Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 12, 1908, Image 3

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for sale by
Southern Oregon Supply Go.
Your Investments
In the cheapest, safest, most desirable fruit soils in
Jackson County, at Woodville, on Evans Creek, the
AI'OS slid tract, apple, pear, peach and cherry
v land, J60 per acre.
135 acres in town $75 per acre.
40 acres. 1 vineyard location aud soil
$15 per acre.
Rogue River frontage $20 per acrer
Ben A. Lowell
Talcum Powder
Front Street, Opposite Depot
Safe and
Is the AM I with a good Bank account. By
systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has
Something for a rainy day
and is prepared for any emergency that may arise.
Are you one of the fortunate? We invite you to open
an account with us. Be it small or great, you will
always receive courteous treatment.
Interest on time deposits
If you have some surplus cash why not have it
earning you some interest? We pay interest on time
Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent
in which you can store your valuable papers and
treasures. You mar have need for just such an accom
modation. Let us serve you,
G. P. Banking
& Trust Co.
Get the Habit
And bring us your soiled garments
both fancy and plain,
That seems wholly ruined from
soiles and stains.
We take them and make them look
like new.
We have clened for; others,
Let us clean for you.
Royal Cleaning Works
419 F St.
a .-.
Dimick Grange, Miss Emily Law
ton reporter : A regular meeting of
Dimick Grange was held Saturday
evening with a good attendance of
members. Two candidates were ad
mitted to the Order and prospects are
good for getting several more new
members. A pleading and instructive
program was rendered, the exercises
consisting of instrumental music,
recitations, reading of papers and an
swer to queries from the question box.
Consideration was had cf several
matters connected with the Grange
celebration at Wilderville on the
Fourth of July and members of this
Grange who are on the various com
mittees to arrange the details for the
picnic reported very satisfactory pro
gress and that the outlook was very
encouraging for the success of the
celebration. All who can were urged
to attend the meeting of the commit
tee at Wilderville on Saturday of this
week and also to assist on that to pre
pare the grounds. The next meetiug
of Dimick Grange will be on Saturday
nvenlng, June 20.
On Saturday of this week is the
date fixed tor putting in order the
grounds where is to be held the
Grange celebration Ton 'the Fonrthlof
July. The location selected is on
Slate creek near Wilderville. The
Rrove is one of the finest, largest and
cleanest in Rogue River Valley and
it contaios a large spring that will
afford an ample supply of cold, pure
water. All who are interested io
making this celebration one of the
most enjoyable ever held in this
valley, whether they are grangers or
not are invited to come Saturday and
assist in the preparation of the
grounds. As there will be much work
to do in cleaning the'gronnds, erecting
speaker's platform, seats and other de
tails all are expeoed to coma 'in the
morning. And as all the committees
are to meet on that day the ladies are
to come too. Reports from all the
committees will be called forud ar
rangements made for carrying out any
further details that may be required to
make every feature of the celebration
complete success. In addition to
the meeting of the committees and the
work of putting the grounds in order
the day will be made a social gather
ing and to add to the pleasore of the
event, all will bring their lunches and
dinner be eaten io the grove.
Mrs. H. 0. Bateham, chairman of
the committee on music announces
that " America" and "Oolubmia the
Gem of the Ocean" will be snog by
the audience as a part of tt.e exercises
in the program. That these grand
old patriotio soDgs may be well ren
dered she requets that the members
of all the Granges io the county prac
tice on them. The committee on
music are making every effort that the
musical features of the program shall
be of a high order and embrace both
vocal and instrumental. All the other
committees are making good Progress
Last Year's Sales of Hvomel, the
Guaranteed Cure for Catarrh.
Larger The.n Ever.
The merits of Hyomei (the treat
ment that cures catarrh without
stomach dosing), its popualrity and
growth, are unique in the annals of
medicine. So pronounced is the re
lief and cure follwing the use of
this treatment that it has been pub
licly recommended by leading drug
gists and physicians in nearly every
state and town in the conn try, with
the result that last years's sales were
larger thsn ever.
The fact that Hyomei is so'simple
and complete, and that it cores by
breathing nucleated air and not tak
ing drugs into the stomach, no doubt
bas helped to create this widespread
and rapidly increasing army . of
Tbe way in which it has been told
by Demaray has undoubtedly aided
greatly its introduction in Grants
Pass. He is snch a firm believer in
tbe power of Hyomei to cure all ca
tarrhal troubles, that he urges people
to me it with the understanding that
the cost will be refunded to anyone
who is not benefitted by the treat
ment. Ton do not risk a cent in test
ing tbe healing virtues of Hyomei,
for he take all tbe risk of it giving
satisfaction and leave you to be tbe
Judge. 6-6 2 t
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are prompt a'.d thorough and will in
a short time strengthen Weakened
kidneys and allays troubles arising
from Inflammation of the bladder.
Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-3 Ut
KslUa Br
B. r. V. He. I, to vk ll r.a'U
aaalrattoea Iter tali prV
em saeeis aearvesee.
with the work they have in hand aud
are working with a will to make the
celebration splendid success.
M. D. Bouseman, who has a firm
near Wilderville, was iu Grants Pass
Monday. Mr. Bousman along with
his other farm interests has a band of
66 Angora goats. He finds them as
profitable as any other stock he can
keep fur they taka little feed aud care
and in addition to the returns from
mohair and mutton they do good work
In olearlng brush land. For the past
year the total exneoBe for hay and
other needs bas been not over 85
cents a head and had the ooyctes not
made a raid on the kids this spring
the band wonld have netted him a
profit of fully 25 per cent on the in
vestment. Be shot and killed one
coyote and wounded another aud that
ended the loss from that cause.
A rural telephone system for Fruit
dale district, recently inaugurated by
Fruitdale Grange, will be in opera
tion next week and then the enter
prising residents of that promising
fruit di.tiiut will be in telephonic
communication with Grants Puss and
with the other sections of Josephine
county haviug rural telephones.
The Grange telephone oommittee,
computed of G. A. Hamilton, Prof.
R. R. Turner and Robert Huck, hav
ing secured sufficient subscribers to
warrant the installing of a telephone
system for Fruitdale and having or
dered the telephones 'and wire, called
a meeting Tuesday evening at the
Fruitdale school house of the sub
scribers for the purpose of effecting a
permauent organization. As organ
ized the company is to be know a as
the Fruitdale Mutual Telephone
Company and the chosen are G. A.
Hamilton, president, E. H. Wise,
vice-president. Walter Coutant secre
tary and treasurer, and G. A. Hamil
ton, E. H. Wise, Walter Coutant.
H. C. Bateham and W. H. Kiucald,
In order to have a f irst-clss service
two lines will be built to Grauts
Pass. For the present there will be
13 phones for the two lines but it is
likely that by fa'l there will be 20 or
more in the system. Those now on
the list as subscribers are G. A. Ham
ilton, Prof. R. R. Turner, F. A.
Clements, E. H. Wise, Walter Coutant,
E. H. Bateham, Henry Huck. Robert
Huck, Alonso Jones, Churchill &
Engles, W. H. Kincald. J.H.Wardrlp
and H. B. Rlggs. The work of in
stalling the wire and telephones was
begun this week aud it is expected to
have the system in working order
early next week.
Both Fruitdale and Wilderville
Granges will meet on Saturday even
ing of this week. It is expected that
full attendance of the memoirs will
be bad and especially of Wilderville
Grange as several matters of Import
ance connected with the celebration
on the Fourth of July will be up for
A Reward for "Blind Pigs."
Grants Pass, June 8.
To the Editor of the Courier:
The temperance people having won
the victory at the election Monday
and put Josephine county in the list
of dry counties of Orsgon, the next
undertaking for them is to enfuroe the
law and prevent the illegal sale of
liquor. It has been the history of
every place where prohibition has
been enacted for liquor selling to
continue until stopped by a rigorous
enforcement of the law. How to se
cure evidence that will couvint tha
keepers of blind pigs is the problem
that now confronts the temperance
forces in Josephine county. It has
been proposed that an organization be
effected and that a fund be raited to
be UMd as rewards for the evidence
required. But that effort is effect
ually blocked by tba fact that the
courts have ruled in such cases in
other states that a person who belongs
to an anti-liquor organization or bas
oountributed money for the prose
oution of persons violating the prohi
bition laws is disqualified for sitting
on a jury before whiob a liqnor man
is being tried. For tbe temperance
men of Josephine county to ooutribute
to a fund .for suppressing bliod pigs
wonld disqualify everyone of them
fro in jury service and that would
fwe tbe juries to be made op of
li'ioor sympathizers (and that would
mean acquittal to every keeper ofa
blind pig that might .be arrested. The
only solution to this problem is for
the county to put up a standing re
ward of at least 1100 for evidence for
each conviction that may be secured
and then for thi court to fine tha con
victed person heavy enough to reim
burse tbe county fur all expenses that
may be incurred in the ewe. With
$100 reward cettain to the informer
there would be many of the whiskey
crowd through rows among themselves
ana through other causes who would
frnish all the evidence reqired to con
vict keepers of blind pigs. Tbe mem
bers of the county court may hesitate
: to offer a reward for evidence against
I the violators of the prohibition law
When thj oouuty has do standing
reward for evidence against the
violators of otuer laws. To show
them that it is the wish of the people
of the county that such reward
be offered and yet not involve the men
who might be called to serve on juries,
it would be well lor the women of the
oouuty .to get np a petition to the
county oourt. This could be handled
by the W. C T . U. and a petition '
circulated in every precinct in the !
county. If this petition was signed
by a good majority of the leading
women of Josephine county, there is j
little doubt but what the. members
ot the county court would heed and
grant the request quite as readily as
if signed by the leading men of the
You can buy something
called "coffee" at 10c lb
with 3000 miles of R R
freight from the roaster;
- Your groctr returns your monty II jn don't
lis Schilling'! Brit: w. pay him
Hundreds ef Grants Pass Reader
Knqw What It Means.
