Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 03, 1908, Image 5

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I I I T ---W w m I
you I ; t i i rir
(leu, metuure fenthing
fay America Oncer.
0 ft&ttHH
went to Portland
t-I-I 'I"M Dr. Vannvk
. '
4 PERSONAL ITEMS. vTuesday night.
AAJJJJ. ! Attorenjr 0. S. Brown whent op to
' - i l rli"i"l"i"H"lMl..H.,'l',cl'8CPvI'8 yesterday to look
Geo. Durham was in Medford Toes-day.
. ..w ul j,,, uy CDDQaj,ea j0
Grants Pass.
was io from Wood-
was in the
Oar Great National
The Glorious
with its attendant noise, ora
tory and hot air is due to ar
rive here on Saturday on the
fourth day of the coming
month hence in order to give
every one a chance to go to
Wilderville to properly cele
brate the day we would ask
all our patrons and in fact
everybody to make their pur
chases on Friday, since every
American store will be closed
for the greater part of the
day. On this, the real Amer
ican holiday, The White
House Qrocrry will be open
until 9 a, m,
Fruit eanmner season is
now on. We have the now
celebrated Easy Vncum Jar.
Nothing better on the mar
ket. We have them in pints
quarts and half gal. Fluted
Fluted jelly glasses (rounded
rim) 45c dozen. Parafine
and all kinds of jar rubbers.
A. New Courae.
Daughter "Yes, I have graduated,
bat how I must Inform myself in
bsvchology, philology, blbll
Practical Mother "Stop right
where you are. I have arranged for
you a thorough oourse in roastology
boilogy, stltchology, darnology and
ONnnrul rinmnntin hnstleolOKT. NoW
get ou your working clothes."
For lunch goods we have
even-thins to fill an empty
head or a tired stomach.
Sliced Beef in bulk or in
glass jars.
Minced Ham we slice in
Oregon Fall Cream Cheese.
Large Queen Olives.
Finest Italian Olive Oil.
Columbia River Red Sal
mon. Lunch Mackerel, Sardines,
Snider's Pork and Beans,
(very good) 12$c, 20c and 25c.
Roned Chicken, Deviled
Ham. Lunch Tongue.
Comb Honpy and White
Rose Strained Honey in bulk.
Evaporated Peaches, Apri
cots and Pears now cheaper.
White House
Gf ocer v
For Fine Teas and Coffees.
Simuel Mathiaa
ville Sunday.
Jan. Swinney of Waldo
county seat Saturday.
F. W. Maher of Williams was in
town last Monday.
Roy Cooppr of Medford was in
Grants Pass over Snnday.
J. K. Howard of Medford was in
Josehpine's capital Saturday.
Sheriff Rusfell i recoveringfrom a
brief tosell with toosilitis.
20 per cent discount on hammocks
(to close out stock) at Hair-Riddle's.
Postmaster Donuell returned last
Friday from a bu6iuess trip at Glen
dale. Mips Mary Galvin, who has been
attending school at St. Paul, is borne
for the summer vacation.
Mrs. M. J. Anderson and daughter
Ireo are home from their Tisit at
Hood River.
The American Eagle will be un
caged at Tskilma on tbe Fourth
that's tomorrow.
Bruce Raybell of the Galice Creek
district, came in Saturday and spent
Sun i v.
W. J. Marvin, a mining man from
the Galice district, was in the county
seat lat Monday.
C. C. Hall is out again after having
been confined to his home by three or
four days' illness.
J. T. Roberson, oue of the princi
pal business men at Wonder, was in
Grants Pass Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Birden are en
tertaioiiigg R. Rouse and Jainily of
Ashland this week.
F. H. Oakley and family of Oak
land, Cat., were visiting in Grants
Pass the first of the week.
W. A. McCulloch of Mason City,
Iowa waa looking about Grants Pass
the tore part of tbe week.
Jelly glasses 40 and 45 cents per
dozen at Hair-Riddle's.
Mrs. Kvan Wimer left Snnday night
for Roseburg, where she and Mr.
Winier will hereafter make their per
manent home.
Ed Smith and Mrs. Smith of Mont-
pelier, Idaho, are in the city looking
about with view to location
Mrs. Geo. Pratt of Klamath went to
Ashland Tueiday after having spent
few days 'in the city, tbe guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Churchill. .
Mrs. E. Bancroft and daoghter,
Mrs. Cleveland of Boise, Idaho, are In
the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A Newell.
