i ' I TTft hard Me Brazen lill -f - IMt. ky Ma. T O Continued Jrom CHAPTER XXIV. VLAf Richard sprang forward V 0 and grasped bin father's hand in both bin own, while the old niuu eyed lilt son with a atrange, conflicting mixture of reproach and parental love. "Dicky." he Hlglied, "I'm glad to Bee you all right, my boy. but you've given your poor old dad a heap of worry. Now, what' all thin mesa about?" The greeting between father and aon was brief, because the Nimbsbell reve lation of the aon'a Identity brought another powerful actor to the fore. To Harriet It had come an a tingling re lief, for lu a flash she understood why Itlchard had concealed hla name, and ahe found herself mulling happily In answer to hla father' courteoua bow, but to Jucob Itonwyck the effect was fur more serious, iniiHiniirh ua be eemed to be the target at which this particular ahell waa alined. In speech less rage be glared at hla former col league, glared alHo at the aou and finally glared more fiercely atlll at Michael Corrlgan, who advanced, with a imlle of greeting, to the visitor. "Hello, Kill! How ore you?" he be gan cordially aa be abook the other'i mighty fiat. "Hello, Mike!" waa the return greet ing. "Where's the tarantula that calls my boy a thief?" no did not await an answer, but turned Instinctively toward hla enemy, and for an instant the two fear lens promoters stood siting up each other In utter alienee; then Jacob Ilenwyck spoke. "I do!" he cried as It flashed upon him how Itlchard might have used hla Information In the harbor deal. "I do, you villain, and I Include you In the charge! You sent yonr son to spy upon me, to steal ray plana by a mis erable, underhand fraud! You" "Jacob, Jacob!" walled Mrs. Ilen wyck. "Re careful what you aay, please r "S-e-hr admonished Uncle Michael. "Don't spoil the fun, Julia. Let the old boys go It It'll do 'em good." The old boys In question proceeded to go It, but not for the sake of fun, nor did It aeein to do tbeui any good whatever. When Mr. Keuwyck paused to catch bis breath Bill Williams saw his chance aud took the floor. "Why, you old spavined skate," he thundered, doubling up hla hairy flat, "don't think that you can cover up your tracks by abusing me or my boy either! You tricked me away from Texas ou a blind trail) that's what you did, while your buccauoertng dummies Jumped my claim In Austin! Kooled me on a cold scent did you, you foi? Well, I'll bsve your brush yet If I have to auction on my Inst stump tailed ateer to do It!" "Hear me!" quavered the horrified Miss Nohermerly. "What frightful lan guage!" "Extrawdn'ry!" nodded the British ainbaasador. who bad uot the remotest Idea what It waa all about. "Most ex tra wd'n'ry! 'Ton my word!" The two gladiators were now flie renter of a human ring, which gather ed closer and doner about them, each glowering at hla hated adversary, each walling for too Anal crash to come. "I didn't r shouted Mr. Ilenwyck. "You did!" the Texan bellowed In flat contradiction. "Why did you call my son a thief?" Mr. Keuwyck looked abashed. "Well," he hedged, "perhaps I waa wrong in that. I I apologise." "Won't dor' stormed the angry cat tle klug. "You've got to settle this .with me! lTuderstand me. sir with me!" Mutters between tho two frenilcd financiers, both equally courageous and both equally enragvd, had by this time risen to an alarming pttrh. ami It devolved upon Mr. Corrlgan to pre vent a personal encouuter. A tele graph mraxengvr bad come to the door, and the lawyer himself received the dispatch. He tore open the euvelope, .glanced at the contents, smiled and turned to the two contestants. "Gentlemen, gentlemen." he urged, "you ran accomplish nothlug by tear- Ing each other to piece. 1 suggvat that we dismiss the major portion of our audience, then settle this dispute In the hosoiu of our respective, gviitlo minded families." Kven Mr. Ilenwyck saw the wisdom cf this sage suggestion, and lu a mo nieut more the detectlvea ami Mr. Par ker were requested to wait outside, while the servants were for the time dismissed. There remained In the hall. lesMes the active threads of the hie Icoa snarl. Sir Rodney Hlckwlch, Miss K he'-iuerly and Miss Sempton. lloth ladles, Im-Iiik like members of the fam ily -not to refer to their liumau fcui Inlue rurloHiij- made no move to leave, but the British ambassador, gltul of any excuse, took up his hat and glove, lie rather fancied that be h:ul happen ad nxm some private though loosely conducted sanitarium, snd during this temporary lull In the tetitM'Kt he tap ped Itlchard on the shoulder and ssld In a shaking tone: arcs TOfisoiD