Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 01, 1908, Image 7

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io 1
National Bank
I v OF
1 Southern Oregon
Grants Pus, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bank
Renders the Public
' The safest end simplest
way of keeping your
money is by depositing
it in a Reliable bank. "
Tbis Bank receives De
posits subject to Check,
or on demand Certificates
of deposit or on time
Certificates of Deposits.
On time deposits we pay
The beat and cheapest
way to transfer money
is by Bank Draft. We
sell Drafts payable in all
parts of the country.
One of the most impor- i
tant functions of the
Bank. We endeavor to
supply all ' reasonable
i needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
L. B. Hall, President -'
J. C. Campbell, Vice-Pres.
H. L. Oilkey, Cashier
R. K. Hack sir, Asst. Cashier
Cor. H &V3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks $3.00
Stove Wood
1 Tier Manzanita $2.50
ITier Oak $2 75
1 Tier Fir $2.50
ITier Pine $2.25
Chunk Wood
1 Tier Oak $2.50
1 Tier Fir $2.25
ITier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust $1.00
1 Load Kindling $100
Trom Grants Pass, Ore.
as follows:
Both Ways
One Way
St. Louis
St. Paul
$S1.4S $S7.50
76.45 S2..V)
Kansas City GS.95
V May 4, 18
June 5. 0. 19, "
j July 0,7, 22.2:3
' Aupust 6,7,21. 22
Good for return in !W davsmrh st-'pover
privileges at pleasure with n nnvi.-.
Remember the Dues.
i For any further information call on
H. K. MON'TGOMKUY, L m I Afc-eni
i or Ante to
V Mt:M 1 It It AY,
I General Piwnpr A cent.
Will Be Held Vnder Auspices of
Five Coxintv Crangea avi
I It has been definitely decided to
'hold m grange picnio at Wilderville
joo the Foortlj of July. Toe affair it
under the joint auspices of tbe fire
j Granges io Josephine count;, these
I being the Wilderville, Dimmiok,
Froitdale, Deer Creek and Illinois
Valley Granges. An executive com
mittee made up of one member from
eaoh of these Oranges will arrange
for the'speakers and other features of
the program and also have charge of
the grounds and sale of the stand
privilegoi and other features con
nected with the event. Local com
mittees from Wildervlile Grange will
atteud to all details connected .with
the grounds and enteitiiument of the
The picnio will be held in a
large and beautiful grove on Slats
ereek near Wilderville post office.
This grove is one of the'best eoited
for picnio purpose! in Rogue River'
valley for it has a perfect shade, is
clean and large enough to accommo
date the largest crowd for it is sur
rounded by forest on three sides. The
purest, coldest of drinking water is to
be had from a large spring that flows
from the bane of the hill at the rear of
the ground. Very little work will
pot the grove in fine condition, for all
the picnics held at Wilderville for
years past nave been Held in tnis
grove. Tbe grove is bat a short dis
tance from the Grants Pass-Crescent
City stage road and is readily access! ,
ble by team or automobile, while the
adjoining wood will afford ample
gpaoe for hitching teams.
A program for the day will ba ar
ranged that will be of special interest
to tbe farmers and to . all others in
terested in tbe development of tbe ag
ricultural wealth of Josephine county.
In addition to addresses on topics of
public interest there will be masiral
selections of a high class and a part
of the afternoon will be devoted to
atbletio sports and games It is ex
pected to have as speakers Austin X
Buxton, of Forest Grovs, Mrs. Clara
H. Waldo, of Macleay, cod Dr. J. W.
Kerr, of Corvallia. Mr. Buxton is
master of the Oregon State Grange
and he is one of the largest and most
successful farmers in Washington
county. He is a clear, logical speaker
and one of the best posted men In
Oregon on the questiocs that interest
the farmers. Mra. Waldo is the
lecturer of the Oregon State Grange
and as a public' speaser the has
national reoutation and those who
have haard her concede that she Is by
far the ablest woman speaker on the
Pacifio Coast. Dr. Kerr is president
of the Oregon Agricultural College
and that he is folly in toooli with the
agicultural and industrial interests of
Oregon is proven by the faoc that on
der his administration this college
has gained in enrollment until jt now
has 1126 students on the roll, a larger
number than lias an; other agricul
tural oollege went of the Rocky niouo
tains. Dr. Krr is one of tbe best
speakers in Oregon aud he is a broad
gauged man whose address will be oue
of the stroug features of the program
of the Onager's picnio.
