Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 03, 1908, Image 3

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for sale by
Southern Oregon Supply Go.
Talcum Powder
Front Street, Opposite Depot
Safe and Secure
Is the Man with a good Bank account. By
systematically depositing his earnings each meek, he has
Something for a rainy lay
and is pruned for any emergency that may arise.
Are you one of the fortunates? We invite you to open
an account with ns. Be it small or great, yo will
always receive courteous treatment.
Interest on time deposits
If you have some surplus cash why not have it
earning you some interest? We pay interest on time
deposit. '
Safety Deposit Boxes tor Rent
in which you can store your valuable papers and
treasures. You may have need for just such an accom
modation. Let us serve you,
G. P. Banking & Trust Co.
The Rogue River Nurseries
Arc strnno- on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000
f1v in the reddest of
lands. .We are ready to contract for fall delivery at prices
that will surprise you. We are as well prepared to fur
nish you with anything in lino of trees and general
nursery tstock.
Conklin Building Grants Pass Or.
A Ll
The School that Flacet You in a Good Position
Old Reliable Albany Nursene;
and you are sure of getting just what you order.
our trees for quality not cheap prices.
We grow
1 Wm J Masters, qnit claim to Deh
ors h A Kraoss, S.' of NKV of Seo
6, T 39, ranee 8. f25.
W D Alter, quit claim to Heory
Hnck, NW4 Sec 83, T 8R, range
5, W 67.
i F W VanDyke, warranty, to Win
M Crow, SEV of SWI4 and Lot 2 in
' Seo 11 ; N'WL, of NEi-4'. the N E.S,' of
!NV.l4 and Lot 7 in Seo 14. all in
jT 85. range 7. f 10.
I R H Gilfillan, warranty, to Myra A
jGilifllao. Lots 1. 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in
; block 70 iu railroad add, $1.
F S Austin, warranty, to John
H Hebbsrd. K1,' SEi, Seo 24, T 5,
range 7. $1000.
i C H and Viola Wheeler, warranty to
Chas A and "Julia Crow, lot 11 and
13, block 14 in Center add to Merlin,
R R Turner, et al, warranty, to
H C and Helm Batehatn, IS,' acres in
Seo 28, T 36, range 5, flS.
W J Riley Investment Co. warranty,
to (J A Botterfield, Parcel of land In
what was formerly known as the
Wm Hollaod farm in Sen 19, T 86,
range 5, fl5u0.
Margaret Toffs, warranty, to Henry
Scovill, SE. f NWtf . Seo 6. T 3,
range f, (900.
B F Coe et ox, warranty, to Clraa
B Coontz, SW', Sfc 82, T 37,
range 5, 11.
H L Andrews, et nx, warranty, to
Geo. Urnbach, SE?4' KEi and NE.
of SEJtf Sec 9, T Sfi, range 5, 1B25.
J W Russell et nx, warranty, to
Pleasant Ltfrancis, W,' NWJf and
NEJ4' of NWi4', Seo 22, T 35, Range 8,
H A Corliss et nx, warranty, K
0 Boynton, lots 1, 2, 8, 10, 11 and 12
in Block 16 in H B Miller's & Co's
add, $1300.
J N- Larlmore et nx, warranty, to
David and Josie Vlnyard, SW of
SWJi of Seo 5, T 39, range 5; also
SEi of SE'4', Seo 6 T, 3, rauge 5.
E L Churchill et ax et al, War
ranty, to P C Bosnia et ux, JW.'i or
8W4 Seo 28, T 86, range 6, 2500.
Anua M Adams, warranty, to Flor
ence Thompson-Hart 4'4 acres in T 39
range 8, 3iA
A M Irwin et nx, warranty, to
Blamaoer Hooh, Lot 3, blcos 6, lot
3, bloc 7; lots 1 and 3 in blook 7,
all in town of Placer, $69.
Riobtrd Stubba, et nx, warranty,
to W E Atkinson, NEJ of NW and
NWJ', Seo 6. T 36, range 6, $10.
Agnes Mar Baltes, warranty, to J
M Demaray, lot 10, block 34, Grants
Pass, $10.
