Statu of Oregon, filed in this ofrloe
his f worn statement No. 8995 for the
purchase of the W'H SW;. SK- SW I4
of Section No. 10 in Township ro. 84
Snnth of Range No 6 W. W M.. Ore ,
and will otler proof to show that the
land Bought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than (or agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office, at Roseburg,
0r.goti, on Tuesday, the 11th clay of
August, 1908.
Me names as witnesses:
Light, of Leland, Ore.,
oeit. nf Graves. Ore.. O.
George W.
A. J. Ben
W. Farley,
Ore., Eugene Reed, of
of braves,
Lelinri. Ore
Anv and all persons claiming ad
ien.iv the above described lamis are
requested to file their claims in this
ofticeon or before said 11th day of
Atigu-t, 1908. . t
United States Und office at Roseburg
Oregon, May 20, 1908..
n'o '? herebJr K'Ten that the Gold
. u1Ugana Milling, Comnanv
corporation organized, created and
existing onder th, laws of the 8m of
Delaware, U.S.A., whose postoffice ad
dress h Wilmington, Delaware, and
which corporation is duly registered
and licensed under the laws of the State
of Oregon, has this day tiled its applica
tion for a patent for the following des
cribed lodes, veins, deposits and mines
bearing gold, silver and other valuable
miuera s, all constituting one gronp of
claims known as Golden Wedge Group
of niiniug claims, survey No.
690, and situated in Galice (unorgan
ized) mining district, County of Jose
pliiue, State of Oregon, as designated
by the field notes mid nUt rm u
this office, and plat posted on said
group of claims, to-wit:
"Bailey Claim Mother Lode." 1500
feet of the vein or lode in length and
with sorfaoe ground 600 feet in width,
containing 20.661 acres, as designated
by tha field notes and cfficUl plat on
file in thiBnftice as survey No. 690, the
particular description thereof being as
follows: Beignning at corner No. !
whence the quarter section corner be
tween Sees. 13 aud 18, Twp. 84 South,
Ranges 7 and 8 west of W. M. bears
Northj 83", 23', East 9124.84 feet a fir
post 4 feet long 4 inches square st t 18
inches in the grouud, scribed l-(i90
wheuce a Douglas fir 20 inches in di
ameter bears N 47" W 13 5 ft. bHzed
and scribed 1-690 B. T. ; thence S 78
W 600 ft to Cor No. a fir post 4 ft
long. 4 in".sq, set 18 ins. in the ground
scribed 2-6'JO whence a Douglas Er 30
ins. in diameter bears N 18" E 53 25 ft.
scribed 2 6S-0 B. T. Theuce N 12', W
1500 ft. to Cor No. 8 a fir post 4 ft long,
4 ins. square, set on a ledue of rock in
a mound of stone scribed 8-690, B. I.
Thence N 781. E 600 ft to Cor. No. 4
a fir post, 4 ft. long 4 ins. square, ser
18 ins. in the grounnd scriued 4-690
whence a black ok 12 io. in diameter
bears S 14 V, W 18 ft. blazed and scribed
4-690 B.T. and theuce S 12', E 1500 ft.
to Cor No.l to the place of beginning.
(Magnetic variations 20' E. )
"Sister Claim Mother Lode," begin
ning at Cor. No. 1 a fir rost 4 ft. long
and 4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the
ground, scribed 1-690 whence a white
oak loins, in diameter bears W 18.6 ft.
blazed and scribed 1-690 B. T. the Cor.
of Sees 18-1913 and 24. Twp. 34 S, R 7
aud 8 W, bears 8 89, 13,. E 8753 72 ft.
thence S 78, W 600 ft. to Cor No. 2 a
fir post 4 ft. long. 4 ins square, set 18
ins. in the ground scribed 2-690 whence
a laurel 10 ins in diameter bears N 3',
E 18 ft. blazed aud scribed 2-690 B
T. thence N 12. W 1500 ft. to Cor No.
3 a Douglas fir 20 ins. in diameter hears
S 68. E 62 ft blazed and sc ibed 3-690
B. T. from Cor. post 4 ins. square set
18 ins in the ground, market! 8-690;
thence from said post N 78. E 600 ft
to Cor. No. 4, identical with Cor. No.