There is every indication that this
Grange picnio will have the largest
attendance ever had at a picnio or
calibration held iu Josephine couuty.
Thera will be no culebration iu
Grant! Pas this Fourth and there
will probably be no large eclebraMnn
at any other place io the county Io
the Grange celebration will draw so
many from eafh neighborhood that no
local celebration will be held. No
doubt there will be many Grangers
attend from Jackson count (or the
distinguished speakers will attract
them and they will be able to get a
one and cue-third fare on the rail
road. As it will be a delightful
outiug in the cool sha In on the banks
of S ate ere k a large cumber cf
Grant Pass peiole will be enra to
attend. The road to Wilderville is
now one of the finest iu Rogue
River vallev and an aut tiuobile can
easily make the run from Grant
P.:ss to the picino park io 30 minute.
"E. C. D-iWitt & Co.. Chicago. IU
OeutleiLeo In 181)7 I had a disease
of (he stomach and bowel. In the
soring of 1)08 I bought a bottle of
Kodol and the benefit I received all
the gold in Georgia could not boy
May yon live long ,'aud prosper.
Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell. Rod
mg. Ga.. Aug. 27, 190C." Sold by
Model Drug Stole. 4 8 13t
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Tnrning. Scroll Work. guirWork, Band
Bswing.Cabinet Work, Wood Pulleys, baw
Filing and ramming, Kepeirwg all kinds.
Iiiees rifbt.
Ala business meeting recently held
in the vestry of one of the leading
churches of Grants Pass, where the
sterner sex was conspicuous by reason
of its startling minority, the subject of
chirch improvement and maintenance
was ud for discussion, when one of
the good ladies suggested that the
church was very much in oeed of a
new carpet. It met with hearty ao-
oord and the suggestion soon generated
into an enthusiasm wbioh spells "I
will," and as a result each lady pres
ent pledged herself to raise a certain
amount of money toward the carpet,
each by her own effort and industry,
without calling oo her husband or
sweetheart for assistance. .
For a few days there was much
earnest thought on the matter of
ways and means of accumulating the
all-requisite dollar, aod most of the
ladies have adopted a "plan aod are in
pursuit of the elusive coin. (If
course the various plans are, osten
sibly, a secret until the date of tbe
"Experience Social" when the. carpet
will be "novo led" as it were, and
eaob of the ladies will tell the pubiie
how she earned her stipulated amount
But you often hear it said that a
woman can't keep a secret, and here
is more evidence. Just as 'the
Courier was ready to go to press this
morning, a grape vine Tokay of
course dispatch was received at the
telegraph editor's dak, revealing the
means by wblon one oi toe ooreris
was making her money, and making
it easy. The plan is so unique aud
so typical ol American ceaius mat
the Courier cannot withstand the
temptation to tell its friends.
Here it is, aod the olever lady
who conceived the idea does not live
out on Mt Baldy nor over on Jump-off-Joe,
but slie is a bonafide resident
of Grants Pass. She has a couple of
setting hens, that she has leased out to
a neighbor at a stipulated prioe per
week during the process of inoobatloo,
io addition to wbicn, according io me
signed contract, she is also to reoeive
a royalty of so kuou per capita for
tbe fowls hatched.
Talk of "eay money," "the
latest," and all that, why, this is op
to-to morrow, and the Courier pre
dicts that this lady niav yet be
captainess of industry. The extreme
modesty of the originator of the plan
is such that the Courier wlthnoias
her name for the present.
Of Interest To Women.
To such women as are not seriously out
healtlilbut woo have exacting autics
DerforuV either in the way of house.
Id carcsor ip social duties and tunc
hfclA seriously tax their strength,
as vTcTrJrto Wslng mothers. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite PfVVrlptlon has proved a most
valuable surVjrtlng tonic and Invigorate
Ins nervine. Pv Its timely ue, much
Serious slcl-not.-, hurt muring may
The operating table and the
tTnl'e u-nuld. It is believed-.
seldom have tohe enjiloyM It this most
wnn;t 1 n-nrl
to iii trmtl tiTTi'. 1 he " i avorllo J'rescrip
lion" lias proven a great boon to expectant
mothers by preparing the system for the
coming of baby, thereby rendering child
birth safe, easy, and almost painless.
