Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 15, 1908, Image 5

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    Omni, vagk and metuur teerytkinq
AV American Oncer.
We always lika to asset with Bra. Brows,
She has the cosiest horns there ia in town,
A " Homey " kind of boms, you know, a
Where yoa can tit tot sort of rest your
I know of nomas gewf w9 so with style,
That when yon enter you put on a smile
A sort of social sain, as yoa might say,
So that you'll harmoaiza and be au fait.
Bat oh, how dreadful tiied I should get
If I should train forever with that aet.
Bo, girt mo Jfnu Brown whose happy
guest "
Can Just lounge Sows and rest, and rest,
and rest.
Bar noma art low aad broad, and quiet
'hat restful Toon, and all the pictures
At comfortable angles, jmd yoa chat
In low and cosey tones and thers's a eat,
Of course a cat, that yawns there in the sua
A picture of content, like everyone.
Then Mrs. Brown brings out her dainty set
Of tea things, and w know that wo shall
The Terr nicest, dearest cirp of tea
'lis I'UASS muoks'S brand, yoa
' kmr. and wa
Ht all of ns been sjaJm; It 'round town.
- :
jrs always mm w enjy jars, srown.
fcylhe conSimt
Our first
for the season
are here
has again declined
Sugar is higher
Home grown
Arriving Daily
White House
h-mii mm imw
B. W. On-gory of Medford iu in
tba city Monday.
Geo. M. Woods of Leland was in
town Monday.
S. M. Campbell of Leland waa in
the city Sunday.
A. B. Cornell waa in Gold Hill the
first of the week.
C. C. Sumner waa in from Williama
last Friday.
Z E. G. Trowbridge waa down from
Medford last Friday.
W. B. Sherman returned Lome from
San Franc i aco Wednesday.
I weo. urerar or tbe Takilma smelter
was in Grants Pass Monday.
J. P. Wentaof Smith River. Cal..
was in the city Iaet Friday.
I. J. Carney and Paul Mardee of
Medford were in town Tuesday.
B. E. Bonfre and W. L Donnell, of
Galioe. mining mn, were in Grants
Pass last Monday,
Dr. VanDyke was in attendance at a
meeting of the etate medioal aesocla
tion at Portland tbii week.
"Mr. Bob," Local Talent, Tuesday,
May zotn. MS at
aae yon a pair of Roller Skates of
yonr own. Ton can get them in all
styles at Cramer Bros.
F. Black man is back from Frisco
aftor having seen the fleet and person
auy going ovor one of the vessels.
Mrs. R. a. Lawton of Azusa,
Cal. arrived here Wsdnesday to spend
the snmmer with her mother Mrs.
M. S. Hayes of Mnrphy.
M. Clemens and wife returned from
San Francisno Sunday evening, after
having gaaed npon Uncle Sam's fight-
ing ships.
1 r.- . 1.. s., .
vnj Ainurney uiements, accompan
ied by Cfaaa. Anderson of Medford.
went to . WildervilUfSaturday to attend
to some legal 'matters.
Reward the Board of Optometrist
of Oreo wul pay $35 for the con
nection of any person who fits glasses
if they are not 'registered.
Mrs. L. Bierrett and daughter, Belle
arrived here from Spokane last week
and are the guests of tbe former's sis
ter, Mrs. S. Bowden.
Mrs. S. B Sloan, who bar been
conducting a rooming house on the
second floor at the corner of Sixth snd
G streets., sold her furniture to a
0. H. Murray.
Don't Vet yonr lawn get too high and
sooil it for "this year. Keep . it in
shape with a Lawn Mower bought of
Cramer Bros.
Postmaster G. W. Donnell and Mrs.
Donnel left yesterday for Riddle where
they will spend a few days, with
friends and where Mr. Donnell has
property interests.
Lawn Mowers repaired, oiled aad
sharpened at Cramer Bros.
Frank Leet, 'Section foreman here
was taken to the Good Smaritaa
hospital at Portland last week, after
ailing for a few days, and in fear of
an attack of fever.
Mr. and Mrs. "W. L. Ireland re
turned home Sunday night from San
Francisco where they had been to see
the fleet They report a delightful
It is almost tent and hammock time.
