ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON MAY 8, GROCERIES Stawberries daily Will soon have those that are home grown j. p in dee Front Street, Grant Put, Ore jon t t t t t ... ....t....... .T..TTT fT T, J J I J J I 1 4 14 J I ""-' J. MISSOUKI FLAT. -j. t t I .t..l. .... it iTiiTiiTnTiiT Qaite a number attended ttie clrons at Grants Pass April 20. O. M. Rexford and wire were Tin Horn of Grants Pass Thursday. Mrs. Qeo. W. Meek and two daagh- tern. MIm Carrie and Bertha, made Grants Pane visit Saturday. Willie Farrii was visiting friends and relatlrei of thil place last Sun day, while en route to Ashland and .front there to the saw mill 33 milea east of Ashland. Mr. Farrii hai worked for Mr. Henkle the past three or four summers. Hay, hare yon Men those new MoCor tn io mowers and rakors that Hair-Bid' die Hardware Oo. have Jost received ? If not. tou ought to at onae. Ther are the best yetT Miss Sadie Staub, one of Missouri Flat 'a prominent young ladies, is goiog to Visit her grandparents before long. There was nioe social dauce at Kubli hall May 4. Everbyody re ported having bad good time. J. W. York went to Oranta Pass one day of last week. LIL AO. 1 E i: It l N 0 If some of our Eastern friends could aee oor oruhards now, they won Id think that Oregon was indeed the flower garden of the world. Did umr tal ever witness a more brantiful sight T Priinnry election has done oouie and atone and souia of the Observer's "weak candidates" exhibited a mar volocis degree of strength. Dr. Suiitli for instance. The suit Instituted mouth piece of the Josephine Rrpub lioaus great ou prognostications. Take another drive into the mystic future brother.. The following residents of our val ley were In your burg the past week. Tomuiie Oilllgan, T. D. Collett. i'bas. Kruine aud .A. I. Reynolds aud K. M. Albright We are having a very flue rain to day aud we ouly hope it will not be followed by a frost tonight, which is almost certain to happen if the clouds clear away. Mrs. 1). L. Webb drove over to Kerby Monday where sue engaged Mies Klile Kohler to teach oar school which is to begin ou May 17th. Miss Annie Peterson viated Satur day aud Huuday with Mls Mse Webb, ou Moudity aud Tuesday with Mrs. K. M. Albright. Did you know yoa oould get a 47 Inch Amiiriuau Field Kenos at Hair Kid lie's for only AO eeuts a rod. That's cheaper than making rails We were a visitor at the famons IiOgnn placer in Inn Monday of hint week ami we feel that our trip was pleasant mid very instructive. As we were not aware before of the won derful achievements in hydraulic machiurry. The plant installed at this mine is modern aud strictly op to date, and the only thing about the whole concern we regret to see is that beautiful meadow of one huudred ores or more torn to pieces aud floated away all for the lust after the gold. Jim is. surely doing his share of tearing this old world to pieces. We aaw our neighbor, Sam Kgger, wrestling with a giaut at this mine. aui had the right hand upper hold and was still ou his feet when we left Nearly SO years ago Pappie Rey nolds and his good .wile, at that time th in toe prime of life, settled on a q narter section of laud on .the stage wad near the month of Elk Creek, itwesailea from here and JUve from Waldo. Ills doors have uevsr own looked and sever ha it been kuown that any one went away from his place hungry. He Is the first to a neighbor la sickness or distress, has been known to board stranded stranger for two j months In a stormy winter free, and borrowed money to get bim to Cre oent City by stage. He also raised money during past hard times and paid his neighbors taxes. All this is oouceded by bis many friends and neighbors. And now he is old and infirm and there are vindictive persons who claim be has oonnterbraodd a measly, bow-legg-d six bit steer. Can this be that a Josephine oonnty jnry says yes. All of Elk valley say, no. EBEN. TIME TO SPRAY FOR THE CODLIN MOTH I W. C. T. U. NOTES Dear White Ribbon slBters, let ns not neglect the "Call to Prayer." Let us couut Ood in, and pray with out oeassipg that this enemy of all that Is pore, may be driven oat and oar country be free from the blight ing corse of ths liquor traffic. "Only a band of children whom the prohibition cranks have on parade" was a remark made last Sonday when the Sunday sclool children of our oity, under the au.pice of the Womans Christian Temperance Union, marching through the streets to the Christian church, helped to make the Temperance rally one long to be re membered, helped to make King Al cohol tremble with the thooglit "these children will grow op," and with their pore, young voice', helped to swell the chorus "Oregon is going dry." Said a traveling man: "The town, which a fnw years ago, I avoided for lack of trade, I now do the most bosi ne.s in became they have voted out the saloons." "My sod and my husband do not drink therefore I do not see aa there la any thing for me to do." So said n. other in oor hearing. How many wot hen have felt their own to be safe from the cure ouly to realize some dark day that the sword had fallen on their own. God pity the woman who can find nothing to do to help to save the sons and hus bands who are daily goiog oown victims to the