Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 12, 1908, Image 7

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Timber Land Act, Jone 8, 1878.
Rosebnrg, Ore., April 4, 1908.
Votlce U hereby given that In oom
ii.nn with the provisions of tbb aot
P cCress of J 8. 18T8. entitle
S aVact for the sale of timber land in
th. States cf California. Oregon,
I" a and Washington Temtoiy,"
'extended to all the Pnblio Land
ftate by act of August 4. 1898.
f Aberdeen, county of Chehalis,
state of Washington, did on Janoary
ST 1908 file in this office his sworn
demerit No. 9538, for the pur
fhVw of tht EX of tl.e E of Section
Kn 84 in Township No. 87 Sooth.
S,nBe 4 West, and will offer proof to
now that the land sought is more
.double for its timber or stone than
for agicultual puposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before
iT-nli Moss. U. S. Commissioner at
OrantS rasa, vjio. """"v
d,v of August. 1908.
Re names as witnesses: James T,
c..,n. nf Grauts Pass. Josephine Co.,
nM William T. Tnrnbam of Grants
Tnnhine Co.. Ore.. Henry D.
..iAtnh. of Grants Pats. Josephine
rC, fire.. Aaron E. Nattelblad, of
Aberdeen, Chehalis Co., Wash.
a. ami all Dersons claiming ad
Tersely the above described lands are
rwineited to file their claims in this
nffice on or before said 17th day of
Timber Land Act, June 8, 878.
Rcseburg, Ore., April 4. 1908.
Vntlcfl is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An auii for the sale of timber lands
in the States of . California, Oregon,
and Washintgou Territoty,"
. extended to all the Pnblio Land
Status by act of Aueust 4, 1893,
of Aberdeen, county of Chehalis, State
of Washington, oia on jauuary xo,
1908, file in this office bis sworn
statement No. 9535 for the purchase
af the NJ of the 8 of Section.No.
38, in Township No. 87 South, Range
No. 4 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to Mid land, be
fore Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner
it Grants Pais, Ore., on Monday, the
17th day of August, 1908.
He names as witnesses : James T.
Burns, of Grants Pass, Josephie Co.,
Ore., William T. Turham, of Grants
Pass, Josephine Co., Ore., Henry D.
Mcintosh, of Grants Pass, Josephine
Co. Ore., William G. Powell, of Aber
deen, Chehalis, Wish.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 17tb day of
August, 1908.
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore.. Macrli 16, 1908.
Notice is hereby given, that in com
plisnca with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of tibnier
Lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory, " as extended to all Public
Land States by act of August 4,
of Portland, County of Multomah,
Slate of Oregon, filed in this oinoe
bis sworn statemeat No. 8995 for the
purchase of the WW SWm, Sb4 SW.'i
of Section No. 10 in Township No. 84
Suoth of Range No. W, W M.. Ore.,
nd will offer proof to show that the
and sought is more vaiuanie iw
timber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
"aid land before the Register and Re
Wer of this office, at RoBebnrg,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the llth day of
AUgUSt, 1908.
He names as witnesses: ueorge n.
Light, of Leland, Ore., A. J. Ben
nett, of Graves, Ore., G. W. Parley,
of Graves. Ore.. Eugene Reed, of
Lelaod, Ore. . .
Auy aod all persons claiming u-
versely the above described lauds are
requested to rile their claims in this
ifoce on or before said inn nay oi
Aagut, 1908.
BKNJAM1M U ivu, negisi-r.
Timber Laud, Act June 3. 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April 4, 1908.
Notice is herebv given that in com-
pliance wth the provisions of the ao
of Congress of June 3, 1B8. euuueu
"An aot for the sale of timber land in
ine states or jaiuurmn,
Nevada and Washington lerrtory.
as extended to all the Publo Land
States by act of August 4. 1893,
(JHAKLtS A. wir,L.c
f Lane county of Kootan, State of
laho. did oo January 18, 1908. file
b this office his swcru sUtemeut No.
