L EVERYTHING TO EAT AND WEAR for sale by Southern Oregon Supply Go. ANCHOR Your Investments In the cheapest, safest, most desirable fruit soils in Jackson County, at Woodville, cn Evans Creek, the "EMERALD VALLEY." A aTlfji sl'd tract apple, pear, peach and cherry m W land, p,o per acre. 135 acres in town $75 per acre. 40 acres, 1 vineyard location aud soil $15 per acre. Rogue River frontage $20 per acrer SEE ME RIGHT NOW Ben A. Lowell WOODVILLE, ORE. Best Talcum Powder nt MODEL DRUG STORE Front Street, Opposite Depot Safe and Secure Is the Man with a good Bank account. By syiitematiurtly depositing his earnings each week, he nan Something for a rainy day and is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Are you one of the fortunate? We invite you to open an account with us. Be it small or great, you will always receive courteous treatment. Interest on time deposits IS you hare some surplus cash why not have it earning you some interest? We pay interest on time deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes for Kent in which you can store your valuable papers nd treasures. You may have need for juHt such an accom modation. Let us serve you, G. P. Banking & Trust Co. ill MY BB M bus iCJ, Tb wtut b all tqvttd tt by j drMiV rmurm - from Preferred ttarV Cnir mn A lsattn rV if! N niAta lAtrrkui. V Preferred Stock Canned Goods laetera grows Squeak tm& Pumpkin are keet, therefore we have til Preferred Stock Squash tad Pumpkia caaaediathe Eatt. When they hart had t good frort accessary to girt fatit Bitot then the bett of the crop are gathered at eoce into the cannery, carefully tt uide and put up for Preferred Stock. It comet out rick, and Juet moit caomgh far beet pica. Flavor b onrurpmtd. Btmrtbll ninUtlD STOCK 0tjtr GrvtrU luutura, - emw. nituib. eaaeoa.v.aA i I IN Kr LAI (X Mr. H'lmer'i Views. Dear Editor: The prohibition vote at the recent election in Southern Ore gon hag been a surprise to many. This sweeping denunciation of sa loons comes mostly from the impure whinker handled by many of them and the bad coudnct resulting from the use of bad whiskey. It is entirely reasonable to aoppote that w heu a an pours down into his stomach a mix tare of high nines, creosote and to bacco juice that he will nut only look blear eyed at ladies, spit on the side walk, stagger about aud insist on blowing tlie "bloom" Into every sober uiaus faoe, and that he will want to lick somebody aud would pro bably while delirious aud ciazy, much rither be larruped himtelf thau to go his way in peaoe. B fore the civil war when small "stills" wra allowed to run anywhere, make pure liquor and sell it at 20 ceuts a gallon, there a bat little dissipation aud very few confirmed drunkards. Since the civil war matters have sone from bad to worse tight along. I hae always believed that the fit at doty of the geueral government toward ttmptrauce was to sieze and pour out luto the gutter every drop of impure liquor wberevtr found, bnt instead in ita blind prejudice, it has shut down even small dUtillrrs.bnnted them and even shot the owners and employei for what? Why for at tempting to make pore whiskey. The government closed all of these small "stills" by imposing duties aud expenses upon them so gieat that they even wre criveu from bosim as. They GIVE NATURE A CHANCE. The strongest minds have gotten their Inspiration direct from Mature. Nature is the great toacher of mankind. We can look to Nature for all our needs. In the recent Russo-Japanese war the sur- 5 eons of the Japanese navy and army iscovered that wounds would heal more rapidly and with better success if left to Nature. They wished the wounds with water which had been boiled and thus sterilized then bandaged the wounds with clean linen no powerful drugs or antiseptics were used in their first aid to the Injured. Such methods resulted in the loss of only 32 out of fiH2 men treated In a naval hospital for their wounds. It Is only from lack of observing Nature's laws that most of us suffer at one time or another from indigestion, impure blood and a generally run-down system. Our remedy lies In Nature's laboratory deep in the fragrant woods where are many American plants, the roots oi which when properly treated will sup ply a health-giving tonic Many years ago a physician who had an extensive practice among the afflicted made a striking departure from the usual methods of his confreres in medicine he went straight to Nature for the cure ol those stomach disorders w hich resulted so often In an anrnilc condition, or Im pure blood, less of appetite, pale or pimply skin, feeling of lassitude and weakness. He found that the bark of the Klack Cherry-tree, the root of the Mandrake, Stone root, Oueen'a