liAPT, Van mt kk nil Mtom'1 Etc., ebtakd kne, f -A ," TW Prkao taut weik "t'r purdon me. young man. I haven't the remotest Idea what all this means, and I seem to have stirred it up myself by Innocently asking for my friend. Lord Croyland. Since you or since you had his name awhile ago, could you chance to Inform me where I might And his ah person?" "Yes," replied Ulchard, with a glint of merriment limiting up his eyes. "You will find his person somewhat damaged, to lie sure In St. Luke's hos pital, New York. Send lu your card and ask for Mr. Itlchard Williams. The earl changed his name for fear that a submarine would blow hlrn up." "What!" exclaimed Miss Sempton under her breath. Bhe bad called fre quently at the hospital and had spent several long afternoons In adminis tering cheer to the sick man, which the alck mun had reciprocated through the asHlKtunce of the rosy cheeked ! nurse with flowers, confectionery, and ' so on, for both of which the nurse had an excellent taste. Miss Sempton had belonged for years to a hospital visit ing association and flower mission and bud never been so glad of It licfore. "Bo he's an Kngllsh lord! How nice! Goodness me! I always knew he was something out of the common. I think I'll have him call as soon as he Is able," her thoughts ran. "Oh," ssld Sir Ilodney, having taken a full minute to digest Illchard's as tounding bit of Information, staring vacantly at the young man the while, "I I don't understand, of course, but anything Is preferable to this." He waved his distinguished band In the direction of all the asylunilte col lectively, bowed and departed on his way. "I can give you aome tidings of him, Sir Kodney." began Miss Sempton, fol lowing him out on the porch. "He waa quite badly hurt In an automobile accl- deut, but la doing well. I've been In to ace him a nnmber of times. Will you remember me most kindly to him and say that Miss Sempton, yon know will be la again before long?" "I shall be delighted, my dear young lady, and so, I am sure, will Croy land," answered the baronet, bowing himself away with an appreciation of the young lady'a charm, couched In the earl'a very worda: "Ripping girl! Croyland always waa a lucky beggar, by Jove!" It may here tie eald that the am bassador, leaving Miss Sempton under the wistaria. Indulging In dreams of a coronet which might ami eventually did grace her brow, found hla friend and gave blm a busy explanation of what he bad seen at Irvlngtou, though when the earl discovered how Richard had turned the tables on him, using a noble title for his own advantage, the Englishman failed to see that this stroke of genius waa the least bit "clevah." "Deuced ld form!" he muttered In unreasonable resentment, quite forget ting his own turpitude In the matter of uame appropriation. "I wouldn't have believed that Williams fellow such a selfish beast, you know." How ever, In the pleasure he took In Miss Scmpton'a message the noble esrl soon dismissed the other episode from his mlud. "Now," said Uncle Michael when the doors of the hall were closed, "we cau breathe once more." He uufolded bis telegram and smoothed It out with a soft, caressing hand, cleared hla throat aud U-gsu again: "I have here a inea sag from a friend of mine in Austlu. Texas, lu which one or both of you gentlemen may perhaps be Interested. It seems that the stste legislature adjourned Just after a certain deep water harbor bill waa passed." In truth, both geuUeiueu were more thau Interested, snd la the tantalising pause which the little lawyer made that poor old hackneyed pin might have agsln done service lu dropping "Ha!" triumphantly shouted Jacob Ilenwyck, who could wait uo longer. "I knew It! Ixiugiuatt!" "Not en your life!" corrected the cat tle ktnir. "MttHtonls IMtv!" Undo Michael laughed. "Which? Which r both the assured speculators questioned In the same breath. "Neither, geutlemen. aud here'e my advice to prove It." He laughed again and struck the telegram with his flst The joke's on both of you. Olivia!" "What?" Again there was a treathlea pause "Julia," whispered the atately Mist Scheruierly Into Mrs. Ueuwyck's wou rterlng ear, "I was positive from the first tbst some woman was mixed up In this affair. Her name Is Olivia!" Mr. Kenwvck rowe to her feet, lirts tllng. "Olivia who?" she demanded sharp ly. though In the excitement no one paid tho least attention to her, for Mr. Kenwyck sank limp aud stunned luto his chslr. while the puzzled Texan leaned agaluM a table and turutd the color of his reddest steer "Kut-imt," stammered the cham pion of longinatt. "1 don't up lernaiid Why. the leg'lat