Make yoar srlfctioo now at Cramer
Oscar Broberg and H. H. and C.
J. Hicks of Chicago arrived in Grants
Pass lust week. They will outfit here
and go down Rogue river on a pros
pecting tour of two or three months.
Mr. and Mrs R. W. Person or
Greeley, Colo., arrived here early
in the week to visit relatives. Mr.
and Mrs. Person were residents of
Grants Pass Borne years ago.
Fred MenFch left lam Friday for Bo.
nanza. Klamath county, to finish op a
government surveying contract. He
'exrcetHto !be "gone about one week.
Mr. M'-nsch has just 'returned fr'tn
Wolf Creek where h has bsen running
boundaries and setting oil tracts,
which will be pluced on the market.
Ton can g"t a genuine Swedish
scythe at Hair-Kiddle's. 5 -1.1 2t
Scythe and stones at Hair-Riddle's.
5-i:. 2t
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clarke arrived
in the city Saturday evening for a
brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Demaray. The Clarkes have been
spending the winter in California and
are now on their way borne, Liver
more, Iowa.
Ton can catch tront with the new
line of Spinners at Cramer Bros.
'Geo. H. Monroe and wife of Jolliet,
111., stopped off here last Friday en
route home from Southern California.
In order to see a much of Oregon as
possible they have nude as nearly as
feTsible a d.ivlight run. They have
'been favorably iuipr'ssed with the
'country in general and both were de
! lighted w ith Grants T, which Mr.
; Monroe thinks is d' stlued to. be a
I much larger town.
J. 1. Fleming of Kerby was in
Grants Puss Wedneiday.
Roy Wilson, the antomobile man,
was in Roseburg yesterday.
G. H. Pease and wife of Placer
were in the city Wednesday.
Sheriff Russell was out near Mur
phy tbe first of the week look after of
ficial matters.
Pittsburgh Perfect Fence, welded by
electricity, the best fence on tho mar
ket. Sold only bv Cramer Bros.
See our window card and yon will
know what oor Friday sale is W. J.
Gardner. & Co.
Ralph Davis, who is running a don
key engine at Williams Bros, saw mill
at Glendale, spent Sunday here with
Mi se Hazel Hoddkinson retorned to
Eugene Snuday after spending a month
here with her parents and friends.
Miss Hodkinson has a position as book
keeper at the dye works at Eugene.
Cnas. E. Short, the Merlin mercan
tile king, was in the city Tuesday. Mr.
Short is also somewhat interested in
tn real estate line and reports three
transfers within the past SO days ag
gregating $30,080.
H. E. Gale, a retired capitalist of
Portland, spent a few hours in theoity
Tuesday. Mr. Gale reoently pur
chased the Wm. Crow homestead near
Htllgate, six miles below Merlin on
the Rogue river, which be will clear
nd plant to fruit next year.
See our window card and yon will
know what oor Friday sale is. W.J.
Gardner & Co.
Chas. P. Wright came down from
his mine, the GoldFlat, on Cow Creek
Wednesday to meet A. O. Taylor of
Lincoln, Nebraska, who arrived in
the city Tuesday. Mr. Taylor was
with Governor Sheldoo's party of
Nebraska who came to San Francisco
to deliver the silver set to the United
States battleship Nebraska.
C. A. Hoxle was In from nrjoer Wil
liams creek Wedoesdar. Mr. Hoxie is
a resident of Lone Pine school dis
triot He says that the grounds, con
sisting of about two acres, is one of
the neatest and well kept in this sec
tion of tbe state. Not only the teach
er bot the pupils, have entered into tho
spirit of the thing and the grounds
are like a well kept lawn. The ex
ample Is worthy tbe emulation of
other schools in the county.
See oor window oard and you will
know what
nor Friday sale is.
w. j.
Garaner & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bateham, who
lately came from Hood River and
bought a farm of ISO acres in Fruit
dale district, gave a house warming
party at their new home Wednesday
evening to their neighbors. Aa enter
tainers Mr. and Mrs. Bateham proved
themselves adepts and the evening
was a most delightful on 3 to their
Keep the weeds down on and out of
your garden with a Plane Jr Hoe.