root, Bloodroot and Golden Seal root, made Into a scientific, non-alcoholic extract by the use of glycerine, made the best altera tive and tonic. The refreshing influence of this extract Is at once apparent In the recovered strength of the patients the vital tires of the body burn brlirhtur and their increased activity consumes the tissue rubbish which otherwise may poison the system. This alterative and tonic extract has been found to stand alone as a safe, Invigorating tonic, as It does not depend on alcohol for a false stimulation, but is A'mure't mim method of strengthening and cleansing the sys tem. It tones up the stomach and the blood in Nature's own way. It is well known all over the world as Pr. Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery. The name was slven to this vegetable compound because one of the Unuortant ingredients I was Golden Seal root. Such an authority as Dr. Kolierts Itartholow, of Jefferson Medical College, says "very use ful as a stomachic toulc. Cures catarrh of the stomach and headaches accom panying the same." Dr. tirover Coe, In his book Organic Medicines, speaking of (iolden Seal root, says that "as a liver kivlxorauir It has few equate.' Further he says, "in chronic Inflammation of the bladder we deem It one of the most reli able agents of cure. As a tonic In the convalescing stages of fevers, pneumonia, dvsonlery and other acute diseases Hy drastis (Golden Seal root) is peculiarly appropriate." Dr. Coe continues: We would here add that our experience has demon strated the Hydrastis or Golden Seal root to be a valuable remedy in bronchitis, laryngitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs." Of service in chronic catarrh of the Stomach and bowels following abuse of alcohol, a tonic after malarial fever. Has a distinct, anti malarial influence. Good ra all catarrhal conditions, as uterine catarrh, leucorrhcea, etc. II a curative agent in chronic dyspepsia." Hobart A. Hare, M. D., University of Pennsylvania. Prof. John M. Scudder in Specific Med ication says: It stimulates the diges tive processes, and Increases the assimila tion of food. Uy these means the blood is enriched, ana this blood feeds the musculsr system. I mention the mus cular system because I believe it first feels the increased power Imparted by the stimulation of Increased nutrition. The consequent improvement on tbe nerveut and glandular systems are natural results. In relation to Ita general ejects on the system, there is no medicine in use about v Mrh there it such general unan imtry of opinion. It is universally re- Eerded as tha tonic useful In all de ll it d states." A (tor many yean of study and labo ratory work Ir. R. V. Pierce produced the most happy combination of this Golden Seal root with otter efficacious roots enhancing and Increasing In cura tive power these native plants from our American forests by the addition of chem ically pure glycerine, of proper strength, which is far better tban alcohol, both for extracting and preserving the medi cinal principles residing In plants. Glyc erine itself Is useful In medicine to sub due Inflammation and by cleansing the membrane of the stomach of abnormal secretions aids In the cure of dypepsia, and stomach and Intestinal troublea. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser 1 Jti pages. It sent free. on receipt of stamts. to nav ei Dense of mailing onu. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book In aper covers, or si stamps for the ciotn- und vo l me. Ad(tres nr. rt. v . fierce. 6ul Main Street. Buffalo. N. Y. had to have an inspector whose salary was five dollars per day and one mill on the gallon for inspecting govern ment meters at from ens thousand dollars np; a tax of 13 per gallon on the ontpnt ; a federal license, govern ment seals, bonded warehons end many other reqarie'nents i missed with tbe special idea in view i f clos ing the distilling down. Tnix sme revenue law whiuh made it uiterly impossible for a small "still" to oier ate and make pore whiskey I v law, placed no restrictions whatever npoo the wholesale liquor dealer or saloon keeper. While the TJuited Stat s in spector of a small still strott d abont its premises in foil charge o' its en tire business, with authority over the proprietor, the wholesale liquor detlcr aud saloon keeper had no one id watch them; tbey could aod many 1 l pro duce at will any rotten articln of drluk they saw fit by eimply buying a government linen se. In this repert the condi.ct f the government has ben aim' st if not quite crimiual blind nrejndi. e to ward the small distiller in his ra pacity in the making of pure wi iskey and criminal in licensing ui ni runs ot'iers anyone so