Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 19, 1908, Image 4

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GRANTS PASS, oregos.
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rataei
One Year, in advance,
Biz Monthi,
Three Monthi, ...
Single Copies,
Advertising Rata
Famished on application at tbtofnee, or
by mtU.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dulence will he charged for at 60 per line;
card of than k 60c.
En lured at the pout odice at Grants i'aita
Oregon, a second-clans mail matter.
FRIDAY. JUKE 19 , 1D08.
The Markbt Day idea seems to gain
in popularity and has been adopted as
a permanent institution in a number
of towns throughout Oregon. At
Lh Urando, according to the Observer,
of tliHt lias proven a great suc
cess. Eogene lias also adopted the
idea, while Tillninook held its first
Market Day last Saturday. As sug
gested in these columns a few weeks
ago, this Market Day oommenja it
ai If to the consideration of tiie busi
ness men of Grants Pass, as tbe bene
fits to be derived are unlimited. Tbe
general plan is to set apart one or two
Saturdays of each month when all
farmers and others who may have
fur 111 produce, implements, horses,
cattle or any live stock, may bring
them to Grants Pass and dispose of
them at either private or public sale.
An auctioneer should be furnished by
the city or merchants; the band
should Iw out during tbe afternoon,
and every merchant should be a coin
mlttee of one to make it pleasant for
the country folks on this Market Day.
Each merchant should also offer some
line of his gocd at a bargain figure.
It is bound to bring; a lot of people
to town who otherwise would go
oIhh where to trade, and at the same
tiiun engender a more friendly feel
log among all the people. Grants
Pass can scarcely afford to pass this
Maiket Day plan up. The Commer
oial Clob should be the proper body
to take the matter op.
Tbe easterner, especially if be be
from a flat country like Kauras, Ns
bratka, or Iowa, is at once greatly lui
pressed with the multitude of autoruo
biles nsed in the Rogue River Valley.
DrHplte that we are nestled here in
portion of the beautiful Oasoades
automobiles are more numerous than
sections of the states above mentioned
and more and 'ouger trips are made
than In those countries. Indeed there
are few days when an auto party en
route from Portland to somewhere
down in California does not stop here
in Grants Pass. Distances or the
mountains have no terrors for tbe
Oregosj antoniobilist, and tbe aoenlu
grandenr of the beautiful valley ren
der the trip a thousand times more
enjoyable than if made on the train.
An occasional mishap only adds flavor
to the Journey. Verily the Rogos
River Valley will within a few years
have more automobiles thau some
othtr whole states.
Chicago has I wen the warmest city
in the country for the past 10 days,
politically, if not from the mercurial
standpoint, all because of the national
republlcau convention which convened
there Tuesday. Not. in many years,
has there been manifested such wide
spread interest in the outcome of the
national oouveutlou of auy political
party. Hvsidea the regular delegates
the convention has beeu very largely
attended and It is doubtful if so
many eminent statesmen and politi
cians have bevn assembled in the
"Windy City" at any one time before.
Tbe Rose and Flower show next
Friday will bring a large crowd to
town and engender greater enthusiasm
in our.olty. Let every body boost.
One of the features at the Fourih
-of July oelebratiou at Ashland will
be a youug lady represnting the God
dess of Liberty. The Godda.s will
1 elected by popular vote. Tills
thousands of workers
Levi Strauss & Co's
fa. w
IIJ Jr ''"
IT.- I (l: ) . J..!.
I 7 . . 7: 1J n PU.r .1 III
contest has been so arranged that
young ladies of other towns along the
line, inoludidng Grants Pass, will be
allowed to participate.
I Tbe ballot box in this city will be at
Russell's confectionery store on East
Sixth street, and the Misses Pearl
Kearns and Lydia White have been
nominated as the champions of Grants
Pass. Various of our merchants are
expected to allow one or more votes
with each cafch pnrchsse. The yoong
lady receiving the largest number of
votes of whatever town participating
in the contest will be elected tbe
Tbe oonteost should prove interest
ing and stronglv advertise the Ash
land celebration. 8t
Sentiment Pretty Much Every
where Approves Prohibition
Victory In Oregon
Dryer then Two Years Ago.
