ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS. OREGON. MAY 22, 1908 GROCERIES Strawberries Quality the best, and I ex pect to have plenty to sup pU your demands, both early and late. Fresh Vegetables Daily Fancy Creamery Butfer J. PARDEE front Street Grand Put, Orcjon THE GRANTS PASS CANNING COMPANY One of the most Important indos trial institutions In Grunts Paas and Josephine county li tlie factory of the Granst Ham Canning company. In a brief interview yesterday the man ager, C. F. Sampson, said ttiat in addition to the regular pack of frnit this season the company bad contract with the various farmers of the county for 80 aoren'of tomatoes, while the aoreage out aide of regular ooo tract will easily make the aggregate of the tomato crop which the factory will handle tbia season 100 acres. Of the 80 aorea W. B. Sherman la f Ornish log 20 acres. Mr. Sampson aaid the fro it pack alone this season will be IS, 000 cases This company, in addition to the cauuiug of apples, pears, peaches, etc, also does an extensive vinegar bus! ness and manufactures nnferiuented grape juice for aaoraaantal and soda foontaln oonsomption to an eztent 'which renders this feature one of the essential fatora of the business. m The oompany is now erecting a new building to be used aa a prooess "room which will double the capacity of the plant and thoa Increase its possible output to (, 000 oases annually. This structure will be 44x0 feat and two stories. The original factory is HOxlOO feet two atories. The vinegai output of .the plant is npwardi ol 1000 barrels per season. Another feature this sea aou will be the haudllug of a limited amount of strlnii beans, in addition to the berries and squash." Manager Sainpsou and a force of men are bony in the preliminary work of tlie; new boildiug aud the install atinn of new manhiney recently re oelvod. Ha says they are oonutiug on a heavy pack this year and that they will employ during the ensuing aeanon (10 girls aud 13 to U men. Setlmon Again Scarce. Ten days of salmon fishing In the Columbia ltiver show the salmon sup ply still ou the wane. This is the sea aon of the Burst salmnu of the rlvor the best iu the world. Soon these fish will he an extinct breed. They are the flub that made the Columbia Kiver famous. The few remaining speci mens should be protected with clotted eaoon. The oiien season should be pot off from April IS to May IS. After that there should he th" closed Suuday and rigid regulation kinds of gear gillnets, traps, aud wheel. Muster Fish Warden Van of all ae liuvt Dusen juit hia his office May 1, leaving tlis indiiHlry in a bad plight. It is too lunch to say that he is wholly to blame for thia condition of affair. Bat the faction with which hs lias been allied ia aa much to blame as any other, aud Is more gracing and none lun defeated as much remedial legis lation. Orcgouian, April 37th. The United States ilnreau of Fish eries has for a long time Iwu endeav oring to secure just such remedial legislation as is being objected to by the lower river Interest. A short time ago Secretary Strauas, of the United states Department of Uomuicroe 'and Labor, ant forth a list of thing neoea sary to save the industry. Initiative bill No. 818 yea was framed to carry out their ideas. We couiuieud It to your favorable consideration. COUNTY TREASURER'S CALL FOR WARRANTS There are fauds in the treasury to ray "all warrants relgstered prior to May 10th. I6.; 3IuUiret will cease from this date. Msy 8th. 1908.5 J. T. TAYLOR. 6-8-4t Treasurer of Joeephiue Ooauty. See oar window card aud yoa'will know what oar Friday sal ia W. J. Oaroasr A Co. HUMAN SKULL FOUND OUT NEAR SELMA Discovered by Prospectors Mile end a. Half South of Selma. Leist Week. Prospector made a grnesome find one day last week while at work sooth of Selm about a mile and a half Near a swail filled with water a human ska II was unearthed, but the water prevented further excavation for the remainder of the skeleton. Thia sknll baa a round hole in the top about the size of a.88-calibre bullet which seems to go down through the right eyo, tearing away the lower cheek bone. The supposi lion Is that the man .must Jiave been mordered many years ago aa the teeth (f the opper jaw are all, gone andthe lower jaw is missing. Tufts of curly sandy hair were also found near the ikoll. While the discovery of thiskoll is at thia time a mystery it is recalled by some of the old reHidenta that a Jew peddler who was traveling through the country with a horse and buggy some J (5 years ago, mysteriously disappeared In the 'vicinity of this diaoovery and nothing was heard of him afterwards. The sandy hair, found with the skoll, however, would scarcely tally np with the Jewish race. Further excavations made as soon as Ithe water recedes in the vicinity of the find, thongh there seems bat .little probability that the mystery will evor be satisfactorily solved owing to the elapse of time since the supposed tragic death of the man. Sheriff Rossell brought the skoll and hair to Grants Pass last Sunday and now has it at his office. It may be later turned over to the