Lear In mind, please that Dr. Pierce's
Favorite I'reserl iitlun is not a secret or
patent moUk-Ino, against which the most
intelligent people are quite naturally
averse, because of the uncertainty as to
their composition and harmless character,
TION, a full list of all Its liiRrodlents being
printed, In plain English, on every bottle-arnprM-r.
An exnmlnatlon of this list of
Ingredient will diMelose the fact that It is
iK'ii-ulcoholic In Its composition, chemic
ally pure, triple-relincd glycerine taking
the place of the commonly used alcohol,
In Iu make-up. In this connection It
may not T out of plaeo to stato that tbe
"Favorite Prescription" of lir. Pierce Is
the only medicine put up for the sure of
woman s iM-iillar wenfeneses and ail
ments, anJ sold through druggists, all
the Ingredient of which have the un
animous endorvmeni oi nil me ienuinn
nodical wrtljrs snd teachers of all the
several schools of practice, and that too
M remedies for the ailments for which
"Favorite Prescription" Is recommended.
A little book of these endorsements will
be sent to any address, post-paid, and
absolutely free If yon request same by
postal cord, or letter, of Dr. li. V. Pierce,
U tah., n. y.
l r ii..r,-e- Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. Constipation Is the cause of
UiatlT U1P" VIM" fll" - 1 '
cure the dibaaM. Easy to take as candy
In the County Court of ih S'a'e of
Oregon for Josephine Conn y.
I-i the matter of the Es-)
fate of Lewis Hyes,
Deceased. J
Petition to see real estite of the
heirs of Lewis Hayes, dcea-e't I avinir
been filed, and purs-iaur to an "id
of- tbe aho'e entitled Court, dated
Jane 13th. 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that Frank
M. naves me o-uy qoa'itlefl art um
istrator of the Estate of Lewis Haves
deceased, will at privstn tale, a'l the
following described rel eg'aie. to-wit
The half of the Siuihexs
quarter, the Southeast uivter r-f the
Southhwest quarter and the South wet
quarter of tbe Northeast quarter ot
Sction W. to township 87 south of
range 6 west of W. M , io Joepehine
uouoty, uregon.
The said sale to be made at ih
premises above-described on May 11
at 10 o'clock on said day. the a1
ministrator reserves the right to reject
or accept any bids that may be made
for tbe said land. The terms of the
said sale to be cash. The sale is to b
made subject to the confirmation of
the coort.
Dated at Grants Pass, Ore., this
4th day of April. 1908.
Administrator of Lewis Hayes, De
ceased. 4-10 ot
Timber Land, Aot June S, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore, March S5, 1908
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of Jone 8, 1878. en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands io the Stat.s of California,
t'regon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." a extended to all the Pubiio
Land States by aot of Auiiost 4. 1893.
of Grants Pass, county of Josephine,
State of Oregon, did on August S3,
1907, file in this rffici his sworn state
ment No. 9316, for the purchase of the
of the NKi and the NWJ-i of the
NEt and the NEV of the KW of
Svotion No. VI In Townshp No. 8ft
Sooth. Rauge No S West, and will
offer proof to show that tbe land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agrioultoral . pur
poses, and to establsh his claim to sa'd
land before Joseph Moss, U S. Com
missioner, at his office at Grants
Pass, Oregon, on Thursday, the 26th
day of June, 1303.
He names as witnesses: Jos-ph
Wolke, of Grants Pass. Josephine
county, Oregon, John T Woolfolk, of
Grants Pass Josephine Co., Ore.,
Leonard L. Cotton, of Grants Past.
Josephine Co., Oregon, William P
Wright, of Grants Pass, Josephine
Co., Ore.
Any and all person' claiming d
versely the above-describnd lauds are
requested to tile their claims in this
of dee on or before said 85th day of
June, 1903.
