Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 08, 1908, Image 7

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National Bank
Southern Oregon
Grinu Pits, Oregon
Some of ths Service that a Bank
Benders the Public
The safest and simplest
way of keeping your
money is by depositing
it in a Reliable Bank.
This Bank receives De
posits subject to Check,
or on demand Certificates
of deposit or on time
Certificates of Deposits.
On time deposits we pay
The best and cheapest
way to transfer money
is by Bank Draft. We
sell Drafts payable in all
parts of the country.
One of tbe most impor
tant functions of tbe
Bank. We endeavor to
supply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
L. B. Hall, President
J. C. Campbell, Vice-Pres.
H. L. Oilkiy, Cashier
R. K. Hackett, Asst. Cashier
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks $3.00
Stove Wood
1 Tier Manzanita $2.50
lTier Oak $2.75
1 Tier Fir $2.50
lTier Pine $2.25
Chunk Wood
1 Tier Oak $2.50
1 Tier Fir $2.25
lTier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust $1.00
1 Load Kindling $1.00
From Grants Pass, On?.
as follows:
Both Ways
One Way
St, Louis
St. Paul
Kansas City 6S.95
May 4, 18
June 5, 6. 19, 20
July 6, 7, 22, 23
Aupust 6, 7, 21, 22
Good for return in !)0 rtavs with stopover
privileges at pleasure within lirnit.
Remember the Dates.
For any further information call on
U. K. MOXTGOMEUY, lineal Agent
or write to
General Passenger Agent,
Did ton Know
Tbat there is one farmer's organi
sation truly national in character and
Tbat this organization is called The
Orange and that baring; stood the test
for 40 years it is stronger tody in all
essential respects tban ever beforeT
That this result bas been achieved,
that it has lived when others failed
because of tbe soundness of its prin
ciples? Tbat these principles have operated
to break np the social isolation of the
farm, to improve the farmer intel
lectually and financilly and to seoore
legislation protecting tbe interests
of agrionltnre?
That all members of the family are
admitted on an equality and all labor
together for their common good?
That no sacrifice of political or re
ligious opinion is required for en
trance? That it has some of the
most beautiful and impresiive ritual
istic work; in the English language
aud tbat all its work is emblematic
and helpfnl in developing higher
ideals in tbe life and labors of tbe
That it is a school of mental de
velopmeot for old and youog alike
giving- to all cultnre and refinement
for the home and the experiences that
are essential to Bucoess in all walks
of life?
That it has always been a leader in
every movement for better rural
Tbat its educational features broad
en tbe mind of Ihe farmer, leading
him to study questions relating to the
farm life as well s to affairs of tbe
state and nation?
That it has, in this way, enabled
farmeis to add very materially to
their profits by gaining a betterun-
derstanding of their business?
Perhaps You Did Not Know
That tbe Grange was responsible
for tbe establishment of Rural Mail
That it is working for the exten
sion of the Parcels Postal and tbe es
tablishment of Postal Savings Banks.
That it has been largely instru
mental in securing the enactment of
the National and many state Pure
Food Laws. That it helped plaoe a
tax of 10 oents per pound os colored
oleomargarine, thus eliminating it
from competition with real butter and
adding value to every dairy cow in
the conntry.
That it secured the removal of the
tax from industrial alcohol, thns en
abling the people to enjoy tbe great
benefits of that product in lighting
their homes, running their machinery
and lightening the burdens of the
household in numerous ways, with
out the payment of a dollar in trib
ute to any trust and opening the way
for the development of a wonderful
new industry.
That it was largely responsible for
the defeat of the Ship Subsidy Bill
in the last session of congress.
That it has always sought just
means for securing an equal distribu
tiou of taxation upon all forms of
Tbat it was responsible for the es
tablishment of tbe Iuitative and
Referendum in Oregon.
Tbat it haB secure! t lie enactment
of a law through the initiative, plac
ing a tax upon the grofs earnings of a
number of corporations doina a large
amount of business in this state and
hohling very little property of a tan
gible form npon which a tax could be
That it furnishes Fire and Life
Insurance at a rate so low as to enable
members, who take advantage of these
features, to pay all fees and dues oi
the organization from the savings
thereby affected.