Ton can get them at Cramer Bros.
Get some of those 20-inch singletrees
for your orchard cultivator at Hair-
Riddle's. 5-15 It
A nomber of conterfsit 5 gold
pi'ces artreported to have come into
circulation in this city within the
past week and the publio is warned
to look oat for them. One of the
ooins exhibited at the Courier office
tbii afternoon was clever ss to color
and molding, but was vastly detee'ed
by its light weight, and again by it"
sporioos ring, or almost no ring1
when dropped. They are made of I
some, soft white metal while the out
side is a me'e gilding. Tbe coin in '
1 nation bears the ltfott date. I
Services as osoal at this Church'
next Sunday. Preaching by the Pas-1
tor at the morning service, and by oor 1
Presiding Klder, Rev. O. L. Mc-
Caoslaud at the night service. A
cordial Invitation ts extended to all 1
to be present. I
At the honr of morning worship the
p.itor will prearh the sermon deferred 1
nv I"" fir-"' nee or rres. miey iasi i
Cnml.iv inKiart Prno r.ui B.ii Pa-.
tience." The Biblii School will he
in charge of Snpt. Roy Hackett.
Tbe Jnnirrs meet at 3 p. m. and the
Senior Yonng People at 7 p. in.
Subject "Being a Christian at home
and in school," leader, Vera Whipple.
At the 8 o'clock evening serviee,"The
Gospel according to Sir Geo. Wil
liams , will be the snbject of tbe ser
moo. This merchant
rince was tho
founder of the Y. M.
cordially lovited.
You are
Sunday School at 10 a. iu. At 11
a. m. the minister will ieak. Iu
the afternoon at 8 o'clock Mr. Louie
Hugh of Portland will speak. Port
land has a Chinese population of 3000,
and .Mr. Hutfh is conducting a great
miHion among heae fellow country
men of his. He is a graduate of
Drake University of Iowa, and a cul
tured eutlenian. He is a fine speaker.
It will It t i treat to bear him. He
will a No speak at the evening ser
vice, flvini; a popular address on the
Chinese people. Don't fail to hear
these addresits by Mr. Hugh.
I'M III II 1 1 Mil
Mill ill-H
Miss Ethel Palmer, and her junior ,
musio popila gave a recital at Red-1
man hall Tuesday evening.
Governor Chamberlain is billed to '
speak at the opera house in this city
next Tuesday night
Hoo. J. J. Whitney, democratic
candidate for congress of the first dis
trict will speak hero this evening.
A gang of Southern Pacifio bridge
carpenters are engaged here this week
making changes at the depot Includ
ing the placing of new scales in the
bagirage room.
of buggies. If yon are needing a
hoggv, call and let ns show yoa what
we have. Hair-Riddle Hdw, Co. 5-15 It
Misj Jessie Hale entertained at Five
hundred Saturday afternoon. Miss
Marlon Clarke took first prize and
Miss Vir'ao Galbraith was awarded
the consolation.
Nathan Davis an old soldier, who re
oently arrived from Pueblo, Col.,
opened a bowling alley in tliH room
over the Southern Oregon Supply Co.
warehouse on H street Wednesday
night. Mr. Davis says he will keep
open every night except Sondavs.
Mr. Farmer If you waut to save
time and labor In caring for your hay
crop, get one of those LOUDEN HAY
CARRIERS at Hair-RiddKs. Thev
have one set up so yoa can see how it
works. 5-15 2t
Tbe city park just across the river
is being improved this spring and pot
In such shape that it is a great credit
to the pity as well aa being a pleasant
resort where the populace gather on
Sundays and at other leisure time.
Geo. H. Pease who is operating a
placer over on Grave, creek ia rejoio
ing over thhe arrival of his father,
Dr. H. G. Pease, who came here
from Taooma Wednesday to make his
permanent home. Dr. Pease, lived in
Sonth Dakota for a nomber of years
and was for some time oonnty physi
cian for Scolly ooonty.