4 of the location and Cor. No. 1, Bai
ley Claim Mother Lode and with Cor.
No, 4 Golden Wedge Mine whence a
Douglas fir 36 !ns. in diameter bears 8
85, W 8 ft. blazed and scribed 4 690 B.
T.and thence S12, E 1500 ft. to Cor. No
1, the place of beginoiug. (Maguetio
variation of 20 E)
"Goldeu Wedge Mine, "beginning at
Cor. No. 1, identical witn Cor. No. 1 of
the location and with Cor. No. 1 of the
Walker lode Cor. No 2. Sister ciaim
Mother lode and Cor. No. 3, Big Dip
per Mine, the corners of Sers 13-24 18
and 19 Twp. 34 S. R.7 aud 8 W of the
W. M. bears N 89 68' E, 9338.79 ft, a
laurel 10 ins. in dameter bars N. 60'
W 40 ft blazed aud scribed 4-690 B. T.
tlnce S 78" W, 6U0 ft to corner No. 2,
identical with corner No. 4 of the W'al
W. Lode a fir lot 4 ft long, 4 ins.
souare.fet 18 ins. in the ground scribed
3 690 whence a fir 12 ins. in diam Dears
V VV 25 ft. blazed and scribed 2-690
H.T., theuce N 12" W, 1500 ft. to Cor.
Nr. 8 a fir nciKt. 4 ft lung and 4 ins
soiiarecet 18 ins. iu tuegiotiud sciibuu
x.i IH whence a laurel iu ins. u umw.
biar S 73, 19.7 ft., blazed and scribed
s.uiifl R 'IV thence N 78 E 600 ft to Cor.
v.. X identical with Cor. rso. 2 or
th li.iil. vChiiin Mother Lode and with
Cor. No 3, Sifter Claim Mother lone
whence a nr 24 ins in diam near o
bil:- W 92 8 ft. hlized and Hrribed
4 6J0 BT. Thence S 12 K K.oo ft. to the
place of beginning. (.Magnetic vari
ation of 20 A reiO 1 acres.
"Deer Lick Claim", Area 20.34i.
acre. Begiuning at corner No.
whpni-e the corn'T in nei-.
of this survey bears S 13E 145.5 f t. I TJ ESTORATION TO ENTRY
fir post 4 ft. loug. 4 ins. square, set 18 ix. Lands In National Forest
us. in the eronud aoribed 2-640 whence
a fir 14 ins. in diam.bears 8 64, W 31,
ft. a b ack cak 30 ins. in diam. bears
S IV, E 16 ft., each blazed and scribed
2- 690 B.l. Theuce S 78. W Wo Jt fir
post 4 ft long 4 ins square, set 18 ins
in the ground scribed 3-690 whence
blick oak 8 ins. in diam. bear N 31.
W 17.5 ft. a fir 26 ins in diam. bears
S 85'. W 26 ft. each blazed and scribed
3- 690 B. T. Theuce N 13" 48- W 1375 13
ft. to Cor. No. 4 identical with cor. No.
4 of the location, and with oor No.2 of
the Golden Wedge Mine, aud thence N
78, E 600 ft. to the plce of beginning.
(Magnetic variation 20" E. )
"Big Dipper Mine". Total area
19. ? 59 acres les area iu conflict with
Richmoud Lode (unsurveyed) 11-815
acres, net are claimed by appiUant
7.744 acres. Beginning at corner No.l,
ideutical ith Cor. No. 1 of the location
a fir post 4 ft. long 4 ins square set 18
ins. in the gronnd scrib-'d 1-690 whence
the Cor. of sections 13-24 18 aud 19
Twp. 84 S, R 7 and 8 W of W M, ears
N 81 and',28', E 8551.8 ft. a fir 40 ins.
iu dian bears N 80, W 41 fi. and a fir
86 ins. in diam btata S 66', E 84 ft.
each blazed and Bcribed 1-69j B. T.