J."i33, for the purchase or me low
and 2 and the SSi of the NE'.j' of
Motion No. 8 in Section No. 8. iu
Township No. 85 South. Range
No 6 west, un "!' ""
to show that the land sought is
valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and t
tstablish his claim to saxi land b fore
Tosenh Mom, U S uommisHi. ner at
Grauts Ha. Oregon on faturua. tne
15th day of August, 1908.
TI n n tii am a witnesses: jhtou
A. Conger of Orauts Pas-, jwsepnme i
Oiegrn. Josepn fc. v.raiu oi
drants Pss, Josephiue Co , Ore, A il-
iarn T. I nrnham or. ursut re
Josephine Co., Oie.. Euimitt R.
r . . -1 j ill. T ......... , nfl
Uouger, or wiiuermic,
Co., Ore. .
Anv and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described la- ds are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before said 15th day of
August, 1. BEjAjiN EDDY,
'""'i. jm-MSti APPLI
United States Land office at Roseburg,
Oregon. TtfT 20 tuna '
Notice is hereby given that th fMd
--... u-gauizra, created and
existing under the laws of the State nf
Delaware. U.S. A., whose postoffice ad
dress u Wilmington, Delaware, and
which corporation is duly registered
and licensed ouderthe laws oi the State
i "regon.nastnisday bled its applies
.? pateDt forthe following des
cribed lodes, veins, deposits aud mines
bearing gold, ailvar nH h,. . ..... ..i,.
minerals, all constituting one gronp of
claims kiinun f2i.i..-. u'j.. .
-- :- vu.uru nrugo uroup
of mining claims, min.vl w
690, and situated in (.li,-A ,
ized) mining district, County of Jose
phiue, State of Oregon, as designated
by the field notes aud plat on file in
this office, and Dlat nostxrl nn
group of claims, to-wit:
'Bailey Claim Mother Lode," 1500
feet of the vein or lode in length and
with surface ground 600 feet in widili,
containing 20.661 acres, as designated
by the field notes and officul plat on
file in thisoffice as survey No.60, the
particular description thereof being as
follows: Beignning at corner No. !
whence the quarter section corner be
tween Sees. 18 and 18, Twp. 84 South,
Ranges 7 and 8 west of W. M. bears
NorthJ 83 23', East 9124.84 feet a fir
post 4 feet long 4 inches square stt 18
inches in the ground, scribed 1-690
whence a Douglas fir 20 indies in di
ameter bears N 47' W 12 5 ft. blazed
and scribed 1-690 B. T. ; thence S 78
W 600 ft to Cor No. 3, a fir post 4 ft
long, 4 in.Jq, set 18 ins. in the ground
scribed 2-690 whence a Douglas fir 30
ins. in diameter bears N 18" E 52 23 ft.
scribed 2 6M) B. T. Thence N 12. W
1500 ft. to Cor No. 8 a fir post 4 ft loug,
4 ins. square, set on a ledge of rock in
a mound cf stone scribed 8-690, B. T.
Thence N 78. E 600 ft. to Cor. No. 4
a fir post, 4 ft. long 4 ins. square, se'
18 ins. in the grounnd scriued 4-690
whence a black oak 12 in, iu diameter
bears S 14 V, W 18 ft. blazed and scribed
4-690 B.T. and thence S 12 E 1500 ft
to Cor No.l to the place of beginning.
(Magnetic variations 20 E. )
"Sister Claim Mother Lode," begin
ning at Cor. No. 1 a fir post 4 ft. long
and 4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the
ground, scribed 1-690 whence a white
oak 10 ins. in diameter bears W 13.6 ft
blazed aud scribed 1-690 B. T. the Cor.
of Sees 18-19-13 and 24, Twp. 84 S, R 7
and 8 W, bears S 89. 13 E 8752 72 ft.
thence S 78 W 600 ft. to Cor. No. 2 a
fir post 4 ft. long, 4 ins square, set 18
int. in the ground scribed 2-690 whence
a laurel 10 ins in diameter bears N 2
E 18 ft. blazed aud scribed 3-690 B
T, thenoe N 12. W 1500 ft. to Cor No.
3 a Douglas fir 20 ins. in diameter bears
S 58. E 62 ft blazed aud sc ibed 3-090
B. T. from Cor. post 4 ins. square set
18 ins in the ground, marked 3-690;
thence from said post N 78. E 600 ft
to Cor. No. 4, identical with Cor. No.