Do you know that it has accom
plished the-e results with the support
of a comparatively small percentage
f the farmers of ihe nation?
You do know, no doubt, tbat every
other clsss of citizens hitve recognised
the value of organization a iiare uni
versally employing it for their self
Do joa recognize the fact that the
farmer can net permanently stand
ah ne aud compete siicceiKfully with
organized forces cn every hand?
Tan you deny tbat the Grange has
made a worthy record, that you have
beuetfitted by its exigence, and that
it is therefore destrving of encourage
ment? Yuu can not deny that It could be
much more useful and powerful, were
it more generally and loyally sup
pcrtd, and that it therefore is en
titled to your support.
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
1 anting. Scroll Work, 8tir Work, Band
Bswing.Cabinet Work, Wood Pulleys, Saw
riling and gumming, Bepeiring ail kinds.
Frtoes right.
Continued frow page three
On Harriet's brain, even In tbat
dreadful Instant, flashed a vivid, In
sistent memory. Again she was perch
ed on the quivering broncho's back,
pressed onward In a reeling, dizzy
pool of death, while in her ears rang
words of sweet encouragement And
as then she bad exercised her force of
will, so now she saved herself once
more by clapping her hand over the
mouth of fair Imogene. This time It
was muscle combined with common
sense, and a healthy shriek was throt
tled In Its Infancy.
Richard released his grip on tbe
nape of his prisoner's neck.
"Stand up!" he ordered, and the
man obeyed. "Hands up too! Ah.
thank you! Perhaps you also have a
gun. Allow me to relieve you of Its
weight" He ran his free hand over
the person of Mr. Fltigeorge and se
cured a abort, ugly looking pistol and
a pair of brass knuckles, both of which
be promptly pocketed. "Good!" be
chuckled. "And now. Miss Henwvck.
will you please be good enough to
throw some light upon this gentle
'Yes," whispered Hnrrtet; "I think I
can explain iu"
"No. no!" the Texan Interrupted. "I
don't mean words. I refer to the bulls-
eye lamp. Just turn It on hltu, please.
and we 11 look him over."
Mlsa Harriet compiled. The light re
vealed the countenance of Roderick
Fltzgeorge. alias Jack Bibbs, alias
twenty other names which have no
bearing on this comedy. His clear cut
Out dissipated features were distorted
and sullen in bis rage against the wo
men whom be thought bad laid a trap
for hi in.
"My. what a prize package!" observ
ed the Texan softly. "You have a bad
eye, my friend; but, after all. I'm
rather glad to know you. Mlsa Ren
wyck, do you think you could find me
a rope or a piece of good, strong
(To Be Continued)
The greatest tea-drinkers
are full.-bottom Dutch
men. There isn't much
nervous prostration in
Year araccr return rwr east I tea Aval
iflw ScUIum's Dull w aw hlai
A Most Valuable Agent.
The glycerine employed In Dr. Pierce's
medicines greatly enhances the medicinal
properties which it extracts from native
medicinal roots and holds In solution
much better than alcohol would. It alro
possesses medicinal properties of Its own,
being a valuable demulcent, nutritive,
antiseptic and antiferment. It adds
greatly to thecfflcacy of the Black Cherry
bark, llloodroot, Golden Seal root, Stone
root and Queen's root, contained In
"Golden Medical Discovery " In subduing
chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial,
throat and lung i flections, for all of which
these agents are recommended by stand
ard medical authorities.
In all cases where there Is a wasting
away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak
stomacTi, as In the early stages of con
sumrftipn. there can be no doubt that gly
cerine acts as a valuable nutritive and
aids rie Golden Seal root. Stone root,
Queiijs rofit and lilack Cherrybark In
pronioUng fligostlon and building up the
flesh aiNfbfrength. controlling the couch
and brln t fig about a healthy condition
of the while system. Of course, it must
not be esH'Cted to work miracles. It will
not cure wmstimptlon except In its earlier
Bate nanft-rm: chrome cmiyl.s. brum
and nirVP L'cii liuiiLiia rul chronic
tl;p'!!. Jn.jjryiiess in acute coughs
It is not so tflcclive. ITIs In tho lingering
hang-on coughs, or those of long standing,
even when accompanied by bleeding from
lunes, that It bus performed lis most
marvelous cures.