The Register's prophecy, that Lane
connty could go dryer than it did two
years ago, proved to be correct. The
result is a most deoisive one. Two
years ago the dry majority was 228.
This year It will reach 706. Eogene
and Fairmonnt giving a majority of
270 for prohibition. Eugene Register
Crime Has Decreased.
The vote of Curry County on Pro
hibition shows that having had two
years of no saloons, tbe people wete
satisifed that it was a good thing and
many voters who voted wet, two
years ago, .voted dry thisrear because
they have seen that crime has de
creased, that expenses are diminishsd,
that rowdyism is a whiskey evil,
and that many a man is pract ically
reformed of drunkenness, and his
family is happier and more comfort
able. The vote of Currv County
honors her throughout tbe state, and
she will never be classed as a saloon
county again. Port Orford Tribune.
Work Not Yet Done.
The victory won by the temperance
forces In Oregon at the election June
1, was little short of wonderful, bat
the work is not yet done. It will re
quire untiring vigilenoe and energy
on tbe part of the officials to prevent
the sale of liquor in the "dry"
counties. The majority of the voters
have expressed tlieussevles as being
in favor of the prohibitory law and
it is the doty of every citizen to do
his part to see tbat law is enforced.
If, at tbe end of two years, it is
found that it has been unprofitable,
either from a moral or economic
standpoint, there will be an oppor
tunity for a change. Canoyuv ills
Thirsty Trip On Trains.
Tbe time between drinks under the
same conditions will be even longer to
tbe tourist 00 the Southern Pacific
trains. After entering the state from
California be must appease bis thirst
entirely with Ice water until tbe train
enters Marion oounty, and then he
cau drink as much as he desires and
the capacity of his ptire will permit
until he reaches Portland, inasmuch
as Marion 'and Clackamas counties
votd to continue the saloons. Jack-
sou, Josephine, Douglas, LJtne and
Linn, however, the other counties to
the south and through which the road
of tbe Southern Pacific peases, have
voted to oust the saloous beginning
July 1. Medford Oregoniau.
Dou't wear yourself out with that
old law a mower. Get oue of those
Mall Bearing Lawn Mowers at Hair
Riddle's. 6-13 lit
Tbe Courier is in receipt this week
of the announcement of the. thirty-
second annual commeuocment at tbe
University of Oregon, together with a
list of the members of tbe claas and
lbs residences of each. Exclusive of
tbe df pertuieuta of medicine and law
the class this year numbers (8.
It is commendablo to tbe city of
Grants Paas as well as an honor to tbe
respective families that three of our
young people are included in tbe
class of IV08 of the State University.
They are Miss Moiella Hair and
Claudius and Kirkman Robinson.
Upon the two former has been con
ferred the degree of Bachelor of Arts
and upon tbe latter, Master of Arts.
The exercises are to be held June
21 -'.'A, and the , musical programs tor
commencement week pruruis to be
the beet iu the educational history of
tbe northwes The Southern Pacific
has granted a fare of oue aud a third
Call aud see INDIAN Motorcycles'
at Mdutyre's Cycle Machine Shop, j
South Sixth street, below Bottling
IWks. B 13 tr
Plan to attend tbe celebration at
Wilderville tbe Fourth.
O. L. Barlow of Barlow Bros, at
Galice was in town Tuesday.
O. L. Leigh of Silver Creek was
doing business in the county seat this
Dr. Flanagan, Dr. Strieker and J.
A. Hathaway were in attendance at
the Masonic graud lodge at Portland
last week.
The large pile driver which has
been at work repairing tbe turn table
here has been a great attraction for
many daring their leisure hours.
Bert Barnes and Dr. Strieker came
home Saturday from Portland where
they had been in attendance at the
annual meeting of tbe Masonio Grand
The California Pine Box Factory
started up this week with a full crew
of men who are now busy on contracts
for boxes for this season's fruit pack.
News has jut been received here
that Circuit Judge Hanna has sus
tained the injunction which will estop
the adoption of prohibition at Med
ford. Mr. McLana one of the rcent arrivals
here who has been emploved in the
new box factory, lost tbe third finger
of his left hand in one of the saws
and is now laid op for repairs. Dr.