coroner. SOME PEOPLE'S IDEAS OF SALMON FISHING "The Astoria idea lias contended that no closed seasou in tidewater was neoesaary. It has extended the open seasoo for fishing by means of Its in fluence In legislatures. It baa re quired the Fish Warden living at Astoria to permit suspension of the closed seasoo laws. It has allowed gillnets on the bar, thus setting up a barrier to entrance of salmon into the river. It has so amended the laws that they are now a nullity as far as protection through clotted seasou goes. Il has successfully resisted efforts to cot down the satch of tidewater gear. It has pursued the April, May and .Tone salmon so hard that they are now neariug extiuction. It has ex tended the open seuson in August by one installment after aaother, nutll the Aaaunt fish have been almost cot off from Hatcheries. " Oregonian. If you think the state hat had enongh of selfish greed, VOTE lilM X NO. to a continuum- of the Astoria idea, and VOTE 818 X YES to further the U. 8. Government Recommendation. 8-23 It Will Organize N. P. L. The Natioual Protective Legiou, the Order whose advertisement ap pear on another 'page of this issue, while old aad with un established membership ami repotation in the Eastern slates, is practically new in Oregon. It supplies however, in the ranks of fra'erual beneficiary societies, a place long vacaut In Oregou. There are none of us but at some time are disabled by accident or illueaa and bat one oat of 85 families, according to statistics, can have this misfortune without suffering hardship. The National Protection Legion gives the opportunity to draw f 15 a week at such time with a very tiooataotial oah distribution each five years, which practically amount to one's tnmii") back if no disability benefits have been drawu. R. S. McLean, who recently ar rived from Uiughampton, N. Y.. is district manager and will hold an open aaeetiug in Kediueu ball next Tuesday evening for the purpose of rxplaiuuig the working of the order. "Mr. Bob", by Loc.l Talent. The graduating exercises of the High school promise to be ouiiae and Interesting. On Tuesday, May 'Jfl, as lart "of th Class Pay exercises, a comedy in two acts eutitled "Mr. Bob," will be presented by the class, charging an admission of '.'A cents. Ou 'Friday, May Stfth at the coin nienceineut exercise pre per, Pre. P. L-VCampbell of tbej .University; of Oregon ;wiu .address the class, at which anadmisHioB of lto will be charged to'dofray expense. 8-15 3t Kennedy' Laxative Cough Syrup aotapromptly yet gently, on the bowels, through which the oold is foroed oat of th system, "and at the same time it allays' inflammation. Sold by Modal Dreg Store.. J ISt F you like to wear clothes that are just a little different from Warn mm lllfeM? ii I MmmmwNit . Copyright 1908 GEO. S. SUNDAY'S CAME WAS A PHENOMENAL ONE Fifteen Inning Rteult in Score ol 3 It 2 In Favor of Grunt Pan. One of the moat phenomenal games of base ball played iu Southern Ore gon for some year was that between tlie Ashland aud Orsnts Pas teams her last Stiuday etWnoon when the score stood 2 to 3 ap to the lfith in ning, when the local U am a i (led one mors to the sheet. It was a most in teresting game from start to finish, and many are those who wanted to kick themselves Mouday morning, when ttioy had beard the result, be cause they had not attnuilei the game. Thrasher's batting was ooe of the features of tlie game, and iu fact hel,im Thirrt seemed to be tlie only one. wno could wield the stick aright. Rigg wan "thera with the goods" in the box, strikiug out 17, and no banes on balls. Sales ouly struck out 11 aud gave 10 bases on bslla Risgs ouly al lowed four hit and Sale six and Sales hit two with pitched ball. Sales' left hand delivery sort o' nonplussed the Grants Pas bovs for a time, but they flusl'y got next. The home team made one score iu the first, one in the fifth and the third in the lMh, while the viitorliad'a flock of goose eggs on each side. of the seveuth inning, iu which they made their two runs. The local team will play a return game at Roseburg next Sunday, and though the Koaeburgers have acquired a number of semi professionals since they played here, the Grant Pass boys entertain the notion that they will wiu easily. The home team will be somewhat strengthened within the next couple of weeks by the substitution of nw homo stuff. The grounds here have been scraped and the grand stand re paired lo a way that will appeal to the orowds who attend hereafter. ! Open For Entry. Seosoos 36, 37. 