Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 12, 1908, Image 4

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    .. smwc met mbpvyw. TUNE !?
ROGUE BIVKK wumbk. oraihj w., w-. -
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Fati
On Year, id advance,
8ii Month.
Three M on tin, ,
Single Copies,
Advartlalna Rata
roriinhed on application at the office, or
by inaiJ.
Ohltuaries and resolutions ot con
dolence will b charged for at 6c per Una;
card of thank 60c
Entered at the pout office at Orsnts Pan
Oregon, a second-class mail matter.
FRIDAY JUNE . 1908. 12
The first step toward carrying out
a comprehensive plaa at districting
the National Forest In western states
baa Jnat been made by the president
In sliming executes orders effective
July 1, estaolishing tbe Cache and
Pooatello National Forest In northern
Utah and Southern Idaho. The object
of till clan ii to eauallze areas of
administrative nniti aud re-arrange
the boundaries in such a manner as to
promote the most efficient admlni
tatlnn. No actual addition to tbe
National Forest area is involved in
the plan.
The Cache forest will consist of the
Loan and Idaho divisions of the
Ifear River National Forest, and will
be administered by Supervisor Wood
rnff. with headquarters at Logan,
Utah. The Pocatello National For
est will consist of the present Pooa
tello and Port Neaf National Forests,
together with the Malad Division of
the Bear River Forest. Theie areas
will be administered by Sopervlsor
Wrsnsted, with headquarters at Po
catello, Idaho.
Undir the general plan of redisrict
ing 18 new administrative units will
be established . from the existing
National Forest area. Tbe attempt Is
being made by the Forest Servion to
reduce the area of tbeadministratlve
units to an average of approximately
1,000,000, sores. This will on be pos
sible in all cases, as is shown by the
fact that tinder the plan of redisrict
ing there will be 144 supervisors
who will administer more than ISO,
000,000 acres of National Forest area.
tilled land contiguous to the city oi
Giant Pans which, together with our
mioing and timber industries, yield
us an annual income of $1,500,000.
And these resources have built Grants
Pans from a mountain hamlet to a city
of 6000 in few years, e per
tinently asked what would be the re
sult in Bve years if tbe 100,000 acres
of uncleared land tributary to the city
were put under cultivation with an
annual inoome of 1100 to 1500 per
The suggestion is one worthy of
consideration, and while the estimate
may seem large to some it is onn
servative to a degree and ihould en
list the attention of every resident of
Grants Pass and Josephine county.
Think what the aggregate would mean.
One hundred thousand aores of land
planted to fruit at even $100 per acre
would add 110,000,000 to the annual
in.,m f Grants Pass. This would
soon mean a population of 60,000 peo
pie for Grants Pass. The natural
tffects of such development would
bring the proposed electric and steam
roads, Irrigation ditches, factories,
etc., along with Ibem in their regular
count. i
Don't wear yourself out with that
did lawa mower. Oet one of those
Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers at Hair
Riddle's. u-12 2t
The Grants Pass ball team went to
Hedford last Sunday, where they
were met and defeated by the Jack
sooville nine in a score of 4 to noth
ing. This coming Sunday the Grants
Pass team will try their luok with
the Roseburg boys on the local
grounds, wben they hope to have bet
ter success.