disposed, i flood the country with imporx whiskey made of seductive bloodheatin., dan gerous drngs and it hs coimiv d at the nte of it by the public in general and from this source has come in -t of the present degradation, a t'm when men with terse to realize the impos sibility of resisting the vile dupe. When once a mans system b coa.es impregnated with it, wabble up to the polls in this Juue election dav bv the dozens and rote "dry. " Sacb has beoome the misery from this polluted source that it l i be come diffionlt if not impossible for a decent man to conduct a well regu lated and orderly saloon, even though he kept pure liquors behind hi. bar. The government has clearly caused most all of this disgusting business by itt narrow policy and i rejndice it has taken prematurely, many a father and promising boy from the home fireside and hurried from among us many a shining intellect; made howl ing fools of many of oor bext boys and the hands of the Injured go up in holy horror at the spectacle presented ; the opportunity being presented both those who were sober and tlx se who were drunk marched op to tlm polle together and voted the "lid rn." The making of pure whinkfv, the seiaiog'ofall impure liquors with proper legal regulations of the sale of it wonld probably have been a better solution, bat better no whi-kev at all than present conditions. W. J. WIMEH. W. C. T. U. NOTES There has been oragnized effort which has been sncorsvful in diiviug oat the saloon. Let us now t.ke into account saloon substitute. Let "eternal vigilance" be the watchword and, with God as onr leader, go for ward to greater victories. Many think tbe W. 0. T. V. have the drinking fountain in r hrg , but this is a mistake. When the f nutaln was completed, fully equipped with cooler, caps, etc., and piec ted to the oity, our connection with the uiauageineut ceased and the ty now has fail control. Boone County, Mo., is one of the counties that bas recently vnt d out the saloon. In view of thi- fact, the Boooe County Medical Societv pi dged its members not to give in,n. r pre scriptions for any cause I v d-ntly these pbysioiana do not find :qoor necessary as a medicine and sre not willing to assist anyone in evasion of tbe prohibitory law. Physicians assembled in i nnnal meeting in Chicago during ii e first week of Jane expressed their com mendation of tbe work of i'-ntifio temperanoe-instrnotion in sch.la In augurated and supported by th- W. C. T. U. The Alonini banquet f North western University Medical N (v ol is said to be tbe largest alumni b nquet ever held in tbla country. A''ont 800 phy si leans were persent and t'.rr- was not one drop of wine at lh tj In Dr. C. H. Hughes of St Loo I- Hid "If there is one thing more than another that has Impressed Itself up u tbe medical profession, it is th i lustra tion of that old truth, proti need a great many years ago, that v. me is a mocker, and that whoso er is de ceived thereby Is not wise. The man who sees the effects of tUxilwl as re vealed In tbe laboratory, w o nh s tbe degenercy that has come tb oti.h the use of alcohol, as I have s - it in examining men for tbe aimy hen we see all this we can no longer coontenanne the nse of alcoh 1. " Dr. J. U. Kellogg said "I believe that if medical men would take bo d of this question earnestely we en d abolish the'nbe of alcohol from'our lattice. " The supreme court of lllino has de nied a motion for the reb' anng of a test case brought by the brew iig io- whose sympathies the saloon onder- done, aud is now a home in the terests of the state in an effort to in ! validate the local option law, "Poverty never drives a man to drink nnless he wants to go: but ; driuk drags a man to poverty, whether he wants to go or not." "It cannot be said that a saloon safe I guards auyttiii'g or anybody. It militates against everything and everybody. Ita hand is against every man, woman and ohild the world around." Do the mothers seem to be all for stand what it hat doing? Scarcely country has not been touched by ita evil hand, dliectly or indiectly; and if these mothers who should be heme keeps, KNEW, wonld they lend their inflnenoe to that which wrecks bos bands, loads aunt to destruction aud breaks hearts? Surely none of THEIR loved ones have gone down to the gutter and the grave through driuk I But what of those who have thus gone down? Do not the bnrdeoa of misery borne by those whose loved ones have been lost to them appeal to the mothers heart everywhere? May the entire motherhood awaken and be aroused to btoader sympathies for and active, earnest service in be half of those, w hu have suffered and are.we.try of their sufferings. A widening field of inflnenoe is the medal ooutest work