Van Dyke dressed the woond.
Corn Oultivitors the kind that
works both sides of the row at once
at Hair Riddle's
Mrs. H. Warner arrived Wednesday
from Los Angeles and was met the
next dav by Mr. Warner who came
over from the mine near Holland.
Mrs. Warnr will return with him
and spend tbe summer at the mine.
The Temple meat market just north
of the poHtoffice hns added much to
the facility and interior appearauce
of iU shop bv the installation of a
bansome all-glHS show case for the
keeping of its fre.ih meats. The dis
play is handsome.
Closing Out our stock of Top and
Open Bnggles reagrdless of cost. Hair
Riddle H.lw. Co.
A. B. Cornell and family went
down to Galice Monday, Mr. Cornell
returning in the evening, where his
wife, son and daughter will spend a
week with the family of J. O. Mat
tison at the Oriole mine. Mr. Cor
nell reports an unusual number of
Srospectors at work in the Galice
istrict, which would indicate that
Galice is destined to become a much
more active camp in the ntar future.
He savs there are miners in there
from Idaho, Montana and Washington.
The Misses Lucie and Agnes George
returned Tuesday from Portland where
they attended the bigroffr festival, had
a delightful two weeks' visit. Miss
Lucie, however, went on np to Ash
land to attend the wedding of a friend,
Miss Lnella Grubb, to H. B. Carter.
The Misses George will go to Kerby
for a visit with their parents.
Remember the "Sane Foorth" at
Regular services will held in Beth
any Presbyterian church as nsaal Sun
day. Bev. J. K. Howard, of Medford
occupying the pulpit next Sanday and
the following Sunday, Rev. A.KJ
Dodd having returned to bis charge iu
Fourth of July celebration at Wild
erville come and have a good time.
Thursday evening of last week
while a Swede by the name of Chas.
fanning was safe in the arms of Mor
pbeus as a result of having Imbibed
too frely iu the brew of Barhtis,
souiroue relieved tbe till of his trous-
eis pocket of 140 aud now while San-
burg laments the "touoh," oue L.
Lawler, lies lnth county jail charged
with larceny from tbe persuu, peuding
the next term of the circuit court.
Stnburg is a miner recently from
northern California. He and Lawler
met by chance and the latter imme
diately opened negotaitions with San
burg for the price of a feed for him
self and a partuer. The deal was soon
aocouiplWhed through the Swede's
generostiy aud the two "bos" wont
away to regale themselves on the four
bita thus easily obtained. They met
sgaiu uext moruing when an addition
al losn was sees ml, shortly alter
which Sanburg and tbe "weary wil
lies" begau "rushing the can" at the
b'cweiy iu the west part of town, with
the result that Suutmrg ws soon
asler p. and in order that they mig't
not dmturb his peaceful slumbers, hi
new found friends deiartrd. On
awakeuing and discovering hi loes
he notified the authorities with the
result that Lawler was api'rchended
at Gleudale. On preliminary bear
ing Monday morning Lawler was
bouud over to the next term of the
ciicuit court in the sum cf ."00, in
default of which he is now in jait.
A search of Lawlrr's clothes disclcsed
'.H) tu gold wwed iu cse of his trousers
Pioncrr Auyint and M. Co.
I'apital ftOO.CVO. K,, vt.4r, Gold
f i'ullion; cyanides, ru-h ore, etc.
Iviik-tii ; avihjr ,-kv. .Spot ,-ash on
Mnu iue-. 131 Mil t. near I',
tv Mini, San KranciuM, ('!.
Master Warden McAllleter and
Supt. of Hatcherlee O'Malley
of Portland.
Master Fish Warden H. C. McAllis
ter of Portland and Henry O'Malley,
superintendent of the government fish
hatcheries of Oregon arrived in tne
city last Monday evening 00 a tour of
inspection, and were met here By Mr.
