m0Mfut VOL. XXIV. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 3, 190S. No. 14. SALOONS CLOSED TUESDAY NIGHT The Event Amounted a Drunken Orgie to DRINKING WAS EXCESSIVE Boys Sixteen Years of Age In toxicated and Stagger About the Streets. The' ten saloons in Grants Pass closed Tuesday night with a drunken orgie unequalled in the history of the city. The most grievous and lamen table feature of the event wan the great number' of boys, as young as 16 years, who were staggering aDoot the trnahi in a state of beastlv lntoxica- ' tion from 10 o'olock on until after the honr of closing, ntteriog.oaths and vulgarity regardesa of the passing of ladies and obildren, in a manner be yond belief in a city whieb has here tofore been noted for its usual quiet, otwithstanding its ten saloons. By 10 o'clock in the evening an un usual number of men and boys had gathered on the street in the vioinity of the saloons in anticipation of the dosing of the dram shops and it was aily apparent that there was to be a large consumption of intoxicating liquors and a consequent amount of inebriety. In fact, to use the vernacu lar of the street, it looked as if there would soon be "something doing," and a number of citizens out of cur iosity, gathered, on opposite corners to see what was going to happen. At times the walks in places were congested to an exteut rendering tbem almost impaisable. Young men badly under the influence of liqnor gathered and in their maudlin argumeuts were only prevented from fistic encounter by being dispersed by the 'police Officers." An hour later, however, the orowds began to thin, the sidewalks to clear and the threatening attitude subside. But the exoessive drinking and in creasing drunkenness continued until 12 o'clock midnight the hour of clos ins. It is but just in this connection to suv that every salooulio the city closed promptly at the hour of 12. Notwith- litmwlino tli ia tuo.t. nianv had laid iu a sudoIv of bottled goods in advauoe and after the saloons.closed a crowd of hn.a anA man taffnn naradioe the streets, shrieking and singing, like mad men, the while. At brief inter missions the bottle was passed, with the result that until 8 o'clock Wednes day morning the night was made hid eous and the slumbers of residents blocks away disturbed. It is need less to sngxeit in oouclusion that the drunkenness of so many young boys, and the night of debauchery which characterized the closing of the se luons in Grants Pass, June 80th, 1908, will be vividly recalled, even two years hence, with telling effect, and utterly obliterate whatever possibility might otherwise have existed for car rying the town and county for saloons. It was a fearful disgrace to the city. GANG OF THEIYES ARE AT WORK HERE which he sat down in the back yard j aud deliberately ate. Various other cases of petty thieving and amateur attempts at burglary have been reported and it is hoped that within a short timo the authors may soon be Jletected. The safe of the Merlin Mercantile Co. at Merlin was also blown open last night while Mr. Short, Manager of the store was iu Portland. This is the second time this safe has been cracked The Elite Lnandry, oorner of Fifth and I streets has been sold by Geo S. Peil to Messrs. John Hansen and A. M. vensen,. All the old ma chinery will be taken out and shipped to Vancouver where Mr. Peil expects to start another laundry. The new management will put in the most mod ern lanndry machinery, all of which was orderea sometime ago and is ex pected any day now. On its arrival it will be neoesasry to shut the plant down two or three days lor its installa tion. Mr. Eveusen comes here from Manitowoc, Wis. Fred Wilcox, returned Friday after noon from Roeeburg, where he has been employed the past two mouths, as freight 'clerk at the S. P. depot at that place. Mrs. R B. fiaber returned to her home in this city, Friday after spend ing three weeks with her mother at Harrisburg, Ore., who has been very ill, but is now greatly improved in health. FORMER GRANTS PASS LADY INJURED IN EAST FACTS ABOUT GRANTS PASS The Booklet Is Out and Being Distributed ITS A THING OF BEAUTY Contains n. Volume of Informs.- Hon About Both City &nd County. tary Andrews of the Commercial Clab will bring ous of these Grants Pass pamphlets to the writer. When fu ture installments are received citi zens may also get a reasonable num ber of copies free to send to friends abroad, and yon will all be proud to tend them. It's a beauty as well as an efficient booster for Grants Pass and Josephine county. The Grants Pass booklet was printed bv the Sunset Magazine, by direction oWin. McMurray, general passenger agent of the Southern raomo roati, who seems to have been glveu to exert a tenerous hand in the develop ment of the Rogue River Valley. U is to be hoped that.the citizens of Grants Pass will second this effort by aiding in a prudent distribution of the book lets to friends outside the state. Secretary Andrews received another inttalluieut of 3000 copies yesterday which be is bosy lending out. SALOON FORCES DEFEAT BONDS Mrs. J. D. Hayes With Ten Others Hurt In Overturning Tally ho at Newport, R-. 