l'rof. rinley Kllingwond, M. D., of Den
nett Med. College, Chicago, says of gly
cerine: ' In dyspepsia It serve an excellent purpose,
rioldtiiir a fixed uuantity of the peroxide of
nytlroiroii in solution, it Is one of thn leit
manufactured prodtictsof the pri'M'tit time In
It actum upon enfeel.led. disordered stom
achs, especially If there is ulceration or ca
tarrhal gastritis (catarrhal Inflammation uf
stomach), it is a mota efficient preparation,
lilycerine will relieve many cases of pyrosis
(heartburn) and excessive gastric (slumacb)
"(iu den Medlral Discovery" enriches and
purifies the blood curing blotches, pimples,
eruptions, scrofulous swellings and old tort.
or ulcto-a.
Bend to Vt. K. V. Herre. or Iluiralo, N. T.
for free IwoUlH telling all about the native
roots composing this wonderful
There 's no alcohol In IU
tnedwluw. FOR SALE.
In the County Court of thn State of
Oregon for Josephine Conn'y.
Iu the matter uf the Ks-
fare of Lewis Hayes,
Deceased. J
Petition to see real estate of the
heirs of Lewis Hayes, deceased l.avinir
been men, and pursuaot to an nroVr
of tbe abo-e entitled Court, dated
June 13th. 1007.
Notice is hereby giren that Frank
M. Haves the duly qualities admin
istrator of the Estate of Lewis Hares,
defeased, will at privste sale, a'l the
following described real estate, to-wit:
The West half if the Southeast
quarter, Ihe Southeast quarter of the
Southhwest quarter and the Southwst
quarter of the Northeast quarter of
riction 18. in township 87 sooth of
range S west cf W. M , in Joepehine
County, Oregon.
The said tale to be made at the
premises above-described on May in,
at 10 o'clock on said day. Ibe ad
ministrator reserve the right to reject
or accept any bids that may be made
for tbe said land. The terms of the
said sale to be cash. The sale is to be
made subject to the
Confirmation of '
the oonrt.
Dated at Grants Pass, Ore., this
4th day of April.
Administrator of Lewis Hayes, De
ceased. 4-10 6t
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roaebnrg, Ore, March 35, 1908
Notice is hereby given that ia
compliance with the provisions of th
act of Congress of Jobs 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of limber
lands in tbe States of California,
' 'regon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, " a estendsd te all the Pnblio
Land States by act of August 4, 1893,
of Grants Pass, county of Josephine,
State of Oregon, did on August 33,
1907, file in this offios bis sworn state
ment No. 9216, tor the purchase cf the
of the NE4' and the NVW of the
NE. and the NE of the NW of
Ssotion No. 19 in Townsbp No. 36
Sooth, Rauge No. 5 West, and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to eetablsh bis claim to said
land before Joseph Moss. U. S. Com'
missioner, at his office at Grants
Pass, Oregon, on Thursday, the 25th
day of Jane. 1908.
He names as witnesses: Joseph
Wolke, of Grants Pass. Josephine
oounty, Oregon, John T Woolfoik, of
urants Pass Josephine Co., lire.,
Leonard L. Cotton, of Grants Pass,
Josephine Co., Oregon, William P
Wright, of Grants Pass, Josephine
uo., ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
Tersely the above-described lands are
requested to Die their claims tn this
office on or before said 26th day of
June, 1908.
Timber Lao. Act June 8, 1878
Koeeburg, Ore., March So. 1908,
Notice ia hereby given that in corn
pliance with the oroviaons of the aot
of Congress of June 8. 1878. entilted
'An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
extended to all the Publio Land
States by aot of August 4, 1892,
of !01ympia. County of Thurston,
State of Washington, did on August
23, 1907, file in this office ber sworn
statement No. 9318, for the purchase
of ihe NE, of NWW and the NX of
the NEi and SEW of NE) of Section
No. 23 In Township No. 89 South.