in e Is ti ' I I bought al" nnTTr r Kn nmin Tt7T imiIUTC Dt4 HBRfifiN TTTNE 19. HUHUB I V r.K wimir.Hi uivnn i ' i n'i - -, v "So did I!" asserted the cattle king. "Wrong again, gentlemen!" chuckled the little Irishman. "That august and honorable body can't-be bought!" "Explain!" cried Mr. Kenwyck. tot tering to his feet. "What do yon mean. Michael? Whut do yon know about it,, anyway?" "Lots." laughed Mr. Corrlgan. "Be sides, ifs very simple whn you get down to the facts. You see. there was a gentleman In New York the other day the Hon. Mr. Klnwalt. I believe he is called a man wielding quite a big stick among certain members of the legislature. You. Mr. Williams, mixed a toddy for him In San Antonio, while Jacob took him out to lunch in New York and presented him with a fine cigar." The Texan and the New Yorker glared aavagcly, but Uncle Michael smiled blandly and continued: "The Hon. Mr. Klnwalt, being thus beholden to both of you for your gen erouB hospitality, became doubtful as to which to serve, and while strug gling with bis India rubber conscience a third party ciime along and offered him board and lodging In the peniten tiary. All things being equal, be for got both toddy and cigar and dumped his influence on the side of sweet Olivia and the Pence and Good Wlli Itealty company. Am 1 clear?" He was mure thun clear, for both of the old ciiseliardened schemers saw at a glance how cleverly they had been overreached by a little one horse or ganization that masked a seriient's fang under the cloak of a pious, lnof- '".Hive title, with a guilt-leas Indlvid- ual mimed Klshcall as Its outward ex poncnt! "Oood Lord." sighed Kill Williams, "and I sold 'em the land to do It with!" Mr. Ilenwyck hnd done the same, but bad not the grace to admit It "Who the devil Is back of this Peace and fiood Will Realty company?" he demanded, forgetting the presence of the Indies In his anger aud chagrin. The little Irishman made as graceful a low as his embonpoint would per mit. "I nm." "You!" gasped Mr. Keuwyck. "Yea. Jakle, dear. I also interviewed the Hon. Mr. Klnwalt." "But, man," stormed Mr. Ilenwyck. "don't you kuow that half my fortune Is Invested In that deal? You you've swindled me!" Kill Williams laid his band on Mr. Corrlgan' shoulder and spoke calmly. but reproachtnlly: "It was my pet scheme, Mike, and you knew It Half my pile la gone too. I didn't thluk you'd do me up like that." "I waa merciful," Bald Uncle Michael coolly. "I left you each half. You won't starve. I might have taken all." If Mr. Corrlgun fuucled that he waa Ironing out the crinkled shirt of trou ble by proving to the rivals that nei ther one had been successful, be found himself vastly mlstakeu. The tempest waa loosed agsln. and Richard the Krazen took a turn at the thunder box. "Look here." be cried, striding np to Uncle Michael and eplnnlng that port ly little man about without deference to his age or size, "Mr. Corrlgan, if you were twenty years younger I'd give you the soundest thrashing you ever bad in all your life!" At this surprising development the entire company, with the exception of the lawyer, were too amazed to do aught but stare at the furious young man. The furious young uinu contin ued, oblivious to bis surroundings: "I came to you In confidence, sir, aa my attorney, at your own suggestion, and asked advice. I waa belpleaa, aa you knew, hanging between duty to dnd Htid my pledge to Mr. Ilenwyck. You've swindled us all. sir these gen tlemen of their harbor, me of what 1 placed confidently lu your bands my honor." "Honor!" sneered Mr. Ilenwyck. "Honor!" "What!" bcllowcu the cattle king. "You knew all a Unit it, Pick, and you didn't tell me! Oh.. Pick. Dick!" Richard turned to explulu to bis re proachful father, but Mr. ilenwyck turned upon the youug man fiercely. "Ha!" he almost acrcsmed. "So that's the reason you couddu't sign a draft? You hud sold me to Michael, had you-sold me when In the kind ness of my heart I tried to help uu Impoverished Englishman? English man!" he laughed derisively. "A spy, a traitor to me yes. aud to bis own flesh aud blood too!" The financier paused for breath, then wheeled upon his brother-ln law. "And you." he stormed -"you. with your argumeuts siki your cuuckiliig mask that hides a rasca"!! That's whs, you've been laugh- lug at for the past three days. Is It you and your psalm singing Mr. Fish enM? You cheated me out of ray land at Olivia! You've blackmailed the i Texan legislature! on you -you" "Oh, Jacob, darling-"' sobbed Mrs Kenwyck. coming to his side as he "Ye- "lr" Jmltted the young Tel sank, eihntisted. luto his