4 of the location and Cor. No. 1, Bai
ley Claim Mother Lode and with Cor.
No. 4 Golden Wedge Mine whence a
Douglas fir 36 ins. in diameter bears S
85 W 8 ft. blazed and soribed 4-680 B.
T.and thenoe S12. E 1500 ft. to Cor. No
1, the place of beginning. (Magnetic
variation of 20 E)
"Golden Wedge Mine,' beginning at
Cor.No. 1, identical witn Cor. No. 1 of
the location and with Cor. No. 1 of the
Walker lode Cor. No 2. Sister claim
Mother lode and Cor. No. 8, Big Dip
per Minn, the corners of Sees 13-24 18
and 19 Two. 84 S. R.7 and 8 W of the
W. M. bears JS 9 68' E, 9338.79 ft, a
laurel 10 ins. in da meter bt ars N. 60
W 40 ft blazed aud soribed 4-690 B. T.
thence S 78 W, 6t)0 ft to corner No. 2,
identioal with corner No. 4 of the Wal
ker, Lode a fir pot 4 ft long, 4 ins.
square.tet 18 me. in tne ground sen Den
2-690 whence a fir 12 ins. in diaui oears
N26". W 25 ft. blszed and scribed 2-690
B.T., thence N 13 W, 1500 ft. to Cor
No. 3 a fir Dost, 4 It lung and 4 ins
square set 18 ins. iu the grouudoribed
s-iWn) w Deuce a laurei iu ins. iu mum.
bear S 73, 19.7 ft., blazed and scribed
3-090 B. T. theuce N 78 E 600 ft to Cor.
No. 4, identical with Cor. No. 2 of
the BaileyClftim Mother Lode and with
Cor. No. 8. Sister Claim Mother lode
whence a fir 24 ins in diam. bears S
61V- w 22 8 ft. hh.ed and scribed
4-690 BT. Thence S 12' E 1500 ft. to the
place of beginning. (Magnetic vari
ation OI i" I rtrtM;..i.'"i num.
"Deer Lick Claim", Area ZO.H47.
acres. Beginning at corner No.
1, wheuce the corner of Sees.
13-24-18-19 Twp. 84 S, R 7 and 8
W of W M, Bears N 89 and 40", E
8112.8 ft. a fir poft, 4 ft. long, 4 ins.
square, set 18 ins iu the ground
scribed 1-690 whence a Douglas Or 10
ins. in diam bears N S3 W, 25 ft. and
a Douglas fir 10 ins. iu diameter bear
N 70 W, 29.5 ft ech blazed and scribed
1 690 B. T. Tlieuc-i S 88' W'f.00 ft. to
Cor. No. 2, oo the E line of the Big
Dipper Claim a fir pot 4 ft. long aud
4 ins. square, set 18 ins. in the ground
scribed 2 690 whence a lanrel 13 Ins. in
diameter baais N 20 E 31 ft. a fir 30
ins. in diameter bears d OO, W 30 ft.
ea.'h blazed and scribed 4-690 B. l.
Iheucd N 13', W on line of Big
D.pper Miue and oo liu 4 of Sister
Claim Mother Lode l.'iOO Cor. No.
8 identical wnh Cor. Nn. 8 of ihe loca
tion a fir post 4 ft. long 4. ins. square,
set is ins. in the ground scribed 3-fiJO
a fir 48 ins. in diam. bears N 13 E 18
ft. alanr'l 6 lus. in diam. bears 8
118 E 16 ft. each blazed and scribed
3 690 B. T. Cor. No. 4 of Sister
Cla m Mother Lode benrs N 12, W
193 ft. Thence N 88, E 00 ft to Cor
No 4 on Northern bank ol B-ileyCreek
a fir p at 4 ft long 4 ins square set 18
ins in the gtooud srribed 4-690 whence
a black uas. 14 ins in oiam D-arn ana ,
E 5 ft. distant bUed and B ribed 4 690
B T and t' etice S 12' E 1500 ft. to Cor.