Thence d 78', W 600 ft. to Cor. No 2 a fir
poet 4 ft. long, 4 ins. square, set 18 ius.
in the ground scribed 2-690 whence a
black oak 40 ins in diam.benrs S 44', E
73 ft. blazed and scribed 2-690 B T.
Thence N 12, W 1420 ft. to Cor.No. 8,
identical with Cor. No. 8 of the loca
tion aud with cor No 1 of the Walktr
Lode and with Cor No 1 of the Golden
Wedge Mine and Cor No 2 of the Sis
ter Claim Mother Lode whence fir 60
ius iu diam beirs S 84, E 8S, ft blazed
and scribed 3-690 B T. Thence N 78,
E 600 ft to Cor No 4 identical with Cor
No 4 of the location and with Cor No
1 Sister Claim Mother Lode, whence a
fir 10 ins in diam. bears 8 87,.W 28 ft
blazed and scribed 4-690 BT. Thence S
12", E 1420 ft to the place of beign
uing. (Magnetic variations 20E).
The location of these several mining
clii ius are recorded in the office of the
county clerk of Josephine county, State
of Ore iron, as follows:
The Kailey utaim aiotner uoae, n.
T. Hutchins, locitor, notice of loca
tion in volume 10, of Misc. records on
Page 488.
The Sister Claim Mother jjeue, a.
T. Hotchins, locator, notice of loca
tion in Volnma 10, on page 493, Mine,
Golden Wedge Mine , H. T. Hutch
ins, locator in volume 7, page 122
misc. mining record.
The Deer Lick, W. W. Cauby, locat
or notee of location in volume 17 on
paite 811 mining record.
The walker loe w. y. uauuy, lo
cator, notice of location in volume ii,
on page 262, mining record.
The Big Dipper a. a. nraniar locat
or, notice of location in volume ia.
page 266 mining rceord.
The adjoining claim on me norui
Is the Richmond Lode unsurveyed,
possessed by P. H. Martb and E. Fri
day. The area of the Kicnmona ixtue
In conflict with tne Dig iipur uu
the Walker Claim is waived by the
applicant. All the claims are on on
surveyed lands.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely any portion or said mines,
lodes, veins, miueral deposits, surface
ground above described and lor wnicn
nnlcntiou is made for patent are re
quired to file their adverse claims with
!!..;,! UiktM I. anil
Office) at Rosebnrg, in the Coont.,' of
Douglas during the 60 days lariod of
publication hereof or thev will be Tar
red iu virtue of the provisons of the
Statute in such cae made and provided.
Notice is berebv siveu that the
lands described below, embracing 200
acres, within tba Siskiyou National
Foreet, Oregon, will be subject to set
tlement and entry ouder the provis
ions of the homestead laws of the
United States and the ict of June 11,
UK. (34 Stat., S'tt). at the United
Statesland office at Roseburg, Ore, on
August 13, 1908. Any settler who was
actuallv and in good faith claiming
any of said lands for agricultural
purposes prior to January 1, 1906, aud
has not abandoned same, has a pref
erence right to wake homestead en
try for the lands actually occupied.
Said lauds were listed upon the ap
plications of the persons mentioned
below, who have a prefereuce right
subject to the prior right of auy such
settler, provided such Battler or ap
licaut is qualified to make home-Head
entry and the preference right is ex
ercised prior to August 12, 1908, on
which date the lands will bo subject to
settlement and entry by auy qualified
person. The lauds are as follows : the
E1 of NEti, the EV, of of NE'4.
Sec. 12. T i7 S. R 8 W..W Mer., listed
upou application of Samuel Wing.
Wonder, Oregon, alleging settlement
1897. The SW.14 of SK, the SE'4
ofSWl,, Sec. 21. T. 40S..K8W.,
application of James E. Wilsou,
Waldo, Oregon, alleging settlement
Commissioner of the General Land
Office. Approved Mav 29, 1908.