Ranage No. 6 West, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establisn her claim to said land be
fore Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commis
sioner at bis ofefie at Grants Pass,
Oregon, on Wednesday, tbe 24th day
of Jane, 1908.
She names as witnesses: Joseph
E Verdin. of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Ore., Martin A Conger, of
Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.,
John R Hyde, of Grants Pass, Jose
phine Co., Ore., William T Turnham,
of Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
of Due on or before said 24 Hi day of
June, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8,' 1878.
Rosobnrg, Ore., Februry 2fl , 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
An set for the sale of timber lands
in tbe States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pubilo Land
States by act of August 4. 1S93.
of Vancouver, County of Clarke, State
of WsHhiugtou, has this day filed In
this office her sworn statement No.
8896, for the purchase of the NE of
Section No 80 in Towuship No. 84
South. Rauge No. West. W M., and
will offer proof to show that the land
ought is more valuable for its timber
or stooe than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said
land before Hegister aud Receiver of
the Land offlo-i at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Friday, the 2i'th day ot June, IIKIH,
He names as witnesses: Wesley JJ.
Sherman, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
Gtorge) H. Slover, of Grants Pass,
Ore., Roy Route, of Merlin, Oregon.
Hunan Terest Trsyuor, of Vancouver,
Any and all persons claiming ad
vent -ly the alxjve nescribed lands are
lequested to hie their claims lu this of
fice on or before said 26th day ot
June, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., March 25, 1908
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of tbe
act of Cougret'S ot June 8, 1H,H, eu
tith d " An act for tbe sale of finber
lands iu the States o' California,
Oregou, Nevsdn and Washington Ter
ritory," as extend d to all the Public
Ltnd States bv ant of August 4, 18,3
of Burt, county ot Kos-uth, State of
Iowa, did on hepteiubor 6. 11107, file
in this office his sworn statement No.
220 for the purchase of the NE of
-ection No. 83 in Townxlup No. 8b 8,
Rauge No. 4 West, and will offer
proof to show that tbe land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
tban for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land
befo'e Joseph Moss U. )8. Commis
sioner at Grants Pass, Ore , on .Fri
day, the 26th day ot June. I WW. He
names as witnetHRS: Albion WSilshy,
of Grants Pass, Josephine county,
Oregon, Francis J. Spalding, of
Urants Pass, Josephine county. Ore.,
Benjamin R Spalding, of Grants Pa s,
Josephiue county, Ore., William
Spalding, of Grauts .Pat, Josepnme
Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad-
,.l II,. lutwla -. -
r,ntil tn fllo their rlsimi In thl.
office on or before said 2'Uh day of
j one, iwms.
Miners' blanks at Us Cossrkr
Timber Land. Act Jon 8, 1878.
Roaeborj Ore., February 18. 1908.
Notioe is hereby aiven that In
compliance with the provisions of
the Aoi of Coo ma of .Inn. a.
entitled "An Act for the sale of tint
berlaods ia the Slates of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Tsirisery." as extended to all Poblio
Land States by act ef Aoaust 4, 1893,
of E 15th & Killingswoith streets.
Portland, Oounty of Multnomah, State
of Oregon, filed ia this of floe on Feb
ruary 9. 1907, her sworn statement
No. 8843 for to purchase of the North
West quarter ef Section No. 30 in
Township No. 85 South of Range No.
8 West W M., Oregon, aud will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
uure vaiuaoie tor its timber or atone
thau for agricultural purposes, and to
tsUblish her claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this of
fice, at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday
the 16th day of June 1908.
She name as witnesses: Raymond
H. Shearman, of Portlaud. Ore., aud
Matt Morrison, George Morris, aud
John T. Wynian, all of Grauts Pass,
Any and all persons claiming ad
Trroiy me aoovs aesorioed land are
requested to tile their claims iu this
ofofie on or before said 16 day cf
J ana, 1908.
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Koseburg, Oregon, February 19, 1908.