Supt. Carra of the Takilma smelter
came in Snnday nigtit ana spent a
Connie of days looking after business
E. J. Hottenroth and wife returned
to their home at rortiano aaiuraay
after a pleasant week's vibU with J,
T. Tuffs and family.
Herbert and Arthur Samppson, ao
com pan led by their father, C. II
e.mtuuin. are out to Steamboat for
a couple of week's camping.
O. C. Matlock of Spokane, a eon of
Mayor Matlock of Eugene, arrived in
Grant Pass last week and expects to
locate here permanently.
D. H. Russell of Medford, proprie
tor of Russell's restaurant of this city,
in tiwn Monday looking after
his interests here.J
Most of the stores of the city will
be closed Saturday, the 4th, bnt all
will be open Friday evening to en
able those who wish to make such
purchased as they desire.
J. H. Hum, "Billy Young ana rreu
Hanks of A'hland arrived here Wednes
day evening by wagon and left yester
day morning for Pistol river on a
prospecting tour. They expect to be
out all summer and will operate a por
tion of the time in Curry county.
Clans Schmidt and family, who
have been spending the past three
raonthi with relatives and friends
in Germany, left Holstein on their
return home yesterday, July 2. They
will atop at New York City, Washing
ton. and Chicago, en route and will
probably be home sometime io Angust.
I 110 Cash and one dloUr jjer week
gets that handsome cook stove in Hair
Riddle Hdw. Co's. window. If yon
a . .in., nnv'i vonr chance to
get one easily.
Special Forest Insjcetor A. E.
Ames, and Assistant H. M. Gutbne of
tbe forest reserve office here left Mon
day to inspect tbe Oregon caves.
Theie caves will eventually, be put
in shape and made accessible o the
general public under the supervision of
the government forest rre on....
At such Mme the caves will come to
be known as one of tbe most interest
ing spots in Josephine coonty.
lenal matters
H. J. Clark left yesterday
Phoenix to fig ore on a contract
the erection of a school bouse.
The candy and cisar store at the
corner of Filth and G streets baa
sone out of busine-s.
Tlure will b a jrint installation of
the officers of the Odd Fellows and
Rebekah Lodges at Odd Fellows Hall
Wednesday, July 15th.
Mifs Agues Georga went to Ashland
Monday morning where she has ac
cepted a position in Poley's drug
Connty Supt. Savage after having
atteuded the state teachers' associa
tion at Eugene last week, returned
ho me Sunday.
Miss Marjorie Kinney returned
home Sunday from Clairmont, CaL,
where slie has been in attendaueo at
Pomona college.
Mrs. A. Wiuiberley, wife of Editor
Wimberley of the Roseburg Review,
returned home Tuesday after a pleat-
ant visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs.
C. L. Cleveneer.
Sup'. R. H. Turner of the city
schools, returned home Sunday from
Eugene where he had neen io attend
ance at the annual meeting of the
state teachers' association.
The Fonrth of July pionlo at
Wilderville will be one of the biggest
doin's of the kind ever held in the
county outside of Grants Pass. Many
are planning "to automobile or other
wise out there from the county seat.
Miss Lola MoDow left Monday
evening for Elleosburg, Wash., where
she will visit for awhile with her
brother and will also visit; another
brother at Union, Ore., before return
ing to her home here.
E. V. Ingles returned home yester
day from Des Moines, Iowa and other
eastern points where be and his
family have bean visiting for tbe past
few weeks. Mrs. Ingles and tbe baby
are at Ipsiwick, S. D., where they
will spend couple of weeks before
Ex-County Supt. of school E piste
of Wenatohee, Wash., arrived here
Tuesday in search of investment io
fruit lands, after ' having looked over
Ashlaud and Medford. While he baa
not fully investigated this section,
be is very favorably impressed with
what he has already seen.
Mrs. E. S. Wells of Ekley, arrived
in the city last week and bat pur
chased the Edwards residence on north
Sixth street which she and Mr. Wells
will niake their home as soon as pos
sible. Mr. Wells is still at Elkey ad
juring matters on his ranch near that
place, bot will be here shortly. Mr.
Wells is a brother of J. R. Wells of
this city.
Next week's inne of the Courier
ill begin a new serial story under
the popuhtr title of "The Merry
Widow." This new story promises
to be as charming and airy as the
lady's headgear of the same name and
none of the readers of the Courier
can afford to miss a single number of
the paper while the story runs, which
will be for tome weeks. Subscribe
do it now to that you will get the
first installment of "The Merry
John H. Quinton of Los Angeles,
Cal., who is consulting engineer for
the United States Reclamation service
stopped off here Wednesday between
trains en route to Klamath Falls, for
a brief visit with his brother-in-law,
Postmaster G. W. Donnell
Quinton, had been looking over some j
government work at North Yakima, j
Wash., and was oo hit way to
Klamath Jo look aftler extensive
government works now in process at
that point. He dropped in on Mr.
n, mn ell bv surprise, as the latter
was not aware that he was any
where in this section.