First Assistant Secretary of the In
List 829 and 1061.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore., April IT, 1908.
Notion ia hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Jane 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extendd to all the Publio Land
States bv act of August 4, 1893,
of Gtanta Pass, couuty of Josephine,
State of Oregon, filed in this ofifco
on April 3, 1908, bis sworn statement
ao. v24, for the purchase of the r.1
SW1.4 and Lots 8 and 4 of Section No.
80, in Township No 88 South, Range
No. 4 W., W M and will offer proof
to bIiow that thi laud sought ia more
valuable for its timber or stoue than
r agciucltural purposes, aud to es
tablish his claim to said land before
Jospi-h Moss, U. 8. Commissioner at
ofilca at Grants Pass. Oregon, on
Tueaday, the bib day of September,
He names as witnesses: Charles A.
Wible, of Grants Pass, Oreiron, Mar-
n A. Cong r, of Gtanta Pass, Ore-
on, James T. liurns, of Grauts Pass.
Oregon, Joseph E. Verdin, of Grauts
ra-H. uregon.
Any aud all liersons claiming' ad
versely the above-described lands "are
requested to file their claims iu this
office on or before said 8th day of
September, 1908.
Timber Land, Act Juue 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April 4, 1908.
Nntioe is herebv g.ven that in com
pliance wth the provisions of the ac
of Congress of June 8. 1878, entitled
"Au a t for the sale of timber land iu
the Stites of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Terrtory,
as extended to all the Pubic Land
S'ates bv a' t of August 4. 193,
pumr.KS A WlhLE
. r nt ltnnt.,11 Ktata of
MMalio. did on January 18. 190M file
Vn. ti... nffipo h h sworn stitemeut No.
t',, . . ... ,..,.i,.u if th Lnte I
and 2 and thi S'tf of the NE of
S-etion No. 8 in Section No 8. iu
t v as S'uth. Range
No 5 West, and wi 1 offer proof
, that the land sought is
nior valuable for it timber or stone
Irnriil Durnrfles, Dd C
tstabiish his cairn to saia land b fore
.loeph Mose, U S Commissmuer at
Grauts Pass, Oregon on Satordav, t ie
(l.H'i dav of August, 190.
H names as witu-&es: Martin
. r . ., Ilnnfi Pu-. .TottetlblUe
Co. Oregon. J' seph E.
(irants Pass, Josephiue Co . Ore, Will
iam T. Jnrnbaiu of Grauts Pase.
t ,-Ani.ina r.n . Ore.. Emmitt R.
Con.rer. of Wilderville, Josephine
Co., Ore. . .
. .. . u.A .11 neraons claiming 1
ahnve described lands are
r-ques'ted to Hie their claims in this
office on or before said loth day ot
August. 19-8. BEJAM,S L EDDY,
Department of the Interior.
Laud office at Roieburg Ore.,
April 17th, 1908.
Notice is herebv given that
of Williams, Ore., has filed notice of
his intention to make fiuu.1 five years
proof 10 support ot Ins claim, viz
Homestead Entrv No. 10,977. made
August 26th, 1901, for Lot 8, Section
23. and NEW NK'i. Section 2V
Township 38 S. Kange 6 West. W
M.. and that said proof will be
made before Jospeh Mops, U. S. Com
missioner, at Grants Pass,
Oregon, on Wedesday, July 8th, 1908.
He names the followiug witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on, and cultivation of. the land, viz
Frank Topping, of Williams, Ore.,
Rval M. Conale. of Williams, Ore.
William J. Russell, of Grants Past,
Ore., Dorance G. Dodson, of Grants
Pass, Ore.