The Med ford Mail bas the follow
ing to say of tbe , game with Jackson
YonrMP is the only peacemaker. T II .UV , AM . L
In a recent Interview with W. B
Sherman relative to the futore devel
opmeot of Joaephise county and I
greater population for Grants Pass,
Mr. Sherman said, that while he ful
ly appreclted the numerous advantages
of th proposed electric belt line from
here to Ashland, the steam road to
Waldo and throogh to the coast and
the irrigation projects snggested by
various people, and hoped that all
tlii anticipations might be fully
realized, yet he thought that the time
was premature for their acquisition,
and iuastnuoh as the Southern Pacific,
lu his opinion was giving ample trans
portatlou, considering our preseut de
veloptueiits, and suggested the do v lop
nieutof thorn resources and possibilities
whiob now lie at our door, such as
the clearing of land aud til'age of soil
now in practically ia virgiu slae and
awaiting the clearing aud planting to
make this section of the Rogue River
valley a veritable garden, at the same
time the employment will be most re
tuunerativ,. He was enthusiastic and
confident that tbe electric roads and i
grealty increased population would
follow, naturally the ntilizattiun of th
idle land now tributary to Grauts Pass,
and that th conveniences sought are
bound to ooiue as a natural sequel to
prudent induatry.
Mr. Sherman came here six years
ago from Traverse City, Michigan, and
ha sine been engaged in tbe tlmbe
and land business which has given him
an excellent opportunity to view the
country and carefully judge of the soil,
timber and fruit industries. II said
"What we want Is the ulenrlug of
these lands aud more people here to
enjoy the product of the soil thus
cleared ; bigger city and more railroad
eoainiouioation must of necessity fol
lie say there'ar now 7,000 acres of
apologies to the immortal
Levi Strauss
selected denim
the two bone
"If Sexton, by pure luck, and tbe
wild heaves of the Grant Pass boys
hadn't stretched a single for three
stations; if Pat Dooegan hadn't come
through with single right after
him ; if Schmidt could have made any
kind of a hit in the eighth, with three
mea on bases, two out and the Jack
aon ville team holding on to tbe weed
to keep from going up in th air, the
story of tbe Sunday game might have
been different, bnt none of these
things happened, or didn't happen,
and it is writ tbat Grant Pass lost,
4 to 0.
"Also it might be inoidentallr men
tioned that jonng Mclntyr pitched
shot-out ball, aid showed hi class as
a coming youngster.
Grauts Pass, after the first four in
nings, played good ball, bot wet
unable to bunch their hits and failed
to score on several occasion when a
bit would have meant a run. The
game oauaed the Medford ball tossers
to wake up a little, and negotiation
are now under way for a aerie of
games dining tbe next few weeks.
For the first time since be donned
a Medford uniform, when he was so
sumll that be had to stand on a box to
bat, 'Shorty' Miles witnessed a game
from the 'grandstand. Now what do
you think of t list I"
Weed puller just the thiug to get
that plautln out of your lawn at Hair
Riddle'. A-12 2t
Geo. II. Parker, the nurseryman.
now ha hi offlue with J. E. Peter,
son. who will answer inquiries and
take order should Mr. Parkar not be
in the office. 6 33 St
Fly screen at Hair-Riddle'a -12-at
If your old mower is giving yon
trouble, throw it away and get one of
those new 4 McCormlcks at Hair Rid
dl'. They are the best on the market.
13 21
June 18, Saturday Meeting at Wilder
ville to clear np aud prepare groanda
ror celebration on fourth of Julv
aud for committee to make report
or progress on details connected
with the celebration.
June IS. Saturday Regular meeting
of Froitdale Grange at 8 p. ta
June SO, Saturday Orchard meeting
oi itrania ras r ruil lirowers As
siwiatiou at Riveraide and Elerslee
fruit farms at J p. m.
June 90, Saturday Regular meeting
of Dimick Grauge at 8 p. m.
July 4, Saturdav Grange picnic to
be held at Wilderville under aus
pices the Ave Josephine county
Juue 11, Thursday Annual reunion
of Oregon Pioneer aasooiaticn at
June 12, Friday Dance at Savage
creek Hall, tickets, supper and
home fcd,,$a. 5 S3 st
If you want a sprinkler that will
rover every corner of your lawn aud
dTstribule the water Tfiual'v. net a'
DEW DKOPJat Hair Kiddle's (I 13 t
The regular meeting of the city
council wss held last Thursday nigt.
lithe members being present except
Kinney and Fetsch.