chair. " casting a look of tenderness at a "It Is perfectly disgraceful!" sulffed I rt"ln Toun 1,Jy who busily Miss eVhennerly. "1 am almost temot- i tr3"lnB to keep down her blushes. ed to go upstairs!" However, ahe auc- cessfully resisted temptation It seemed at this stage that poor lit tle Mr. Corrlgan had not a leg of honor to tund upon, and. to be correct, he ! AU not attempt to stand, but sank Into ' M'a an,l laughed until an apoplectic 1 trvko seemed tininitient lie as most ' xgfavstlnc. too, hen he laughed. ' "Goodness!" now observed the sol e,n" Mr vu tier Awe. "lie's worse I 'h"11 '"' lKH'r Imogene!" i Iut Mr Corrlgan at last mastered his emotions, r.r-.wo n:i.!, dabbing hU eves with his handkerchief, began to explain his case "Jacob." he said, "uimn my honor, lli.-hard inner told :i:e a single thing Hit I 1 did not already kuow. Mj com- pany waa in the fleid long before ha came to New York, and here are my papers to prove It. I knew every move of both of you, and while you and BUI were treating the legislature to whisky and cigars 1 got Into the game my self. Our brazen young friend here had nothing to do with it whatever." Richard heaved a sigh of deep re lief, and old Kill Williams laughed. -Look here, Mike." he said, "you've got all the money you want Why In the name of common sense are you i wadlmr about In deep water harbors?' "Several reasons." chuckled Uncle Michael. "First. I wanted the fun of the thing; second. 1 wanted a rap at Jacob, who Is Inclined to think he knows everything In the world; third, I wanted a Joke on my friend. Bill Williams: fourth. I wanted to prove to you two old gray rats that your teeth are getting dulled by age; fifth, I bud at heart the real welfare of the great state of Texas: Blxth. I would not see a helpless legislature led astray; seventh, the Peace and Good Will Realty company Is a bridal present I Intend making to the son and daughter of two of my friends." "What friends?" asked the two frenzied financiers together. "Kill and Jake!" answered Mr. Cor rlgan. bursting into another laugh. Four people flushed, two lu anger, the other two for secret reasons of their own. "Now, listen, boys," continued Uncle Michael earnestly. "You two have had a very foolish quarrel, and It's time to shake hands and make it np. So fur aa your harbor schemes are concerned, you are both out of the runulng. I own It every share. I will tarn my Interest over to Richard, to do with as be chooses, but If I know him and I'm inclined to think I do-; I have a pretty fulr idea as to bow he will act. What do you say. Dicky, boy?" Richard came forward and grasped the lawyer's baud. "Mr. Corrlgan." be said, "forgive me for what 1 said Just now. I take it all back. You're the finest counsel on earth!" "Oho!" chuckled the little man. "Changed your opinion, have you? Well, go on." "I couldn't bogln to thank you for what you have done for me. con tinued Richard, "and what that is I am now going to confess. I have been Kinging to do It for a week. But first let's settle this harbor tangle. I sug gest that dud and Mr. Ilenwyck con solidate their Interests with me and we'll otwn up at Olivia. Olivia Is the best place for a harbor, anyway." "Hully!" chuckled Mr. Corrlgan, rub bing bis plump hands until the skin waa almost peeled. "Well, Jake? Weil. Bill?" "Urn! Not a bad Idea," admitted the cattle king, with a flickering smile. "What do you say, Renwyck?" "I think," sold the old financier slow ly "I think I'd rather wait for the confession this young man has men tioned. From what 1 know of him already it may load to complications." Richard smiled hopefully at Harriet and stepped to the center of the ball. He made a clean breast of it begin ning at his meeting with the real Lord Croyland, the automobile acci dent and the cool effrontery of the earl in taking the name of Richard Wil liams for bis personal convenience. The Texau then told bow be had been met by his host at the railroad station and how he hud tecn mistaken for the Englishman. At this point Mr. Ren wyck Interrupted him. "Excuse me." he said, "but why did you pose as some one else?" "Well, you see," confessed Richard, blushing to the roots of bis hair, "you Informed me at the time that the Wil liams family waa a well, a generation of vtpers, to be exact, and, besides, 1 knew that dad would rave if he knew I came." "You scalawag!" laughed the cattle king. "What were you up to any- i way?" , ..i., .. ... ti,, ,i,l nn.a..i the young man, shyly casting another glance In Finn-let's direction. That young lady had already turned for flight up the stairs when Richard atopped her with: "No; wait please, Miss Harriet This concerns you. As I couldn't come here In my own name, Mr. Keuwyck aud"- "But why did you wish to be re-eel-ed at all?" the host cut In. while the eyes of Uncle Michael sparkled ex pectantly. "M.