10 01 111.111 Tujn 34 S. R 7 and 8
W of W M, Bear N 89 and 40 E
8112 3 ft. a fir pnft, 4 ft long, 4 ins.
square, set 18 ins iu the ground
scribed 1-690 whence a Douglas fir 10
ius in diam bears X 33 W, 25 ft. and
a Douglas fir 10 ins. in diameter learj
N 70" W 29.5 ft eich bhzed and scribed
1 690 B.' T. Theuc- S 88' W;r.oo ft. to
Cor. No. 2, on th E line of the Big
Dipre- Claim a fir 00-t 4 ft. lor.g and
4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the ground
scribid 2 690 wh' lice a laurel 12 ins in
diameter b.-ais X 20". E 31 ft. a fir 30
ins. in diameter bears S 60 , W 3d ft.
1. hlou.1 Hint scrib d 2-690 B. 1.
lheuc- X 12 . W on line
D.ppHr Miue aud on line
of Kig
f Sinter
C aim Mother Lode 1-iOU cr -o.
3 ideut cal nh t or. No. 3of tb loca
tion a fir post 4 ft. long 4 ins. eqiiar-.
et 18 ius. in the ground scnl-d 3 I'M
a fir 4S ius. in diam. bears N 13", E is
ft. a Uavi 6 ins. in diam. bisrs
68" E 16 ft. each blazed and scribed
a.iio B. T. Cor. No. 4 of Sister
Cla m Mother Lode heirs N 12 , W
iftt ft. Thence N vn; t. ou rt to ior
No4cn Northern bank of BaileyCreek.
a fir pest 4 ft long 4 ins square set is
ins in the ground serines i-mtu wneniTe
a biacK uaa n ius 111 uii um w
E 5 ft distant blazed and S"riDea nw
B T and t ence S 12 E 1500 ft. to Cor.
No. 1 to place of begiuuing. (Magnet
ic vnriRt-ons nf 23" El
"Walker Claim." Total area of the
claim 16.97 acrei. Area in conflict
with Richmoud Lode .848 of an acre.
That area claimed 16.586 acres. Begin
ning at Cor. No. 1 identcal witn oor.
Xo. 1 of the Golden Wedge Mine, Cor.
Xo. 8 of the Big Dipper Mine and Cor.
2 nf Sister Claim Mother Lode,
whence the Cor. of Sees. 1819-15 and
i Tmn 84 fi. Ranees 7 and 8 W W M.
uL,. V 89" and 58 E 9338.79 ft.
tw. 9 to E 1274.5 ft. to Cor. No,
- - I A w m m - .
V r-vrartr nvic I A Y &TIVE o iantirl with Cor. No. 2 of the loca
OUCH SYRUF '.loi Md Oor. Na Big BipX-r Mine
Roseburg, Ore. May 13, 1908
A sufficient contest affidavit hav
ing been filed iu this office by
contestant, against Homestead entry
No I08;3, made July 18, 1901, for the
SKt-; Section 34. Township 33 8,
KunvH 3 west, bv Walter L. Crowe
CmteHtee. iu which it is alleged that
aiid Walt-r L. Crowe as not estab
liKhfd his residence upon the said
land, or inltivat d or unproved the
Bime, as required by law: that the
niilv improvements upon said 1-uul
riuirist of an abandoned cabin, with
nut doors or windows; an 1 nirtner
that said Walt r L. Crowe has ahau
doped faid laud, having bem absent
timmfrmii without o tiuiug have of
hsence for more than six months las
pist: said alleged absencu was not,
imt to Ins employment in the Army,
Navv or Marine uorisof the Unttel
Sutna said parties; are hereby notified
tn annear. respond and offer evidence
tntirhiiin said alleeation at 10 o'clock
a 111. on July 7. 1908, before tbe
Rcgis'er and Rceiver at the l.'nit 1
States Liud Office in Roseburg, Ore
The said contetaiit having. In 1
proper affidavit, filed Mar 12, 190H
H-t forth facts which show that "ft
tnu Hiiioene nersonal service of i i'
notice can not be made, it is her bv
ordered and directed that such not re
te given by due and proper t.uMi
Roseburg. O'e.. May 18. 1908.
