Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 15, 1908, Image 6

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Don't Buy
ground coffee order whole
roast and let your grocer
grind it, or, better still,
grind it at home.
corns u,e
is whole roast packed in
aroma-tight tins. Never
sold in bulk.
J. A. Foltfwr (MX Co.,
Sn rnndic
rW" Vila."
Secretary Grants Paaa Fruit Orowara Aaaoolatlan
l'-M 1 1 n ii H-H- m-mm IMPRESSED WITH POS-
I"M"H"r I-M-I-I-I- Wfl'ITi'
JUNE 1 to 6, 1908
HI b th mod brillUai
ever held In lbs Pacific NorthwMl
Portland, "The Rom City," will ba a
etteue of eplendor aod tlia center of
world-wide Interest for one week
Heveral Important conventions to be
bald Id Portland on that occasion
ON JUNJS lit and Sd
Will soil Bpocutl tickets on
this occasion from Grants
Pass to Portland and return
lxcal Agent
WM. McMl'KllAY,
(letmral i'assenger Agent
Will Over lar Traaa
W. A. Masde, who for several years
pant baa operated a ferry aorora Kogo
river nine mile below Merlin, if now
turning bii attention to fro it growing
and judging by the intelligent effort
that he ii patting forth, be bide fair
to ; be come one of the inoorsBfal or'
nhardista of Rogue River valley. His
farm is on the rlrer just below Hell
gate canyon and the soil and olimstlo
conditions make It perfect fruit land
The air drainage caused by thedraogh
of the canyon and the protection af-
forded by the river preolndns frost and
in the nine years that he has been
growing fruit he has never lost a crop
and the few trees he baa In bearing are
now loaded with fralt.
Encouraged by bis past sucoeia be
has began to plant out new orchard
aod this past winter he set oat 50
Spitzenburg and 60 Newtown appl
tree, 200 Coulee and 60 Boso pears.
and of peaohes 36 Sneed, 25 Early
Crawford, 60 Foster, 60 Elberta and
60 Salway. The Saeed be finds Is th
earliest peach, ripening about Jane
26 aod tbe Salway ihe latest, ripen
ing the but of September, while the
other three varieties ripen In the
order tbey are named above and in
successive periods between the earliest
and tbe lateet. Since readiag the in
terview of Mr. Day pabllihed in the
fralt department of the Conrler, Mr.
maaaie naa aeoiaea to graft over
his Boso pears to Winter Nellie
Bartletts. The ground la a rich, damp
loam, well aulted for either of these
pears and as they are better sellers
than tbe Bosc, he aball hereafter plan
only the kinds recommended by Mr.
IS; June 5, (.. l', 20; July U, 7, 22,
23; August (., 7, 21, 22. Plan now.
RATES -General basis ft0 00 to
Omaha, Kansas City and back;
t 7 .50 St. Louis ami back; $72.50
Chicago ami back, via direct toutes;
$15.00 mote through California.
PRIVILEGES - Variable routes:
iiual limit 'M days; .stopovers en
route. Tickets on .sale in Idaho,
Oiegon, Washington und British
Columbia; consult Burlington maps
and folders und note how many im
portant cities are ruachod by the
different Builington main lino;
n i-ir n .iiunv; luiriingioii are Hon
ored via IVnver with stojovcrs.
grade ol Uuougli set vice via Hil
lings and direct southeast main
line Through chair car treats
itec) standaid ami tourist sleepers
Tluee connecting trains daily from
St Haul via pictures(tie Mississippi
Kiver Route
Abnormal Ba.rk Growth on Pear
J. 8. Linton, who bought a 45-aoi
ou .ierome rrairie a year ago
last winter and will engage in fralt
growing, was a caller Wednesday at
the office of Secretary Meter ve with a
pear limb that he feared had the blight
or some other disease. The bark of
the affected limb waa rafaed in several
places an eighth of an inch and as
large as silver quarter in extent.
The bark appeared perfectly healthy
ana ihe wood was sound aod the only
explanation of the trouble was that
Ihe limb had had an excess of sap
this spring, for the bark enlargement
only reoontly appeared on this limb.
Tbe evident caose for this exoeeelve
sap flow was that the tree, an old one.
bad been cat down at the ground a
oouple of years ago and a vigorous
aproot bad put up from the root. In
February Mr. Liu ton ent off Ihe lop
of this yonug tree and it was just be
low the end of tbe tree where the en
largement of the bark took place.