Ihe minutes of the regular meeting
and special meeting were read and
Th petition of E. C. Stelger and
others asking for relief in the ma'ter
of water supply from the Rogue River
Water Co., was read and referred to
the fire and water committee.
The petition of G. Huber and otbprs
asking for repairs and alternations to
ditch running through block 64 in
Railroad addition, was read and re
ferred to the same committee.
A communication from the city en
gineer concerning the establishment
of the grade of 6ih street from F to
street was read and referred to the
street committee.
The report of the canvassing board
of the gpeccial election beld June s,
1908, was read and placed on file.
The finance committee reported
favorably on the following bills and
warrants ordered drawn for the sever
al amounts:
8 V Moody" wood Boordean. . .. $3 26
K K water uo, water "
WP Wright map 2 50
Cramer Bros hdw 43 un
Cahterin Grsy meals 1 to
J U Handle assigned account of
W L Taggert
J H Ward labor cn street 14 00
W F Woodson iaboron street.... 62 00
Frank Wilcox team wrk 8 00
M M ncKahard meals prisoners.. 1 90
Peter Gravlio special police i W
C Randle putting np election
booths 8 60
The following bills Jfor the jadges
and clerks of the special election held
June 8d for 13 each amouuting in all
to 40 were ordered paid :
J B Paddock, J M Tomes, R D Cole,
Geo H Blover, R H Gilfillsn, N B
Meade, W H Freed, Jonh Patrick, J C
Randle. C E Hendricks, W M Hair,
Jacob Strauss, J G Curtis, W E Desn,
D MoOonnelL Geo Cronk, F O Truss-
ler, C N Mathews. R H Bnrnett and
F S Dorman.
Ordinance No. 817 entitled an or
dinance creating the office of fire
marshal defining his duties and
power, 'regnlaiog the building of fire
in the streets, publio highways and
alleys and also regulating the disposi
tion to ashes, rubbish and refuse ot a
combustible nature and the repair of
dangerous or onoooapied building so
to render the me safe from fires,
was introduced ana read the first time
in full and the second time by title
and referred to th fir and water
On motion Councilman Fetach was
exoosed for a period of fiO days.
The city engineer was instructed
to complete the survey for th lateral
sewer to A and Third streets and the
city attorney to prepare tbe neceasary
ordinance to be repotted at next meet
City Trsasurar's Notice)
There are fond In the city trewury
to redeem all outstanding warrant
protested to January 8, 1906. Interest
on same will ceafe after this date.
Dated at Grants Psrs. Ore., May 23d,
ions CiCtU W. JOHNSON. 5-22 4t
Colestin Mineral Springs hotel, open
June 6th,. New management. Mrs.
J. L. Stone, lessee. 6 a 7t
Blue Flame oil stoves at Hair
Riddle'. 6 2 24
Master Harold Troy, who has spent
the paat six weeks visiting with his
nncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton
Rowell, left Saturday for his home at
Olympia, Wash.
Window glass'at Hair-Riddle's.
IF YOU have a house or cow you
want to sell, or if you waut a cow
or a horse or a burro, try a courier
Want Ad. Inexpensive, potent and
profitable. Try one. Five cents
tbe line.
GOOD Sugar Pine shakes
Kinney 's Grocery st're,
for sale at
612 tf..
EXPERIENCED Sawyer and Engi
neer wants situation at either. Ad
dress P. O. Box 63, Grants Pass.
6-12 tf
TWO-SEATED Hack, nearly new, a
No. 8 cook stove and several other
honsehold articles. All will be sold
very cheap if taken at once. Calvin
Wells, North 8th St., Grants Pafs
6-12 It
McCORMICK Mower, nsed one day,
in perfect order, at a bargain. Mrs.
L. K. Gilbert, R. F. D. No. 2,;or
Grants Pans telephone 107X3. 6 2 6t
fruit farm and truck graden in
Drain ; well watered and fairly good
buildings; all kinds of choice fruits;
large crop of potatoes and oats goes
with it. r-rlce -'lKK. o. f. SDutt.