No. 1 to place of begioning. I Magnet-
. . : Oi
ic vanai.uun oi.u ci
"Walker Claim." Total area of the
claim 16.97 acres. Area in conflict
with Richtnoud Lode .848 of an acre.
That area claimed 16.586 acre. Begin
ning at Cor. No. 1 identcal with Cor.
No. 1 of the Golden Wedge Mine, Cor.
No. 8 of the Big Dipper Mine and Cor.
No. 3 of Sister Claim Mother Lode,
whence the Cor. et Sees. 18 1W-1S and
24. Tp. 84 S, Ranges 7 and 8 W W M.
Bears N 89 and 58, E 933a 79 ft
Thsnca 8 12 E 1274.6 ft. to Cor. No.
2 identical with Cor. No. 3 of the loca
tion and Cor. No. t Big Dipper Mine
of ibis survey bears 8 12 E 145.5 ft a
fir post 4 ft. long, 4 ins. square, set IS
Ins. in the ground scribed 2-690 whence
a fir 14 ins. in diam. bears 8 64 W 8M
ft. a b ack oak 80 ins. in diam. bears
S 18 E 16 ft., each biased and scribed
2-690 ai. Thence S 78 W 660 ft fir
post 4 ft long 4 Ins square, set 18 ins
iu the ground scribed 8-690 whence a
black oak 8 ins In diam. bears N 31
W 17.5 ft. a fir 26 ins in diam. bears
S 85, W 26 ft. each blazed and scribed
8-690 R T. Thence N 13 43- W 1375 13
ft. to Cor.No. 4 identical with cor.No.
4 ot the location, and with oor No. 2 of
the Goldes Wedge Minn, and thenoe N
78, E 600 ft. to the place of beginning.
(Magnetic variation 20 E.)
"Big Dipper Mine". Total area
19. '59 acres les area in conflict with
Richmond Lode (unsurveyed) 11-815
acres, net area claimed by applicant
7.744 acres. Beginniug at corner No.l,
ideutical with Cor.No. 1 of the location
a fir post 4 ft. long 4 ins sqnare set 18
ins. in thegronndscribrd 1-690 whence
the Cor. of sections 13-24 18 aud 19
Twp. 84 S, R 7 and 8 W of W M, ears
N 81" and28 E 8551.8 f. a fir 40 ins.
in diam bears N 80, W 41 ft. and a Or
36 ins. in diam bears S 66 E 34 ft.
each blazed and scribed 1-69j B. T,
Thenoe S 78-, W 600 ft. to Cor. No. 2 a fir
post 4 ft. long, 4 Ins. square, set 18 ins.
in the ground scribed 3-690 whence a
black oak 40 ins. in diam. bears S 44 E
73 ft. blazed and soribed 2-690 B. T.
Thence N 13 W 1430 ft. to Cor.No. 8,
identical with Cor. No. 8 of the loca
tion aud with cor No 1 of the Walker
Lode and with Cor No 1 of the Golden
Wedge Mine and Cor No 2 of the Sis
ter Claim Mother Lode whence a fir 60
ins in diam beirs 8 84E 8 ft blazed
and soribed 3-690 B T. Thence N 78
E 600 ft to Cor No 4 identical with Cor
No 4 of the location and with Cor No
1 Sister Claim Mother Lode, whence a
fir 10 ins. in diam. bears S 87. W 28 ft
blazed and scribed 4-690 BT. Thence S
12, E 1420 ft to the place of beign
uing. (Magnetic variations 20'E).
The location of these several mining
cliims are recorded in the office of the
county clerk of Josephine county, State
of Oregon, as follows:
The Bailey Claim Mother Lode, H.
T. Hutcbina, locator, notice of loca
tion in volume 10, of Misc. records on
page 438.
The Sister Claim Mother Lede, H.
T. Hutchins, locator, notice of loca
tion in Volume 10, on page 493, Misc.
Golden Wedge Mine , H. T. Hutch
ins, locator in volume 7, page 132
uiisc. mining record.
The Deer Lick, W. W. Can by, locat
or notoe of location in volume 17 on
page 811 mining record.
I he Walker Lode W. W. Oanby, lo
cator, notice of location in volume 17,
on page 262, mining record.