E W Koykendall, et ox et al, war
rauty, to W G Smith, S'i NE4 NWf4
SE.i4' Hnd SW!j Seo 7, 183, range B,
also of E' and SW,'4' of SW4',
Sec 11, $30,000.
Jas D Agee et ux, warranty, to J
Linton, E?-f of NEI4: the NV4 of
SWW and NWV.' of SE'. Sec 2'J, T
36, range 7, tl3G0.
N C Boynton et nx, warranty, to
Clara Knins, lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and
12, block 16, 1IB Miller & Co's add,
R S D.-Armond, et al, warranty,
Cleaye J Corrin, E' of SE'4' and
SWU of SE'4 and SE'4 ol SW4, Stc
20, T 30, range 6, $1000.
Gustay Karuer et ox, warranty,
to Edith W Burroughs et al, SE,'4,
SV'4 Sen 33, 8(1, range 5, (S!i7.uU.
Benj Matisch et nx, warranty, to
W J and ( M Savage, W'H SWV,, Seo
17, 86, range S, $1.
Ed H Maddux et nx, warranty, to
W H Wimer, S SW,'4 Sec 12, T
38. range , 10.
Ed H. -Maddux, warranty, to Mary
C CMstenson, K1 SW,'4, 8o 12, T
38, rauge 8, $S00.
Lois A and R H Shearman, war
ranty, to Thomas Boggees, NW'4
Sec 20, T 15, range 5, 1200.
Anna R and Gnstave H Donglas,
warranty, to Archer Sohanx Co., part
of lot 1 in block B, ISonrne's 1st aid.
Cbas T Wilkinson, et ux to H E
Cook NS," of N'' of NE4- of NEi,'.
Sec , T 86, range 5, $500.
J H lEggers et nx to W 8 King,
panel of land in ten 84, T 40 range
8; also SWy of NWi( and NW.", of
SW'4 Sec 85, T 40, range 8, $2000.
Ueo W Lewis et nx to W A Moore
vt vffii SfO 83 T 89 ranee 7: also
undivided one-third interest In Sucker
creek ditch, $:'.m' .
W M Hair et nx to Geo A Ingereoll
acre tract adjoining Jennie Brown
tract in lots 10 and 17 in B.ock River
side add, $500.
W B Sherman Realty Co to O
Molerman, 15 acres in 8e0 16T3fl,
range"", $1750.
John W Thornton et nx to Maria
L Wright." frac-tionof block 4 iu R R
add, also lota 1, 2, and 4, block 4 )
boundary Hue add. alio lot, 8 in Mock
45, G P, $1600.
.S J Harmeling et nx to Aug H Bias
sing 5, acres in Sec 16 T, 86, range 5,
W ' Richards to Aaron Carter,
parcel of land in Seo 16, T 85, rsnge
J M Smock et ox to Martin rier-1
sHd, parcl cf land in Seo U, T 40, j
range 7, $1. i
H M White et nx to C C Hall, lot 9,
block H, Bonrne's 1st add, $2500. i
Go H Griffin et ox to Susie MnT-1
ray, S'' NEi4 of NEy, Seo 10, T 86, j
range 7, $00. j
Susie and Riley Murray to Geo M i
Griffin, lot 4 in block 9, R R add,
$t'.0O. i
Phillip B Herman,, et nx to E L
Churchill N. NEi4 Seo 86, T- 84, j
rangn 6, $;)00.
Philip B Herman et ox to W W :
Walker, X,V KE1, Seo 36, T 84, i
raige 6, $:itX).
C C Edwa'ds, et ox to Mrs Florence j
A Wells, half acre in Seo 8, T 86, j
range 5, $1.
to A H Bronson, .
block 57, Grants'
1111 niirpn
Source of Waters InvestlH&ted
by Government Geologists.
Jessie Thomas
lots 7, 8 and 9 in
Pas, $1500.
Rhoda H and Seldon Norton to
FMna PniirwV vwK nd NWW eaitbT lower lims of the fame ina
of NEW. Seo 2. T 3n. ran ire 6. t(X) ; terial. One large stream, Chewaucan
OCHall et nx to H Smith, lot 9. ' R'ver, rising
block H in J Bonrne's add, $2600.