O'Malley's deputy! Mr. Kelley, who
has charge cf the hatchery at Elk
Creek. Messrs. MoAllister and
O'Malley went to Medford Tuesday
wbeie they spent the day, passing
through here in the evening on their
way beck to Portland. They were in
specting the dams and fishways along
the Rogoe River and expressed them
selves as very well pleasfd with the
present condition of affairs.
Deputy Fish Warden Wilson arrived
here Sunday evening from his home
at Yoncalla, Douglas oounty, and is
spending the wees here looking after
routine busienss. He and Mr Kolley,
who is in charge of the hatchery on
Elk Creek, have beeo in conference
here the past few days, as Grants Pass
is a iort of headquarters for both of
There has been considerable com
plaint among the fishermen along tbe
river this soring tbat there were no
fish running and it has been discovered
recently that many of the salmon have
been going up the unscreened itriga
tion ditches, and Deputy Wilson has,
in response to advice to this affect,
ordered every irrigating ditch along
Rogue river and its tributaries to be
screened at once. There is no doubt
but that a great number of fish are
running up these unscreened ditches
aud in turn set out on the farmers
f ielila daring the irrigation season and
die. In fact reports have come
stating that numerous salmon weigh
ing 20 rounds and more have been
found in these ditches.
Deuutv Wilson is doing his utmost
have this havoc stopped and hopes
within a short time to have
ditches screen- d.
BOOSTERS S P I R I T-Grants Pass
tbis morning at sunrise at the head-
qnraters of the Ladies Auxiliary of
the Commercial Clob, by the Rev.
Mr. Broadguage.
They will be at home to all the
good people of Grants Pass and Jose
phine county next Friday at the
Coliseum skating rink, when they
will tender a Rose festival, give an
automobile paiade and serve light
refresh men ts.
GOF F-W O O L E R Y Wednesday
morning, June 17. mm. at iu a. m
at the city, hall R. H. Goff and
uaneva E. Woolery, both ol Jose
ph'ne county, Judge Holman, offi
The newly married left inline
d iately after the ceremony on tbe
northbound train.
HOLMES PHILLIPS-Wedn s s d a y
evening, June 17, iwa, at o o clock,
Chas J. Holmes and Miss Lillian
Phillips, at the home of the groom's
mother, Mrs. AnnaD. Holmes, Coantv
Judge Jewell adjusting the nuptial
SIMMONS Tuesday, June 9, 1908,
Mrs. Amanda Josephine Simmons,
at Hugo, Ore., aged 49 years, seven
uionms ana 4 days.
The deceased wan a member of the
Methodist church. She is survived
by a family of 10 children, four girls
and six boys. The daughters are
Mrs. Effie King, Mrs. Jessie Will
isms, Mrs. Mary E. Kuns and Mrs.
r.ita j. niuninRham. The sons are
Messrs. Robert, Charles, Thomas,
Walter, Calvin and John.
IHOROeGHBERD White Leghorns
and Plymonth Rock chickens for
ale. Hayden Close, Wilderville.
6-19 tf.
Window glass at Hair-Riddle's.
RANGE, with plumbing complete,
book case with adjustable shelves,
suitable for office; mission dining
table and two mission chairs for
sale. luquire at R. L. Cue resi
dence, phone 71. 6-H) it
IF YOU have a house or cow von
want to sell, or if you want a row
or a horse or a burro, try a Courier
want Ad. Inexpensive, potent and
profitable. Try one. Five cents
the line.
FOH SALE One sinoln ton l,..,
in good repair. M. Day, D stree't!
secoud house. west of d. 8-lt) 4t
KOK SALE New 4-H. P. Horinn.
tal Gasoline Eugine, Byron &
J ark ion. 8-inch centrifugal pomp
with fittings complete. Martin
Angel Western Hotel. fl-19 It
1 wmim iaa. rrice right
Will tjtkft Trf -uh '
, r - vwjsb UVKU Ul wmt?
good property on cash basis. Clow
in city lot for stork of goods or
team horses aud wagon. Phone 651,
J. D. Draie. 9.19
Rowell- music stor if you wish
riano leMons. 6 19 4t
The Rogue River Nurseries
Are strong on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000
fancy cuttings tbat ard rooting nicely in the reddest of
land. Ve are ready to contract for fall delivery at prices
that will surprise you. We are as well preparod to fur
nish you with anything in line of trees and general
nursery stock.