Tlie Big nipper ti.n. aramer locat
or, notice of lovatiou in volume IS,
page 36H mining rceord.
The adjoining claim on the north
is the Richmond Lode nosnrveyed,
possessed by P. H. Marth and E. Fri
day. The area of the Richmond Lode
In contact with the nig JJlpper and
the Walker Claim is waived by the
applicant. All the claims are on on
surveyed lands.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely any portion or said mines.
lodes, veins, mineral oepoaits, an r race
ground above described and for "which
aonlcation is made for patent are re
quired to file their adverse claims with
the Register ot the United States Land
Office at Kosflbnrg, in tne uonnt,' or
Douglas during the 60 days period of
publication hereof or thev will be ear
red in virtue of the provisoes of the
Statute in such case made and provided.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Josephine County.
In the matter of the
Estate of James
Evaus, deceased. J
Notice is hereby given that the
uudersigned lias this day filed her
final account in the matter of the es
tate of James Evans, deceased, the
same being filed in the Uouoty Court
of the Stat of Oregon for Josephine
County. All persons having an interest
iu said estate as creditors, heirs, or
otherwise objecting to said account,
or any item therein, will take notice
that taid account will be considered
bv s:id court ou .Monday the loth day
of June, 1908 at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day in the Court Room of said
'Court at the County Court House in
the city of Grauts Pass, Oregon, and
any objections to said final account
uiui-t be filed and presented to said
court at the date aforesaid.
Published by order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, County Ju.lge of Josephine
County, Oregon Dated this 6t)i day
of May. 1908.
Marcus W. Robbins, Attorney.
Timber Land, Act Jnne 3, 1878.
Kostbutg, Ore . Mar. 81. 1908.
Notice is hereby given. That in
compliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of Joue 3, 18i8, eu
tilled "Au Act for the sale of timber
lands iu the State of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all Pudlic
Land States by act of August 4, 18J2
of Woodville, Couuty ot J ack sun State
of Oregon, did onNovember 25, 1907
file in this office her sworn statement
No. 9385, or the purchase of the NW
of the ftvtfi or section AO. an, xowo
ship 3i South of Range 64 Mert and
will offer prcf to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its timber
and stone than for agricultural pnr
poee,and to establish ber claim to said
land before Joseph Moss, U. S. Com
miaeiooer, at Grants Pass, Oregon
Tneaday the 28th day of July 1908.
He names a witnesses: Charles V,
Hinkle, of Grants Pass. Josephine
County, Oregon : George Megerle, of
Woodvlle. Jackson County, Oregon
Daniel Megerle of Woodville. Jack
son County, Oregon; George Biers, of
Wimer, Jackson County, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming are
versely the above described lands and
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 28th day ot
Jury, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY,
Timber Land, Act June I, 1878.
Rosebnrg. Oie. March S5. 1908
Notice is hereby give that in
compliance with the provisions of the
act ef Congress of Juae B, 1878. en
titled "An act forth sale )f timber
lands Id the States of California,
'regon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended t all the Pnblio
Land States by act of August 4. 1893,
of Grants Pass, connty ot Josephine,
State of Oregon, did on August 23,
1907, file in this of no his sworn state
ment No. 9216, for the purchse nf the
SS' of the NE4' and the NW of the
NEVand the NE4" of the NW, of
Sectiou No. 13 in Townshp No. 36
Sooth, Range No 5 West, and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to eetablsh his claim to said
land before Joseph Moss, U. S. Com
missioner, at his office at Grants
Pass, Oregou, on Thursday, the 35th
dav ot Jane, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Joseph
Wolke, ot Grants Pass. Josephine
county, Oregon, John T Woolfoik, of
Grants Pass Josephine Co., Ore.,
Leonard L. Cotton, of Grants Pas.
Josephine Co., Oregon. William P
Wright, of Grants Pass, Josephine
Co., Ore.
Any aud all person claiming in
versely the above-describnd lands are
equestea to tile their claims in tins
office on or before said 25th day of
June, 1908.
Timber Lao, Aot June 8, 1878.