Drain, Ore. 6-6 2t
COW Good family cow for sale.
Address Mrs. Close, Wilderville.
6-29 tf
FOR SALE 8-room house "and three
quarters of an acre of rich land, all
planted to berries and garden track.
good out-buildings, electric lights
ana olty water, nicely located on
North Oth street. Also 40 acres of
timber land, with 100-tier of wood
cot, J room cabin, living water, 10
acres easily cleared. All for $1800
if taken soon. Will sell separately.
Inquire of Chas T. Wilkinson,
North 9th street, Grant Pass, Ure.,
6-29 lit
Closing Out Sale
Of the Following Goods While They Last
Sale will continue until all the Hast and
Suits are sold
Mens' felt and wool Hats that sell everywhere at $3.50 now $150
$2 00 Hats now 1 00
2.00 Straw Hats now 100
1.00 ' so
.50 " " ' 25
1 lot bovs Hats 10
At this Sale we will sell the best 25c hose at 2o
20c hose at -15
10c hose at . 3 fr -25
The above hose include both ladies ana Men 8
Youths' and Boys' Suits at 50c on $1.00
while they last
We also carry a fine new line of Dry Goods that we will
We have a fine new line of Shirt Waists just right for
...,, n,..u, tjuViirli wp will sell for 90c and 1.00
wanu nvftiuv.) . . w-
Just received a fine line of Summer Underwear for ladies and
gentlemen and children.
Now is the time to buy, while the sale is on
Gardner & Co.
. Use the
pfor Trcfut.
In th County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the matter of tils')
Esrale of James ,
Lyttle Deceased. J
Notice in hereby given that Henry
Kiopper ami ret in r. 1'ayne tbe ex
editors of the laHt will and of the es
tate of James Lyttle deceased, hav
filed iu the above entitled Court
their final account and that by order
of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, judge of
said lAmrt, Kttiurdav. July 11 th A. U.
1U08 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
at the County Court Room at the
Court lloiife iu Grauts Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon, has been set as the
time and I luce for bearing and set
I ling said accounts, and all peraous
Having objections to said account
are hereby notified to present tame at
said time and plaoe. Dated June 12,
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
Edith llauuiaan 1
v. Suit for Divcrve
August liauaiann,
Defencaut. J
To August Itauiuauu, tbe defendant
arjove named :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are iierecy sommonrd to appear
nun answer tne complaint filed sgsinst
von in the above emitted Court and
aose on cr tiefir six weeks from th
date of the first publication of this
summons., which first riste of publi
csiiou is Friday. June 13, lik and
the last dy of publication of raid
summons, aud the lent day for Tonr
appearance as foresaid is Fridav, July
44, l'.HU. aud von are hervhT nutif.H
that if you fail to appear and annwer
ihecoanlaiut within the time afore
said, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief praved for in her
conipliunt. to wit: for a decree d is
solving the bonds of matrimonv now
exi(UinK lH'iwen the plaintiff and
defendant, arid for such other ana
further reli.-f as to the court may
seem equitable. This summons is
published by order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, Judge of the Count v Court of
Josephine County. Stato of Oregon,
made June 11, liKW. ordsring the
publication of this summons for a
period cf six successive weeks.
Attorney for the plaintiff.
SHINGLES -No. 1, clear, heart sugar
Pine, at !) 50 per M No. 3 at $3
per M. Address C. A. Hoixe &
Son, Williams, Ore. 515 t
FOR SALE Tbe fine residence
property of H. A. ROTERMUND,
two blocks from Masonic Hall. En
qaire at Paddock's Marble Work a
FOR SALE Good sugar pine shake.