Mr. Linton has began theplantiog of
a new orchard and he now has out 10
Bartlett pears, 60 Bpltzenborgs and 6u
Hewtown apples and 100 Crawford
paoliea, half early aod half late. So
fast as he gets the land cleared for
Juroine prairie ceased to be a treeleaa
tract 60 years ago when the Indium
last ran Are over it Mr. Liutou will
exteud his orchard until he has hid
vt hole farm to fruit trees. lie will
plant, ttiough, mostly poara aud largely
work of the orchitrdiat is not running
and crash ing like in some other vo
cations, or even bo eonflning as that of
dairying bot it must be done at the
proper time and in a thorough manner
or the loeses will soon pat the luckless
grower oat of baslness.
Grow Mexicsvn Sweet Peppers.
A new crop and especially availabe
to froit growers who have yoaog or
chards in which they desire to grow
only crops among their trees that re
qoire ooltivation, is to be introduced
into Rogne River valley this season.
It la thai of Mexican aweet peppers.
This venture is being undertaken by
F. W. Dunn, reoently from Seattle
but formerly a resident of Texas. Mr.
Dana has had considerable exper
ience with raising Mexican sweet pep
pers and from the investigation he baa
made of the aoil and climatio condi
tions of Rogoe River valley he be
lieves that it may be possible to grow
snd mature them here. He brought a
quantity of selected seed with him
and these he has planted in a bot bed
that he constructed at C. O. English's
place on Sooth Sitih street. The
plants are now ready for distribution
and farmers who deaire to give the
peppers a test can get plants by apply
ing to Mr. Duna at the Western Ho
tel, or Charlea Meserve. Only a few
plaats will be given to each person
There is a large demand for Mexican
sweet peppers for they are used in
high grade condiments and tamalas
It takes a peculiar soil and climate
to grow them to perfection and there
are bot few sections of the United
States in wbioh they are grown.
Should these peppers attain the re
quired qoality here the growing of
them could he made an Important iu
dm try, for the demand for them is so
great that the market would take them
in car load lots. As these peppers
grow only to about the height of to
niatoes and take little of the plant
food required by fruit trees they
would be ajdeelrable crop to grow In
a young orchard.
t i l initial Htrrnl". it llir umtrrMgn
ril. u. ki t you lUirliiih'ton id nn
t-rucr Ihe tM't'ntfl ihvrrittv of routr
ml territory hi tin- l.uM ,mm.
(Jeucral Agent, ( '. II a Q
Kv.. li'ti ;m k., IVrtliuu'
Charles Costain
Wood Workinu Shop, i
West of flour mill. near R. R. track '
Inriiim.-. N-roll V. iV. suit Work snn,
Kawi'iu.tVmiri Wm k. h.hI Pullrvs. w .
tulutganit gumming, -airing ail knuli
lrk'i's tight I
Sawdust iv Good Fertilizer.
J. S. Linton, Jerome rrairie farm-
r, it a believer in the value of saw-
oat as a mulch and as a fertilizer for
he has tried it on his farm ami
'mind It a e.ieoesa. Last winter a year
ago he covered a part cf bis cult i-
aled laud to a Depth of four inches
with sawdust from au old mill ac
ting Tina he tilowed aniler anil
planleil the. laud to potatoes, beans,
peas, tomaotes ami to make the ti-sl
perfect lm extended the rows of hid
jilMiit in km on to mi adjoining mctiou
tlmt I a I no awilum upon it. Both
"i i tii'ii i f di garden I'ave ttie same
nil, a K'ay clay, ai d were given the
Kiuiiii i nliivatiiui. The soil of the sec
tion lia'ini; the nwdtit kept more
ti t 1 1. 1 and waa aier of cultivation
than whs the st'tlon having no aaw
dut iiul die yield of r.-.lore was
fully '.'. (sir cent larger. When plow
ing hit garden this S'riug ln found
the nawiltint section more pliable ami
easy to work and ttie aoil had a darker
color tliau the section liaimj uo iiui.t
He will u.e more sawdust on his
cultivated land thia s( ring and he
has aU put it around Ins fruit trees, 1
covering tlu ground to a iVptli ot five
luctus for a radius of li (,-r alsmt
ihe trees.
A man who is never on t ine will
prove a failure a- a fruit grcwer. The
work on a fruit farm has to tie done
quite as much on tune ai that i f the
rauit ail ami ii.avs arc ahcut a. i!
DeWltt'a Kidney and Bladder Pills
are prompt a d thorough and will in
short time strengthen Weakened
kidneys and allays troubles arising
from Inflammation of the bladder.
Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-3 13t
Convention Ralea.
On the following ocoaaiona tickets
ill be sold oa tbe certificate plan at
Qraota Pass for one aod one-tbird
fare for the round trip:
Grand Encampment, ft shea ah As
sembly and Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.
at Salem May ISth to May Slit
Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M and
Grand Chapter R A Masons of Oregon,
Portland, Jane 8th to Jane ISth.
No stopovers glveu on above tickets.