The iiorihern end of the valley of
Summer Lake, iu Southern Or gou,
contaius a group of three or lour
large sprmgi which unite to ft rm Ana
River, the trincipal feeder of the lake
from the south. These springs occi'nr
in a seiui-arid region, where their
volume shout 100,000 gallons a win-
nte and their constant flow thro, gli 1
wet and dry seanous make them ob
jects of unusual interest and ti.eir
source has always beeu a puzzle to
local investigatois.
Summer Lake valley is a depression
bordered on the west and north by
conspicuous cliffs of basalt aud on the
1 wv -kv
! M'Mm
1 1 1 ' I la
Arch M Bunch et ox to G Ward
and Caroline Win inut, parcel cf
land in Sec 20 T 87, range 6, 8000.
in the wooded mount
ains west of the basin, discharges
iLto it tbrongh a coupicmuis canyon,
but the flow of this stream is Irm
than that of the gieat springs at the
headof the valley, and a largs part of
it escapes over the surface southward
through Chewaucan Marsh into the
alkrline Lake Abert, which ocoopiet
depression somewhat lower than
mparts a pleasing softness
and delicacy to the skin
and restrains the ravages nf
sun, wind and time.
ts continued application elimi.
nates sunburn, tan and freckles and
renders imperceptible annoying
minor blemishes and sallowness.
It possesses a dainty, clinging odor
II exclusively its own ana ts in every
Vway a perfect toilet luxury. Price
50 cents. Ask your druggist tor it.
ry. rnce r
rist for it 1 1
I poaruss 4
J. iiiiii I
"What do you sn.v?" ho asked lu sur
prise. "Original Story," Bhe repeated tn
clear, deliberate tones.
"It's n very odd name, isn't HT Arc
you sure you waut him culled by the
name of Orlglual Story?"
"Original Story-tbat's right"
"Is It a family name?" the minister
"Named after his uncle, sir," explain
ed the nurse.
And bo ns Original Story the little
fellow was christened. Some weeks
after this event the minister made the
acquaintance of the siild uncle a farm
laborer lu another village whose name
was Itoglnnld Story London Tutler.
Not Quite the 8am.
A country clergyuiau vouches for
the truth of this story. Having arrived
at that point In the baptismal service I a
where the lnfnnts name is conferral, u. t ..-llv ftlld tv Hntnmer Lake
he said, "Name this child." n f draninage into the basin I
"Original Story." said the sponeor , ..... ,.. ,
the fast is imall. 1
The temperatoits of the Ana Rivet J
waters is 20 per cent or more above ;
the mean annual temperate re of the
region, iudicats that the springs rise
from del thi 100 feet or more below
the surface; and as the alluvium that
forms the valley floor is probably a
mere veneer whose thickness is much
less than this, it is probable that the ,
waters rise from the underlying rocks
along one or more of the Hues of easy
passage afforded by the faults or
fraoture planes that llmltths valley.
But even u me springs yieiu iwm.
waters rising from depths, the source
of these waters still remains unknown.
The geologists of the United States
geological survey who have been
studying the region rejected at onoe
the idea that the areas east and south
of the springs eould fnrnisb the water,
partly because cf the aridity of these
areas, and partly because the invntt
gatlons had revealed structural condi
tions that would tend to prevent the
circulation of water westward to the
point at which it issues. North and
west of the springs, however, Is
a mountainous region, not well known
geologically, bnt including au area
that is well timbered and baa rela
tively high rainfall. In this region
rise Sprague and Williamson rivers,
both streams of considerable volume.
It is probable that the surface of this
monnlaiu region preeeots areas of
porous rock capable of absorbing the
rain water that falls upon it, and
these areas are regard) d as the most
probable souroe of the waters that is
as in such great volume at the
French Superstitions.