Enquire Kennny's Grocery, 5-8 tf
m n
High Grade
Everything For
the Hunter and
Joe Wharton
Sixth Street
No Pains Spared in the Finishing
ONE SPAN good woik horses, one
driving or saddle horse for sale
oash or en terms. Wilson Mercan
tile Co.. Leland. 4 24 tf
FOR SALE 40 acres of choice red
land, well adapted to fruit and
grape culture all under fence, house
and barn and growing crop on part
ot it. Also 45 head of Angora
goat, one horse, cow and calf.
Located on Bull creek, four miles
southeast of Wilderville. Address
M. D. Eounman, Wilderville, Ore.,
or call at ranch, no agent. 3 13tf
FIVE unrelated strains of thorough
brel Poland China hogs, all ages.
now sexes, some eitfter bred or
opeu. As good blood as any hogs in
Oregon. Also two Short horn bulls
for sale. John H. Robinson, Grants
Pass, Ore., Route 9. 5-29 4t
7-ROOM plastered house on Iowa
street, two acres of ground, for sale
at flfiOO. Inquire ou premises,
opposite Kiugwell' green house
t,. r. lempson, 5.33 tf
WIf.L rent voo a good firm, seveu
miles or city. Htst terms given.
Write Box 25, or see me. residence
corner Ualt and Park streets. J. M.
TEAM WANTED Anyone hsving
workable team, who wants it kept
inrongn winter months for light
work, arply to Chas. Meserve for
pwlculars. 13.30 ,f
NOTICE I hsve taken up one black
hog, crop off right ear. Owner can
nav same by calling at my place
"".paying cunrges. j. a. uorough,
Grants, Oregon. 5-23 6t
HORSE pasture at the Lvnu D. Allen
ranch, four mil's wtst. Address
RFD No. 3. 5.29 4t
F. A. PIERCE Registered Ansoras
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of the "King Arthur" also
other bucks of different strains of
breeding. Does of the noted strains.
Bcks for sale. Merlin, Ore. 8-87 tf
FOR EXCHANGE Elegant new six
room honso with all modern con
veniences, fully improved popular
ores town street. Near Oaklsnd
and 8. F. car and ferry liues.
40x135 feet lot. Small house in rear
renting for $10 per month. Total
renting value about 45 per month.
Want Southern Oregon Agricultural
ot timber lauds of H"00 value or
cah difference; trade oah basis.
Address owner, 1623 Anhby Ave.,
Berkeley. Cal. 4 3 tf
FRANK BCRNETT-l'uholsterinir.
mission furniture made to order.
.... r v-56-"5
WE could calender g(l)PM G3K) rapidly "in the roll"
(surface finish it, as is done with ordinary bond papers) and
save money on the production cost. But we prefer to give each
sheet an individual surface by plating it under heavy rollers, between
thin plates of zinc, in order to finish it through and through to make
each fibre integral with the sheet itself.
This is but another step in making COUPOM IOS89 the tough, strong
paper it is, finer than parthment a paper that withstands repeated
handlings and erasures and defies age.
is finer than ordinary paper because made finer, in the
slow, old fashioned, semi-hand-made way. There is no
paper quite like it, either in quality, strength, color,
surface or in service and COUPOM.BOMO would not
be COUPC W BGH3 if it were made one degree less fine.
COUPOM BOMD must bring to your service its
own inherent quality for the proper representation of
your house. The difference in cost between this and
ordinary paper is but one-tenth of a cent per sheet
Letter Heads printed on COUPON BOND at
The Courier
Fly killer the kind that a war
get them 15c each at Hair-Riddle .
8-12 2t
If yon need a nice rubber tired or
top bnggy aek Hair-Riddle to show
yoa what they have. They are closing
oat iu remainder or their stock re
garvlless of cost.
A large touring car of th White
Steamer " variety passed throogh tb
city Thursday enroate for Portland
from San ; Francisco. Thcar con
tained three passengers and was well
packed, with everything noessary for
6-12 2t!camp life