For the oooventiona tickets may bs
purchased three days prlorto or on the
opeuing day, and are good,' to return
any time within two days after meet
ings olose. For further Information
call at tbe depot
S. M. Campbell of Leland, waa
town last Sunday.
J. W. HathHeld of Eogene was
the city Monday.
W. B. Sherman went to Sao Fran
Cisco Mooday.on a brief buaiuegi er
rand. Deputy Fish IWardeu Wilson of Ore-
gon City was in the city Monday and
Tacsday in the discharge of official
Send to tbe editor of tbe Grants
Paaa Bulletin for a copy of that paper
which will tell yon about grape cul
ture aod the Rogue River Valley,
it's free for tbe asking.
Jas. J. McFadneo of Fort Jones,
CaU returned Tuesday , after having
speot a week bere with bis mother,
Mrs. Kate McFadden. Mr. McFadden
is employed at the Morrison mine in
Quarts valley. He reports times fairly
prosperous in that sextion.
J. T. Parks, who hss a hauling
oontrat for the Takilma smelter, came
in from Waldo Saturday enronte to
Gold Hill after a hoist to be used at
the Takilma works. Mr. Parks re
ported quite a snow at Waldo Tues
day of last week.
Postmaster Don n ell who was elected
a delegate to the republican state con
vention at Portland at a recent meet
ing of the county central committee,
has resigned owiog to pressure of other
matters and Geo. S. Calhoun has beeo
elected to fill the vacancy and will,
with the other delegates, represent
Josephine conntv in the state conven
tion on tbe 14tb.
W. H. Jackson, wife and son of
Rockford, 111., arrived in this city
Sunday to spend a couple of days
with friends. They left Monday for
Los Aogsles whare they have two
sons, one of whom has been in tbe
employ of the Pscifiu Electric Co.
in tbe engineering department for
the past five years. Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson were
Uranti Paaa.
greatly pleased with
Following ia a partial list of fruits
and vegetatilis which flourish in Jose
phine county and tbe amount of
money per acre which may be realized
from their culture. It khoohl lie borne
in mind also that these are ooerva
tive averages, and many of them are
under-estimated rather than r-ver-esti-
uiated. The aoil hi re ia capaMe cf
producing much more per acre cf
many of the crops mentioned. These
figures, however, give the prospective j
Investor a con-ervathe idea of what I
may ! aihieveil in Jmephine county : I
A',,',", - fllKI
J1"" it. HI
l eai ru n
I 'hemes
Knglmh Walnuts
Kiga ....
( At one-iinarii r exp,
all the atmve fruitsi
logau !,irrii
MUck Id'tries .
lied Ruoerrit'S
i black Ksfplvrries
I Strawberries
; Uocsi-bi-rries
1' I a ins
Mrs. S. E. Bates arrived last week
from Grafton, North Dakota, an
will probably make Grants Pass her
home. Mrs. Bates spent two years in
Grants Pass, retorniug to Grafton foor
years ago, to again take the manage
raent of her newspaper, the News and
Times, which paper she has been pun
lishing for 10 years past She has now
disposed of the business and the great
er amoant of her property in Graftoo
and expects to make Oregon ber home
The congregation of Bethany Pres
byterian church will hold a called
meeting at the church next Thursday
evening for the purpose of extending
a call for a pastor and at that time th
name of Rev. Robert McLean will be
considered. Mr. McLean has many
friends in Grants Pass who will be
happy to tee him located here again
For the past six years he haa been do
Ing special work in Puerto Rico.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McLean and
child arrived here last week from
Binghampton. N. Y. and will probably
locate in Grants Pass. Mr. McLean
is a son of Rev. Eneas McLean who
was located at Medford and at Bandon
some 20 years ago, and Mr. McLean
spent some tine with the family of
Rev. Robert McLean at tne time of
the death of hia mother here in 1891
tie says lie remembers the names of
mauy cf tbe old rttideuts hut none of
the faces, he being but a child at the
time. For the at three years he has
been counected with the Nstional
Protective League, J if Waverey, N. Y.
aud he will work here iu the intetest
of that conization.
Other tliau the receipt of a new set
of books could have sufgi ettd a plans-
ible reason for the animation and
earuistrnsa manifested iu the baud
practice at Clemens' hall last Mon
day night. The beys went to
tne new iuumo like docks to wat,-r.
ami even the lender, I'mf. Howell, was
sur rued at the ie-uci:y with which
the Ivys riad the new music The
mil (.irons Pass boys huml is iimkinal
Mill J
Chss. F. Swigart of Portland was
in Josephine's capital last week.
Mr. Swigart is president of 'the Port
land Chamber of Commerce'and also of
one of the interurban electrio lines.
He recently bought a saw mill at West
Fork aod the box factory at Glendale.
He bad jnt came down from Portland,
to look after the8 propretie a and be
ing to near came oa to Grants Pass.