Koseburg, Ore., March 35. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisons of the aot
of Congress of Jnne 3, 1878, entilted
An aot for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pnblio Land
States by aot of August 4, 1892,
of 'Olympia, County of Thurston,
Stat of Washington, did an August
33, 1907, file in this office her sworn
statemeat No. 9213, for the purchase
of the NEJ of NWJ and the NX of
tba NEW and SEW of NE ot Section
no. i4 in xownanip no. sy ooum,
Ranage No. 6 West, aod will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
mere valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and te
stablisn her claim to said land be
fore Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commis
sioner at bis ofefie at Grants Pass,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 24th day
of Jane, 1808.
She names as witnesses: Josepti
Vsidia. of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Ore., Martin A Conger, of
Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.,
John R Hyde, of Grants Pass, Jose
phine Oo., ore.. William 1 lurnnam,
f Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office oa er before said 24th day of
one, 108.
Timber Land, Act Joue 8, 1878.
Rosobnrg, Ore , Februry 26 , 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Jane 8, 1878, eutitled
An act for the sale or timber lands
n tne mates or uanrornia, ('regon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pubilo Land
States by act of August 4, 1893.
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of Washington, has this day filed in
this office her sworn statement No.
8896, for the purchase of the NEI4 of
Section No 80 in Township No. 34
Sooth, Range No. 6 West. W M., and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her chum to said
land before Kegister and Reoeiver of
the Land offio-t at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Friday, the 26th day ol June, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Wesley IS.
Sherman, of Orauts Pass, Ore.,
George H. Slover, of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Roo'e, of Merlin, Oregon,
Susan Teresa Trayuor, of Vancouver,
Any and all person claiming ad
versely the above inscribed lands are
requested to nle their claims luthis of
fice on or before said 26th day of
June, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Maroh 25, 1908
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress ot June 8, 1878, eu-
titl' d " An act for the sale of timber
lands iu the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public
Land States bv act of August 4, 1 VJ
of Burt, county ol Koesuth, State of
Iowa, did on September 5. 1907. tile
in this office bis sworn statement No.
9220 for the porches of ihe NE V of
section No. 83 in Township No. 36 8,
Range No. 4 West, and will offer
proof to show that the land souglit is
more valuable for its timber or atone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land
befoio Joseph Moss U. H. Commis
sioner at Grants Pass, o're , on Fri
day, the 25tb day of June. 1908. He
names as witnesses: Albion WSilsby,
of Grauts Pass, Josephine ooonty,
Oregon, Francis J. Spalding, of
Grauts Pass, Josephine couuty. Ore.,
Beojamin R Spalding, of Grauts Pa s,
Josephine county. Ore., William
Spalding, of Grants Pass, Josepti in
00., ore.
Any and all person claiming ad
Tersely the above-deacribed lands are
requesetd to file their claims Id this
office on or before said 2tb day of
Timber Land, Act June 8,'" 1878.
Rosebirg Ore., February 18, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in
oomplianoe with the rrovisions of
Ihe Act of Cooigess of Joue 3, 1878
entitled "An Act for the sale of tiin
berlands ia the St tee of California,
Oregon, Nevada, ad Washington
Territory," aa extended to all Pnblio
Land States by act of Aesa-t 4, 1892,
of E 16th & K'llmgewoith streets,
Portlaad, County of MalUomah. State
of Oregon, tiled la this office on Feb
ruary 9, 1907, her sworn statement
No. 8S43 for t .e purchase of the North
West quarter of S' Ctioo No. 20 in
Township No. 85 Sooth of Range No.
5 West W M., Oregon, and will offer
proof to show that the land aoughi is
more valuable for its timber or s ons
than for agrioultural purposes, and 'o
stoblish her claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this of
fice, at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday
the 16th day of June 1908.
She names as witneses: Raymond
H. Shearman, of Portland. Ore., aud
Mitt Mortison, George Morris, and
John T. Wyman, all of Grauts Past,
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described land are
requested to file their claims Iu this
ofefle on or before said 16 day rf
Juno, 1908.
;bknjamin l. eddy,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. .