1. Telegrams in last Friday's dailies stated that four delegates in attend' anr at the seneral federation of women's clubs at Boston were dying and ten others were badly Injured as the result of the overturning of a tally-ho containing the 14 ladies, who were on their way to Newport, R. I.. on a rief exoarsion. Among me injure, was Mrs. J. D. Hayes, the state secretary of the national feder ation who resides at asi west ram street, Portland. Mrs. Hayes, with her husband will be remembered as resi dents of Grants Pass some 10 years ago, when Mr. Hnyes was county superintendent of schools. She is therefore well known in this city The early dispatches stated that Mrs. Haves had sustained a fracture of one nf her bins in the accident, but latr advices ssv that she is resting com fortably at the Hotneopathio hospital at. Boston, and will return home m two weeks. She was budly shaken up and sustalued several abrasions but no fraotures as first announced. Mr. Hayes is iu the employ of the Pullman Car Co. and has ben travel ing in the south aud east in the dis charge of his , duties and it was not known Monday whether he had learned of liis wife's injuries or not. The numerous friends of Mrs. Hayes in Grants Pass will be glad. to learn that her injuries are not so seriously as first reported. One of the four more severely injored, died at a hos- pital at Newport, Saturday. THE BRIDGE CONTRACT STILL HANGS FIRE That there is a gang of auia'eur thieves aud burglars at work in Grant. Pass is indicated iby their operai ions during the past few weeks. About three weeks ago they entered Gillette's feed store on South Sixth street and with the sid of some explosive blew the handle barr off the combination. The explosion tipped the sale or hut anor remained closed and the buig- lars msde tbeir escape without further huv.na cvirientlT bwsu frightened away. One day Ust week some thief en nm.A thu uluanins aoartmeuts at the home of Dr. Flaoagan while the family, orconvina three rooms were asleep, and sesored the doctor's trousers which they quietly took back down stairs, leavine them on the floor, after hav ion relieved the pockets of $6.50. The thief also seems to have bad a taste far rVnit for ha want into the kitchen A representative of the Uurrell Bridge and Construction v-o., to whom was awarded the contract lor the new bridge, appeurtd btlorr couuty court yestaraay iu au endeavor to have matters adjusted iu some way to a-isure the company against injunc- ion proceedings iu tlie event they should begin work as per contract. Thouiib the court took no official art i on in the matter, it was the consensus of opinion that the com pany should relinquish its contract ana thereby allow the court to go ahead aud radettie for bids and has allow the county to make a con tract with some company who would do the work. The court adjourned to next Thursday when it is hoped that the matter may be definitely settled so f.r u transaction with the Barrel! Bridge and Construction Co. is con cerned. TT A Rntermnnd and family Of Stockton, Cal., formerly residents ',of Grant Pass, are camping for the sum- where he secured a dish of cherries, mer at Santa Crut The pamphlet issued under the direc tion of the commercial club, de scriptive of Grants Pass and Jose phine county and their resources, after much delay in the process of printing, is now out and the first installment was received by Mr. An drews, secretary of the commercial club, Monday. It is a neat little booklet of 64 pages and cover, printed on fine enameled paper. It is pro fusely illustrated with half-tone views presenting the various resources of the county. The first page of the cover bears at the top " Grants Pass, Rogue River Valley," and at the bot tom, "Southren Oregon," while in the center is a bnnou of Tokay grapes, done in two colors. Tne pamphlet as a whole, ia a gem of typographical neatness. It . is in tended as a guide book to prospective visitor to Grants Pass and Josephine county, containing, as it does, a volume of general information as to resources, cliinatio and other condi tions of this section of tbe wonderful Roirue River Valley. Twenty thousand of these pamphlets are being issued. . Descrintive of Grants r"ass the little booklet says it is in the Rogue River Valley of Southren Oregon well down toward the California line. It is in that portion of the world lying be tween" the Cascade Range and the Coast Mountains, of which the United States Weather Bureau said : "The district known as Southern Oregou is perhaps tbe most delightful portion of Oregon," and concerning which this importaut witness said also: "For soil that will produce excellent returns and a climate ex- rntkmallv delightful. Southern Ore gon meets expectations. " Grants Pas is In the very heart of this attractive region, and is inland from the Ocean far euough to escape its trade winds and its Iroet. Hie distance is about SO miles. Hie "Shasta