The French superstitious regarding
deaths and funerals are all but num
berless. "If you meet a funeral while
driving, you will have an accident be
fore your drive Is over unless you turn
back." they say. Many a gambler en
route for Monte Carlo will not gamble
that day If he meets a funeral. Others
will bet only at rouge et nolr aud per
sistently on the black. The peasants
hnve at least a hundred superstitions
uliout bees. They believe (and did not
Virgil, too, or did he but chronicle It of
his contemporaries?) that bees are bred
of dead men's bones and flesh. This
s'eins to be one of the oldest of the cur
rent French superstitions, for on a
very old tomb at Aries (fouud In the
world famous Alyscamp) is this In
scription: '"This Hss Become the noroe
of I'nhallowed Bees." London An
swers. Excursion Rates.
Special rates are applicable to the
following meetings, full Information
to be bad by applying at the depot :
Midsummer Meeting, Hortioultnral
Association of Oregou, The Dallos,
Or?)., June 80th to Joly 3d.
Annual Campmeetlng, Oregon, State
Holiness Association, Portland, Ore
gon, July 10 to 27.
6 6 4t Agent.
What Ails You?
Do you feel weak, tired, despondent,
have frequent headaches, coated tongue,
bitter or had taste In morning, "heart
hum," belching of gas, acid risings In
throat after eating, stomach gnaw or
burn,' foul breath, dlziy spells, poor or
variable apix-tlte, nausea at times and
kiiuln-d symptoms?
National Bank
Southern Oregon
Grants Pass, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bank
Renders the Public
The safest and simplest
way of keeping your
money Is by depositing
It in a Keliahle llank.
This Hank receives De
posits suhjeet to Check,
or on demand CertillcattM
of denoait or on time
Certificates of Deposits.
On time deposits w pay
The best and cheapest
war to transfer money
Is by llank Draft. We
sell Drafts payable in all
parts of the country.
One of the most impor
tant functions of the
, Hank. We endeavor to
sapply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Cepittl and 8urplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
L. B. Ham., President
J. 0. CAnrssui, Vlce-I'res.
H L. (In sT, Cashier
R. K. HAi aiTT, Asst. Cashier
There is a time for pood
tea, and a time for good
coffee; there is no time for
poor either.
Your f rorer r'turni roar money If res deal
tiki Schilling's Resl: wt par klm
Good Liniment. j
Yon will hunt a good while before von j
Ind a preparation that is equal to Chamber- .
Iain's Liniment as a curs for muscular and '
Kalrhanks-Morse Uasotlne Knalnes for
pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding,
(hunts complete.
Kstrhanka bcales for weighing.
Fairltariks-Morxe Dynamos and Motors
for fewer and light
Kairhanks Morse Windmills and Towers.
k'alrhanks-Morse Orinders, Keed Chop
Well I'nnips.
All ftrsl uualltv goods at lowest prices.
Alwavs In stock. I.iheral terms.
reiilv' lo iniiiiries and oiick
Write lor catalogue anu prices.
Grants I'a s. Oregon
rheumatic paint, for the cure of sprains and
atism and sciatica it relieves the intense pain !
1 1 1 1 I , tl.l l-.-.'TMSIT0 rtr C ITV Vfatr A anil
If voTMuve any considerable nntnner 01 inn rawn iuu JU" 1 lili JjO ui --
. . . ... .!.,. afanraina it relieves the soreness and restores : m. 1 - c . ti Tnlu . 7 ??
insarove ST"!" J"u , 7: " .... . i;,: i .l: io; juuc -"1 j 7
fromXillouM.,Ttfp d Iver with inoi- " y """ ; 53. AUCust . 7, 21, 22. Pun now.
P i :;UT. frSi , RATES General basis $.,0.00 to
MrrtlrM Ulyovcrv S ES'lv w " W, " " iftptnltd mUK.utr piil,a, 26 and 60 cent Omaha, Kansas City and back;
ii'i z' r:,",. n : m. cu- st. Louis.,,d back ; $72.50
ssse-r" 4 Trl , 1. i . ... Tl
such ttll' coniiti)nsL iv a u..,
eftlcient liver Invlgorator. stomach tonic,
bowel regulator and nerve strenirthener.