Everything it in readiness for the
roosiog ceieoraiion i abumuu w
morrow, and judging from the pro
gram issued there will be something
doing every minute. Hon. Robert
Nixon cf Yreka will be orator of the
day. The Medford and Jacksonville
bands will furnish abundant music
Special train leaves Grants Pasa at 7
a. m. and returning leaves Ashland
on return at 10 :30 p. m.
As a majority or the band boys
are clerks in the various stores, and
as the merchantt will keep open to
night, later than usual for the aooom-
modaton of those who wish to pur
chase supplies for Jtbe
urdav when
be closed,
Mrs. Hall eutertained number of
friends at ber home, Wednesday
The Grants Pass Box Co., has
just called in all its labor notes of
May 1st, 1908.
If you want to save money on your
ice bill, gel one of the refrigerators
with syphon trap at Hair-Riddle's.
T''e Amita class of Baptist church
gave a snpper Monday evening at J.
D. Drake' s home, there being 35
preseut and a good time enjoyed
Manager G. D. Horner of the
Grants Pass Box Co. has been con
fined at hit home at Chico, Cal.. the
past 10 days by serious illuess,
though he is reported some better this
The Glorious Fonrth tomorrow
being a legal holiday, the postoffioe
will bt open only two hours, a fol-!
lows: From 10 to 11 a m. and from
S to 8 p. m Patrons will please
bear this fact in mind.
A special excursion train leaves
Grants Pass for Ashland at 7 a, m.
Jnly 4th. Returning leaves Ashland
at 10:30 p. m. for Grants Pass.
Round trip tl-80- Round trip rate
to all points July 3d and 4th oue
and one third fare.
In the game of ball here last Sun
day between tbe Central Point and
Grants Pasi teamt the Locals won
by a score of 8 to 2. The prinolpal
feature of the contest was that Cen
tral Point played an errorless game.
Grants Past plays at Ashland next
Messrs. Coburn & Hawkins have
purchased the Log Cabin saloon at
Gold Hill and will move their stock
of liquors from here to that place at
soou as they can be packed. They
formerly conducted a saloon on Front
Say, have yon teen that fine oook
stove that the Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co.
have in their window and are offering
for only $10 cash and one dollar per
Elmer Shankt real estate office bad
a splendid decoration during the
flower show. It I consisted of
branches of apple, peach and pear
trees lltterally laden with Iroit, in
dicating that may of the trees in tbe
orchards from which they had been
taken would have to be thinned.
Clarence Woodruff of Crescent City
took oot from Grants Past last Mon
day morning a handsome 7 -months old
Jersey bull, which he had purchased
from the Ladd breeding farm near
Portland, and which be will add to
hit dairy herd. The animal cost him
150. He attracted the attention of
quite a .number at he was beiug
drawn through the etreets.
Harrison Brothers, Robert, Benja
min and Bert, who have bben operat
ing extensively oot on Williams Creek
this spring, and who it will bo re
membered, took ont so much gold in
April and May, have suspended opera
tions temporarily on account of a lack
of water. They, with their families
came to the city last Saturday and
will remain until after the fourth,
when they will return to the creek
aud move their camp closer to water
facilities and resume placer opera
tions. Among the unique window display!
for the rose show and flower feetival
tt Fridav was that at J. Pardee's
grocery on G ttreet between Fifth
A Rose
in this climate will give you lots of flowers
six, seven and eight months in the yeaJfj you
must be willing to give some time and
trouble, and then with the expense for a few
tools, your satisfaction and pleasure will be
increased one hundred per cent. You may
SHEARS, or PLANET JR. Single Wheel
HOE. All these and many other tools we
can furnish youwe also have plenty of
garden hose
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Lemon Squeezers
New Note from the Dusineae
Men to Header.
July 4, Saturday Dance at the Sav
age Creek hall. Tickets including
supper and horse food, 'J. Ice
oream, 10a A-19 St
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
Oo to Ooron for Plumbing.
J. E. PetersnB, Pioneer Insurance Man.
M. Clement, f rescnption Druumst.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges atCoron'i
See the new Chlnaware at Buell e.
Tea aud Coffee Store Front Street.