greed of the liqoor traffic. Our saloon brothers tell ns over aud over again thai more liquor is oon sumed under prohibition than under lioeuse laws. My near brothers, are you not in the business that yoor wares may be osed? Then why do yon fight ths prohibition fanatics if their methods of dealing with your trade iucresse your sales? If you are oon siteut, and believe your own argu ments, you will vote for prohibiion for the sake of your bninesss. PRESS COR. I WITH THE CHURCHES CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Sunday school iovites all to at tend its services at 10 a. in. eoch Son day. The school la progressing stead ily. "Promises from Patnios" is the theme at 11 a. m. "Neglect." the eveuing sermon at 8 o'clock. Every one most cordially invited to these services. AUSTIN J. HOLUNUSWORTH, Minister. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The pastor preaches on the subject "Progreas and Patience" at the morn ing service at 10 :;),". The evening ser vice at 8 o'clock will be given to "Local Option". Rfireientive citi- seus will epeai at that time. The ! Portland, Jane 8th to Joue 18th. other meetings of the day are as usual. 1,0 "topovers glveu on above tickets. The Bible school meets at 1:45 in I r the conventions tickets may be charge of Sopt. Hackett; the Junior j Purchased three days priorto or on the Union at 3 p. in. aud the Seulor Young , opening day, nd are good to return People at 7 p. m. Genevieve Patillo a,1T t,mB within two days after meet- leads this service on the topic." Being Inge olose. tor further information a Christian in Oor Work and io Oor CftU ' ,ne aouot- Play". Yon are cordially luvited. R. K. MONTGOMERY. Ageot. The campaign for the destruction of the oodlin moth is now on in Rogue Riter valley aod how to successfully contend against this the hardest to eradicate of all the pests is the problem that is np to the orcbaridsts. how to spray and what solution to use is well known to all progressive froit.growers, for experience has taught them that by using aa arsenate of lead solution ap plied to the trees ander a heavy pres sure in order to drive the spray through the foliage ana to oover thor oughly every part of the froit will so protect the apples or pears that it is possible to have 88 to 99 per oent fruit free of worms. Bat when is the time to spray to do the moot effective destruction of the oodlin moth has not been definitely Bat tled by iven the leading horticultur ists and by the entomoloigsts of the agricultural colleges. This indefinite ness as to ths date to spray is caused by the fact that the codlin moth has no regular period of the season for hatch ing. Climatic aud other, causes not folly known to entomologists cause a variation of two to three weeks each spring and summer in the date of the appearance of the two broods of moths. Last spring, according to observations made by G. W. Taylor, frnit inspector for Jackson coonty, aod by L. D. Har ris, manager of the Bear Creek Orch ard, the first brood of moths made their appearance in the vicinity of Medford about May 23. This spring these experts announce that the moths began to appear last week, the first moth to appear from the cocoon was on May 8, as noted by Mr. Harris In breeding cages he bad onder observa tion. The first moth noted by Mr. Harris last spring was on May 33, and it was on this date that Mr. Taylor found the first moth in his oages. As the climate of this part of the valley is about the same as at Medford the moths will appear here nearly on the same date as there. Therefore orch ardiats should spray at once, aud again the last of next week. It was expected that observations would be made in this county upon hatching periods of the codlin moth tut H. O. Batebam, who had consent ed to undertake the task on the re quest of the Fruit Growers Associa tion, found himself so orowded with the work of fitting np his new home in Froitdale district that he could not ' possibly get the time to prepare the cages, oover a tree and secure the co coons. He will, though, observe the hatching of second rrood and give the froit growers ample notice as to the time to spray. Mr. Bateham hot re-1 cently moved to this county from Hood River, where he was one of the leading orcharding aud nurserymen of that famons fruit district and he was alio deputy froit inspector for that county. He is thorooghly posted on all features of the fruit pest problem and as he is a public spirited man aud very willing to give the fruit growers the full benefit of knowledge his locating here will be greatly to the benefit of the froit industry of Josephine county. I N the swim" so far as clothes are concerned; that's the condition of every man who wears our fine clothes; we've got the stuff that gives distin ction and character to a man s iooks; maae for us by HART SCHAFFNER & MARX You'll find the most exlcusive dressers clubmen, college men, business men all wearing these perfect clothes; and you'll find a lot of them ready for you in our rzz&tex mr mum m 1 wwn Lots of Copyright 1908 by Hart Sc Marx OIU1C. Come on in; the clothes are fine New Spring Shirts, Hats, Underwear, etc. special bargains just now. Geo. S. Calhoun io. OUTFITTERS TO BOY AND MAN PORTLAND FESTIVAL Convention Kales. Ou the follow iug occasions tickets will be sold on the certificate plan at Grauts Pans for one aod cue third tare for the roond trip: I Grand Kueauiptutfnt, Rebekah As , seiubly and Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. 