A sufficient content affidavit having
ben filed in this office bv
contestant, against Homestead entry
No. 10.876, made July 18, 1901, for the
SEJi Section 10, rownsnip ,
Ran ira 8 Weit. br Robert Ball, Con
testae, in which it is alleged that
Robert Ball baa abandoned same four
years ago, more or Itss, and has not
been on said homestead since, also
thut no other person has lived on
same since, nor nnule auy improve
meuts: that said allegud abaouce was
not due to his employment iu the
Armv. Navy or Marine Corps of the
United States.
Said parties are hereby noithed to
appear, respond, and ouer evidence
touching said allegation ai iu u cioi
ui. on July 15, J90H, before Jnsepl
Mnti. IT. 8. Commissioner, at his of
lice in Grants Pais, Josephine County,
Oregon, and that final hearing will he
held at 10 o'clock a. m. on juiv zo.
1908 before the Register and Receiver
at the United States Laud Othce iu
Kosbburg. O-egnu.
BENJAMN L. EDDY, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. '
Roseburg, Ore , Mar. 81, 1908.
Notice is hereby given, That in
compliance with the provisions of tho
Act of Congress of Jone 8, I818, en
titled "An Act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all Publio
Land States by act of A 0 gust 4, 18f2
of Woodville, Connty of Jackson State
f Oregon, did on November 25, 1907
file 111 this offtoe her sworn statement
No. 6385. or the purchase of the NW
of the N WJV of section No. 26, Town
ship 85 South of Range 64 West and
will offer pro"f to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber
nd stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish her claim to said
land before Joseph Moss, U. S. Com
missioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon
Tuesday the 28th day of July 1908.
lie names as witnesses: Charles V.
Hiukle, ot Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon; George Megerle, of
Wood vile, Jaokson County, Oregon;
Daniel Megerle of Woodville. Jack
sou County, Oregon ; George Biers, of
W liner, Jackson Couuty, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming are
verauly the above described lands and
equested to tile their claims in tins
office on or before said 28th day of
July, 1908. BENJAMIN L. KDDY,
In the County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the matter of the
EBtate of James
l.vttle Deecased. J
Notice is hereby given that Henry
Kloncer and Pettis P. Pyu the ei
-ntf rs of the last will and "f the es
tate of James Lyttle deceased, have
filed in the above entnled Conrt
thir final acroont and that by ord
of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, judge of
Kid Court. Saturday, July 1 1th A. U.
1908 at tbe boor of 10 o clock a. ra
at the County Court Room at the
Court House in Grants fase, Joee nine
County, Oregon, has been set a me
time and place for hearing and set
tling said accounts, and all periis
Roseburtr, Ore., May 18, 1908
A sufficient contest affidavit naviug
beeu filed iu this ofiitw by
contestant, against Horn-stead entry
No. 18.179. iiiadHOomb'r 21, 1903, for
the NKl4 Section 10, Township 39 8
Kantre 8 West, liv lviwaru r wmieu
Ouieetee, iu which It Is alleged that
said Edward F. Lemieua bn-abaud
oned siine ; that lie never lived on saw
at any time, nor made any improve
menla on same; that only a position
f land is tit for agnrultur" or hort
culture: that said alliwed absence was
n"t due to hi-' employment iu th
Army, Navy, i.r Marine Corps of th
United Stat-a.
Said parties are her bv uotined to
appear, rei"Hn. anil uner evidence
touching st d allugailou at iu o cioc
. 1 ....... !... T
a. Ul. Oil JUiy H. iwo", ueiuru uiwii
Mnsa. U. S. Coniuns-ioner. at his
fice in Grants Pas-, Jo-ephitiH I ounty
Iregou. and that tiniil heiritm will
oelil at 10 o'cIo-k a 111. 011 J 11 y 24
1908 before the Re ister and ! c i
t the United States Land Otllie 1
tosebnrg, O'egmi.
Timber land, aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, March SO, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tie provisions nf the act
of Congress June 8, 1878, entitled
"Aa act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Neavda aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Publio La;:d
States by act of August 4. 1893
of Olynipia, county of Thurston, Sta'e
of Washington, did on September 26,
1907, file in this office his sworn
statement No 9350 for tha porchace
of th SW-4- of Section No. 13 in
Township No. 88 Siuth, Range No.