Roseburg, Oregou, February 19, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that in oom
plianoe with the provisions ot the act
of Congress of Jon 3, 1878, entitled
"An aot for the sale ot timber lands
in the Staats of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pnblio Land
Slates by act of August 4. 1892,
of Matlock, coutv of Maacn, State of
Washington, has this day filed In this
office hier swor stateaoeot No. 8851,
for the porches of th Nil NWU,
8WiNW4' and NWi BW W of Seo
tion No. 23, in Township No. 86 S,
Range No. 7 W WM and will offer
proof to ahow that the land sought is
mor valuable tor It timber or tone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her oleiaa to said land before
Register and Receiver at Roseburg,
Oregon, en Wednesday, the 17ih day
of June, 1908.
Sh name aa witn: M. A.
Conger, of Grant Pass, Oregon, T.
R. Kvsrltt, of O ran Is Pass, Or., J.
K. Verdin of Grant Pass, Or., E.
R. Conger, of Wildarville, Ore.
Any and all pron claiming ad
versely the above described lands ars
rnsstd to til shir elaims In this
ef loe en or bafor said 17th day of
Jane, 1908.
Timber Land, aol Jane 8, 1878.
Rosebnrg, Oregoa, Maroh 80, 1908
Notioe is hereby givo that in com
pliance with the provision of the aot
of Congrass of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An aot for the sale ot timber lauds
la the State of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Waahintgon Territory,"
as extended to all the Pahlio Land
Slates by act of August 4, 1893,
of Grant Pass, county of Josephine
State of Oregon, did on Novum ber. 3,
1907, file In llils office his sworn state
ment No. 9368, for the purchase of
the NE W of the NKU of Section No.
81 in Township Ma 8(1 South, Range
No 6 West, and will offer proof 10
show that the land souglit is more
valuable tor Its limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at
Grants Pans, Oregon on Saturdav, the
25th day of joly, 1908
He names as witnesses: Charles
Smith, of Grant Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon; John II. May of
Grauts Pass, Josephiue County, Ore
goo ; Joseph R. Yetter, of Grants
Pass. Josephine County, Oregou;
Fredrick G. Gebers, of Grauts Pass,
Josephine county, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-desoriheJ lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
offion on or before said 26th day of
July 1908. BENJAMIN. EDDY,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187H. "
Roseburg, Ore., March 16, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of Jon B, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of Augnst
4 1893
of Roseburg, ooonty of Douuliis, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office His sworn statement No. Hli'.Hl,
for the purchase of the E.'v MW1,, aud
lots 6 aod 7 of Section No. 2, in
Township No. 85 S, range No. S W,
wm and will offer proor lofsiiow that
tbs laud sought is .more valuable for
its timber or stoue than for agricul
tural'pnrpoees, snd to establish bis
claim to said land befor the register
and receiver of this offloe at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the llth
day of August, 1908.
tie uaines as witnessrs: fred O.
Poquntte, of Roeeborg, Ore., William
D bell of Roseburg, Ore., John D.
Met of Roseburg, Ore., W. J. Moon
of Roseburg, Ore. gg
Auy aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described land are
requested to file iheir claims in this
office 00 or before said llth day of
August, 1908.
Sick Headache Cured.
8ick headach is eauad by drngrosnt
or th stomach. Chamber lain a Btomach
sod Liver Tablst will correct lb disorder
and not a cur. By taking the tablet
a soon as th first indications of th diacaa
,m.h. attaouyb. warded of! Fur
Timber Land, Aot June 3. 1878.
Rnsebnrg, Oregon, Maroh 21, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with Ihe provision' of the
act of Con giess of June 8, 1878 en
titled "Aa act for the sal of timber
lands in the State of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory" as extended to all the Pubilo
Land States by act of August 4. 1893.
of Jeffersoo County of Marion, State
of Oregon, did on Joly 25, 1907, file
in tnis ofoce ber sworn statement No.
9136. for the purchase of the NWl
NEi4 beiuglot 3 and SW of NEf
and the SE of NW4' of Section No.
3, In Township No. 41 South Rings
No. 9 West, aud will offer pioof to
-bow that the laud sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purpose and to es
tablish her claim to said land before
Jos ph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at
his office in Grants rasa, Oregon, on
Monday, the 15th day of June' 1908.