Notioe is herebr slven. that In nam
plianoe with the provisions of the aot
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
in tbe Staets of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory. "
as extended to all tbe Pnblio Land
States by act of August 4. 1893,
of Matlock, oontr of Maaon, State of
WashiUirton. has this dav fllnl In rhl.
oinoe nier swors statement No. 8H51.
for the purchase of the KU NWW.
SWJiNWtf and NW 8WW of Sec-
Dion jno. 23, in Towuship No. 86 S,
Range No. 7 W WM.. and will offer
proof to show that tbe land sought is
more valuable for Its timber ors tone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish ber claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Roaebnrg.
Oregon, on Weduesday, tbe 17th day
June, 1908.
She names as witnesses: M. A.
Conger, of Grants Pass, Oregon, T.
. Kveritt, ot Grants Pass, Ore., J.
. Verdin of Grants Pass, Ore., E.
. Conger, of Wilderville, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 17th dav of
one, 1908.
Roseburg, Ore., April 8, 1908
A sufficient contest affidavit bar.
ing been filed in this office by
contestant, against homestead entry
No. llH'it, made June 2. 1903. for the
BWi NWJi of Section 4, Township
89 8, Range 8 W, by John G. Bagloy
Contestee, in which is alleired that
said Jonn u. Bug ley baa not resided
or been on the place sin e 1904 and
that such alleged absence was not due
to employment in the military or
naval service of the United Slates in
time of.war.
said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond, and offer evidence
touch ing.aaid .allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m on May .2.8, 1908, before Joseph
Mnss, U. S. .('ouimlfHioner. at his
office In urants P.isi, Oregon aud that
nnal hearing will be bid at II o'clock
a. m. on Joue.ll. 1908 before the
Register and Receiver at the United
Bta'HS Land Office in Roseburg. Ore.
The said contestant haviuir. in
a proper affidavit, filed April 8, 1008,
set Turin facts which show that after
due diligence personal service of this
notice can nut be made, it Is berebv
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publioa
Z Register,
Iu the County Court of the State of
Oregou, for Josephine County.
Iu the matter of the
ihe 1
Estate of James
Evans, deceased
Notioe is hereby given that the
undersigned has this day flltd bar
final aucoont in the matter of tbe es
tate of James Evans, deoeasad. the
same being filed in tbe County Court
of the State of Oregon for Josephiue
i.ooniy. ah persons naving an Interest
in said estate as croditors, heirs, or
otherwise objecting to said acoomit.
or any item therein, will take notice
that said account will he considered
by said court on Monday the 1Mb day
of June, 1908 at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day in the Oonrt Room of said
Court at tbe County Court Honse in
the city of Grauts Pass, Oregon, and
any objections to said final account
must be filed and presented to said
court at tbe date aforesaid.
Publ shed by order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, County J edge of Josephine
County, Oregon Dated this 6th day
of May, 1908.
Marcos W. Robbins, Attorney.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
acts promptly yet gently on tbe
bowels, through which the oold is
forced out of the system, and at the
same time it allays inflammation.
Sold by Model Drag Store. 4-3 13t
It la a Wonder.
Chamlwrlaiii'a Liniment is one of the most
remarkable preparations yet pnxlueed for
the relief of rheumatic pains, and for lame
back, sprains snd bruises. The quirk relief
from pain wnicb ll atlonls in case of rheu
matiarn is alone worth many times its cost.
Price, 25 cents j large size 60 oents. For
sale by Jd. Clsmens.
Timber Land, Aot June 8. 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 31, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in oom-
olianca with the nrnviainns of iha
act uf Congress of June 8, 1878. en
titled "Ao act for the sale or timber
lands in the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada and Waahinursiii Tarrl.
tory" as extended to all Ihe Publio
Utnd Stt by act of August 4, 1893,
of Jefferson County of Marion, State
of Oregon, did on Jnly 25, 1907, file
in this office her sworn statement No.
9136, for the purchase of the NWtf of
Ml,, bein k lot 9 and HWU of Xku
aud the SEW of NWW of Seittion No.
2. in Tnwnshin No. 41 Sooih R.n
No. 9 West, and will off. -r to oof tn
show that the land snnirht (a mnm
Valuable for Its timhee
i or agricultural purposes and to es
tablish her olaim to said land before
Jos-I'h Moss, L'. S. Commissioner, at
his office iu Grants Pass. Oregon, on
Monday, the loth day of June' 1908.