6, West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or atone than for agr
cultural purpose', aud to establish his
claim to said laud before Joseph Moss,
U. S. Commissioner, Grants Pass,
Oregon on Thursday, the 33rd day of
July, 1908. He names ai witnesses :
Joseph E. Verdin, of Grants Pass,
Josephine Conntv, Oregon; Martin
A. Conger, of Grants Pass, jnsiphiu.i
County, Oregon; William Bull, if
Grants Pass, Josephine Coouty, Ore
gon. ; hmuiitt R. Conger, of vt ililer-
villa, Josephine Couuty, Oregon.
Any and all persoua claiming ad
versely the above ' described lands are
requested to tile their claims in the
office on or before said 23rd day of
July 190a
Roseburg, Ore, May 6, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
ot Grants Pass, Oregon, who. on
March 19, 1908, made Timber and
Stone application, No. 9965 for W
my a. vi' nil1,, sri kwij or
Section 14, Township 84 South, Range
7 west, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final
proof, to establish claim to tbe laud
alxive-described, before Joseph Moss,
U. S. Commissioner at hi office at
Grant Pass, Utegou, on the 16th day
of September, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George H. Aiken, of Grants Pass,
Oregou, Phillip H. Harth, of Grauts
t'asH. Oregon, George 11. Slover, of
Grunts I'ws. Oregon, Roy Garoutte
of Merlin, Oregon.
Timber Land, act Jane 8, 1878.
Rosebnrg. Oregon, March 80, 1908
Notice is hereby giveu that in coni-
plianon with the provisions of tho act
of Congress of June S, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the State of California, Oregui.
Nevada and Waabintgon Territory,"
as extended to all the Palillo Laud
States by aot of August 4, 1893,
of Grants Pass, county of Josephine
State of Oregon, did on November .2,
1907. file In this ortloe his sworn state
ment No. 8358, for the purchase of
the NE of the NEi of Section No.
81 in Township No. 36 South, Range
No 6 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to raid land before
Joseph Moas, U. B. Commissioner at
Grants Pass, Oregon on Saturday, the
25th day of Jaly, 1908
He names as witnesses: Cliarle
Smith, of Grants Pass, Josephlae
County, Oregon ; John H. May of
Grants Pass, Josephine Connty, Ore
gon; Joeph R. letter, of Grauts
Pass. Josephine County, Oregon;
Fredrick O. Gebers. of Grauts Pass.
Josephine county, Oregou
Any and all person claiming ad
versely the aliove-dsscrlbed lands are
requested to file their claim in this
oSloo on or before said 85th day of
July 1908. BENJAMIN. KDDY.
Roseburg, OrT, May 571908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Grants Pass. Ore., who, on Feb
rnarv 28. 1908. made Timber and
Stone application, NO. ior me
NW-4 KE'-i of Section 8, Township
id South, llange 0 nest, vwiiaineiie.
Meridian, has I lied notice of 1 11 ten
lion to make Final Proof, to establish
laim to tbe land alaive described,
before Joseph Moss, U. tt. Couimis
siouor at his otiice at Grants Pass,
( iregon on the 1-lth day of September
Claimant names as witnesses: Joi n
H. Meid of Grants Paas, Ore. Gibson
A. Savage of Grants Pas-i, Ore. Harry
(). SheatTer of Grant Paas, Ore.
Nathan B. Mead nf Orsnst Pass, Ore
Timber Land. Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore., March 16, 1908
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of June 8, 187H, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lauds iu the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the
Public Land States by aot of August
4, 1893,
of Rnseburg, county of Douglas, State
of Oregou, has this day filed in thin
ftice hi sworn statement No. 8999,
for tbe purchase of the E1,' HW'.i' and
lots 6 aud 7 of Keutlou No. 2, In
Township No. 85 8, range No. 5 W,
WM aud will offer proof to'show that
the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before the register
nd receiver of this of tine at Roae-
hurg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 11th
ay of August, 1908.
lie mimes a witnesses: Frml O.