Route" of the Southern Pa oifio traverses tbo valley of the Rrgue Kiver, here is a clear cold mountain stream more than 300 feet wide, fed by springs and meltiug snows. Grants Pass of old was an opeuing in the giant bills not far away throuah which ran a wagon road. It is now an importaut, point ou ti e main line of the Harriman system iu Oregon, some mil s from the old "ps," and has a popualtion of from 5000 to 6000. It is the coonty seat of Jmienliine Count?, with no other town nf nv considerable size in the .unntv. All business with in a large radius is doue here and it is some! limes said that "Grants I'ass is Jose I hiue Couuty," so tromineiit is this town in the civic and loutraeriial in terests of the county. The booklet pteenta in beautiful halftone orchard smues, vi lejaids uuloa iug at the depot of 121, 000 rrwits. hOD w king on tbe banks vt the Rogue river, displays of picked fruit, potatoes, onions, mines and inW ad a picture of the largest nlaiwr mine in the world, which is uear this city, timber aud legging rones, mountain and river views, I augora goat herds. Grants Passstnet scenes, residenoee, schools, hnotlng and fishing scenes and many others, all of which will lntert anyone eoa make him want to come to Granst Pass if be have an eye for the beautiful or a desire for comfort or the accumulation of wealth. The various prod sots are then taken up ander separate beads, giving the reader an exhaustive description of all the resources of the county and tbe val i. inl the Dossibllities for the in dustrioos wide awake citlaen or oiner and less favored sections who wishes to better his conditions. A letter or postal request to Becre- rtie building at the corner of Sixth and Front streets owned by August Fetsoh and heretofore oooupied by bim in the operation of a saloon, has been rented by Dr. Flanagan, who as soon as tbe building has been nrnrwirlv remodeled, will occupy it with bis drug store, "Tbe Model, now on G street. This oorner Is seoerallv conceded to be the beet busi ness location in Grants Pass and will be an ideal plaoe for a drug store, and a far more favorable advertisement for the town as the stranger gets off the train, than a saloon. DRAIN NORMAL WILL LIKELY BE DISCONTINUED This la Recommendation of Stale Boe.rd of Regents to Legislature. They Say Grants Pass Shall Not Pave COUNCIL MET LAST NIGHT Action of Aldermen Last Nigh Purely Result of the June Election. County Jndge Jewell returned home Wednesdav morninx from Eugene, where be went last week to attend the regular annual meeting of the Bute Board of Regents of which he a member. Tbe leading question hofnro thn board at this time was whathar or not one or more of tbe state normal schools should be disooa tinned. After some discussion the board finally decided to recoommend to the next session of the legislature that the normal at Drain be discontinued. It looked fur a time as if the Ashlaud normal might go also, but wiser coun cil prevailed. Judge Jewell favored the suspeusion of the school at Drain owing to its close proximity to Ash land but he was at ooce "ferniiist" tlfH discontinuance of the Athlsud Normal. After the judge had fully explained that its suspension would 1hv all the Normals in the north part of thH state h:s point was con rwdwl bv the other members. The board elected Prof. A. J. Hiiater of Chebalis, Wash., trsidint of the Ashlaud Normal aud raised the salary fc taooo oer vear which makes the a&larv of all three normals uniform. Heretofore this latter school has paid hut si Mi ill rr vear whereas all the others have paid .iOOO. It was as MM that the selection of atsittant teac'ieis for the various normals be lft to the executive committee of the hnurd nf reitents. The state board of regents of normal schools consists of nine iueiubrs, three of whom are ex officio, the governor, wtcretsrv of state and state superin tnctut of nublic instruction. The other six are appointed, one each year for a period of six years, by the gov ernor. Tbe ether business laaen n by the board at this meeting wss siu ply routine. Mrs. L. R. Cardwell and son of Gold Hill are at the Palace hotel. V. A. Peterson and family formerly of this city who went from here to SanDiego,have moved to Los Angeles. The Elk saloon building on Sixth street run by Williams Bros, has, since the saloon was closed Tuesday nigbt, hrnn turned into a soft drink parlor. The ealoon on G street operated Dy the Schallborn's. will be replaced by a moving picture show. COUNTY TREASURER CALLS FOR WARRANTS There are fonds in tbe treasury to pay all warrants registered prior to August 18, 1906. Interest will cease from tbis date. Dated June 28. 