Conklin Building
The School that Placet
TJ E E ! TR E ES ! TRE Ess
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and you are sure of getting just what you order. We grow
our trees for quality not cheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent
Use the
$for Trcrut.
GOOD Sugsr Pine shakes for sale at
Kinney's Grocery st'r". 6-12 tf,
McCORMICK Mower, used one day,
" in perfect order, at a bargain. Mrs.
m l. k. ujinert, K. r. u. No. a.;or
Grants Pas telephone 107X3. 6 2 6t
COW Good family cow for sale.
Address Mrs. Close, Wilderville.
6-39 tf
FOR SALE Tbe fine residence
property of H A. ROTERMUND,
two blocks from Masonio Hall. En
qaire at Parirlock's Msrble Works.
FOR SALE Good soyar pine shakes.
Enquire Kenney's Grocery, 6-8-tf
ONE SPAN good work horses, one
driving or saddle horse for sale
cash or on terms. WiWon Mercan
tile Co.. Lei and 4 24 tf
FOR SALE 40 acres of choice red
land, well adapted to fruit and
grape culture nil under fence, house
and barn and growing crop on part
of it. Also 4fi bead of Angora
goats, one horse, cow and calf.
Located on Bull creek, four miles
southeant of Wilderville. Address
M. l. Bousniao, Wilderville, Ore.,
or call at ranch, no agent. 8-18tf
FIVE unrelated strains of tWnno-h.
brel Poland China hogs, all ages,
both sexes. Some either bred or
open. As good blood as any hogs in
Oregon. Also two Short horn bulls
for sale. John H. Robinson, Grants
Psss, Ore., Route 3. ft-29 4t
7-ROOM plastered honae on In.
street, two acres of ground, for sale
at t'fiOO. Inquire on premises,
opposite Kingwell's green house.
E. r. lompaon, tf
WILL rent too a ood farm, even
miles of city. Best terms given.
Write Box 25, or see me, residence
corner Oak and Park streets. J. M
TEAM WANTED Anvnn. k..i
workable team, who wants it kept
through winter months for light
work, arply to Chas. Meserve for
particulars. io.o0 tf
mission furniture made to order. '
Ioril. E I have taken no one hla-k
bog, crop off right ear. Owner can
have same by calling; at my place
and.paying charges. 3. B. Borough,
Grants Pass, Oregon. -23 5t
HORSE pasture at the Lvnn D. Allen
orn v T mu s we8t- Adores
KFD No. 3. 6.29 4,
- - . . " uut ui me 1 anions
bncks of the "King Arthur" also
other bucks of different strains of
breeding. Does of the noted strains,
backs for sale, Morlin, Ore. 8-37 tf
Grants Pass Or.
You m a Good Position
High Grade
Everything For
the Hunter and
Joe Wharton
Sixth Street
Inspected Sheet by
It may not be necessary, but we consider
it important that e(UIPlS (BOMB
should be inspected shett by sheet, list
perfect paper, and every user of it will
find each sheet perfect not one crack or
flaw can be found in a hundred reams.
Inspecting each sheet of COUIPQM (BMD
is made in the slow, old-fashioned semi
hand made way. It is one of tbe most
perfect products of our mills. No other
bond paper, no matter what its price, u
so highly qualified to represent the high
grade house a fact that has long been
recognized by banks, corporations and
others to whom quality in stationery i
an essential thing.
For sale by
FOR EXCHANGE Elegant new six
room bouse with all modern con
veniences, fully improved popular
cross town street. Near Oakland
and 8 F. oar and ferry lines.
40x135 feet lot Small house In rear
renting for $10 per month. Total
renting value about 45 per month.
Want Southern Oregon Agricultural
01 timber lands of 14500 value or
cash difference; trade cash basis.
Addrvss owner. 1633 Ashby Ave.,
Berkeley, CaL 4-8 tf
EXPERIENCED Sawyer and Engi
!Mff,.,v I
neer wants situation at either. Ad
dress P. O. Box 53, Grants Past-
6-13 tf