Among the new building improve
ments now in contemplation for
Grants Pass ia tbe erection within the
year of a modern and commodious
lodge hall by Takilma Tribe No. 30,
Improved Order of Red men. Location
and other details have not been defi
nitely arranged as yet, bot the plans
now contemplated insure a brick
structure of two stories with a front
age of 60 feet. 1
O. H. Sampson, residing a mile and
a half northeast of town, sold his frnit
ranch of 68 acres the latter part of
last week for 800. This is one of
tbe splendid frnit raucbea of the
ooonty. The purchaser was Will Soo
ville, recently from Do Moines, Iowa.
Mr. Sooville shipped all bis house
hold goods and farm implement west
and first stopped at Spokane and later
went to Medford, but.fioally concluded
that Grants Pass was really the place
to locate and boild a home.
Dr. Looghridge amputated the third
toe of the right foot .of Miss Mitchell
Morphy Tuesday of this week.
Miss Mitchell had suffered intensely
for 7 years from this toe, thoogb there
was no inflammation, swelling or
1 other indication on the surface of the
ski a to snow the caose. It was
simply a paiofol toe. Since the op
eration she has felt greatly rlieed.
Among the new buildings in con
templation for the present tear in
Grants Pass is a 50x100 foot briok
structure at tho corner of Sixth and
I strests on the property owned by
L. G. Gillette. When bailt the
structure will be occupied by the
Bacon & Eo banks harness sture now
occupying a 'small frame boilding on
the site of the proposed new building,
and the Rogue River Electric Co.
8ee "Mr. Bob" Opera Hoose. Toes
day, May afith. 5 15 2t
As a result of litigation following
disagrf eruent between the tinei men
. who were operating it, the American
restaurant on East G stre t was tern-
pnrarily dossed a few davs auo. Tbe
ill probably be open for bosi-
ness again
the middle of next wesk
under the naiue of the Pearl Restau
rant. I
Democratic Mass Meeting,
Notice is hereby given that a mass I
meeting of Democratic electors of ,
Josephine county is hereby called to
meet at the Coonty Coort House in I
Grants Pass, Josephine County, at i
2 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, May 10ib, '
1908, to elect foor delegate to the :
Democratic state convention to be held 1
at Portland, Oregon, June 9, 108, for
the porpose of electing delegates to
the Democratic national convention to
be held at Denver, Colorado, iu July.
"Dated this 14th day of May, A. D., 1
1108. Democratic connty central com
mitteeforJowephineounty, 'By DENNIS H. SfOVALL, '
Chairman, ' up telephone 624, Rogue River Eluctri
By J0Hy MINOR BOOTH, ' cal Construction Co., nth Street be-j
Secretary. ' tweenIjndyr.
here in our store. Call on us and tfe Vi gladly
short you the Veering line famous the ttorld
oCer as being the ideal harvesting machines.
Veering binders, mothers and rakes haOe neCer
failed to make good no matter hot difficult the
harvest. We Would like to short you some of these
good machines. Call on us and rte'll tell you
rthy the Veering line deserves your consideration.
It's a question of profit for you as Well as for us.
Cramer Bros., Agents
News Notea From tho Business
Mart to Madders.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Ooron for Plumbing.
J. E. Potersoa, Pioneer Insoranoe Man.
M. Clemens, f resoription Druggist.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's
See the new China ware at Buell's.
Tea and Coffee Store Front Street.
Ton will find Sammon's Vegetable
Wonder Soap at Alfred Snyder's res.
tanrant ou G street. 4-17 tf
Cash paid for Green and Dry Hides,
Furs and Wool, J. H. Ahlf, at City
Market. 3 88 tf
DeWltt's Carbolizeo- Witch Hazel
Salve. It ia especially good for piles
Sold by Model Drog Store. 4-8 13.
Croqoet is becoming popular again
and yen will find Croqoet sets at all
prices at Cramer Bros.
Yoa will find Sayruon's Vegetable
Wonder Soap at Alfred Schneider's
restaurant on G tsreet 4-84 tf
Get prices on the Alamo Gasoline
Engines and Woodaawa before buyiug.