-. Renwyck," said Richard bold ly, now flinging caution to the winds. ' "'tht when I dnwrf your daugh- iui uuh vi m uiiiiAuB uuuvu vi tmuv 1 swore to follow her If I bad to crawl to Jericho on my hands and knees!" "What!" cried the New Yorker, I "I'litifcuiK iu uu inri. nrn; you uie ! man?" "Well. I never!" burst out Mrs. Ken wyck. "1-1 thought be waa a very funny Englishman!" "Ah!" exclaimed her husband. "Now I see how you hapcned to stick on Uw- ; n; go on! Ttl1 Kl'"srd proceeded to do. giving . fu!1 ",'unt of his tribulations, bu: ,Hh such deep appreciation of the! ,'u'""rl" "I'"-'''! r';:"' !" 1 side tii.it the ln-op'e mo VI i ould not !'l;il it in the tllSg'- " I'll Ili'M " be vi'd III . - 1 .1 v'' TTe did not think It necessary to men tion the matter of the letters and hoped that Harriet and Imogene might also be spared a confession. In this) the young people were lucky, for Cncie Michael's man had caught both the light fingered gentlemen Roddy-poddy-kins' expert and scientific assistant proving to be a notorious crook who were subsequently lodged In a safe re treat which the Hon. Mr. Klnwalt missed by the skin of bis teeth, and meam were- found to keep them silent as to Mr. Fltzgeorge's adventure in the billiard room, although Mr. Renwyck and Michael had to be told of it. "So that's the way the matter stands, la it?" asked Mr. Renwyck, with a smile. "You two have been making love under my very nose. I said you were a burglar, sir, and now you prove it" He glanced at bis daughter from beneath bis shaggy brows. "I suppose I needn't ask If It has all been de cided without consulting me?" "Well, no." grinned Richard. "I hoped It would hove been, but something al ways popped up to Interrupt us. I should like your permission, sir, to con tinue." The financier studied the floor in si lence, making no reply Oil Richard presently touched his shoulder and spoke again. "Mr. Renwyck," he Bald, with a twin kle In his eye, "don't forget that I have a libel suit against you. I should hnte to run off with a lady while her father plued in Jail." "Oh. go 'long with you!" laughed the millionaire. "1 was thinking of the Tence and Good Will Realty company. I guess I'm In with you. Come, gen tlemen, let's go Into the library and look over Michael's papers." "Dicky," smiled old BIU Williams to bis son. "you're a scamp, and you know It! But I'd give a dozen har bors to see you happy." He placed a caressing arm about the young man's shoulder and whispered Into his ear: "Go In and win. Dick, my boy. She' worth It all!" Mr. Corrlgan rubbed bis hands and turned to his brother-in-law. "If you bad listened to me at first. Jacob, you" "Oh. shut up, Michael!" laughed Mr. Renwyck. "I give in. I'm down, but don't stamp on me Come on, Wll liams; I have something in the library besides papers, which' I keep for friends!" CHAPTER XXV. A the library door closed Ms. Renwyck and Miss Schermcrly rose to take thetr leave, tho mother with a happy smile at Harriet, the spinster with a long, re proachful frown. "Dear me!" the matron whispered to her friend. "So Harriet Isn't going to be a nobleman' wife, after all. How very disappointing!" "One of nature's noblemen, dear Julia," said Miss Schermerly. with a complete reversal of opinion. "I al ways thought him most distinguished. "Yu," mumurtd Harriet Saintly, and think of the money they are to have from dear Michael and that ah Bible compaay!" Richard and Harriet were not yet alone, for Mr. Cornelius Van der Awe still sat In a huge rocking chair, the picture of woe and misery. "Do you know," be murmured, apro pos of uotbtng In particular, "every body In the world seema happy ex cept poor me!" "Cornelius!" called a shrill voice, and, looking up, all three spied a flush ed face and a disheveled bead that were poking over the hanlater. "Cornellu. you make me tired! Go out on the lawn and wait until I fix my hair. I never saw aucb a miserable, dejected, silly boy! 1 declare, I'm almost sorry that I'm not engaged to Mr. Williams instead of you!" The head disappeared, the melan choly lover departed, with a dased and gloomy air, and Harriet and Richard were alone at last. For a moment nei thelr spoke; then be took her unresist ing band. "Harriet" he whispered, and now bis voice for the first time trembled "Harriet, do you understand why I stooped to this deception? I tried to tell you over and over