Sbe names as witnesses: Leonard
G. Brown, of Ktigeue, Lane Couuty,
Oregon. Williams R. Whipple, of
Grauts Pass, Josephine County, Ore.,
Henry A. Whipple,, of Grants Pass,
Josephine County, Ore., Ezra M. Al
bright, of Waldo. J ossphin Couuty,
Any and alt persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims i n this
ofoce on or before said 15th day of
June, 1908.
Timber Land, Act Jon 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Or., March 20, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the
aot of Congress of Jan 3, 1878, en
title "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California, Ore
gou, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," aa exteuded to all the pnblio
Land States bv act of August 4, 1893,
of Harrison county of Kootenai, Stats
of Idaho, did 00 Jun 17, 1907 file in
this office his sworn statemeut No.
9097, for the purchase of the SWt.
NEljf, SEW NW 1-4 and N SW
NWW and Si NWW SE; and SW
NWW SEW of seution No. 20. in
Township No. 85 S. Range No. 6 W.
and will offer proof to show that the
land soaghi i mre valuable for its
limber or stone than for agrloultura
purposes, aud to eetabliab his claim to
said land before Joseph Moss, U. 8.
Commisslouer, at his office at Grants
rase, Oregon oa Thursday, the llth
day of June, 1908.
Ho names as witnesses : Martin A.
Conger, of Giants Pass, Ore., Joseph
K. Verdin. of Grants Pass. Ore..
Allen MoOalley, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
rrea Bveritt. of Uraots Pass. Ore..
Any and all persons claiming ad-
vsrssly the above-dsorlbed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
of tie on or before said llth day of
Jane, 1908.
Timber land, ant June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 80, 1908.
Notioe I hereby given that in com
pliance with fie provision nf the aot
of Congress June 8, 1878, entitled
"An ant for the sale of timber laud
in Ihe States of California, Oregon,
Neavda aod Washington Territory,"
as exteuded to all the Pubilo Laud
States by act of August 4, 1892
of Olympia, couuty of Thurston, State
of Washington, did on September 36,
1907, file in this office his sworn
statement No 9350 for th purchase
of the SWti of Section No. 13 in
Township No. 88 South, Range No.
6. West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stous than for agri
cultural purposes, aud to establish his
olaim to said laud before Joseph Moss,
u. B. joniinissioner, Urants Pass,
Oregon on Thursday, the 23rd day of
July, 19(18. He names as witnesses :
Joseph E. Verdiu, of Grants Pass,
Josephine County, Oreon ; Martin
A. Conger, of Grants Pass, josqihine
County, Oregon; William Hull, of
Grants Pass, Josephine County, Ore
gou. ; Emiiiitt R. Dinger, of Wilder
vilie, Josephiue County, Oregon.
Any and all persous claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to tile ttislr claims in this
office on or before said 23rd day of
Joly 1908.
. Register.
Timber Land, Act Jun 8, 1878.
Roeborg, Ore., March 31, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that In com
pliance with th provisions of the act
of Cougreas of June 8, 1878, entitled
Au aot for the sale of timber lauds
iu the States .of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory."
as extended to all th Pablio Land
State by act nf August 4, 1893,
of Olymtiia, County of Thurston,
MUte or Washington, ,iid on August 30,
19U7, nie in tins office bis sworn slate.
merit No. 912i, for Ihe purchase of the
SEW of Section No, 23 in Townshin
No. 83 Sooth, Range No. 4 Weet. aud
will offer proof to show that the land
soogth I more valuable for its timber
or atone than for agricultural pur
poses, aod to establish hi claim to
said land before Joseph Moss, U. H.
Commissioner at bis office at O rants
Pasj, Oregon, on Monday, the inth
day of Jun, 1908.
He name as witnesssa: Joseph R.
Verdin, of Grants Pass. Josephine
ounty, Oregon, Frank W. Capo, of
Grant Paas, Josephine county, Ore.,
Martin A. Conger, Grants Pas. Jot r
phtue County. Ore., William T.
Turuhatn, of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon.
Any aod all person claiming ad
versely the above deaorlbed land
are requested to 111 their claims in
this offloe oa or befor said 16th day
of June, 1908.
Quarts Blanks al th Oomrler offlos.