1 at Salem May 19th to May 31tt. Graud Lodge A. F. aud A. M., aud 1 Grud Chapter R A Masons of Oregon, TO BE HELD IN PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to 6, 1908 Till be ths mott brilliant FLORAL FESTA&CIVICJUBlLEEi ever held in ths Pacific Northwest Portland. "The Rose City," will be 1 scene of splendor and the center of world-wide interest for one week Several important conventions to be held io Portland on that occasion "Indian" Motorcycles All Light Machinery Repaired eit M. MdNTYRE'S CYCLE-AUTO-MACEINE SHOP HouihOlh Street, below Bottling Works, Phone 523 r PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The oaiial services will be held at Rethnay Presbyterian Chorch. Rev. A. R. Dodd will preach both moruiuit and eveoiua at 11 a. in. aud 8 n. in . respectively. Suuday School at 10 a. tn. and Y. P. S. C, E. at 7 P. M The Interior of the chorch ha. now beeu reuovated, redecorated aud the eutire lighting system chauged, aod ne meiuoers or me ennren will gladly , Sherman rr..t elctmie all to oouie and enjov the service with them. A special feat a re is ths excellent music by a well trained choir. ON JUNE 1st and 3d THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will sell speci.ul tickets on this occasion from Grants Pass to Iortland and return $11-95 FOR PAKTICCI.AKS (. ALL ON R. K I Do Not Be Mistaken. j I wish to correct the fallacious ini- prensiou eutcrtained hy art it s who j have been led to believe that they I might secure water from the Hecktis springs ou the Shermau tract north of the city for domestic purpose, be- cau,e this laud might be undi r the ! pipe lines to lie constructed 0:1 the COUNTY TRF AQI1RFB '? MONTGOMERY Local Agent WM. McMUKKAY, Cietieral Passenger Agent I'OKTLAM), ORKQOS I wish to wake it clearly understood that none of this water will be sold to other parties .and that its ose will he confined strictly to my East Side addition, except ,ooe other tract which I am negotiating for now and At the clone of the annual confer- euo last Saturday eveuimt of th Knu Methodius held at Portland last week u 111 w an".t,1,nc MvT- the followins n,w,lnt,i . - "B.KMA. the Grants Pass district were read : Urauts ;Pas district NT. Welter. presiding elder; Grants Pass, Wood ville aud Seluia, to he supplied. Mnr phy and Missouri Flat and Williams Orek, A. W. Conutrvman: AsMan.l and Tangent. L. R. i noeaix ana intral Pn ni H v Kreider; Klamath Falls, t.' u Creecy. J. H. Brown, conference missionary. J, O. Hockett, sspsr- umerary. ' S. Geyer, a Ittle man from Walla Walla. Wash., arrived in Grants Pass yesterday and ex poet a to spend the! summer here. Mr. Oeyer though 33 ! years of age is but four feet and three ! inches in heiirth. He says that his iwo Mothers, both younger than he, are big husky fellows, and that he is the ouly one of small stature in the family. CALL FOR WARRANTS There are funds in the treasury to pay all warrants reigstered jriorto May 10th, 11)05. Interest will cease from this aate. May 8th, 1908. J. T. TAYLOR, 8-8-4t Treasorer ef Josephine Oonnty. Going Camping thla Summer. Tea, to be Good, should be free from artificial coloring it should be pure. Folger's Golden Gate Teas are pure healthful -freshing. Six flavors M (joMe ( llM OS"' If Tea re- Japan Gunpowder Oolong English BreaRfaat Ceylon BlacK OBL Green The choice of flavor ii a matter of taste Packed flavor-tight in dust proof cartons. J A. Folger Gl Co. San Francisco Importers of Pure Teat GASOLINE ENGINE IRRIGATION. SPRAYING & PUMPING MACHINERY Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding. Outfits complete. Fairbanks Scales for weighing. rairhanks-Mnrse Dynamos and Motors I for lower and lit'ht rairtianks Morse Windmills and Towers. Fairhanks-Morse Oriiiders, Keed Chop pers. Well Pumps. All Bret quality goods at lowest prices. Always in stock. Liberal terms. Prompt reply 10 inquiries and quick shipments. .. ivi lawuugue aiiu prices Try Newport or Yaiuina. Ronnd GRANTS PASS HDW. CO Aienti trip ticket from Grants Pass for $10 good six months. On sale daily after June 1st Ask me for further infor mation. R. K . MONTGOMERY, 8-8-8 Local Agent Fly Killera, the kind that always get them, only IS ieut at Hair Riddle's. Grants Pass. Oregon FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO, PORTLAND OR Mil rived with friend bare. Maggie Veatch of Eugene ar Wednesday to spend month Seattle and Tcoma Round Trip. On the occasion of the visit of the Battle Fleet I to Seattle aud Tacoma ronnd.trip oontinnous passage tickets will be sold from Grants Pass to those cities as follows : Seattle and return May 21st and 22d rate $19.45. Tacoma and return May 25th and 26th rate $17.73. Final return limit 14 days from date of sale. For fnrtber Information apply to R. K. MONTGOMERY, 8-1-2 Agent Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rogo arrived in the oity last week from Lansing, Mich., and will probably locate her permanently G.E. Rogo at the First National bank is their eon.