The '(iolden Medical Discovery Is not
a oatent medicine or secret nostrum, a
full list of IU Ingredients being printed
on Its bottle-wrapper and attested under ;
osth. A glance at lu formula will show j
that It contains no alcohol, or harmful
bablt-formlng drugs. It Is a fluid extract j
made with pure, triple-refined glycerine,
of proper strength, from the rooU of the
following native American forest planU,
vll., Golden Heal rxit, Mono root, liiack
Chcrryhurk, Queen's root, Bloodroot, and
Mandrake root.
The followln leadlnr medical authorities.
anunr a ht of oiliers, eiuil tb turevulns
rjuta for the cure of Just such ailments as the
aluTefcrmti'.'rnslndirat-e: I'r,' H. Hartliiluw,
M. f).. nf .leffcnoD Md. Collra-e. Phlla : Crot
II C Wixid. M. L)..f t.'nlT.of Fa- Prwt F.dwln
M Hale. M V.. of Hahnemann Med. Colleje.
iilcau: I'ruf. Jubn Kinf. M D., Author of
American IilstH-naiory: rrof. Jno. M Bead- I
der. M D . Auihorof HiclBc Madlcinea; Hrof. i
I.aurnr J.,hnn. M. L.. Med. lept Unlr. of
ti V : i'rt.f. Unler Klllnirwood. M. f).. Author
of Mair!a M- 'lli a and l'Mf lu Bennetl Mertj- i
cal f.'olli-. I hlcasa J'md nam and ad- I
drtm I'oatel Card to Vr K. V. fierce, Buf-
falo. N v.. anl rwlri, fr nnoKim sim
etra.-s tn,m wrlilnjsof ail the attire lo1
el auitioni anil manj-others endorjlof. In the
BT'.nrnt jy.', tortna. each and every In-
er.-1iMit of which -Oolden Medical Dleeoy .
err Is cmnpox-d. f I
yt pi.r. p. I'leasant Pellet ronlaU and I
ln irora" irna-li. Ilr and tvwols. Thef ,
rT n r.-n. n cnruncti.n with "Oolden
.-d i-e.l f.v. rv If tiw l are much coo-
-.'rtd Thi-r'r tiny and sufar-eoaui. i
A Worthy Antagonist
"Did you visit any of the old eaves
when von wore up In Scotland?" Jor
klna was asked by a friend.
Yes." replied Jorklns retnlnlwenlly. j
"anil, by kuiii. we had to ffsrclbly pull I
Maria out of one cave." j
"Good frracloiiHl She was fascinated
Chicago and back, via direct routes;
! $15.0 more through Lalitortua.
; PRIVILEGES - Variable routes:
I final limit ') days; stopovers en
route. Tickets on sale in Idaho,
Oregon, Washington and Iiritihli
Columbia; consult Burlington maps
1... It.. I... ..' I ettii.tifujn
"No, It waKii't beauty. You km, mere iujucis uui hji; u h....,
Ik a wonderful e ho In the cave, and portant cities are readied by the
M.irln couldn't hear to think of the I different Burlington main lines;
echo havlii? the l ixt word." Liverpool tickets' reading Burlington are lion
Mercury. ored via Denver with etojiovers.
Hi. Emmsnce TRAIN SERVICE - II i g U C S t
A French cardinal, being small of of thrcttgh service via B.l-
.Uture and hunchbacked at that, al j lmg "d anvct southeast mam
ways gave the keenest repartee when Mine. Through chair cars (scats
addresM-d with "Uiuhueas" and "eml i free) standard and tourist sleepers,
oeuce " "My hlgbnemi Is Ave feet two I Three connecting trains daily from
Inches, and the eminence I carry on 15 pa,. via picturesque Mississippi
my tsaeit - ojver RoUte.
Let initial .''nt, or the
8eemed Incomprehensible.
Mrn. Koiuer-W'hut delicately con
structed tblliK I hew- big steamships
are! Mr. Koinvr - Why do you mij
that? Mrs. Bonier- Just tMi.' of the
breakln? of a screw disabling the
whole ship. -rhlladel,, hla Nrth A;:i"--lent:.
ed, ticket you Hurlin'tou to em
brace the tfreateHt diversity of routes
and territory ul the least cost.
General Atieut, C. 11. itQ.
Ity., KW 8d St., I'ortlaud
!' ' '