as demonstrated by the following. From tbe floor of a hay wagon diawn np to the side walk a voting lU'dftl contestant girl recited "A Terrible Charge," In a recent street meetiug arranged by the W. U. T. U. Iu the crowd that gathered was a manufacturer of pbonographio records who waa so imprested with tbe logio of the argu ments presented, as well as with the clear-toned delivery of the earnest young orator thai he made his way through tbe audience and secured an appointment for the yoang girl to "speak her piece" iuto the phono graph. The man ia traveling through the Southern states ia the iuterest of his business laud this temperance piece is to be nsed as one of his ' 'show pieces." So the tempernace seed ia to be scattered far and wide. Thus does the work go far beyond the ken of the worker. " A Terrible Charge, " is tbe same pieoe so ably delivered by Earl Doxsoe at the recent rally in Merlin. PRESS COR. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Some of the Service that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The safest and simplest way of keeping your money is bv depositing it in a Reliable Hank. This Hank receives De posits subject to Check, or on demand Certilicates of denoit or on time Certilicates of Deposits. On time deposits we pay 4 PER CENT INTEREST DRAFTS The beat and cheapest wav to transfer money is bv Hank Draft. We sell Drafts payable in all parts of the country. LOANS One of the most impor tant functions of tbe Hank. We endeavor to supply all reasonable needs of our customers. Capital and Surplus $73,000 Stockholders' Additional Responsibility $50,000 OFFICERS L. B. Hall, President J. ( Camprii.l, Vice-Pres. H L. Uii.ksv, Cashier R. K. HacKtrr, Asst. Cashier GASOLINE ENGINE IRRIGATION. SFRATING & PUMPING MACHINERY Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding. Ouinia complete. Kairhanks Scales for weighing. Kairbanks-Miirse Dynamos and Motors for fower and light. Kairhanks-Morse Wlndmllle and Towers. k'airlianks-Morse Urindere, Feed Chop pasta Well Pumps. All Irrst quality goods at lowest prices. Always in stock. Liberal terms. Prompt reply to inquiries and quick shipments. Write for catalogue and prices. GRANTS PASS BDW. CO., Agenta Grants Past. Oregon FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. PORTLAND OR COFFEE The world is full of anonymous coffee : "Java and Mocha." Who returns your money if you don't like 'em? Yew tracer ratarai rear aeae? U yea seal Kke StkiMlaf 'i Bst; t? kiss. ROUND-TRIP RATES EAST WILL SS MllS THIS tRASOS RT TUS SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINKS IN OKKGON) From Grants Puss, Ore. CHEAP RATES EAST VIA BURLINGTON ROUTE DATE! OF SALE May 4 and 18; June 5. 6, 19, 20; July 6, 7, 22, 23; August 6, 7, 21, 22. Plan now. BATIS General basis ghO.OO to Omaha, Kansas City and back; $67.50 St. Louis and back; $72.50 Chicago and back, via direct routes; $15.00 more through California. DIVERSE ROUTES AND PRIVILEGES Variable routes: final limit 90 days; stopovers en route. Tickets on sale in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia; consult Burlington maps and folders and note how many im portant cities are reached by the different Burlington main lines; tickets reading Burlington are hon ored via Denver with atopovers. TRAIN SEBVICE-Hlghest grade of through service via Bil lings and direct southeast main line. Through chair cars (seata free) standard and tourist sleepers. Three connecting trains daily from St. Paul via picturesque Mississippi River Route. l-et initial agents, or the undersign ed, ticket you Hurlington to em brace tbe greatest diversity of roatee and territory at the least oott. A. C. SHELDON, O.ner.1 Agent, C.R&Q.i (ft rAt .A R. ion Mat. PnUn,lf "P,,"W""I a A3 FOLLOWS: Both Ways through Portland 0ns Wav TO through via California Chicago $81.45 $87.50 !St. Louis 7(iAn 82.r0 St. Paul G8.95 81.75 Omaha G8.95 75.00 Kansas City 68.95 75.00 TICKKTS WILL BB ON SALE May 4, 18 June 5t G, 19, 20 July G, 7, 22, 23 Aupust G, 7, 21, 22 Good fur retnm In M) days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. Remember the Dates. for any further Information call on It. K. MONTGOMERY, Local Agent or write to MM. McML'KHAY, General Passenger Ageut, I'd KT LAND, OHE. I ' THe Star Drilling piaii Co. is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES (or water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A moderate amount of money will start yon In m profitable bualneaa. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to be The Host In 1 ho World. For full particulars rcj;ard injr well drilling miuhinea, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. Portland, oneaoH, or Axnon. OHIO. t-c-v