Tbe kidneys are overtaxed; have
too much to da They tell about It
in many aehes and pains. Backache,
sideache, headache, early symptoms
of kldnsy ills. Urinary troubles,
diabetes, Brlght's disease follow. L.
Mabtewa, of 1313 Short St., Roseborg,
Ore., says: "I was troubled with
backache and kidney complaint and
though I nsed a great many remedies
and spent lots of money for treatment,
I oould get no positive relief. I hurt
my back at one time and that seemed
to make me permanent trouble. Be
ing attracted by statements, reootn
mending Doau's Kidney pills, I de
cided to try them anu got a box.
Sinoe using Doau's Kidney Pills my
kidneys have been acting in normal
way and have gathered ' tone and
strength. The aching and other
symptoms have gone. 1 can con
solentoiusly state that Doan's Kidney
Pills are the best kidney remedy I
know of."
For sale by all dealers. Prioe 50
cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York. 8ole Agents for tbe
United States. Remember the name
Doan's and take no other,
A-A at
From (3 rants Pass, Ore.
Both Wiyi One Way
TO through via
Portland California
Chicago $81.45 $87.50
St. Louis 70,45 82.50
St. Paul 68.95 81.75
Omaha 68.95 75.00
Kansas City 68.95 75.00
May 4, 18
June 5, 0, 19, 20
July 6, 7, 22, 23
August 6, 7, 21, 22
Good for return in !0 days with stopover
privileges at pleasure within limits.
Remember the Dates.
For any further Information call on
ft. K. MONTt.OMEHY, Irfical Agent
or write to
General Passenger Agent,
2 W
National Bank
Southern Oregon
Granti Psm, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bank
Benders the Public
The safest and simplest
way of keeping your
money Is bv depositing
it in a Reliable Hank.
This Bank receives De
posits subject to Check,
or on demand Certificate
of deposit or on time
Certificates of Deposits.
On time deposits we pay
Tbe beat and cheapest
way to transfer money
is bv Hank Draft. We
sell Drafts parable in all
parts of the country.
One of the most Impor
tant functions of the
Hank. We endeavor to
supply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
L. B. Mali, President
J. O. Caunhm., Vice-I'res.
H. L. Oii.Kiv, Cashier
R. K. Hackktt, Asst. Cashier
Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines (or
pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding.
Outfit complete.
Fairbanks Hcales for weighing.
Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors
for (ower and light-
Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers.
Vairbanks-Morse Urinders, Feed Chop
peat. Well Pumps.
An Wat quality Kooda at lowest prices.
Always In stock. Lllieral terms. Prompt
reply to inquiries and quick shipments.
Write for catalogue and prices.
Grants Pass, Oregon
DATE! OF SALE-May 4 and
18; June 5. 6, 20; July 6, 7, 22,
23; August 6, 7, 21, 22. Plan now.
RATIS General basis ftiO.OO to
Omaha, Kansas City and back;
$7.50St. Louis and back; $72.50
Chicago and back, via direct routes;
$15.00 more through California.
PRIVILEGES-Vahable routes:
final limit 90 days; stopovers en
route. Tickets on sale in Idaho,
Oregon, Washington and British
Columbia; consult Burlington maps
and folders and note bow many im
portant cities are reached by the
different Burlington main lines;
tickets reading Burlington are hon
ored via Deliver with stopovers.
grade of through service via Bil
lings and direct southeast main
line. Through chair cars (seats
free) standard and tourist sleepers.
Three connecting trains daily from
St. Paul via picturesque Mississippi
River Route.
lt Initial agents, or the undersign
ed, ticket you Burlington to em
brace thegreatestdiversity of routes
and territory at the least cost.
General Agent, G.B.&Q.
By., 100 8d at., Portland
is erecting a plant at
for the manufacture of their
world famous
for water, oil, gas, etc., etc
A moderate amount ot
money will start you' la
m proStable bualneaa.
have been proved by
Competitive Tets to be
The B'-st l'l 1 he World.
For full particulars reurd
inj( well drilling machines,
Vfiii, supplies, etc., write to
iON, J
B Tin Star
I Dolling Mine Co.