You will find Sammon's Vegetable
Wonder Soap at Alfred Snyder's res
taurant on G ttteet. 4-17 tf
Cash paid for Green and Dry Hide,
Port and Wool, J. H. Ablf, at City
Market. 8 38 tf
DeWitt's Oarbollzed Witch Heeel
Kle. It it esueoially good lor piles
Sold by Model Drng Store. 4-8 13. I
Alfred Letcher, Registered Optom
etrist and Jeweler in Dixon sold stand,
Front street. Eyee tested free.
Get prices on the Alamo Gasoline
Engines and Woodsaws before buying.
J. D. Franklin, agent. Office in R
nie's Plumbing Shop, H street, be
tween eth aud 7th. 4-24 tf
J. D. Franklin has the agency for
the Alamo Gasoline Engine. Office
in Rannle's Plumbing shop. H.
street, between 6h and 7th. 4-34 tf
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are prompt and thorough and will io
a short time strengthei Weakened
kidneys and allays troobles arising
from inflammation of the bladder.
Sold bv Model Drug Store. 4-8 18t
Geo. H. Parker, the nurseryman,
now has his oinoe wun j. reier
son. who will answer inqnlriet and
take orders 'should Mr. Parker not be
in the office. 5 23 t
be held at
pioet the
Wilderville under na
tive Josephine county
A 15-jewel Elgin movement gold
watch will be given away at Bob
Mansfield's July 81st. Do you wan
it? 6-26 6t
Keep a Kodak Record of
your Summer Ploasurers
Anybody can Kodak
It is easier to go right than
wrong by the Kodak system
Simple, inexpensive and no
dark room for any part of the
Kodak $1 to $100
Brownie Cemertva $1 to $9'
Rowell's Music Store
Pioneer Auiyinj; and Rcf. Co.
Capital $100,000. Kt. 27 yetrs. Gold
bane Million i cyanides, rich ere, etc.
hough i atying Ok. Hpot caul! on
unliving milieu. 1.14 Mil nl. near u,
H. kfint, hn Kranclsoo, Cal.
and Biith 'street. It wat .the .repre
Mr- ' sentatioo of a good sized American
fag formed of beant. White, and
brown ones furnished the stripet aod
on a blue piece of cambric white
beans were also arranged to represent
the stars. It was Mr. Pardee's own
decoration and wat indeed a great
Supervisor of Forest Reserve An
derson came in Tuesday morning
from Eden Valley where he had been
for a few days looking after business
matters. He was acoonipauied home
by Forest Ranger carie louug
whose address in the Reserve is
Merien. The latter was suffering
from ao ulcerated tooth and made a
bee line for the dentist's office. He
will spend a few days io the Reserve
office before retnroing to his station
oo tbe Reserve.
Don't let voor garden and orchard
1 burn np for lack of water when the
! Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co. will put yoo
io such a fine pomping plant for to
littlA mnneV. Ask them about the
Fourth Sat-' plants that are now in ana wording.
most of the ttoree will j. r. Weill, who operatee ine street
greater Tport ion of the ' sprinkler, is nothing of not original,
and in appreciation of the "drought
which set io Tuesday nignt,
J. H. Aostin of Kerby left here Mon
day for Sacramento., Cal., where be
had been oalled by the death of bit
fat he, r which occurred at that place
last Satorday. The death it made the
more pathetio by reason of bit
mother's death but a few months ago
Mr. Austin came to California during
the gold excitement ia '49 and was
therefore one of the pioneers of the
flower state. Mr. and Mrs. Austin
had celebrated their golden weddiug
shortly prior to the letter's death.
Job Printing
of all kinds at
East Front St.
be fas-
day, the regular weekly band concert
oWen last niifht finstead of to
night as usual The '.boyt gave a good tened six bright, new tin cups on each
progTam last night and a large crowd : of bis wagon Wednesday morning,
gathered about the park to hearlthem. j Even those who bad not fully re-
! The band under the direction ef Prof, j covered from the flowing liowi or
j Stanton Rowell will ply for the the night before had to emlle.
Fonrth of Joly celebration at ;Wil-) jfew Sntock of Savage Riflet at
idurviile tomorrow. 1 Hair-Riddle's.
A ad you should not delay until the last moment in your
preparations to take care of these berries. Remember
that we have the
We also carry a fine line of Staple and Fancy Groceries
which will appeal to both your taste aud pocket book.
We arc going to GIVE AWAY A STOVE. Coaie in
and find out about it.
C. F. Dixon
Store Closed the 4th
Gr&nt Past