Talking about improvemente and de
velopments cf the couritry about
ftf-anta Pass. Mr. Swiirart was verv
enthasiasrio over the great possibilities 'bM "tended, through Secretary 1).
cj. j.ui.uer ana ius uos Angeles Y
Relative to tbe ooostruotion of a rail,
road Into the Waldo conntry he said
he thrught that on account of tha
heavier freight traffio which would
naturally result that a steam road would
be more feasible than an electrio line,
Mr. Billhorn Donates Organs.
The Los Angeles Express of April 25
says that through the kindness of
Prof. P. P. Billhorn of Chicago, th,
noted singer, and the Young Men's
Christian Association of Los Angeles,
the Sabbath services on board the m.
teen battleships of the Atlantio fleet
will be rendered more church-like oy
the addition of organs.
This philantbropio religious leader
of both town and country and mar
veled at the productivity of tbe soil
and the splendid fruit outlook for the
present season. Mr. Swigart also
expressed himself as confident that an
electric! railway between here snd
Ashland would be not only a grrat
convenience to the people generally
but that it would prove a remunera
tive investment. He was so mocb
impressed with the proposition that he
said ne expectea to visit tnis section
M. C. A. a gift of sixteen portable or
gans for use ou the battleships.
" With warmest tbauks Rear-Admiral
Thomas has accepted tbe gift in be
half of tbe men of the ships and the
I instruments will be delivered at Sao
Francisco before the fleet departs from
tbe city by the Golden Gate.
Prof. Billhorn will be remembered
by many in Grants Pacs, be having
again at an early dare to look over the assisted iu the evangelietio meetings
ground more carefully. here a year ago.
"Indian" Motorcycles
All Light Machinery Repaired &l
South 6th Street, below Bottling Works, Phone B28
Post Card Albums
Model Drug' Store
Fron Street.
Safe and Secure
Is the Man with a good Bank account. By
systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has
Something tor a rainy day
and is prepared for any emergency that may arise.
Are you one of the fortunates? We invite you to open
an account with us. Be it small or great, you will
always receive courteous treatment
Interest on time deposits
If you have some surplus cash why not have it
earning you some interest? We pay interest on time
Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent
in which you can store your valuable papers and
treasures. You may have need for Just such an accom
modation. Let us serve von,
G. P. Banking & Trust Co.
Our Bottled Goods Appeal
Mil-k iiiloi
t'ant,Ht I.'im
H-troos to one
fruit grower
tune, prav aT
the right tune
on tune at the
s to the tther 1 lit
mus! plant at tbe right
the right time, pick at
aid il.l.ver lb,, frtnt
shipping point The
grow a'.i the.,
ha. I at from f -t
, lift ise'aud
" son
a o-M
100 I
there another ccuutv vtliii h
'.locesMillv. so grrat
t . . i
an-i vi gctSMt'S so
are liHl.tin
tributary to
:n -b ar. J which vti!!
splendid prepress nn the pride of tbe
citv and their weekly opeu air con
certs will soon lie a feature of the
smuiuir's enjoymeut iu this beautifnl
and picturesque little city on the
Rogue river.
Ca'r-'ts . .
vt here is
will (reduce.
:n-.ity cf
I ToiK.i-uhr .' Ami tlun
acre i f land iinrneilim,.'
wranrs t a-s in "i. 1
More Comfort for the "Rooster"
As a further contribution to the com
fort of partons of the famous 'roost
er nsist" along the Southern Pacific
fence on either side of Sixth S'reet and
just south of the tracks the company
has covered the top rail of these
fences with liarlvd wire, that the ar
tis.t:c refiners of Battle Axe.Heot Jack
Star Plug and other brands, may-more '
i throughly enjoy their old rastime of
, expfctcratii n epeu the et merit walks.
f tin " immaculate" w hitev" surfao ;7f
whiih thee "rccsttrs" havecharl
to a rich n-al-ccaiiT Y. ,..
fru-ts. which .y b, ' rarge of the whitthr aml'lhe tobacco
;i r acre. ch. wer i ,..!.,.. a t .. ,
i ti iiaico, ana nc
cine to Wants kPass. , must go back into the wilderneas. '
to you and everv other lover of fine
fl I I r- ..
i.nDitu iiicverages iK'caile Ot tile
purity of their ingredients and the
skill, expertness and cleanliness of
their making. Have you ever
tasted our ginger ale, sar'siparilla,
lemon or cream soda, root Seer or
our mineral waterr? No? Missed
something good.
Grants Pass Bottling Works
Cor, ttli unit JA Mt.
Get the Habit
And bring us your soiled garments
both faucy and plain,
That seems wholly ruined from
soiles and stains.
We take them and make them look
like new.
We have clened for others,
Let us clean for you.
Royal Cleaning Works :
419 F St.