She names as witnesses: Leonard
G. Brown, of Eugene, Lane County,'
Oregon, Williams R. Whipple, of
Grauts Pass, Josephine County, Ore.,
Henrv A. Whipple, of Grants Pass.
Josephiue Coonty, Ore., Ezra M. Al
bright, of Waldo, Josephine Coonty,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims i n this
ofuae on or hafnra ulrf irh Am nt
June, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187a
Roseburg, Ore., March 20, 1908.
Notice ia herxhv olvan ih.f n
oompliatioe with the provisions of the
act of Cougress of June 8, 1878, en
title "An ant for th ,.L til,.l,..
lands lo the Stales of California, Ore-
gon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all the publio
Land States bv act of Aligns! 4, 1893.
J AM KS) KMAliilsi
of Harrison coonty of Kootenai, State
of Idaho, did on June 17, 1907 file in
this office his sworn atjlterniinf: tin
9097, for the purchase of the SWti
xxr., saw jiw 4 and NSi 8WU
NWi and N NWJ4" SE and BW W
NW(, KEl." of anntlnn Kn OA In
Township No. 85 8, Range No. 8 W,
and will offer proof to ahnw t.but tl,a
land BUOirllt is more valnuhln for Km
timber or stone than for agrionltora
purposes, aud to establish his olaim to
said land before Joseph Moss, U. 8.
Commissioner, at his office at Grants
Pass. Ureaon on ThnrarW tl, tin.
day of Juue, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Martin A.
Conger, of Giants Pans Ore .
Verdin. of Grant lira
Allen MoOalley, of Grants Pass, Ore!,
ro event, or urants fans. tire..
AnV and all neranna flUimlni a.l .
Tersely the above-daanrlhiul lands
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before said 11 th day of
Jane, 1908.
Timber land, act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 80, 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of Congress June 8. 1878. entitled
'An act for the sale of timber lauds
In Ihe States of California, Oregon,
Neavda aud Washington Territory."
as extended to all the Publio Laud
States by act of August 4, 1H1I2
of Olympla, county of Thurston, State
of Washington, did on September 26,
107, tile in this office his sworn
statement No 93.'0 for the purchase
of the 8WI4' of Section No. 13 in
Township No. 118 Sooth, Range No.
6. West, and will offer prool to show
that the laud sought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, aud to establish his
claim to said laud before Joseph Moss,
U. 8. Commissioner, Grants Pass,
Oregon on Thnrsday, the 2:lrd day of
July, 190S. He names as wltneswus:
Joseph E. Verdin, of Grants Pass,
Josephine County, Oregon ; Martin
A. Conger, of Grants Pass, Jos phine
County, Oregon; William Hull, of
Grants Pass, Josephine County, Ore
gou. ; Euuuitt R. Conger, of Wilder-
vibe, Josephiue County, Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above dosorlbed lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
oflloe on or before said 28rd day of
Jnly 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., March 21, 1908.
Notioe is hereby giveu that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 8, 188, entitled
An aot for the sale of timber lands
in the States f California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pnblio Land
States bv act of August 4. 1HU3,
of Olympia. County of Thurston,
Htate ot waslilngton.oid on August 30,
1907, II lo in this office bis sworn state
ment No. 912i, for (he purchase of the
HK'4 of Section No. 23 in Township
No. itf Hootb, Kan g No. 4 West, aud
will offer proof to show that the laud
soogth is more valuable for Its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
Id land before Joseph Moss. U. H.
Commissioner at his office at Grants
Pas. Oregon, on Monday, the 16th
day of Juue, 190H.
lie names as witnesses; Joseph E.
Verdin, of Grants Pass, Josephine
county, Oregon, Frank W. Catip, of
(I rants Pass, Josephine county, tire..
Martin A. Conger, Grants Pass, Jose
phine Coonty, Ore., William T.
Turnham, of Grants Pass, Josephine
Couuty, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands
are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said lMh day
of Jane, 1908.
J Quarts Blanks at tbe Courier oflloe