1808. J. T. TAYLOR, Treasurer of Josephine Cooaty, Ore. Soarcely, if ever has there been a year when there was greater Interest manifesetd in publio affairs in Grants Pass and Josephine county than tbis year. The first kcase in post was tue June election when local option was the principal, if not the only issue, locally. This concern was in no way deterorated in the electon two days later on the matter of issuing $00,000 of oity improvement bonds for tbe purpose of paving certain portions of the streets. And the election of a member of the school board a few days later came In for its share. The bonds carried and the result was feholtoos news to all tbe peo- plo of the oity.. The ordinance la con sonance with the bond election ana providing for tbis splendid improve ment was read a first and second time and unanimously passed by tbe council. A subsequent remonstrance wlin in sufficient signatures proved impotent and It was not until a meeting of tbe oity council last night that a snag was enoonntered when, as a result of the autipathy of the saloon element, the paving ordinance was defeated. The only pretext offered by tne four counoilmen, all license men, of fered in justification of a negative vote on the paveineut, was a change of feeling on the part of the property owners affected and the financial con dition of tbe city. This subetrfuge, however, lias been accepted by the publio as mere sophistry and a node display of the handiwork of tbe saloon element to retard the growth and pro gress of the town simply because the alnons were voted out at tbe June election. The first Plan of the saloon element was to pass the. ordinance because a great many of tho.e affected by the navina tax were temperanoe people; but when the anti-prohibition lealers discovered that the temperance folks wmu readv and willlnu for the pav iuu. their tactics Tvere changed iu a UfTv and thev dioided that there ihould be no such substantial city liiiiimvenieut as Daving the main streets, following a suppression of the Btloous. The result .is that at a meet ing of the council last uigbt the sa loon element of the council voted against the pavement ordinance on its final passage. There Is yet one chance for paving and that is for the members who voted against paving to reconsider their ac tion in the matter. It remains to be seen whether they will do so or whether they will staud in the way of public improvement and a larger and better town by "standing pat." City Engineer F. E. Hobsoe went dowu to Leland this morning to look over some ore and mining property for parties there. The J. A. Savage family leave next week for North Bend, where they wll spend the summer. Miss 8usle Baonard returned last Friday from Arizona and Southern California where she haa spent some mouths for the reoupreation of lost health. Mis Chloe McKenisie went to Cres cent City this morning where she will spend acoupleot mouths with friends. 20 per cent disoouut on hammocks (to olose out stock) at Hair-Riddlo's. New stock of Savage Rifles at Hair Riddle's. flO Cash and one dollar per week gets that handsome oook stove In Hair Riddle Hdw. Co's. window. If yon need a stove, now's your chauce to get one easily. s CARD OF THANKS. " We desire to express our thanks for and appreciation of the kindnesses shown by the Rebekah Lodge aud many kind friends and neighbors during the brief Illness and after the sndden death of our little daughter aud niece, Laura Belle Howell who died June 24th. E. B. HOWELL, MRS. E. a QUIOLEY. i NEW Top boggy, 55 (real price S0) Hair-Riddle Hdw.- Co. Frolt pick, lng ladders Just the thing yoa have been wanting-at Hair-Riddle's. INSTITUTE LODGE OF PROTECTIVE LEGION New fraternal Was Christened First Oregon Last Non day Night. Another fraternal Insurance order has been added to the already large list In Grants Pass by the Institution of a local lodge of the National Pro tective Legion at Woodmen tun tail Monday night, which, in view oi us belug tjie first .La!PH . Instituted la the state, was Christened Hie rirsi. Oregon. The headquarters of the in stitution is at Waverly, New York. District Mauager A. R. McLean or- a.ntrnd the Lesion and goes from here north and west to organise other lodges. The offioeis elected for the balance of the present term are : Jacob Meier, nasi president; Wesley Jones, presi dent; Gerald M. Caldwell, vltie-presl- dent; E. B, Brown, aeoretary; wtll ard M. Cheshire, treasurer; Alloe Brown, chaplain; Stella Moore, con ductor; Irwin Doudy, guard; Kaipn Wilson, sutinel;Dr. . A. Camp, bell, Alice Brown, Gerard M. C-ild-well, trustees; Ada Caldwell, niosl- ciau. Th nw Lealon will meet at Wood- man Hall on Front street, the second and fourth Tuesday of each inoutn. The organlaxtioo has attained great strength in the east aud gives prom ise of equal growth in the west. Holiday Rsvtes. July 8d and 4tn speolal holiday Railway rates effective will be one and one-third fare to all points, lo cally. limited to return op to and in- eluding July fih. No stop-overs given on these tickets. -2 2t WE KNOW That our Hammocks and Comfort Chairs will make you comfortable, our customers who have already bought, appreciate this beyond our expectations. We show the latest and most Btylish designs, try them at our risk GOOD OLD SOLID COMFORTS Don't be a "Doubting Thomas," if you have not dealt with us. try us, we're content to leave judgment in your hands, O'NEILL HomefurnisHer