J. D. Franklin, agent Office in Ran
nie's Plomblng Shop, H street, be
tween tli aud 7th. 4-24 tf
A fine stock of new Fishing Lines
and Loaders just received by Cramer
J. D. Franklin has tho agency for
the Alamo Gasoline Engines. Offioe'Jone . Satorday Annual meeting of
in Rannle s Plumbing shop. H.
street, between 6b and 7th. 4-34 tf
A nice present for the High School
Graduates ia one of those sparkling
Diamond Rings at Prices from 15 to
40. Just bought from an Eastern
house who needed money so we can
give yon the biggest bargains in these
eler. 615 at I
Tho Schaumann Colso,
Last Monday the case of Grants
Pass against Fritz Schaumann on a
charge of peddling without a lioenae
waa tried before Jodge Slover of the
polich coort. Tho case was contested
by Mr. Schaumann on the groond that
he was selling goods by sampls,
shipped In from other states and was
engaged in a business that was inter
state oomrterc. The question ha
been before the highest courts in the
land several times In the United
States supreme court which have
always held no state or city has tbe
right to impose any tux ou any auoh
business that discriminates in favor of
any class of people or goods. The or
dinance of this city provides that no
license shall be exacted from any per
on sailing farm prodnots or goods of
tneir own manufacture. After bear
ing the argument Judge Slover de
cided again't the defendant, but before
entencejwas Imposed Mr. Schaumann
filed a solt in equity in the clrcoit
coort sod obtained an injunction
against the city aothorlties from1
proceeding with the case agaiost blm
or enforcing the ordinance on the!
ground that it is void. The case will;
be fought out as purely legal question j
and no othar. The statement thatMr. j
Schaumann was avoiding the coort is
entirely erroneous, as at all times he
has had cash bail deposited with '
the court. I
There's something else besides hot
weather that's hot and that's one of
our Ele:trio Irons. We will gladly
place ono on trial In'any home. Call I
May 10,' Satordav Meeting of Dim
ick Graoge at 8 p. m,
May 18, Satorday, dedication of new
Masonio Temple at Kerby.
Mav 81st, Thursday, Judge W. S. Mo
Fadden will address the people of
Grant Pass on Temperance. Place
to bo announced later.
May SS, Satorday Special meeting at
8 p m. of Wilderville Grange and of
County Grange executive oomimtteo
to arrange for the County Urango
plonio at Wilderville on the Foorth
of Joly.
Mayas, Satorday Meeting of Fruit
dale Grange at 3 p. m.
May 14, Sunday Memorial Sunday
with anion services at church at
11 a. m.
May 34, Sunday Baccalaureate ser
mon for Grants Pass High Sabool
at ohorch at 8 p. m.
May , Toesday "Mr. Bob" at Op
era Hoose.
May 89, Friday Commencement ex
ercise for Grants Pass High school
at Opera House at 8 p. m.
May 80, Saturday Decoration' Day
with exercises at the Opera House
ooder auspices of O. A. R and W.
R. C.
Juno 1, Monday,. General election.
June 16, Monday Annnal school
meeting in districts in Josephine
July 4, Saturday Grange plonio
y urango plonio to
m nem at wnanrvllle under ana
pices tne
nve Josephine county
Grants fas Fruit Growers Associa
tion at tbe Court House, with fore
noon and afternoon sessions open to
all interested in the fruit industry.
Crania Paso Dapol Scene of Mir
avnd Buatlo.
The freight shed of the SoothorB
Paclflo Railway at this city ia the
oene of ranch commotion, tho amount
of freight being handled at this point
is so vast that there is not sufficient
accommodations In the present build
ings, as an instance, last Saturday no
lets tbsn la dravs and teams counted
at one time hauling the household
goods and general freight away from
the freight sheds. While the Special
Colonist rates, brought many settlera
to this section, yet more homeseekers)
are ooming every day and they are of
a clasi which has means to travel at
leisore and have been waiting for the
opening of spring before seeking now
pastures. Theso people 'vittVe good
prorgessive citizens, and with their
iu-ooming we notice a general Im
provement aud development at hu
surrounding portion of the county.
Alfred Letrlier. Registered Optom
etrist and Jeweler In Dixon sold stand,
Front street. Eym teated free.
at your homo
1 a w.-ek pays for the
whole outfit.
RowelPs Music Store
e suTiri vetoo