Pooiiette, of Roseburg, Ore., William
D Bull of Rosebnrg. Ore., John 1).
Metz of Roseburg, Ore , W. J. Moon
Rosohurg, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile ihuir claims In this
Uine on or before said 11th day of
August, 1908.
Ur.NJaUl L. f.UUY.
; notice;for publication
Timber Land ActInna 8, 1878,
RoeehnrgrOre. , May 87l90H,
Notiee is hereby given that In com
tilianoa with the provisions of the act
of t'ongre-s of June 8. 1878, entitled
"An at;' for th sale of timber lauds
In th States of California, Oregon
Novada and Washington Territory,'
eitended to all the Public Iymd
having objections to said aecouui
are hereby notified to present same at
said time and plaoe. Dated June 12,
. Execotors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon fi r Josephine Couuty.
In the matter of tbe
Estate of Lewis
Haves, deeeaa-d. J
Aa ner order of the Connty Cou
made bv Hon. Stephen Jewel. Judg
Josephine Connty, Oregon, dated June
21, 1908, notice is Hereby pnnnsnna,
in the Rogue River Courier, four
weeks, that Jrrauk M. Hayes admin
istrator of the estate of Lewis Haves,
deceased, filed his final statement of
account in the above entitled cause
June 21, 1908, aud July th 2"th,
I 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day,
' is the time set by the court for final
!heringof any objections, that may 1
! be filed, to the same, or to final set-
I tlement of the said estate.
1 Publication of first notice, June 26,
Publication of last notice. July a,
Administrator of Lewis Hayes, de-
Bv H. B Heordicks, Attorney for said
States by ant of August 4,
of Spokane, county of Spokane, State
of Washington, filed iu this office
Henteniber 35. 1907. his sworo elate
meut No. 1005 1 for the purchase of the
S of theJSWJ,' or Section Iso. 14, in
Township No. 84 Month, Range No. 6
West, and will otter proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultoral purpottei. and to establish hi
claim to said land before Joseph Moss,
j. ei. Commissioner at Grant Pass.
Oregon, on Thursday, the 17th day of
Sew em her. 1908.
lie names as witnesses: Martin A.
Conger, of Grant Paas, Jowphine
I Co . Ore.. Joseph E. Verdin, of (irants
Past, "Josephine Co., Oregon, James
T. Burns, of Grants Pass, Josephine
Co., Oregon, Emltt K. Conger.
Wilderville. Josephine Co .Ore.
Any and all person claiming aa
versely the above-denoribed lands are
requested to file their claims In thl
office 00 or before said 17th day o!
Rente in her. 1908.
benjamin;l. eddy.
Register. I
Timber Laud, Act Juue 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April 17, 1908.
Notice la hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of tim
ber lati d in the Slates of California,
Iregou, Nevada and Washington
Territory," a extened to all the rub-
In Laud States hy aot or August 4,
county of JiMephiue,
tiled in this office 011
his sworn statement
the 1 urchase of the
2 and the 8 J' NE'4 of
U, iu Township No. 84
of Grants Past,
State of Oregon,
April 16., 1908
No. 9718. for
Lots 1 and
Section No.
South, Range No. 3 W.,W. M. aud
will offer proot to show that the laud
sought i more valuable for its tim
ber or stone man tor agricultural pur
poses, and to es ahllsb his claim to
aid land before Jimuph Moas.U. 8.
( Jommissioner at hi office at Grant
Pass, Oregon, ou Friday, the 4th day
of September, 1908.
He names as witnesses: wunaiu i.
Turnham, of Grauts Pass, Oregon;
Neuluu I), loung. of Grauts Pass,
Oregon ; Maggie H. Sullivan, of Al
bany, Oregon ; William, U. Smith, or
Grants fas, Oregon.
Any aud all person claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
reqoeated to file their claims In thi
office on or before said 4th day of
September, I90H.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cmi Colds, Craap aad WteSut4a CmfB.
u d