34, 84, M in'Town- ship 80 south, Range S wst, have been surveyed and the plat of survey will be filed inth laud office at Rose burg, JuuepOth, afterwhioh applica tions for entrywill be received by the register, Benjamin L. Eddy. ; Yon will find Saymon's Vegetable Wonder Soap t Aifred Sc hneider's restaurant on U toreeL n a.sui tf by Hart Schaffner & Marx CALHOUN COMPANY OUTFITTERS TO ! EASTERN SCHOOL MAMS SEEK BEAUTIFUL OREGON As an indication of the trend of emigration it Is significant that a msjorily of the 100 applications for KMitious in the Grauti Pass schools this year have oonie from teachers in the east. At a recent meeting of the school board the following teachers were elee'ed : Hiuli School Zella Jewell of Aurora Neb., Fay M. New tou of Uallock, Mint., and Grace M. Wood of H initial, N. Y. The two flrt have accept ed at a salary of f()5 per month. I lie Eighth grada ii yet to be filled. Emily V. Calhoun of Dayion, Ohie and Cora P. McVean, of Hollock, Minn., have accepted po sitions iu the Second grade; Margaret William of Aihlaud parts of the T'lird and Kounh grades and Mrs. 7.oa V. Brvaut of Monmouth. Oregon. Toe principalship of tbe Riverside tchool has been given to H. B. Hart mau of Napoleon, O., who will also teach the Seventh grade, and the principalship of the East school was given to J. A. Bish. The principals each draw t5 aud the others 50 per month. Ttie school levy this year is 7 mills, the greater portion of which is borne bv Grants Pass. W. C. T. U. LADIES BUILD A DRINKING FOUNTAIN Street Siipt. McLane, with a force of men, has been busy since Monday morning building a drinking fountain aud ceoieut platform in the northwest corner of Railroad park for the ufe of the strauger aud the general pub lic. This is a splendid improvement and a much needed public convenience, as after the stores are closed there is no public place where a driuk of water may be had except at the sa loons and hotels. Tlie fountain, plumbing and necessary cement are furnished by the Woman's Christian Temperaaoe Union of the QranU Pass, while the city foroishes tbe gravel and pays for the labor. A suitable ice chamber has bean built underneath the walk cement around tbe fountain which will render theJwater all time. The"V. C." T. U. Ladles are to be highly commended for their enierpriseaudlpublicspirit Jin for nishing this Jfountain. J.They are also to be congratulated in this preparation for Ithe "dry spell" following Jane st the rest, you want to look at, and try on, some of our latest Varsity suite, made expressly for us by Hart Schaffner & Marx The new little ideas in pock ets, in the cut of the front of the coat, the cuffs on the sleeves, the trousers a lot of smart new ideas ' in these suits will certainly please you. The new fabrics are ex ceptionally beautiful; and we can show you the pick of them all sorts of good clothes. Suits $10 to $30. This Store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes and all of the other good things to go with them; Hats, Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, etc. Let us help you get ready for the warm weather. BOY AND MAN c22!Rb: California Golden Gate Coffee SOLD ON MERIT .J. A. FOLGER & CO. KsUMuhe4 1630 JAN FRANCISCO Fishway In the Dam. Deputy Fish Warden J. D. Wilson of Yoncalla arrived in Jthe ;ty the latter part of last week to put a couple of fish ways in the dam Just below tlie bridge here. He succeeded in getting in one of them, but was stalled Mondav on account of high water, the river having rlcen two feet, as a result of the recent rains. Mr. Wilson was especially pleased while here to note in W'edensdav's dailies that the supreme court had just affirmed the judgment of the lower court agaiust R. D. Hume, the Kogne Kiver Salmon Kine. whom he. Wilson, had arretted some time aon for fishing and canninv withnnt a license. The judgment is for 9500. By the addition of the flshwava in the dam at this place, fisherman are forbidden fishing within B00 feet of the dam and the peualty for the viola tion of the law is from K0 la MQ. Plea. Call and Settle. All those knowing themsevles indebt ed to me on aoooout will please call and settle the same at as early a date aa possible. My"reidence and the moat of my furniture having been totally destroyed by fire Wednesday, May 6th, I shall need the money now due with which to rebuild. Please do not de-!y- J. C SMITH. We make a specialtv of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Ring at Letcher'. 5.15 4t Sunshine in every tin of Folg'er's Independent Candidate for Sen ator. Editor of the Courier: Dear Sir: Since I have consented to be an independent candiatefor Stat Senaror for Josephine County, many inquiries have com to me as to my position regarding the election of United States Senator T riAaire to khT thro your columns, to those voters ho may be interested to know that I be liev in the election of United States Senator by the people direct, and it elected I will at all times daring my tnn of office support and vote tor the candidate for United State Senator who receive the highest vote of th elector of the Slate of Oregon at any election in wbioh the matter maybe submitted to them, regardless of who that person may bs, or what politicsl party he may represent. By so doing, the legislature would become fre daring tlie forty days al loted to it, to legislature on matter pertaining to tbe welfare of the Stat and thus avoid tbe cnstomarv hold npi of th past. Tours respectfully, H. D. NORTON. Going Camping thia Summer. Try Newport or Taqnina. RounJ trip ticket from Grant "Pasaltor; $10 gnod six month. On sale daily aft Jnn 1st Aak me for further infor-mation.:-"R. K .MONTGOMERY. 5--8t iLocafAiwi.