Timber Lan, Aot June 8, 1878
Roseburg, Ore., March V. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisons of the aot
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entilted
An aot lor the tale or ttmoer lands
in tbe States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pubiio Land
States by act of August 4, 1892, "
of 'Olyrapia, County of Thurston,
State of Washington, did on Augoat
23, 1907, file in this ofttoe her sworn
statement No. 9213, for the purchase
ofiheNEof MWW and the S of
the MSK and bux or MKj o( section
No. 33 in Town-hip No. 89 South,
Ranage No. S West, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural uorposea, and to
establish her claim to said land be
fore Joseph Mocs, U. S. Commis
sioner at his ofciie at Grants Pass,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 24th day
of Jane, 1908.
She names at witnesses i Joseph
E Verdin. of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Ore., Martin A Conger, of
Grauts Pass, Josephine Oo., Ore.,
John R Hyde, of Grants Pass, Jose
phine Oo., Ore., William T Tornham,
of Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
of hoe oo or before said 24th day of
Jane, 1908.
Timber Land, Aot Jane 8, 1878.
Rosobnrg, Ore., Februry 2 , 1908.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Coiiife" of June 8, 1878, entitled
An aot for the sale of timber lands
n the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pobilo Land
States bv act of August 4. 193.
of Vaucouvir, County of Clarke, State
of Washington, has this nay riled 'n
this office her sworu statement No.
8895. tor tbe purchase of the NEt of
etion No M in Township No. 84
South. Range No. 6 Wst. W M., aud
will offer proof to show that the land
-ought ii more valuiblH lor its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said
land before eister aud Receiver of
me Land ofSo i at Ko-ieburg, Oregon,
on Friday, tbe 2iUh day ol June, I90H.
He names a witue-srs: weslev B.
Sherman, of Grants Pass, Ore ,
G-orgH H Slover, of Grants Pais,
Ore., Roy Roo'e, of Merlin, Oregon,
SusaiiTcpsi Trayuor; of Vancouver,
Any and all persons claiming ad-
vets-ly tie abive described lands are
e juested to tile their claims In this or
We on r before said 2Uta day of
Jane, 1908.
Timber Laud. Aot Jone 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Marjjli 2(5, 1908
Notice is hen-by giveu that In
compliance with the provisiot-s of tho
uc-T of Congress ot June 8, 1 M78. e i-
titl-d "An act f r t 'e sle of t'mber
xud-i in thi States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington ler-
-itorv," as extend- d to all the rnhlio
Liud States bv a-t of Angust 4, J 8 -3
of Burt, county ot Kosmth, State of
Iowa, did on September 5. 1907, Ale
in this ofrice his sworn statement No.
W220 for tbe purchase of the NE
ectlon No 83 in Town-hip No. 8ii S,
Rauge No. 4 West, and will offer
proof io aiiow that the land aooght is
more valuable for its timber or stone
tban for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land
hefo e Joe h Moss U. 'S. Commis
sioner Bt Grants Pass. Ore . on Fri
day, l he 25th day ut June. HHH. He
nnmea as witnesses: Albion WSilshy,
of Grauts Pass, Joeophine county.
Oregon, Francis J. Spalding, of
Grants Pass, Jns-phiue county. Ore.,
Benjamin It Spalding, of Grants Pa s,
Joeepliipe couuty. Ore., Wild sin
Spalding, of Grauts .Pass, Josephine
Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described laods are
reqoesetd to file their claims in this
office on or before said 2"tb day of
Jone, 1908.
R-tg later
Miners' Masks at tfcs Cowicr oeV
Timber Land. Act Jnna .V .18:8 '
. Roaebor Ore., February 18, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that iu
compliance with the provisioas of
the Aot of Ooor cess of Juoe 8. 1878
entitled "An Act for the sale of tim
ber lands ia tbe States of California.
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Teimory," as extended to all Pubiio
Lna Mates by act of Aosn-t 4, 18D3,
Lois a. shea km an.
of E loth & Kdlingswoith streets.
Portlaad, Ooontv of Multnomah. State
of Oregon, tiled In this oftioe on Feb
ruary 9, 1907. her sworn statement
No. 8843 for toe purchase of the North
West Quarter ot S otion No. 20 in
Township No. 85 Sooth of Range No.