again, but fear ed to lose you in the telling. I would gladly have faced death a thousand times rather than deceive you, and yet for you I did It Did you know did you dream that I was an Ameri can?" Harriet laughed. "I guessed you were not an English man by the dreadful time yoo had with Lord Croyland'a monocle. Reallv It was most pathetic !" Richard took the frnli silk cord be tween his thumb and finger, whirling the glass around his bead In the man ner of a lariat. "It has served its purpose, and now we'll smash the last emblem of the foreigner." "No; don't," interrupted Harriet quickly. "Let me keep It as a souve nir of your realistic Impersonation." He dropped it into her band and asked: f "But did you suspect that I was the"- "The cowboy? she finished. "I t boiied you were." "God bless you for that!" be cried. "And, now that you know, may 1 tell you again that I have loved you, wor shiped you, since that first sweet mo ment when I pulled you from your pony and held you In my arms? May I tell you that never for a moment have I ceased to dream of you, want lug you as I wanted nothlug else in the whole wide world?" "You you didn't think that way at first" she smiled. "How? What do you mean?" ; Harriet hesitated, blushed aud then ' went on: "Well you you put me down on the grass, gave me that awful whisky then forgot all about me to go after your horrid cows!" It was Richard's turn to laugh. "But, you see." he explained, "It was duty that called me then, even as another duty calls me now. I'm afraid I must leave you to look after an Eng. llsh calf." He smiled at Harriet's look of blank astonishment and con tinued, with a laugh: "It la all on ac count of poor Woolsty Bills. I thought he hnd helped to steal your diamonds, ' and I'm afraid I locked the Cardinal up In the bathroom." "Oil, please hurry and let the poor thing out!" Miss Harriet pleaded when she fully realized the situation. Rut Richard for once determined to put pleasure even before so plain a duty as releasing an Innocent prisoner. "No," he whispered; "I want the promise of another prisoner first a prisoner for life for all time and one who will never wish to get away. I love you," be pleaded, "with all my strength and with all my soul. Dear est, will you be my prisoner?" She checked hla extended hands and asked, with a mischievous smile: "Will will you lock me up in the bathroom?" "If you need it" he answered auda ciously. "But at other times I'll lock you In my heart Darling, will yon come?" Again ne came lowaru uer, ami ims time he would not be denied. "Yes." murmured Harriet faintly. And Richard the Brazen came into his own. THE EKO. TEA There's plenty of hum bug in tea; not one ounce in a ton Schilling's Best Yssr STKtr return jour meatr U JM drat Uit it; ar kin. Convention Rata. On the following occasions ' ticket will be sold on the certificate'plan at Grants Fas for one and one-third tare for the round trip : Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M and Grand Chapter R A Maaona of Oregon, Portland, Jane 8th to Jane 13th. No Btopover given on above tickets. For the convention tickets may be parohased three day prior to or on the opening day, and are good to return any time within two day after meet ings close. For further information call at the depot R. K. MONTGOMERY. Agent DeWitt' Little Early Riseis, the famout little liver pill. Sold by Mod'l Drug Store. IS' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. Edith Baomaan ) Plaintiff 1 vs. J-Snit for Divorce A , T . n I Defendant. J To Angnst Banwann, the defendant above named : In the name of tbe State of Oregon, yon are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed against yoo in the above entitled Conrt aod Cause on or before six week from th date of the lirst publication of this summons., which first date of publi cation is Friday, Jane 13, 1908 and the last day of publication of said summons, and ths last day for yocr appearance as foresaid is Frldav, July 34, 1WS. and yon are hereby notified. that if yon fail lo appear ana antwor ths complaint within the time afore said, the plaintiff will apply to tbe Conrt for the relief prayed for in her complaint to-wit: for a decree dis solving the bond of matrimonv now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for ucb other an further relief a to the conrt may seem equitable. Thi summons w published by order of Hon. Stephen Jewell. Judge of the County Court of Josephine County, State of Orecoo, made Jane 11, 1908, ordsring ths publication of thi summons for period of six inccessive weeks. OLIVER S. BROWN. Attorney for the plaintia.