8 West W M., Oreiron. aud will offer
proof Io ehow that the land souyht is
more valuable for its timber or s one
thau for agrioultoral purposes, and o
tsUblish her claim to said land before
tha Register and Receiver of this of-
noe, at Knueburg, Oregon, on Tuesday
the 16th day of June 1U0H
She names as witnsees: Ravmood
H. Shearman, of Portlaud. Ore., aud
Matt Morrison, George Morris, and
John T. Wyman, all of Grauts Pass.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described land are
requested to tile their claims in this
ofede on or before said 16 day f
June, 1908. - '
Timber LanM, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, February 19, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliauoe with the provisions of the ant
of Congress of Jane 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Staets of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pubiio Land
Slates by act of August 4. 1893,
of Matlock, ooutv of Mas n, State of
Washioeton. has this dav filed in this
office hler swore statement No. 8851,
for the turohas of the NWVi.
SWWNWJ,' and NW 8Wi of Seo-
tion.No. gii, io .Township No. 86 ,
Range No. 7 W WM and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable ror ita timber ors tone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Roseharg,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 17th day
or June, lwa.
She names as witnesses: M. A.
Conger, of Grants Pass, Oregon, T.
R. Kveritt, of Grants Pass, Ore., J.
E. Verdin of Grants Pass, Ore., E.
R. Conger, of Wilderville, Ore.
Aoy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above describe! lands are
requested to file their claims in this
of Hoe on or before said 17th day of
Jane, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseborg, Ore., March 31, 1908.
Notioe Is hereby given that in com
pliance with tha provisions of the act
of Cougress of June 8, 1878. entitled
"An aot for the sale of timber lands
io tbe States 'of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory,"
as exteoded to all the Puhllo Land
States by act of August 4. 1893,
of Olympia, Oouoty of Thurston,
State of Washington, oid on August 30,
1907, file In this office bis sworn state
ment No. U 1 2 1 , for tbe puruhase of the
SKI-i of Section No. 33 io Township
No. 38 Sontb. Kange No. 4 West, aud
will offer proof to show, th it the land
sougth Is more valuable for its timber
or store than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before Joseph Moss. U. S,
Commissioner at his office at Grants
Pasj. Oregon, ou Monday, the lSth
Jay of Joue, 1908.
He names as witness): Joseph E,
Verdin, of Grants Pas, Josephine
county, Oregon, Frank W. Capp, of
u rants fuss, Josephine county, lire.,
Alartin A. unnger, tirants ran, Jose
phine County, Ore., William T.
Turuham, of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon.
Anv aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above desoribed lands
are reqoested to file their claims io
this office on or before said 15th day
of June, 1908
Roseborg. Ore., April 8, 1908
A sufficient contest affidavit bar
ing been filad in this office by
contestant. . against homestead entry
No. lln'il. made June 3, 1903. for the
3W4' NWJf of Section 4, Township
9 S. Raugu 8 W, by Joho G. liaglev
Contestee, in which Is alleged that
said John U. Hug ley baa not residod
or been on tbe plane sin e 19MI and
that soch alleged absence was not due
to employment' in the military or
naval se'viue of the United States In
time of war.
Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond, and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o clock
m on May w, lUOtt, before Joseph
Moss, U. 8. Commissioner, at his
offioe in urants Pass, Oregon and that
final hearing will be beld at II o clock
a. in. on Jone II, lwus before tbe
Register and Receiver at the United
States Land Office in Roseborg, Ore.
Tbe said contestant having, in
a proper affidavit, filed April 8, 1908,
set forth facts which show that after
due diligence personal service of this
notice ran not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notioe
be given by due and proper publica
It la a Wonder.
Chamberlain's I.iuiment i one of the most
remarkable preparations yet produced for
the relief of rheumatic pains, and for lame
back, sprains and bruise. The quirk relief
irom pain wuicn it anords in cat or rheu-
matisro is alons worth many times its cost.
Price, Vt cents ; large sis 60 cents. For
I sals by M. CUa.
Timber Laud, Aot June 8, 1878.
. " Roseburg, Oregon, March 21, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, 1878. en
titled "Ao act for the sale ot timber
lauds In th States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington, Terri
tory" as extended to all the Poolio
Land Stt by act of Aognst 4. 1893,
of Jefferson County of M trlon. State
or Oregon, did on July 5. 1907. file
in this oftioe her sworu statement No.
9136, for the purchase of the NAlj of
Nti-, being lot 2 and SWofNE
and the SE of NWJi of Section No.
3, in Township No. 41 South Rmge
No. 9 West, . aud will off-r pi oof to
-bow that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stona than
tor agricultural purposes and to es
tablish her claim to said land before
Jos-ph M-ias, V. S. Commissioner, at
his office ia Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Monday, tha 15th day of June1 1908.
Sue names as witneses: I.-onard
G. Brown, of h-ugeue, Lann County,
Oregon, Willis us R. Whipple, of
Grants Pass, Jocephine County, Ore.,
Henrv A. Whipple, of Grants Pass,
Josephine County, Ore., Eara M. Al
bright, of Waldo, Josttphinti Couuty,
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims i n this
of nee on or before said 15th day of
June, 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Hoa. burg, Ore.. Feb. 12. 1908.
Notiue ia hereby given, That in
compliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congress of Jjne 8, 1878, en
titled "An Act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory, " as extended to all Public
Laud States bv aot of August 4, 1HD3.
of 1300 Esther St., Vancouver, County
of Clarke. State of Washington tiled
in this office on March 9, 1607, her
sworn statement No. 8795 for the
purchase of the Etf NEU.NW NEt
of Section No. 18 in Township No.
87 South of Range No. 4 west. W.
M., Ore., aud, will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valutble for its timber or stone than
i , i . , . .
ur nirriouuurai purposes, ann to es-
tablish her claim to said land before
Joseph Moss, TJ. 8. Commissioner at
urants fans. Ore., on Mondav. tha .
Uth day of May, 1908.
She names as witnesses : Weslev n.
Sherman, of Grants ;Paas, Ore.,
George H. 8lover of Grants Pass, Ore.,
unrtna At. Brown of Vancouver.
Washington, Phillip Robiuson of
Woodvills, Ore
Any and all persons claiming are
versely the above desoribed lands and
requested to file their claims in this
oftioe on or before said 11th daVof
May, 1908.
Timber Land, Aot Jane 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Man'h 20, 1908.
Notice is hereby given "that in
compliance with the provisions of the
aot of Cougress of June 8. 1878, en
title "An act for the sale of timber
lunds in the Stales of Califoruia, Ore
gon, Nevada, aud Wasb'ugton Terri
tory," as exteudod to alt the pnbllo
Land States bv act of Almost 4. 1893.
cf Harrison county of Kootenni, State
of Idaho, did on June 17. 1907 file in
this office Ilia sworn statement Nn.
9097, for the purchase of the 8WW
NE'i'. SEi NW y. and NM SW'J
NW and K W4 8E and SV U
NWJV SE of seution No. S. In
Township No. 88 S, Rangj No. S W,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuablu for ita
timber or stone thau for agrimiltura
puriioses, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Joenh Moss. II. S.
Commisslq'ier, at his office at Grants
Pass, Oregon on Thursdav. the llth
day of June, 1908
He names as witnesses: Martin A.
Conger, of Grants Pass, Or., Joseph
K. Verdin, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
Allen MoGalley, of Grant Pass, Ore.,
Fred Ereritt, of Grauts Pass. Ore..
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
reoiiested to file their ntuima in ilila
offioe on or before said llth day of
Juoe, 1908.
' f '. " .J. -iVi:j;Z2 Register.
.31 Timber Laud Act Jons 8, 1878.
'..'j. iHoaehurg, Ore., Deo. 13, 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that in ooTu"
pliance with the act of Congress of
June 8, LH7H, entitled "An act for the
sal of timber lands In the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Puhllo Laud States by aot
of August 4, !H93,
of Roseborg, oouoty of Douglas, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No. 87115,
for the purchase of the SWW of Seo
tion No 84. in Township No. 84
South, fUnge No. 8 west, and will
offer proof to show that tha laud
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricolntrat pur
Poshs, and to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Revolver
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
12th day of May, 1908.
H names as witnesses t R. W.
Medley of Roseburg, Ore., F. L. Kin
ney, of Roseburg, Ore., L. 8. Shipley
of Roseburg, Ore., Ralph B'tnnett, of
Grants Pass, Ore., Aoy and all per
sons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file
their claims in this ofdes on or be
fore said 12th day of May, 1908.
Job work at Portlaad prices at the
V w A R,iie,M tour stomach,
palpitation ol ths heart Digests wlutvosjaat.